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Assessment of Tourism Potential, Significance and Challenges:

the Case of Lake Langano


Senior Essay Submitted to Department Of Tourism and Hotel Management in

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Bachelor of Arts Degree in Tourism



JUNE, 2015

Senior Essay Submitted to Department Of Tourism and Hotel Management in

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Bachelor of Arts Degree in Tourism



JUNE, 2015


I would like to declare that the senior essay entitled “AN ASSESSMENT OF TOURISM


LANGANO” submitted to department of Tourism and hotel Management, College of
Business and Economics, Arba Minch University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
degree of Bachelor of arts in Tourism Management is a record of the original report word done
by me and it has not formed before, the basis for the award of any degree/diploma, or any similar

ADVISOR: DAGNACHEW LETA (MA) ___________ __________

(Signature) Date

This senior essay has been submitted for the partial Fulfillment of Bachelor of arts Degree in
Tourism management with my approval as a university main advisor.

_______________________ ________________ _________________

_______________________ ______________ __________________

Examiners Signature Date

First I would like to thank Almighty Allah and then I am thank full to my Advisor Mr.
Dagnachew Leta (MA) for his going through each and every point thoroughly devoting his
precious time in reading this paper and as well as constructive comment. Next I would like to
thanks my family and my best friends for their support in giving Advice and financial support to
perform the study. As it is not possible to mention all those who helped me in writing this paper,
last but not least, I would like to extends my thanks to Arsi Negelle culture and tourism office
Manager, Lodge’s manager and local community who are works in souvenir shops.

Tourism potentials, significance and challenge
Tourism is the fastest growing industry in the world. Tourism development is highly in touch with
natural and cultural resources. Due to this, our country has an immense potential of natural and
cultural resources. Likewise, Langano Lake is among those natural attractions which have
tourism development significance. While due high number of visitor and thereby the fragility of
the environment. The lake and its surrounding attraction become faces problem. Therefore, the
major purpose of the study was assessing tourism potential, significance and challenges the case
Lake Langano. This can help to know the tourism potential, significance and challenges of the
lake. This study was used purposive sampling method and both primary and secondary sources
were used. The primary data was collected by using Questioner and secondary data was
collected from books, internet and documents reviews. The main tourism potentials in and
around the Lake Langano include diverse species of birds, scenic landscape, ostrich farm and
some mammals, cultural and historical attractions, lakes, beaches, and some hotels or lodges
and their recreational activities such as swimming, boating, horse riding etc. The local
communities are participating as tour guide and they are also providing local handicraft and
local food and beverage to the client. Hotels/lodge available around the study area also created
job opportunities for the local communities.

Key terms: - potential. Significance and challenge

Contents Page



Table of Content………………………………………………………………………………………....III

List of Table.............................................................................................................................................VII

List of Figures.........................................................................................................................................VIII



1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of the Study......................................................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of the Problem......................................................................................................................2

1.3 Research Question................................................................................................................................2

1.4 Research Objectives..............................................................................................................................2

1.4.1 General Objectives of the Study……………………………….…………...…….................2

1.4.2 Specific Objectives of the Study……………………………………..…….…..……………2

1.5 Significance of the Study......................................................................................................................3

1.6 Scope of the Study................................................................................................................................3

1.7 Limitation of the Study..........................................................................................................................3

1.8 Organization of the Study.....................................................................................................................3


2. LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................................................................4

2.1 Concept of Tourism..............................................................................................................................4

2.2 World Tourism Development................................................................................................................4

2.3 Tourism in Africa.................................................................................................................................4

2.4 Tourism Development of Ethiopia.......................................................................................................5

2.5 Tourism Development of Lake..............................................................................................................6

2.6 Importance of Tourism Development in Lake....................................................................................7

2.7 Challenges of Lake Tourism.................................................................................................................7

2.8 Challenges for the Development of Lake Tourism...............................................................................8

2.9 Environmental Impacts of Lake Tourism.............................................................................................8

2.10 The Significance of Lake Tourism.....................................................................................................9

2.11 Potential Tourism Resources of Ethiopia.........................................................................................10

2.12 Lakes as a Resource for Tourism......................................................................................................10

2.13 Conceptual Frame Work of the Study..............................................................................................12


3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.........................................................................................................13

3.1 Description of the Study Area............................................................................................................13

3.1.1 Location……………………………..……….…………………………………………………….13

3.1.2 Demographic…………………………..…………………………………………………………..14
3.2 Research Design and Approach..........................................................................................................14

3.3 Sample Size........................................................................................................................................14

3.4 Sampling Technique...........................................................................................................................15

3.5 Source of Data....................................................................................................................................15

3.6 Data Collection Methods and Procedure............................................................................................15

3.7 Methods of Data Analysis..................................................................................................................16


4. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION...................................................................................17

4.1. Background of the respondents..........................................................................................................18

4.2. Tourism potential of Lake Langano for local community.................................................................21

4.3. Tourism Significance of Lake Langano for local community...........................................................22

4.4. Tourism Challenges of Lake Langano for tourism development for local community....................24

4.5. Assessment of Tourism Potential of Lake Langano for souvenir shop.............................................26

4.6. Assessment of tourism significance of Lake Langano for souvenir shop.........................................30

4.7. Tourism Challenge for Lake Langano for souvenir shop..................................................................32

4.8. Tourism Potential of Lake Langano tourism development for employees.......................................33

4.9. Tourism Significance of Lake Langano tourism development for employees.................................35

4.10. Tourism challenge for Lake Langano tourism development for employees....................................36


5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.............................................................38

5.1. Summary............................................................................................................................................38

5.2. Conclusion.........................................................................................................................................38

5.3 Recommendation...............................................................................................................................39



List of Tables
Table 4.1 Response rate of the study…………………………………………………………… 17

Table 4.2 Personal information of respondents………………………………………………… 18

Table 4.3 tourism potential of Lake Langano for local community…………….……………… 21

Table 4.4 the benefits of Lake Langano for local community………..…….….……………….. 22

Table 4.5 the challenges of Lake Langano for tourism development………………….…..…… 24

Table 4.6 Tourism resource Lake Langano………………………………………………….…. 26

Table 4.7 Natural tourism resource is more available at Lake Langano………………………...27

Table 4.8 Tourism resources which is highly available in Lake Langano……………………… 28

Table 4.9 Special features of this tourist site Lake Langano...…………………………………. 29

Table 4.10 Advantages of these resources of the Lake for local community...……….………... 30

Table 4.11 Kind of tourist services /facilities members of souvenir shop will offer in this spot...31

Table 4.12 Assessment of tourism challenge Lake Langano for tourism development souvenir
shop ……………..………………………………………………………….……………………32

Table 4.13 Assessment of tourism potential of Lake Langano for lodge and cultural tourism
office employee ……………………………………………………………………………..….. 33

Table 4.14 Expected service …………………………………………………………………….35

Table 4.15 How to solve the problem of Lake Langano……………………….………………..36

List of Figures
Fig 2.13 conceptual frame work……………………………………………………….….…....12

Figure 3.1 map of Arsi Negele ……………………………………………….…….….…….…13

Figure 4.1 Significance level of Lake Langano for tourism development ……….…….….…...25

Figure 4.2 Tourism resources in the surrounding rather than the lake………………………..27

Figure 4.3 Natural tourism resource is more available Lake Langano…...................................28

Figure 4.4 Tourism resources which is highly available in Lake Langano………….…….…..29

Figure 4.5 Special features of this tourist site Lake Langano...………………….……………30

Figure 4.6 Advantages of Lake Langano for local community…………………………….….31

Figure 4.7 Tourist services /facilities members of local communities offer in this spot……...32

