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Wordlist Speakout Intermediate 2nd Edition (chronological)

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Unit 1 - Identity
to get knowledge of a subject or skill by What's the best way to learn a
learn 8 v lɜːn apprendre studying, doing it, or being taught language?
the first language that you learn as a English is my mother tongue, but I also
mother tongue 8 n ˌmʌðə ˈtʌŋ langue maternelle child speak German.
from or relating to a country that is not
foreign 8 adj ˈfɒrən étrange your own She spoke with a foreign accent.
someone who learned a particular
language as their first language rather
native speaker 8 n ˌneɪtɪv ˈspiːkə locuteur natif than as a foreign language She's a native speaker of Swahili.
very informal language that uses new or
rude words instead of the usual words Is this a slang expression? I don't
slang 8 n slæŋ argot for something understand it.
words and phrases used by people in the
same profession that are difficult for The document waas written in
jargon 8 n ˈdʒɑːɡən jargon other people to understand complicated legal jargon.
the ability to speak or write a language
very well, without stopping or making
fluency 8 n ˈfluːənsi aisance, maîtrise mistakes Fluency in Japanese is a major asset.
bilingual 8 adj baɪˈlɪŋɡwəl bilingue able to speak two languages very well Several of the employees are bilingual.
an ability to do something well,
especially because you have learned and Reading and writing are two different
skill 8 n skɪl don, compétences practised it skills.
Do you use any special language
strategy 8 n ˈstrætədʒi stratégie a plan used to achieve something strategies to remember things?
the ability to do something in an exact He's able to speak German with excellent
accuracy 8 n ˈækjərəsi précision way without making a mistake accuracy.

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the person who employs you or who is in
boss 11 n bɒs patron charge of you at work She asked her boss for the day off.
someone who is in the same class as you I haven't seen any of my old classmates
classmate 11 n ˈklɑːsmeɪt camarade de classe at school or college for years!
someone who receives a salary ( =
payment) to work for an organisation, The company I work for has over 10,000
employee 11 n ɪmˈplɔɪ-iː, ˌemplɔɪˈiː employé / e person, or company employees worldwide.
the man whom a woman is going to I don't like Sally's fiancé – he's really
fiancé 11 n fiˈɒnseɪ fiancé marry rude!
the woman whom a man is going to
fiancée 11 n fiˈɒnseɪ fiancée marry Phil's fiancée is very tall.
a man who promises at a baptism
ceremony to help a child, and to teach Bella went to live with her godfather
godfather 11 n ˈɡɒdˌfɑːðə parrain him or her Christian values after her parents died.
a woman who promises at a baptism
ceremony to help a child, and to teach I was asked to be a godmother when I
godmother 11 n ˈɡɒdˌmʌðə marraine him or her Christian values became an auntie for the first time.
someone who belongs to a group or
member 11 n ˈmembə membre organisation He’s a member of the tennis club.
someone who advises and helps a less I'm going to be a mentor for a new
mentor 11 n ˈmentɔː tuteur experienced person employee in my office.
the person that you are married to, or
that you live with as if you were married Ella and Mollie have been business
partner 11 n ˈpɑːtnə partenaire or one of the owners of a business partners for years.
My primary school only had about 150
pupil 11 n ˈpjuːpəl élève a child in a school pupils.
someone who belongs to the same team
team-mate 11 n ˈtiːm-meɪt coéquipier / coéquipière as you I'm good friends with all my team-mates.
the son of your brother or sister, or the
son of your husband’s or wife’s brother
nephew VB 148 n ˈnefjuː, ˈnev- neveu or sister I've got one nephew called Jack.
the relative of your husband or wife,
especially the father and mother of your We went to see my in-laws this
in-law VB 148 n ɪn ˈlɔː par alliance husband or wife weekend.
the sister of your husband or wife, or the
sister-in-law VB 148 n ˌsɪstər ɪn ˌlɔː belle-soeur wife of your brother I never liked my sister-in-law.
the daughter of your brother or sister, or
the daughter of your husband's or wife's Kate is my niece - she's my sister's
niece VB 148 n niːs nièce brother or sister daughter.
the man that a woman used to be My ex-husband, Steve, now lives on the
ex-husband VB 148 n ˌeks ˈhʌzbənd ex-mari married to other side of town.

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a man who is married to your mother, My stepfather used to treat me like his
stepfather VB 148 n ˈstepˌfɑːðə beau-père but who is not your father real daughter.
a daughter that your husband or wife
has from a relationship before your My stepdaughter and son both live with
stepdaughter VB 148 n ˈstepˌdɔːtə belle-fille marriage us at the moment.
the blood relatives of either your mother My mother's side of the family originally
side of the family VB 148 n phr ˌsaɪd əv ðə ˈfæməli côté de la famille or father comes from France.
your grandparents are the parents of
grandparents VB 148 n ˈɡrænˌpeərənt grands-parents your mother or father My grandparents live in Kent.
to do physical activity to become
exercise 13 n ˈeksəsaɪz exercice healthier My doctor told me to do more exercise.
work that you do to look after a house,
housework 13 n ˈhaʊswɜːk ménage for example cleaning and washing I spent all morning doing the housework.
serious and detailed study of a subject in My stepmother is doing scientific
research 13 n rɪˈsɜːtʃ, ˈriːsɜːtʃ recherche order to find out new information research into heart disease.
do someone a to do something for someone to help Can you do me a favour and take the
favour 13 v phr ˌsʌmwʌn ə ˈfeɪvə rendre un service à qn them or be kind dog for a walk, please?
a course of study at a university or
college, or the qualification that is given
to you when you have successfully My cousin's doing a degree in marine
degree 13 n dɪˈɡriː diplôme completed the course biology.
get on with to have a good relationship with
someone 13 phr v ɡet ˈɒn wɪð ˌsʌmwʌn bien s'entendre avec someone I get on really well with my boss.
get here 13 phr v ˈɡet hɪə venir to arrive at a place What time do you think you'll get here?
get married 13 v phr ɡet ˈmærid se marier to become husband and wife We're getting married next month.
the regular paid work that you do for an
job 13 n dʒɒb emploi employer When did you get your first job?
when someone's hair changes from its
avoir les cheveux natural colour to grey, usually because My father started going grey when he
go grey 13 v phr ˌɡəʊ ˈɡreɪ grisonnants of age was in his 20s.
I've gone off eating meat since I saw
go off something 13 phr v ɡəʊ ˈɒf ˌsʌmθɪŋ arrêter de to stop liking something that TV programme about farming.
to change what you eat in order to lose Trisha goes on a diet every summer
go on a diet 13 phr v ˌɡəʊ ɒn ə ˈdaɪət se mettre au régime weight or become healthier before she goes on holiday.
home 13 n həʊm maison / à la maison the place where you live I think you should go home, it's late.
an amount of liquid that you drink, or Let's go for a drink together for your
drink 13 n drɪŋk boisson the act of drinking something birthday.
a journey that you make on foot, He took the dog out for a walk in the
walk 13 n wɔːk promenade especially for exercise or enjoyment forest.
a time when you eat food, or the food Did you go for a meal to celebrate
meal 13 n miːl repas that you eat then passing your driving test?

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a car with a driver that you pay to drive
taxi 13 n ˈtæksi taxi you somewhere We took a taxi to the station.
This weekend I'm taking part in a bicycle
take part in 13 phr v teɪk ˈpɑːt ɪn participer à to participate race with my brother.
take responsibility ˌteɪk rɪspɒnsəˈbɪləti prendre ses to agree to be in charge of something or I'm taking responsibility for organising
for 13 phr v fɔː responsabilités someone my office Christmas party this year.
to have the same abilities as an older She's very good at art – she takes after
take after someone 13 phr v teɪk ˈɑːftə ˌsʌmwʌn tenir de, ressembler à family member her father.
something that is given to someone who
prize VB 148 n praɪz prix is successful in a competition, race, etc. He won a prize of £3,000.
an activity that you enjoy doing in your Megan's hobbies include photography,
hobby VB 148 n ˈhɒbi passe-temps free time walking and playing games online.
My son and daughter do the washing up
washing up VB 148 n ˌwɒʃɪŋ ˈʌp faire la vaisselle the washing of plates, dishes, knives etc every Sunday.

good VB 148 adj ɡʊd bien of a high standard or quality Exercise does me good.
That dress does nothing for her. She
nothing VB 148 n ˈnʌθɪŋ rien not anything or no thing should wear trousers.
to lose your job for doing something When his boss discovered he was selling
get fired VB 148 v ɡet ˈfaɪəd être viré wrong company secrets, he got fired instantly.

ages VB 148 n ˈeɪdʒɪz longtemps, une éternité an informal word for a very long time The paint took ages to dry.
a sweet white or brown substance that
is obtained from plants and used to
sugar VB 148 n ˈʃʊɡə sucre make food and drinks sweet Does he take sugar?
Did you take many photos on your last
photo VB 148 n ˈfəʊtəʊ photo shortened word for photograph holiday?

depressed VB 148 adj dɪˈprest dépressif very unhappy He got depressed after he lost his job.
a stomach illness caused by eating food
that contains harmful bacteria and I got food poisoning from the take-away
food poisoning VB 148 n ˈfuːd ˌpɔɪzənɪŋ intoxication alimentaire makes you vomit last night.
responsibility for a mistake or for I took the blame for the meeting starting
blame VB 148 n bleɪm responsabilité, blâme something bad late.
if something is your responsibility, it is You should take responsibility for your
responsibility VB 148 n rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti responsabilité your job or duty to do it health.
a substance for treating an illness, The doctor told me to take my medicine
medicine VB 148 n ˈmedsən médecine especially one that you drink after every meal.
Take a good look at the photo and see if
look VB 148 n lʊk regard an act of looking at something you recognise anyone.

holiday VB 148 n ˈhɒlədi, -deɪ vacances, jour férié a time of rest from work, school etc I'm going on holiday on Thursday.

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England scored a goal and the fans went
go crazy VB 148 v phr ˌɡəʊ ˈkreɪzi devenir fou to become very excited crazy.
to not proceed nicely for someone or
go badly VB 148 v phr ˌɡəʊ ˈbædli mal passer something Did the journey go badly?
to proceed nicely for someone or
go well VB 148 v phr ˌɡəʊ ˈwel bien passer something Things are going well for the project.

blind VB 148 adj blaɪnd aveugle unable to see She went blind two months ago.
I think red and orange go together.
go together VB 148 phr v ˌɡəʊ təˈɡeðə aller ensemble look good together Some people think they clash.

go with VB 148 phr v ˈɡəʊ wɪð, wɪθ aller avec to be included as part of something The house goes with the job.
money that you receive every month as
payment from the organisation you work
salary VB 148 n ˈsæləri salaire for I think she gets a good salary.
a common illness which is like a very bad
flu VB 148 n fluː grippe cold The whole family has got flu.
a common illness that makes it difficult
to breathe through your nose and often
cold VB 148 n kəʊld rhume makes your throat hurt Has she got a cold? She looks terrible.
a letter from a previous employer, She had some great references so she
reference 14 n ˈrefərəns référence recommending someone for a job got the job.
a way of greeting someone when you My grandmother was very excited when
shake hands 14 v phr ˌʃeɪk ˈhændz serrer la main à qn meet them she shook hands with the Queen.
You don't have to dress smartly for all
smartly 14 adv ˈsmɑːtli élégamment in a formal way job interviews.
to deliberately not do something,
especially something wrong, dangerous, You shouldn't avoid eye contact when
avoid 14 v əˈvɔɪd éviter or harmful shaking hands.
I worked as a waiter briefly when I was at
briefly 14 adv ˈbriːfli brièvement continuing for only a short time university.
a strong feeling of interest and The interviewee showed enthusiasm for
enthusiasm 14 n ɪnˈθjuːziæzəm passion enjoyment the job.
when two people look at each other’s The boy avoided making eye contact
eye contact 14 n phr ˈaɪ ˌkɒntækt contact visuel eyes with me and I knew he was lying.
When you have a job interview, you
should always shake hands firmly with
firmly 14 adv ˈfɜːmli fermement not gently, using quite a lot of strength the interviewer.
at the correct time or the time that was
on time 14 prep phr ɒn ˈtaɪm ponctuel arranged You must get to work on time.
ready to do something or deal with a
be prepared 14 adj phr bi prɪˈpeəd être préparé situation He wasn't prepared for the questions.

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in a way that is easy to see, hear, or He spoke very clearly and the whole
clearly 14 adv ˈklɪəli clairement understand audience could hear him.
a question, often expressing doubt
about something or looking for an We have received many written queries
query 15 n ˈkwɪə.ri requête; question answer from an authority about the product.
a large area of countryside, especially in The cathedral dominates the landscape
landscape 16 n ˈlænd.skeɪp paysage relation to its appearance for miles around.
avant-gardiste; strange, in a way that is interesting or My favourite singer looks hotter than
edgy 16 adj ˈedʒ.i audacieux; "tendance" exciting ever and I love his edgy new music
an idea, something said or written, or This report is nonsense and nothing but
nonsense 16 n ˈnɒn.səns absurdité(s) behaviour that is silly or stupid a waste of paper.

Unit 2 - Tales
crime 20 n kraɪm crime illegal activities in general I enjoy a crime film.
an event such as an accident, flood, or
storm that causes a lot of harm or
disaster 20 n dɪˈzɑːstə désastre suffering What's your favourite disaster movie?
a television programme or film which Tonight on TV there's a docudrama
docudrama 20 n ˈdɒkjʊˌdrɑːmə docudrame shows real events in the form of a story about the life of Queen Victoria.
a type of film in which strange things
happen in the future or in imaginary I don't really like fantasy films – I prefer
fantasy 20 adj ˈfæntəsi fantastique worlds period dramas.
a type of story in which something that
mystery 20 n ˈmɪstəri roman policier is difficult to explain or understand I love a good mystery!
a type of film or television programme in
which people dress up in old-fashioned My mum's favourite period drama is Pride
period drama 20 n ˌpɪəriəd ˈdrɑːmə film historique costumes and Predjudice.
psychological a type of film or television programme in I watched a psychological thriller on TV
thriller 20 n ˌsaɪkəlɒdʒɪkəl ˈθrɪlə thriller psychologique which characters battle with their minds last night and it gave me nightmares!
rəʊˌmæntɪk ˈkɒmədi, a film which is intended to make people
romantic comedy 20 n rə- comédie romantique laugh and which involves a love story My girlfriend loves romantic comedies.
books and stories about the future, for
example about travelling in time and I don't like science fiction films – I think
science fiction 20 n ˌsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃən science-fiction space they're silly.
The director is planning to film a biopic
biopic 20 n ˈbaɪəʊˌpɪk film biographique a film about the life of a real person about the president.
an action film has a lot of exciting things Vinnie has appeared in a number of
action 20 n ˈækʃən action happening in it action films.
a type of film which is an exciting
experience where dangerous or unusual I like watching the special effects in
adventure 20 n ədˈventʃə aventure things happen adventure films.
Saturday 22 n ˈsætədi, -deɪ samedi the day of the week before Sunday Let's meet on Saturday for drinks.

