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The manual aims to explain my
practise and how humans view
the world through a constrained
prism to define beauty. The
audience that I am targeting is
the “zoomers” generation, and I feel some dissonance as the
am trying to give them a glimpse aesthetic is simple and ordinary,
of the ordinary beauty that or, in other words, crap. You
surrounds us. I intend to execute will uncover some theories and
this through my research into practitioners that have impacted
human-centred design using and educated me along the way
methods such as photography, as you follow my quest for the
drawing, and collection. ordinary. Although some of this
Throughout the manual, you will information may make you feel
uneasy, I hope it will inspire you
to look further and discover the
value of beauty in the mundane.

2 3

zoomers and beauty

According to Cambridge dictonorary,
beauty is defined as the quality of being
pleasing, especially to look at, or someone or target audience
something that gives great pleasure, especially The focus of the audience for this manual
when you look at it. (Cambridge Dictionary, 2019) is the people of Generation Z. Generation
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: it Z (or more commonly, Gen Z for short),
exists merely in the mind which contemplates colloquially known as “zoomers,” is the
them; and each mind perceives a different demographic cohort succeeding the Millen-
beauty. One person may even perceive nials and preceding Generation Alpha. I feel Gen Z is likely the target audience
deformity, where another is sensible of Generation Z is the generation born from for your design practise because they are a
beauty; and every individual ought to the mid-1990s to the early 2010s, where the generation that has grown up in a fast-paced
acquiesce in his own sentiment, without exact dates vary depending on the chosen world with constant stimulation and access
pretending to regulate those of others.” David author, but most commonly are the years to technology. By focusing on finding beauty
Hume suggests that beauty remains inert 1995–2010. Gen Z is known to be the first in the mundane, I aim to help them slow
until something is judged as having beauty true “digital native” generation (Lanier, 2017), down and appreciate the simple things in
and there is a shared agreement of beauty. as they have been born and have grown in life. This approach resonates with the values
It clearly explains and how I decide things a digital and technological environment, and experiences of Gen Z and is likely to be
which are mundane or not. (Hume, n.d.) learning how to use technology and inter- well received by this audience. The value of
acting in social networks since a very young mundane things and the art of finding beauty
age, and even tend to be seen as addicted to in them Lost in the hustle and bustle of
technology. (Wikipedia Contributors, 2019) mundane life, they forgot how to live life to
the fullest by finding the beauty that life has
to offer. I want to instil this aspect in them

4 5
through my design practice.

the beauty in mundane crap!

similar words
mundane And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you
because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.

banal ordinary normal the ordinary Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.
Finding beauty in Mundane Crap! Beauty can -Roald Dahl (Dahl, n.d.)
day-to-day everday routine be found in simple things. For example, the
way an overgrown garden provides a haven for
insects, or the way an unevenly painted wall
It can be described as being extremely reflects someone who has tried. In a baby’s eyes. We tend to seek patterns as we observe
ordinary and in no way intriguing or unusual. eyes, everything is fascinating. Every colour is and experience more. It is less important to care
The word is defined by the dictionary as vibrant, every texture is intriguing, and every about the individual nodes of a pattern than it
“everyday” or “banal.” Therefore, it might be leaf is worth exploring because there are no is to care about the patterns themselves.
things you encounter on a daily basis but no preconceived notions that they are subjected
longer find interesting. According to Cloke, to. All these things represent life. My practise I find it amazing how something ordinary can
Crang, and Goodwin (2014: 926), it is an delves into a world full of hope, where each turn into something stunningly beautiful while
arena of social life that includes repetitive human appreciates beauty for its ordinariness still going unnoticed. Each element of reality
daily cycles and routines that we learn but and imperfections as much as for its perfection. has something worth observing and further
eventually take for granted (Hall and Holmes, 2020). According to me, a mind that is unconditioned, exploring; I hope to raise awareness of them
or free of any social construct, sees all things as and connect the Zoomers generation through
beautiful. The ability to capture the attention this manual. It is said that “even if it is staring
of others is one of the fundamental tenets of right back at us, we are unable to recognise
beauty. Our minds internalise each element of beauty when wonder is absent.” “But when we
the world’s beauty with crystal clarity, but we have wonder, we can see beauty everywhere,
do not realise it until we see it with our own even in the huge sea of the ordinary” ( Yeo, n.d.).

context wabi- sabi

the Japanese art of imperfect beauty

侘 “

Beauty an be coaxed out of ugliness.
-Leonard Koren (Koren, n.d.)

what it means to me
Wabi Sabi is a beautiful way to recognise

the beauty of something in its most
unadulterated and raw state. It is used to
define what is natural and pure. It does
The reason I am drawn to it is the ideology
away with the western notion of artificial
of reflecting a sense of tranquilly and calm
‘wabi sabi’ beauty and idolatry of an unrealistic,
in my design. I believe a lot of my design
unnatural state of perfection (Walther, 2021).
Wabi (侘) expresses the part Sabi (寂) displays and sensibilities trickle down from my belief
The people of today’s world have distorted
of simplicity, impermanence, expresses the effect that time in the magic of spirituality, which I like to
the idea of natural beauty and accepted
flaws, and imperfection. It is has on a substance or any reflect in the designs that I create. Wabi
flaws by making the concept of beauty into
the beauty that can be felt from object. Moreover, it is a way of Sabi speaks a lot about appreciating the
something that is becoming more refined
natural imperfections. expressing the beauty of faded simplicity of life and the details that we
as well as unattainable with each passing
or withered things. usually overlook. Mundane things hold the
day. The Japanese belief and concept of
potential to create a sense of emotion in the
wabi-sabi embraces just that and enables
human mind, and to me, Wabi Sabi creates a
people to be more accepting and open to
magical world of safety and appreciation of
embracing the beauty of flaws and rawness.
the beauty within. I believe that through my
practise I can bring the community closer to

8 09

human centered design
what does it mean?

Human-centered design, also known
as “user-centered design,” is a problem- It is a process in which people
solving technique that puts real people quickly switch from making concrete Good design is like a refrigerator — when it works, no one

at the centre of the development observations to thinking in extremely notices, but when it doesn’t, it sure stinks.
process, enabling designers to create abstract terms before diving back into the -Irene Au (Thomas, 2021)
products and services that resonate details of a prototype. It is referred to as
Inspiration: understanding individuals
and are tailored to their audience’s “divergent” and “convergent” (DC Design,
through observing their lives, hearing
needs(Landry, 2020). Moreover, it means 2017) .However, since the objective is to
their aspirations, and learning from them.
believing that the people who face make a significant impact on the world,
those problems every day are the ones only the ideas with the best chance of
actually succeeding should be chosen.
Ideation: making sense of what has been user needs
who hold the key to their answers. accomplished in stage one, coming up
People experience some divergence and For example, to develop a new toothbrush
with a bunch of ideas, finding design
convergence along the way, and with each design, Colgate-Palmolive worked with
opportunities, testing out ideas, and
new cycle, they get closer to a product Altitude, a company that specialises in
polishing them.
that is ready for the market. human-centered design. The team conducted
in-depth consumer research before creating
Implementation: implementing solutions I feel human-centered design is the
the Motion toothbrush, a new, smaller, more
around the world to increase global foundation that takes a creative approach
powerful toothbrush with oscillating heads
influence is how they become a reality. to problem-solving. It’s a procedure
(By, 2015) and an arcing neck. The central concern
for the entire product,revolved around that begins with the target audience and
“Will this meet the needs of the users?” concludes with new, specifically suited
from surface features to performance. The solutions to their requirements. In this case,
Motion ultimately succeeded by addressing a toothbrush, which is a mundane object
users’ need for a thin toothbrush that could yet has been developed and modified on
nevertheless perform well a requirement an ongoing basis to satisfy human needs.
that the sector hadn’t before addressed. As a designer, it is important for me to
(Raghavan, 2022) understand and cater to individual needs as
I develop my practsie in the future.


The idea of human-centered design revolves
around finding beauty in the natural world
and in the everyday experiences of citizens
in order to increase their efficiency, develop
their need to express their identity, and/or
reach beyond the mundane.

For example, the human species is a social

animal that thrives on communication.
However, the mere act of communication
on a daily basis can be a mundane activity
for them. People in the past used letters
to communicate, and gradually, through
development and design, they switched to
telephones, making communication audible
but not accessible. Originally, these phones
were designed with the consumer’s need for
accessibility in mind, but smart-phones now
have all of the features required. The communication industry has grown and
developed over the past decades by focusing
on humans as its centre of development. The
act of communication is an ordinary day to
day activity that many may find mundane,
but the act in itself is so beautiful as it brings
humankind together. As a result, through
proper and planned human-centric design,
an ordinary activity such as communication
can be made more appealing to consumers. 

method one


Photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something inter-
esting in an ordinary place. I’ve found it has little to do with the things

you see and everything to do with the way you see them.
-Elliott Erwitt (Erwitt, n.d.)

Photography is a method of capturing the
ordinary details of our everyday lives. In a
day, I end up taking several pictures, and observation of nature
here are a few that depict my practise well.
The beauty I am surrounded by became
The first image is that of the sky, which
more apparent when I walked around
profoundly highlights beauty in the form
my own neighborhood. It has been a
of patterns made by the tree branches. The
pleasure watching the ongoing discovery
small white flowers seem to somewhat
of what is already there, not disregarding
resemble stars in the sky, giving me the
the ordinary but simply looking at it in a
impression of magic in the air. In the second
different way. What enhances the whole beauty around us. These days, the cameras
image, a beautiful and minimal aesthetic
experience is the fact that I can, at any point are at our disposal at merely all times,
is achieved by simply painting a golden
in the future, look back at these memories making it an easily accessible tool to work
galaxy on crumbled brown paper, which is
through photographs and still relive them. with. I chose photography because of this
quite mundane in its own right. The use of
Photographs are frozen pieces of time that I very reason. I find photography to be a very
light against a white backdrop and through
would want to cherish, beyond my limited convenient and easily moldable method, in
a meshed vessel creates an atmosphere of
memory. According to me, photography the sense that, thanks to the many software
beauty and simplicity around it. These might
is the most available form of capturing the programmes available, photo manipulation
be images that many may find unsettling
or ordinary, but to my eyes, they are a pure and editing are extremely simple, enhancing
form of beauty. the entire design process. 

