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DWG Number GEK111895 Rev F Released 12/10/2014 Page 1 of 28

GEK 111895f

Revised, December 2014

GE Energy

F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing

Liquid Washing Recommendations for Gas Turbines with Pulsed
Water Wash Systems

These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible contingency to
be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should further information be desired or should particular
problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser's purposes the matter should be referred to General Electric
Company. These instructions contain proprietary information of General Electric Company, and are furnished to its customer solely
to assist that customer in the installation, testing, operation, and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall
not be reproduced in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written approval of General
Electric Company.
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GEK 111895f F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing

The following notices will be found throughout this publication. It is important that the
significance of each is thoroughly understood by those using this document. The definitions are
as follows:


Highlights an essential element of a procedure to assure correctness.


Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could result in minor
or moderate injury or equipment damage.







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F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing GEK 111895f


I. SCOPE...................................................................................................................................................4
II. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................4
III. TYPES OF FOULING..........................................................................................................................4
IV. METHODS OF DETECTION..............................................................................................................5
A. Visual Inspection ..............................................................................................................................5
B. Performance Monitoring ...................................................................................................................5
V. WATER WASH RESULTS..................................................................................................................6
VI. ON-LINE WATER WASHING METHOD .........................................................................................6
VII. ON-LINE WATER WASH TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ..........................................................7
VIII. ON-LINE WATER WASH ALLOWABLE CONDITIONS ...............................................................8
IX. ON-LINE WASHING AND RESTORATION.....................................................................................8
A. Preparation .......................................................................................................................................8
B. On-Line Washing Procedure .............................................................................................................8
X. OFF-LINE WATER WASHING METHOD .......................................................................................9
XI. OFF-LINE WATER WASH TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS.......................................................10
XII. OFF-LINE WATER WASH ALLOWABLE CONDITIONS............................................................11
XIII. OFF-LINE WASHING AND RESTORATION.................................................................................12
A. Preparation .....................................................................................................................................12
B. Off-Line Water Wash System Preparation.......................................................................................14
C. Off-Line Washing Procedure...........................................................................................................14
D. Restoration .....................................................................................................................................19


I. SCOPE.................................................................................................................................................24
II. REQUIREMENTS..............................................................................................................................24
III. MATERIAL COMPATIBILITY........................................................................................................24
IV. TESTS .................................................................................................................................................24
A. Ash content: preparation of test samples..........................................................................................24
B. Accelerated storage stability (from MIL–C–85704A) ......................................................................25
C. Procedure........................................................................................................................................25
V. CUSTOMER SUPPLIED NON-GE WATER WASH SKID.............................................................26


Figure 1. Recommended MPG Concentrations – OFWW................................................................................11


Table 1. Quality Specification.........................................................................................................................22

Table 2. Approximate Water Usage During Compressor Washing...................................................................23
Table A1. Chemical Content of Washing Detergent ........................................................................................25

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GEK 111895f F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing


The scope of this document is to present the methods of compressor washing approved by General
Electric. Two methods of liquid washing are employed on–line and off–line. On–line washing is the
process of injecting water into the compressor while the unit is running. Off–line washing is the process
of injecting cleaning solution into the compressor while the unit is rotating at part speed. The advantage
of on–line washing is that it can be done without having to shut down the machine. On–line washing
however, is not as effective as off–line washing, and therefore is used to supplement off– line washing,
not to replace it.

This document applies to all gas turbine models offered by GE Energy, which have the capability to
perform a pulse mode off–line water wash.

It is recommended that each customer create a unit-specific procedure and
checklist. The procedure and checklist should include configuring the unit for water
washes, performing the wash and restoration following the wash. These procedures
should conform to the enclosed general guidelines. It is recommended that the
customer include a specific valve line–up before, during, and after the wash in their
procedure. General Electric can provide technical assistance in preparing the
unit-specific procedures and checklists.


A loss in gas turbine performance attributable to compressor fouling can be detected by a decrease in
power output and an increase in both heat rate and fuel consumption. The loss of performance is a direct
result of fouling of the axial flow compressor. Fouled compressors result in reduced airflow, lower
compressor efficiency and a lower compressor pressure ratio.

Compressor washing will assist in removing the fouling deposits and restoring performance. It should be
noted that full power may not always be regained if significant fouling has occurred. Regular compressor
washing will help maintain performance as well as allowing each wash to be more effective. Specific
intervals shall be determined based on customer performance and site conditions. Compressor washing
may also slow the progress of corrosion, thereby increasing blade life and reducing the contribution of
corrosion products to the formation of fouling deposits.


The type and rate of fouling of an axial compressor depends on the environment in which it operates and
the inlet filtration present. Experience has shown that fouling deposits consist of varying amounts of
moisture, oil, soot, water-soluble constituents, insoluble dirt and corrosion products of the compressor
blading material. Fouling deposits are typically held together by moisture and oil. If corrosion of the
blading is occurring, the corrosion products will promote and stabilize the deposit.

It is important to minimize fouling deposits by reducing oil leaks and the ingestion of oily constituents
(lube oil fumes). Good filtration may greatly reduce fouling. Moisture formation cannot be reduced in
humid environments. Moisture is formed in the compressor inlet when humid air is cooled below its dew
point as a result of being accelerated to about Mach = 0.5. GER 3601, “Gas Turbine Compressor
Operating Environment and Material Evaluation” discusses the factors influencing compressor fouling
and corrosion.

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F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing GEK 111895f


GE experience suggests that the rate of performance loss attributable to compressor fouling varies greatly
from site to site and from season to season depending on atmospheric conditions, proximity of the plant
to sources of airborne contaminants, gas turbine usage profile, frequency and duration of online washing,
and overall maintenance practices. Other factors that are often taken into consideration when setting the
frequency of off-line washing include the weekly loading pattern (i.e. is the turbine normally shut down
for weekends), the economic trade-off between a 1-2 day outage for wash versus the extra capacity that is
typically restored, the availability of demineralized water to conduct the wash, and the cost of detergent.

