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Lesson 58: Close and Open


Duration : 1 day

I. Objective Differentiate open circuit from close circuit.


II. A. Materials illustration of an open and close circuit

B. Reference
Competency Guide in Science for Grade 5
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C. Process Skills : observing, comparing,

D. Values Integration: Conserving the use of electricity

III. Learning Task

1. Engagement
a. Review: What is a circuit?
What are the parts of a circuit?
b. Let pupils describe the picture.

c. Ask: In what particular instances will the

situation occur?
d. Say: Would it be possible that there might be
something wrong in the circuit that causes the
malfunctioning at times? Today, we will find
2. Exploration
a. Let class form small groups.
b. Distribute activity cards for each group.
c. Ask the class the standards to follow in performing the


Differentiate open and close circuit.

What to do?

1. Observe the illustration.

2. Describe the closed circuit?

3. Describe the open circuit?
4. How do they differ?

3, Explanation:

1. Presentation of group output.

2. Help pupils formulate concept. Ask:
What is a closed circuit?
What is an open circuit?
How do they differ?
3. Value Infusion:

You are watching television when you hear your

mother calling outside your room. What will you do
before leaving your room? Why?
4. Elaboration

a. Divide the group into three (3). Let them perform the

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Draw a closed circuit Describe an open Act out what will
and an open circuit circuit and a closed happen if there is an
circuit open circuit and a close

b. Let each group present their works.

c. Teacher will process the responses and give additional

Background Information for Teachers:

Any circuit which is not complete is considered an open circuit. A complete circuit
which is not performing any actual work can still be a closed circuit. For example, a circuit
connected to a dead battery may not perform any work, but it is still a closed circuit.

A circuit is considered to be closed when electricity flows from an energy source

to the desired endpoint of the circuit. The open status of the circuit doesn't depend on how
it became unclosed, so circuits which are manually disconnected and circuits which have
blown fuses, faulty wiring or missing components are all considered open circuits.

Direction: Complete the sentences.

5. Evaluation:
1. Closed circuit is
_____________while Open circuit is__________________
IV. Assignment:

Ask pupils to group themselves into three (3) and bring the
following materials:
1 flashlight bulb
1 dry cell
2 connecting wires
1 switch

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