method two

draw it

Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous.
-Bill Moyers (Myers, 2018)

squiggle isn’t just a squiggle

Drawing or doodling forms a major part of
my everyday life, as I find it very therapeutic
to sketch out whatever I see or feel (Ellis, 2017).
Drawing is practically the first thing that is for a fact—that everything is interesting
ever taught to us as children. Growing up, I when you draw it. When you draw, you
remember drawing on and with any medium start to look, and when you look, you start
I could possibly find, without understanding to really see. “If it’s worth seeing, it’s worth
the meaning of why I drew it, but it was sketching. (Rostron, 2016)” Buttons, gift tags,
an art in the eyes of my parents and that and stamps are all mundane in the sense that
is why choosing drawing as a method was they are used on a daily basis, but people that I would like to further explore and make
imperative. It not only captures the object or don’t normally tend to see the importance or my own. Drawing acts as a documentation
the scene but also the emotion attached to it. beauty attached to them. But drawing gives of my life and a medium for me to express
I enjoy the artistic freedom that comes with me the power to see these ordinary things and capture the beauty that I see around
it. For instance, over the course of time on as extraordinary. This is the second method me every day in the little mundane things. I
Procreate, I have been sketching out objects feel drawing plays a very important role in
that may seem mundane to many people shifting our perspective to find joy in even
but, in reality, are not. I believe—and I know the mundane parts of life.

method three


collection “A fine glass vase goes from treasure to trash, the moment it is
broken. Fortunately, something else happens to you and me. Pick

up your pieces. Then, help me gather mine.
-Vera Nazarian (Svoboda, 2021)

the unfiltered art

A collection refers to a group or set of items
or objects, typically organised or gathered
together for a particular purpose (Cobuild,
n.d.). Examples include a collection of books,
I, as a graphic designer, have made it
art, stamps, coins, etc. Combining my two my goal to explain the value of vintage
practices—photography and collection—has collections to the world. There are already
inspired me to complete this side project. many people out there doing this already,
Over the course of a week, I had been but I would want to take it up as my
gathering all the objects I encountered in practice, as it is not only fun but also very
on I have been collecting coins, and
my daily life that people often disposed engaging and valuable. Coming from a
then gradually, many other things, for
of because they thought they were conservative household, I was taught the
instance, stamps and sea shells. Many
uninteresting and crap. For instance, the importance of saving while growing up,
of my friends have always thought that
broken egg shells, the mail I receive, and the and I think that still carries on. As a child,
it was very basic and a waste of time to
receipts all portray life as it truly is. I chose to my mother made it a point to inculcate in
collect anything, but for me, it frames
collect just white items so that I could display me the importance of it, and so since early
my life in many ways, and seeing my
their natural beauty without adding any extra collection physically and all in one place
layer of colour to them. The composition so made me realise the beauty in it.
formed is beautiful in its own way.

theory one

vernacular typography theory

Experience nature, and in doing so learn about yourself.
- Japanese Proverb (Proverb, n.d.)

The use of vernacular typography can also be

a way to celebrate the cultural heritage and
promote the distinctiveness of a place. It can
meaning also be a way to create a sense of community
and connect people to their local culture.
Vernacular typography refers to the use
For example, vernacular typography in
of typefaces and design elements that are
Japan refers to the use of traditional Japanese
specific to a particular culture or region. nious and balanced design. I feel we, as
scripts, such as kanji and kana, in typography
Vernacular typography is rooted in the humans, have done tremendous things and
and graphic design. This style of typography
local culture and reflects the unique made terrible mistakes in our quest to make
often features calligraphic elements and
characteristics and history of that place. It our lives more convenient and “modern.”
is used in a variety of contexts, including
is often used to evoke a sense of nostalgia, Examples are unremarkable strip malls, wide
advertising, packaging, and book design.
tradition, or local identity. It can be found in suburban neighbourhoods, and surface-level
Japanese typography also often incorpo-
many forms, such as shop signs, street signs, downtown parking lots. We just did not take
rates the use of white space, asymmetry, and
posters, and packaging. It often features the time to look at it closely and consider
dynamic composition to create a harmo-
hand-drawn letter forms, bold colours, the long-term effects of our actions, and as
and ornate decorations. Some examples a result, we are losing the essence of what is
of vernacular typography are found in beautiful in the world.
(WOODWARD, n.d.)

Indian bazaar signs, Arabic calligraphy, and

traditional Japanese signs.

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theory two


Find beauty not only in the thing itself but in the pattern of the

shadows, the light and dark which that thing provides.
-Isaiah Berlin (Berlin, n.d.)

• Geometric patterns: are made

up of basic shapes like circles,
squares, and triangles. The beauty of patterns in mundane things
can be found in the way they add visual
• Organic patterns: are made up interest and intrigue to everyday objects
of natural forms like leaves, and spaces. Patterns can be found in various
meaning flowers, and vines. forms in the world around us, from the
A pattern is a repeating element that can be repeating shapes of a honeycomb to the personality to a mundane or ordinary
used to add texture, interest, and movement • Abstract patterns: are more ripples on a pond. The repetitive nature of design. We live in a world full of patterns,
to a design. Patterns can be created using experimental and can patterns can also create a sense of order and each of them is beautiful in its own
a variety of design elements, such as include a mix of shapes, and symmetry, which can be soothing way. Patterns can also be used to create a
shapes, colours, and textures, and can be colours, and textures. and calming. The use of pattern in design sense of movement and depth in a design
applied to backgrounds, typography, and can also add a sense of playfulness and and can be layered or combined with other
illustrations. They are used in various fields design elements to create interesting and
like web design, textile design, product dynamic compositions.
design, etc. There are several types of
patterns that can be used in graphic design,
including the following:
(White, 2020)

practisioner one

Rose Hilton

It sorts out my head – you need a bit of time each day to just

think through what you’re trying to convey.
-Rose Hilton

Rose Hilton is known for her paintings,

which depict the beauty of ordinary things
about her life in everyday life, such as domestic interiors,
still life, and landscapes. One of the main
Rose Hilton (15 August 1931 – 19 March reasons I am inspired by her art is the way as she also encourages people to look for
2019) was a British painter living in Cornwall. she captures the beauty of mundane crap! beauty in everything, which is a powerful
Born in Kent, in 1931, she attended the Royal Her oil paintings are often described as message. “Grey Kitchen” is a painting
College of Art in London, winning the Life “intimate” and “poetic,” as they capture that I admire the most because the colour
Drawing and Painting prize as well as the small moments and details that are often palette is in shades of grey, giving the scene
Abbey Minor Scholarship to Rome. overlooked, and this gives them a sense of a sense of stillness and quiet, and the use
familiarity and relatability that resonates of light coming from the window creates a
In 1977 she had her first solo show at Newlyn with many people.  sense of realism and captures the mood of
Art Gallery, and her post-impressionist, After seeing her work at Tate, I was inspired the scene. The composition is simple and
figurative paintings have achieved wide and wanted people to know about her work, uncluttered, which adds to the sense of
popularity. Her work is often compared intimacy and realism that I want to inculcate
(Hilton, 2004)

to that of the French Nabi painter, Pierre in my practise. Her work is a reminder that
Bonnard and is noticeably influenced by that everyday life is worth looking at and can be
of Henri Matisse (Museums, n.d.). very inspiring. 

practisioner two

Kerby Rosanes

Never quit drawing.
-Kerby Rosasnes (Rosanes, n.d.)

I am drawn to his work because his artwork
Kerby Rosanes is a Philippines-based
mostly illustrates everyday experiences and
illustrator who works mainly with ordinary
my eccentric imagination. His artwork has
black fine-liners to magically illustrate his
a distinct style, and the level of detail in his
“doodle” world. Kerby says that there are
drawings is astounding. He often creates
no mistakes at all. Every time he makes
complex and imaginative scenes, filled with
a so-called “mistake,” it always turns into
tiny creatures and intricate patterns. His characters to create a single composition. It
another character or element. His drawings
work is playful and imaginative and often was he who inspired me to draw doodles like
are done in a highly detailed and realistic
features a mix of whimsical characters and the one on the right side, and I would love to
style, often featuring hidden creatures and
intricate patterns that are both visually have a similar style of drawing in the future.
characters within the illustrations. He is also
appealing and thought-provoking. From a Most of these doodle artworks are the result
known for his series of “doodle” illustrations,
young age, I enjoyed the way he used small of pure curiosity and random stuff. During
(Rosanes, 2017)

which feature intricate patterns and designs

that are inspired by nature and the world my review, I found that the majority of his art
around him (shall494, 2017). His work is often has no meaning but merely contains random
described as imaginative, playful, and elements that make it stand out.


the end

Understanding the “beauty in the mundane ‘’

is valuable because it can motivate designers
to produce things and experiences that are
both beautiful and useful. As a designer, I consider the environmental impact of my
aim to provide the user experience with a designs and prioritise sustainable materials
new degree of attention to detail and care and production methods. I feel the beauty
by concentrating on the beauty of everyday in the mundane is that you can create more
products and processes. The emphasis can meaningful and impactful products and
be shifted from materialistic goals to a more environments that people will appreciate and
purposeful and aware living, which, in my enjoy in their daily lives.
opinion, can result in a better appreciation I feel all the knowledge and insight gained
for life’s simple pleasures. I wish to contribute from Unit 1 has already shaped my
to the joy and happiness of people’s daily perspective towards design and will continue
lives by developing goods and experiences to do so in the future. I intend to continue
that highlight the beauty in the ordinary. working on my practice in order to achieve
One of the most important aspects is to my ultimate goal of raising global awareness.
prioritise sustainability, where I will likely A start has been made towards my journey of
becoming a creative designer, and I wish to
follow the path and give my existence in this
universe meaning.

28 29

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Sonal Agarwal
Chosen space Chosen space
Legends Barbers Legends Barbers


In this brief, we have to choose a space, learn

something invisible about it, and observe how
people use it. I chose to observe a barbershop
"The Legends Barber' near my house. It is located
in Irving Grove, Stockwell.

2 3
Chosen space
Legends Barbers

(123RF, n.d.)
4 5
Visual research Visual research
Photographs Field Sketches

6 7
Visual research Contextual research
Floor Plan About the space

(Crystal Roof, n.d.)

(Google Maps, n.d.)
A sketch of the floor plan of the barber shop, which depicts the
layout of how the shop is built. The place is designed with lots
The chosen visibilize loctaion is ‘Legends Barbers’, unisex salon. It is sit-
of mirrors; both the opposite sides of the shop are covered with
uated in Irving Grove, Stockwell. The place is owned by a Black men and
mirrors. Customers can wait in a large number of chairs just to
50% of the majority people living in the area belong to the Black ethnic
the right of the entrance. As you can see in the layout, there are
group. In mid 90’s the shop was built and was open for men only but in
three main chairs for the grooming of men and a small unit with
2002 the shop opened their services for women too. The shop is small
one chair for women. On the left-hand corner, there is a small
and the interior of the shop traditionally has a more masculine vibe and
stool just behind the glass door for the barbers to sit on and
a ‘laid-back’ environment. I chose to observe this place for my Visibilize
relax. A small door behind the shops leads to a row of houses,
brief because it is situated 0.1 mile away from the place where I reside
one of which belongs to the barber family. 
which made it accessible for me. Around that area there are many other
barber shops but Legends Barber is the oldest shop in Stockwell.
8 9
Contextual research Observation
Mind map Notes on the observation

The mind map describes the barber shop, helping me to understand the
chosen space in a better way. I tried to map out the features and details
that I observed in the shop, such as how the salon is a unisex salon too,
but the majority of the customers are mainly men. After speaking to one
of the barbers in the shop, who has been working for the past ten to
twelve years. In the mid-1990s, an Afro-American owned Legends Bar-
bers, which was only for men at the time, but later in 2002, they opened I chose to observe the pattern of people entering the shop, selecting a
the space to women ’ s services as well. The place has a vintage aesthet- service, and sitting in which chair. Along with that, I also observed that,
ic, with the colour palette being dark shades, giving it a more masculine with a few customers, a company was also there that waited in the wait-
vibe. The customers who visit the shop have a long-term relationship ing area. I believe they will be accompanied by friends, family, or loved
with the people working there, making it a friendly and happy place.  ones. After this, I will mainly focus on gender, age, nationality, and the
type of service they opt for during the day. 
10 11
Experiment 1 Experiment 2
Through the window Receipt as memory

12 13
Experiment 3 Visual language
Legends Barbers Understanding the receipts

(, n.d.)