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12 o'clock 22 n ˌtwelv ə'klɒk midi the time of day, an hour after eleven I'll see you at 12 o'clock.
the dark part of each 24-hour period
when the sun cannot be seen and when
night 22 n naɪt nuit most people sleep I don't sleep well at night.
Saturday and Sunday, especially
considered as time when you do not I like to visit my grandparents at the
weekend 22 n ˌwiːkˈend, ˈwiːkend week-end work weekend.
the time in the middle of the day when I sometimes spend my lunchtime in the
lunchtime 22 n ˈlʌntʃtaɪm heure du déjeuner, midi people usually eat their lunch park.
the early part of the day, from when the
sun rises until 12 o’clock in the middle of
the day or the part of the day from 12
o’clock at night until 12 o’clock in the
morning 22 n ˈmɔːnɪŋ matin middle of the day We always go for a walk in the morning.
2016 22 n ˌtwenti sɪkˈstiːn 2016 the year after 2015 and before 2017 He met her in 2016.
the seventh month of the year, between
July 22 n dʒʊˈlaɪ juillet June and August I fell in love in July.
the period of time which started on 1st
twenty-first January 2001 and will finish on 31st The twenty-first century is the current
century 22 n phr ˌtwenti fɜːst ˈsentʃəri vingt-et-unième siècle December 2100 century.
the season after autumn and before
winter 22 n ˈwɪntə hiver spring, when the weather is coldest In the winter he likes to go skiing.
coming after three other things in a
4th 22 n fɔːθ quatrième series We met on the 4th of July.
Our team meetings are always on
Monday morning 22 n phr ˌmʌndi ˈmɔːnɪŋ, -deɪ lundi matin the early part of the day on a Monday Monday morning.
We always have a family get together on
New Year's Day 22 n ˌnjuː jɪəz ˈdeɪ jour de l'An 1st January, the first day of the year New Year's Day.
from one place on a line, road, river etc
along VB 149 prep əˈlɒŋ le long de to another place on it We took a walk along the river.
going from one side of something to the
other, especially by jumping, climbing, or I jumped over the wall and ran along the
over VB 149 prep ˈəʊvə par-dessus flying bank.

around VB 149 prep əˈraʊnd autour de surrounding something or someone We put a fence around the yard.
from one side or end of something to
through VB 149 prep θruː à travers the other The train went through the tunnel.
further than a particular place,beyond a
past VB 149 prep pɑːst derrière person or place Our house is just past the bridge.
only a short distance away from
near VB 149 prep nɪə près de someone or something They live near Osaka.

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He sat between the two women on the
between VB 149 prep bɪˈtwiːn entre with one thing or person on each side sofa.
very close to someone or something,
with no other person, building, place etc
next VB 149 prep nekst à côté de in between The Smiths live next to the post office.
if one thing or person is opposite
opposite VB 149 prep ˈɒpəzət opposé de another, they are facing each other There’s a car park opposite the hotel.
I deleted all my computer files by
by mistake 22 prep phr baɪ məˈsteɪk par erreur without intending to do something mistake.
We met by chance on a train. Six months
by chance 22 prep phr baɪ ˈtʃɑːns par hasard in an unexpected way later, we were married!
She writes all her university work by
by hand 22 prep phr baɪ ˈhænd à la main using your hands, not a machine hand.
in a hurry 22 prep phr ɪn ə ˈhʌri pressé more quickly than usual Sorry, I can’t stop to talk, I’m in a hurry.
I'll be there in a moment, I'm just
in a moment 22 prep phr ɪn ə ˈməʊmənt dans un instant in a very short time brushing my teeth.
in the end 22 prep phr ɪn ði ˈend finalement finally What did you decide to do in the end?
I'm going to Greece on business next
on business 22 prep phr ɒn ˈbɪznəs en voyage d'affaires not on holiday, but for work week.
I'm spending Christmas on my own this
on your own 22 prep phr ˌɒn jɔːr ˈəʊn seul alone, not with other people year.
on purpose 22 prep phr ɒn ˈpɜːpəs délibérément deliberately, not a mistake I’m sorry. I didn’t hurt you on purpose.
to use violence to try to hurt or kill She was attacked as she walked home
attack 24 v əˈtæk attaquer someone, or to cause damage to a place from school.
an accident in which a vehicle hits
crash 24 n kræʃ accident, collision something else Six vehicles were involved in the crash.
There has been an increase in violent
violent 24 adj ˈvaɪələnt violent using force to hurt or kill people crime recently.
to damage something very badly, so
that it no longer exists, or cannot be The crop was completely destroyed by
destroy 24 v dɪˈstrɔɪ détruire repaired floods.
a sudden shaking of the earth’s surface Japan sufferes from a lot of
earthquake 24 n ˈɜːθkweɪk tremblement de terre that often causes a lot of damage earthquakes.
someone who is trying to avoid being The fugitive escaped from prison three
fugitive 24 n ˈfjuːdʒətɪv fugitif caught by the police weeks ago.

someone who is kept as a prisoner by an

enemy, and may be hurt or killed in order The group are holding two western
hostage 24 n ˈhɒstɪdʒ otage to force other people to do something tourists hostage.
when a group of workers stop working
for a period of time because they want The workers have been on strike for two
strike 24 n straɪk grève better pay or better working conditions months over pay.

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someone whose job is to guard Mark worked as a security guard in a
security guard VB 149 n sɪˈkjʊərəti ˌɡɑːd agent de sécurité something supermarket.
a group of young people, especially a
group that often causes trouble and Is there a problem with gangs in your
gang VB 149 n ɡæŋ gang fights city?

armed VB 149 adj ɑːmd armé carrying weapons The suspect is armed with a shotgun.
someone who steals money or other Two armed robbers hit the man over the
robber VB 149 n ˈrɒbə voleur things from a bank, shop etc head.
a sudden visit by the police to look for
raid VB 149 n reɪd rafle illegal goods or criminals Uniformed police carried out the raid.
if someone does something to you at
sous la menace d'une gunpoint, they do it while threatening to We were held at gunpoint throughout
at gunpoint VB 149 n ˈɡʌnpɔɪnt arme shoot you the robbery.
to tell people there is a dangerous
raise the alarm VB 149 v phr ˌreɪz ði əˈlɑːm donner l'alarme situation The alarm was raised by a passerby.
According to eye witnesses, four men
eye witness VB 149 n ˌaɪ ˈwɪtnəs témoin oculaire someone who sees a crime or accident were in the bank.
to make someone do something they do Many companies have been forced to
force VB 149 v fɔːs forcer qn not want to do close.
to leave a place or dangerous situation
when someone is trying to catch you or
escape VB 149 v ɪˈskeɪp échapper stop you He escaped from prison.
when someone is taken away by the
police because they think the person has
arrest VB 149 v əˈrest arrêter done something illegal The police arrested Eric for shoplifting.
Have you ever told a lie to make
tell a lie 26 v phr ˌtel ə ˈlaɪ mentir to say something that is not true someone feel better?
Yesterday, my boss told us a really funny
to talk about an interesting, funny or sad story about something that happened to
tell a story 26 v phr ˌtel ə ˈstɔːri raconter une histoire chain of events has happened her on holiday last year.
tell the truth 26 v phr ˌtel ðə ˈtruːθ dire la vérité to say what really happened It’s always better to tell the truth.
a lie that you tell someone in order to
protect them or avoid hurting their Sometimes it's better to tell a white lie
white lie 26 n phr ˌwaɪt ˈlaɪ petit mensonge feelings than to tell the truth.
tell a joke 26 v phr ˌtel ə ˈdʒəʊk raconter une blague to repeat a funny story Grandpa is good at telling jokes.
to express an idea, feeling etc using
say 26 v seɪ dire words I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said.
to give someone information by speaking
tell 26 v tel raconter or writing to them Have you told John about the party?
fictional 28 adj ˈfɪkʃənəl fictif imaginary Her story was completely fictional.

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a person whose job is to examine a
ɪnˈvestəɡeɪtə, crime, problem, statement, etc. in order Police investigators are working on the
investigator 28 n ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪtə enquêteur to discover the truth crime.
involve 28 v ɪnˈvɒlv impliquer to include or contain as a necessary part The job involves a lot of travelling.
An important feature of his paintings is
feature 28 n ˈfiːtʃə caractéristique a typical quality their colours.
illegal 28 adj ɪˈliːgəl illégal not allowed by law It’s illegal to park here.
The newspapers are calling him a
dishonest 28 adj dɪsˈɒnɪst malhonnête not honest dishonest politician.
a person who illegally enters buildings
burglar 28 n ˈbɜːglə cambrioleur and steals things The burglar was caught by police.
the place at a port, airport, or border
where travelers’ bags are examined for
customs 28 n ˈkʌstəmz douanes illegal or taxable goods All baggage must go through customs.
valuable 28 adj ˈvæljuəbəl, -jəbəl de valeur worth a lot of money She was wearing a very valuable ring.
loaded 28 adj ˈləʊdɪd chargé a loaded gun has bullets in it Luckily, the gun wasn't loaded.
any object used in fighting or war, such They were armed with knives and other
weapon 28 n ˈwepən arme as a gun, bomb, knife, etc. weapons.
ground 28 n graʊnd sol the surface of the earth She was lying asleep on the ground.
mansion 28 n ˈmænʃən manoir, château a very large, expensive house They live in a beautiful country mansion.
break into 28 phr v breɪk ˈɪntə pénétrer par effraction to force your way into something My car was broken into last night.
The burglar broke into the mansion and
set off 28 phr v set ɒf déclencher to cause a signal to start set off the alarm.
a device that makes a loud noise to warn The burglar broke into the mansion and
alarm 28 n əˈlɑːm alarme of danger set off the alarm.
to try to persuade someone, especially When I was in New York, two men tried
hustle 28 v ˈhʌsəl arnaquer to buy something, often illegally to hustle me.
a cupboard in which you can keep your
possessions, and leave them for a period You have to pay £5 a month for a locker
locker 28 n ˈlɒkə casier of time at my gym.
dodgy 28 adj ˈdɒdʒi louche dishonest One girl thought the men looked dodgy.
an amount of money given to someone
who helps to return stolen property to She offered a £20 reward to anyone who
reward 28 n rɪˈwɔːd récompense its owner could find her cat.
Everybody hates the new one-way
one-way 28 adj ˌwʌn ˈweɪ  à sens unique allowing travel in only one direction system in the town centre.

Unit 3 - Future
to put several things in order of
importance, so that you can do the most
prioritise 32 v praɪˈɒrətaɪz donner la priorité à important first Try to prioritise your work.

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faire plusieurs choses en to do more than one thing at the same I usually have to multitask when I'm at
multitask 32 v ˌmʌltiˈtɑːsk même temps thing work.
Tani seems very distracted at the
unable to think clearly because you are moment - I think she's worried about her
distracted 32 adj dɪˈstræktəd distrait worried about something brother.
a date or time by which you must finish
deadline 32 n ˈdedlaɪn date limite something He failed to meet the deadline.
You can't put the decision off any
put off 32 phr v ˌpʊt ˈɒf reporter to delay doing something longer.
My first task was to paint the whole
task 32 n tɑːsk tâche a piece of work you must do house.
the last possible time, just before it is Alec always leaves his homework to the
last minute 32 n phr ˌlɑːst ˈmɪnət dernière minute too late last minute
to use time in a way that is not effective
waste time 32 v phr ˌweɪst ˈtaɪm perdre son temps or sensible I waste so much time using the internet!
Can you tell me ahead of time if you're
ahead 32 adv əˈhed en avance before an event happens coming?
We just need to get it done before the
get things done 32 v phr ˌɡet θɪŋz ˈdʌn avoir qc à finir to solve a problem or finish something presentation.
to do something that you were not I'd better get started before the
get started 32 v phr ɡet ˈstɑːtəd commencer doing before weekend.
a written or printed message that is
usually put in an envelope and sent by She got a letter from the company
letter VB 150 n ˈletə lettre mail offerring her the job.
a white liquid produced by cows or goats
milk VB 150 n mɪlk lait that is drunk by people Can you get some milk when you're out?

tired and impatient because something is

bored VB 150 adj bɔːd qui s'ennuie uninteresting or you have nothing to do I get bored when I have nothing to do.

get on with VB 150 phr v ɡet ˈɒn wɪð, wɪθ faire des progrès to make progress How are you getting on with your essay?
if you have permission to do something, We need to get permission to film in the
permission VB 150 n pəˈmɪʃən permission someone in authority allows you to do it park.
to do something that you have been We finally got around to cleaning out the
get around VB 150 phr v ɡet əˈraʊnd arriver à faire qc intending to do for some time attic.
what you earn by working and can use to
buy things. Money can be in the form of
notes and coins or cheques, and can be Did you get any money for cleaning your
money VB 150 n ˈmʌni argent kept in a bank mum's car?
In the long term, I think the
used to talk about events or results of government's changes will have a
in the long term 36 prep phr ɪn ðə ˈlɒŋ ˌtɜːm à long terme actions a long time into the future positive effect on the country.

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The school hopes to open in the near
in the near future 36 prep phr ɪn ðə ˌnɪə ˈfjuːtʃə très prochainement soon future.
used to talk about events or results of I think there will be a lot of benefits in
in the short term 36 prep phr ɪn ðə ˈʃɔːt ˌtɜːm à court terme actions that will happen soon the short term.
used to talk about events that will They hope to be married in a year or
in a year 36 prep phr ɪn ə ˈjɪə dans un an happen the next year two.
used to talk about events that will In ten year's time, I hope to have my
in ten year's time 36 prep phr ɪn ˌtən jɪəz ˈtaɪm dans dix ans happen ten years from now own business.
in the next ten dans les dix prochaines used to talk about events that will Virtual headsets will be common in the
years 36 prep phr ɪn ðə ˌnekst tən ˈjɪəz années happen within ten years from now next five years.
to watch something or someone Can you keep an eye on my bike while I
keep an eye on 37 idiom ˌkiːp ən ˈaɪ ɒn garder un oeil sur carefully go into the shop, please?
I think I may have put my foot in it – I
mettre les pieds dans les to accidentally say something that asked her how her dog was and she told
put your foot in it 37 idiom ˌpʊt jə ˈfʊt ɪn ɪt plats embarrasses or upsets someone me that he died yesterday!
to have no more time to complete an I didn't answer all the questions in the
run out of time 37 idiom ˌrʌn aʊt əv ˈtaɪm manquer de temps action exam because I ran out of time!
work against the ˌwɜːk əɡenst ðə ˈklɒk, se battre contre la to have a limited time to complete We're working against the clock to get
clock 37 idiom əɡeɪnst montre something the project finished on time.
If my husband hasn't cleaned the house
be in hot water 37 idiom bi ɪn ˌhɒt ˈwɔːtə être dans de beaux draps to be in trouble or difficulty when I get home, he'll be in hot water!
du gâteau, un jeu
a piece of cake 37 idiom ə ˌpiːs əv ˈkeɪk d'enfant very easy That maths exam was a piece of cake!
I didn't know you were so good at
outsider, bien cacher son football – you're a dark horse, aren't
a dark horse 37 idiom ə ˌdɑːk ˈhɔːs jeu a person who has a lot of secrets you?!
not be someone's ˌnɒt bi ˌsʌmwʌnz ne pas être la tasse de
cup of tea 37 idiom ˌkʌp əv ˈtiː thé de qn someone doesn't like something Cricket's not really my cup of tea!
close to someone's ˌkləʊs tə ˌsʌmwʌnz Animal welfare is an issue that's very
heart 37 idiom ˈhɑːt tenir à coeur something is important to someone close to my heart.
get out of the rat ɡet ˌaʊt əv ðə ˈræt échapper les problèmes Pete and I want to escape the rat race
race 37 idiom reɪs de la vie quotidienne to escape (boring) everyday life and move to Hawaii!
give someone a donner un coup de main Can you give me a hand with the
hand 37 idiom ˌɡɪv sʌmwʌn ə ˈhænd à qn to help someone housework, please?
if someone hits the nail on the head,
hit the nail on the ˌhɪt ðə ˌneɪl ɒn ðə taper dans le mille, voir what they have said is exactly right or The moment she said it, she knew she'd
head 37 idiom ˈhed juste true hit the nail on the head.
to accept that a difficult situation or
problem exists, even though you would We have to face facts. The business is
face something 37 idiom ˈfeɪs ˌsʌmθɪŋ faire face à prefer to ignore it almost bankrupt.
work against the ˌwɜːk əˌɡenst ðə se battre contre la to have limited time to complete We're working against the clock to get
clock 37 idiom ˈklɒk montre something the project finished on time.

