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The paper was on the principals’ application of information communication and technology for
enhancement of teaching and learning in Junior Secondary Schools in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).
The researchers used survey research design. The population of the study was 5,479 teachers (FCT-UBEB,
2021). The sample of the study was four hundred (400) teachers from junior secondary schools in Federal
Capital Territory (FCT). These teachers were used to assess one hundred and sixty-five (165) principals
from the Junior Secondary Schools in FCT. The researchers used questionnaire on “Principals Application
of Information Communication and Technology for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning” (PAICTETL).
This instrument was used to collect data for analysis. The instrument was validated by experts in
Educational Management Department, University of Abuja. The reliability of the instrument was obtained
through split-half method, and by using Pearson correlation coefficient (r), the coefficient reliability index
was 0.65 showing that the instrument was reliable for the study. Frequency was used to calculate the
number of the respondents whereas mean statistics was used to analyze the research questions. The findings
indicated that principals did not help teachers to apply information communication technology to enhance
teaching and learning in secondary schools after the Covid 19 pandemic. Also, that educational leaders did
not apply strategies to enhance teaching after the Covid 19 pandemic. Based on the findings of the study, the
researchers recommended that the educational leaders should send their teachers on seminars and
workshops to acquire skills and knowledge on information communication technology to enhance quality
teaching and learning in secondary schools, after Covid 19 pandemic.
Keywords: Educational Leaders, Information communication technology, Enhancement, Application,

Teaching and Learning and covid19.


Technology has made great enhancement waves in the educational system, it empowers the teachers with

necessary tools to disseminate instruction and manage the classroom to increase the learning potentials of

students. Technological devices such as laptop, table computer, smart phone, smart-board etc., have created

access for information for teachers in teaching and learning process and in other areas of life. Technology

has played a vital role in the acquisition, processing and dissemination of knowledge which has brought

innovations to teaching and learning process. Information Communication Technology (ICT) is the

technology that support activities which involve creation, storage, manipulating communication and

transmission of information (Ameweh 2022, Gannon 2004 cited in Salihu 2021, Austine 2015 cited in

Salihu, Eze & Aja 2014 and Ohhismbo 2013).

Technology has enhanced professional activities in the educational system Kirschner and Weperies, 2003

cited in Ilozumba (2018) maintained that technology such as ICT has made school teachers more efficient

and productive. It helps schools to organize variety of tools to enhance and facilitate teachers’ professional

activities. The researcher also posited that ICT enhances teaching and learning through dynamic interactive

and engaging content. This provides opportunities for individualization of instruction in teaching and

learning environment. Technology could be used to enhance learning during Covid 19 period by the school

leaders applying the rules of the period, also technological devices can be used to disseminate knowledge in

post Covid period. Research by Onujiogu (2021) has proven that applicability of virtual teaching facilitated

by information Communication Technology has reduced the barrier to education during the Covid era and it

will still do so after the Covid 19.

Concept Clarifications

Information communication technology (ICT)

This concept has been defined by so many scholars as a device for acquiring, processing, disseminating

(transmitting), communicating, creating, exchanging, managing, analyzing, retrieving of knowledge

(Ilozumba 2018, Adebayo 2013, Crede & Mansell 2008).

Nwoma (2009) viewed ICT as a computerized device for collecting, typing, filling, copying, processing,

analyzing, managing and using information to solve problems and make decisions in all aspects of human

endeavours. Hagg & Dawkins (2015) maintained that information communication technology is any

computer based tool that people used to get information, support data/information and process the needs of

institutions Mabbison (2013) defined information communication technology as a process that involves the

use of computers, microelectronics and telecommunication to help to produce, store, obtain and send

information in the form of pictures, words and numbers, more reliably and economically. Glenna &

Melimed, 2014 cited in Odoh (2018) defined information communication technology (ICT) as a process that

involve the use of computers and telecommunication systems to process, store, retrieve and disseminate

information to solve problems. Aderele and Adelokun (2012) averred that ICT is a technology which has

introduced a new era in traditional and conventional methods of teaching and learning which offers new

teaching and learning experiences to both teachers and students. Technology can be applied to enhance

teaching and learning, give opportunities for knowledge dissemination and help teachers and students to

have up-to-date information in any subject areas.

