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CMYK Nxxx,2022-05-13,A,001,Bs-4C,E1

Late Edition
Today, mostly cloudy, a few showers,
high 70. Tonight, cloudy, a couple of
showers, low 62. Tomorrow, mostly
cloudy, humid, showers, high 71.
Weather map appears on Page B10.

VOL. CLXXI . . . . No. 59,422 © 2022 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 2022 $3.00

Finland Pledges to Join

NATO, Moving Alliance
To the Russian Border
Decision Brings Threats From Moscow —
New Sign of Putin Miscalculation
BRUSSELS — President Vladi- vasion of Ukraine was giving the
mir V. Putin of Russia has said Finns a reason to join NATO. But
stopping NATO’s expansion Thursday was the first time Fin-
helped drive him to invade land’s leaders said publicly they
Ukraine. But on Thursday, Fin- definitely intended to join, making
land declared its unequivocal in- it all but certain that Russia would
tention to join, not only upending share an 810-mile border with a
Mr. Putin’s plan but placing the al- NATO country.
liance’s newest prospective mem- The addition of Finland and
ber on Russia’s northern Sweden to NATO carries signifi-
doorstep. cant risks of elevating prospects
The declaration by Finland’s of war between Russia and the
leaders that they will join NATO — West, under the alliance’s under-
with expectations that neighbor- lying principle that an attack on
ing Sweden would soon do the one is an attack on all.
same — could now reshape a stra- But the Finnish leaders, Presi-
tegic balance in Europe that has dent Sauli Niinisto and Prime
prevailed for decades. It is the lat- Minister Sanna Marin, said that
est example of how Russia’s inva- “NATO membership would
sion of Ukraine 11 weeks ago has strengthen Finland’s security,’’
backfired on Mr. Putin’s inten- adding that “as a member of
tions. Continued on Page A8
Russia reacted angrily, with Mr.
Putin’s chief spokesman, Dmitri S.
DAVID GUTTENFELDER FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES Peskov, saying the addition of Fin-
A funeral for Maksym Yakovenko, 41, a Ukrainian soldier who was killed by shelling, on Thursday in Bucha, northwest of Kyiv. land and Sweden to NATO would
not make Europe safer. Russia’s
deputy U.N. ambassador, Dmitry
Polyanskiy, appeared to go fur-
ther, saying in an interview with a
PANEL SUBPOENAS They Were ‘Desperadoes,’ and Middle Schoolers British news site he posted on
Twitter that as NATO members,
deputies fired toward the chil- the two Nordic countries “become
FIVE IN CONGRESS Florida Juvenile System
ENTERPRISE, Fla. — It was
dren, unloading 66 rounds from
their Glock service weapons and
part of the enemy and they bear
all the risks.”
Finland, long known for such
getting dark, so sheriff’s deputies Is Blamed for Failing .223-caliber rifles.
screamed in pain, and the boy
implacable nonalignment that
used the lights on their rifles to get “Finlandization” became synony-
A Demand for McCarthy a better look at the two children
Children in Its Care came out of the house with his
mous with neutrality, had been Documents recovered from
hands up. “You shot my friend!”
to Testify About Jan. 6 who had been holed up in a subur- he shouted. “Don’t shoot me!” signaling that Russia’s Feb. 24 in- Russian troops in Donetsk.
ban house for more than an hour. The case of the juvenile “Bonnie
dows in a rage, trying to set the
Fourteen-year-old Nicole Jack- and Clyde,” as they came to be
house on fire.
son was using a metal baton to
smash mirrors, a bathtub and fur-
niture. As the officers closed in,
Now, the eighth-grader was
crouched on one knee near a
known in a case that made head-
lines across the country, ended on Donation to U.K. Conservatives
that evening in June with Nicole
committee investigating the Jan. 6
attack on the Capitol issued sub-
she flipped her middle finger at
them and strapped a loaded 12-
garbage can in the driveway, a .22-
caliber pistol tucked in her waist-
hospitalized with eight gunshot
wounds and charged as an adult
Is Traced to a Russian Account
gauge shotgun around her neck. A band, the shotgun pointed with armed burglary and at-
poenas on Thursday to five Re- straight at the officers. Several
publican members of Congress, 12-year-old boy who had joined tempted murder of a police officer.
her in the escape from a nearby gunshots rang out from the house. The boy, who is not being identi- By JANE BRADLEY
including Representative Kevin
group home grabbed an AK-47 as- “Lieutenant, I’m all for not fied because he was charged in ju- LONDON — One of the biggest a senior politician in the previous
McCarthy, the minority leader, a
sault rifle. killing kids and stuff,” Sgt. Omar venile court, faced similar donors to Britain’s Conservative pro-Kremlin government of
significant escalation as it digs
The Volusia County sheriff’s Bello told his fellow officers, ac- charges. Party is suspected of secretly fun- Ukraine. He now owns real estate
deeper into the role Republicans
deputies already knew Nicole cording to a state review of offi- Sheriff Mike Chitwood blasted neling hundreds of thousands of and hotel businesses in Crimea
played in attempts to overturn the
well. They had been called repeat- cers’ body camera footage from the adolescent “desperadoes” but dollars to the party from a Russian and Russia.
2020 election.
edly to her house in nearby Del- the scene. “But, I mean, if they’re also laid blame on a state juvenile account, according to a bank alert “We are able to trace a clear line
The panel’s move was an ex-
tona, Fla., responding to com- shooting at us, we have to put an justice system that he said was filed to Britain’s national law en- back from this donation to its ulti-
traordinary step in the annals of