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if you are in two minds about something,
you are not certain about it, or you have I'm in two minds about accepting the
be in two minds VB 150 idiom bi ɪn ˌtuː ˈmaɪndz être indécis sur difficulty to make a decision job.
We need a place where young people
to relax and enjoy yourself because you can let their hair down and enjoy
let your hair down VB 150 idiom ˌlet jɔː ˈheə daʊn se détendre are in a comfortable environment themselves.
to make people who have just met feel
less nervous and more willing to talk to
break the ice VB 150 idiom ˌbreɪk ði ˈaɪs briser la glace each other I suggested a game to break the ice.
I always travel light so I can bring back
travel light VB 150 idiom ˌtrævəl ˈlaɪt voyager léger to take little baggage when travelling some souvenirs.
to learn something in such a way that
learn by heart VB 150 idiom ˌlɜːn baɪ ˈhɑːt apprendre par coeur you can say it from memory I never liked learning poems by heart.
to go window when you look at things in shops, When I don't have any money, I go
shopping VB 150 idiom ˈwɪndəʊ ˌʃɒpɪŋ faire du lèche-vitrines without intending to buy them window shopping instead!
to know and understand something, or I suddenly realised that the boy was
realise 38 v ˈrɪəlaɪz se rendre compte de suddenly begin to understand it crying.
to know who someone is or what
something is, because you have seen,
heard, experienced, or learned about
recognise 38 v ˈrekəɡnaɪz, ˈrekən- reconnaître them in the past I didn’t recognise you in your uniform.
used to say that two or more people or They looked exactly the same but they
same 38 pron seɪm même things are exactly like each other weren't related.
not like something or someone else, or It was a different film to the one I
different 38 adj ˈdɪfərənt autre not like before expected to see.
not the one that you intended or the You've got the wrong man. I didn't kill
wrong 38 adj rɒŋ faux one that you really want her.
a particular day of the month or year,
date 38 n deɪt date especially shown by a number I'll never forget the date I moved house.
number 38 n ˈnʌmbə numéro a phone number Sorry, you got the wrong number.
the details of the place where someone
lives or works, which you use to send
address 38 n əˈdres adresse them letters etc Have you got my new address?
name 38 n neɪm nom what someone is called I'm sorry, I didn't recognise your name.
an occasion when someone does not In the end we solved the problem – it
misunderstanding 38 n ˌmɪs.ʌn.dəˈstæn.dɪŋ malentendu understand something correctly was all a misunderstanding.
a person who buys goods or services for The average consumer spends 12 dollars
consumer 40 n kənˈsjuː.mər consommateur their own use per year on toothpaste.
creator 40 n kriˈeɪ.tər créateur someone who has invented something Who was the creator of the miniskirt?
a picture, short film, song, etc. that tries
advert ˈæd.vɜːt to persuade people to buy a product or That's a very effective advertisement -
(advertisement) 40 n (ədˈvɜː.tɪs.mənt) publicité service it really jumps out at you.

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the people watching or listening to a The television company has lost a large
particular television or radio programme, part of its audience since it changed its
audience 40 n ˈɔː.di.əns public or visiting a particular website programming.
the particular group of people to which a Pre-school children are the target
target audience 40 n ˈtɑː.ɡɪt ˈɔː.di.əns public cible product is directed audience for the show.
the ideas that are contained in a piece of It's a very stylish and beautiful film, but
content 40 n ˈkɒn.tent contenu writing, a speech, or a film it lacks content.
to pay money to an organisation in order 2.3 million people subscribe to this
subscribe 40 v səbˈskraɪb s'inscrire to use a service regularly online music service.
the act of putting money, effort, time, There's been a significant investment of
etc. into something to make a profit or time and energy in order to make the
investment 40 n ɪnˈvest.mənt investissement get an advantage project a success.
considered normal, and having or using
ideas, beliefs, etc. that are accepted by This is the director's first mainstream
mainstream 40 adj ˈmeɪn.striːm grand public most people Hollywood film.
I thought the best way to improve my
improve 40 v ɪmˈpruːv améliorer to (cause something to) get better French was to live in France.

Unit 4 - Jobs
qui a l'esprit de determined to be more successful than Boys are often more competitive than
competitive 44 adj kəmˈpetətɪv compétition other people girls.
someone who is able to express ideas or One of the reasons she got the job is
good communicator 44 n ˌɡʊd kəˈmjuːnəkeɪtə bon communicant their feelings clearly to other people that she's a good communicator.
someone who has all the qualities People listen to him because he's a good
good leader 44 n ˌɡʊd ˈliːdə bon leader needed to be a leader leader.
hard-working 44 adj ˌhɑːd ˈwɜːkɪŋ  travailleur, travailleuse working with a lot of effort Zoe is a very hard-working student.
My biggest problem is that I'm so
indecisive 44 adj ˌɪndɪˈsaɪsɪv indécis, hésitant unable to make decisions indecisive.
wanting to do something for a particular
motivated 44 adj ˈməʊtəveɪtəd motivé reason Many people are motivated by money.
someone who will do risky or dangerous She became a billionaire because she's a
risk taker 44 n ˈrɪsk ˌteɪkə tête brûlée things in order to achieve something risk taker.
to think of new, different, or unusual
think outside the ˌθɪŋk aʊtsaɪd ðə ways of doing something, especially in If we want to solve this problem, we
box 44 v phr ˈbɒks sortir des sentiers battus business have to think outside the box.
ambitious 44 adj æmˈbɪʃəs ambitieux determined to be successful or powerful My cousin is young and very ambitious.
if someone is reliable, you can trust and Rick is very reliable. I think he'll do a
reliable VB 151 adj rɪˈlaɪəbəl fiable depend on them good job.
someone who is sensible is able to make
sensible VB 151 adj ˈsensəbəl raisonnable good decisions She's a very sensible girl.
décontracté, facile à Tim is an easy-going guy, it's impossible
easy-going VB 151 adj ˌiːzi ˈɡəʊɪŋ vivre not easily upset, annoyed, or worried to make him angry.

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intelligent and able to learn things She's a very bright child. I think she'll go
bright VB 151 adj braɪt brillant quickly far.
US companies are keen to enter the
keen VB 151 adj kiːn motivé, passionné wanting to do something very much Chinese market.
arriving at exactly the time that has It's important to be punctual. Lateness
punctual VB 151 adj ˈpʌŋktʃuəl ponctuel been arranged is not tolerated.
My daughter is acting like a typical
moody VB 151 adj ˈmuːdi lunatique often becoming angry or unhappy moody teenager.

confident and able to do things by

yourself in your own way, without She's a very independent colleague and
independent VB 151 adj ˌɪndɪˈpendənt indépendant needing help or advice from other people works well by herself.

behaving in an angry threatening way, as I find her a bit aggressive and

aggressive VB 151 adj əˈɡresɪv agressif if you want to fight or attack someone intimidating.
I'm lucky that I have flexible working
flexible VB 151 adj ˈfleksəbəl flexible able to change easily hours in my job.
travailler de longues to work for a long time or longer than My wife's been working very long hours
work long hours VB 151 v phr ˌlɒŋ ˈaʊəz heures usual recently.
a written or spoken description of a
situation or event, giving people the My boss asked me to write a sales
report VB 151 n rɪˈpɔːt rapport information they need report.
Being a tree surgeon is a pretty physical
physical VB 151 adj ˈfɪzɪkəl physique involving bodily contact or activity job.
a profession which predominatly involves I love my office job because I hate being
office job VB 151 n ˈɒfɪs ˌdʒɒb travail de bureau being in an office outdoors.

outdoors VB 151 adv ˌaʊtˈdɔːz dehors, à l'extérieur outside, not in a building It's warm enough to eat outdoors today.
to tell someone what you think they
should do, especially when you know My financial advisor advised me to
advise VB 151 v ədˈvaɪz conseiller more than they do about something consider saving more money.
someone who pays a person or I have a meeting with an important client
client VB 151 n ˈklaɪənt client / e organisation for a service this afternoon.
I prefer working for myself rather than
work for myself VB 151 v phr ˌwɜːk fə maɪˈself travailler pour soi-même to work independently, as a freelancer for someone else.
between nine o’clock and five o’clock,
the normal working hours of an office
nine-to-five VB 151 adv ˌnaɪn tə ˈfaɪv de neuf à cinq worker She works nine-to-five every day.
a question you ask in order to get My first job of the day was to answer
enquiry VB 151 n ɪnˈkwaɪəri enquête information the phone enquiries.

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to arrange something so that it is more
ordered or happens in a more sensible
organise VB 151 v ˈɔːɡənaɪz organiser way I organise my boss's diary.
if you deal with a problem, you do
something to make sure that it reduces
deal with VB 151 phr v ˈdiːl wɪð, wɪθ faire face à, s'occuper de or no longer exists I can't deal with his problems any more!
if you are responsible for something bad
that has happened, you caused it and Police have arrested a man who is
you are the person who should be responsible for the deaths of fifteen
responsible VB 151 adj rɪˈspɒnsəbəl responsable blamed people.
the most recent information about a Can you send us regular progress
update VB 151 n ˈʌpdeɪt mettre à jour news story updates while you're away?
a job or activity that you do regularly, It may be hard for older people to find
work 46 n wɜːk travail especially in order to earn money work.
if you remind someone about something,
you make them remember it or Will you remind me to go to the bank
remind 46 v rɪˈmaɪnd rappeler qc à qn remember to do it later?
to have a picture or idea in your mind of I can't remember what I had for dinner
remember 46 v rɪˈmembə se souvenir de people, events, places etc from the past last Sunday.
to not remember facts, information, or
forget 46 v fəˈɡet oublier people or things from the past I know you told me, but I forgot.
to make or allow something or someone Did you leave your jacket at mine last
leave 46 v liːv laisser to stay in a place when you go away night?
to know that a sound is being made, Did you see or hear anything this
hear 46 v hɪə entendre using your ears morning?
to pay attention to what someone is
listen 46 v ˈlɪsən écouter saying or to a sound that you can hear You should listen to her advice!
if someone or something is funny, they It was one of the funniest films I've ever
funny 46 adj ˈfʌni drôle make you laugh seen.
an experience or activity that is very The children were having so much fun on
fun 46 n fʌn fun, arrant, rigolo enjoyable and exciting the beach.
The criminals are currently being
currently VB 151 adv ˈkʌrəntli actuellement happening, existing, or being used now interviewed by police.
used to emphasize that something is
true, especially when it is a little
actually VB 151 adv ˈæktʃuəli, -tʃəli en fait surprising or unexpected Actually he's 45 years old.
a job or profession that you have been
trained for, and which you usually do for Have you thought about your future
career VB 151 n kəˈrɪə carrière a long time career?
a series of lessons or a period of study in
course VB 151 n kɔːs cours a particular subject Andy’s doing a computer course.

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to use something that belongs to
someone else and give it back to them
borrow VB 151 v ˈbɒrəʊ emprunter qc à qn later Can I borrow the car tonight, dad?
to let someone borrow money or
lend VB 151 v lend prêter qc à qn something that belongs to you Could you lend me some money?
In class we had a discussion about global
discussion VB 151 n dɪˈskʌʃən discussion when people talk about a topic warming.
a situation in which people speak angrily
to each other because they disagree There are always arguments in my house
argument VB 151 n ˈɑːɡjəmənt querelle about something at Christmas time.
I always lose my front door key, I'm
lose VB 151 v luːz perdre to confuse someone hopeless!
to feel sad because you cannot be with
somethat that you like, or cannot do
something you enjoy; to not go
somewhere or do something, especially
miss VB 151 v mɪs manquer à qn when you want to but cannot I really miss talking to him on the phone.
wonderful 47 adj ˈwʌndəfəl merveilleux very good We had a wonderful time.
amazing 47 adj əˈmeɪzɪŋ stupéfiant very surprising What an amazing story!
brilliant 47 adj ˈbrɪljənt brillant excellent We had a brilliant holiday.
awful 47 adj ˈɔːfəl horrible, affreux very bad or unpleasant The weather was awful.
extremely severe in a way that causes We were worried something terrible had
terrible 47 adj ˈterəbəl terrible harm or damage or very bad happened to my daughter.
Rubbish was everwhere - it was
disgusting 47 adj dɪsˈɡʌstɪŋ dégoûtant extremely unpleasant disgusting.
delicious 47 adj dɪˈlɪʃəs délicieux very pleasant to taste or smell That roast chicken was delicious.
Can I open the window? It's boiling in
boiling 47 adj ˈbɔɪlɪŋ bouillnat very hot here!
freeze 47 adj ˈfriːzɪŋ geler very cold We were freezing in the tent last night.
I was exhausted by the twelve hour
exhausted 47 adj ɪɡˈzɔːstəd épuisé very tired journey.
She was furious with him when he lost
furious 47 adj ˈfjʊəriəs furieux very angry his new trainers.
fascinating 47 adj ˈfæsəneɪtɪŋ fascinant very interesting That sounds absolutely fascinating.
beautiful 47 adj ˈbjuːtəfəl beau very pretty Her wedding dress was so beautiful.
something that is impossible cannot
impossible 47 adj ɪmˈpɒsəbəl impossible happen or be done The noise made sleep impossible.
enormous 47 adj ɪˈnɔːməs énorme very big in size, amount, or degree It cost an enormous amount of money.
tiny 47 adj ˈtaɪni minuscule extremely small It's a tiny community in the Midwest.
to lose your job for doing something When his boss discovered he was selling
get fired 50 v ɡet ˈfaɪəd être viré wrong company secrets, he got fired instantly.

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a meeting in which someone asks you
questions, especially to find out if you
interview 50 n ˈɪntəvjuː entretien (d'embauche) are suitable for a job She had an interview for a teaching job.
to try to win something or to be more I had to compete with three others for a
compete 50 v kəmˈpiːt disputer, participer successful than someone else job.
to have control over or responsibility for My dad's in charge of the TV remote in
be in charge 50 v phr bi ɪn ˈtʃɑːdʒ responsable something or someone our house!
to organize or be in charge of an
activity, business, organization, or
run 50 v rʌn gérer country She used to run a restaurant in Boston.
something that you think of, especially a I knew it was a bad business idea when
idea 50 n aɪˈdɪə idée plan or suggestion we started to lose money.
no longer in a particular state or
out of work 50 v phr ˌaʊt əv ˈwɜːk au chômage situation How long have you been out of work?

