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We all know that climate change is caused by global warming. There are many reasons
why we feel different and sometimes experience unusual occurrences in our surroundings. It is because as the
world changes in different aspects, each and every country also experiences challenges is weather, agriculture
and livelihood. We should be able to adapt to this type of living through understanding and allowing ourselves
to merge with what our surroundings is offering. We should know what things we could benefit from it. As
humans evolved million years ago, we found different ways to survive through each generation that passed just
like how the Homo Erectus discovered fire. We believe that there is still room for evolution and development
in each one of us. In our country calamities and disasters are common, but we have poor emergency response
when this calamities strikes. There maybe evacuation centers but most of it seems too small for people who
are rescued when actual disaster occurs. Citizens always complain about this but because the barangays have
smaller funds unlike the province’s budget, they couldn’t build better infrastructure. We couldn’t deny that
there are still places in the Philippines that couldn’t be reach. Climate change is one of the greatest challenges
of our time. Unfortunately, the adverse effects of climate change are already being felt in many parts of the
world. It is crucial that we adapt to these changes in order to minimize their impact on our lives and the
environment. But the real question is, how can we adapt from these frequent catastrophes and calamities in
our country?

One of the most effective ways to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change is through
education and awareness. By understanding the causes and consequences of climate change, we can make
informed decisions about how best to prepare for and reduce their impacts. Education and awareness can also
help to build resilience in communities and increase their ability to cope with extreme weather events. The
goal is to reduce our risks from the harmful effects of climate change like the rising of sea level, more intense
weather events and food insecurity. This also includes implementing early warning signs, building climate-
resilient infrastructure and developing sustainable livelihoods that are less vulnerable to the impacts of climate
change. Also improving the infrastructural and cooperation of citizen and government like getting the trust of
the citizens to ensure their safety and their families. Climate change is already leading to increased incidence
of heatwaves, floods, and droughts, which can have severe impacts on human health. For example, extreme
heat can cause heat exhaustion and heatstroke, while floods can lead to waterborne diseases and injuries.
Similarly, droughts can lead to food shortages and malnutrition. Adapting to the adverse effects of climate
change is, therefore, critical for reducing the risk of these impacts on human health. Technology can also help
us to make better inventions in creating much need machines in the future just like the Aid Necessities
Transporter developed by Australian Designer Bryan Lee as a way to carry disaster relief supplies. And also the
DARPA's Captive Air Amphibious Transporter (CAAT) that could make delivering disaster aid from commercial
container ships vastly more efficient. We are already in the generation where in all the things we use are made
easier, there is no reason for us to neglect the help of technology.

Moreover, adapting to climate change is not just a matter of survival. It is also an

opportunity to create a more sustainable and equitable society. By embracing renewable energy resources,
reducing our carbon footprint, and practicing sustainable agriculture, we can not only mitigate the impacts of
climate change but also promote social and economic development. This will lead to greater food security,
improved access to clean energy, and more sustainable livelihoods for our communities. In conclusion,
adapting to the adverse effects of climate change is of utmost importance for the Philippines. We cannot afford
to wait for the impacts of climate change to worsen before taking action. By prioritizing adaptation measures,
we can not only safeguard our survival but also create a more sustainable and Equatable future for all Filipinos.
It is time for us to take responsibility and act now to mitigate the impacts of climate change and build a more
resilient future.

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