Figure 4.8 Potential of the Lake toward the tourists…………………………...……………..34


CSA- Central Statistical Agency

MOCT- Ministry of Cultural and Tourism

MOEF- Ministry of Environment and Factor

UNESCO- United Nation Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

WTO- World Tourism Organization

WMO- World Meteorological Organization

Chapter One

1.1 Background of the Study
Tourism Potential of Lake Langano most of the lakes are suitable and safe for swimming and
other water sports. One of this Lake is Lake Langano ideal places for bird watchers. Most of the
Rift Valley lakes are not fully exploited for tourists except Lake Langano where tourist class
hotels are built (MOCT, 2006).
Challenges of lake tourism Rapid developing travel and tourism pattern of the modern period led
to the large scale exploitation of national resources and environment. It has caused considerable
stress on environment tourism has caused negative impacts on lakes (Prabha et al, 2008).
Tourism is the largest and fastest growing industry, which has the best possibility for generating
many new jobs worldwide. In developing countries tourism or ecotourism has become one of the
economic sectors that generates substantial income and maintains conservations of protected
areas (Rannersmann, 2003). Ethiopia has rich tourism assets. With its diverse tourist attractions,
which include cultural, historical and archaeological attractions, as well as a great variety of flora
and fauna, mountain’s, Lake’s etc.
Through these activities, Ethiopia has seen an increase in the number of tourists visiting its many
attractions. Ethiopia is home to more than 20 lakes. There are some most frequently visited by
tourists and the local population due to several factors. From those lakes one of the well-known
lakes is Lake Langano. Lake Langano found 200kilometers south of the capital Addis Ababa on
the border between the East shewa and Arsi and it is 18 kilometers long and 16 km wide, with a
surface area of 230 square kilometers and a maximum depth of 46 meters.
The lake has a catchment 1600 square kilometers in size, and is drained by the HoraKallo River
which empties into the adjacent Lake Abijata. Lake Langano is free of Bilharzia
(schistosomiasis), unlike all other freshwater lakes in Ethiopia; Lake Langano is popular with
tourists and city-dwellers. The lake is brown in color. There are a number of resorts around the
lake and water sports are popular. There is a variety of wildlife around the lake, which includes
hippo (rare), monkeys, baboon warthogs (Jacobus, 2012).

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Tourism can significantly contribute to sustainable use of natural resource in environment where
other form of natural resource management might be limited because of poor soil or harsh
climate condition. Many lakes world over have been destroyed or decayed. Several lakes within
or at the periphery of urban areas are either destroyed or slowly dying or drained and converted
to other uses. Common problem in case of urban lakes is encroachment on the lake fringe area
which gets exposed when level falls after rains; water level of the lakes is reducing due to loss of
catchment (Gupta et al 2007). The lowland areas of central rift valley of Ethiopia like Lake
Langano are suffered from food insecurity and other related social problems it evident that the
local people in these areas are depending on natural resource for their subsistence economies that
in turn led to sever degradations of natural resources. As far as analysis of different literatures
indicated most of the studies have not been focused on natural resource relating to tourism.

The study was focused on assessment of tourism potential, significance and challenges of
tourism development of Lake Langano.

1.3 Research Question

This study is going to respond the following basic question

1) What are the potential of Lake Langano for tourism development?

2) What is the challenge of Lake Langano tourism development?
3) What is the significance of Lake Langano tourism development?

1.4 Research Objectives

1.4.1 General Objectives of the Study

The General objective of the study is to assess the potential, significance and challenges the case
of Lake Langano.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives of the Study

1) To identify the potential of lake Langano for tourism development
2) To assess the challenges of lake Langano for tourism development
3) To identify the significance of lake Langano for tourism development

1.5 Significance of the Study

After conducting this research the study will different significances such as: for Government it
helps to identify existing problems which obstacle for tourism development; for stakeholder also
it show the possible way to exploit and properly use of natural resource of the lake and it helps
towards sustainability; and for local community it helps to show the way to generate income
from the lake where as for researchers it helps to improve and develop problem solving skill; and
for other researcher as a reference.

1.6 Scope of the Study

In Ethiopia, there are many lakes but this study was basically focused on Lake Langano and its
environment. The study assesses the tourism potential, significance and challenges with special
focus on Lake Langano. The researcher restricted or concerned to assess the potential,
significance and challenge the case of Lake Langano.

1.7 Limitation of the Study

Absence of recorded data, time and financial constraint, lack of related findings done before,
lack of well published and unpublished materials hinders the researcher to provide and analyze
accurate information.

1.8 Organization of the Study

This study is conducted to assessment of tourism potential, significance and challenges the case
of Lake Langano. This research is organized in to five major parts. The first chapter is dealt
about the introductory part, background, statement of the problems, objective (general and
specific) of the study methodology, research question, significance of the study, scope and
limitation of the study. The second Chapter presents the review of the related literature which
includes review of related readings, related literature, and related studies. The third Chapter
precisely explained methodologies the study area climate, topography. The forth chapter
provides results and discussions. The last and the fifth chapter are winded up the general
summery, Conclusion and Recommendation.

Chapter Two

Literature Review

2.1 Concept of Tourism

A supply-side definition of the tourism industry is proposed. The definition is based on
recognizing two tiers of tourism businesses: a tier composed of businesses that serve exclusively
tourists and a tier composed of businesses that serve a mix of tourists and local residents. These
tiers are operationally defined from several Statistics Canada data sources and the Standard
Industrial Classification codes. A key strength of this definition is that it permits both
conceptualization and measurement of tourism in a way that is consistent with other economic
activity. Application of the definition to available 1981/82 data sources resulted in an estimate of
the size of Canadian tourism, four times as large as forestry, slightly larger than agriculture, and
just under automobile manufacturing (Smith, 1988 ).

2.2 World Tourism Development

Tourism was internationally being known since 1950 (WTO, 2002c) and nowadays it is the
largest and fastest growing business which contributes to lots of new jobs including in rural areas
since it does not require long-term trainings (Rannersmann, 2003).Because of the increasing and
fast growing of tourism, currently more than 650million international tourist arrivals in the world
which it will be more than 1,600million by the year 2020 (Holden, 2003).

2.3 Tourism in Africa

Even though Africa is the world’s poorest region, with almost fifty percent of its population
living with less than $ 1 per day, especially in rural areas it is recognized by its huge potentials
for tourism development (WTO, 2002c).There is no inadequate facilities and services
infrastructures in many places which hampers the full use of exploiting this potentials of tourism
even though there is an existing potentials for developing tourism in Africa. The major trends
influencing the growth of international tourism globally will also apply in Africa. The will
particularly benefit from the increasing international travel interest in nature and cultural tourism
and other forms of special interest tourism (WTO, 1999). It is evident, that there is an

Opportunity exists for Africa to have a fairer distribution of tourist flows across the world, with
the purpose of contributing to the alleviation of poverty in the continent (WTO 2002).
According to WTO, international tourist arrivals in Africa are will to reach 77 million by 2020.
This represents an average annual growth rate of 5.5 percent for the period1995- 2020, which are
almost one-and- a-half percentage points above the expected to increase over the forecast period
from 3.6 percent of worldwide arrivals in 1995 to a too little 5 percent in 2020.

2.4 Tourism Development of Ethiopia

In past periods, merchants played a considerable role for introduction of religions to Ethiopia,
which contributes a lot for evolution of tourism in Ethiopia. It was also believed that the
Portuguese’s missionaries and other Europeans came to Ethiopia as earlier Visitors when they
made explorations to the source of Blue Nile (Ayalew, 1992).
In 2008 a tourism policy is expected from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. A strategy on
tourism development for five years is also under preparation. The strategy consists of six pillars,
a) human resource development, b) infrastructure development, c) image strategy, d) service
improvement, e) strengthening information and management capacity, and f) domestic tourism
promotion. (Japanese Embassy, 2007) Expectations of regional tourism commissions are high
regarding the federal tourism policy. as a director (interview 12-2007) said: “we think the policy
will bring a lot of good, than we know what we are expected to do.” This quote refers to the
implementation of the tourism policy. So far, nothing can be concluded on the implementation.
But, the es tablishment of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism is evidence of the commitment of
the government towards tourism development. The Ministry continues to work on a federal
tourism policy and strategy, meanwhile promoting tourist attractions and improving the image of
the country (Hgl & Gird, 2007).