Unit 5 - Solutions
a set of computers that are connected
to each other so that they can share Do you have a computer network where
computer network 57 n kəmˈpjuːtə ˌnetwɜːk réseau informatique information you work?
the power that is carried by wires and
electricity 57 n ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti, ˌelɪk- électricité used to make lights and machines work The cooker works by electricity.
commercial a flying vehicle used to transport paying Commercial aeroplanes are very different
aeroplane 57 n kəˌmɜːʃəl ˈeərəpleɪn avion commercial passengers from military ones.
energy that uses the power of the sun Solar power is a renewable source of
solar power 57 n ˌsəʊlə ˈpaʊə énergie solaire to produce electricity energy.
energy that is produced when the
structure of the central part of an atom Nuclear power plants are considered to
nuclear power 57 n ˌnjuːkliə ˈpaʊə énergie nucléaire is changed be dangerous.
power from oil, coal, sun, wind, etc. that
energy 57 n ˈenədʒi énergie produces heat, movement, etc. Switch off lights to save energy.
dʒəˌnetɪk the science of changing the genes of a Not everyone agrees with genetic
genetic engineering 57 n endʒəˈnɪərɪŋ génie génétique living thing engineering.
a substance for treating an illness,
medicine 57 n ˈmedsən médecine especially one that you drink Have you taken your medicine?
motorbike 57 n ˈməʊtəbaɪk moto an informal word for a motorcycle How fast can your motorbike go?
moving through the area beyond the As a child I always dreamed of space
space travel 57 n ˈspeɪs ˌtrævəl voyages dans l'espace Earth where the stars and planets are travel in my rocket ship.
an injection to protect a person from a You need lots of vaccinations to visit
vaccination 57 n ˌvæksəˈneɪʃən vaccination disease tropical countries.
ˈvækjuəm ˌkliːnə, a machine that cleans floors by sucking I need a new vacuum cleaner – this one's
vacuum cleaner 57 n ˈvækjʊm aspirateur up the dirt from them terrible!

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Do you know how to use your washing
washing machine 57 n ˈwɒʃɪŋ məˌʃiːn machine à laver a machine that washes clothes machine?
a machine that has been sent into space
and goes around the Earth used for
communication kəˌmjuːnəˈkeɪʃən satellite de radio, television, and other electronic Some communications satellites are
satellite 57 n ˌsætəlaɪt télécommunication communication owned by mobile phone companies.
the study or use of electronic processes
IT (information ˌaɪ ˈtiː, ɪnfəˌmeɪʃən and equipment for storing information
technology) 57 n tekˈnɒlədʒi informatique and making it available My favourite subject is IT.
a drug that is used to kill bacteria and
antibiotic 57 n ˌæntɪbaɪˈɒtɪk antibiotique infections Penicillin was one of the first antibiotics.
to connect a piece of electrical
equipment to the electricity supply, or
plug in VB 152 phr v ˌplʌɡ ˈɪn brancher to another piece of equipment Is the TV plugged in?

press VB 152 v pres appuyer sur to push something firmly What happens if I press this button?
small part or area of a machine that you
button VB 152 n ˈbʌtən bouton press to make it do something Sam undid his buttons.
when a drug is put into your body, using I had to have an injection for the yellow
injection VB 152 n ɪnˈdʒekʃən piquûre a special needle fever vaccination.
when doctors cut into someone's body
in order to remove or repair a part that She had an operation on her shoulder
operation VB 152 n ˌɒpəˈreɪʃən opération is damaged when she broke her collarbone.
a liquid that you put in a vehicle to make
petrol VB 152 n ˈpetrəl essence the engine work How much petrol did you put in?
if something restarts, or if you restart it, The government plans new efforts to
restart VB 152 v ˌriːˈstɑːt redémarrer it starts again restart the peace process.
if you reboot a computer, you start it My computer isn't working so I'll try to
reboot VB 152 v ˌriːˈbuːt redémarrier, rebooter again after it has stopped working reboot it.
to turn on a machine, light etc, using a
switch on VB 152 phr v ˌswɪtʃ ˈɒn allumer switch I left my phone switched on.
to turn off a machine, light etc, using a
switch off VB 152 phr v ˌswɪtʃ ˈɒf éteindre switch My mobile phone was switched off.
if a car or a machine breaks down, it
break down VB 152 phr v ˌbreɪk ˈdaʊn tomber en panne stops working My car broke down on the way to work.
run out of My car ran out of petrol on the
something VB 152 idiom ˌrʌn ˈaʊt əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ ne plus avoir de to have no more of something motorway and I was stranded.
when two or more things are joined
together or when something is joined to I couldn't get my laptop connected to
get a connection VB 152 v phr ˌɡet ə kəˈnekʃən se connecter avec a larger system or network the university system.
a scientific test to find out or prove The scientists do most of their
experiment VB 152 n ɪkˈsperəmənt expérience something experiments with chemicals.

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to discuss a subject formally so that you

debate 59 v dɪˈbeɪt discuter, débattre can make a decision or solve a problem The issue was debated on Monday.
to talk about something with someone in
order to exchange ideas or decide We’re meeting today to discuss our
discuss 59 v dɪˈskʌs discuter de qc something science project.
inquire 59 v ɪnˈkwaɪə demander to ask someone for information ‘Why are you doing that?’ he inquired.
I'm looking into how much I could sell my
look into 59 phr v ˌlʊk ˈɪntə examiner to investigate car for.
to ask someone questions about
question 59 v ˈkwestʃən questionner, interroger something Two men are being questioned by police.
reply 59 v rɪˈplaɪ répondre to answer Why didn't you reply to my email?
to study a subject in detail so that you Conner spent eight years researching the
research 59 v rɪˈsɜːtʃ faire des recherches sur can discover new facts about it history of the Romans.
to do something because of something How will the government respond to this
respond 59 v rɪˈspɒnd réagir à that has happened latest development?
to think about something you do not
wonder 59 v ˈwʌndə se demander know, and want to know I wonder where she lives these days.
to try to find out about something, The cause of the fire is being
investigate 59 v ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt enquêter especially a crime or accident investigated.
to shout and say angry things to
someone because you disagree with
argue 59 v ˈɑːɡjuː se disputer them We could hear the neighbours arguing.
quarrel 59 v ˈkwɒrəl se disputer, se quereller to have an angry argument She's always quarrelling with her sister.
relating to the natural processes He wanted to know who his biological
biological 61 adj ˌbaɪəˈlɒdʒɪkəl biologique performed by living things father was.
What is the most effective way to kill
effective 61 adj ɪˈfektɪv efficace having the result that you want ants?
something that is explosive can cause an They used explosives to destroy the old
explosive 61 n ɪkˈspləʊsɪv explosif explosion building.
Some people find a man with a hairy
hairy 61 adj ˈheəri poilu covered in hair chest very attractive.
lovable 61 adj ˈlʌvəbəl adorable, aimable easy to love She really is a lovable child.
messy 61 adj ˈmesi en désordre dirty or untidy Tidy your room, it's too messy!
painful 61 adj ˈpeɪnfəl douloureux making you feel very unhappy or upset I've got a very painful toothache.
peaceful 61 adj ˈpiːsfəl calme, tranquille quiet and calm The wood was cool and peaceful.
She uses lots of poetic language in her
poetic 61 adj pəʊˈetɪk poétique relating to poetry or typical of poetry stories.
if you are responsible for something bad
that has happened, you caused it and
you are the person who should be Police have arrested a man who is
responsible 61 adj rɪˈspɒnsəbəl responsable blamed responsible for the death of a child.

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I get sent so much useless information
useless 61 adj ˈjuːsləs inutile not useful or effective at all by email.
Thousands of people were made
homeless 61 adj ˈhəʊmləs sans abri without a place to live homeless.
printed information that tells you how to Are there any instructions on how to
instruction VB 152 n ɪnˈstrʌkʃən instructions do or use something make the model?
an organized event in which people or
competition VB 152 n ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃən compétition, concours teams compete against each other Who won the competition?
when something becomes better than it There was a steady improvement in
improvement VB 152 n ɪmˈpruːvmənt amélioration was efficiency.
unhappy because you are alone or do When her husband died she suffered
loneliness VB 152 n ˈləʊnlinəs solitude not have any friends great lonliness.

kindness VB 152 n ˈkaɪndnəs gentillesse kind behaviour Sam never forgot her kindness.
His stupidity heavily influences the work
stupidity VB 152 n stjuːˈpɪdəti stupidité lack of intelligence or thought of the team.
if something is your responsibility, it is It's your responsibility to pay the bills on
responsibility VB 152 n rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti responsabilité, devoir your job or duty to do it time.
a feeling of great sadness, or a medical
condition that makes you have this
depression VB 152 n dɪˈpreʃən dépression feeling The patient is suffering from depression.
the ability to form pictures or ideas in Children tend to have better
imagination VB 152 n ɪˌmædʒəˈneɪʃən imagination your mind imaginations than adults.
things such as television, films and
shows that are intended to amuse or
entertainment VB 152 n ˌentəˈteɪnmənt divertissement interest people The hotel offers live entertainment.
something important that you succeed I always try to celebrate each child's
achievement VB 152 n əˈtʃiːvmənt prouesse in doing by your own efforts achievement at school.
things that are done to keep a person,
building, or country safe from danger or
security VB 152 n sɪˈkjʊərəti sécurité crime There was tight security at the courts.
when you are healthy and strong enough This exercise regime will improve your
fitness VB 152 n ˈfɪtnəs forme, forme physique to do hard work or play sports fitness.
relaxed, friendly, or unofficial style or The informality of the interview put the
informality VB 152 n ˌɪnfɔːˈmæləti simplicité nature; absence of formality interviewee at ease.
The remake of the film was a pale
imitation VB 152 n ˌɪməˈteɪʃən imitation when you copy someone else’s actions imitation.

dancing VB 152 n ˈdɑːnsɪŋ danse when people dance together We went dancing on New Year's Eve.

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a sentence or phrase from a book,
speech etc which you repeat in a speech
or piece of writing because it is I can never remember quotations from
quotation VB 152 n kwəʊˈteɪʃən citation interesting or amusing Shakespeare.
information on how to get to a particular Could you give me directions to the post
direction VB 152 n dəˈrekʃən, daɪ- indications place office, please?
The heaviness of the parcel meant I
heaviness VB 152 n ˈhevinəs pesanteur the quality of weighing a lot needed three people to help me lift it.
an amount of money that has been or I have three more payments to make
payment VB 152 n ˈpeɪmənt paiement must be paid before the car is mine!
a move to a more important job or She was pleased when she got a
promotion VB 152 n prəˈməʊʃən promotion position in a company or organization promotion and a new office.
the activity or sport of moving around
skating VB 152 n ˈskeɪtɪŋ patinage sur glace on skates for fun or as a sport We went skating around Hyde Park.
if a computer crashes, or if you crash The system crashed and I lost two hours
crash 62 v kræʃ se planter the computer, it suddenly stops working of work.
if a machine, engine, pipe etc freezes,
the liquid inside it becomes solid with The screen just froze and I had to reboot
freeze 62 v friːz planter cold, so that it does not work properly it.
a small piece of electronic equipment I've lost my memory stick – have you
memory stick 62 n ˈmeməri stɪk clé USB used to store and transfer information seen it?
if a machine is out of order, it has
out of order 62 prep phr ˌaʊt əv ˈɔːdə hors service stopped working The photocopier is out of order again.
to produce words or pictures on paper,
print 62 v prɪnt imprimer using a machine I’m printing the document now.
the act of receiving radio, television, or
other signals, or the quality of signals Sorry I didn't call – there was no
reception 62 n rɪˈsepʃən réception you receive reception on the underground.
to put a new supply of electricity into a How often do you need to recharge your
recharge 62 v ˌriːˈtʃɑːdʒ recharger battery phone?
to successfully deal with a problem or She went to a psychiatrist to try to sort
sort out 62 phr v ˌsɔːt ˈaʊt régler difficult situation out her problems.
if a machine is out of order, it is not The printer is out of order so I can't
out of order 62 phr ˌaʊt əv ˈɔːdə hors service working correctly print the schedule.
unusual or surprising, in a way that is
strange 62 adj streɪndʒ étrange difficult to understand or explain I had a strange dream last night.
a sound, especially one that is
noise 62 n nɔɪz bruit unpleasant or loud The computer is making a strange noise.
to repair something that is broken or not Ella was able to fix the computer and get
fix 62 v fɪks réparer working properly it working straight away.

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There will be a screening of the award-
primé, récompensé, having won a prize for being high quality winning documentary film "Child
award-winning 64 adj əˈwɒːdˌwɪn.ɪŋ lauréat or skilled Soldiers"
more (of) the thing mentioned than
mainly 64 adv meinli principalement anything else; mostly, largely The TV series is mainly about fast cars
mondial; dans le monde (extending over or found) everywhere in
worldwide 64 adj wəːldwaid entier the world Their products are sold worldwide
ask (somebody) to take part in a The Vicount challenged his enemy to a
challenge 64 v ˈtʃӕlindʒ mette au défi contest duel
On the show they compare and test-
a competition to find who or which is the drive cars, and organise al kinds of crazy
race 64 n reis course fastest races.
a perforated cover over the end of a Hardly any water comes out of this
pipe that sprays water over a person shower head any more, I think it's time
shower head 65 n ˈʃauəhed pommeau de douche who is taking a shower. to descale it. (=détartrer)
the (average) length of time a person The average life expectancy of women
life expectancy 66 n laif ikˈspektensi espérance de vie can expect to live remains longer than that of men
More than 21 percent of Norwegian
women have a university or college
instruction and teaching at a post education, compared with 16 per cent of
college education 66 n edjukeiʃən études supérieures secondary education level Norwegian men
Nowadays women are just as well
well educated 66 adj edjukeitid bien instruit / cultivé educated to a good standard educated as men, perhaps even better
a substance, especially in the form of a Take two spoonfuls of medicine at
liquid or a pill, that is a treatment for mealtimes / She knows a lot about
medicine 66 n ˈmed.ɪ.sən médicament illness or injury herbal medicines.

Unit 6 - Emotion
Are you annoyed with me just because
annoyed 68 adj əˈnɔɪd fâché a little angry I'm a bit late?
not happy or relaxed because you keep
thinking about a particular problem or
worried 68 adj ˈwʌrid inquiet something bad that might happen You look worried.
The instructions for my new TV are very
confusing 68 adj kənˈfjuːzɪŋ confus unclear and difficult to understand confusing!
frightened 68 adj ˈfraɪtnd effrayé feeling afraid Are you frightened of spiders?
There's nothing better than a relaxing
relaxing 68 adj rɪˈlæksɪŋ relaxant making you feel calm bath after a hard day's work!
making you feel pleased and happy,
especially because you have achieved
satisfying 68 adj ˈsætəsfaɪ-ɪŋ satisfaisant something I find my job very satisfying.

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feeling uncomfortable or nervous and
worrying about what people think of you,
for example because you have made a
silly mistake, or because you have to Laura gets embarrassed when she is
embarrassed 68 adj ɪmˈbærəst gêné, embarrassé talk or sing in public asked to sing in public.
It's astonishing that you didn't know
astonishing VB 153 adj əˈstɒnɪʃɪŋ étonnant, stupéfiant very surprising about this.

astonished VB 153 adj əˈstɒnɪʃt étonné, stupéfait very surprised We were astonished at her ignorance.

tiring VB 153 adj ˈtaɪərɪŋ fatigant making you feel tired I had a tiring day at the office.

tired VB 153 adj ˈtaɪəd fatigué feeling that you want to sleep or rest I'm too tired to go out tonight.
extremely interested by something or
fascinated VB 153 adj ˈfæsəneɪtəd fasciné someone She was fascinated by his voice.
unhappy because something you hoped
for did not happen, or was not as good Jake seems very disappointed with the
disappointed VB 153 adj ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntəd déçu as you expected result.
His exam results were very
disappointing VB 153 adj ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ décevant making you feel disappointed disappointing.
making you feel shocked by being We felt disgusted by the way we'd been
disgusted VB 153 adj dɪsˈɡʌstəd dégoûté unpleasant and unacceptable treated.
shocking and unacceptable, extremely
disgusting VB 153 adj dɪsˈɡʌstɪŋ dégoûtant unpleasant The way he treats her is disgusting.
I've just finished reading a depressing
depressing VB 153 adj dɪˈpresɪŋ déprimant making you feel sad book.
if you are interested in something, you
want to know more about it and you
interested VB 153 adj ˈɪntrəstəd intéressé give it your attention She's very interested in computers.

terrifying VB 153 adj ˈterəfaɪ-ɪŋ terrifiant extremely frightening The nightmare was terrifying.

terrified VB 153 adj ˈterəfaɪd terrifié, effayé very fightened She was a terrified little girl.
to start or have a conversation with Simon loves trying to chat up girls when
chat up 70 phr v ˌtʃæt ˈʌp draguer, faire du plat à someone you think is attractive we go out on Saturday nights!
to press the button of a computer
mouse to select something on a Click on the arrow and follow the
click on 70 phr v ˈklɪk ɒn cliquer sur computer screen, the internet, etc. instructions.
to wear clothes that are less formal than She dressed down in old jeans and a T-
dress down 70 phr v ˌdres ˈdaʊn s'habiller simplement the ones you usually wear shirt.
to stop using a computer system by When you've finished using the
log off 70 phr v ˌlɒɡ ˈɒf se déconnecter giving it particular instructions computer, close the internet and log off.