Information Communication Technology (ICT) for Teaching and Learning Process

Information communication technology is a reliable and efficient tool to be utilized by human resources in

the educational system. It does not replace the roles of teachers hence it’s efficiency and effectiveness in

schools depend on how well the instructors master the use of it. A teacher plays important role in teaching

and learning process using computer as an instructional aid. Emphasis on teachers’ use of technological

tools should be to improve teaching and learning, motivate and engage learners, promote collaboration,

foster enquiry, for exploration, to create a new learner’s center learning culture or self-guide learning


ICT is to enable the learner to carry out independent, autonomous learning, research and promote initiation,

creativity and critical thinking. The learners with the help of ICT will learn to collect, select, analyze,

organize and transform knowledge to authenticate and activate learning situations. Majundar (2012)

affirmed that ICT tools help to open up opportunities for learning by enabling accessibility, extension,

transformation and sharing of ideas and information from diverse sources. Glenna et al, 2014 cited in Odoh

(2018) stipulated that the uses of ICT in teaching and learning to include that:

i. computers assist learning in an interactive educational session which aids students to learn various

concepts designed in computer. It involves teachers using various knowledge based computer

application to train students;

ii. computer and internet technology facilitates research activities such as; literature review, data

collection and data analysis; and

iii. in distance learning the use of telecommunication facilitate emails, online class, interactive

websites, audio/video teleconferencing etc.

Odoh (2018) posited that ICT:

1. supports student centered and self-directed learning by building new knowledge, assessing, selecting and

interpreting information and data;

2. promotes collaborative learning in distance-learning environment by aiding students to communicate,

share and work collaboratively anywhere, anytime;

3. integrates into education system information and communication technology;

4. facilitates communication between instructors and learners, within education institutions;

5. presents entirely new learning environment for students to acquire skills to succeed in life;

6. develops and enhances critical thinking research and evaluation skills in students’. Odoh further

designated ICT tools used for teaching and learning process to include:

a. Online tools which include: clever, edmusdo, kalwot, schology, skype, google, knowledge graph,

mouse management tools, learners’ capture tools, online collaborative tools, internet applications;

zooming, gmail etc

b. Software tools: computers assisted learning, computers assisted research, distance learning tools or

devices, microsoft learning suites, microsoft flash mathematics 4.0, microsoft digital literacy

curriculum; and

c. Hardware tools: these are physical tools such as; computer devices, Ipad, interactive board, clever

white board, table computers, and compact disc roms (Glenna et al cited Odoh, 2018)

Educational Leaders Strategies to aid Teaching and Learning Process in Post Covid 19 Period

Educational leaders tasks have increased in the last decades, these leaders must be daunted, resilient and

tactful to harness “after Covid 19” pandemic, all the human, materials and financial resources with good

will to actualize the objectives and goal of education (Vaillant 2015). Laila (2015) posited that for the

school leaders to achieve the set objectives and goals, they have not only to administer and manage human
and educational resources properly but that they have to perform other administrative functions effectively.

The educational leaders are obliged after Covid 19 pandemic period to carry all the staff along, they have to

apply effective communication skills to work cordially with staff. They should be very alert to inform the

staff on every current imminent happenings affecting the staff and the entire school.

The educational leaders have to apply leadership expertise to develop functional strategies which will help

leaders in teaching and learning after Covid 19. They have to help teachers to undergo training in the

application of online e-learning system, creating platforms for students to receive lessons and study

individually. This will promote independent learning, gender equality, non-violence, non-culture diversity,

peace, acquisition of knowledge and skills. These leaders should also ensure that teachers have to undergo

training to use online collaborative training tools, and on how to apply appropriate teaching pedagogies;

these leaders should organize workshops, seminars and conferences bordering on educational matters.