The Ethiopian tourism industry can be roughly divided into three important tourist zones. firstly,
the historic northern route, secondly the far south where pastoralist communities form tourist
attractions, Finally Addis Ababa, the capital, providing qualified tourism services and the central
place for international arrival and departure. Ethiopia’s principal driver for tourism is the rich
culture and history (World Bank, 2006). This has its origin in 1929 when the Italian scholar
Rossini called Ethiopia ‘un museo di popoli’, in his book L’Abissinia. This museum of peoples
and cultures can be found in the northern and southern route. The average itinerary of

international tourists and their operators show destinations in the north and far south. (Abbink,

2.5 Tourism Development of Lake

Quite simply, lakes are bodies of water that occupy depressions on land surface. There is no
universal definition for ‘lakes’. The International Glossary of Hydrology briefly defines a lake as
an "inland body of water of considerable size (UNESCO and WMO, 1992)". One of the most
elaborated definition of lakes has been provided by Kuusisto (1985) as “a depression or a group
of depressions partly or fully filled by water, all parts of the water body have the same surface,
excluding temporary variability, caused by wind or ice, the ratio between in-flow and volume is
small enough to let most of the suspended, inflowing material to form bottom sediments, and the
surface area exceeds a given minimum value.” In India, National Lake Conservation
Programmed under the Ministry of Environment and forests (MoEF) defines lakes as “standing
water bodies which have a minimum water depth of 3m, generally cover a water spread of more
than ten hectares and have no or very little aquatic vegetation (Ministry of Environment and
Forests, 2010)”. The purpose of any definition is to provide an entity an identity which plays an
important part in its survival. However, unfortunately, it is this very definition of lakes that pave
ways for their exploitation. This is because as due to various environmental and climatic
conditions often there are fluctuations in the given three parameters of a lake used in MoEF
definition to define a lake. This is the loophole that is often used to exploit these water bodies to
be used for other purposes. Tourism development can be defined as the process of providing
facilities and services for visitors to a destination in order to gain economic and other benefits
although it accurse throughout the world it doesn’t occur at the same rate .some countries and
destinations are just beginning tourism development whilst other are highly established tourism
development is complex as it may mean a local opening up to visitors. the development of
specific resort or hotel. Or a country setting up policies and tourists board structures to promote
tourism on a national level tourism development is driven by governments setting a policy for
tourism and creating a structure that promotes tourism (Dale and Oliver, 2005).
According to recreation along lake shorts is quite desirable, as cab be seen from the high
concentration of recreational housing along lake shore lines, there are many water based short
lines. The negative effect of recreation, however, is obvious with mass tourism, which can

significantly, degrade landscapes along lake short lines and which, so far, have large been
planned carelessly and often irresponsibly (Cited in S.E; Jorgensen et al., 2005). Lake tourism is
tourism that occurs not only on the lake itself but also in the surrounding area (Michael and
Tuijaharkonen, 2006).

2.6 Importance of Tourism Development in Lake

Economic benefit: - the driving force behind the development of tourism is its political
contribution to destination economies (Telfer and Sharpley, 2006)
Socio cultural benefit:-tourism has the political to promote socio cultural development through
employment creation income redistribution and poverty alleviation (Maiviya, 2005).
Environmental benefit:-the environment simply means out surrounding generally however the
term is used to refer to the earth’s physical environment (Helta, 2003)
Political benefit: - the development of tourism has a political significance in a destination
through enhanced international recognition of regions and values, and development of skills
among planners (Sharma, 2004)

2.7 Challenges of Lake

A variety of environmental goods and services provided by lakes make them vulnerable to
human demand. Society’s demands for economic gains have contributed to the deterioration of
water quality and aesthetic value of lakes. Over the years the value of lakes and water bodies/
wetlands is dwindling. Many lakes world over have been destroyed or decayed. Several lakes
within or at the periphery of urban areas are either destroyed or slowly dying or drained and
converted to other uses. The water level of the lakes is reducing due to loss of catchment.
Change in urban land use is taking place with reclamation of land from lakes, for real estate
development. Lakes have become dumping grounds for effluents, both domestic and industrial as
well as agricultural runoff. Coastal lakes have been seriously affected due to an imbalance in
salinity levels. Port activities close to coastal lakes are also having detrimental impact on the
lakes. Lakes at several hill stations, which attracted tourists, are losing out to thoughtless
tourism. High altitude lakes in Ladakh and Himalayas are the fragile ecosystems threatened due
to increased tourism. Common problem in case of urban lakes is encroachment on the lake fringe
area which gets exposed when level falls after rains. Lakes are subject to rapid population
growth, urbanization, and industrialization, and mining development, growth of irrigated

agriculture in the surrounding region and impact of climate change. These processes have altered
ecosystem processes and resulted in several threats on lakes including loss of biodiversity, over-
fishing, and proliferation of invasive weeds, siltation, and toxic contamination and over
extraction of water (Gupta et al., 2007).

2.8 Challenges for the Development of Lake

Rapid developing travel and tourism pattern of the modern period led to the large scale
exploitation of national resources and environment. It has caused considerable stress on
environment tourism has caused negative impacts on lakes. Areas within easy reach of large
population centers/metropolitan cities are more susceptible to adverse impact due to threats
posed by urbanization some lake sides have become environmentally unsound with growing.
Pressure of tourism related activities intense tourist activity within the limited space and regions
the rapid growth of tourists in flow has induced a haphazard growth tourist infrastructure
building act invitees the discriminate building activity is sometimes not in harmony with the
environment the beauty of the landscapes gets spoiled and the sky line undergoes abrupt and
ugly change (Prabha et al., 2008).

2.9 Environmental Impacts of Lake

Lakes are usually more vulnerable to disturbances than deep lakes. Lakes that thermally stratify
during surname act as nutrient sinks with no or little re-suspension. Intiman nutrient load
therefore is often negligible. In contrary, shallow lakes do not thermally stratify, nutrients are not
permanently buried and re-suspension is common, which may lead to high intimae loading.
Short-term weather events and dismal changes are more pronounced in shallower lakes
compared with deep lakes. The water level change and flushing are of much greater importance
when lakes are moderately deep. The littoral zone and the aquatic vegetation are usually more
significant for shallow ecosystems.

According to Dokulil et al, (2012) summarizes factors regarding the quality of the environment,
both natural and man-made, is essential to tourism. The relation between tourism and the
environment is complex-many activities can have adverse environmental effects. Many of these
impacts are linked with the construction of general infrastructure such as roads and airports, and
of tourism facilities, including resorts, hotels, restaurants, shops, golf courses and marinas. The

negative impacts of tourism development can gradually destroy the environmental resources on
which it depends. On the other hand, tourism has the potential to create beneficial effects on the
environment by contributing to environmental protection and conservation (Vollenweiderand
Kerekes, 1982). It is a way to raise awareness of environmental values and it can serve as a tool
to finance protection of natural areas and increase their economic importance (Vollenweider,
2004). This branch called ecotourism is rapidly expanding. Negative impacts from tourism occur
when the level of visitor use is greater than the environment's ability to cope with this use within
the acceptable limits of change. Uncontrolled conventional tourism poses potential threats to
many natural areas around the world. It can put enormous pressure on an area and lead to
impacts such as: soil erosion, increased pollution, discharges into the sea, natural habitat loss,
increased pressure on endangered species and heightened vulnerability to forest fires. It often
puts a strain on water resources, and it can force local populations to compete for the use of
critical resources (Dokulil and Teubner 2003, 2011).

2.10 The Significance of Lake Tourism

As with many types of tourism, the economic and tourism significance of lakes is difficult to
determine. In part, this is an issue of definition as lake tourism is tourism that occurs not only on
the lake itself, but also in the surrounding area. Tourism systems therefore include the lake. The
environmental system that underlies the lake tourism system is usually much larger in area and
includes all areas of the watershed that feed into the lake. Indeed, the idea of lake tourism
reinforces the idea that there are certain geographical entities that, because of their particular
environmental characteristics are often designated as a separate type of tourism in which the
specific environment serves to attract particular activities and which serves to convey certain
environmental images as part of destination promotion. Therefore, lake tourism can be
distinguished and therefore understood, in much the same way that alpine or forest tourism has
been recognized as a subfield of tourism studies. Because of the difficulty in definition, there are
also no separate set of statistics that solely detail how many people visit lakes for recreation and
tourism purposes. This situation also means that there is no comprehensive analysis of the
economic significance of lake tourism, although studies have been undertaken of particular types
of lake-based recreational activities such as fishing which is recognized as one of the most
significant activities (Jakus et al., 1998).