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to move the information on a computer,
phone, etc. screen up or down to see If you scroll up to the top of the page,
scroll up 70 phr v ˌskrəʊl ˈʌp défiler vers le haut more information you'll see the address.

to start living a quiet and calm life in one They'd like to see their son settle down,
settle down 70 phr v ˌsetl ˈdaʊn s'installer place, especially when you get married get married, and have kids.
if a company, factory, machine, etc.
shuts down, or if you shut it down, it Hundreds of local post offices have shut
shut down 70 phr v ˌʃʌt ˈdaʊn fermer (définitivement) stops operating down.
take off 70 phr v ˌteɪk ˈɒf enlever to remove some clothing He took off his shoes.
to wear clothes (usually in a shop) to Can I try this dress on in a size 14,
try on 70 phr v ˌtraɪ ˈɒn essayer see if you want to buy them please?
Since I saw how hamburgers are made,
go off 70 phr v ɡəʊ ˈɒf ne plus apprécier to stop liking someone or something I've gone off them completely!
to put on more formal clothes than you
usually wear, or to put on special clothes I went to the party dressed up as a
dress up 70 phr v ˌdres ˈʌp se déguiser for fun gorilla.
to separate something from the main
part with a knife etc, to stop the supply
cut off VB 153 phr v ˌkʌt ˈɒf couper of something to someone The US has cut off aid to the country.
to decide that a planned event will not The game was called off due to bad
call off VB 153 phr v ˌkɔːl ˈɒf annuler happen weather.
to delay doing something or to arrange
to do something at a later time or date,
especially because there is a problem or She put off going to the doctor until she
put it off VB 153 phr v ˌpʊt ɪt ˈɒf reporter you do not want to do it now felt really ill.
to be clearly better than other things or
people or to be very easy to see or Morrison stands out as the most
stand out VB 153 phr v ˌstænd ˈaʊt se démarquer notice experienced candidate.
Let's work out how much money we
work out VB 153 phr v ˌwɜːk ˈaʊt calculer, résoudre to calculate an amount, price, or value need.
We look after Rodney's kids until he gets
look after VB 153 phr v lʊk ˈɑːftə prendre soin de to take care of someone or something home from work.
to make sure that something is actually I made a phone call to check out his
check out VB 153 phr v ˌtʃek ˈaʊt vérifier true, correct, or acceptable address.
to write all the necessary information on
fill in VB 153 phr v ˌfɪl ˈɪn remplir an official document, form etc I hate filling in forms.
to allow someone into a building by
let someone in VB 153 phr v ˌlet sʌmwʌn ˈɪn faire entrer opening or unlocking a door I forgot my key. Can you let me in?
to find somewhere to sit in a waiting I was very lucky on the train this
get a seat 71 v phr ɡet ə ˈsiːt trouver un siège room or on a bus or train morning – I managed to get a seat!

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when a shop or person sells things My neighbours are holding a sale in their
hold a sale 71 v phr ˌhəʊld ə ˈseɪl organiser une vente cheaply garden because they're moving house.
passer devant tout le I hate it when people try to jump the
jump a queue 71 v phr ˌdʒʌmp ə ˈkjuː monde to avoid waiting in a line of people queue in the post office!
to collect money that you can use to do My sister's running a marathon to raise
raise money 71 v phr ˌreɪz ˈmʌni récolter de l'argent a particular job or help people money for charity.
to make something shorter with a knife,
se faire couper les scissors etc, especially in order to make I went to have my hair cut at the
cut hair 71 v phr ˌkʌt ˈheə cheveux it neater hairdresser's last week.
to look at something for a period of time
on TV, paying attention to what is I always watch my favourite programmes
watch a programme 71 v phr ˌwɒtʃ ə ˈprəʊɡræm regarder une émission happening with my friends.
to not succeed in doing something that
fail 74 v feɪl échouer à you try to do Have you ever failed an exam?
to be given a better, more responsible We're celebrating tonight because my
get promoted 74 v ɡet prəˈməʊtəd monter en grade job in a company wife got promoted to Senior Manager!
if people split up, they end their
split up 74 phr v ˌsplɪt ˈʌp se séparer marriage or relationship My parents split up when I was three.
to succeed in doing something that you I passed all my exams and am so
pass 74 v pɑːs réussier try to do pleased.
if you lose something that is important
or necessary, you then no longer have it,
especially because it has been taken Dave was very upset when he lost his
lose 74 v luːz perdre from you or destroyed job due to redundancy.
a fact that explains why something
happens or why someone does He wouldn't give the reasons for his
reason 74 n ˈriːzən raison something decision.
qn qui a une grande Being a good listener helps others have
listener 74 n ˈlɪsənə capacité d'écoute someone who listens confidence in you.
to make plans or arrangements for
something that will happen soon, or to I haven't even begun to prepare for
prepare 74 v priˈpeə se préparer get yourself ready for it tomorrow's test.
information about something that has
news 74 n njuːz nouvelle, informations happened recently I have some good news for you!
unhappy because something unpleasant She's still very upset about her father's
upset 74 adj ʌpˈset contrarié, fâché or disappointing has happened death.
the way your voice sounds, which shows I know you're angry, but you can't talk
tone of voice 74 n phr ˌtəʊn əv ˈvɔɪs voix, timbre de la voix how you are feeling or what you mean to people in that tone of voice!
At the time,no American publisher would
peson or company that publishes have accepted a manuscript written by a
publisher 76 n /ˈpabliʃər éditeur, éditrice books,newpapers, etc. slave.

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she burst into tears on hearing the tragic
burst into tears 76 v phr bəːst ˈintu 'tiəz fondre en larme suddenly start to cry news.
give something to someone that is This ring has been passed down from
pass sth down 76 phr v paːs daun transmettre younger than you generation to generation in my family
And then the vicar asked me to put the
vicar 76 n ˈvikə pasteur anglican a clergyman of the church of England ring on my fiancée's finger
a building built on rocks, coastline etc
with a (flashing) light to guide or warn They transformed this old lighthouse and
lighthouse 77 n laithaus phare ships now it's a luxury hotel.
We spent a week in Rome looking at all
sights 77 n saɪts ce qu'il y a à voir places of interest, especially to visitors the sights

Unit 7 - Success

Jon wants to work as cabin crew, so he's

work hard 81 v phr ˌwɜːk ˈhɑːd travailler dur to make a lot of effort to achieve a goal working hard at his foreign languages.
What's the best opportunity you've ever
opportunity 81 n ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti occasion a chance to do something had?
to be in a time or situation which you
have the can use to do something that you want I'd love to have the opportunity to meet
opportunity 81 v phr hæv ði ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti avoir l'occasion to do a celebrity!
qn d'exceptionnellement someone who is very successful in their
high achiever 81 n ˌhaɪ əˈtʃiːvə doué work Our son is a very high achiever.
The most important thing when you go
to have confidence that you can be for a job interview is to believe in
believe in yourself 81 v phr bəˈliːv ɪn jɔːˌself croire en soi successful yourself.
have a natural hæv ə ˌnætʃərəl
talent 81 v phr ˈtælənt avoir un talent naturel to be born with a particular ability or skill Jane has a natural talent for painting.
My boyfriend is world-class at rowing –
to be one of the best people in the world he's competing in the Olympics next
be world-class at 81 v phr bi ˌwɜːld ˈklɑːs ət être de classe mondiale at what you do year!
master 81 v ˈmɑːstə maîtriser to learn a subject or skill very well I never mastered the violin.
a skilled activity in which you make I'd like to try a traditional country craft
craft 81 n krɑːft métier something using your hands such as pottery or weaving.
an ability to do something well,
especially because you have learned and Reading and writing are two different
skill 81 n skɪl compétence practised it skills.
In a job interview, you have to focus on
to give special attention to one the things you can do, not the things
focus on 81 phr v ˈfəʊkəs ɒn mettre l'accent sur particular person or thing you can't.
a prize for being more successful or
award VB 154 n əˈwɔːd prix popular than other people or things She won an award for her acting.

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a list of people and things that have
been chosen from a larger group to be She's on the shortlist for a first novel
shortlist VB 154 n ˈʃɔːtlɪst liste de présélection considered for a job or prize prize.
a round flat piece of metal given to
someone who has been successful in a
medal VB 154 n ˈmedl médaille competition or done something brave She won a gold medal at the Olympics.
the person or team that finishes second
runner up VB 154 n ˌrʌnər ˈʌp deuxième in a comptetition Kate was a runner-up in the competition.

winning team VB 154 n ˌwɪnɪŋ ˈtiːm équipe gagnante the group that wins a competition I prefer being on the winning team.
to officially suggest that someone or
something should be given an important
nominate VB 154 v ˈnɒməneɪt nominer position or prize The film was nominated for an award.
to achieve the highest mark that a
obtenir les meilleures student can get in an examination or for He was pleased when he got an A in
get an 'A' VB 154 v phr ɡet ən ˈeɪ notes a piece of work Music.
have one thing in hæv ˌwʌn θɪŋ ɪn avoir une chose en to share an interest or idea with We have one thing in common: we both
common 82 v phr ˈkɒmən commun someone like fishing.
to have the right to enter a place, use Do you have access to the internet at
have access to 82 v phr hæv ˈækses tə avoir accès à something, see someone, etc. home?

to be one of the best people in the world My boyfriend is world-class at judo – he's
be world-class at 82 v phr bi ˌwɜːld ˈklɑːs ət être de classe mondiale at what you do competing in the Olympics next year!
The film picks up on the difficulties
pick up on 82 phr v ˌpɪk ˈʌp ɒn relever to show or notice something people experienced during the war.
to spend time or use energy working or If you want to get better, you have to
put in 82 phr v pʊt ˈɪn investir practising something put in a lot of hours of practice.
to have an unusual amount of skill in a Zoe seems to have a talent for making
have a talent for 82 v phr hæv ə ˈtælənt fə être doué en particular area money!
to have the same opinion as someone I agree with Karen. It's much too
agree with 82 phr v əˈɡriː wɪð, wɪθ être d'accord avec else expensive.
to shout and say angry things to
someone because you disagree with
argue with 82 phr v ˈɑːɡjuː wɪð, wɪθ se quereller avec them I often argue with my brother.
to keep thinking about a problem or
about something bad that might happen Parents always worry about their
worry about 82 phr v ˈwʌri əˌbaʊt s'inquiéter pour so that you do not feel happy or relaxed children.
to say that you are annoyed, not
satisfied, or unhappy about something or He complains about not being
complain about 82 phr v kəmˈpleɪn əˌbaʊt se plaindre de someone appreciated at work.
if something belongs to someone, they
belong to 82 phr v bɪˈlɒŋ tə appartenir à own it That necklance belongs to Josie.

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to listen to or watch someone or
pay attention to 82 phr v ˌpeɪ əˈtenʃən tə faire attention à something carefully Always pay attention to the car in front.
to stay somewhere or not do something
until something else happens or The queue of people are waiting for the
wait for 82 phr v ˈweɪt fə attendre someone arrives next bus.
to give someone money for something
pay for 82 phr v ˈpeɪ fə payer pour you buy or for a service My mum paid for my driving lessons.
if something depends on something else, Your grade will depend on your
depend on 82 phr v dɪˈpend ɒn dépendre de it is directly affected by that thing performance in the final exam.
to trust or depend on someone or
rely on 82 phr v rɪˈlaɪ ɒn dépendre de something I knew I could rely on you.
to turn your eyes towards something, so The women all looked at the celebrity as
look at 82 phr v ˈlʊk ət regarder that you can see it she entered the room.
to make sounds with your voice because
laugh at 82 phr v ˈlɑːf ət se rire de you think something is funny She was laughing at the memory.
I was determined to succeed in the retail
succeed in 82 phr v səkˈsiːd ɪn réussir dans to do what you tried or wanted to do business.
to think that something is true or that
believe in 82 phr v bɪˈliːv ɪn croire en someone is telling the truth Do you believe in UFOs?
to succeed in dealing with a difficult She found it hard to cope with the death
cope with VB 154 phr v ˈkəʊp wɪð, wɪθ gérer, s'occuper de problem or situation of her father.
O'Brien often writes about her native
write about VB 154 phr v ˈraɪt əˌbaʊt écrire sur to produce a new book, article, poem etc Ireland.
to give or sell something to soemone, I was relucatant to part with the
part with VB 154 phr v ˈpɑːt wɪð, wɪθ se séparer de although you do not want to painting.
to do what you said you would do, even
stick to VB 154 phr v ˈstɪk tʊ s'en tenir à when it is difficult We decided to stick to our original plan.
Angie gave up her job to care for her
care for VB 154 phr v ˈkeə fɔː prendre soin de qn to look after someone or something mother.
to show publicly that you think The teachers are protesting against
protest about VB 154 phr v prəˈtest əˌbaʊt protester contre qc something is wrong changes to the education system.
to cause something to happen or cause A degree in English Literature could lead
lead to VB 154 phr v ˈliːd tʊ mener à someone to do something to a job as a teacher.

work for VB 154 phr v ˈwɜːk fə travailler pour to do a job that you are paid for I work for a large law firm.
1to spend time working in order to
work on VB 154 phr v ˈwɜːk ɒn travailler sur produce or repair something He works on his car every weekend.
He was too tired to go on and finish the
go on VB 154 phr v ɡəʊ ˈɒn continuer to continue race.
This weekend I'm taking part in a bicycle
take part in VB 154 phr v teɪk ˈpɑːt ɪn participer à to participate race with my brother.