GE experience has indicated a strong correlation between fouling rate and the season of the year, with
little to no losses during the winter season and heavy fouling rates in spring and summer. GE experience
has also shown that periods of frequent rain tend to show less fouling. Considering all the above,
depending on the economics of each plant, it is GE's experience that users who place a high priority on
output capacity and thermal efficiency are advised to regularly monitor their gas turbine performance.
From a thermal performance perspective, it is recommended that the customer perform an off-line water
wash when the loss in gas turbine performance attributable to the compressor reaches the 2-3 % level
between off-line washes. The performance loss attributable to the compressor can be determined through
regular measurement and monitoring of the compressor flow rate and compressor efficiency, with special
care to normalize the data to a common operating condition. In general, each 1% loss in flow or
efficiency is equivalent to approximately 1% loss in turbine power.

From a compressor long-term durability and operability standpoint, GE recommends that the compressor
flow rate be monitored over time and the compressor be subjected to an off-line wash to prevent the flow
rate from decreasing more than 5% relative to new and clean levels.

There are two basic methods for determining the cleanliness of the compressor, visual inspection and
performance monitoring. Both of these are described below.

A. Visual Inspection
Visual inspection involves shutting the unit down, removing the inlet plenum inspection hatch, and
visually inspecting the compressor inlet, bell mouth, inlet guide vanes and early stage blades.

If any deposits, including dust or filmy deposits, can be wiped or scraped off these areas, the
compressor is fouled sufficiently to affect performance. The initial inspection also reveals whether
the deposits are oily or dry. For oily deposits, a water-detergent wash is required. Location of the
source of the oil and correction should be accomplished before washing to prevent recurrence of the

If only dry deposits are found, water alone may be sufficient.

B. Performance Monitoring
A second method for detecting a fouled compressor is performance monitoring. Performance
monitoring involves obtaining gas turbine data on a routine basis, which in turn is compared to base
line data to monitor trends in the performance of the gas turbine.

The performance data is obtained by running the units at steady-state BASE load and recording
output, fuel consumption, exhaust temperature, inlet air temperature, inlet air humidity, barometric
pressure, inlet system pressure drop, bellmouth pressure, compressor discharge pressure and

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GEK 111895f F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing

temperature. The data should be taken carefully with the unit warmed up and running under normal
steady state operating conditions.

GEK 107551 “Standard Field Performance Testing Philosophy” can be used as a guide for assessing
machine performance both before and after cleaning the compressor. The purpose of this particular
document is to establish the performance of generator drive machines. GEK 111517 is the equivalent
document for mechanical drive applications. Note that these GEK's are designed to measure the
overall performance of the unit, namely output and heat rate. Additional measurements and
calculations are necessary, as indicated in the preceding paragraph, to also directly measure and
monitor the compressor flow and efficiency. The computation of compressor flow and efficiency can
be accomplished by using standard thermodynamic principles.

Output and heat rate can be corrected to a standard condition using the turbine performance curves,
and an analysis may be made of compressor flow, pressure ratio and efficiency. The current
performance levels can be compared to base line data and will aid in determining the extent to which
the compressor has become fouled.

If performance analysis indicates compressor fouling, it should be verified by a visual inspection.


After cleaning, there should be a noticeable increase in performance based on the site conditions and gas
turbine models. Increase in performance is a function of how fouled the compressor was initially. An
increase in BASE load power of 5 % is not uncommon following an off-line wash. This can be confirmed
by comparing restored performance data to levels of performance before washing, utilizing the procedure
in GEK 107551 for generator drive machines and GEK 111517 for mechanical drive applications as
previously described under Section IV (Performance Monitoring). It should be noted that full power
might not always be regained once significant fouling occurs. Regular compressor washing will help
maintain performance. Specific intervals must be determined based on customer performance.


The intent of on-line washing is to extend the period between off-line washes through frequent washings
of short duration. When the compressor is suspected of being heavily fouled, an off-line wash should be

GE does not recommend the use of detergents during on-line washing because there is a concern for
leaving detergent residue on the latter stages of the compressor. The detergent effectiveness during an
on-line wash is limited since there is no soak period as with the off-line wash. As the on-line washing
practice has been found to be most effective when carried out daily, the specification on the liquid must
be more restrictive for on-line washing than off-line washing.

In the past, on-line water washing may have resulted in a fogging over of flame detector lenses, based on
the type of flame detector, gas turbine model, and combustion system. Operating experience has shown
that this is not a problem with DLN 2.0, 2.0+, 2.6 and 2.6+ combustion systems. It is noted that the
on-line wash may result in unacceptable emission output levels during the washing cycle.

Adding water for wash will increase the compressor pressure ratio and thus reduce the surge margin.
Under normal circumstances, there is ample surge margin to allow for washing and steam or water
injection for NOx control or power augmentation.

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F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing GEK 111895f


The following technical requirements must be met to conduct an on-line water wash from the water wash
skid and to interface with the turbine control panel:

1. Water used for On-line Water Washing must meet the Quality Specification of Table 1.
2. Water Wash Skid outlet shall meet the flow, pressure, and temperature requirements defined in the
Piping Schematic Diagram (MLI 0442).
3. The initial setting of the supply pressure and thus flow to the on-line spray nozzles shall be properly
adjusted by the customer. During on-line water wash operation, adjust the pressure regulator
VPR74-1 to the required pressure requirements as established by the Piping Schematic Diagram
(MLI 0442). The following procedures can be followed to compensate for head pressure difference
between the pressure gauge and engine centerline.

a. Pressure “P” can be determined at site using the following equation,

b. P = 80 PSIG + 0.43 x A,

c. Where: A = B – C, Which is the elevation difference between engine centerline and gauge
centerline in feet.

d. Dimension “B” is found on MLI 0306 (Mechanical Outline Drawing).

e. Dimension “C” is site specific and can be determined at site by measuring from the centerline of
the pressure gauge to the equipment base line.