2.11 Potential Tourism Resources of Ethiopia
Ethiopian Rift Valley, which is part of the famous East African Rift Valley, comprises numerous
hot springs the, beautiful lakes and a variety of wildlife. The valley is the result of two parallel
faults in the earth’s surface, between which in distant geological time, the Crust was weakened
and the land subsided. Ethiopia is often referred to as the ‘water Tower’ of Eastern Africa
because of the many rivers that pour off the high tableland. The Great Rift Valley’s passage
through Ethiopia is marked by a chain of seven lakes. Each of the seven lakes has its own special
life and character and provides ideal habitats for the exuberant variety of flora and fauna that
make the region a beautiful and exotic Destination for tourists (MOCT, 2006).
Most of the lakes are suitable and safe for swimming and other water sports. One of this Lake is
Lake Langano ideal places for bird watchers. Most of the Rift Valley lakes are not fully
exploited for tourists except Lake Langano where tourist class hotels are built. The Rift Valley is
also a site of numerous natural hot springs and the chemical contents of the Hot springs are
highly valued for their therapeutic purposes though at present they are not fully utilized. In short,
the Rift Valley is endowed with many beautiful lakes, numerous hot springs, warm and pleasant
climate and a variety of wildlife. It is considered as one of the most ideal areas for the
development of international tourism in Ethiopia. According to figures published by the central
statistics agency, Lake Langano is 18Kilometers long and 16 km wide, with a surface area of 230
square kilometers and a Maximum depth of 46 meters the lake has a catchment 1600 square
kilometers in size, and is drained by the Hora Kallo River which empties into the adjacent lake
abijata. As it is free of Bilharzias (schistosomiasis), unlike all other freshwater lakes in Ethiopia,
Lake8Langano is popular with tourists and city-dwellers. The lake is brown in color. There are a
number of resorts around the lake and water sports are popular. There is a variety of Wildlife
around the lake, which includes Hippos (rare), monkeys, baboons, warthogs, and a huge variety
of birds. The area around the lake is largely deforested, however, and a large numbers of herders
live around the area (Jacobus, 2012).

2.12 Lakes as a Resource for Tourism

The concept of destination in tourism varies depending on the various stakeholders in the tourism
business. Every destination is a unique whole, in which physical, historical, cultural, social,
administrative or functional factors mix in a dynamic way producing a spatial and functional

tourism reality. A lake as a tourist destination is generally a functionally compact regional whole
with clear geographical limits.1A single lake destination is sometimes surrounded by a compact
cluster of tourism activities. A lake destination in some cases is a part of a larger region (Lake
District destination) inside which there are several small lakes, and the whole region is
connected. A lake resort offers various services to tourists. Lakes have an aesthetic significance
particularly for attracting tourism. Lakes are well known tourism destinations at regional and
local level. Lakes at several hill stations have attracted tourists since historical times. Because of
the unusual and serene landscape at high altitude, these lakes attract large number of visitors.
Lakes and wetlands are included in the list of tourist’s attractions on the tourism portals of
respective states/ cities. Lakes are the popular areas set aside for public recreation and tourists
are able to explore every facet of it. Tourists enjoy scenic journey around the lake and a boat trip
towards lake islands including bird sanctuary. A vast expanse of bright blue water in the midst of
dense forests, lofty mountains or barren landscape is marvelous and looks picturesque at the
dawn, sunset or during full moon nights. The view of a lake shimmering in the spring sunshine is
marvelous. The lakes declared as water bird sanctuaries are like fairylands for birds. Shorelines
or banks of lakes attract both humans and a diverse community of plants and animals. The
biodiversity of lakes make them important as natural resource for tourism Lakes all over the
world are used as a resource for ecotourism, natural tourism, leisure tourism and conference
tourism and are attracting millions of tourists (Chhaya, et al 2007).

2.13 Conceptual Frame Work of the Study
Fig 2.1 conceptual frame work



Source (Own compilation, 2015)

Lake Langano has a big tourism potential, the lake tourism has its own significance for tourism
and also has its own challenges which hinder its development and potentials which faster the
development of the lake.

Chapter Three

Research Methodology
3.1 Description of the Study Area

Figure 3.1 map of Arsi Negele

Source, Arsi Negele Culture and Tourism

3.1.1 Location
As the researcher try to describe in the above the research study is conducted in west Arisi
Negele, the assessment of tourism potential, significance and challenges of Lake Langano. In
general decide to conduct this research in this area because it is well conserve area as compare to
others and the researcher select by thinking of enough information easily to detect. I t is the best
place to get information about the topic; Arisi is spelt as Arisi or Arsi is one of the zones of the
Oromia Region in Ethiopia. Arsi is also the name of a former province. Both the Zone and the
former province are named after a subgroup of the Oromo, who inhabit both (CSA, 2007).
Arsi is bordered on the south by Bale, on the southwest by the West Arsi Zone, on the northwest
by East Shewa, on the north by the Afar Region and on the east by West Hararghe. The highest
point in Arsi is Mount Chilalo; other notable mountains in this zone include Mount Kaka and
Mount Gugu. The administrative center of this zone is in Asella; other towns in this zone include
Abomsa, Assasa, Bokoji, Sagure, Kersa, Dhera, Etaya, Arsi Robe, Huruta etc. Some woredas at
the southern part of zone were separated from Arsi zone to create West Arsi Zone (Ibid, 2007).

3.1.2 Demographic
The 2007 national census reported a total population for this Woreda of 260,129, of whom
128,885 were men and 131,244 were women; 51,535 or 19.81% of its population were urban
dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants were Muslim, with 68.86% of the population reporting
they observed this belief, while 20.2% of the population said they practiced Ethiopian Orthodox
Christianity, 8.99% of the population were Protestant, and 1.04% were Catholic. Based on
figures published by the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, this Woreda has an estimated total
population of 198,307, of whom 100,626 are men and 97,681 are women; 42,054 or 21.21% of
its population are urban dwellers, which is less than the Zone average of 32.1%. With an
estimated area of 1,400.16 square kilometers, Arsi Negele has an estimated population density of
141.6 people per square kilometer, which is less than the Zone average of 181.7(CSA, 2007)

3.2 Research Design and Approach

The objective of the research was to assess tourism potential, significance and challenges of
Lake Langano. Qualitative and quantitative research approach was used to collect the data
qualitative research typically the approach of choice in circumstance that have different
characteristics for instance for generating new theories or hypothesis, to achieving a deep
understanding of the issues and mixed methods of research more over the qualitative data is
extremely varied in nature. It include virtually any information that can be captured that is not
numerical in nature(Milles & Huberman,1994)-In order to address the objective, the researcher
used descriptive type of Research this type of research used to collect data that describe the
objectives of the study.

3.3 Sample Size

Sample size estimation is an important concern for researchers undertaking research projects, but
is often misunderstood or even ignored completely. Guidelines must be adhered to for ethics
committees, grant applications and publications. Studies may be underpowered (too few
participants) or overpowered (too many participants) so it is important to achieve the correct
balance (Florey, 1993).
The researcher focused on the population of Arsi town in order to consider the sample size and it
was a big challenge for the researcher in order to conduct this study with in the entire population.
Unless one sample size is going to be picks about from the total population of the study area.

This is because of time constraints, lack of budget; there for according to survey statistics of
2007 this is conducted in Arsi town, the total population of Arsi town is about 260,129 peoples.
Data was collected from a total of 31 sample respondents. Specifically 10 souvenir shops, 10
lodge’s manager and tourism office manager and 11 local communities were interviewed in this
study. The researcher has taken 31 respondents by the case of time and budget limitation in order
to get enough information and variety of responses that can fulfill the objective of the study.

3.4 Sampling Technique

The researcher chooses non-probability sampling specifically used purposive sampling technique
(accidental). The reason for selecting this technique is that, the respondents was selected
based on researcher judgment these fit the study and they gave relevant information for the
study and it also enable the research is accurate.

3.5 Source of Data

Both primary and secondary data used for this study. The primary data was collected Using
questionnaire from souvenir shop manager and interview from lodge’s manager, culture and
tourism office manager and the local community. Secondary data also was collected from
relevant Sources such as bureau of tourism of the district and other relevant institutions for
general description and to verify the primary data.

3.6 Data Collection Methods and Procedure

In the data collection process the researcher was used interview, questionnaires, observations and
documentation analysis as a methods in the study.
In the data collection process the researcher was used interview with the Arsi Negele tourism and
cultural bureau and the researcher has used both open ended and close ended question to
interview so as to collect the data from the local community, souvenir shop, lodge and cultural
tourism office employee questioners and the interview of cultural and tourism office manager
and lodge manager. The most appropriate way and documentation analysis was used as methods
in the study.

3.7 Methods of Data Analysis
Since the study is descriptive type, the methods of data analysis which was used is the
Descriptive methods of data analysis. The collected data was analyzed and present in Tabular
and percentage form.