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A traffic accident resulted in the death
result in VB 154 phr v rɪˈzʌlt ɪn avoir pour conséquence to make something happen of two drivers.
have a lot of ability hæv ə ˌlɒt əv əˈbɪləti He has a lot of ability as a dancer. I think
as 83 v phr əz être très qualifié dans to be (very) skilled he could become a professional.
have an aptitude
for 83 v phr hæv ən ˈæptɪtjuːd fə avoir une aptitude à to have a natural ability She has an aptitude for maths.
I'm absolutely hopeless at mental
hopeless at 83 phr v ˈhəʊpləs ət nul en having no ablility arithmetic.
to have a special skill or special
knowledge of a subject, gained as a Mary's an expert in historical art. She's
be an expert in 83 v phr bi ə ˈekspɜːt ɪn être experten result of training or experience been studying it for years.
be gifted at 83 v phr bi ˈɡɪftəd ət être doué en to have a natural ability Terry's very gifted at sculpture.
good at doing something that you have
skillful 83 adj ˈskɪlfəl fin, adroit learned and practised He's a really skilful photographer.
having a natural ability to do something
talented 83 adj ˈtæləntəd talentueux well Donna's a talented musician.
I'm useless at ball sports. I just don't
useless at 83 phr v ˈjuːsləs ət qui ne sert à rien, nul en
not useful or effective at all have good hand-eye coordination.
if you have a qualification, you have
passed an examination or course to
show you have a particular level of skill
qualification 86 n ˌkwɒləfəˈkeɪʃən qualification or knowledge in a subject He left school without any qualifications.
an official document that shows Do you know anyone with a certificate in
certificate 86 n səˈtɪfɪkət certificat something is true or correct first aid?
an official card that says that you are Did you know you can use your driving
driving licence 86 n ˈdraɪvɪŋ ˌlaɪsəns permis (de conduire) legally allowed to drive a car licence as identification in a pub?
an official document that gives you Do you know anyone with a pilot’s
licence 86 n ˈlaɪsəns permis, licence permission to do or own something licence?
a method of study that involves working
at home and sending your work to your I'm studying for a distance-learning
distance learning 86 n ˈdɪstəns ˌlɜːnɪŋ enseignement à distance teacher qualification in creative writing.
the job of being an apprentice, or the
period of time in which you are an He’s serving an apprenticeship as a
apprenticeship 86 n əˈprentəsʃɪp apprentissage apprentice printer.
He attempted to reach the dying man,
attempt 88 v əˈtempt tenter, essayer try but did not succeed
(la vie) en dehors (du The TV programme looks at Murray's
(life) off (the tennis court de tennis) / en away (from a place, time, etc)/ not at life off the court / He is taking tomorrow
court) 88 v phr of congé work off
She could not take the job because of
commitment 88 n /kəˈmitmənt obligation, engagement obligation family commitments

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Murray won the hearts of many with his
raw 88 adj roː à vif; brut in the natural state; undisguised raw emotions on the court
I thought he would never ask her to
eventually 88 adv iˈventʃuəli finalement finally; at length marry him, but he did eventually
someone who plays sport, especially
sportsperson 88 n ˈspɔːtsˌpɜː.sən sportif, sportive someone who plays it well He was voted sportsperson of the Year
Steve achieved his ambition of becoming
achieve 88 v əˈtʃiːv réaliser gain or reach successfully a pilot
Roger Federer's career achievements
a thing done successfully, with effort, include being voted Swiss Sportsman of
achievement 88 n əˈtʃiːvmənt réussite, exploit skill or courage the Year in 2014
belonging to or relating to Wales, its I wanted to learn Welsh, because I lived
Welsh 90 adj / n welʃ gallois / le gallois people and its language / language in Wales and my wife was Welsh
a sitting room for the staff of, for
staffroom 90 n staːfruːm salle des professeurs example, a school A meeting will be held in the staffroom
a group of people employed in running a
staff 90 n staːf personnel business, as school, etc… The school has a large teaching staff
Unit 8 - Communities
a face-to-face meeting, conversation,
etc. is one where you are with another Do you prefer telephone or face-to-face
face-to-face 86 adj ˌfeɪs tə ˈfeɪs  en face à face person interviews?
course of study at a university or
college, or the qualification that is given
to you when you have successfully
degree 86 n dɪˈɡriː diplôme completed the course What did you study for your degree?
a shorter university degree in a subject
MA 86 n ˌem ˈeɪ maîtrise de lettres that you can get after your first degree She's studying for an MA in marketing.
a university degree of a very high level,
which involves doing advanced research,
PhD 86 n ˌpiː eɪtʃ ˈdiː doctorat or a person who has this degree Bill's got a PhD in psychiatry.
a series of lessons or a period of study in
course 86 n kɔːs cours a particular subject Andy’s doing a computer course.
My husband seems grumpy at first, but
to become familiar with a person and once you get to know him, he's a very
get to know 92 v phr ˌɡet tə ˈnəʊ apprendre à connaître discover what their personality is like nice man.
It really gets on my nerves when people
get on your nerves 92 v phr ˌɡet ɒn jɔː ˈnɜːvz taper sur les nerfs à qn when something annoys or irritates you eat noisily!
Mike has invited us over for a cup of tea
invite over 92 phr v ɪnˌvaɪt ˈəʊvə inviter chez soi to ask someone to come to your house this afternoon.
keep yourself to to act in a private way and not attempt I like to keep myself to myself so I don't
yourself 92 v phr ˌkiːp jəˌself tə jəˈself se tenir à l'écart to interact with other people think the neighbours know me very well.
meɪk ˈfrendz wɪð, Have you made friends with many people
make friends with 92 v phr wɪθ se lier d'amitié de to become friends with someone since you moved here?

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mind your own ˌmaɪnd jɔːr ˌəʊn occupez-vous de vos to not get involved in situations that do I never listen to people gossiping – I
business 92 v phr ˈbɪznəs affaires! not concern you prefer to mind my own business.
someone or something that annoys you Sorry to be a nuisance, but could I use
nuisance 92 n ˈnjuːsəns ennui, désagrément or causes problems your phone?
Our neighbours are really nosy. They
always trying to find out private look out the window whenever someone
nosy 92 adj ˈnəʊzi fouineur information about someone comes to our house.
to interrupt someone so that they
disturb 92 v dɪˈstɜːb déranger cannot continue what they are doing Sorry to disturb you, but it’s urgent.
to talk informally about other people’s She loves gossipping about the new
gossip VB 155 v ˈɡɒsəp cancaner behaviour and private lives neighbours.
He pops over for a cup of tea most
pop over VB 155 phr v ˌpɒp ˈəʊvə faire un saut to visit your house for a short time Fridays.
He's so unfriendly, he never stops for a
unfriendly VB 155 adj ʌnˈfrendli peu amical, froid not kind or friendly chat when I see him.
main road 94 n ˌmeɪn ˈrəʊd grande route a large and important road We live just off the main road.
a structure that has been built and filled I always ask for a hotel with a swimming
swimming pool 94 n ˈswɪmɪŋ puːl piscine with water for people to swim in pool when I'm booking a holiday.
He can spend hours in the main
bookshop 94 n ˈbʊkʃɒp librairie a shop which sells predominately books bookshop in town.
an area or building where people can
car park 94 n ˈkɑː pɑːk parking park their cars Do you have to pay to use the car park?
the act of paying money to borrow a car Do you know how much car rental from
car rental 94 n ˈkɑː ˌrentl location de voitures from a company the airport costs?
the main shopping or business area in a
city centre 94 n ˌsɪti ˈsentə centre ville city We live just outside the city centre.
a shop in an airport or on a ship that
sells alcohol, cigarettes, etc. without the
tax that you have to pay if you buy Can you buy me a bottle of whisky from
duty-free shop 94 n ˌdjuːti ˈfriː ʃɒp boutique hors taxe them in a country the duty-free shop in the airport, please?
I never buy anything from gift shops
a shop that sells small things that are when I'm on holiday – they're so
gift shop 94 n ˈɡɪft ʃɒp boutique de cadeaux suitable for giving as presents expensive!
the main street in a town where the A new bookshop has opened on the high
high street 94 n ˈhaɪ striːt rue principale shops and businesses are street.
an area where a lot of houses have been That new housing zone has destroyed a
housing zone 94 n ˈhaʊzɪŋ ˌzəʊn zone résidentielle built lot of animals' habitats.
Their new office is in the industrial zone
industrial zone 94 n ɪnˈdʌstriəl ˌzəʊn zone industrielle an area where there is a lot of industry to the west of the city centre.
I've just enrolled for Swahili classes at
a place where you go to learn a foreign the language school round the corner
language school 94 n ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ ˌskuːl école de langues language. from where I work.

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a road down which you can only drive in Be careful the police don't catch you
one-way street 94 n ˌwʌn weɪ ˈstriːt rue à sens unique one direction driving down a one-way street!

a place in the open air which has lots of

stalls from which you can buy fresh fruit, The outdoor market is every Sunday,
outdoor market 94 n ˌaʊtdɔː ˈmɑːkət marché en plein air vegetables, meat, fish and other things and is open from 6a.m. to 2p.m.
a school in England and Wales for
primary school 94 n ˈpraɪməri skuːl école primaire children between 5 and 11 years old Which primary school did you go to?
semi-detached We used to live in a semi-detached
house 94 n ˌsemi dɪˌtætʃt ˈhaʊs maison jumelée a house which is joined to another house house when I was a child.
What do you think of the new shopping
centre they're building next to the
shopping centre 94 n ˈʃɒpɪŋ ˌsentə centre commercial a group of shops together in one area industrial zone?

shopping mall 94 n ˈʃɒpɪŋ mɔːl centre commercial the American term for a shopping centre Does your city have a shopping mall?
a building where you can do different I've just enrolled in yoga classes at the
sports centre 94 n ˌspɔːts ˌsentə centre sportif sports sports centre.
a very large shop that sells food, drinks,
and things that people need regularly in I'm going to the supermarket. Do you
supermarket 94 n ˈsuːpəˌmɑːkət supermarché their homes need anything?
a house that is one of a row of houses Living in a terraced house can be very
terraced house 94 n ˌterəst ˈhaʊs maison mitoyenne joined together noisy.
a long line of vehicles on the road that
traffic jam 94 n ˈtræfɪk dʒæm bouchon cannot move, or that move very slowly We were stuck in a traffic jam for hours.
a set of red, yellow, and green lights My house is just after the traffic lights,
traffic lights 94 n ˈtræfɪk laɪts feu that control the movement of traffic on the left.
a large rectangular area that you plan The nearest tennis court is 20
tennis court VB 155 n ˈtenɪs kɔːt court de tennis tennis on kilometres away.
a piece of equipment that you use for
tennis racket VB 155 n ˈtenɪs ˌrækɪt raquette de tennis playing tennis I need to buy a new tennis racket.
I'd like to be a professsional tennis
tennis player VB 155 n ˈtenɪs ˌpleɪə joueur de tennis someone who plays tennis player.
a small container with a handle that you I have my favourite coffee cup to drink
coffee cup VB 155 n ˈkɒfi kʌp tasse à café drink from from.
a small restaurant where you can buy There is a coffee shop next to the
coffee shop VB 155 n ˈkɒfi ʃɒp café drinks and small meals hospital entrance.

coffee machine VB 155 n ˈkɒfi məˌʃiːn percolateur a machine that makes coffee The coffee machine accepts only coins.
a place where you can buy stamps, and I need to go to the post office and send
post office VB 155 n ˈpəʊst ˌɒfəs poste send letters and packages a lettter to my mom.
a card that you can send without an
postcard VB 155 n ˈpəʊstkɑːd bureau de poste envelope, often one with a picture on it James sent us a postcard from Paris.

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a group of letters and numbers that you I can't find the correct postcode for this
postcode VB 155 n ˈpəʊstkəʊd code postal write at the end of an address city.
the difficulties people with no common Because of the language barrier, it was
language have when they try to hard for the doctors to explain about the
language barrier VB 155 n ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ ˌbæriə barrière de la langue communicate operation.
étudiant de langues Language learners often have problems
language learner VB 155 n ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ ˌlɜːnə étrangères a person who is learning a language with different tenses.
a special room or building which often
contains computers for a special lesson We have regular lessons in our language
language lab VB 155 n ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ ˌlæb laboratoire de langues at school laboratory which has lots of computers.
when you skin goes brown from being in I never get a suntan because I don't like
suntan VB 155 n ˈsʌntæn bronzage the sun sunbathing.
a skin cream to stop the sun from I always use sun cream when I'm on
sun cream VB 155 n ˈsʌn kriːm crème solaire burning you holiday.
dark glasses that you wear to protect She bought herself very expensive
sunglasses VB 155 n ˈsʌnˌɡlɑːsəz lunettes de soleil your eyes from the sun designer sunglasses.
Remember to wear sports shoes on the
sports shoes VB 155 n ˈspɔːts ʃuːz chaussures de sport shoes used for sports or exercises tennis court.
chaussures de course à Jim is running a marathon in two months
running shoes VB 155 n ˈrʌnɪŋ ʃuːz pied shoes used for running so he bought himself new running shoes.
Jane is getting married soon so she
high-heeled shoes VB 155 n ˌhaɪ hiːld ˈʃuːz talons hauts shoes in which the heels are raised high bought white high-heeled shoes.
a book about a subject which students Could you lend me the history textbook?
textbook VB 155 n ˈtekstbʊk manuel (scolaire) use I need to study for the test.
I switched to online banking, but my
chequebook VB 155 n ˈtʃekbʊk chéquier a small book of cheques mum still uses a chequebook.
a book, especially for children, with many I bought my niece a picture book so she
picture book VB 155 n ˈpɪktʃə bʊk livre d'images pictures and not many words can learn the names of animals.

bedroom VB 155 n ˈbedrʊm, -ruːm chambre a room for sleeping in John's in his bedroom.
a room where you eat your meals in a We rarely eat breakfast in the dining
dining room VB 155 n ˈdaɪnɪŋ ruːm, rʊm salle à manger house or hotel room.
a room where you change your clothes
when you play sport, try on clothes in a Can you bring a bigger size of the dress
changing room VB 155 n ˈtʃeɪndʒɪŋ ruːm, rʊm cabine d'essayage shop etc to the changing room?
I can use the sewing machine to repair
sewing machine VB 155 n ˈsəʊɪŋ məˌʃiːn machine à coudre a machine for sewing cloth together my clothes.
Remember to turn the washing machine
washing machine VB 155 n ˈwɒʃɪŋ məˌʃiːn lave-linge a machine that washes clothes on when you get home.
Can you buy me a drink from that drinks
drinks machine VB 155 n ˈdrɪŋks məˌʃiːn machine à boissons a machine that sells drinks machine?

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a telephone that you can carry with you
mobile phone VB 155 n ˌməʊbaɪl ˈfəʊn portable and use everywhere I need to charge my mobile phone.
Pay phones are becoming less popular
pay phone VB 155 n ˈpeɪ fəʊn téléphone public a public telephone that you pay to use because everyone uses mobile phones.
a telephone that you can carry with you
cellphone VB 155 n ˈselfəʊn portable and use everywhere (American English) I need to charge my cellphone.
a computer program that helps you find Which search engine do you use the
search engine 95 n ˈsɜːtʃ ˌendʒən moteur de recherche information on the internet most?
a website which you subscribe to when
you want to meet someone to have a My sister met her partner on a dating
dating site 95 n ˈdeɪtɪŋ saɪt site de rencontre romantic relationship with site.
the first page of a website, which often
contains links to other pages on that I shared my personal homepage with all
personal homepage 95 n ˌpɜːsənəl ˈhəʊmpeɪdʒ page personnelle website my friends.
a web page containing information or
opinions from a particular person or
about a particular subject, to which new
blog 95 n blɒɡ blog information is added regularly My friend has a blog about surfing in Bali.
a website with information that users My friend and I are going to set up a wiki
wiki 95 n ˈwɪki wiki can change or add things to for fans of alternative music.
a web page which contains information
about yourself made available to other
people, especially people you share an
social networking ˌsəʊʃəl ˈnetwɜːkɪŋ interest or a connection with, and to Are you a member of any social
site 95 n ˌsaɪt réseau social send messages to them networking websites?
a website dedicated to communicating Did you see the article on the news site
news site 95 n ˈnjuːz saɪt site de nouvelles current news about the volcano?
a short piece of video taken from a Do you ever watch funny video clips on
video clip 95 n ˈvɪdiəʊ ˌklɪp clip vidéo longer recording the internet?
a website where you can upload photos
photo sharing ˈfəʊtəʊ ʃeərɪŋ for other people to look at and comment Have you ever put any photos on a
website 95 n ˌwebsaɪt on photo sharing website?
a website dedicated to travel I often refer to travel sites when booking
travel site 95 n ˈtrævəl saɪt site de voyages information holidays.
Jobs are advertised initially on our
corporate 95 n ˌkɔːpərət ˈwebsaɪt d'entreprise a business website corporate website.
be my guest 98 phr ˌbiː maɪ ˈɡest allez-y, s'il-vous plaît used to give someone permission ‘Could I use your phone?’ ‘Be my guest!’
used to apologise for your house, flat, Come in! Excuse the mess, I haven't
excuse the mess 98 phr ɪkˌskjuːz ðə ˈmes excusez le désordre desk, etc. not being tidy finished unpacking from my holiday yet!
Come in and have a seat. The doctor will
have a seat 98 phr ˌhæv ə ˈsiːt prenez place used to invite someone to sit down call you when he's ready.