Provide teachers with functional and enough educational resources and appropriate teaching guide. Chukwu

& Mezieobi (2018) opined that school leaders should relate cordially with staff that will make them to be

committed to their jobs. The researchers listed the strategies which educational leaders should maintain and

execute in order to help teachers in teaching and learning, these include that educational leaders should:

1. carry out continuous staff professional development and training. This will help in keeping staff up

to date with innovations in their various fields of specialty. This will help staff to be relevant in the

society. This training can be done online or face to face,

2. maintain teaching ethics which will checkmate the activities of teachers and the extent of their

relationship with the students. These leaders must ensure that they have sufficient and adequate staff

who are well trained in their areas of specialization. They should be professionals who can deliver

services with appropriate pedagogies and methodologies. Leaders have to motivate the teachers to be

enthusiastic and committed to teaching,

3. make sure that they have well equipped functional laboratories, libraries, and all educational and

instructional materials must be current, functional and enough for the users,
4. be prudent and honest in managing finances even when the fund is limited. The leaders must initiate

strategies for fund raising through Internally Generated Revenue (IGR). For these leaders to succeed

they must utilize the available scare resources effectively,

5. develop and maintain the school infrastructures, this will help them to meet up with the expected

standard and to leave legacies for posterity. These infrastructural structures can also contribute to

improve teaching and learning,

6. maintain discipline among students, for effective moral standard to be adhered to and for the

students to pay attention in class,

7. relate cordially with both staff and students. Leaders should have effective communication skills and

leadership ability to coordinate the activities of staff, communicate and carry all of them along. They

should get staff informed on current or imminent happenings especially in crisis period,

8. have all information communication technology (ICT) equipment to disseminate online teaching to

students during period of Covid 19 pandemic period and after.

Chukwu & Mezieobi (2018) emphasized that well maintained and keeping school infrastructure, serene

environment can beautify the school and can motivate the teachers’ interest on the job. Laila (2015)

maintained that for the school leaders to achieve the set objectives and goals they have to administer and

manage human materials and educational resources properly as well as perform other administrative

functions effectively. Vaillant (2015) submitted that the tasks of the school leaders have increased in the last

decades hence these leaders must acquire the needed expertee, be committed, undaunted, resilient and

tactful to harness all the human, materials and financial resources with good will to carry on after Covid 19


Statement of the Problem

Advancement in technology has made technological tools such as the Information Communication

Technology tools to be utilized in the Nigerian educational system. The usefulness of these tools are

numerous from promoting a creative learning environment through developing student new understanding
in their areas of learning, supporting student-centered and self-directed learning, promoting collaborative

learning and others. The challenge is whether the leaders in secondary schools have made it possible for ICT

devices to be applied by teachers in teaching and learning situations after Covid 19. More so, have these

leaders used their strategies to help teachers enhance teaching and learning process after Covid 19 in

secondary schools? These are issues that have motivated the researchers to carry out this study.

Purpose of the Study

The study aimed at examining principals’ application of information communication and technology for

enhancement of teaching and learning in secondary schools in Federal Capital Territory, specifically the

researcher set out to:

1. Investigate the availability of the ICT devices such as: learners capture tools, online collaborative

tools, knowledge graph, skype, subject management tools tect in secondary schools in FCT, Abuja

after Covid 19 pandemic

2. examine how educational leaders help teachers to apply ICT devices in teaching and learning

process after Covid 19 in senior secondary schools in Gwagwalada Area Council,

3. find out how education leaders have applied strategies to enhance teaching and learning process after

Covid 19 in senior secondary schools in Gwagwalada Area Council.

Research Questions

1. Are the listed ICT devices: available in secondary schools, FCT Abuja after Covid 19 Pandemic?

2. Do educational leaders help teachers to apply ICT devices in teaching and learning process after

Covid 19 in senior secondary schools in Gwagwalada Area Council?

3. Do education leaders apply strategies to enhance teaching and learning process after Covid 19 in

senior secondary schools in Gwagwalada Area Council?


The researchers used survey research design for the present study. The design has helped the researchers to

sample teacher’s representatives from the study population of 5,479 (Nakpodia 2010). Information given by

the respondents was converted to data and used for analysis. The population of teachers for the study was

656 secondary school teachers, the sample for the study was 200 gotten from the population through random

sampling technique. These teachers were used to assess the principals. Questionnaire on “Educational

Leaders Application of Information Communication Technology to Enhance Teaching and Learning”

(ELAICTETL) was used to collect information which was translated into data and used for analysis. The

validity of the instrument was carried out by giving the questionnaire to experts in Educational

Management, and ICT Department in the University of Abuja. The experts read, criticized and corrected the

questionnaire. The instrument reliability was obtained by carrying out a pilot study. Fifty (50) questionnaire

were filled by the respondents, from the study population of 5,479. Split-half method was applied to retrieve

data from the two (2) sets of questionnaire (twenty-five questionnaire each set) data was collated and

analyzed. The reliability coefficient index of 0.65 was obtained using Pearson Moment Correlation

coefficient statistics to analyze the data. Frequency was used to determine the number of the respondents

whereas the mean was used to analyze the research questions.