Chapter Four

Data Analysis and Interpretation

This chapter is mainly concerned with the data analysis and interpretation which collected
through questionnaire, interview and observation. The questionnaire has been prepared and
distributed to the local community, souvenir shop, lodge and Ministry of culture and tourism

Table 4.1 Response rate of the study

Rate Percentage (%)

souvenir shop 11 100 %
Collected 10 91 %
Missed 1 9%
Total 10 100 %
Questionnaire Cultural and tourism 10 100 %
Distributed and lodge employee
Collected 10 100 %
Missed - -
Total 10 100 %
Local community
Collected 11 100 %
Missed - -
Total 11 100 %
Interview Interview hold 2 100 %
Source: own survey, 2015

4.1. Background of the respondents
Table 4.2 Personal Information of Respondents

Item Ministry of culture souvenir shop
No and Local community
tourism and lodge
1 Sex Frequenc % Frequency % Frequenc %
y y
Male 7 70 % 7 70% 7 64%
Female 3 3 30% 4 36%
Total 10 100 % 10 100% 11 100%
2 Age
18-25 3 30% - - 6 55%
26-34 4 40% 6 60% 3 27%
35-47 2 20% 3 30% 2 18%
48-55 1 10% 1 10% - -
Above 56 - - - - - -
Total 10 100 % 10 100% 11 100%
3 Marital status
Unmarried 3 30% - - 4 36%
Married 6 60% 9 90% 5 45%
Divorced 1 10% 1 10% 2 19%
Widowed - - - - - -
Total 10 100% 10 100% 11 100%
4 Educational background
Illiterate - - - - - -
Primary school 1 10% 4 40% 5 45%
Secondary 3 30% 6 60% 6 55%
degree and 6 60% - - - -

Others - - - - - -
Total 10 100% 10 100% 11 100%
Source: own survey, 2015

Table 4.2 item 1 show out of 10 respondents from souvenir shop in Arsi Negele zone 7(70%)
were male while the rest 3(30%) were females. Therefore the researcher can conclude there is
majority of male respondents from Lake Langano Arsi Negele zone.

From the same table 4.2 item 2 shows that respondents from souvenir shop in Arsi Negele zone
6(60%), 3(30%), 1(10%), are on the age of 26-34, 35-47,48-55 and above 50 respectively which
led to draw a conclusion of the majority of the respondents age are between26-34.

From the same table 4.2 item 3, academic level of the respondent shows that 4(40%) of them are
primary school rest 6(60%) respondents are secondary school. Therefore this indicates most of
the responds from Arsi Negele zone are little educated.

Table 4.2 item 4 show marital status of the respondent from Arsi Negele zone shown that,
9(90%) are married, 1(10%), are divorced. From this the researcher can conclude that most of the
respondents are married.

Table 4.2 item 1 shows that out of 10 respondents from ministry of culture and tourism and lodge
employees, 7(70%) were male while the rest 3(30%) were females which a show a clear majority
of male respondents from those enterprises.

From the same table 4.2 item 2 shows that respondents from ministry of culture and tourism and
lodge employees, 3(30%), 4(40%), 2(20%), 1(10%) are on the age of 18-25, 26-34, 35-47,48-55
respectively which led to draw a conclusion of the majority of the respondents age are between

From the same table4.2 item 3, academic level of the respondent shows that 1(10%) of them are
primary school, 3(30%) secondary school while the rest 6(60%) respondents are degree and
above. Therefore this indicates most of the responds from the ministry of culture and tourism and
lodge employees are well educated.

Table 4.2item 4 marital status of the respondent from ministry of culture and tourism and lodge
employees are shown that, 6(60%) are married, 3(30%) are unmarried, and 1(10%) divorced.
From this the researcher can conclude that the greater numbers of respondents are married.

Table 4.2 item 1 shows that out of 11 respondents which are from local communities, 7(64%)
were male while the remaining 4(36%) were females which is clearly show much of this study
respondents (local communities) are male.

From the same table 4.2 shows that out of 11 respondents from local community, 6(55%) are on
the age section 18-25, 3(27%) are on the age group of 26-34, while the list 2(18%) are the age
group of 35-47. This implies the major local community respondents are on the age group 18-25.

From the same table 4.2The academic level of the local communities respondent in item 3 shown
that 5(45%) are primary school, the rest 6(22%) are secondary school. Therefore the researcher
can conclude that most of the local communities are little educated.

From the same table 4.2shows the marital status of local communities 4(36%) are unmarried,
5(45%) are married and while the rest 2(19%) is divorced.

4.2. Assessment of Tourism potential of Lake Langano for local community
Table 4.3 Tourism potential of Lake Langano for local community

No Item Local community

1 Do you think that lake langano has tourism Rate Percentage (%)
potential for local community
Yes 11 100%
No - -
Total 11 100%
2 Do you think that lake langano has tourism
potential in local community tourism
Yes 10 91%
No 1 9%
Total 11 100%
3 Do you think that the government and other
stockholders work together to improve the
potential of the lake
Yes 3 27%
No 8 73%
Total 11 100%
Source: own survey, 2015

Table 4.3 item 1 indicates that out of 11 respondents which shows clearly that all respondents
which account 11(100%) of respondents responded that Lake Langano has tourism potential for
local community the main justification they give their reasons or how Lake Langano has the
potential for the local community as source of income in essence fishing the fish from Lake
Langano use for drinking the lake water, for the cleaning purpose and finally for recreation
purpose the lake have positional to local community. According to the interview of cultural
tourism official respondent’s responded Lake Langano creates many job opportunity for local
communities. Like boat service, guiding service, and fishing activity for local community.

This all implies Lake Langano creates job opportunity for the local community. Form the same
table 4.3 item 2 indicates that out of 11 respondents from that greater percentage of respondents
10(90%) respondent that Lake Langano has potential in local community tourism development.
The remaining 1(9%) of respondents do not agree with Lake Langano has potential in local
community tourism development at all as a result of this the researcher illustrate that Lake
Langano has good potential for the local community tourism development.

The same table 4.3 item 3 indicates that out of 11 respondents from indicate that greatest
percentage of respondents that 8(73%) of respondents responded that the government and other
stockholders not work together to improve the potential of the lake. which 3(27%) of
respondents responded government and other stockholder work together to improve the potential
of the lake. According to the interview of cultural tourism official respondent’s responded that
governmental activities that more enhance tourism potential in Lake Langano to conserve of the
lake from waste materials protected by government body. Other way nongovernmental activities
done by fisheries, associations and boat service association conserve the lake langano from
harmful act of human. in night as well as day, that inanes tourism potential in Lake Langano

This findings implies that the government and other stockholders work together to improve the
potential of the lake.
4.3. Assessment of Tourism Significance of Lake Langano for local
Table 4.4 Benefits of Lake Langano for local community
No Item Local community

1 How do you rate the significance level of Lake Rate Percentage (%)
Langano for tourism development
Very high 5 45%
High 2 18%
Medium 4 37%
Low - -
Very low - -
Total 11 100%

2 Dos the local community and other stockholder
are beneficial from Lake Langano tourism
Yes 11 100%
No - -
Total 11 100%
3 Do you think that Lake Langano has an
importance for tourism development
Yes 11 100%
No - -
Total 11 100%
Source: own survey, 2015
Table and graph 4.4 items 1 indicates that out of 11 respondents from the information of
respondents are present as follows. The greater percentage of respondents that account 5(45%)
responded that the significance of Lake Langano for tourism development are very high followed
by 2(18%) of respondents rate the significance of Lake Langano for tourism development is
high. and the reaming respondents which totally accounted 4(37%) the Lake Langano has
medium significance for tourism development.
Figure 4.1 Significance level of Lake Langano for tourism development

very high high medium low very low

Source: own survey, 2015

Table 4.4 item 2 indicates that out of 11 respondents from clearly indicate that (100%) of
respondents responded that local community and other stockholders are benefited from Lake
Langano tourism development without any doubt.
From the same table 4.4 items 3 indicates that out of 11 respondents from the above table shows
that all respondents responded that Lake Langano has an importance for tourism development for
the local community. According to the interview of cultural tourism official respondent’s
responded Lake Langano is very important for tourism development from economic aspect that
is way many tourists come to Lake Langano and spend cash for their services as the result of
visitors spending is important for tourism development in addition to conserving the environment
socio-cultural significance are visible in Lake Langano. This implies all of respondents
responded that Lake Langano has importance for tourism development.
4.4. Assessment of Tourism Challenges of Lake Langano for tourism
development for local community
Table 4.5 Challenges of Lake Langano for tourism development
No Item Local community
1 Is there any problem that hinder the development of Lake Rate Percentage (%)
Yes 3 27%
No 8 73%
Total 11 100%
2 Do you think that lake polluted by untreated local sewage
and solid west
Yes 7 64%
No 4 36%
Total 11 100%
3 Do you participate to protect lake from illegally mining
Yes 6 55%
No 5 45%
Total 11 100%
Source: own survey, 2015

Table 4.5 item 1 indicates that out of 11 respondents from that higher percentage 8(73%) of
respondents responded that there is no problem that hinders the development of Lake Langano.