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used to give permission for someone to Please help yourself to more tea and
help yourself 98 phr ˌhelp jəˈself servez-vous use or take something that is yours biscuits.
make yourself at used when want someone to feel relaxed
home 98 phr ˌmeɪk jəself ət ˈhəʊm faites comme chez vous in your house Sit down and make yourself at home.
to relax, especially by sitting with your You've had a hard day – go and put your
put your feet up 98 phr ˌpʊt jə ˈfiːt ʌp se détendre feet supported on something feet up!
More than 80 per cent of the population
isolated 100 adj ˈaisəleitid isolé, esseulé lonely, standing alone lives in remote and isolated rural areas
far away in place or time; far from any A farmhouse remote from civilisation / a
remote 100 adj rəˈmout lointain (other) village, town etc… remote village in New South Wales
It is my custom to go for a walk on
what a person (etc) is in the habit of Sunday mornings / This tribe has
custom 100 n kastəm habitude, coutume doing or does regularly surprising religious customs
lien, connexion,rapport, something that joins, ties, tastens or My connection with their family is almost
connection 100 n kəˈnekʃən relation links together non-existent
tie a number of things or people The tribe's customs help to bind the
bind together 100 v phr baind təˈɡeðə lier, relier, souder together / form a strong connection people together
a goup of families, especially of a
"primitive" or wandering people, ruled by
tribe 100 n traib tribu a chief A tribe of North American Indians
These remote islands are inhabited only
inhabited 101 adj inˈhæbitid habité having inhabitants; lived in by birds
The Maldives are only about 3 feet
above sea level / Dolphins possess a
level 101 n ˈlevl niveau height, position, strength, rank high level of intelligence
long piece of netting or canvas hung up There were no beds, and prisoners slept
hammock 101 n ˈhӕmək hamac by the corners and used as a bed on concrete surfaces and hammocks
a chance to do or a time for doing An opportunity to go to Rome / You've
opportunity 101 n opəˈtjuːnəti occasion something had several opportunities to ask him
to cause to move from side to side or up The branches swayed gently in the
and down with a swinging or rocking breeze / In the storm the ship swayed
sway 102 v swei se balancer action like a drunk soldier
I felt exhausted after climbing all those
exhausted 102 adj iɡˈzoːstid épuisé extremely tired stairs.
Unit 9 - History
a complete change in the way people We are in the middle of a social
revolution 104 n ˌrevəˈluːʃən révolution think or do something networking revolution.
when something increases and affects a The biggest problem after a natural
spread 104 n spred diffusion larger area or more people disaster is the spread of disease.
the time when an important change Meeting my husband was the biggest
turning point 104 n ˈtɜːnɪŋ pɔɪnt point tournant starts to happen turning point in my life.

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a fact or piece of knowledge that
someone learns about, when it was not Astronomers have made significant
discovery 104 n dɪsˈkʌvəri découverte known before discoveries about our galaxy.
The computer was one of the most
a machine, tool, system, etc. that important inventions of the twentieth
invention 104 n ɪnˈvenʃən invention someone has invented century.
a basic idea, principle, situation, etc. that The wheel is the foundation of most
foundation 104 n faʊnˈdeɪʃən base something develops from transport.
a group of people who have the same
beliefs and work together to achieve a Do you remember the civil rights
movement 104 n ˈmuːvmənt mouvement particular aim movement of the 1960s?
the process of getting better at doing
something, or getting closer to finishing Nick has made a lot of progress at
progress 104 n ˈprəʊɡres progrès or achieving something school.
the process of growing, changing, or Vitamins are necessary for a child’s
development 104 n dɪˈveləpmənt développement becoming better growth and development.
a change, discovery, or invention that What do you think was the most
advance 104 n ədˈvɑːns progression brings progress important medical advance ever?
when the army of one country enters
another country, in order to take control The government is planning an invasion
invasion VB 156 n ɪnˈveɪʒən invasion of it of another country.
to enter a place with an army, in order
invade VB 156 v ɪnˈveɪd envahir to take control of it The Romans invaded Britain.
a country or an army which enters a They finally managed to defeat the
invader VB 156 n ɪnˈveɪdə envahisseur place in order to take control of it invaders.
I am studying the history of past-war
the things that happened or existed in Europe because I have an exam
history VB 156 n ˈhɪstəri histoire the past tomorrow.
relating to people or things that The book is a mixture of historical facts
historical VB 156 adj hɪˈstɒrɪkəl historique happened or existed in the past and fiction.
a historic place or event is famous or He told journalists it was a historic
historic VB 156 adj hɪˈstɒrɪk historique important in history moment.
My father is a historian and he teaches
historian VB 156 n hɪˈstɔːriən historien / ne someone who studies history history in high schools.
getting control of another country or The colonisation of Africa took place in
colonisation VB 156 n ˌkɒlənaɪˈzeɪʃən colonisation area and making it a colony the nineteenth century.
a country or area that is under the
political control of a more powerful
colony VB 156 n ˈkɒləni colonie country, usually one that is far away Algeria was a former French colony.
to get control of another country or area Australia was colonised in the eighteenth
colonise VB 156 v ˈkɒlənaɪz coloniser and make it a colony century.

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Europe was one of the colonisers of
coloniser VB 156 n ˈkɒlənaɪzə colonisateur / -trice someone who makes a colony America.
the political system in which everyone
can vote to choose the government, or a The country wants to become a
democracy VB 156 n dɪˈmɒkrəsi démocratie country that has this system democracy in the long term.
to make a country or an organisation use We should democratise the decision-
democratise VB 156 v dɪˈmɒkrətaɪz démocratiser democracy making process.
a democratic government or leader has He was chosen as the preisdent in a
democratic VB 156 adj ˌdeməˈkrætɪk cémocratique been elected by the people of country democratic election.
someone who supports the idea of My grandfather was a democrat all his
democrat VB 156 n ˈdeməkræt démocrate democracy life.
being freed from restrictions or
liberation VB 156 n ˌlɪbəˈreɪʃən libération someone's control It's time for the liberation of all people!
to free someone or something from The city was liberated by the Allies in
liberate VB 156 v ˈlɪbəreɪt libérer restrictions or someone's control 1944.
He was the great liberator of the
liberator VB 156 n ˈlɪbəreɪtə libérateur / -trice someone who liberates country.
a fact or piece of knowledge that
someone learns about, when it was not Scientists have made significant
discovery VB 156 n dɪsˈkʌvəri découverte known before discoveries about DNA.
to find something out either by accident I discovered some treasure in a local
discover VB 156 v dɪsˈkʌvə découvrir or because they were looking for it park.
someone who finds someone or
something, either by accident or The Curies were the discoverers of
discoverer VB 156 n dɪsˈkʌvərə découvreur / -euse because they were looking for it radium.
to take someone to a place by going
lead VB 156 v liːd conduire, guider with them or in front of them The captain lead his warriors into battle.
la direction, les qualités when someone is the leader of a team, He took over the leadership of the
leadership VB 156 n ˈliːdəʃɪp de leader organization etc. Republican Party.
the person who directs or controls a She is a natural leader because she's so
leader VB 156 n ˈliːdə chef, directeur group, organization, country etc confident.
the process of something becoming There are opportunities for professional
development VB 156 n dɪˈveləpment développement bigger or more important development in this role.
if something develops, or if you develop
it, it gets bigger or becomes more The new prime minister plans to develop
develop VB 156 v dɪˈveləp développer important the local economy.
en (voie de) There are still many developing countries
developing VB 156 adj dɪˈveləpɪŋ développement growing and becoming more advanced in the world.
a person or company that makes money
promoteur (immobilier) / by buying land and then building houses, A large developer has bought that plot
developer VB 156 n dɪˈveləpə promotrice immobilière factories etc on it to build flats.

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to think of an idea for a new product,
invent VB 156 v ɪnˈvent inventer machine etc, and design it or make it Alexander Bell invented the telephone.
We could not come up with any
inventive VB 156 adj ɪnˈventɪv inventif using new and interesting ideas inventive solutions to the problem.
I heard his greatgrandfather was the
inventor VB 156 n ɪnˈventə inventeur / -trice someone who has invented something inventor of bicycle.

found VB 156 v faʊnd fonder to start an organisation The Academy was founded in 1666.

founder VB 156 n ˈfaʊndə fondateur / fondatrice someone who starts an organisation He was the founder of this university.
first or orginal person present at the
founding VB 156 adj ˈfaʊndɪŋ fondateur foundation She was the founding director.
an independent country is not governed
independent VB 156 adj ˌɪndəˈpendənt indépendant or controlled by another country India became independent in 1947.
political freedom from control by
another country, or the freedom and
ability to make your own decisions in life,
without having to ask other people for Nigeria gained independence from Britain
independence VB 156 n ˌɪndəˈpendəns indépendance permission, help, or money in 1960.
age 108 n eɪdʒ âge a particular period of history We are living in the age of technology.
decade 108 n ˈdekeɪd, deˈkeɪd décennie a period of ten years In which decade were you born?
era 108 n ˈɪərə ère a period of time in history The film is set in the post-war era.
The meetings take place once a
fortnight 108 n ˈfɔːtnaɪt quinze jours two weeks fortnight.
a period of 1,000 years, or the time How did you celebrate the millennium
millennium 108 n mɪˈleniəm millénaire when a new 1,000-year period begins (=when the year 1999 became 2000)?
We started this company a quarter-
quarter-century 108 n ˌkwɔːtə ˈsentʃəri quatrième centenaire twenty-five years century ago.
all the people in a society or family who Three generations of the Lambe family
generation 108 n ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃən génération are about the same age have lived here.
nineteen-seventies Music was really important in the
(1970s) 108 n ˌnaɪntiːn ˈsevəntiz années 70s the period between 1970-1979 nineteen-seventies.

the seventies (70s) 108 n ðə ˈsevəntiz les années soixante-dix the period between 1970-1979 Flares came from the seventies.
come back from 109 phr v kʌm ˈbæk frəm revenir de to return to one place from another When did you come back from holiday?
when something is easy because you She comes from a big family, so being a
naturally 109 adv ˈnætʃərəli naturellement have a natural ability mother herself comes naturally to her.
I came first in the race and won a
first 109 adj fɜːst premier / première to win £10,000 prize!
I came by car because I thought it'd be
come by car 109 v phr ˌkʌm baɪ ˈkɑː venir en voiture to arrive at a place using a car quicker.

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to tell someone how to get to a Could you give me directions to the post
directions 109 n dəˈrekʃənz, daɪ- indications particular place office, please?
My dad gave me instructions over the
instructions 109 n ɪnˈstrʌkʃənz instructions to tell someone how to do something phone about how to prepare the meal.
This morning our boss gave us a talk
talk 109 n tɔːk conférence to make a speech about the company's progress.
give me a call 109 v phr ˌɡɪv mi ə ˈkɔːl appelle-moi to telephone me Give me a call if you think you'll be late.
The dog came in from the garden and
mess 109 n mes désordre to make an area untidy made a mess of our white carpets!
to make a choice or judgement after a Have you made a decision about whether
decision 109 n dɪˈsɪʒən décision period of discussion or thought to sell your house or not?
Last year our company made a profit of
profit 109 n ˈprɒfət profit to make more money than you spend £2.2 billion.
the process of getting better at doing
something, or getting closer to finishing Little progress has been made on human
progress 109 n ˈprəʊɡres progrès or achieving something rights issues.
Did you have a good time at the party
have a good time 109 v phr ə ˌɡʊd ˈtaɪm s'amuser to enjoy yourself last night?
to stop working in order to rest, eat, We'll have a one-hour break for lunch
break 109 n breɪk pause etc. after this talk.
to have problems with something or I'm having trouble with this new one-way
have trouble with 109 v phr hæv ˈtrʌbəl wɪð, wɪθ avoir du mal à someone system. I keep getting lost.
a wish to do, be, or have something –
have a dream of 109 v phr hæv ə ˈdriːm əv rêver de used especially when this seems unlikely He had dreams of being an astronaut.
Why don't you come to dinner
dinner VB 156 n ˈdɪnə dîner a meal in the evening tomorrow?
I got lost and came across the most
come across VB 156 phr v ˌkʌm əˈkrɒs tomber sur to discover something often by accident lovely café.
to reduce the distance between two If you come nearer the laptop you can
come nearer VB 156 phr v ˌkʌm ˈnɪərə rapprocher things see the photos.
one form of something that is slightly
come closer VB 156 phr v ˌkʌm ˈkləʊsə se rapprocher different from all other forms Come closer and you'll see better.
It comes in blue and black. Which do you
come in blue VB 156 v phr ˌkʌm ɪn ˈbluː exister en bleu to be produced in a certain colour prefer?
if someone comes over, they visit you at Do you want to come over on Friday
come over VB 156 phr v kʌm ˈəʊvə faire un saut chez your house evening?
His spelling has come a long way since
come a long way VB 156 phr v ˌkʌm ə lɒŋ ˈweɪ avancer à pas de géant to develop a lot he started spelling club.

come with VB 156 phr v ˈkʌm wɪð, wɪθ être accompagné de to accompany someone or something The bookshelf came with instructions.
when you tell someone what you think Can you give me some advice about
advice VB 156 n ədˈvaɪs conseil they should do buying a house?

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something that is given to someone who
prize VB 156 n praɪz prix is successful in a competition, race, etc. He gave a prize for the best drawing.
something, especially money, that you Please give a donation to the hospital
donation VB 156 n dəʊˈneɪʃən donation give to help a person or organisation fund.
an instruction to do something that is The captain gave orders to abandon
order VB 156 n ˈɔːdə ordre given by someone in authority ship.
if something that happens is a shock,
you did not expect it, and it makes you You gave me a shock when you shouted
shock VB 156 n ʃɒk choc feel very surprised, and usually upset across the supermarket.

headache VB 156 n ˈhedeɪk mal de tête a pain or discomfort in your head Loud music gives me a headache.
one side of a piece of paper in a book,
newspaper, document etc, or the sheet
page VB 156 n peɪdʒ page of paper itself The book has 200 pages.

chance VB 156 n tʃɑːns chance opportunity I think you have a chance at winning.
someone’s ability to remember things,
memory VB 156 n ˈmeməri mémoire places, experiences etc I have good memories from university.
an illness which affects a person, animal, I think she has a rare disease of the
disease VB 156 n dɪˈziːz maladie or plant blood.
a unit for measuring the amount of
calorie VB 156 n ˈkæləri calorie energy that food will produce Chocolate has a lot of calories.
a plan or suggestion for a possible
course of action, especially one that you
idea VB 156 n aɪˈdɪə idée think of suddenly I have lots of ideas for the weekend.
She made an attempt to sort out the
attempt VB 156 n əˈtempt essai, tentative when you try to do something mess but she failed.
an agreement or arrangement, especially
in business or politics, that helps both She made a deal with a leading
deal VB 156 n diːl affaire sides involved supermarket to sell her products.
He made a fortune buying and selling
fortune VB 156 n ˈfɔːtʃən fortune a very large amount of money property.
the way that you earn money or the
living VB 156 n ˈlɪvɪŋ revenu money that you earn It's hard to make a living as a muscian.
an attempt to do something, especially
when this involves a lot of hard work or Please make an effort to be polite to the
effort VB 156 n ˈefət effort determination guests.
a set of names, numbers etc, usually
written one below the other, for example
so that you can remember or check Make a list of all the things you have to
list VB 156 n lɪst liste them do.

