ME 301-Camera Setup For Teams-2022-2

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You will need this set-up for all of the online exams.
Your camera positioning should be such that we can see
1) your face and both your hands,
2) your desk and entire work area,
3) your computer screen (where the questions will be shared with you), and
4) where you are looking at,
at all times during the assessments.
If these conditions are not met, you will not be able to take any of the written assessments.
 You will have your assessments in a virtual classroom in Zoom and you will be proctored
by your instructor and teaching assistant. Your camera and microphone will be on during
the entire assessment.
 You cannot physically be in the same room with another student during the assessments.
 On your desk (work area), you will only have empty sheets of A4 paper (on which you will
perform your problem solutions), pencil, eraser (and sharpener), your calculator, and your
phone (you may not use your mobile phone as a calculator). Your phone will be muted or
turned off, and will be face down. All these items will be visible to your camera view.

About your mic,

 Since everyone's microphone will be on during the assessments, you may hear noise. You
are allowed to turn down your speakers (but not your mic) to a low level so that you will
not be distracted from noise coming others’ mic’s. However, we still need to be able to
communicate with you (when you cannot hear a verbal address from your speakers) during
the assessment.
 For communication purposes, you will keep your Teams Chat window on your screen at
all times. You will need to peek at the Teams Chat window frequently to see if there are
any messages to you from your proctor. It is your responsibility to be aware of any
instructions/questions sent to you in this manner. If you fail to respond in a timely
manner, you may be dropped off Teams and your exam/quiz will be void.
 Figure 1 presents a screenshot of what you should have on your computer screen
should look like. You will have the single-page question sheet, the Teams window and the
Teams chat window, and nothing else on your screen.

Use of your computer during the assessment,

 At the beginning of the assessment, you will project the provided assessment questions on
computer screen as shown below before you begin writing down any solutions. Once
everything is set up on your screen, you will no longer scroll down/up, touch your mouse
or keyboard. In short, you will not touch your computer any more until the exam is over
and until you are asked to upload your solutions to Teams.

Teams window)

Figure 1. Example of what your computer screen should look like during assessments

About Your Camera Set-Up,

Based on our experiences from previous semesters, there are various camera configurations to
achieve the desired set-up:

1) You can use an external webcam (separate from the computer you are using to connect to
Teams) to acquire the desired camera angle and set-up.
2) If you only have your laptop camera for assessments, you will need to use a mirror large
enough so that your whole set-up and your computer screen are clearly visible from the
mirror projection.
3) You can define a cellphone, tablet computer, etc. camera as an external webcam to your
computer (the computer from which you connect to Teams) by using a suitable free
software (like "Iriun Webcam" or similar). However, you must ensure that the camera angle
will include all requested views and things will not seem “too far” (e.g. with cell phone
cameras, the camera views can sometimes be too narrow and too “far away”, and may not
be acceptable for assessments).
If you are using the camera on a device (other than your computer) that has a screen,
you will NOT look at that camera/screen at any time once the assessment begins.
Remember, we will communicate only through your computer screen as outlined in Figure
1, and that is the only screen you are allowed to look at, during assessments.
4) Other alternatives (such using a second laptop camera as the external webcam, or having
one laptop (with camera) and an external monitor and keyboard/mouse connected to that
laptop) can also be arranged into a suitable configuration upon conferral with the staff.

Examples of various camera configurations are presented in Figure 2.

His left hand must 
be visible, too !!

Figure 2. Examples of various acceptable camera configurations (the computer screens of the
students and the items on their work areas do not reflect what is requested in this document)

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