4. Prior to installing the on-line nozzles and using the water wash system for the first time in the field, a
preliminary flushing procedure shall be performed on the water wash supply lines to free the system
of burs, dust, weld fragments, etc. The flushing recommendations may be found in 363A4220,
“Water Washing Flushing Procedure.”
5. The Turbine Control Panel shall cycle valve VA16–3, via solenoid driver 20TW–6. The valve will
open and close during the on-line water wash cycle.
6. Interface points from the Water Wash Skid or MLI 0461, shall be checked at a minimum for the

a. Piping connection to Purchaser Connection WW1 on MLI 0442.

b. Contact output from turbine control panel to water wash skid, which shall identify start/stop of
pump during wash cycles.

c. Contact output from water wash skid to turbine control panel, indicating water flow to turbine.

d. Control output from water wash skid to turbine control panel indicating a trouble.

If a customer or AE provides the water wash skid, then the party providing the skid shall be responsible
for the proper function and operability of the water wash skid.

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GEK 111895f F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing


For on-line water wash, the operator must take appropriate precautions to prevent freezing in the
compressor inlet, gas turbine, and exhaust and drain systems. An on-line water washing permissive does
not permit on-line water washing when compressor inlet temperature (CTIM), is less than 50°F (10°C).

CTIM must be measured when inlet bleed heat is off. In no circumstance shall the operator force inlet
bleed heat on, to satisfy this on-line water wash operating permissive.

In addition to meeting this CTIM permissive, the IGV angle must be greater than 70 degrees to help
decrease the risk of icing and icing damage due to increased pressure drop across the IGVs.

For the 7FA.05 Gas Turbine: 1) the use of IBH to meet the CTIM criteria above is allowed. 2) The IGV
angle must be less than 15 degrees. Note: for the 7FA.05, a smaller IGV angle is more open.

Environmental Health and Safety issues arising from the choice to perform an on-line water wash will fall
directly within the customer’s ownership and responsibility to comply with all federal, state or local
governing requirements. The customer should recognize that the injection of water into the compressor
inlet during on-line washing could result in exceeding site operating permit Clean Air Act emission
requirements. If operating permit emission requirements are exceeded, a permit variance should be


A. Preparation

1. Water used for On-line Water Washing must meet the Quality Specification of Table 1.

2. Turbine must be running and not in the process of shutting down.

3. Compressor inlet temperature, CTIM, must be greater than 50°F (10°C). Refer to Section VIII
“On-Line Water Wash Allowable Conditions.”

4. On-line water washing should not be performed while inlet bleed heat is operating for any
reason. Do not force inlet bleed heat off to satisfy this on-line wash requirement.

5. The minimum IGV angle to perform on-line water wash must be greater than 70 degrees. (Less
than 15 degrees for 7FA.05)

B. On-Line Washing Procedure

1. Once all permissives are satisfied, the operator is to select ON-LINE WATER WASH ON push
button (L83WWON_CPB).


Selection of ON-LINE WATER WASH ON will not be allowed if a permissive is

not met at any time. ON-LINE WATER WASH ON will have to be reselected once
the fault or permissive is clear.

2. The unit controller will then open the on-line water wash inlet valve VA16–3 and signal the
water wash pump to start.

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F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing GEK 111895f

3. If all permissives are met, the on-line wash cycle will begin.

4. The operator can abort the on-line wash at any time by selecting ON-LINE WATER WASH

5. At the end of the 15-minute cycle, the on-line wash will automatically select off.

6. The operator can then decide to re-select ON-LINE WATER WASH ON push button
(L83WWON_CPB) for an additional 15-minute cycle if required. A total of 30-minutes are
permitted within a 24-hour window.

7. At the conclusion of the on-line wash, the operator is to select ON-LINE WATER WASH OFF
(L83WWOFF_CPB). The operator can then return the unit to normal service.


Performance data has shown that a 15-minute cycle is as effective as a 30-minute

cycle in compressor performance retention. Based upon site performance data, the
customer may decide to initiate the secondary 15-minute cycle. The control
permissive will allow a total of 30-minutes of On-Line washing per 24 hours of
operation. The additional On-Line wash cycle may be conducted at anytime within
this 24-hour permissive.


When the compressor is suspected of being heavily fouled, an off-line wash should be performed. Refer
to Section IV (Methods of Detection) for information on monitoring compressor performance.

GE recommends and encourages the use of detergents for use during off-line water washing. The water
and detergent solution being used during off-line washing shall meet the Quality Specifications in Table
1. The detergent, which may be used for off-line washing, must adhere to the Compressor Washing
Detergent Specification in Appendix 1 of this document.

In general, deposits will contain some water-soluble material and oils. The latter will be more amenable
to removal by detergent, but the deposits may be removable by water washing alone, depending on the
amount of water-soluble material present. Heated water is generally more effective than cold water, but is
not required.

There are a number of detergents commercially available for the purpose of cleaning the compressor,
some of which, along with the deposits that have been removed, may constitute a hazardous solid waste
(as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency) when used for water wash. Because
of this possibility, local regulations should be considered for storing, handling and treating of the water
wash effluent when the drain and containment system is designed. Detergents must meet the requirements
specified in Appendix 1.

