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Documentation Update for Siebel Tools Reference

Date Published: June 10, 2002 Last Updated: December 5, 2002

This Documentation Update applies to the following versions of Siebel Tools Reference.
Document Version: 7.0, Rev B Date Published: August 2002, June 2002 Software Version:

Siebel 7 Version 7.0.3 and 7.0.4

Version 7.0.3 and 7.0.4

General Information
June 10, 2002 NOTE: If you are developing applications that run against databases on DB2 UDB for OS/390 and z/OS, see Implementing Siebel eBusiness Applications on DB2 UDB for OS/390 and z/OS for considerations and procedures specific to that environment.

This is especially true for applying schema changes to your local database and migrating schema changes from your development environment to a user-acceptance or production database.

Chapter 1, Installing Siebel Tools

June 10, 2002

Page 1-18
Add the following note before step 3:
NOTE: Password encryption interferes with project check-in and checkout. You must disable password encryption in the client or configuration file when running Siebel Tools if you will be checking projects in and out.

Chapter 2, Siebel Repository

June 10, 2002

Page 2-7
The note on page 2-7 is true for v7.0.2, but not for v7.0.3 or v7.0.4. Replace it with the following note:
NOTE: Browser scripts must be generated, using the genbscript utility, each time a scripted object is

compiled. See Alert 0365 on Siebel SupportWeb for instructions. The genbscript utility must be run each time a new .srf file is deployed to the Siebel Mobile Web Client or Siebel Server.

Chapter 3, Siebel Tools Fundamentals

June 10, 2002

Creating a New Object Definition

Page 3-37
Add the following text to the beginning of the section: Names of new objects should consist only of standard US ASCII characters, such as letters and numbers. They should not contain foreign characters, such as , , and , or punctuation, such as commas, periods, and colons.

Chapter 5, Data Objects Layer

Extension Tables
December 5, 2002

Page 5-8
Add the following note before the last sentence of the second paragraph (The relationships...):
NOTE: When columns in a base table are updated, the timestamps of its extension tables are not

updated unless columns in those extension tables are also updated.

June 10, 2002

Page 5-8
Change the second sentence of the second paragraph on page 5-8 to read as follows: Its columns are provided mostly for developers, and are generally not used by standard Siebel applications.

Page 5-10
Add the following text after the first paragraph on page 5-10: The standard Siebel applications use the following columns in these extension tables:

S_CONTACT_X. ATTRIB_03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 14, 15, 26, 48, and MODIFICATION_NUM. S_EMPLOYEE_X. ATTRIB_48. S_OPTY_X. ATTRIB_04, 05, 08, 09, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45. S_ORG_EXT_X. ATTRIB_01, 02, 03, 08, 14, 15, 16, 27, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53.

One-to-One Extension Tables

June 10, 2002

Page 5-11
Add the following text to the end of the section: When writing data to a one-to-one extension table, at least one column of the extension table must be updated for a record to be written to the extension table. For example, you might want to create a workflow policy based on an column in a 1:1 extension table. If there is no data to be written, the record will not be updated. Therefore, the workflow policy will not be triggered.

Column Object Type

December 5, 2002

Page 5-27
Replace the second to last bullet point on the page so that it reads as follows:

Long. Long text. You can store approximately 16K worth of data in long columns. By default, you cannot have char greater than 1. However, you can change this setting by selecting the View > Options menu, and then selecting the Database tab in the Development Tools Options dialog box.

June 10, 2002

Page 5-28
Add the following text to the Number physical type (first sub-bullet point on page 5-28): Data of this type is limited to 16 digits without a decimal point or 15 digits before a decimal point.

Index Column Object Type

June 10, 2002

Page 5-37
Replace the Sort Order property bullet point with the following:

Sort Order. The sort order for the index column. Its value can be either Asc (ascending) or Desc (descending).