And reaming 3(27%) of respondents responded that there are problems that hanger the
development of Lake Langano. According to the interview of cultural tourism official
respondent’s responded the challenges that hinder tourism development in Lake Langano are in
accessibility of geographical location poor infrastructure design (like, load, electricity,
telecommunication are the major challenges of Lake Langano. But governments try to minimize
the hinder that affect tourism development in Lake Langano. By giving special emphasis for the
lake and tourism development in general to success the above mentioned practices government
spend casher for constriction at the area from Bulbula to the lake. There is no responsible body
for the challenges that occurred naturally but governments try some measurement actions to

All the respondents’ information implies challenges and mechanisms to minimize the effect that
hinder tourism development in Lake Langano,

From the same table 4.5 item 2 indicates that out of 11 respondents from the table clearly
indicate that more than half of respondents 7(64%) responded that the lake has polluted by
unprocessed local sewage and solid waste, while 4(36%) of respondents the lake is not polluted
by unprocessed local sewage and solid west.

From the same table 4.5 item 3 indicates that out of 11 respondents from relatively half of
6(55%) of respondents responded that participate to protect lake from illegally mining of activity
and remaining 5(45%) of responded not participate to protect lake form illegally mining activity.
Most of the respondents responded that participate to protect lake from illegally mining of

According of the interview culture and tourism official said the responsible body of the challenge
tourism industry the Lake Langano community business affected by seasonality nature of
business which tourist flow increase January- April otherwise the flow of tourist are low at
Ethiopian summer seasons.

4.5. Assessment of Tourism Potential of Lake Langano for souvenir shop
Table 4.6 Tourism resource Lake Langano

No Item souvenir shop

1 Is there any tourism resource in the surrounding rather

than the lake Rate Percentage (%)
Yes 10 100%
No - -
Total 10 100%
2 the main tourism resources that can attract tourists in this
Natural resource 6 60%
Cultural resource 2 20%
Both 2 20%
Other - -
Total 10 100%
Source: own survey, 2015

Table 4.6 items 1 among the resources could be taken as tourism attraction. The following could
to taken as example:- bird, scenery of landscape, lake beach, attractive culture including life style
of Oromo people, local handicrafts, tradition, music, dance, wedding ceremony, ways of conflict
resolution by well-organize Gada system and etc, there are also satisfactory accommodation
facilities at in close proximity to the areas.

From the same table and graph 4.6 items 2 is percentages cannot be added to 100% due to
multiple responses. All of the respondents believe that the main resources that can attract to the
location are natural resource. On the other hand, 30% of respondents have confident in both
natural resource and cultural assets.

Figure 4.2 Tourism resources in the surrounding rather than the Lake







natural resource cultural rsource both other

Source: own survey, 2015

Table 4.7 Natural tourism resource is more available at Lake Langano

3 Which one of the following natural tourism resource is Rate Percentage (%)
more available at Lake Langano
Lakes 7 70%
Birdlife 3 30%
Wildlife - -
Hot spring - -
Other - -
Total 10 100%
Source: own survey, 2015

Table and graph 4.7 item 3 from the available natural resource assets that the area endowed 70%
of respondents responded that the lake main attraction force 30% of respondents to think that
birds are central elements which available in the lake.

Based on the above finding the researcher concludes that lake is the main attraction in the area.

Figure 4.3 Natural tourism resource is more available at Lake Langano

lake bridlife wildlife hotspring other

Source: own survey, 2015

Table 4.8 Tourism resources which is highly available in Lake Langano

4 Which one of the following tourism resources is highly Rate Percentage (%)
available in Lake Langano
Museum collection 1 10%
Local hand craft 9 90%
Religious site - -
Folklore/ storytelling, tradition - -
Total 10 100%
Source: own survey, 2015

Table and graph 4.8 item 4 As indicated in table 4.6 90% of respondents said that local handcraft
could be taken as importance assets to the local community since it is highly available in the area
and 10% of respondents accredited the local museum collection are the second most important
resource which highly available.

Figure 4.4 Tourism resources which is highly available in Lake Langano

museum collection local hand craft religious site folklore/ stoty, tradition

Source: own survey, 2015

Table 4.9 Special features of this tourist site Lake Langano

5 What are the special features of this tourist site Lake Rate Percentage (%)
Scenic beauty area endowed with bird life 5 50%
Area of recreation 3 30%
Favorable area for visiting 2 20%
Other - -
Total 10 100%
Source: own survey, 2015

Table and graph 4.9 item 5 is the 100% of sample respondents who believe that lake are the main
resource of attraction are again analyzed for specific future of the lake that could attract tourists
based on their perception in line with this 50% of them believes with scenic beauty of the area
endowed with bird life. 30% of respondents are confined with recreational value of the area and
the remaining 20% of respondents indicated that their decision was due to the favorability of the
lake for tourism.

Figure 4.5 Special features of this tourist site Lake Langano


Source: own survey, 2015

4.6. Assessment of tourism significance of Lake Langano for souvenir shop
Table 4.10 Advantages of these resources of the lake for local community
No Item souvenir shop

1 What are the advantages of these resources of Rate Percentage (%)

the lake for local community
As source of (water) for livestock - -
Has research value 4 40%
Has economic value 6 60%
- -
Total 10 100%
Source own survey, 2015

Table 4.10 and graph respondent for any benefit the lake could be used rather than tourism
business. In accordance with this 60%of respondents indicated that the lake has economic value
and the remaining respondents said that the lake has research value based on the top of
information the researcher conclude that the lake has economical value to the local community.
The majority respondents responded that indicated that the lake has economic value for the local

Figure 4.6 Advantages of Lake Langano for local community








As resource of wa- research value economin value other
ter for livestock

Source: own survey, 2015

Table 4.11 Kind of tourist services /facilities members of souvenir shop will offer in this

2 What kind of tourist services /facilities Rate Percentage (%)

members of local communities will offer in
this spot
Tour Guide 5 50%

Local transportation to go round the spot 3 30%

Local drinks 1 10%

Local foods 1 10%

Total 10 100%

Source: own survey, 2015

Table 4.11 and graph 50% of the respondents responded that the local community offer tour
guide service, the 30% of respondents responded that local community offer transportation
service to go round the spot followed by local drink and food which account 10% of the total
local respondents for each of them the most respondents responded that local community highly
offer tour guide.
Figure 4.7 Tourist services /facilities members of local communities offer in this spot

tour guide local tarnsport local food local drink

Source: own survey, 2015

4.7. Assessment of Tourism Challenge for Lake Langano Tourism

Development for souvenir shop
Table 4.12 Tourism challenge Lake Langano
No Item souvenir shop

1 Are there any political challenges that hinder Rate Percentage (%)
tourism development in Lake Langano
Yes - -
No 10 100%
Total 10 100%
2 Is the tourism development in Lake Langano
faced socio-cultural challenge
Yes 2 20%
No 8 80%
Total 10 100%
Source: own survey, 2015

Table 4.12 item 1 shows that all of the respondents 10(100%) responded that there are political
change, that hinder tourism development in Lake Langano.
From the same table 4.12 item 2 show that greater percentage of respondents 8(80%) responded
that the tourism development in Lake Langano not faced socio-cultural challenge. While 2(20%)
of respondents responded that the tourism development in Lake Langano faced socio-cultural

challenge. The most respondents responded that political change that hider tourism development
of Lake Langano.

4.8. Assessment of Tourism Potential of Lake Langano for employees

Table 4.13 Tourism potential of Lake Langano

Items employees of lodge and cultural tourism

1 Do you think the government and other Rate Percentage (%)
stockholders work together to improve the
potential of the lake
Yes 10 100%
No - -
Total 10 100%
2 How is the potential of the lake toward
the tourists
Very high 8 80%
High 1 10%
Medium -
Low -
Very low 1 10%
Total 10 100%
3 Do you think that the lodging service that
you are serving now has a tourism potential
Yes 9 90%
No 1 10%
Total 10 100%
Source: own survey, 2015

Table 4.13 item 1 shows that out of 10 respondents, all respondents 10(100%) of responded that
the government and other stockholders work together to improve the potential of Lake Langano.
This indicated that the government and other stockholder actively participate in the lake

potential. All respondents responded that government and other stockholders work together to
improve the potential of Lake Langano.