GE Clean Blade GTC1000 is the recommended water washing detergent given its demonstrated
effectiveness in compressor cleaning. Please contact the local General Electric field representative for any
requests related to water washing and water wash detergents.

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GEK 111895f F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing


The following technical requirements must be met to conduct an off-line water wash from the water wash
skid, to interface with the turbine control panel:

1. Off-line washing solution must meet the Quality Specification of Table 1 and the detergent
concentrate must meet the requirements of Appendix 1.
2. Water Wash Skid outlet shall meet the flow, pressure, and temperature requirements defined in the
Piping Schematic Diagram (MLI 0442).
3. The initial setting of the supply pressure and thus flow to the off-line spray nozzles shall be properly
adjusted by the customer. During off-line water wash operation, the customer is to adjust the manual
tuning valve to the required pressure requirements as established by the Piping Schematic Diagram
(MLI 0442). The following procedures can be followed to compensate for head pressure difference
between the pressure gauge and engine centerline.
4. Pressure “P” can be determined at site using the following equation, P = 85 PSIG + 0.43 x A, Where:
A = B – C, Which is the elevation difference between engine centerline and gauge centerline in feet.

a. Dimension “B” is found on MLI 0306 (Mechanical Outline Drawing).

b. Dimension “C” is site specific and can be determined at site by measuring from the centerline of
the pressure gauge to the equipment base line.

5. Prior to installing the off-line nozzles and using the water wash system for the first time in the field,
a preliminary flushing procedure shall be performed on the water wash supply lines to free the
system of burs, dust, weld fragments, etc. The flushing recommendations may be found in
363A4220, “Water Washing Flushing Procedure.”
6. Prior to initiating the off-line water wash, the bell mouth, struts, and IGV’s should first be hand
cleaned to prevent these deposits from being washed into the compressor during the cleaning. Refer
to procedure 361A6297, “Water Washing Hand Cleaning Procedure.”
7. The Turbine Control Panel shall be cycling valve VA16–1, via solenoid driver 20TW–4. The valve
will open and close during the off-line water wash and rinse cycles.
8. Interface points from the Water Wash Skid or MLI 0461, shall be checked at a minimum for the

a. Piping connection to Purchaser Connection WW1 on MLI 0442.

b. Contact output from turbine control panel to water wash skid, which shall identify start/stop of
pump during wash cycles.

c. Contact output from water wash skid to turbine control panel, indicating water flow to turbine.

d. Control output from water wash skid to turbine control panel indicating a trouble.

If a customer or AE provides the water wash skid, then the party providing the skid shall be responsible
for the proper function and operability of the water wash skid.

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F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing GEK 111895f


For off-line water wash, the operator must take appropriate precautions to prevent freezing in the
compressor inlet, gas turbine, exhaust and drain systems. Off-line water washing shall not be performed
when compressor inlet temperature (CTIM) is less than 40°F (4°C), measured while cranking.

In conditions where CTIM is between 40°F (4°C) and 14°F (-10°C), an antifreeze agent can be added to
the water solution in the holding tank to prevent freezing during an off-line wash. At present, the only
acceptable antifreeze agent is Monopropylene Glycol (MPG). MPG has several beneficial characteristics
that make it the preferred choice. MPG is non-toxic and friendly to the environment. MPG is
non-hazardous with a high flash point so it is safe, easy to handle, and store. MPG has a high boiling
point and a low evaporation rate, which means that the freeze point can be maintained over a long time
period. Other antifreeze agents are not permitted as they may attack the titanium and other metals in GE
heavy-duty gas turbines. Recommended antifreeze mixtures for MPG are tabulated in Figure 1.
Monopropylene Glycol (MPG) must meet the Industrial Standards for Deicing / Anti-Icing Fluids as per
AMS 1424. Any other antifreeze agent considered must be submitted for review and approval.


Contact your local GE representative for assistance or for additional information for
support in changing off-line water wash CTIM minimum temperature permissive, if
cold climate off-line water washing is going to occur.

Environmental Health and Safety issues arising from the choice to use an antifreeze solution will fall
directly within the customer’s ownership and responsibility to comply with all federal, state or local
governing requirements. The provided MPG concentrations have been found to be compatible with the
materials of the gas turbine, in addition to having no adverse impact on the performance of the machine.


The water-detergent and antifreeze solution shall be a homogeneous mixture when

sprayed into the gas turbine. Please note, that GE does not maintain any program to
ensure that the detergent suppliers listed in Section X are compatible with MPG. As
such, it is the responsibility of the customer to consult with their local supplier if
agitation is required and to ensure that the water-detergent and antifreeze solution is
in compliance with the recommended concentrations.

Recommended MPG Concentration vs. CTIM

MPG Antifreeze H2O

% Vol % Vol

+14 to +40 (-10 to 4) 36 64

Figure 1. Recommended MPG Concentrations – OFWW

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GEK 111895f F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing


A. Preparation
The intention of this portion of this recommendation is to isolate all air extraction points and drain all
low points to prevent water wash effluent from entering the piping systems. General Electric
recommends that all piping, which may come in contact with water, have a continuous slope to a
drainable low point without traps. It is recognized that additional isolations and drains may be
required depending on specific systems, equipment, customer supplied equipment and interconnect
piping. It should be further recognized that valve and control logic nomenclature might vary. It is
recommended that the customer develop a customized checklist for the preparation and restoration of
the gas turbine for an off-line water wash, especially a valve line-up before, during and after a wash.
The approximate volume of drain water collected during a complete off–line wash cycle can be found
in Table 2.