A receipt is a written acknowledgement of having received, or taken into

one’s possession, a specified amount of money, goods, etc. I choose to
show the observed data in the form of a receipt that is customised ac-
cording to the factors collected. I have the impression that a receipt is
something that each of us throws away, and that it ends up in the trash.
Through my customised receipt, I want to try to make the people col-
lect it and keep it as a form of memory.

14 15
Visual language Visual language
Key to decode Representing data through receipt

My final concept for express-

ing the observation in a visual
language is about observing a
pattern of behaviour in a space
where people of the masculine
gender are most prevalent in
the age range of 17–60 years,
with the majority of them being
black people. This could be be-
cause Stockwell is a predomi-
nantly black neighbourhood.

The different variables are ex-

plained, such as gender, age, na-
tionality, type of service at what
hour of the day, and a code for
16 numbers. 17
Visual language Refernces
Visual in the chosen space find the citations

123RF. (n.d.). Barber Shop Pole Isolated on a White Background.

[online] Available at:
html. (n.d.). Printed receipt line numbering -

Clover Community. [online] Available at: https://community.clo-
[Accessed 1 Feb. 2023].

Crystal Roof. (n.d.). Demographics of Combermere Road, London,

SW9 9QG. [online] Available at:
postcode/SW99QG/demographics [Accessed 1 Feb. 2023].

Google Maps. (n.d.). Google Maps. [online] Available at: https:// [Ac-
cessed 1 Feb. 2023].

18 19

Design by
Mikey Lily Sonal Lann
Deptford is an area on the south
bank of the Thames in south-east
London and home to many south
Londoners, but over the past few
years, their long-time home has
undergone forceful gentrification.
Deptford is sandwiched between
affluent Greenwich and New
Cross, and its culture attracts many
artists and creative people. This
has brought attention to the area,
attracting developers who have their
own ideas about Deptford, and a
wave (or perhaps more of a ripple)
of middle-classification has hit
Deptford, which is now gradually
and restaurants. But at the same
time, it has left the community with
a number of problems that cannot
be ignored, such as a reduction in
greenery, the planned removal of
affordable housing, and an increase in
the cost of living. This has led to a
stark stylistic difference between the
historic Deptford and the gentrified
Deptford, and has increased the
disparity between the rich and poor
of its residents.
A Topographical Map Of The Country Twenty Miles Round London 1800 William Faden, Charing Cross

Equality Perfect Egalitarianism (Veil of Ignorance)
Philosophers hold John Rawls mentioned in his "A Theory of Justice" that legal equality is not
different views enough, and he thought it should be taken into account that people have
on the concept of different resources and conditions, namely the differences between individuals.
equality. Today, RICH
there are roughly Rawls's solution to the problem of inequality is to put a "veil of ignorance" over
three mainstream everyone. He advocated that people return to the original state, that is, discard
views: perfect their identity, conditions, gender and other factors to look at the problem.
John Rawls
of luck and
Liberalism (Self-Ownership)
Robert Nozick, on the other hand, is opposed to Rawls's idea of redistributing
the wealth of the rich, that is to say, raising taxes on the rich. He believed that
people have self-ownership, and that the inequality of the result should not
demand the inequality of the process.

Nozick's argument is that the rich and poor are not equal, but that it should not
be the law that requires the rich to give more money to help the poor. But he is
not opposed to voluntary help from the rich.

Robert Nozick

Luck Egalitarianlism (Equality of Opportunity)

What Cohen thought was that the system of justice would rule out the luck
factor of a person not doing as well as someone else out of choice. RICH POOR

So Cohen's approach is to have equal opportunity for rich and poor, and by
equal opportunity I mean to take into account individual differences.
Gerald Allan Cohen



Based on the views of the above philosophers, we

believe that the problem of the large gap between
the rich and the poor in Lewisham is mainly
due to the government's policy of building new
apartments to replace the old ones. For those who
already live in relatively cheap old apartments, there
is no help from the government. So they staged
demonstrations against the government's action.
Early Buildings
Brand New Buildings

Early Building's Roof Brand New Building's Roof



1 Seesaw as a basic type 4 Adjusting the aesthetics of graphics


2 Simplifying the shape 5 Coloured and standardised


3 Adding elements to reflect 6 Logo and text combinations

the concept of 'Equality'


C 25 M 5 Y 88 K 0

C 70 M 13 Y 17 K 0

C 77 M 43 Y 0 K 0

C 100 M 80 Y 42 K 6




In our research, the voices of the poor in deptford did not count, and even though they organized
protests, the government did not. That became the inspiration for this poster. The voice of the poor
is like Morse Code. You can't understand them without being in their environment. You can't
understand Morse Code without knowing the code sheet.
Process Book
So n a l ag a rwa l

th i n ki ng th rough

2 3
28th Sept,2022 Tuesday 29th Sept,2022 Wednesday

week one week one

Th e begi n n i ng InDesign

It was my first day at the university, I In this session we were introduced

was scared and excited at the same
to Adobe InDesign Software by Gen.
time. I was very keen on meeting
It was the first technical workshop
my course-mates and tutors. In the
session we were introduced to the where she taught us how to organise
structure of the course and were our files and folders, the basic of
introduced to our first brief 'Locate' creating a document and how to
by our course leader Barbara. It was work with layers and pages. From the
my first day in the university and all session I learnt that it is very vital to
the course members were asked to organise my folders and work so that
pair up with a partner. I was paired it makes my task easier. It was my first
with 'Jara' who is from Spain. We time to use InDesign and it felt pretty
had a conversation which helped easy to me the way Gen taught us.
me know about her and what she The shortcuts that she taught were
was doing for her undergrad. It was quite helpful because it will help us to
fun knowing her and the rest of the save a lot of time. I really like her the
classmates. It gave me an insight introductory class and I feel it will be
that we all come from different
resourceful of me. In the introductory
backgrounds and culture and how
class we learnt the basis to prepare a
it is important for me to embrace
it. Later in the day few of the tutors Business Card. The usual size of the
came and introduced themselves. I @Scanned note
s from the class/ business card is 84mm*55mm.
was super excited to start the course
and learn new skills.

30th Sept,2022 Thursday

week one
W h at c a n a b o dy d o ?

The resource that we engaged with was

a small piece of article from the book
named,’What can a body do’? by Sara
Hendren. The one thing that I liked from
’ t just a recipe
the article is that a brief isn
style checklist. There’s no correct way to
do it. Every design is unique and has no
law to follow to reach the desired result.
It’s all about experimenting with different
tools. This approach aligns with my area
of interest because as a Graphic Designer
we to fulfil the clients wants and rather
gave it a personal touch which has more
utility and significance in the world. My
new understanding to the situation is
based on the video we watched along with
the discussions with my peers and tutors.
It has left an impact for my work/practise
that every perceptive is different and we
should understand how it will affect the rest
of the world. Just creating is not enough
until we understand where our work will fit
in and be used.
31st Sept,2022 Friday
Aca d e m i c s u p p o rt Pre-Session
week one task


Academic Support Lecture with Caroline

introduced us with Primary Research The reading for this week is by Chris Barker., (2000) Television,
Methods and how we can use the data globalization and cultural identities Open Univ. Press. Culture,
to document in our process book. Some subjectivity, and cultural identity are the topics of this essay.
of the primary research methods that It clarifies how identities are social and cultural. In addition
we discussed were: to culture, what it means to be a person also depends on our
• Interviews social interactions, how we define ourselves in terms of the
• Photography similarities and differences we share with others. Language
• Recordings is one of the social resources we use to do this.
• Drawings Language is at the core of culture and identity since it serves
We did a fun activity in which we did as a platform for the creation and exchange of cultural
some free writing and latheral thinking meanings as well as our own internalisation of social reality.
using mind maps and drawings. I felt Cultural Identity can be defined in three ways:
it was very useful for me as it made • The topic of the Enlightenment: The rationality of humans
me more self-aware about myself and as a subject and how it has aided in understanding human
my practise. I also did a 1-2-1 session • The sociological subject: We are created as individuals
with her where she helped me identity through a social process that makes use of things that are
my interests and how can I use it for socially shared (accul- turalization)
the Locate brief. • The postmodern subject: People are made up of several,
sometimes conflicting identities (fragmented identities).

reflecti ng on my
o w n va l u e s

10 11
03rd Oct,2022 Monday

week two
M a k e Yo u r Va l u e s M e a n S o m e t h i n g

I feel values are the things we care

deeply about and act as basis for
the choices we make in life. The
values which I felt are important
and I strongly believe in my life are:
• Adventurous The Personal Voice Workbook
• Appreciation walks me through exercises designed
• Community Emotional Learning Cards to help any person claim their voice;
• Love and Zest for life A set highlighting themes relating identify the things, people, and/or
My group ‘We are Humans’ chose to difference and representation, situations that silence it; and envision
Empathy, Courage, Imagination using everyday examples in the form how and when and where they can
and Self- Control as the values of surrealism, for example, Panda use it. For my weekly reading I read
playing the trumpet and an Elephant
that we all agree and believed in. this workbook and felt very inspired
speaking on the mix. Determining
I felt the purpose of this activity by the thoughts that the authors had
what the cards represent was a task
was to endorse and be proud of because I felt one card could have to say. I feel it important for every
the values we feel are important various values rather than just the human to have a voice and speak their
in our life by wearing the t-shirt in one. Once the analysis was over we thoughts as it will lead to building a
which our values are printed. It was made a short story out of cards. It close community and bringing hearts
interesting to know how each of us was a fun activity which helped me together. Every person has a story and
believe in different values and how self analyse values and how they can its crucial to embark the journey.
we rank them in our life. be used in my design practise.
03rd Oct,2022 Monday
The real, true me: raspberry Pre-Session
week two task


The ways of organizing information are finite. It

Imagining myself as a fruit was a complex and can only be organized by location, alphabet, time,
interesting task at the same time. I landed up category, or hierarchy. These modes are applicable
imaging myself as a Raspberry. I have a soft space to almost any endeavor—from your personal file
in my heart for all the berries and Raspberry was the cabinets to multinational corporations. They
one with which I related myself the most. I drew a are the framework upon which annual reports,
small info-graphic reasoning why and how I have the books, conversations, exhibitions, directories,
same characterises like the fruit even though some conventions, and even warehouses are arranged.
of them are my own visual thoughts for the fruit as While information may be infinite, the ways
you can see. I feel it was quite an interesting task and of structuring it are not. And once you have a
would love to have similar activity in the future as it is place in which the information can be plugged,
helping me open my creative brain and think beyond. it becomes that much more useful. Your choice
I think if everyone had explained really quickly what will be determined by the story you want to tell.
they had chosen and why, maybe we could have Each way will permit a different understanding of
understood better what a metaphor is as well, if that the information—within each are many variations.
was it’s purpose. Then I felt like it could have been However, recognizing that the main choices are
a great starting point to create a design out of the limited makes the process less intimidating.
concept of `you as a fruit ́.