plaints that she was stealing end to this.” leaving a growing number of trou- forcement agency. mate source,” Barclays bank
congressional investigations — a
neighbors’ pets, breaking win- For 10 seconds, eight sheriff’s Continued on Page A18 The donation, of $630,225, was wrote in a January 2021 alert to
committee targeting sitting law-
made in February 2018 in the the National Crime Agency. The
makers, including a top party
name of Ehud Sheleg, a wealthy bank, which maintained some of
leader, who have refused to co-
London art dealer who was most the accounts used in the transac-
operate in a major inquiry into the
tion, flagged the donation as both
largest attack on the Capitol in
centuries. First Visual Journey to the Center of Our Galaxy recently the Conservative Party’s
treasurer. The money was part of
a fund-raising blitz that helped
suspected money laundering and
a potentially illegal campaign do-
It reflected the belief among in-
propel Prime Minister Boris John- nation.
vestigators that a group of Repub-
son and his party to a landslide A lawyer for Mr. Sheleg ac-
lican members of Congress loyal By DENNIS OVERBYE
victory in the 2019 general elec- knowledged that Mr. Sheleg and
to former President Donald J. Astronomers announced on tion. his wife had received millions of
Trump had played crucial roles in Thursday that they had pierced But documents filed with the dollars from his father-in-law in
the events that led to the assault the veil of darkness and dust at the authorities last year and reviewed the weeks before the donation but
on their own institution, and may
center of our Milky Way galaxy to by The New York Times say that said that was “entirely separate”
have hidden what they know
capture the first picture of “the the money originated in a Russian from the campaign contribution.
about Mr. Trump’s intentions and
gentle giant” dwelling there: a su- account of Mr. Sheleg’s father-in- “There is absolutely no basis for
actions before, during and after
permassive black hole, a trapdoor law, Sergei Kopytov, who was once Continued on Page A11
the attack.
in space-time through which the
Mr. McCarthy, the Californian equivalent of four million suns
who is in line to be speaker if his have been dispatched to eternity,
party wins the House majority in leaving behind only their gravity
November, had a heated phone
call with Mr. Trump during the
and violently bent space-time.
The image, released in six si-
As Cryptocurrencies Melt Down,
riot, in which he implored the
president to call off the mob invad-
ing the Capitol in his name. When
multaneous news conferences in
Washington and around the globe, $300 Billion Evaporates in Days
showed a lumpy doughnut of radio
Mr. Trump declined, according to Musk have talked up crypto, the
emission framing empty space.
Representative Jaime Herrera This article is by David Yaffe-Bel- accelerating declines of virtual
Oohs and aahs broke out at the
Buetler, a Washington Republican lany, Erin Griffith and Ephrat Livni. currencies like Bitcoin and Ether
National Press Club in Washing-
who has said Mr. McCarthy re- show that, in some cases, two
ton when Feryal Özel of the Uni- SAN FRANCISCO — The price
counted the exchange to her, Mr. years of financial gains can disap-
versity of Arizona displayed what of Bitcoin plunged to its lowest
Trump sided with the rioters, say- pear overnight.
she called “the first direct image point since 2020. Coinbase, the
ing, “Well, Kevin, I guess these The moment of panic amounted
of the gentle giant in the center of large cryptocurrency exchange,
people are more upset about the to the worst reset in cryptocurren-
our galaxy.” She added: “It seems
election than you are.” tanked in value. A cryptocurrency cies since Bitcoin plummeted 80
that black holes like doughnuts.”
Mr. McCarthy also told fellow that promoted itself as a stable percent in 2018. But this time, the
Dr. Özel is part of the Event Ho-
Republican leaders privately days means of exchange collapsed. falling prices have broader impact
later that Mr. Trump had con- And more than $300 billion was because more people and institu-
ceded in another phone call that ration of more than 300 scientists The first image of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way.
from 13 institutions that operates wiped out by a crash in cryptocur- tions hold the currencies. Critics
he bore “some responsibility” for rency prices since Monday. said the collapse was long over-
the attack. an ever-growing global network
of telescopes that compose one understand it since,” Dr. Özel said. black hole, is now enshrined in the The crypto world went into a due, while some traders com-
Continued on Page A16 large telescope as big as Earth. “But until now, we didn’t have the Museum of Modern Art in New full meltdown this week in a sell- pared the alarm and fear to the
The team’s results were published direct picture.” York. “We have seen what we off that graphically illustrated the start of the 2008 financial crisis.
Thursday in The Astrophysical In 2019, the same team captured thought was ‘unseeable,’” Shep- risks of the experimental and un- “This is like the perfect storm,”
PAPER TRAIL Prosecutors track Journal Letters. an image of the black hole in the erd Doeleman, an astronomer at regulated digital currencies. Even said Dan Dolev, an analyst who
how classified documents ended “I met this black hole 20 years galaxy Messier 87, or M87. That the Harvard-Smithsonian Center as celebrities such as Kim Kar- covers crypto companies and fi-
up at Mar-a-Lago. PAGE A19 ago and have loved it and tried to image, the first ever taken of a Continued on Page A20 dashian and tech moguls like Elon Continued on Page A20