1. For off-line water wash, even with the water inlet temperatures within the GE recommended
parameters, the average of the three turbine wheelspace temperatures must be stabilized at 150°F
(65.6°C) or lower, while measured at speed of 30 RPM or lower, before water wash is started.
For units that are not equipped to attain a stable speed of 30 RPM or lower, the average
wheelspace temperature must be stabilized at 130°F (54.4°C) or lower while measured at
60 RPM or lower, before the wash is started. Contact your local GE representative for assistance
or for additional information. Reference the current revision of TIL 1236 “Water Wash
Recommendations” for further details.

2. If the unit is equipped with off-base atomizing air compressor(s), the operating compressor
should be de-energized during the pulse mode water wash cycle.

3. If necessary, close flame detector valves or blank-off, based on both the type of flame detector
and gas turbine model. Water may foul the flame scanners and make start-up difficult.

4. Fuel manifold low point drains are to remain closed during the pulse mode wash cycle. Open at
the end of the rinse cycle, prior to the start of the drying cycle to ensure that no water is present
in the manifold(s).

5. Manually isolate systems, open drains and divert drains as follows:

● The flow through the false start drain valves must be diverted from the sludge tank to a water
wash effluent tank on turbines that operate on liquid fuel or have the capability to do so. On
gas-only machines there may be no false start drain valves, only manual water wash drain

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F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing GEK 111895f

The false start drain flow or any flow that goes normally to the sludge tank must be
diverted from its “normal” path into the sludge tank to the water wash effluent drain
system to prevent an overflow of the sludge tank. In addition, the false start drain
effluent should be visible to evaluate the effectiveness of the wash cycle.
● Open the inlet plenum water wash drain valve at or near the bottom of the inlet plenum.
● Open the water wash drain valve(s) in the combustion chamber water wash drain header as
well as the water wash drain valve in the manway cover.
● Close the isolation valve in the gas vent line off of the false start drain header, if applicable.
● For gas-only machines, open the main water wash drain valves in the turbine shell and
exhaust frame drains.
● Close valve installed in the AD–2 lines (MLI 0417) supplying compressor discharge air to
the false start drain valves, if applicable, and open downstream drain.
● Switch motor controller for the turbine exhaust frame-cooling fan motors, 88TK–1 and
88TK–2 in the manual “ON” position, if provided.
● Open the exhaust plenum water wash drain valve at or near the bottom of the exhaust
This step is necessary to prevent wash water from entering the exhaust frame
cooling system during the wash cycle.

6. The atomizing air system (refer to MLI 0425), if provided, is to be isolated in the following

● Close isolation valve on the inlet side of the atomizing air system from AD–8 line.
● Open atomizing air separator drain valve, if provided.

7. The cooling and sealing air circuitry (refer to MLI 0417) is isolated in the following manner:

● Close isolation valves in AE–9 and AE–13 lines. Open all low point drains just upstream of
these isolation valves (CA52 and CA53).
● Close valves in all compressor discharge pressure transducer supply lines (AD–4), if
● Close isolation valve upstream of AD–6. Open low point drain (CA54) on inlet side of
AD–6, if provided.
● Close isolation valves to AD–1, and if provided, AD-3, AD–5, AD–7, AD–10, AD–11 lines.
● Close isolation valve on the inlet side of the gas purge system from PA3 line, if provided.
● Close valve in bearing sealing air supply line AE–5 from air extraction, if provided.

8. The inlet heating system (refer to MLI 0432), if provided, is isolated in the following manner:

● Close VM15–1 manually, or if motorized valve is provided, ensure it is closed.

● Open low point drain (CA20) in interconnecting piping.
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If any water wash valve is difficult to actuate, or personnel suspect that the valve
integrity may be compromised, then the valve should be inspected, cleaned,
maintenanced, or replaced as needed to return the valve to proper function. Failure to do
so may result in leakages which could cause damage to the turbine and/or equipment.

B. Off-Line Water Wash System Preparation

The following steps shall be performed on the water wash skid (if provided by General Electric) prior
to initiating the off-line water wash. It is required that prior to initiating the off-line water wash, the
following procedures be conducted. This procedure will help ensure that both the supply line is
flushed of possible debris and that water is present in the line upstream of VA16–1 in preparation for
the off-line water wash cycle.


If an antifreeze agent is being added, be sure that the water wash supply system is full of
antifreeze mixture prior to initiating the wash cycle. This will prevent freezing and
possible formation of foreign object damage.

1. Turn on the skid breaker panels.

2. Set the HANDS/OFF/AUTO switch in the AUTO position in order to enable starting of the skid
pump 88TW–1 via the PLC.

PLC on the skid will check skids required parameters.

3. On the Turbine Main Control Display Screen, place the Master Select Switch in the CRANK
position. Select the Water Wash Control User Defined Display on the turbine control panel CRT.

At this time, the turbine is prohibited from firing.

4. Place the 3-way customer supplied (if applicable) valve upstream of PC WW1 to the drain

5. Set the HANDS/OFF/AUTO switch in the HANDS position, which shall manually start the wash
skid motor/pump. Allow the pump to run for the appropriate time required for flushing (each site
may have a different time based on the pump flow and piping arrangement).

6. When steady water is present at the drain port of the 3-way valve per visual inspection, return the
HANDS/OFF/AUTO switch in the AUTO position.

7. Return the 3-way valve to the normal position.

C. Off-Line Washing Procedure

At this point, the system is set to commence the off-line water wash.
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From the Main Control Display, initiate a turbine START signal. This command will crank the
turbine to water wash speed via the LCI once the temperature permissives (wheelspace and inlet
temperatures) have been met.

When cranking speed and no flame detection signals are detected, the IGV’s will go to 75 degrees
open position. The IGV’s will remain at this position throughout the wash cycle. The sequencing will
now initiate the pre-wash cycle. For 7FA.05, The IGV will go to 10 degrees open position.