04th Oct,2022 Tuesday
My constellation of interests Pre-Session
week two
Mapping and Classifying
The pre session task of mapping out my
constellations of interests allowed me to reflect
on myself and discover the things which I am
more inclined towards. In the session we shared
The pre-session task was to map out our current our works and inspirations in which my group
practice + interests which includes tools, mates helped me realise locate my practise. I
techniques, topics, areas of enquiry/interests felt discussing with my group-mates helped
outside of design. I made a constellation of my me a lot to understand which area of practise
interest which made me understand more about I should work towards. Post lunch we went to
myself. I chose to use my work to represent the library where we were instructed to collect
the map because I felt it’s the best way to pictures of practitioners or work of theirs that
show myself visually to my classmates. I like attracted us. I captured a lot of pictures which
colourful and vibrant art, especially which have a attracted me visually. Later in the session, I
deeper meaning to it. All the graphics have been learnt how the information we gather can be
illustrated on Adobe Illustrator. Amongst all of classified and summarised under category-
them I personally, like the Finding Dory Alphabets Location, Alphabet, Time, Category, Hierarchy.
because through each letter, I tried to bring life I classified my photographs under Text Imagery,
To the different creatures and adventures Tiny visuals creating a storyboard, Abstract art,
that the animals swim through in the movie. Hierarchy of the font size and Category. It was
“. It is intended that these marine animals be a fun and learning session about how important
transformed into alphabets to convey a message and useful organising data using different
or protection. arrangement methods.

05th Oct,2022 Wednesday 05th Oct,2022 Wednesday
Research for
week two week two Locate

Getting to know grids Research

In the core graphic design class with

Gen we discussed about grids. There
My practise is about doodling and I am
are two types of grids:
thinking if I should make my manual
• Columns and Gutters
about doodling? I am not quite sure about
• Markers
it. If we think about doodles then the first
The minimum or average margin for
thing that comes to our mind is scribbling
any book is 13-18mm which is useful
on a piece of paper. For me doodling has
when designing our manuals. She
always had a meaning. I find the scribbles
also spoke about Golden ratio which
interesting and how just they doodles
is represented by a rectangle whose
can help a person know the person who
longer edge is 1.681times the length.
drew’s state of mind. I read an article by
She taught us how to create grids and
by Matt Ellis where he reads about the
paragraph alignment. Under which
type of doodle and explain a person ’ s
Justify alignment was discussed as we
psyche. I found it really interesting to
designers tend to write text and have
know if somone drew stars. Stars denote
ragging and lines which doesn ’ t look
ambition, motivation, and confidence,
good. I didn ’ t know about this before
but paying attention to the details can
and it will be very useful for my manual
add even more insight. Everything has
and future designs.
a meaning and it is important we see
and appreciate it.

06th Oct,2022 Thursday

week two The charm of ‘R for Repair’ lies in the sto-

ries behind the objects and their owners’ at-
Critical reflection tachment to them, ranging from mundane to
the intriguing objects.

Material Experiment Emotional Durability

Critical Reflection presentation was given by Claire R for Repair: London x Singapore exhibition shines a
in which she spoke about ‘Material Experiment’ . timely spotlight on consumerism by showing how,
We talked about artist Omer Arbel who transformed with a little ingenuity, cherished but broken objects

@Repaired by: Si Ying in Singapore, 2022/

the John Madejski Garden at the Victoria & Albert can be given both new meaning and a fresh lease
Museum into an immersive glass blowing studio, of life. It’s amazing how by repairing the damaged
where his work titled 113 has be produced. Materials objects, not only are the memories being preserved,
like common copper and glass antiquities procured but a new layer of meaning is also added to the
from flea markets and vintage stores will be object. The two repairs that I loved the most were:
returned to their raw materials, and used to create
a series of new 113 artefacts. It was interesting to • Puffin (Graham Secrets)
see how science and art collide together to create The designer created a cast for the puffin ’ s wing
a unique object. using an intricate weaving technique for the toy
Post-session I read about 113 artefacts and
it was fascinating to know how the concept • Saucer from Maxim’s de Paris
thread of memories A porcelain plate repaired with steel

@Repaired by: STUDIO DAM in Singapore, 2022/

Runs behind the project. The input from each staples and epoxy glue
decision leaves imprints of the individuals involved
in the process. MacDonell describes the patterns I feel it is a form of sustainable design that reduces
within the copper alloy structures as ‘like a memory consumption and waste by increasing the durability
of the glass form’. I loved how they transform into of relationships established between users and
beautiful pieces of artefacts. products. I would love to used this approach in
my practise as it involves Human Centered and
Social Design.

07th Occt,2022 Friday
Identity Pre-Session

week two task


The reading for this week is on Research Practice & Pick one
Theory (book) | Collins (2019), ‘Introduction ’ in Creative
Research: The theory and practice of research for the
creative industries, pages 1-19.
It discusses the importance and methods of research in
the creative industries. The book likely covers topics such
as the role of research in the creative process, different
types of research methods, and how to apply research
findings in the fields of design, advertising, film, music, Hello! I am Sonal! I am going to introduce you to my
and other creative fields. It may also discuss the unique ‘Golden Doodle’. The meaning behind my name means
challenges and considerations that come with researching golden in Hindi due to which I like to call my Identity
the creative industries, and the ways in which research collage the same. I am from India- the land of diversity.
can inform and improve the work of professionals in these I am a dog lover and I own a Shihtzu way back home, his
fields. It made me understand the importance on research name is Snoopy and he’s the one who I fond and care the
even in fast paced industries like advertising, music, design, most. During my sad days I enjoy having sushi and wine.
etc. Sometimes we think that something well executed As a designer I love colourful, vibrant and minimalistic
can be enough but if we use research we can see how it art. I am interpreted to explore the world of typography The independent activity I chose to share with the
adds value, credibility, support on your convictions, etc. I and collage for my design practise. class was about ‘Graffiti’.I love doodled walls with
think I got a bit clearer what methodologies I should use spray paints and I want to use Graffiti or Doodling as a
for my research. method for my design practise.

09th Oct,2022 Sunday
Research for
week two Locate

m a n ua l R es e a rc h

The redemptive art

I had the amazing opportunity of visiting
the exhibition of Cornelia Parker at the Tate
Britain Museum. To say the least, I was
mesmerised by how well she portrayed
art through objects so bizarre and almost
useless to common people. We almost
look over the actual beauty of things and My practise is about Finding beauty in Mundanity, where
tend to focus on the materialistic gain the word mundane is derived from the Latin mudus,
even more. On the contrary, Cornelia meaning “world.” Mundane refers to that which is worldly,
through her art and installations, made earthly, and commonplace. But now, it means something
me reflect on these things and think deep ‘ordinary’ or ‘boring’. The everyday seems to be boring to
about the actual meaning. She transforms the humans and through my practise I wanna approach the
everyday objects into extraordinary works people of this snowflake genration group to appreaciate
of art, and pushes the boundaries of what the ordinary rather than finding perfection. How do we
we understand sculpture to be. She uses decide what is mundane to you? A question that arises
her art to address the issues of the time, when I think about this subject, I feel its mundane is a
be it violence, politics, ecology, national feeling and vision that differs for different people. Billions
identity or human rights. I was insipired of people in this world cannot see the same thing and
by her work and got the concept for my have or feel the same feeling. Mundane is connected with
practise which can entitled as Finding people’s emotions and experiences that they had in their
Beauty in Mundanity, talking about how lives. For example, how a piece of old newspaper is crap
we ignore the beauty around us in this era. to us but the same piece of newspaper is beautiful in the
eyes of a kid who is looking to make a paper boat out of it.

d o c u m e n t i n g yo u r
10th Oct,2022 Monday
10th Oct,2022 Monday

week three
Research for
week three Locate

P r i m a ry r e s e a r c h m a n ua l r es e a rc h

The session was be lead by Dora We discussed our pick ones in the
in which she explained how we session and it was very interesting
will continue to develop your to see what my classmates had
reflective practice, honing in on experienced during the week.
primary research methods – Every person had a unique pick
how can we research through one which made the session
our own practice? How can we more captivating. It made me
document this process? realise that how each one of us
experience things differently Wabi- Sabi
• Primary Research- research and how I can connect myself
Wabi-sabi is a Japanese aesthetic concept
that we do with our own work with the experience. We also
that values the beauty of imperfection,
or the experiments that’s we introduced ourselves as a part
impermanence, and incompleteness. It is often
do by ourselves. of the identity task. By the end
associated with traditional Japanese art forms
Example: looking at an object and of the session I got closer to my
such as ceramics, gardens, and architecture.
drawing a perspective towards it. classmates, having a small ball
Wabi-sabi is characterized by an emphasis on
of information and understanding
natural materials, simple forms, and a sense
• Secondary Research- research about them in my bag.
of tranquility and serenity. In a broader sense,
that has already been looked
it can also refer to a way of life or a world view
by someone and it helps us to In the afternoon, Dora was
that embraces the fleeting and imperfect nature
draw our conclusion. assigned as my tutor. She
of existence. My practise for the manual is about
explained the Locate brief which
Beauty in Mundanem, making the concept of
The process book is supposed to made things more clear to me.
wabi sabi fit perfectly and I think it will be very
be a blog in which we Define >
useful to the unfold the concept.
Analyse > Reflect our day.