June 10, 2002

Page 5-56
Change the first sentence of the section to read as follows: S_PARTY_PER is an intersection table (see Figure 5-33) that relates two instances of parties and is used to implement group-member relationships between the following, respectively:

Add the following text after Figure 5-33: In the implied join between S_PARTY_PER and S_PARTY:

S_PARTY_PER.PARTY_ID maps to the groups row ID (S_ORG_EXT.ROW_ID) S_PARTY_PER.PERSON_ID maps to the members row ID (S_CONTACT.ROW_ID)

Chapter 6, Adding Custom Extensions to the Data Model

Planning and Design Steps
June 10, 2002

Page 6-9
Add the following text before the note at the end of the page:

If you need to store additional data that almost always exists for a given base record and is regularly accessed, the recommended approach is to extend the base table to store this data. By doing this you avoid an extra join to an extension table. However, this might result in slower access to the base table if there is a lot of data (that is, many large fields have been added and they are always populated), because fewer rows now fit on one page. If a large number of extension fields is required, and if the view displaying this data is accessed infrequently, use an extension table. A join is executed for the extension table, but only when this view is accessed.

Pages 6-9 and 6-10

Move the sentence before the note on page 6-9 (starts with If you choose...) after the note and make it step 2.

Database Extension Implementation

June 10, 2002

Page 6-15
Add the following Caution before the procedure To implement database extensions:
Caution: Creating tables using SQL is not supported; use only Siebel

Tools to create tables and perform other logical database schema extensions.

Creating a Custom Extension Table

December 5, 2002

Page 6-17
Add the following text after the first paragraph of the section: If you wish to create 1:1 or 1:M extensions for tables whose type is Extension (Siebel), you must extend from S_PARTY. For example, S_CONTACT is an extension table of S_PARTY. Because S_CONTACT is of type Extension (Siebel), you cannot use it as a parent table for an extension table. You must use S_PARTY.

For a business component based on your new table to show data from S_CONTACT, you must create a Join object that references S_CONTACT and has a Join Specification child object with a Source Field property set to Parent Id and Destination Column property set to ROW_ID. The row ID of an S_CONTACT record will be the same as the row ID of the corresponding S_PARTY record.

Adding Extension Columns to Tables

December 5, 2002

Page 6-18
Delete the note under Extension (Siebel). It refers to creating extension tables, not extension columns.

Page 6-19
Change the first sentence of the last paragraph as follows: Delete: You are limited to one LONG custom extension column of type Varchar and one of type Long per table. Replace with: You are limited to one column of type LONG per table. Change the last sentence of the caution on page 6-19 as follows: Delete: Additionally, you must set the Foreign Key Table Name property to NULL for that column, and you will not be able to use the Enterprise Integration Manager to load values into that column. Replace with: Additionally, you must set the Foreign Key Table Name property to NULL for that column to use the Enterprise Integration Manager to load values into that column.

Using Extensions with Enterprise Integration Manager

June 10, 2002

Page 6-24
Change the first note on page 6-24 and the paragraph after it to read as follows:
NOTE: PreSiebel 2000 software uses only the _IF suffix for interface tables. Siebel 2000 and later

versions use both the _IF and EIM_ forms for interface tables.

For example, you can create an extension column called X_CUST_NUM in the S_ACCOUNT_IF or EIM_ACCOUNT table, and map this either to an extension column you added to S_ORG_EXT or to an existing column in the S_ORG_EXT_X extension table.

Deleting Extension Tables or Columns

June 10, 2002

Page 6-26
Replace the last paragraph in the section with the following paragraph: After you have deleted an extension table or column from the logical schema in the Siebel repository, the table or column still exists in the physical schema of the database. You must apply your changes to the physical database by clicking the Apply button. This will synchronize the logical and physical schemes, dropping any tables or columns from the database that you have deleted from the repository. See Applying the Physical Schema Extensions to the Local Database on page 6-27 for more information.
NOTE: In some database platforms, such as DB2, dropping a column requires you to reconstruct the entire table. However, if there an object based on the table, a DB2 object such as a view for example, you cannot drop the table from the database.

Adding Custom Indexes

June 10, 2002

Page 6-26
Change the Caution to read as follows:
Caution: Use caution when implementing custom indexes. Adding

an index, while improving the performance of one query, might adversely affect others. It is strongly recommended that you consult Siebel Expert Services before implementing any custom indexes; it can assist you on evaluating the impact of creating such an index in your database. Also, all changes should be thoroughly tested in your development environment before being introduced into production.

