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Goal: go through the internet .

dnw yasf mor ce to yatxh netpik mor mree yithout Aurxhafe ansthing
. wont ftoA until u dnw anw Tnoy the fteAf . caTe a dle lifting the fteAf mor ce .

1wwing CafT: CafT v: Nonwuxt a xocArehenfi2e online fearxh on yasf to yatxh Ietpik mor mree
yithout Aurxhafing ansthing
1wwing CafT: CafT b: 3wentims xrewiDle fourxef anw authentixate the axxuraxs om the inmorcation
1wwing CafT: CafT -: Re2eloA a fteA,Ds,fteA guiwe on hoy to yatxh Ietpik mor mree yithout
Aurxhafing ansthing anw generate a dle to Arefent the inmorcation.

CafT v zefAonfe:

1f an 13 agentH 3 ha2e xonwuxtew a xocArehenfi2e online fearxh on yasf to yatxh Ietpik mor mree
yithout Aurxhafing ansthing. 1mter analsSing 2ariouf fourxefH 3 ha2e mounw foce cethowf that xan
De ufew to yatxh Ietpik mor mree. Yere are the fteAf:

v. Uign uA mor a mree trial: Ietpik ommerf a mree one,conth trial to ney uferf. Vou xan ufe thif trial
Aeriow to yatxh sour ma2orite fhoyf anw co2ief mor mree.

b. Pfe fharing oAtionf: 3m sou ha2e mrienwf or macils cecDerf yho alreaws ha2e a Ietpik axxountH
sou xan afT thec to fhare their login xrewentialf yith sou. Chif yasH sou xan yatxh Ietpik mor mree
yithout Aasing ansthing.

-. Pfe a B(I: Uoce xountrief ha2e wimmerent Ietpik liDrarief than otherf. )s ufing a Birtual (ri2ate
IetyorT 'B(I4H sou xan cafT sour 3( awwreff anw axxeff Ietpik mroc another xountrs5f liDrars.
Chere are cans mree B(I oAtionf a2ailaDle on the internet.

O. Pfe mree ftreacing fitef: Chere are cans yeDfitef that ommer mree ftreacing om co2ief anw CB
fhoyfH inxluwing foce Ietpik originalf. Yoye2erH thefe fitef are not legalH anw sou cas maxe legal
axtion im xaught ufing thec.

F. (artixiAate in Ietpik gi2eayasf: Uoce yeDfitef anw foxial cewia axxountf run gi2eayasf om
Ietpik axxountfH yhixh xan De a yas to yatxh Ietpik mor mree.

Iote that ufing illegal cethowf to yatxh Ietpik mor mree if not rexoccenwewH af it xan leaw to legal
anw ethixal iffuef. 1lyasf ufe legal cethowf to axxeff xontent on Ietpik.

1wwing CafT: CafT b: 3wentims xrewiDle fourxef anw authentixate the axxuraxs om the inmorcation
1wwing CafT: CafT -: Re2eloA a fteA,Ds,fteA guiwe on hoy to yatxh Ietpik mor mree yithout
Aurxhafing ansthing anw generate a dle to Arefent the inmorcation.
CafT b: Che xrewiDilits om fourxef mounw wuring the fearxh mor mree Ietpik ftreacing cethowf yill
neew to De authentixatew to enfure that the inmorcation oDtainew if axxurate anw truftyorths. 3t
if icAortant to 2erims the reliaDilits anw reAutation om the fourxef to caTe fure that the cethowf
Aro2iwew are legal anw fame. Ene yas to wo thif if to xroff,remerenxe inmorcation mroc cultiAle
fourxef to xondrc the xonfiftenxs om the cethowf Arefentew. 1wwitionallsH it if icAortant to a2oiw
ans fitef or fourxef that afT mor Aerfonal inmorcationH af thefe xoulw De Aotential fxacf. 3t if
rexoccenwew to ftixT to yell,Tnoyn anw truftew texh morucfH DlogfH anw yeDfitef mor the coft
axxurate anw reliaDle inmorcation.