11th Oct,2022 Tuesday

week three
D i s p l ay t y p e
@Image showing the work in process during the session/

The workshop on Typography with

Chris Lacy was about the basics of
type and how it is used as a display
type for the purpose of logos and
poster making. The two categories
of typography are:
• Serif: are semi-structural details
or small decorative flourishes on
the ends of some of the strokes
that make up letters and symbols.
An example would be the Times Typography Hierarchy-
New Roman font. - Layout / Arrangement
• Sans Serif: does not have these - Style / Typeface
details or flourishes. An example - Upper or Lower case
would be the Arial font. - Bold or Regular (weight)
He discussed about Typography - Colour
Hierarchy which can alter the - Letter spacing
meaning of a design and how a - Type size
mundane would read a text using
@Image showing the notes taken from the class/

the hierarchy. Sans / Serif

Book cover desig n
Design 3: Design 4:
Design 1: Design 2: I opted to make it in a physical format using I was not clear with my methodology due to
During this activity, I designed a book cover In this we could use a range of tools and newspaper cut-outs with different fonts. I which I experimented with Isometric design on
titled, ’Inhabiting the Negative Space’ by Jenny techniques and I chose to play around the tore words and headings from the newspaper Illustrator to make it visually appealing. I made
Odell by cutting out letters from the type sheet word ‘negative’ which was the main focus which were related with negativity. I tried my book cover on ‘Social Design ’ thinking if it
and some tools like scissors and glue. It was of the book title. I placed ‘space’ below the communicating that even in a world full of could be the one. Playing around words can
fun to create a book cover using two typefaces arrangement in a way where all the letters are negativity there is always a positive space around bring life to them and there are n number of
and only in grey-scale. It made me realise that distant from each other. I tried to use all the us which I indicted with a red box. Basically, how possibilities to design one book cover even
there are infinite possibilities to create a design. negative-white space in the frame to give a we as humans live and inhabit ourselves around with limited resources. I need to work on my
more visual understanding of the book. the negative space and try to stay happy. methodology typeface and find a connection.

12th Oct,2022 Wednesday 13th Oct,2022 Thursday

week three week three

I m ag e a n d co lo u r Documenti ng process

The session with Gen was about Image and Documenting process seminar by Dr
colour. She discussed about primary and Cathryn Hall, was about how we can collect
secondary colours. During the session she and organise our data for the purpose of
made us realise how important it is for us to file our research. She mentioned a quote that
and organise our documents. The easiest way I really liked “A good design research is
to place an image or text by using the rectangle driven by understanding rather than data”.
frame tool and text tool respectively. We learnt Tactic Knowledge means something that
how to create an image-based document that we know but cant define it nor can find it in
showcases the ability to format images and the books. She explained how we can go
create a visual hierarchy.I find her sessions very Cycle of Documenting Process from tactic to explicit knowledge.
helpful, I just feel that it should be offline rather Later, we discussed about documenting
than online so that we can understand better our research with our groups and Luke
and ask her questions at that moment itself. Experiencing Reflection Thinking Acting suggested to make mood boards which I
thought to be a good idea for my practise.

15th Sept,2022 Saturday
Pick one Pre-Session
week three task


Describe (what, where, when is it?)

The Alchemist is a  cocktail bar and restaurant  unlike any
other! It is located on St. Martin's Lane, which sits in the heart
of Covent Garden. The Alchemists are masters in the dark
arts of molecular mixology and demons in the kitchen. Their
Ann C. Tyler / Shaping Belief: The Role of mixologists create every cocktail with an obsessive eye for
Audience in Visual Communication. pp36-49 detail. They present them in vessels orchestrated to add a
devilish dash of theatre. They bedazzle, bewitch and set the
The reading for this week dealt on the function scene for everything they do.
of audience in visual communication. It
describes how the three categories of audience-
focused design goals are to elicit an action, Reflect (why would you recommend it? Why is it
impart knowledge, or create an experience. relevant to you?)
It outlines each of those goals using precise I love fancy cocktails, but have had my fill of tiny sipping glasses
examples to help you better grasp each with some mixture of fourteen ingredients that I can't pronounce.
area. The fact that logos are created with This place went above and beyond. The menu has a beautifully
the goal of educating the public and defining drawn illustration behind descriptions of cocktails labelled as
the firm they represent was something I if they were elements of the Periodic Table. A lot of the drinks
found to be quite interesting. They have were steaming, smoking, or literally on fire served in items
never crossed my mind in that way. found in a lab, such as a lab flask. It is worth the experience,
and I'd recommend it to anyone who loves cocktails.

16th Sept,2022 Sunday
I started working on the layout of the

week three
manual and I decided to make it in a sqa-
ure format in the size 210mm*210mm. I
also kept a margin area of 12mm for the
printing and binding space. I played with
the layout i n the form of placement.
research My main motive was to give the read-
er an experinec of minimalism and an
ordinary design yet beautiful in its own
sense. I gave a space for quotations at
the bottom of the page to give it a more
personal touch.

I read the introduction to the Field Guide to Human-

Centred Design. It states that human-centered design
means believing that all problems are solvable
and it creates innovative new solutions rooted in
people’s actual needs. Human-centered design
also known as ‘User-centered design ’ is a problem-
I tried a lot of typography for my practise but the solving technique that puts real people at the center
one which I liked the most was the handwritten of the development process, enabling designers
font with the highlighting text in sans serif format. to create products and services that resonate and
The reason I thought handwritten font would be are tailored to their audience’s needs. Moreover, it
appropriate is because it gives an emotional and means believing that the people who face those
personal touch to the manual along with how it problems every day are the ones who hold the key
is connected with human centered design where to their answers. I can agree with their process as
humans writing is the link. After the session with most of my designs I made them after gathering
Chris were I learnt the inportant and hierarchy of insights on human lives and behaviour. After coming
typography, I designed my manual paragraph and up with a relatable insight I start the phase of ideas
character font bag. I chose to use the knowledge generation. Following up with the implementation
into practise by creating the typography and the phase. It contains a lot of information and I will be
desig layout. I even roughly drafted my pages using this piece in my manual.
for the manual.
Research for
Koosje Koene Locate
Koosje Koene is an artist and illustrator based in the Nether-
lands. She is known for her playful and colorful illustrations
and is the co-founder of Sketchbook Skool, an online school
for illustrators and artists. Koene has also published several
books on illustration and creativity, and her work has been
featured in various publications and exhibitions. I read about
her and started following her tuesday sessions and its amaz-
ing to be part of these sessions. I have attended two sessions
and I feel more connected to the mundane around me. The
lessson that I took back from the session were to explore &
experiment and let things be messy. I feel these two lessons
are important for any designer. I like the way she approaches
art in to the everyday, makes my mind tickle that why there is
a preconcieved notion about beauty whereas it exists every-

The Beauty of Everday Things Kerby Rosanes

The Beauty of Everyday Things” is a book written Kerby Rosanes is a Philippines-based illustrator who
by Soetsu Yanagi, a Japanese philosopher. The works mainly with ordinary black fineliners to magically
book, explores the idea that true beauty is found in illustrate his “doodle” world. I am drawn to his work
everyday, functional objects, rather than in fine art because his artwork is inspired mostly by everyday
or luxury items. The author describes the beauty of experiences and by my eccentric imagination. From a
ordinary everyday objects (zakki, or ‘miscellaneous young age, I enjoyed the way he used small characters
things’).Yanagi argues that the beauty of these to create a single composition. It was him who inspired
everyday objects is rooted in their simplicity, utility, me to draw doodles and I would love to have a similar
and connection to the natural world. From the style of drawing in the future. Kerby says that there are
dusty, disregarded corners of life a new world of no mistakes at all. Every time he creates a so-called
beauty has unfolded. It is a world that everyone 'mistake,' it always turns into another character or
knew, but a world that no one knew. She talks about element. Most of these doodle artworks are the result
how she has made it her task to speak of this world of pure curiosity and random stuff. During my review I
of miscellaneous beauty, to see what we can learn found that the majority of his art has no meaning, but
from it. I love how she has described and explained merely random elements that make it stand out.
beauty of everyday in such simple way.

s i t uat i n g i t i n t h e
r e a l- w o r l d c o n t e x t
17th Oct,2022 Monday

week four
V i s ua l i s i n g c o m m u n i c at i o n

The session with Adam was about

all about Visual Communication. We We unfolded ‘The Happy Triangle’
discussed about the ‘happy triangle’ meaning by interpreting the drawing
of communication which means there and had few thoughts for the
is an ideal way of communication but diagram such as equality, happy
usually it doesn’ t exist due to individuals face, algorithms and many more.
Later in the session, we did a little Tangram
intention and interpretation. To be in the
ideal state of communication the sender activity explaining an example that
and the receiver both have to understand had happen to us in which there
and know the intention of the message has been a miscommunication.
that it was sent. We had to represent it using the
• Intention: the body of the message pieces of the tangram. I chose the
which is subjective to the story of my room allocation which
perspective of the sender. happened when I first moved to
• Interpretation: the message received London. Meanwhile we were doing
is subjected to the perspective this a lot of international students
of the receiver. didn’ t understood the assignment
• Ideal state: the state of perfect and started to play with tangram by
communication where intention = its rules. It was a live example of a
interpretation. miscommunication. We can prevent
The ideal state does not happen often the miscommunication to happen
but we should try out best to achieve it. by understanding the receiver and @Images of the notes taken from the class/

making any messages you share

clear and concise.

18th Oct,2022 Tuesday 19th Oct,2022 Wednesday

week four week four

Pop-up exhibition I n t e r ac t i v e d i g i ta l d o c u m e n t s

The second typography workshop with

Chris was about reviewing our book covers
with our peers. My group-mates suggested
I clear my chain of thoughts since I was
confused between two methodologies and
the colours I used in my design. I found
this activity interesting and beneficial.

‘Body typography’ refers to the systematic

understanding of paragraphs and the Interactive Digital Documents session was about
importance of standardised design by types of interactive elements that can be added
keeping in mind the following hierarchy: to InDesign documents such as hyperlinks,
• Page size and orientation cross-references, table of contents, bookmarks
(portrait or landscape) and audio/video files. Hyperlinks add a hotspot
• Margin/grids area to text or objects where you can click (or
• Typeface (styles/weights) tap) to navigate to other parts of the document,
• Type size (small/big) other documents, or web pages. A bookmark is
• Line length/column width an easy navigational element that lets you jump
• Leading (space between the text) to a location in the document. The Media Panel
• Alignment (right/left/justified) lets you add sound and motion to your finished
• Marginalia (footnotes/ running heads) file. The session was quite confusing as there
• Ragging (hyphenation) were too many things so I’ll ask my peers.