Applying the Physical Schema Extensions to the Local Database

June 10, 2002

Page 6-27
Add the following note before the procedure To update your local environment.
NOTE: Siebel eBusiness Applications version 7.0 do not support customized database triggers. If you have created customized triggers on your Siebel base tables, you must disable them before updating the logical database schema. You will then need to recreate the triggers after the update is finished.

Pages 6-27 and 6-28

Delete the figure after step 3 on page 6-27 and replace step 4 on page 6-28 with the following:

4 Fill in the fields as shown in the following table, and then click Apply.
Field Tables Description Select one of the following options from the drop-down menu:

All. Update the database to reflect all changes made to the dictionary. This option forces each database object to be compared with the data dictionary, and updated if required. Current Query. Update the database to reflect modifications made to the tables in the current query only. Current Row. Update the database to reflect modifications made to the table in the current row only.

Table space 16K table space 32K table space Index space Table groupings file

Leave blank. Leave blank. Leave blank. Leave blank. Optional. This file is provided by the DBA and is specific to your database.

Field Privileged user id

Description Enter your database user ID, for example SADMIN. The table owner is read from tools.cfg.

Privileged user password

Enter your database user password, for example SADMIN. NOTE: When the database initialization for a mobile client is performed, the table owner changes from SIEBEL to the mobile user's password. In this case, use the mobile users password in the password field.

ODBC data source

Verify that the ODBC connection specified in the ODBC Data Source text box is correct for your environment. You cannot apply schema changes to any database other than the one you are currently connected to (for example, by specifying the ODBC name of a different database).

Populating Extension Tables and Columns

June 10, 2002

Page 6-35
Add the following procedure to the end of the section: To make an extension table available for population by EIM

1 Lock the EIM Interface Table project. 2 Navigate to the EIM Interface Table object, create a new record, and then complete its properties,
for example Name and Target Table Name.

3 Click Activate in the EIM Tables list.

The temporary columns required to populate the extension table are created.

4 Navigate to the Table object, and then select the EIM interface table created in Step 2. 5 Click Apply in the Tables list, complete the fields in the Apply Schema dialog as shown in To
update your local environment on page 6-27, and then click Apply in the dialog. The generated temporary columns are applied to the database.


6 Click Activate in the Tables list.

The extension table is available to be populated by EIM. Add the following subsection:

Configuring Client-Side Import

You can also use client-side import to populate fields with data if you are not using EIM. Client-side import takes advantage of the applet-level menu import functionality in the Siebel Web Client. It is configured using the Import Object object in Siebel Tools, which sets business component fields to be populated. For example, many users import external contact data, so the Contact business component already exists as an import object in the standard Siebel application, with many fields as Import Field child objects. To enable client-side import for a business component

1 Lock the project to which the business component belongs. 2 In the Object Explorer, select Import Object. 3 Add a new record with the business component and its project as properties. 4 With the new record selected, expand Import Object, and then select the Import Field child

5 Add new records for each business component field you wish to be populated.
NOTE: You can also add import fields to already existing import objects, such as Contact.

6 Compile the .srf, selecting the locked project.

The new fields will be displayed in the Select a Siebel Field dialog and can be mapped to fields in the External Data Source Field dialog when importing data.

Table Wizard Actions

June 10, 2002

Page 6-54
Replace the last main bullet point (For Intersection Tables...) with the following:


For intersection tables, the Table Wizard sets the type of the table to Data(Intersection) and creates the following:

TYPE column for added user functionality Two Foreign Key columns with names specified in the Table Wizard User Key Sequence=1 and 2 Foreign Key Table=<Parent Table>

U1 index on the two Foreign Keys (1, 2), TYPE (3), and CONFLICT_ID (4) Unique/Cluster=TRUE Type=User Key User Primary Key=TRUE

F1 index on the Foreign Key to the second parent table

Add the following note to the end of the section:

NOTE: When a custom extension table is added using the Table Wizard, a U1 index is added to the table. However, the User Key column is blank and does not allow the definition of user keys. This is because there is no need to create user keys: they are only needed to resolve foreign keys while using EIM, and EIM does not work with foreign keys to custom tables.

