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Faculty of Applied Sciences

AS120 Diploma in Science

BIO 320
Laboratory Report


NAME & 1.___________________________________



Title: Write the title of experiment here. Ex: Seedless Non-Vascular Plant:
Bryophytes (The Liverworts and Mosses) and Seedless Vascular Plants:
Fern Allies and Ferns (Bold the whole title, Font Times New Roman, Font size 14)

Introduction (Font Times New Roman, Font size 14)

Explain in 2-3 paragraph on the overview, background of the experimental subject. Include
the citations where necessary and definition of every biological terms involve in the
explanation. (Font Times New Roman, Font size 12)

Objectives of the experiment: (Font Times New Roman, Font size 14)
List all the objectives. If there are many sections of experiment, combine everything in this
single section. Do not make separated sections.

Procedure (Font Times New Roman, Font size 14)

Write all the procedure using the passive form and past tense or past perfect tense. Follow the
sequence of procedure accordingly. Remember, if you have many experiments, procedure can
be written according to separated sub sections. Example:

Experiment 1: Title?
Sample of the leave has been mounted on the slide surface and covered with a thin cover slip.
The preparation was left for 1 hour to dry before further examination under the compound

Experiment 2: Title ?
Sample of the leaves were grounded into a fine powder. The leave powder was soaked with
ethyl alcohol overnight to allow for complete chlorophyll extraction. In the next day the
extraction was filtered using the vacuum pump pressure and the 50 mL of the filtrate was
aliquoted in a clean beaker.

(Font Times New Roman, Font size 12)

Results (Font Times New Roman, Font size 14)

Please take note that most of the results are presented in the form of biological drawings.
Drawing works must use a pencil or a mechanical pencil. Draw a sharp line to sketch the
shape or structure of the specimen. Do not make any shadow or shaded marks in the drawing.
If necessary, blackened the area to increase the contrast effect between the different
Every drawing must be accompanied with title and complete labelling. If the structure is
viewed under a microscope, do not draw the field view! The total magnification of the
specimen must be provided. Detail taxonomic description is required if you aim for a total
Result must be organized according to the sequence of the experiment titles.
(Font Times New Roman, Font size 12 for labelling and descriptions)

• Clear strong lines • Unclear labelling lines

• Label lines are straight • Label lines are not straight
• Label clearly written • Label unclearly written and
• Lines touch the label structure not consistent
• No unnecessary shading or • Shading or coloring
coloring • Scientific name is written
• Scientific name is written incorrectly
• Include taxonomic description

Taxonomic description:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Decapoda
Family: Portunidae
Genus: Portunus
Species: Portunus pelagicus

Flower crab
Discussion (Font Times New Roman, Font size 14)
Discussion is the elaboration of the results. You should explain the characteristic (unique or
general) of specimen given during the experiment. Read the objectives and provide the
explanation how the objectives of the experiment have been achieved successfully. You may
also include the limitation of the study and precaution taken during obtaining the result.
Remember, biodiversity is all about studying the characteristics of the specimen! Explain the
relationship and why the specimen is grouped in the similar taxon or separated at different
taxon. Characteristics, characteristics……and characteristics. Compare, relate, and
You can make your discussion in separate section according to the sequence of the
Provide citations where necessary to increase your total score.
(Font Times New Roman, Font size 12)

Conclusion (Font Times New Roman, Font size 14)

Write in a short paragraph to conclude the objectives of the experiment. Restate the purpose
of the experiment and highlight the major findings. You may include the significance of the
study and future recommendation. No citation is required in this section.
(Font Times New Roman, Font size 12)

Reference (Font Times New Roman, Font size 14)

Provide more than 3 references if you aim for total score. Remember, website reference from
Wikipedia, .com or .blogspot are not allowed. Find a website with contain .org or .edu in web
Follow the APA style of referencing.
(Font Times New Roman, Font size 12)

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