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Tugas 1

Jawablah tugas 1 dengan menuliskan jawaban sesuai perintahnya!

Before you read about “ The Cheetah“ identify the following statements whether is
true (T) or false (F) by write the letter

1. The cheetah is like a cat T - F

2. The cheetah is a wild animal T - F
3. There are a lot in the world T - F
4. The cheetah likes to stay near the tree T - F

Text 1

The cheetah is the fastest animal on land. It can run 100 kilometers an hour. It is now
rare and is one of the animal which is in danger of extinction. The cheetah has a small head
and eras, and long, powerful legs. It always hunts and chases its prey on open ground. This is
a different way of hunting from other “big cats”. They like to stay in and near the trees to
catch their prey. The cheetah is also different from other cats because it cannot draw in its

5. What does the word “It” in second sentence refer to?

a. Animal c. Cheetah
b. Fastest animal d. rare animal
6. What does the word “they” in text refer to?
a. Cheetah c. Like cat

b. Big cats d. Big animal

7. Is cheetah a danger animal?

Yes, it is, because cheetah is a wild animal. It also has claws, it dangerious for
human. It can eat us, because it is a carnivorous animal.

Text 2

Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge , skill, attitudes, through study

experience or teaching It causes a change of behavior that is persistent, and measurable. It
allows an individual to formulate a new mental constructor revise a prior mental construct. It
is a process that depends on experience and leads to long term change in behavior potensial.
Behavior potensial describes the possible behavior of an individual in a given situation in
order to achieve a goal. But potential is not enough; if individual learning is not periodically
reinforced, it becomes shallower and shallower, and eventually is lost in that individually

8. What is learning? It is the process of . . . .
a. Studying, experiencing and teaching c. Allowing an individual to
b. Getting knowledge, skill, attitudes and values d. Describing the possible
of an individual
9. What does “it” in line two refer to? It refers to
a. The process of acquiring c. Skills, attitudes, values
b. Studying d. Learning

Text 3

Can you understand the text above this time? Very difficult? No it is not. It is not
difficult indeed, but the difficulties can make us learn harder. Nothing can be acvhieve
without effort. So don’t give up when we face the difficulties.

10. The word “give up” means . . . .

a. Stop b. Contonue
b. Study d. Walk

Nama : Fakhruddin Ash Shiddiqy M

Nim : 030738925

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