Figure 4.8 Potential of the lake toward the tourists









very high high medium low very low

Source: own survey, 2015

From the same table and graph 4.13 items 2 indicates that out of 10 respondents from the
conclusions of respondents are as follow. The greater percentage of respondents responded that
8(80%) the potential of lake toward the tourist is very high. Followed by 1(10%) of respondents
rate the Lake Langano a high for potential of lake toward the tourist. And the remaining 1(10%)
of respondents responded very low. Of the majority respondent’s responded potential of lake
toward the tourist is very high.

From the same table 4.13 items 3 indicates that out of 10 respondent’s form that great percentage
of respondents 9(90%) respondents’ responded lodging service serving now has tourism
potential. Example: - creating job opportunity for local community and lodge employees. The
remaining 1(10%) of respondents responded not tourism potential service for the serving local
communities and lodge employees. The majority respondents responded lodging service serving
now has a good tourism potential.

4.9. Assessment of Tourism Significance of Lake Langano for employees
Table 4.14 Expected service

No Items employees of lodge and cultural tourism

1 Do you provide a quality service to Rate Percentage (%)
Yes 10 100%
No - -
Total 10 100%
2 Do you think the lake given what is
expect from it in attracting tourist and
also developing the tourism sector
Yes 6 60%
No 4 40%
Total 10 100%
Source: own survey, 2015

Table 4.14 item 1 indicates that out of 10 respondents from clearly indicate that (100%) of
respondents responded that employees of lodge and cultural tourism office to give quality service
to customer.

From the same table 4.14 item 2 indicates that out of 6 (60%) respondents responded that the
lake attracting tourist and developing the tourism sector but 4(40%) respondents responded not
attracting tourist and developing tourism sector. This implies the majority of respondents
responded that the lake attracting tourist and developing tourism sector in the area.

According to employees of lodge and cultural tourism office respondents responded from the
lake we can get fishing activities and also the lake is the chosen one for the investment especially
for hotel and resort. This is the greater benefit for the local community by creating job
opportunity. Example boat service and transportation service to the lodge etc.

4.10. Assessment of tourism challenge for Lake Langano tourism development
for employees
Table 4.15 How to solve the problem of Lake Langano

No Items employees of lodge and cultural tourism

1 Does you solve problem which exist Rate Percentage %
in the lodge with manager
Yes 8 80%
No 2 20%
Total 10 100%
2 Are you trying to solve the problem of
the lake with the local community
Yes 6 60%
No 4 40%
Total 10 100%
3 Who is responsible to solve your
Government 3 30%
Manager 1 10%
the owner of the lodge - -
Other stockholder 6 60%
Total 10 100%
Source: own survey, 2015

Table 4.15 items 1, 80% respondent’s responded they solve problem which exist in the lodge
with manager, and 20% respondents responded that not solve problem which exist in the lodge
with manager. Based on the above information the researchers conclude that majority
respondents responded the problem is solved with the lodge managers.

For the same table 4.15 items 2, 60% respondents responded they trying to solve the problem of
the lake with the local community, and 40% respondents responded not they trying to solve the
problem of the lake with the local community. Based on the above information the researcher
concludes that greater part respondents responded trying to solve the problem of the lake with
the local community.

From the same table 4.15 items 3, 60% respondents responded responsible to the problem solve
stockholder, 30% respondents responded to solve the problem government, and 10% respondents
responded to solve the problems manager. Based on the above information the researchers
conclude that nearly every one of the respondents responded that the responsible to solve the
problem is stockholder.

According to employees of lodge and cultural tourism office respondents responded there are so
many problems that are pollution from the hotel and lodge and sewage disposal from the lake
and lodge. This is the greater problem for the sustainability of the tourism industry in the lake
area. In order to eliminate such problem the stockholder should have to take some measurement
for instance having its own place for the swage which out from the lodge.

Chapter Five
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1. Summary
This study was assessing tourism potential, significance and challenges with special focus on
Lake Langano as a case. Most of the lakes are appropriate and in safe hands for swimming and
other water sports. One of this Lake is Lake Langano ideal places for bird watchers. The lake has
a potential for further tourism development since it has an immense potential for it. The
researcher used purposive and accidental sampling method in cooperation with primary and
secondary sources. Questioner, books, internet and documents was used in ordered to gatherer
the data respectively so as to this the researcher has asked and analyzed different question to
different respondents based on the finding the researcher summarized and has given some
recommendation. Most of the Rift Valley lakes are not fully exploited for tourists except Lake
Langano where tourist class hotels are relatively well developed.
5.2. Conclusion
This paper has studied the tourism potential, significant and challenges the case of Lake Langano
this questionnaire is three parts and the of data collected from 11 local community, 10 souvenir
shop manager and 10 hotel/lodge and culture and tourism office employees. And the two
interviews the first interview was to lodge manager, and the second interview culture and
tourism office manager. The study indicated the existence of tourism potentials, significances
and challenges in the area. The main tourism potentials in and around the lake include diverse
species of birds, scenic landscape, ostrich farm and some mammals, cultural and historical
attractions, lakes, beaches, and some hotels or lodges and their recreational activities such as
swimming, boating, horse riding etc. The local communities are participating as tour guide and
they are also providing local handicraft and local food and beverage to the client. Hotels/lodge
available around the study area also created job opportunities for the local communities. The
study also revealed that offering tourist facilities and services and creating job opportunities for
members of local communities are positive impacts of tourism activities whereas seasonality in
tourism and leakages are negative impacts. The negative impacts of tourism might be able to
aggravate poverty and consequent deterioration of tourism resources or natural resources
whereas the positive impacts contributed to reduce degradation pressures on natural resources.

5.3 Recommendation
To overcome these and all other problems that has assessment of tourism potential, significance
and challenges the case of Lake Langano. The following points may recommend to the
government and the other concerned body.
 Even if there are different service like local handicrafts, local foods and services,
souvenir shop, local tour guides and other services which provide for tourists but it is not
good enough so there should be more than this to make the place more attractive than
 There are problems of local communities linked with their source of revenue and other
related social problems that could contribute to extreme poverty, which in turn
contributed to degradations of natural resources of the lake. Thus, further study is
necessary which contributed to alleviation of poverty of study area.
 Degradation of natural resources around tourists’ destinations sites like hot springs, the
seasonality in tourism and leakages in and around are indicators of the negative impacts
of tourism. Therefore, the concerned stakeholders are responsible to create alternative
options for local communities, create attractive tourist facilities and services, and protect
sensitive areas or sites of lake and integrating the surrounding tourism activities with
local economic development will be related with tourism industry.
 Developing and creating diversified business, promoting the development of lake,
encouraging benefit sharing and conservation of the lake and giving the ownership sense
of the local people over the natural resources of the lake are very necessary for
sustainable use of tourism resources of study area.
 Because of different activities of private investors or hotels/lodges the natural resources
of the study areas may degraded as garbage, sewage disposal from lodges and resorts and
the study area may also will be polluted. Therefore, the hotels and other developmental
activities are advised to develop and increase the use of other technology in order to
prevent deterioration of the lake and avoiding consequential pollution.
 Increasing the awareness of local communities in and around Arsi Negele towards
tourism or lake tourism is very important. Therefore; such awareness might be affected
through formal and informal meetings of local communities with support of Arsi Negele
and other concerned stakeholders.


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Lake Langano

Lodges found in Lake Langano

Africa Lodge Bekele Mola Lodge Lake Langano Lodge

Sabana Lodge Bishan Gari Lodge

Arba Minch University

Collage of Business and Economics

Department of Tourism and hotel Management

Dear respondents

This questionnaire is concerned with an ASSESSMENT OF TOURISM POTENTIAL,

questionnaire is concerned of 4 parts; the first part consist respondents personal information, the
second part of compiled to assess tourism potential of Lake Langano, the third part is conducted
to measure the significance of Lake Langano for tourism development, the forth part of
concerned The challenges of Lake Langano for tourism development. Therefore you are kindly
requested to fill out the following questionnaire. Your right and truthful answer will pay a
decisive role for the best final results of the study. As a result I want to notice you that, your
response will be used only for academic purpose and will be kept confidential. Finally the
researcher would like to THANK YOU in advance for your help that you will make by devoting
your precious time.

General Instruction;

 For some question you can select more than one boxes as possible
 Pleases put (√) or (x) in space provide boxes if you agree or not.