20th Oct,2022 Thursday 21st Oct,2022 Friday
Research for
week four week four Locate

S o c i a l ly E n g a g e d P r a c t i c e research

Performative Feminist Methods s linked

to this idea and describes the ‘fly the flag’
A Treatise on the Color System
approach to women ’ s rights issues. A Treatise on the Color System by Johannes Itten is a book
• Subjective Knowledge: knowledge that describes Itten’ s color theory. Itten was a Swiss painter,
based on your personal knowledge designer, and teacher who developed a color system that is
• Objective Knowledge: based on facts. based on the interaction of light and dark, warm and cool,
Barbara gave an example of a quote named and complementary colors. I read about primary, secondary
‘Tunafish Sandwich piece’ by Yoko Ono for and contrasting colours. The topic Simultaneous contrast
our reference. caught my attention and I understood that it refers to the
Beyond Design was a group activity in way in which two different colors affect each other. The
which we selected cards for our problem, theory is that one color can change how we perceive the
an audience, and finally come up with tone and hue of another when the two are placed side by
a solution using the cards. My group side. The actual colors themselves don ’ t change, but we
chose to solve the problem of ‘Negative see them as altered. Simultaneous efects occur among
connotations surrounding the act of pure colour when a complementary hue is replaced by
eating’. We decided to choose troubled Its right- or left hand neighbour in the 12-hue color circle.
teens as our target audience. Our app For example, violet or blue-violet. Effects or simultaneous
was called ‘Nourish-me’ educates and contrast can be intensified with the aid of contrast of
reminds the audience to eat for the sake extension. It Is always advisable to juxtapose the hues to
of eating! I would love to develop this idea be employed in a composition, using a preliminary sketch
further with my team mates as I think it’s to check color effects, before proceeding to execution.
a really easy and imaginative solution for
a common problem.

22nd Oct,2022 Saturday
Research for
week four Locate

The mundane is beauty without wonder
The article The Mundane Is Beauty Without Wonder by
Lawrence Yeo talks about how beauty is worth lingering on
for a moment. He explains the concept through a diagram
where humans see beauty through a lense of order. Humans
have a set standards for beauty and it is difficult to keep up
to the details.This familiarity with the details of life makes
everything way less fascinating, and the contents of the
world begin blending together to form one big mundane
blur. He talks about how it is a challenge how to keep the
lens of order intact while allowing that inherent beauty to
shine through. Its constructive chaos, it is used to introduce
a shock to your model of the world, allowing us to step
back and observe things for what they truly are. It’s when
we undo some of the patterns we have built up over time, The yang (the white area) stands for order,
and see some of the individual contents of the world with whereas the yin (the black portion) symbolises
a stunning degree of clarity. To correct this he suggest to chaos. The two forces are mixed equally across
create a hole of chaos in the lense of order. A ray of beauty the entire symbol, illustrating how both are
can shine through once again, illuminating an area of the required to keep things in balance. The tiny dots
world with a sense of wonder. And it is this wonderment that are incorporated into each diametrically
that breaks the illusion of the mundane with crystal clarity. opposed side of the symbol, however, are
I feel it is so true that each one of us have a lense that what I find to be its most deep aspect. It’s a
restrains us from seeing the beauty. So when wonder is beautiful way of saying that there must be a
missing, you can ’ t see beauty even if it’s staring right back seed of chaos within order and a seed of order
at you. But when wonder is present, you will find beauty within disorder. Without the other, life would be
everywhere, especially in the vast ocean of the mundane. either too boring or too confusing. The two are
mutually exclusive.

c e l e b r at i o n by t h e

52 53
27th Oct,2022 Thursday

week five
T r i p to M a r g at e

‘Dérive app’ During our trip to Margate, we began to learn

The app is designed to break away about data recording through the Derive App. We
from the routine of everyday life divided ourselves into groups and recorded our
and discover new perspectives on paths and what we observed on the way. The
one’s environment. It allows users process of recording data was an enjoyable one
to explore their urban spaces in a for me. In our group we chose different methods
care-free and casual way. The task for recording. I chose drawing as the method for
cards with my group engaged were collecting the data. As a group we completed 4
• Ask someone for their tasks only because it was taking a lot of time to
favourite building find the places and complete the task. I found
• Find a quiet spot. Meditate Margate to be a small beach side town with old
• Look up a tourist list of attractions, architecture with different culture and religion
restaurants, etc. Visit the 12th people residing making it an interesting place to
destination in the list visit. I feel the day trip made me connect with
• Find street art. How does my classmates at the next level and got a new
it make you feel? perspective towards data collection. I feel I
would use this method for my work.

28th Oct,2022 Friday

week five
Fo r m at i v e as s e s s m e n t

These are few pages from my manual that I made, My formative assessment was about feedback on
my practise is about ‘Beauty in Mundane crap’. I my work (no grade) within a dialogic assessment
designed the manual on InDesign with the canvas with my tutor Chris where he reviewed my work
size as 210mm*210mm. I chose a square format and gave me constructive feedback. I felt it was
and chose two fonts for the manual. I tried to keep very useful and informative. I would like to know
the aesthetics and the layout minimal. the areas where I can improve my work.

30th Oct,2022 Sunday 30th Oct,2022 Sunday
Pre-session Research for
week five task
week five Locate

Reading research

Trend#6- anti-design
I read over’s 2020 trends kit- trend #6 which is
about anti-design, it was suggested by Sidney
Hope after a one to one session with her. The
trend ‘Anti-design talks about how design has
been defined by old-rules. For good visual
communication, accuracy and legibility are
"Graphesis: Visual Forms of Knowledge crucial, thus how we as designers adhere to
Production" is a book by Johanna nearly mathematical rules that specify exactly
Drucker. I feel the book explores the how items appear on the page, down to the
role of visualization in knowledge last pixel. In 2019, Brutalism was at huge
production, and argues that visual resurgence saying that its not everybody’s
forms of representation are not just a cup of tea to use an overbearing approach to
way to illustrate or supplement verbal make a design. Anti-design is an expression
or numerical data, but are themselves a of rebellion – bending, stretching, and re-
form of knowledge production. Gestalt interpreting the rules of graphic design. Anti-
Diagram revolves around how humans design requires real confidence and skill,
group similar elements, recognize ironically. It’s a good idea to know the rules
patterns and simplify complex images before you break them. I feel it is a different
when we perceive objects. I feel the and a new approach to see my practise and I
information provided was not enough would try and connect. I really like and have
to understand the concept until I read been fasinated by just the meare idea of
about it more on other websites. breaking rules in design.

e x p lo r i n g v i s ua l
l a n g uag e

60 61
31st Oct,2022 Monday

week six
C r e at i v e l i b r a ry r e s e a r c h

The Creative Library Research workshop at Conway

Hall with Adam allowed me to learn how to think
beyond context, knowledge and subject matter with a
design perspective by engaging with different materials
and making connections. We did an activity ‘Rabbit Pair
Counting’ basically a brain teaser exercise to see how
people find different ways to find a solution. We tried
calculating the number of rabbit pairs in one year but
failed to get the correct number. It was about Fibonacci The Ladies Paradise book cover activity
numbers is the series of numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, was all about thinking what was the story
21, 34, ... The next number is found by adding up the of behind the book. We saw two different
two numbers before it: covers each and had to summarise the
Fibonacci Sequence Rule story according to the visual. Later, we all
x= xn−1 + xn−2 where: had seen six covers for the same book and
xn is term number n after discussing our summaries for the cover
xn−1 is the previous term (n−1) respectively, I understood that how important
xn−2 is the term before that (n−2) a cover design can be. The title itself was a
contradicting to the story.
The second activity was a brainstorming puzzle diagram
which we had to crack. We came up with a lot of different Conway Hall was all about values and how
views about the diagram as it seemed to be a scribble the library is related to Humanism. It was
on paper. Everyone had a different perspective like wire, different from the UAL library as it has books
rope, christmas tree, waves, puzzle and many more. related to art and design whereas Conway
At the end, I realised how one simple diagram ca have Hall has books related to humanism.
different meanings.

31st Oct,2022 Monday 31st Oct,2022 Monday
New Pre-session
week six Learning
week six task

Pum pki n carvi ng M a r g at e data

It’s ‘Halloween day’, my first time celebrating Organised all the data of my group that
this Celtic festival of Samhain, which we had gathered around the individual
marked the end of the harvest season and prompts by dividing them on the basis of
the beginning of winter. Halloween is often one observational note, one photo, one
associated with feelings of spookiness, mental map, and one annotated field
mystery, and excitement. The holiday is sketch per prompt.
known for its festive decorations, such as • Ask someone for their favourite
carved pumpkins, skeletons, and ghosts, building: Town Hall
which add to the eerie atmosphere. I carved • Find a quiet spot. Meditate: Local church
a pumpkin near Oxford street and it was • Look up a tourist list of attractions,
such a fun experience. I learnt about the restaurants, etc. Visit the 12th destination
tradition and engaged myself thoroughly in the list: Winter Garden
while carving pumpkins. • Find street art. How does it make you
feel?: Old Kennington market

02nd Nov,2022 Tuesday

week six
V i s ua l l a n g uag e

Languages of Form session by Can Yang

was about historical interpretive systems
under which she told us about languages
The second part of the session was
of form, principles of design, visual literacy,
based on Margate, where we used
collection and latch. Among these topics I
different materials such as clay, paper,
was interested in Visual language which can
markers and colours to draw shapes
be defined as a highly formed set of visual
and things that we found common
elements with rules for their use and a verbal
from the data we collected on our
description of the system and the way it
trip. I made textures from the different
works. Under collection and classifying the
objects that I observed such as tree
key points to remember are:
bark, stone bench, pebble pathway and
• Consider numbering your forms
the bricked walls. It was quite a new
• Consider naming your forms
way to approach an observation. My
• Think of your data as a collection of visual
peers create a visual story out of their
It was an informative class and I think it would
art which was mind-blowing.
be beneficial for me for my upcoming brief.
The process of latch was not a new concept
‘Visibilize’ the second brief was
for me as I had read about it in my previous
introduced to us which was about to
reading where,
learn something invisible about a space
L- location
by observing how people use it and
A- alphabet
make that learning visible in the space
T- time
using appropriate visual language.
C- category
H- Hierarchy

02nd Nov,2022 Wednesday 02nd Nov,2022 Wednesday
week six week six task

A d o b e i l l u s t r ato r p o l i t i c a l m at e r i a l

Rolfe et al.’S Reflective Model (2001)