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showing that you are not afraid to do
something that is dangerous,
brave 110 adj breɪv courageux frightening, or difficult I think firefighters are incredibly brave.
having the natural ability to attract and Martin Luther King was a very
charismatic 110 adj ˌkærəzˈmætɪk charismatique influence other people charismatic speaker.
exemplary behaviour is excellent and can
be used as an example for other people This is a company with an exemplary
exemplary 110 adj ɪɡˈzempləri exemplaire to copy record on environmental issues.
Leonardo da Vinci was an extremely
innovative 110 adj ˈɪnəvətɪv innovateur using clever new ideas and methods innovative man.
inspirant, qui suscite providing encouragement or new ideas Jones is an inspirational figure in Welsh
inspirational 110 adj ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃənəl l'inspiration for what you should do rugby.
completely new and different from
anything that anyone has thought of MC Escher was an incredibly original
original 110 adj əˈrɪdʒənəl original before artist.
able to influence what happens or what
influential 110 adj ˌɪnfluˈenʃəl influent people think He has some very influential friends.
a creative person is good at thinking of She's one of Japan’s most talented and
creative 110 adj kriˈeɪtɪv créatif, créative new ideas creative film directors.
being the only one of its kind; having no His work is unique - no one has ever
unique 112 adj juːˈniːk unique equal done anything similar
very goog or excellent; of or belonging Some said Michelangelo's work was
divine 112 adj diˈvain divin to God or a god divine
His sculptures are extraordinary. They
extraordinary 112 adj ikˈstroːdənəri extraordinaire surprising, unusual are incredibly beautiful and realistic
Many normal men worked with stone,
ordinary 112 adj ˈoːdənəri ordinaire, ormal, moyen usual, nomal; not unusually good but he was far from ordinary
Although he was mortal, his work will
mortal 112 adj ˈmoːtl mortel not living forever; causing death never die / Man is mortal
d'une majesté grandiose; His art is awe-inspiring. We feel small
awe-inspiring 112 adj oː inˈspaiəriŋ intimidant; causing admiration or respect when we look at it
Building the pyramids was an impressive
feat 112 n fiːt exploit impressive act or achievement feat of engineering
Even as a child, he had aspirations to be
aspiration 112 n ӕspir'eiʃən aspiration; ambition (often in plural) an ambition a great artist
As a young man in Florence,
quest 112 n kwest recherche; quête a search MIchelangelo began his quest for fame
To understand his art, you first need to
understand the backround of his
background 112 n bӕkɡraund origines, contexte a person's origins, educations, etc childhood in Florence
The jewel of the French perfume
jewel 112 n ˈdʒuːəl joyau, pierre précieuse precious stone industry

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(of a person, behaviour, etc) violently
tempestuous 112 adj temp'estjuəs violent, passionné emotional, passionate They had a tempestuous relationship

fame 112 n feim renom(mée) the quality of being well-know Her novels brought her fame
a workman who is employed to do heavy
labourer 112 n ˈleibərə ouvrier work requiring little skill He works as a labourer on a building-site.
a person who cuts stone from a quarry The inhabitants of this Greek isand were
(carrière) or who shapes and carves renowned as sttonecutters, woodcutters
stonecutter 112 n stəun 'katə lapidaire; tailleur de pierre (taille) it for use and ship-builders
He went to art school to study painting
an artist who carves or models in stone, and sculpture. Then he became a
sculptor 112 n ˈskalptə sculpeur, sculpteuse wood, clay (=argile), etc... sculptor
He persevered in his task / We must
continue to (try to) do something persevere in our efforts to build a
persevere 112 v pəːsiˈviə persévérer despite the difficulties democratic Europe
He was influential in getting the plan
influential 113 adj influ'enʃəl influent having much influence accepted / He is in an influential job
I would like to focus particularly on two
focus 113 v ˈfoukəs axer,concentrer, focaliser pay particular attention to aspects of the problem
partition musicale pour original music written specifically to John Williams wrote the film scores to
film score 113 n phr film skoː un film accompany a film most Star War movies
loyal and willing to give your time an He was committed to looking after his
be committed 113 v bi: kəˈmɪt.ɪd engagé energy to something you believe in; sick uncle
to act (in the theater etc) or do
jouer, interpréter, anything musical, theatrical etc to She performed on the violin / The
perform 113 v pəˈfoːm executer entertain an audience company will perform a Greek play
He was burried in the family tomb /
a hole or vaut in the ground in which a Tomb Raider was an action-adventure
tomb 114 n tuːm tombe(au) dead body is put; a grave video games series
Unit 10 - World
relating to farming or gardening without
using chemicals that are harmful to the Do you mind paying extra for organic
organic 116 adj ɔːˈɡænɪk biologique environment food?
the bags, boxes, etc. that a product is We need to try and reduce how much
packaging 116 n ˈpækɪdʒɪŋ emballage sold in packaging we buy and throw away.
describes food which has been
previously cooked and is ready to eat as Sicentists say that pre-prepared food is
pre-prepared food 116 adj ˌpriː prɪˈpeəd aliments pré-préparés soon as you buy it less healthy than organic food.
processed food has substances added to
it before it is sold in order to preserve it, Processed food is often more fattening
processed 116 adj ˈprəʊsest industriel improve its colour, etc. than organic food.

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to put glass, paper, etc. through a
special process so that it can be used How much of your rubbish do you
recycle 116 v ˌriːˈsaɪkəl recycler again recycle?
something you buy which is not new but
has been owned by someone else before This is a fantastic shop which sells all
secondhand item 116 n phr ˌsekəndˈhænd ˌaɪtəm article de seconde main you sorts of secondhand items.
a type of window with two layers of Have you got double-glazed windows in
double-glazed 116 adj ˌdʌbəl ˈɡleɪzd à double vitrage glass your house?
Installing energy-saving light bulbs in
your house will dramatically cut your
energy-saving 116 adj ˈenədʒi ˌseɪvɪŋ économie d'énergie efficient and not using much electricity electricity bills.
covered with a material that stops
electricity, sound, heat, etc. from The better insulated your house, the
insulated 116 adj ˈɪnsjəleɪtəd isolé getting in or out lower your electricity bills will be.
the glass part of an electric light, where Do you use energy-saving lightbulbs in
light bulb 116 n ˈlaɪt bʌlb ampoule the light shines from your house?
(electrical equipment) not completely Leaving your TV on standby may be
switched off but ready to be used if more convenient, but less environentally-
on standby 116 prep phr ɒn ˈstændbaɪ en veille needed friendly.
damage caused to air, water, soil, etc. Pollution is one of the biggest threat to
pollution VB 157 n pəˈluːʃən pollution by harmful chemicals and waste marine life.
to keep someone or something safe Do you think there should be more laws
protect VB 157 v prəˈtekt protéger from harm, damage, or illness to protect the environment?
What can we do to stop the destruction
destruction VB 157 n dɪˈstrʌkʃən destruction when something is destroyed of the rainforest?
There are many harmful effects of
harmful VB 157 adj ˈhɑːmfəl nocif causing harm or damage smoking.
white, grey, or black gas that is
produced by a factory burning Factory smoke was at its worst during
factory smoke VB 157 n ˌfæktəri ˈsməʊk fumée des usines something the industrial revolution.
an increase in world temperatures,
caused by an increase in carbon dioxide
Scientists knew about global warming
global warming VB 157 n ˌɡləʊbəl ˈwɔːmɪŋ réchauffement planétaire around the Earth before the rest of the population.
Scientists say that electric cars are more
environmentally- ɪnˌvaɪərənmentl-i not causing much or any damage to the environmentally friendly than petrol-
friendly VB 157 adj ˈfrendli écologique natural environment powered ones.
material produced by industries which Industrial waste causes air and water
industrial waste VB 157 n ɪnˌdʌstriəl ˈweɪst déchets industriels has to be thrown away pollution.

car exhaust fumes VB 157 n ˌkɑːr ɪɡˈzɔːst ˌfjuːmz gaz d'échappement the gas produced when a car is running Car exhaust fumes causes air pollution.
a small metal container in which a liquid Deodorants are often sold in the form of
aerosol can VB 157 n ˌeərəsɒl ˈkæn bombe aérosol substance is kept under pressure an aerosol can.

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a thing that exists in nature and can be
ˌnætʃərəl rɪˈzɔːs, - used by people, for example oil, trees Natural resources can be used for
natural resource VB 157 n ˈsɔːs ressource naturelle etc producing electricity.
the land, water, and air that people, There are many chemicals that are
environment VB 157 n ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt environnement animals, and plants live in damaging to the environment.
a tropical forest with tall trees that are
Rainforests are very important to the
very close together, growing in an area environment, but people are destroying
rainforest VB 157 n ˈreɪnˌfɒrəst forêt tropicale where it rains a lot them.
to form a wrong or unfair opinion about The President had badly misjudged the
misjudge 118 v mɪsˈdʒʌdʒ mal juger a person or a situation mood of the voters.
misunderstand 118 v ˌmɪsʌndəˈstænd mal comprendre to not understand something correctly I think you misunderstood my question.
I overcooked the pasta and it tasted
overcook 118 v ˌəʊvəˈkʊk faire trop cuire to cook something longer than it should awful.
She wore an unusual dress and stood out
unusual 118 adj ʌnˈjuːʒuəl, -ʒəl inhabituel different from what is usual or normal from the crowd.
an experience, situation etc that is
unreal seems so strange that you think It seemed so unreal to meet and talk to
unreal 118 adj ˌʌnˈrɪəl irréel you must be imagining it someone so famous.
The reusable containers mean fewer
reusable 118 adj ˌriːˈjuːzəbəl réutilisable something which can be used again bottles are thrown away.
to have or express a different opinion I disagree with driving when you can
disagree 118 v ˌdɪsəˈɡriː ne pas être d'accord from someone else walk.
to refuse to do what someone with
authority tells you to do, or refuse to
disobey 118 v ˌdɪsəˈbeɪ désobéir obey a rule or law He disobeyed the captain's orders.
weighing less than is expected or is Women who smoke risk giving birth to
underweight 118 adj ˌʌndəˈweɪt en sous-poids unusual underweight babies.
The company created a plane that's
invisible VB 157 adj ɪnˈvɪzəbəl invisible impossible to see invisible to enemy radar.
His behaviour was totally inappropriate
inappropriate VB 157 adj ˌɪnəˈprəʊpriət inapproprié not suitable for school.
not good enough, big enough, skilled The school has inadequate computer
inadequate VB 157 adj ɪnˈædɪkwət inadéquat enough etc facilities.
when someone is unable to do His inability to read caused him many
inability VB 157 n ˌɪnəˈbɪləti incapacité something problems.

immature VB 157 adj ˌɪməˈtjʊə immature behaving like a younger person She's very immature.
something that is impossible cannot It is impossible to predict what will
impossible VB 157 adj ɪmˈpɒsəbəl impossible happen or be done happen.

immobile VB 157 adj ɪˈməʊbaɪl immobile not moving, or not able to move Mark stood immobile.

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immoral VB 157 adj ɪˈmɒrəl immoral morally wrong It's immortal to treat people like that.
It's impolite to speak with your mouth
impolite VB 157 adj ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt impoli not polite full in England.
doing things that are not sensible,
without thinking about the possible bad He's got a very irresponsible attitude to
irresponsible VB 157 adj ˌɪrɪˈspɒnsəbəl irresponsable results his work.
He returned to Britain at irregular
irregular VB 157 adj ɪˈreɡjʊlə irrégulier not happening at regular times intervals.
not useful or important in a particular I won't bore you with all the irrelevant
irrelevant VB 157 adj ɪˈreləvənt sans rapport situation details.
not based on sensible reasons or I'm having irrational fears about the
irrational VB 157 adj ɪˈræʃənəl irrationnel thoughts future.

ex-boss VB 157 n ˌeks ˈbɒs ex-patron former boss My ex-boss gave me a great reference.

ex-wife VB 157 n ˌeks ˈwaɪf ex-femme former wife I'm still friends with my ex-wife.
My ex-husband has his son every
ex-husband VB 157 n ˌeks ˈhʌzbənd ex-mari former husband weekend.

ex-girlfriend VB 157 n ˌeks ˈɡɜːlfrend ex-copine former girlfriend She's one of my ex-girlfriends.
The ex-Prime Minister still works in
ex-Prime Minister VB 157 n ˌeks praɪm ˈmɪnəstə ex-Premier Ministre former Prime Minister politics.
to ask someone if they would like to
have something, or to hold something
offer 120 v ˈɒfə offrir out to them so that they can take it Can I offer you something to drink?
to say firmly that you will not do or I asked her to marry me, but she
refuse 120 v rɪˈfjuːz refuser accept something refused.
to tell someone that something bad or
dangerous may happen, so that they can We tried to warn her, but she wouldn’t
warn 120 v wɔːn avertir avoid it or prevent it listen.
to tell someone your ideas about what
suggest 120 v səˈdʒest suggérer should be done My doctor suggested a week off work.
to give someone the information they
explain 120 v ɪkˈspleɪn expliquer need to understand something I explained the rules to Sara.
to say that you will definitely do
sometyhing or that something will
promise 120 v ˈprɒmɪs promettre definitely happen She promised to write to me.
to ask someone to come to a party,
invite 120 v ɪnˈvaɪt inviter meal etc I was invited to their wedding.

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a seat on a plan, train or bus which is
next to the walkway in the middle of the Would you prefer the aile seat or the
aisle seat 122 n ˌaɪl ˈsiːt place côté couloir vehicle, not the window window seat?
an official piece of paper which shows
that you are allowed to travel on a plane, Have you printed out our boarding
boarding card 122 n ˈbɔːdɪŋ kɑːd carte d'embarquement train, ship or bus cards?
to go to the desk at an airport or hotel You must check in two hours before your
check in 122 phr v ˌtʃek ˈɪn s'enregistrer to say that you have arrived flight.
the place in an airport where you show
your boarding card before getting on the All passengers for the Edinburgh flight
gate 122 n ɡeɪt porte plane go to gate number 4.
small bags that you carry with you when I only take hand luggage if I'm going
hand luggage 122 n ˈhænd ˌlʌɡɪdʒ bagages à main you travel on a plane away for the weekend.
an official document with your
photograph and details about you inside
it that you need when you travel to
passport 122 n ˈpɑːspɔːt passeport other countries My son has an American passport.
if you pay extra money for this, you can If I could afford it, I'd always pay extra
priority boarding 122 n praɪˌɒrəti ˈbɔːdɪŋ embarquement prioritaire get on the plane before other people for priority boarding.
Would all passengers please proceed to
proceed 122 v prəˈsiːd se rendre à to move in a particular direction gate number 12.
a piece of electronic equipment that can
see inside luggage and people to see Everyone must have their hand luggage
X-ray machine 122 n ˈeks reɪ məˌʃiːn appareil de radiographie what is inside checked by the X-ray machine.
Passengers in rows 15 to 25 may now
board 122 v bɔːd embarquer dans to get on a plane, train, ship or bus board.


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