Data Analysis and Results

Research Question One: Are the listed ICT devices: computer, learner capture tolls, online collaborative

tools, knowledge graph, skype, subject management tool, Microsoft digital literacy etc available in junior

secondary schools, FCT Abuja after Covid 19 Pandemic?

Table 1: Availability of ICT Devices for Teaching after Covid 19 Pandemic

N = 400
S/N Items on Availability of ICT Devices for SA A D SD X Decision
Teaching after Covid 19 Pandemic
The ICT devices available for teaching in
my school are:
1 Computer 106 124 80 90 2.62 Agree
2 Learner capture tools 85 90 115 110 2.38 Disagree
3 Online collaborative tools 90 85 120 105 2.40 Disagree
4 Knowledge Graph 86 84 111 119 2.34 Disagree
5 Skype 86 90 122 102 2.40 Disagree
6 Subject management tool 86 84 114 116 2.35 Disagree
7 Microsoft digital literacy curriculum 81 90 123 106 2.37 Disagree
8 Interactive board 89 88 121 102 2.41 Disagree
9 Compact disk 118 112 84 86 2.66 Agree
10 White board 121 120 67 92 2.68 Agree
Sectional Mean 2.46 Rejected

The above table presented that the respondents with the mean scores of 2.38, 2.40, 2.34, 2.40, 2.35, 2.37 and

2.41 respectively that the ICT devices available for teaching in their school are: learner capture tools, online

collaborative tools, knowledge graph, skype, subject management tool, Microsoft digital literacy

curriculum, interactive board. Some of them agree with mean scores of 2.62, 2.66 and 2.68 that computer,

compact disk and white board are available for teaching in their school. Majority of the respondents with the

sectional mean score of 2.46 rejected that the listed ICT facilities are available for teaching and learning

after Covid 19 Pandemic in secondary schools in Federal Capital Territory.

Research Question Two: Do principals help teachers to apply ICT devices in teaching and learning process

after Covid 19 pandemic in junior secondary schools in Federal Capital Territory?

Table 2: Teachers Application of ICT Devices during Teaching and Learning Process after Covid 19.
N = 400
S/N Items on Educational Leaders and SA A D SD X Decision
teachers Application of ICT Devices for
teaching and learning
The principal in my school has helped me
during teaching after Covid 19 pandemic to
apply :
1 Computer 101 122 85 92 2.58 Agree
2 Learners capture tools 95 80 119 106 2.41 Disagree
3 Online collaborative tools 82 90 128 100 2.39 Disagree
4 Knowledge graph 79 86 115 120 2.31 Disagree
5 Skype 80 92 122 106 2.37 Disagree
6 Subject management tools 90 82 110 118 2.36 Disagree
7 Microsoft digital literacy curriculum 75 93 126 106 2.34 Disagree
8 Interactive board 80 90 130 100 2.38 Disagree
9 Compact disc 120 110 81 89 2.65 Agree
10 White board 118 123 90 69 2.73 Agree
Sectional Mean 2.45 Rejected

The above table presented that the respondents with the mean scores of 2.41, 2.39, 2.31, 2.37, 2.36, 2.34 and

2.38 disagreed that their principals helped them during teaching and learning session to use learners

captured tools, knowledge graph, skype, subject management tools, microsoft digital literacy curriculum and

interactive board. Some of them agreed that with mean scores of 2.58, 2.65 and 2.73 respectively that the

principals helped them to use computers, compact disc and white board during teaching and learning

process. Majority of the respondents with the sectional mean score of 2.45 rejected that educational leaders

helped teachers to apply ICT devices in teaching and learning process after Covid 19 in secondary schools

in Federal Capital Territory.

Research Question Three: Do educational leaders apply strategies to enhance teaching and learning after

Covid 19.