There are various examples that can be used as a source of
political material. I thought of canned drinks as one of the
source because I feel majority of the population consumes
canned drinks and it can be a major source of information that
can be used to spread message in terms of politics.
So What?
While browsing about canned drinks and how they can be used
Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics to communicate social message, I came across Coco-cola label
editor and design program. It was the free cans campaign in which the brand used their signature
first session for this particular software dynamic ribbon but not the words “Coca-Cola” and intended to
with gen where she introduced the promote open-mindedness and tolerance. Similarly, I thought
basis to us. Grids and guides was one why can ’ t we use canned drinks as a political material in which
such aspect which she highlighted as the party can collaborate with the brands and have a slogan
it is important while designing. I have printed on the cans or the brand promotes a healthy political
been using software for almost two view for the society.
years and I feel every time I can learn The carbon footprint of an average canned soft drink stands
something new and interesting. The at 0.49kg CO2e per kg of product and I feel it can be reduced if
process for learning is never ending the cans are recycled by the people.
which makes me feel exited about the Now What?
upcoming sessions on Illustrator. I feel this can have drawbacks because the brand might not be
open to have a political view or side to avoid scandal. I need
to research more on how this can be related to my practice
‘Human Centred design ’ .
03nd Nov,2022 Thursday

week six
political texti les

‘Borda sus ojos’ collective means

embroider their eyes. The second image
from the presentation talks about how two
women started a protest through Instagram
where they asked people to embroider an
eye and send it back to them so that they can
collect. The entire art was collected and was
4m long, representing how the police were The political relationship between
shooting people with rubber bullets which textile and women ’ s struggle in Chile.
were making people loose their eye. I really The concept of ‘Arpilleras’ which are
liked the session and would love to research fabric collages of everyday scenes
about it later. made during the Chilean military
The later half was how we feel about ‘the dictatorship. It provides evidence of
personal is political’ . My thoughts about violation of human rights. It was made
political is based on any issues that is related to out of scraps and clothes from the
political leader creating rules and regulations ‘desaparecides’ (missing bodies) really
for the welfare. Maybe? I feel politics have a touched my heart. The thought and
huge impact on individuals since they are the emotion behind the art was so pure
masters and we are just puppets that follow that I wish I can express to the people
their lead. I am quite against negative politics through my practise one day.
as they can be a lot influential.
04nd Nov,2022 Friday 06nd Nov,2022 Sunday
New New
week six Learning
week six Learning

p o e ’s l aw bonfire night

Guy Fawkes Night, also known as

Bonfire Night, is an annual event
celebrated on November 5th every
year. It commemorates the failed
Gunpowder Plot of 1605, in which a
During my conversation with Jara she group of Catholic conspirators, led by
introduced me to Poe’s law. It is considered Guy Fawkes, attempted to blow up the
one of a handful of unwritten laws of the Houses of Parliament in London and kill
internet, that describes common patterns King James I. The plot was discovered
of communication found in chat rooms and and foiled before it could be carried out,
comments sections. I found it quite weird and Fawkes and his fellow conspirators
and interesting so I read about it and found were arrested, tortured, and executed.
that a sarcastic comment including a wink The celebration of Guy Fawkes Night
emoji by Poe to create Poe’s Law, which he typically involves lighting bonfires,
defined as: “Without a winking smiley or setting off fireworks, and burning
other blatant display of humour, it is utterly effigies of Guy Fawkes My flatmate told
impossible to parody a creationist in such a me about this grand celebration which
way that someone won ’ t mistake it for the made me curios and excited to watch
genuine article.” the fireworks.

06nd Nov,2022 Sunday

week six for Visiblize

o b s e r vat i o n

graduate diploma graphic design graduate diploma graphic design

unit 1: research, risk + context unit 1: research, risk + context

brief not your imagination.

1 learn something invisible about a space by
observing how people use it references
2 make that learning visible in the space using Build your own set of references including
appropriate visual language annotations explaining how the reference is relevant
to your interests and practice (using harvard
background referencing style). Please, draw on the full range of
Designers are often quick to impose ideas and reference bases available to you through UAL.

Making a hidden space visible

‘solutions’ that lack depth or insight. The result?
Mere surface decoration that is inauthentic to the If you need any support with referencing, you are
context. As designers, We need to go beyond the welcome to contact Rosaline Love, our subject
surface; first to find a unique perspective and then librarian for graphic design. And you will be able
to find the appropriate form to communicate it.
In this brief, we’d like you to observe a space
to find some excellent resources at academic
support online.
visibilize In this brief we have to choose a space learning
something invisble about it and observe how
closely. Through a process of visual and contextual
research, you should identify a pattern of behavior, assessment
a use or power or a story in the space and make Your process book and outcome will be reviewed The Rodina (2022) Uncertainty Seminars
it visible using visual language. This is not about
imposing our own ideas or concepts on a space.
in sessions/tutorials. It will be submitted for
assessment at the end of unit 1 (01/02/2023).
people use it. I chose to observe a Barber shop
It is about making real phenomena visible; finding
a story and telling it visually.
All work for this unit is graded holistically. timeline
near my house. It is located in Irving Groove,
Learning outcomes for the project can be found in
the unit 1 assessment brief on moodle along with
T Stockwell.
31/10 AM
01/11 AM Its 4 mins walk from my house.
creative library research
project briefing

The technical workshopsBarber as it’ s name suggest is

AM Legends
—a presentation 3 minutes x 9 images details of how to demonstrate the learning outcomes PM visual language workshop
(20 seconds each) presented on 21+22/11/22 in your submission. W 02/11
— a process book (pdf) of all your project work T 03/11 AM politics of materials
which must include:
your own primary and secondary research F
04/11 AM
PM where
library drop-in tutorials men and boys get their haircut
language development
into design practice
critical reflection on theory/technical M
and other
07/11 AM
grooming services done. It is also a
equal voices in the room
+ methods resources
process and development work
08/11 AM
PM salon
data walk
data walk which means women and girls are
images of your final outcome
a bibliography of all references
Th also
10/11 AM welcomed.
09/11 AM technical workshops
situated self
(harvard referencing style) F 11/11 AM language development

constraints M 14/11 AM zine workshop

—final outcomes must be based on the visual
language that you have developed for your T
I will
15/11 AM
be observing the people who come to the
zine workshop
visual language workshop
—you can only work with one observation or insight W
shop technical
16/11 AM
and workshops
collect data on the basis of gender,
in this project and you cannot change it
—you should generate a range of experiments using
17/11 AM
PM library drop-intype
tutorials of service. I will try to identify a

patter of behaviour in this particular chosen space.

different visual languages before choosing the F 18/11 AM language development
one that best communicates your insight. Some
methods will generate something successful, M 21/11 formative assessment
others will not. This is normal. T 22/11 formative assessment
—your visual research should evidence your insights.
The insight must come from real-world observation,

06th Nov,2022 Sunday
week six task

Pick one

Describe (what, where, when is it?)

This Friday I went for this Mexico fiesta in Brixton with a
Mexican friend from UAL where she gave me an insight
about Mexican culture and traditions which made me cu-
rious to learn more about this festival and people. Día de
los Muertos meaning ‘Day of the Dead’ is a festival which Reflect (why would you recommend it? Why
is dedicated to the memory of the dead people, and is is it relevant to you?)
held on the 1st -2nd of November in Mexico. There is a be- Mexican poet Octavio Paz wrote: “Fearless
lief that the souls of dead people come to their relatives` Mexican doesn ’ t feel confused when death
homes these days. comes, he is ready to move forward it, to teas,
tempt it, squeeze it in his arms, lie down with it
Analyse (what does it say/show?) in bed; it is his favourite toy and the last love.”
The Mexican people believe that no matter how people felt very powerful to me. My opinion of Día de
lived, it is important how they were dying; it influenced their los Muertos is that it is a fascinating holiday
fate in the netherworld. These people had been praising worth learning about. When people die, I be-
the dead during more than 3 thousand of years. lieve that they all go somewhere after death.
The Aztecs considered that the death was more important This holiday provided me with a perspective
than the life. The life was worth of nothing, and they be- of what some people believe happens to
lieved that leaving, a man was going through the nine lower those who have died. I also really liked learn-
@Images taken from goggle images/

worlds in Miktlan, which is the shelter of the dead peo- ing about the different ways people celebrate
ple. People dress up as a skeletal female figure dressed in and honour the lives of those gone. While I
sumptuous clothing and giant ornate hats, who serves as a remember those in my life who are now gone,
reminder that death is a fate that even the rich can ’ t avoid. I have never taken the time to celebrate and
honour their lives.

data wa l k i n g
07th Nov,2022 Monday 07th Nov,2022 Monday
week seven week seven task

pick one h i s to ry o f k i n g ’ s c r o s s

The Discuss session with Dora was

online due to rail strike. In the session
we spoke and analysed the reading for King’s Cross was once the epicentre of the
the week and I thought that the reading second Summer of Love, but today it bears
was very useful as it deepened my no resemblance to that; instead, if you stroll
understanding on various tools that can across the recently revitalised Granary Square,
be used for my practise. The three key you’ll find a tidy, upscale neighbourhood where
stages involved in photo-interview are a young professionals hang out on fake grass
engagement, sharing and analysis which and children play in fountains. Salgado-Touzón
gives me a visual understanding of how speaks about a kebab restaurant where pimps
I can use it to future analyse my context would congregate outside and says, “We were
in relation with the social environment. all avoiding that area because you could just
Furthermore, it is important to know tell, you didn’ t want to look directly into their
peoples view on certain data as it eyes as there was that sensation of fear.” Today,
will help me for my primary research. there is a Five Guys nearby. The redevelopment
We also spoke about biasness and schemes is that the push for greater profit, for
discussed it within our groups. We chose the new and the shiny, so alien to this area, will
stereotype in which we categorised destroy not only this site’s importance, but the
gender,sexuality as one. entire character and impression of this place
and King’s Cross as a whole.

08th Nov,2022 Tuesday 08th Nov,2022 Tuesday
week seven week seven task

data wa l k data wa l k

We walked around King’s Cross station

and recorded data along the way, I
enjoyed the Adam explaining information
and history of the nearby buildings as
we went through the lesson, and for the
first time I was able to place the data
from my own walk in a realistic context.
I felt it was a good way to show us
the examples and make us clear what
actually visualize means. The invisible
barrier that Adam made us see was
about how there’s a no poor people zone The post session task was to update
around King’s Cross. The entire design all the data that I had collected on the
and structure made sense to me. I data walk with Adam and the chosen
connected with the area more than ever. space which was ‘Legends Barber’ and
I will use field sketch as one of the data ‘Ilha Dourada’ shop.
collection technique for my work.

08th Nov,2022 Tuesday 09th Nov,2022 Wednesday
week seven task
week seven
reading Desig n i ng with Shape, Colou r & Li n e

Illustrator session was about shapper

A guide to data collection techniques tool and shape builder tool. The
talks about observations alongside difference between the two was
formal quantitative data. They provide discussed by Gen which I was not aware
explanations for usual patterns. of before this session.
Quantitative data can be obtained by: • Shape Builder tool- its used
• Photography for constructing new imagery,
• Short video recordings similar to pathfinder
Both can be used to show how one might • Shapper tool- it is used for live objects
feel about a particular issue or natural and if we scribble within one shape the
area. Mental maps can be recorded in area is removed or punched out.
the forms of drawings of tours of an area. The Pathfinder tool makes it easy to
The other technique is annotated field create complex shapes because you
sketches which is simplified drawings can manipulate the shape, location,
of a fieldwork. It is supposed to be line appearance and stacking order of all
drawings rather can complex ones. I feel included shape paths. I found the class
the reading was very helpful for me as it very interesting but I feel it lacks work so
will help me for my visibilize brief and I that I can use it and understand it better.
really like the field sketch technique.