EIM Table Mapping Wizard

December 5, 2002

Page 6-58
Add the following note after the first paragraph under Step 6:
NOTE: When selecting an existing base table the wizard will only let you select the Interface tables

that have the base table defined as a target table.


Chapter 7, Business Objects Layer

Configuring Data-Driven Read-Only Behavior
June 10, 2002

Page 7-18
Replace the second bullet point on page 7-18 with the following:

These user properties do not function when used in an applet in a view where the view's Admin Mode property is set to TRUE. Admin Mode, when TRUE, turns off all insert and update restrictions for the business components used by the view, including those specified by business component user properties. The business component Sales Rep and Personal visibility modes are ignored. Records that do not have a primary team member are also visible. However, pop-up visibility is not overridden.

Intersection Business Components

June 10, 2002

Page 7-29
Replace the paragraph that precedes Figure 7-7 with the following: An example of an intersection business component that is exposed in the user interface is Opportunity Product. It is based on the S_REVN table, and used in the applets in the Opportunity Products screen in Siebel Sales, shown in Figure 7-7.

Calculated Fields
June 10, 2002

Page 7-33
Add the following note after the paragraph that begins with For more information...:
NOTE: Queries on calculated fields are not supported if the Cache Data property of the business

component is set to TRUE.


Field Data Types

December 5, 2002

Page 7-33
Add the following note between the second and third sentences of the first paragraph:
NOTE: Calculated fields are not automatically refreshed when a related field value changes; they are refreshed only after committing the record. To have them refresh immediately after the fields have been changed the Immediate Post Changes property of the field needs to be set to TRUE. June 10, 2002

Page 7-36
Add the following note to the Description field of the DTYPE_ID row of Table 7-2, Field Data Types:
NOTE: Fields mapped to extension columns of physical type Varchar(15) will automatically default

to data type DTYPE_ID. Change the Description field of the DTYPE_INTEGER row of Table 7-2, Field Data Types to read as follows:
Refers to data as whole numbers ranging in value from - 2147483648 to 2147483647.

Primary ID Field
June 10, 2002

Page 7-82
Add the following new section before Using the Check No Match Property with a Primary Join:

Allowing Users to Set Primaries

You can set the MVG Set Primary Restricted: visibility_mvlink_name user property in the business component underlying the MVG applet to allow certain users to set primaries. Setting this user property to FALSE allows the Primary team member to be altered by someone other than the Manager or Siebel Administrator. If this user property is not set, only Siebel Administrators (in Admin mode) and Managers (in Manager view mode) have the ability to change the Primary team member on opportunities, accounts and contacts.

For more information, see MVG Set Primary Restricted: visibility_mvlink_name on page F-22.

How a Cascade Copy with a Multi-Value Link is Constructed

June 10, 2002

Page 7-85
Replace the first sentence in the bullet that describes the No Copy property with the following sentence: This must be set to FALSE and #Field ID should be set to No Copy=FASLE. If No Copy property is set to TRUE, cascade copying is disabled.

Chapter 9, Logical User Interface Objects Layer

June 10, 2002

Text Controls
Page 9-21
Change the following sub-bullet under the Display Format property bullet to read as follows:

For DTYPE_CURRENCY data, the property can be specified explicitly using the same symbols as for DTYPE_NUMBER, plus the dollar sign. The display of currency values can also be controlled using the Scale field in the Currencies view under the Application Administration screen.

About HTML Control Types

Page 9-33
Remove the cell in table 9-1, HTML Control Types, that contains information for the control type of Java applet, as this control is not supported.

Page 9-36
Add the following new subsection to the end of the Applets section:


About the Search Specification Property

If the value in the Search Specification property in an Applet object definition is non-blank, the set of records provided to an applet is restricted. The search specification contains the names of one or more fields in the business component and various operators, combined to create a conditional expression. Records in which the value of the conditional expression evaluates to TRUE are provided to the applet for display; those records in which the expression evaluates to FALSE are excluded.
NOTE: Search specifications on child applets are not executed.