Russian Shipping Stays Strong Big Man in Women’s Boxing

Traffic was robust in March and April, The YouTube personality and boxer
reflecting the time sanctions take to Jake Paul has played a prominent role
come into effect and the profit motive in in bringing attention, and millions, to
trading Russian energy. PAGE B1 the matches of fighters like Katie Taylor
and Amanda Serrano. PAGE B8
Mary T. Barra says efficiencies, innova- No Triple Crown This Year
‘We’re All Crying Mothers’ tions and learning from mistakes will The Battle Over Roe Protests Rich Strike’s owner said that the 80-to-1
Letting Black Dancers Soar
Dozens of women in El Salvador waited allow her company to become a leader Some worry that outrage at the loca- shot who won the Kentucky Derby Ballet Black, a company founded 20
at a jail for news of their loved ones after in electric vehicles. PAGE B1 tions of demonstrations distracts from would skip the Preakness on May 21 to years ago, provides opportunities for
a campaign of mass arrests. PAGE A4 the real issue: abortion rights. PAGE A13 get more time to rest before the Bel- performers who are often shut out of the
The Cost of Fighting Inflation mont Stakes in June. PAGE B9 British classical dance world. PAGE C7
A Risky Summit for Biden After being confirmed for a second Operation Baby Formula

Latin American heads of state are term as chair, Jerome H. Powell said White House officials announced steps OPINION A22-23
threatening to skip the Summit of the that the Fed’s inflation moves would to try to increase the national supply, but
Americas in Los Angeles. PAGE A6 cause some pain. PAGE B1 could not promise quick relief. PAGE A19 Ross Douthat PAGE A23

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