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Marriage can be defined as the lawfully recognized union between a man or


Polyandry can be defined as where a person has more than one wife or husband

whereas the polygyny is where a man has more than one wife.

a unit of procreation: the family have function to produce more off springs, and

to continue society and to replace those who die or migrate.

as a unit for socialization: the family provides socialization for the children as it helps

with developing an attitude in children and can encourage them to make a usefull

contribution to society.
Have an open communication system with their children,

they can do this by listening intentively, be non-judgmental, communicate

honestly, and respectfully discuss topics in an age-appropriate manner.

By paying attention to what your child is saying, engage them in

conversation, and demonstrate an interest in their viewpoint by asking

By being non-judgmental provide a secure and encouraging

environment where kids feel at ease talking to you. By being honest

even if the subject is awkward or tough, encourages them to be more

open towards the parent about their lives.

By doing this it opens a space for the parents to communicate with their

teen children and by having them openly talk about their problems it

helps them with knowing what is going on in their kids life and can be

able to provide advice or to guide them in the right path.

Parents can set limits and establish rules for their teen children. This

involves setting clear boundaries around issues such as curfew, driving,

and social media use.

Setting boundaries is a crucial part of parenting teenagers. It entails

setting up unambiguous rules and guidelines for them to follow in

relation to things like curfew, driving, and social media usage.

Setting boundaries for teenagers can aid in the development of

crucial life skills like self-control and discipline. Setting boundaries

requires open communication with teenagers about what is

expected of them, the justifications behind specific restrictions, and

the repercussions of breaching those restrictions. Setting

boundaries that are suitable for their teen's age, maturity, and

growth is crucial for parents. In addition, parents should be

prepared to hear their teen's viewpoints and compromise when

required while still enforcing strict boundaries.

To protect their safety and wellbeing, parents can keep an eye on their

teenagers' activities. This include keeping tabs on their locations, watching

what they do online, and paying attention to how they interact with others.

Effective parenting of teenagers requires careful observation. To safeguard

their security and wellbeing, it entails maintaining tabs on their actions and

demeanor. This entails being aware of their whereabouts, keeping an eye

on their internet behavior, and paying attention to their social relationships.

The parents can see possible threats by keeping an eye on their teen

children's activities and can take early action if necessary by doing so.

For instance, if a parent detects that their adolescent is using social

media excessively, they might encourage them to restrict their screen

time and adopt healthy behaviors. Monitoring can also assist them in

seeing indications of mental health problems, substance addiction, or

other dangerous behaviors, enabling them to support their kid in the

best way possible.

Members interact frequently with one another face to face

Relationships are personal and intimate

Interacts less frequent than in primary groups

Relationships are less personal and can be based more on function and


The monarch is the head of state under a constitutional monarchy, although their authority

is constrained by the constitution, and they often serve as ceremonial figureheads with

little actual political influence. An elected administration, such as a prime minister and

parliament, has real political authority, whereas in a republic, the head of state is chosen

through direct or indirect elections and acts as the nation's ceremonial and political head of

state. In a democracy, the ruler of state may be a president who is chosen by the

electorate or the legislature, holds actual political authority, and serves as the nation's

representative. Examples of republics where the president acts as the ceremonial and

political head of state are Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, and Guyana. However, several

nations, including Barbados, the Bahamas, and Saint Lucia, still operate under a

constitutional monarchy.
Social Media: Citizens' groups can use the media and social media to

raise awareness about specific issues and hold the government

accountable. By sharing stories and information on social media, citizens'

groups can mobilize public opinion and pressure the government to act.

Citizens' organizations may promote effective governance by

increasing awareness of certain concerns and holding the

government responsible through the use of the media and social

media. Citizens' organizations may mobilize public opinion and put

pressure on the government by posting stories, films, and other

content on social media. To reach a larger audience, they can also

employ conventional media channels like newspapers and television

news programs.

Citizens' organizations can build a wave of public support for their

cause through these activities, which can make it challenging for the

government to ignore them.

