Information Age - Group 5 Activity PDF

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Group 5:

Sanchez, Antipuesto, Malinao, De San Miguel, Montejo,

Aranguiz, Arienza, Gontiñas, Rondero, Montejo

As time goes on, technology has greatly advanced improving our lifestyle and
introducing various ways to make daily living easier. It is almost impossible to imagine life
without technology, especially without the use of the internet. Almost every single person uses
the internet to get through their daily lives and to complete their tasks. With a single tap or click,
people can do various things all at once further showcasing the wonders of the technology.

There are numerous advantages brought by the internet especially in the generation today
which made it a common household name. The internet has an unlimited supply of information
that can be easily accessed which allows people to easily research once needed. Since people can
simply access the internet with just a single tap on their phones or gadgets, they would often use
it all the time, may it be due to emergencies where they would search for information on how to
solve their problems or even just in times where they would want to simply feed their curiosity
about random issues. The information found on the internet also plays a role in improving the
quality of life of people since it can also contain necessary information regarding health which
could be of great assistance to those suffering from diseases or common sickness.

Furthermore, the internet also provides an avenue that allows businesses to easily operate
which helps widen the economy. Companies may use the internet to make their operations run
smoothly and allow their staff and people to easily communicate with one another which helps
boost their productivity. Some businesses also make use of the internet for exposure where they
would share advertisements about their products and services to gain more customers.
Additionally, transactions are now faster and more efficient with the use of technology since now
people can sell, bank, shop, and transact with one another through the social networking sites,
online banks, social media platforms, and many more.

Aside from the aforementioned advantages, one of the most important uses of the internet
would be connectivity. Through the use of social media applications or social networking sites,
people can easily connect with one another despite distance barriers. One person can easily
converse with another person from the other side of the world in just a matter of seconds with the
help of the internet. The diverse pool of internet users would use social media applications to
communicate necessary information such as news to keep everyone updated with the latest
trends and social issues surrounding the world. Furthermore, this easy communication feature
has also been a huge advantage to the education sector since it allows easy communication
between instructors and students. Some educational institutions make use of the internet and
social media applications to easily distribute learning materials or even hold classes online for
the comfort of the students and instructors which further improves the education they receive.
Similarly, hospitals and healthcare systems also make use of the internet to allow for better
communication between physicians and patients wherein they have the option to receive online
check ups or follow ups. This eventually lessens the risk of having people go to the hospitals in
times of emergencies or unforeseen events such as the COVID 19 pandemic.

As students, the internet also became a huge advantage not only to our personal life but to
our studies as well. The wide variety of education content online has made studying easier and
more efficient. If one student simply does not understand the material given by their professor,
they can simply make use of the different applications found on the internet to search for
additional materials that can help them understand the topics easier. The internet also provides
access to different research papers and studies that serves as a huge help while doing projects. It
also makes collaboration easier which opens more doors for educational opportunities.

Additionally, the internet has also been a huge asset to the mental health of the population
especially the youth. Through the use of social networking sites, people can easily communicate
with their peers which helps lessen the sense of loneliness and isolation which was highly
evident during the pandemic when everyone was under lockdown. People would make use of
entertainment content online and social networking apps (e.g. gaming and social media) to keep
themselves entertained and to escape reality, to be a part of a community, and to have an outlet
for self expression.
Online communities, communication with others, and creation of and sharing of material
are all made possible through social networking sites. While there is no doubt that social
networking sites have improved communication and brought people together, there are some
issues with their use as well. One of the primary issues is the possibility for addiction with social
networking sites, which could lead to overuse and potentially negative consequences on mental
health. Social networking websites have also come under fire for aiding the dissemination of
false information and fake news, as well as for being used for cyberbullying and harassment.
Scams and violations to human rights were also hastened by social media. Nonetheless, there are
also several advantages posed by social media, such as enabling people to connect with friends
and family members who live far away, enabling the exchange of knowledge and resources, and
supporting online activism and social change.

Social networking services, like any other technologies, have advantages and
disadvantages.How they are used and applied determines how they affect society. People should
use social networking sites carefully and be aware of any potential threats that may be there.
Merits of Internet:
- It contains unlimited supply and easy access to a wide array of information.
- Its connectivity features allows for easier communication among a diverse pool of users
which then strengthens relationships and ties among people.
- It makes daily transactions (selling, banking, bills, and shopping) easier and more
- Improves quality of life by providing better access to important health information and
also social services.
- It improves education and learning opportunities with the help of educational content and
- It can help in the medical field by offering quick access to information that can improve
the services provided by our healthcare facilities.
- Technologies have made it easier for businesses to operate and for economies to expand.

Personal Effect of technological advancements:

- It made daily tasks more simple and easy as the internet can be accessed through just a
tap or a click on a gadget.
- It aids in providing essential information and useful tools that make studying easier and
more efficient.
- It made communication a lot easier for anyone around the world who has access to it.
- This made information dissemination faster. However, this causes new issues as
unreliable sources can now easily spread fake news, especially as only a few of those that
receive the information try to verify it.
- Technology can offer a lot of benefits, but our society cannot ignore the negative
consequences. Immoderate use of technology can affect our physical and mental health.
- It helps decrease the sense of isolation and loneliness among people.

Lane, A. B. (2022). 14 Ways the Internet Improves Our Lives. Community Tech Network.
What are the advantages of the Internet? (2022, November 18).
Prasanna. (2023). Advantages And Disadvantages Of Social Networking | What is Social
Networking? Pros and Cons of Social Networking. A Plus Topper.

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