10th Nov,2022 Thursday
week seven for Visiblize

o b s e r vat i o n

About the space

The chosen visibilize loctaion is ‘Legends
Barbers’, unisex salon. It is situtated in Irving
Grove, Stockwell. The place is owned by a
Black men and 50% of the majority people
living in the area belong to the Black ethinic
group. In mid 90’s the shop was built and
was open for men only but in 2002 the shop
opened their services for women too. The
shop is small and the interior of the shop
traditionally has a more masculine vibe and
I went down to the a ‘laid-back’ environment.
shop to collect some
snapshots of the area I chose to observe this place for my Visiblize
and observe the space. brief because it is situated 0.1 mile away
I collected few pictures from the place where I reside which made it
and went back home and accessible for me. Around that area there are
analysed them to look many other barber shops but Legends Barber
and find for a pattern. is the oldest shop in Stockwell.

13th Nov,2022 Sunday
blog on bias Pre-session
week seven The article on ‘Bias’ is based on influencing
judgements in a unfair way using personal
reading opinions. Cognitive bias (implicit or unconscious
bias) influenced by
• Heuristics (common sense or based
on what we know)
• Motivational
• Emotional (personal experience)
• Social influence (media stereotypes)
“The Society of the Spectacle” is a 1967 book by Guy
Debord. It is considered a seminal work of the Situationist
movement and critiques the ways in which the media and
consumer culture have contributed to the alienation of
modern society. The book is divided into two parts, the
first part contains a total of 24 chapters and the second
part contains a total of 7 sections. Each chapter presents a
different aspect of the spectacle and how it affects society.

In the first chapter, “Separation Perfected,” Debord argues

that the spectacle is a product of the separation of
modern society. He asserts that the spectacle is the result
of the separation of the economic base of society (the
infrastructure) from the superstructure (the cultural and In the interview Dr Gurnam Singh talks about
political aspects of society). He claims that this separation implicit bias, notions of fixed intelligence and
has led to the creation of a society in which individuals stereotypes in a higher education context. From
are isolated from one another and from the world around the video clip, I understood that implicit bias is a
them. The spectacle is the means by which this separation form of unconscious bias, where we make judg-
is maintained and reinforced, and it is presented as a false ments about others that don ’ t stand up to rea-
unity that masks the real contradictions of society. son and that’s the key thing yet. Example: wom-
en are bad drivers, black people are dangerous.

v i s i b i l i z e a pat t e r n
14th Nov,2022 Monday 14th Nov,2022 Monday
week eight week eight for Visiblize

zi n e workshop o b s e r vat i o n

Zines are short–run pamphlets that can

raise issues and viewpoints, express ideas,
and share tastes. We learned the basics of
the theoretical background of the zines. We
had the activity to create our own zines on
biasness. We cut out different pictures and
information to create our own zines, which It was a sunny day
was very interesting and I also gained new today and I thought of
skill - binding zines with stitches and how dropping by the shop
to cut A4 paper into foldable booklet in and do the observation. I
three different ways. The workshop was did some field sketches
very insightful and a fun activity where using Procreate and
at the end I made my own zine on Beauty tried making sketches
which is seen by others in a perfect way but which were detailed
it doesn’ t exist. I think the binding method and the other one
will be helpful for my maual later. being line drawing.

15th Nov,2022 Tuesday

week eight
s i g n s a n d sym bo ls wo r ks h o p

Semiotic theory is a study of signs and

cultures that we use them for signification
and communication. It is a cycle and is
not fixed rather it is a one way process. Later in the afternoon we did the activity
Signs are visual represntation of the of converting our observatios on King’s
expressions. The three categories of Cross in the form of signs and symbols.
signs are the following: My group came up with seven symbols
• Icon - physical resemblance such as boating, sight seeing, supervision,
• Index- shwoing evidence of what is shopping, studying, socialising and
being represented walking along with a huge sketched up
• Symbol- no resemblance between map of the area. Each symbol we drew
signifier and significance. The workshop had a hidden or invisible meaning to it. I
with Can helped us to communiacte had an amazing time sketching the mapa
our observations through this new and understanding my peers work on the
approach. Through this session I had a same but how different their observation
bit clarity on how to approach my visual and symbols were.
lanaguage and hope it goes good.

16th Nov,2022 Wednesday

week eight
o b s e r vat i o n

Mind map
The mind map describes the barber shop,
helping me to understand the chosen space
Floor Plan in a better way. I tried to map out the features
A sketch of the floor plan of the barber and details that i observed in the shop, such
shop, which depicts the layout of how the as how the salon is a unisex salon too, but
shop is built. The place is designed with the majority of the customers are mainly
lots of mirrors; both the opposite sides men. After speaking to one of the barbers in
of the shop are covered with mirrors. the shop, who has been working for the past
Customers can wait in a large number of ten to twelve years. In the mid-1990s, an Afro-
chairs just to the right of the entrance. As American owned Legends Barbers, which was
you can see in the layout, there are three only for men at the time, but later in 2002,
main chairs for the grooming of men and they opened the space to women ’ s services as
a small unit with one chair for women. On well. The place has a vintage aesthetic, with
the left-hand corner, there is a small stool the colour palette being dark shades, giving it
just behind the glass door for the barbers a more masculine vibe. The customers who
to sit on and relax. A small door behind visit the shop have a long-term relationship
the shops leads to a row of houses, one with the people working there, making it a
of which belongs to the barber family.  friendly and happy place. 
for Visiblize

Study on Gender Imbalance

Gender imbalance is a disparity between
males and females in a population. For many
centuries, men have been the dominant
gender and women have been the minority.
In the past, men were the “breadwinners”
and women just stayed home and took care
of the housework and children. However,
women are still at the bottom of the chain.
Data Collection Gender inequality, in my definition, is the
I chose to observe the pattern of people unequal and biased treatment between
entering the shop, selecting a service, and the two sexes. I strongly believe that the
sitting in which chair. Along with that, I unequal treatment of women is something
also observed that, with a few customers, that should have stayed in primitive times.
a company was also there that waited We are in the present now and we are far
in the waiting area. I believe they will be more advanced than we ever were and yet
accompanied by friends, family, or loved we are old school in our thinking of how
ones. After this, I will mainly focus on men and women should be treated. This,
gender, age, nationality, and the type of yet again, reveals the strong dominance of
service they opt for during the day.  men in employment worldwide.

17th Nov,2022 Thursday 17th Nov,2022 Thursday
week eight week eight for Visiblize

p rototy p i n g o b s e r vat i o n

The session was with Bridget Harvey

where she explained about ‘Prototyping’
which is an experimental process where
design teams implement ideas into
tangible forms from paper to digital. She
made us to an activity where we took one
piece of paper and crubled it. I tried to
crumle it as bad as possible taking my Moodboard
anger out and later we were supoosed I am starting to show my visual
to make the same crumbled paper which language in the form of receipts.
was next to impossible. I tried getting the I made a moodoard of different
major folds but still couldn ’ t succeed. receipts that we see in our
The next experiment was to swap my surrounding on day to basis. I
paper with the next person and try to feel receipts are so mundane
make the similar folds. I had outlined the in nature yet so beautiful so it
folds using colour pens so that it’s easy should be collected rather than
for my peer. I didnt quite understand the been thrown away.
purpose of this activity.


18th Nov,2022 Friday
week eight for Visiblize

o b s e r vat i o n

Experiment 2: Experiment 3:

Experiment 1:

18th Nov,2022 Friday
week eight for Visiblize

o b s e r vat i o n
Understanding the layout
Experiment 4:

Sketch of the customised receipt

A receipt is a written acknowledgement

of having received, or taken into one’s
possession, a specified amount of
money, goods, etc. I choose to show
the observed data in the form of a
receipt that is customised according
to the factors collected. I have the
impression that a receipt is something
that each of us throws away, and that
it ends up in the trash. Through my
customised receipt, I want to try to
make the people collect it and keep it
as a form of memory.

19th Nov,2022 Saturday
week eight for Visiblize

V i s ua l l a n g uag e

The concept of “Self-Care Checkout”

Key to the visual language

My final concept for expressing the
observation in a visual language is about
observing a pattern of behaviour in a
space where people of the masculine
gender are most prevalent in the age
range of 17–60 years, with the majority
of them being black people. This could
be because Stockwell is a predominantly
black neighborhood.

The different variables are explained,

such as gender, age, nationality, type of
service at what hour of the day, and a
code for numbers.

research eth ics
22nd Nov,2022 Tuesday 23rd Nov,2022 Wednesday

week nine week nine

fo r m at i v e as s e s s m e n t M as t e r i n g & M a n i p u l at i n g T y p e

Formative assessment day of the

Vissiblize project was with Barbara and
my peers. We had to present our work in a
time slot of 3 mins, after which each one
was asked to fill the feedback sheet for The session on manipulating typography
the peers. I gave my presentation which was very intersting which made me
was about the Barber shop and by the design a post by manipulating the text
end I got personal feedback from Barbara ‘euphoria’. I tried to give the text a
where she asked to compare two salons psychedelic effect making people
and their interior for creating a visual the vibe of it. I used neon colours like
language. She also asked to read about pink and blue. I designed a poster for
anti-design and try relating with my work. a music album and then tried making
I was really confused with what kind of a mockup with a paper effect to make
visual language that can be developed. I it more realistic. I love playing with
feel there is a dead end but still keeping typography and will make such more
hope and work it out at the end. crazy typography in the furure.


24nd Nov,2022 Thursday 25th Nov,2022 Friday
week nine week nine for manual

r e s e a r c h e t h i c s a n d c i tat i o n research

The online session by Dr. Danah was about

Implications of design in the real world. She
spoke about how designs make the furure? How
design criticises present and create innovation
for future? Why design matter and how design
result affect everybody so designs should be Vernacular Typography is omnivorous
logical? The session was very informative and with its signage, including graffiti
related to my methodology which is human tags, fallout shelter signs, subway
centered design. She spoke about branding wayfinding, “ghost signs” for long-
and packaging. For example, how pink tape shuttered businesses, tombstone
can promote sterotype amongst the people text, hand painted shop awnings,
creating a female biased statement. and any urban communication with a
sense of place.
Referencing is important to show the “Vernacular typography and lettering
reader the research you have done by listing have a way of creating and preserving
sources, to give credit to other researchers a sense of place, and when we lose
and to acknowledge their ideas and to avoid these symbols, we lose a sense of our
plagiarism. A citation is what you use in the own history,” she said. “It seems like
text of your writing to point the reader to the every day a sign is either being covered
full reference in your bibliography. In Harvard, up or destroyed by new construction.
these are in-text citations. A Harvard citation If we don’ t document and appreciate
usually can include the name of the author, the these signs now, they’ll disappear
year the source was published/created, and forever and we’ll sever our connection
page number in brackets. to the past.” I will be using this as my
theory in my deisgn manual.


28th Sept,2022 Tuesday 28th Sept,2022 Tuesday

week one week one



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