A pre-wash cycle will be initiated in order to flush all the loose contaminates such as dust and dirt
from the compressor prior to applying detergent during the detergent cycle. This is a water only
application, which reduces the amount of dirt particles that may become entrained in the detergent


The pulse mode sequencing shall operate solenoid valve 20TW–4 such that the air
actuated valve, VA16–1 is open during the pre-wash pulse and all other pulses that
follow. Likewise, 20TW–4 shall close VA16–1 between pulses.
At the conclusion of the pre-wash cycle, the supply piping should be pre-filled with
a water/detergent mixture in preparation for the detergent injection cycle. This
procedure ensures that both water and detergent are present in the line upstream of
VA16–1 prior to initiating this sequence of the washing cycle.

1. Place the 3-way customer supplied (if applicable) valve upstream of PC WW1 to the drain

2. On the water wash skid, place the normally closed ball valve upstream of the venture, in the
detergent supply line, to the open position.

3. Set the HANDS/OFF/AUTO switch in the HANDS position, which shall manually start the wash
skid motor/pump. Allow the pump to run for the appropriate time required for flushing (each site
may have a different time based on the pump flow and piping arrangement).

4. When a consistent water/detergent mixture is present at the drain port of the 3-way valve per
visual inspection, return the HANDS/OFF/AUTO switch in the AUTO position.

5. Return the 3-way valve to the normal position.

6. The water wash control logic will be in a hold position. After the previous step has been
completed, select CONTINUE WASH push–button (L43DET_CPB).

The detergent/water solution will be injected into the unit during the wash cycle(s) followed by the
appropriate soaking period between the wash cycle(s).

At the conclusion of the soaking period, the customer supplied piping shall be flushed with water
prior to rinsing via the following steps.


These steps are important in preventing detergent from entering the off-line
manifold during the rinse cycle(s).
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GEK 111895f F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing

7. Place the 3-way customer supplied (if applicable) valve upstream of PC WW1 to the drain

8. On the water wash skid, place the normally closed detergent ball valve upstream of the venture,
in the closed position.

9. Set the HANDS/OFF/AUTO switch in the HANDS position, which shall manually start the wash
skid motor/pump. Allow the pump to run for the appropriate time required for flushing (each site
may have a different time based on the pump flow and piping arrangement).

10. When only water without detergent is present in the off-line water wash supply line, return the
HANDS/OFF/AUTO switch in the AUTO position.

11. Return the 3-way valve to the normal position.

The previous steps ensure that only water is allowed to enter the unit during the rinse cycle. The
object of the rinse cycle(s) is to remove detergent from the surface areas of the compressor blades and
to rinse the remainder of the unit.

12. The rinse cycle(s) will begin when the operator selects the RINSE Push-Button

After completing the initial rinse cycle, the operator will have the choice to select an additional rinse
cycle via PULSE Push-Button (LOFL_XTR_CPB) or END RINSE CYCLE Push Button
(LOFL_END_CPB). If the operator elects to choose additional rinse cycles, the choice exists to add a
rinse cycle to make sure that the unit is free of detergent/contaminants. The Rinse Mode will be
terminated when the operator selects the END RINSE CYCLE Push-Button (LOFL_END_CPB).


When possible, it is suggested that a drain conductivity measurement be made at

the WW33 drain connection from the combustor. This method is an alternative to a
visual observation of the amount of foam that is present in the drain. It is expected
that the number of rinse cycles will be reduced when based on a drain conductivity
measurement as compared to a visual inspection.
For a demineralized water supply, the expected conductivity measurement is close
to 1.0 microSiemans/cm.
The recommended criteria for WW33 drain conductivity measurements are listed

a. Goal is to plot the trend of conductivity vs. number of rinse cycles and determine the point
when the curve flattens out below specified limit.

b. To declare rinse complete, the difference in conductivity between supply demineralized

water and WW33 drain shall be less than 5 microSiemans/cm for an interval of 5 rinse

13. After completing the rinse cycle(s), an operator will stop the unit by selecting the STOP
push-button off of the Turbine Control Panel interface display. This will allow the unit to coast
down to turning gear speed to drain any remaining water in the unit.

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14. The WATER WASH OFF Push Button (L43BWOFF_CPB) should be selected at this time from
the Turbine Control Panel interface display.

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GEK 111895f F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing




15. Ensure that the stop-ratio valve (SRV), auxiliary stop valve, and gas control valves (GCV’s) are
closed and that the valve controlling the venting of the P2 cavity is open. Further, maintain
site-safe work practices and ensure that all appropriate lock-out, tag-out procedures are
performed on these valves.

16. Ensure that the hazardous gas sensors and the compartment ventilation fans are operational.

17. Open the Gas Fuel manifold low point drains. Prior to initiating the Water Wash drying cycle,
ensure that all site personnel are outside of the turbine enclosure with all personnel access doors

18. Bring the unit up to cranking speed for the drying cycle. Drying cycle duration is 20 minutes.
The drying cycle is designed to remove any residual water left in the unit that has yet to drain
out. A Master Reset may be required before selecting START again.


It is preferred that the unit run at FSNL for a minimum of 10 minutes within 24
hours of conducting an off-line water wash to ensure any remaining water is
removed from within the unit. If firing the unit is not a viable option following an
off-line water wash, it is recommended that the crank speed drying cycle be
extended to 40 minutes as an alternative to ensure proper drying of the unit.


If an antifreeze agent is being used the unit shall be fired and operated at FSNL (full
speed no load) for a minimum duration of 10 minutes to dry the unit and prevent
possible formation of foreign object damage. A normal start and load cycle will satisfy
this requirement.

