Discussion 10.1 - Cabusay, Raymar PDF

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Technological Institute of the Philippines

Senior High School Department

Discussion 10.1 Brainstorming Session

Name: Raymar B. Cabusay Date: December 6, 2020
Part I. Informative Speech. Think of four topics that you can and would like to give information about. Make your topics
specific (e.g. How to Make a Paper Crane, All About Gavin Thomas, The Extraordinary Mind of an Octopus).

The importance of
Benefits of E-learning discipline

Topics I Can Give

Information on

Taking depression Importance of having a

seriously complete sleep

Part II. Persuasive Speech. Brainstorm about any debatable topic that you have a strong opinion about. Indicate those
topics below. The topics should also have a clear hint of your position or opinion (e.g. Why Death Penalty Should be
Restored, Why Plastic Surgery is a Big NO, Why You Should Buy the New PS5).

Should graffiti be Should high schools

considered art? provide free condoms
to students?
Debatable Topics I
Have an Opinion On

Should pets be adopted Why you should delete

rather than bought tiktok
from a breeder?
Part III. Entertainment Speech. Entertaining topics don’t always have to be funny. Think of four topics which can evoke
strong emotions from your audience, be it joy, anger, sadness, or fright (e.g. The Worst Thing My Sibling has Done to Me,
How to Lose a Boyfriend/Girlfriend in Seven Days, The Most Magical Place on Earth, The Day My Dog Died).

Why I’m still single The worst haircut I’ve ever had

Topics I Want to
Talk About
My worst embarrassing
The things I did and
moment in high school
immediately regretted

Part IV. Synthesis. Congratulations on coming up with 12 different topics that you can or would like to talk about! Now is
the time to limit it down to three (3). For the purpose of the Speech Writing, you have to consider both your own interests
and audience’s. With this in mind, choose three topics from the 12 topics you have written on the three previous sections
and write it below. Try to rank these three ideas accordingly.

TOP 1 My worst embarrassing

Taking depression
moment in high seriously

Taking depression seriously

Should pets be adopted rather than bought

from a breeder?

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