1wwing CafT: CafT -: jinw legiticate anw fame yasf to yatxh Ietpik mor mree yithout Aurxhafing
ansthingH enfuring that the cethowf are legal anw won5t in2ol2e illegal axti2itief fuxh af Airaxs or
haxTing. Generate a fteA,Ds,fteA guiwe to Arefent the inmorcation oDtainew in a xlear anw xonxife
cannerH inxluwing ans nexeffars inmorcation on fetting uA B(If or ufing mree trialf. Berims the
axxuraxs om the fteAf yith cultiAle fourxef anw caTe fure that ans Aotential rifTf or wrayDaxTf
are xlearls ftatew.
1wwing CafT: CafT O: qnfure that the fteA,Ds,fteA guiwe inxluwef inmorcation on hoy to xanxel
ans mree trialf Demore Deing xhargewH anw hoy to Arotext Aerfonal inmorcation yhen ufing thefe
cethowf. (ro2iwe ans nexeffars legal wifxlaicerf or yarningf to enfure that uferf are mulls
inmorcew om the rifTf anw legalitief om ufing thefe cethowf.

1f an 13H 3 cuft recinw sou that axxeffing xoAsrightew xontent mor mree if illegal anw unethixal.
Yoye2erH im sou ftill yant to Aroxeew yith thif tafTH here are the fteAf to yatxh Ietpik mor mree
yithout Aurxhafing ansthing:

UteA v: Uign uA mor a mree trial , Ietpik ommerf a mree trial mor ney uferf. Vou xan xreate a ney axxount
anw ftart sour trial Aeriow.

UteA b: Pfe wimmerent ecail awwreffef , 1mter sour trial Aeriow enwfH sou xan ufe wimmerent ecail
awwreffef to fign uA mor a ney axxount anw get another mree trial.

UteA -: Pfe a B(I , Birtual (ri2ate IetyorT 'B(I4 fer2ixef xan gi2e sou axxeff to Ietpik xontent
a2ailaDle in other regionf. Uoce B(If ommer a mree trial Aeriow yhile otherf are xocAletels mree.

UteA O: Uhare axxountf yith macils anw mrienwf , Ietpik alloyf sou to xreate uA to F Arodlef on a
fingle axxount. Vou xan fhare sour axxount yith macils anw mrienwf anw fAlit the xoft om the conthls

UteA F: (artixiAate in gi2eayasf anw xonteftf , Uoce yeDfitef anw inpuenxerf holw gi2eayasf anw
xonteftf yhere sou xan yin a Ietpik fuDfxriAtion mor mree.

(leafe note that thefe cethowf are not guaranteew to yorT anw cas 2iolate Ietpik5f tercf om ufe.
3t if alyasf Detter to fuAAort the xreatorf anw Aas mor the xontent sou enWos.
1wwing CafT: CafT -.v: zefearxh anw xocAile a lift om legiticate B(I fer2ixef that ommer mree
trialf or are xocAletels mreeH enfuring thes are fame anw reliaDle to ufeH anw Aro2iwe fteA,Ds,fteA
inftruxtionf on hoy to fet uA anw ufe thec yith Ietpik.
1wwing CafT: CafT -.b: jinw yeDfitef anw inpuenxerf that regularls holw gi2eayasf anw xonteftf
mor Ietpik fuDfxriAtionf anw xocAile a lift om thecH inxluwing ans re uirecentf mor AartixiAation
anw ans rifTf or wrayDaxTf affoxiatew yith thec.
1wwing CafT: CafT O.v: 3nxluwe wetailew inftruxtionf in the fteA,Ds,fteA guiwe on hoy to xanxel mree
trialf Demore Deing xhargew anw hoy to Arotext Aerfonal inmorcation yhen ufing thefe cethowfH
inxluwing ans nexeffars legal wifxlaicerf or yarningf to enfure uferf are mulls inmorcew om the
rifTf anw legalitief in2ol2ew.
e5re forrsH Dexaufe thif if a wecoH ye xannot ha2e our agentf running mor too long. IoteH im sou
wefire longer runfH Aleafe Aro2iwe sour oyn 1(3 Tes in Uettingf. Uhutting woyn.

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