19. At the end of the 20-minute drying cycle, an operator will have to visually check the various
off-line water wash drain ports on the gas turbine to ensure that no water wash effluent is
flowing out of the unit. All water wash low point drains should be open at this time including all
low point drains in the gas fuel, atomizing air system, inlet bleed heat and purge systems to
ensure that no water has entered these systems. Once it has been confirmed that no water is
draining from the unit, the drying cycle can be brought to a close by initializing a turbine STOP

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In the event of an aborted water wash, the unit shall not be re–started until the full
rinse and drying cycle is completed.

20. To end the off-line water wash drying cycle, select the OFF Push-Button from the turbine control
panel interface display. This step terminates your Off-line Water Wash.

D. Restoration
Return the following items and manual valves to their previous position in the order listed.

1. Open the hand valves or remove blank-off plates on flame detectors, if applicable.

2. If applicable, set off-base atomizing air compressor motor to AUTO.

3. The flow through the false start drain valves must be diverted back from water wash effluent
tank to the sludge tank on turbines that operate on liquid fuel or have the capability to do so (not
applicable to gas-only machines).


It is important that the line that allows waste fuel to drain to the sludge tank be kept open
after water washing and during normal turbine startup and operation, so that fuel or
water, which may accumulate in the exhaust plenum, can continuously drain out of the
plenum. Accumulation of waste fuel in the exhaust plenum is potentially hazardous.

4. Close the inlet plenum water wash drain valve at or near the bottom of the inlet plenum.

5. Close the water wash drain valve(s) in the combustion chamber water wash drain header as well
as the water wash drain valve in the manway cover.

6. Open the isolation valve in the gas vent line off of the false start drain header, if applicable.

7. For gas-only machines, close the main water wash drain valves in the turbine shell and exhaust
frame drains.

8. Open valve installed in the AD–2 lines (MLI 0417) supplying compressor discharge air to the
false start drain valves, if applicable, and close downstream drain.

9. Switch the motor controller for the turbine exhaust frame cooling-fan motors, 88TK–1 and
88TK–2 in the manual “AUTO” position, if provided.

10. Close the exhaust plenum water wash drain valve at or near the bottom of the exhaust plenum.

11. The atomizing air system, if provided, is to be restored to the normal start-up and running mode
in the following manner:

● Close all low point drains in the atomizing air lines.

● Open isolation valve on the inlet side of the atomizing air system from AD–8 line.

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GEK 111895f F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing


It is critical that this valve be opened to prevent damage to the turbine.

12. Close atomizing air separator drain valve, if provided.

13. Open isolation valve on the inlet side of the gas purge system from PA3 line, if provided.


It is critical that this valve be opened to prevent damage to the turbine.

14. The cooling and sealing air circuitry is reengaged in the following manner:

● Open manual isolation valves in AE–9 and AE–13 lines.


It is critical that the 9th and 13th stage extraction valves are open prior to firing the unit in
order to prevent damage to the turbine.

● Close all low point drains just upstream of these isolation valves in lines AE–9 and AE–13
(CA52 and CA53).
● Open valves in all compressor discharge pressure transducer supply lines (AD–4), if


It is critical that these valves be completely opened to prevent damage to the turbine.

● Open isolation valve upstream of AD–6, if provided.


In configurations where AD–6 is used to supply gas purge, it is critical that this valve be
completely opened to prevent damage to the turbine.

● Close low point drain (CA54) on inlet side of AD–6, if provided.

● Open isolation valves to AD–1, 3 and if provided, AD–5, AD–7, AD–10, AD–11 lines.
● Close valve in bearing sealing air supply line AE–5 from air extraction, if provided.

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It is critical that this valve be opened to prevent damage to the turbine.

15. The inlet heating system, if provided, is restored to the normal start-up and running mode in the
following manner:

● Open VM15–1 manually, or if motorized valve is provided, ensure it is opened.

● Close low point drain (CA20) in interconnecting piping.
● Close all manifold low point drains opened during drying cycle.
● Close all low point drains in purge, atomizing air, and inlet bleed heat systems if opened
during drying cycle.


When the OFF-LINE WATER WASH OFF is selected, the permissive is in place to
allow the unit to fire and the permissive is removed to allow the VA16–1 valve to
be opened.


At the conclusion of water wash operation, all valves must be returned to their proper
position, as identified in the sections above. Failure to do so can cause damage to the
turbine and/or equipment.

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GEK 111895f F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing

Table 1. Quality Specification

OFF-LINE WASHING (for water only or detergent and water applications)

TOTAL SOLIDS (dissolved and undissolved) 100 ppm



HOT CORROSION (i.e. lead, vanadium)

pH (determined by glass electrode) 6.5 to 7.5

*See Table A1 in Appendix 1 for detergent chemical specifications.

ON–LINE WASHING (for water only applications)

TOTAL SOLIDS (dissolved and undissolved) 5 ppm



pH (determined by glass electrode) 6.5 to 7.5

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Table 2. Approximate Water Usage During Compressor Washing


Gas Turbine Total Volume Volume of Five Additional Rinse Pulses

71FA and 71FB 1600 gallons 210 gallons

91FA and 91FBA 2300 gallons 300 gallons


Gas Turbine Total Volume

71FA and 71FB 135 gallons

91FA and 91FBA 195 gallons

Total volume represents the minimum volume of water that may be used during a single complete
off-line and on-line compressor wash cycle.

For off-line water wash, the total volume will vary based on the operator’s decision to perform or
bypass additional rinse pulses following the rinse sequencing.

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GEK 111895f F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing


1. This specification is for cleaning compounds for use in compressor washing. It is required that these
compounds will not cause harm to gas turbine components. Thus, their purity and composition must
be such that they do not cause aqueous corrosion or stress corrosion of compressor materials. Also, it
is required that they do not cause hot corrosion in the turbine. Furthermore, they must not lead to
compressor fouling. With regard to the cleaning agents themselves, they must be chemically stable
in themselves and in their mixtures with water. Also, they must not form combustible mixtures and
they should satisfy all local codes relative to health and safety requirements. Compliance with this
specification does not imply a cleaning compound improves the cleaning of a compressor over and
above what can be obtained from water alone.