 Part 1: personal information

1. Sex Male Female

2. Age

18-25 26-34 35-47 48-55 above 56

3. Educational Background:

Uneducated Primary school Secondary school

Bachelor Degree and above other

4. Marital status:

Single Married divorced widowed

Part 2: Tourism potential of Lake Langano

5. Do you think that Lake Langano has tourism potential for local community?
Yes No
6. If you say “Yes” for the question number #5 how?
7. Do you think that Lake Langano has potential in local community tourism development?
Yes No
8. Do you think the government and other stockholders work together to improve the
potential of the lake?
Yes No
Part3: Tourism Significance of Lake Langano

9. How do you rate the significance level of Lake Langano for tourism development?
Very high high medium low Very low
10. Does the local community and other stockholder are beneficial from Lake Langano
tourism development?
Yes N
11. Do you think that Lake Langano has an importance for tourism development?
Yes No

Part4: Challenges of Lake Langano for Tourism Development

12. Is there any problem that hinders the development of Lake Langano?
Yes No

13. If your answer for the question number #12 is “Yes” specifies the problem and who is
responsible to solve the problem?
14. Do you think that the lake polluted by untreated local sewage and solid waste?
Yes No

15. Do you participate to protect lake from illegally mining activity?

Yes No

16. Is there any tourism challenge in the surrounding rather than the lake?
Yes No

Thank you for your kind support!

Arba Minch University

Collage of Business and Economics

Department of Tourism and hotel Management

Dear respondents

This questionnaire is concerned with an ASSESSMENT OF TOURISM POTENTIAL

questionnaire is concerned of 4 parts; the first part consist respondents personal information, the
second part of compiled to assess tourism potential of Lake Langano, the third part is conducted
to measure the significance of Lake Langano for tourism development, the forth part of
concerned the challenges of Lake Langano for tourism development. Therefore you are kindly
requested to fill out the following questionnaire. Your right and truthful answer will pay a
decisive role for the best final results of the study. As a result I want to notice you that, your
response will be used only for academic purpose and will be kept confidential. Finally the
researcher would like to THANK YOU in advance for your help that you will make by devoting
your precious time.

General Instruction;

 For some question you can select more than one boxes as possible
 Pleases put (√) or (x) in space provide boxes if you agree or not.

 Part 1: personal information

1. Sex Male Female

2. Age
18-25 26-34 35-47 48-55 above 56

3. Educational Background:

Uneducated Primary school Secondary school

Bachelor Degree and above other

4. Marital status:

Single Married divorced widowed

Part 2: Tourism potential of Lake Langano

5. Is there any tourism potential in the surrounding rather than the lake?
Yes No

6. If yes, the main tourism resources that can attract tourists in this location are:
Natural resources cultural resources

Historical resources others box

Please if you say “others” let indicate it ----------------------------------------------------------

7. Which one of the following natural tourism resource is more available at Lake Langano?
Lakes birdlife

Wildlife hot springs other box other ………………………

8. Which one of the following tourism resources is highly available in Lake Langano?
Museum collections

Local handicrafts religious sites

Folklore/storytelling, tradition other box

Specify others----------------------------------------------------------------

9. What are the special features of this tourist site Lake Langano?
Scenic beauty area endowed with bird life

Area of recreation favorable area for visiting other box

Specify other----------------------------------------------------------------------

10. Are you interested in tourism activities or diversified livelihood?

Yes No

Part3: Tourism significance of Lake Langano

11. What are the advantages of these resources of the lake for local community?
As source of food (water) for livestock has research value

Has economic value other box

Specify others----------------------------------------------------------

12. What kind of tourist services /facilities members of local communities will offer in this
Tour Guide Local transportation to go round the spot

Local drinks

Local foods other box

Specify other------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Part4: Challenges of Lake Langano for tourism

13. Is there any tourism challenge in the surrounding rather than the lake?
Yes No

14. If your answer is “Yes” for the question number #13 what are the challenge?
15. Are there any political challenges that hinder tourism development in Lake Langano?
Yes No

16. If you say “Yes” for question number #15 what are the challenges?
17. Is the tourism development in Lake Langano faced socio-cultural challenge?
Yes No

Thank you for your kind support!

Arba Minch University

Collage of Business and Economics

Department of Tourism and hotel Management

Dear respondents

This questionnaire is concerned with an ASSESSMENT OF TOURISM POTENTIAL

questionnaire is concerned of 4 parts; the first part consist respondents personal information, the
second part of compiled to assess tourism potential of Lake Langano, the third part is conducted
to measure the significance of Lake Langano for tourism development, the forth part of
concerned The challenges of Lake Langano for tourism development. Therefore you are kindly
requested to fill out the following questionnaire. Your right and truthful answer will pay a
decisive role for the best final results of the study. As a result I want to notice you that, your
response will be used only for academic purpose and will be kept confidential. Finally the
researcher would like to THANK YOU in advance for your help that you will make by devoting
your precious time.

General Instruction;

 For some question you can select more than one boxes as possible
 Pleases put (√) or (x) in space provide boxes if you agree or not
Research question for employees of lodge and cultural tourism office

 Part 1: personal information

1. Sex Male Female

2. Age

18-25 26-34 35-47 48-55 above 56

3. Educational Background:

Uneducated Primary school Secondary school

Bachelor Degree and above other

4. Marital status:

Single Married divorced widowed

Part 2: Tourism potential of Lake Langano

5. Do you think the government and other stockholders work together to improve the
potential of the lake?
Yes No
6. How is the potential of the lake toward the tourists?
Very high high medium very low low
7. Do you think that the lodging service that you are serving now has a tourism potential?
Yes No
8. If your answer is “Yes” for the question number #7 what kind of potential?

Part3: Tourism significance of Lake Langano

9. Do you provide a quality service to customer?

Yes No
10. What are the benefits of local community from the lake?
11. Do you think the lake given what is expect from it in attracting tourist and also
developing the tourism sector?
Yes No

Part4: challenges of Lake Langano for tourism

12. What is the problem of Lake Langano for tourism development?


13. Does you solve problem which exist in the lodge with manager?
Yes No
14. If your answer for the question number #13 is “Yes” how?
15. Are you trying to solve the problem of the lake with the local community?
Yes No
16. Who is responsible to solve your problem?
Government manager the owner of the lodge
Other stockholder other box
Specify other_____________________________________

Thank you for your kind support!

Arba Minch University

Collage of Business and Economics

Department of Tourism and hotel Management

Dear informant

This questionnaire is concerned with an ASSESSMENT OF TOURISM POTENTIAL

questionnaire is concerned of 4 parts; the first part consist respondents personal information, the
second part of compiled to assess tourism potential of Lake Langano, the third part is conducted
to measure the significance of Lake Langano for tourism development, the forth part of
concerned the challenges of Lake Langano for tourism development. Therefore you are kindly
requested to fill out the following questionnaire. Your right and truthful answer will pay a
decisive role for the best final results of the study. As a result I want to notice you that, your
response will be used only for academic purpose and will be kept confidential. Finally the
researcher would like to THANK YOU in advance for your help that you will make by devoting
your precious time.

1. Is there any governmental or nongovernmental activities that enhance tourism potential in

Lake Langano?
2. Is there any tourist attraction that is not discovering properly for tourism attraction?
3. Did you think this lake create job opportunity for local community?
4. Can you tell me the significance of this lake for your business?
5. What is the economic significance of Lake Langano for tourism development? How?
6. What are the challenges that hinder tourism development in Lake Langano?
7. Do you think government trying to minimize which hinder the development?
8. What are the challenges of Lake Langano?
9. Who is responsible for that challenges occurred in the lake?

Thank you for your kind support!

Arba Minch University

Collage of Business and Economics

Department of Tourism and hotel Management

Dear informant

This questionnaire is concerned with an ASSESSMENT OF TOURISM POTENTIAL

questionnaire is concerned of 4 parts; the first part consist respondents personal information, the
second part of compiled to assess tourism potential of Lake Langano, the third part is conducted
to measure the significance of Lake Langano for tourism development, the forth part of
concerned the challenges of Lake Langano for tourism development. Therefore you are kindly
requested to fill out the following questionnaire. Your right and truthful answer will pay a
decisive role for the best final results of the study. As a result I want to notice you that, your
response will be used only for academic purpose and will be kept confidential. Finally the
researcher would like to THANK YOU in advance for your help that you will make by devoting
your precious time.

Interview question of lodge manager

1. Can you tell me the potential of this lake for your business?

2. How many workers did you employed in this lodge?

3. Do you think government trying to minimize which hinder the development?

4. Did this industry by affected by seasonality and in which season tourist flow increase?

Thank you for your kind support!

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