Monitoring: To make sure that government acts are open and

accountable, citizens' groups can also keep an eye on them. This may

entail going over reports and papers from the government, going to

meetings, and making requests for information under the freedom of

information act. Monitoring: To make sure that government acts are open

and accountable, citizens' groups can also keep an eye on them. This

may entail going over reports and papers from the government, going to

meetings, and making requests for information under the freedom of

information act.

Citizens' organizations can use monitoring as a wayto make sure that

the government is open and responsible. This entails maintaining a

careful check on the acts of the government, including attending

meetings of the government, reading papers and reports produced by

the government, and requesting information under the freedom of

information laws. Citizens' organizations can do this to make sure that

government representatives are operating in the public's best interest

by holding them responsible for their actions.

Citizens' organizations can raise awareness among the populace to affect

governmental decisions and actions. This might entail speaking with

political officials, attending town hall meetings and public hearings, and

planning campaigns to spread awareness of certain topics. Citizens'

organizations can raise awareness of pressing issues and persuade the

government to act through these initiatives.

Citizens' groups that watch the government can spot any wrongdoing or

corruption and take steps to hold the government responsible. This

could entail making a public statement about the problem, planning

rallies or protests, or even bringing legal action. Overall, citizens' groups

must use supervision and monitoring as critical techniques to guarantee

that the government is operating in a fair and just way and that the

interests of the people are being represented.


Rate of migration

Poor living conditions: It can be challenging for skilled individuals to prosper in their

home nations due to poor living conditions, including insufficient healthcare and

educational institutions. Lack of economic possibilities: Skilled workers may leave their

home nations in search of higher-paying employment due to a lack of employment.

prospects or inadequate earnings. It can also be challenging for competent individuals to

obtain the knowledge and resources they need to excel in their jobs and make important

contributions to their disciplines, poor educational facilities can play a key role in brain

Education and training programmes: The government can fund initiatives

that impart the knowledge and abilities required in the modern society. This

might involve familiarity with computers, technological proficiency, and soft

skills like problem-solving, communication, and critical thinking. The

government can equip the populace to meet the evolving demands of the

contemporary world by offering programs of education and training that are

both accessible and inexpensive.

These courses can be found online, in regular classroom settings, as

well as in the form of apprenticeships, career training, and

professional education. Computer literacy is a major area of emphasis

for education and training programs. People must possess the

abilities necessary to utilize and comprehend technology since it is

advancing quickly. This involves knowledge of cybersecurity best

practices as well as abilities to use simple software applications and

navigate the internet.

The government can provide financial incentives to entice people to seek

employment in burgeoning sectors of the economy. Companies that offer

employment in the technology, renewable energy, or other sectors that are

expanding in the contemporary world, for instance, may be eligible for tax

incentives or subsidies. The government may make sure that the populace

has the skills required for the modern workforce by encouraging individuals

to seek these kinds of occupations.

The government may promote investment in emerging businesses

and develop a competent workforce by offering economic incentives.

It is more appealing for businesses and people to engage in these

sectors when tax benefits or subsidies lower the cost of operating a

firm or pursuing a vocation. This promotes a creative and competitive

Investment in Technology Infrastructure: To guarantee that students have

access to the most recent tools and technology, the government can make

investments in the technology infrastructure in schools. This can involve

giving schools access to computers, tablets, and other gadgets as well as

high-speed internet, as well as educating instructors on how to utilize

these resources efficiently in the classroom.

The government should invest in technology infrastructure so that

schools have the resources they need to teach pupils about the

newest technological advancements. This entails supplying schools

with laptops, tablets, and other tech tools that kids may utilize in the

classroom in addition to high-speed internet. Additionally, it entails

instructing instructors in the efficient use of these instruments. The

government can guarantee that students have access to the newest

technologies and are ready to participate in the contemporary

workforce by investing in technological infrastructure. Students will get

first-hand knowledge of technology and comfort using it in this way,

which will be useful when new technologies are developed.

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