1. The cleaning compound when mixed with water in the manufacturer’s prescribed concentration shall
satisfy the water washing specifications for off-line water quality given in Table 1. In the pure state
it shall satisfy the specification given in Table A1.
2. The residue or ash content of the cleaning compound shall not exceed 0.01%. See test IV A.
3. The storage stability of the cleaning compound shall show no marked color change, shall not
separate and shall not corrode or stain the steel specimen when tested as specified in test 4.5.16 of
MIL–C–85704A. This test is given in IV B.
4. The cleaner and its mixtures with water shall not form gums under compressor conditions.
5. The Pensky-Martens flash point of the cleaning compound shall be above 140°F (60°C)
(ASTM D93).


1. Use of the cleaning compound shall not have adverse effects on engine system materials such as
compressor or turbine materials.

A. Ash content: preparation of test samples
Approximately 10 g of cleaning compound shall be weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg in a tarred
porcelain crucible. The crucible shall be heated at 221° ± 2°F (105° ± 1°C) for 24 hours, then heated
at 464° ± 4°F (240° ± 2°C) for the next 24 hours. Following this, the crucible and its contents shall be
carefully ignited over a Bunsen-type gas burner. The crucible shall then be placed in a muffle furnace
at 1,900°F (1,040°C) for 2 hours. The crucible shall be transferred to a desiccator, cooled and
weighed until constant weight. The ash content shall be calculated as the percentage of the initial
weight of cleaning compound.

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B. Accelerated storage stability (from MIL–C–85704A)

1. Preparation of test sample

A 150-ml portion of a well-shaken cleaning compound shall be poured into each of two
chemically clean 250-ml pressure-resistant clear glass bottles which shall be approximately 9.5
inches (24.1 cm) in height and 2.5 inches (6.4 cm) in outside diameter. One bottle shall be
capped and stored in the dark for at least six days at room temperature. A strip of steel 6 by 0.5
by 0.02 inches (15.2 x 1.3 x 0.05 cm) conforming to MIL–S–7952 shall be polished to remove
surface contamination and then cleaned by boiling for one minute in chemically pure isopropyl
alcohol and one minute in mineral spirits. The steel strip shall be placed in the other test bottle
and the bottle shall be capped. The capped bottle containing the steel strip shall be thoroughly
shaken for one minute.

C. Procedure
The capped bottle containing the steel strip shall be placed in a water bath and heated at a uniform
rate to a temperature of 140° ± 4°F (60° ± 2°C) over a period of five hours. It shall be held at this
temperature for three hours. No heat shall be applied to the bath overnight. The above heating
procedure shall be repeated each day for five days. (This test need not necessarily be attended if an
interval time is used to regulate the temperature automatically. The test may be started on a
Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and still have the pressure bottle removed on a normal workday.) On
the morning of the sixth day, the bottle shall be removed from the bath, uncapped, examined for
separation and the steel strip carefully withdrawn from the cleaning compound. Separation into layers
shall be cause for rejection. The portion of the steel strip, which had been immersed in the compound,
shall be examined for evidence of pitting, corrosion and uneven darkening. The open bottle shall be
capped and the two bottles shall be thoroughly shaken for one minute, then allowed to remain
undisturbed for one hour at room temperature and then examined. Any marked change in the color
and uniformity of the aged sample shall be considered as showing unsatisfactory stability properties.

Table A1. Chemical Content of Washing Detergent

Total alkali metals 25 ppm max

Magnesium + calcium 5 ppm max

Vanadium 0.1 ppm max

Lead 0.1 ppm max

Tin + copper 10 ppm max

Sulfur 50 ppm max

Chlorine 40 ppm max

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If a customer or AE provides the water wash skid, then the party providing the skid shall be responsible
for the proper function and operability of the water wash skid. The operation of the on-line and off-line
wash will be controlled from the plant Distributed Control System or Mark* VI Controller. The DCS or
Mark* VI Controller will provide a switching circuit only to start the pump (signal name L4WWX) and to
operate the off-line rinse recirculation valve solenoid (signal name L20WDET-1).

The primary GE requirements to be met by the customer include the following:

1. Provide the instrumentation, control wiring and interface with the GE turbine control panel.
2. The water wash solution must meet the Quality Specification of Table 1 and the detergent
concentrate must meet the requirements of Appendix 1.
3. Interface points from customer supplied water wash skid to GE purchaser connections shall meet the
flow, pressure, and temperature requirements defined in the Piping Schematic Diagram (MLI 0442).
4. The interface points from the customer supplied water wash skid to the GE Turbine Control Panel
shall be checked. It is the customer scope and responsibility to ensure the contact outputs from the
turbine control panel to the customer supplied water wash skid function.
5. During off-line water washing, the cycling of valve VA16–1, via solenoid driver 20TW–4, located
on the Piping Schematic Diagram (MLI 0442), shall be taken into account during the design of the
customer supplied water wash skid. The valve will open and close during the off-line water wash
and rinse cycles.
6. The customer is responsible for meeting other design requirements that include but are not limited to
the following list:
a. Weather and freeze protection
b. Seismic and structural loads
c. Lifting lugs
d. Foundation
e. Acoustic limits
f. Tank size
g. Tank heater
h. Tank vent, overflow line and connection to plant drain system
i. Power supply to pump motor
j. Internal temperature control for skid with enclosure
k. Skid instrumentation
l. Control and skid fault detection system
m. Junction box
n. Lighting and receptacles

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