Table 3: Educational Leaders Strategies to Enhance Teachers’ Teaching after Covid 19 Pandemic
N = 400
S/n Educational Leaders Strategies to SA A D SD X Decision
Enhance Teaching after Covid 19
Strategies applied by educational leaders to
enhance teaching and learning process
after Covid 19 pandemic include:
1 Professional development and training on 90 80 121 109 2.38 Disagree
the use of online devices: such as google,
zooming, knowledge graph, internet,
whatsup, gmail, skype etc.
2 Training on the use of online collaborative tools 85 93 131 91 2.43 Disagree
3 Adopting appropriate teaching pedagogies 87 94 115 104 2.41 Disagree
4 Practicing collegial collaborative training 92 86 120 102 2.42 Disagree
on teaching
5 Organizing workshops, seminars, and 79 96 114 111 2.36 Disagree
conferences bordering on educational
6 Relating cordially with staff 123 104 82 91 2.65 Agree
7 Supplying the school with functional and 80 91 119 110 2.35 Disagree
enough educational materials
8 Supplying appropriate teaching guide to 82 96 122 100 2.40 Disagree
9 Motivating the staff to be committed to 70 89 118 123 2.27 Disagree
10 Helping the teachers to master the various 120 108 90 82 2.67 Agree
learning experiences in the scheme of
Sectional mean 2.43 Rejected

The above table revealed that the respondents with the means scores of 2.38, 2.42, 2.41, 2.42, 2.36, 2.35,

2.40, and 2.27 disagreed that principals helped them to apply strategies such as; professional development

and training on the use of online devices, training on the use of online collaborative tools, appropriate

teaching pedagogies, practice collegial collaborative training on teaching, organize workshops seminars and

conferences on educational matters etc. The respondents agreed that with mean scores of 2.65 and 2.67 that

the principals helped them to relate cordially with one another and in the mastery of various learning

experiences after Covid 19. In conclusion, all the respondents rejected with the sectional mean score of 2.43

that their educational leaders have applied strategies to enhance teaching and learning process after Covid


Discussion of Results.

The finding of questions one revealed that the ICT devices for teaching such as learner capture tools, online

collaborative tools, knowledge graph, skype, subject management tools, Microsoft digital literacy

curriculum and interactive board were not available in secondary schools in FCT. Very few of those devices

such as computer, compact disk and white board were available. Amaweh (2022) maintained that that these

devices have played vital role in the acquisition, processing and dissemination of knowledge which has

brought innovation to teaching and learning process, hence that school leaders should ensure that they are

available in schools

The finding of questions two revealed that the educational leaders did not help teachers to apply ICT

devices in teaching and learning after Covid 19 pandemic. This may be because it showed in the finding of

research question two there were not available in the school. The study of Odoh (2018) Glenna (2014) and

Majundar (2012) showed that ICT tools such as computers, internet, online tools, skype, google,

collaborative learning devices are important for effective teaching. Therefore it is vital and compulsory for

the educational leaders to ensure that teachers are trained to use them for teaching.

The finding of question three showed that educational leaders did not apply strategies to enhance teaching

after Covid 19 pandemic. Valliant (2015) observed that the tasks of the educational leaders at the secondary

level are enormous. Valliant therefore maintained that for these leaders to apply appropriate strategies to

achieve the school objectives and goal of teaching and learning process they must acquire the needed

expertee, be committed, undaunted, resilient and tactful. Laila (2015) averred that for the school leaders to

achieve the set objectives and goals, they have strategies to manage the materials and educational resources

properly. These strategies according to the researchers will make them to be of immense help to teachers

during teaching and learning process.


From the study findings, the researchers concluded that the educational leaders did not help teachers to

apply ICT devices nor apply any strategies to enhance teachers’ during teaching and learning process after

Covid 19.


Due to the findings of the study the researchers recommended that:

1. Principals should conduct seminars, workshops, on the use of ICT devices in teaching and learning and

that they should encourage teachers to attend conferences bordering on the application of ICT devices in

teaching and learning process.

2. The secondary school leaders should ensure that they have functional ICT devices for teachers to use

while teaching.

3. They must develop best strategies to enhance teachers during teaching and learning process after covid

19 pandemic.


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