Some sample search specification expressions appear below:

[Type]= "COST LIST" [Revenue] > 5000 [Competitor] IS NOT NULL and [Competitor] <> "N"

[Type] = LookupValue ("TODO_TYPE", "In Store Visit")

Search specification expressions are built according to the following syntax rules:

Standard comparison operators are used to compare a field to a constant, or one field to another field. These include =, <>, >, <, >=, and <=. Example: [Revenue] > 5000

String constants are enclosed in double quotation marks. String values are case sensitive, so the use of uppercase and lowercase letters in the search specification should exactly match that of the records you want returned. Example: [Type] <> "COST LIST"

The logical operators AND, OR, and NOT are used to negate or combine expressions. Case is ignored in these operators; for example, and is the same as AND). Example: [Competitor] IS NOT NULL and [Competitor] <>

A field name in a search specification must be enclosed in square brackets. Example: [Conflict Id] = 0


The LIKE operator may be used to create text string comparison expressions in which a field is compared to a constant, or a field to another field, and a match on only the first several characters is required. The wildcard characters * and ? are used to indicate any number of characters, and a single character, respectively. Example: [Last Name] LIKE "Sm*" In this example, the Last Name values of Smith, Smythe, Smallman, and so on would cause the expression to evaluate to TRUE.

The search specification expression must be 255 characters or less.

An applet search specification cannot be used to override the search specification of the underlying business component, if the business component has one. Rather than overriding the business components search specification, the applets search specification is appended to that of the business component. Search specifications should appear in the business component or the applets that use it, but not both. The search specification on an applet is converted to a WHERE clause by the data manager at runtime. When two applets based on the same business component appear in the same view, one query is generated against the database to populate both applets. Because a database select statement only supports one WHERE clause, only one of the applets should have a search specificationor if both do, they should have the same specification. For example, the Account List Applet and the Account Entry Applet both appear in the Account List View. The record that is selected in the Account List Applet also appears in the Account Entry Applet. When you select a different row in the list or scroll through the list, the Account Entry Applet is updated to show the same record that is selected in the Account List Applet. This is made possible by the fact that both applets are populated from the same query and therefore show the same record set. To prevent the two applets from being synchronized, they would have to be on separate business components, for example by copying the business component on which the first applet is based.


For more information on the usage of the Search Specification property of applets, see Object Types Reference.
NOTE: When the Applet Visibility Type property of the View Web Template Item object is set to a nonnull value, it might cause search specifications on the applets in that view to be ignored. This property is recommended for use mainly where the applets in a view are based on different business components. If you use this property, test it thoroughly for functionality.

NOTE: Search specifications can impact performance negatively, particularly when you include fields based on joins in the search specification. Search specifications with NOT or OR can also adversely affect performance by forcing the database to execute a full table scan.

Drilldown Behavior in a View

Page 9-44
Add the following text before the note on page 9-44: If the driving applet of a view has a search specification, this search specification is also applied to the destination view when drilling down. For more information, see About the Search Specification Property and Object Types Reference.

About the User Interface Navigational Paradigm

Page 9-52
Add the following text to the end of the section under the Views bullet point: When a query is performed in a view or a predefined query is executed for a view, the current query context remains when users navigate to another view using a view tab, where the driving applet is based on the same business component as the previous view. However, a fresh query is applied when the view is visited from the Site Map. The visibility rules of the new view are also applied. If a query is entered in an All view and then a View tab is used to navigate to a Manager view or a Sales Rep view, only the subset of records that is visible to the user as a manager or as a sales representative will be seen.


If there is a search specification on a driving applet in a view and the user navigates from this view to another using a view tab, the search specification is applied to the destination viewkeeping the same query. An explicit search specification can be specified for the applet in the target view to force a new query. For more information, see About the Search Specification Property and Object Types Reference.

Chapter 10, Logical User Interface Objects Configuration

June 10, 2002

Editing the Web Layout of Applets

Page 10-15
Add the following as step 6 in the procedure To Access the Web Applet Editor:

6 Validate that controls and list columns are mapped to placeholders in the Web template by rightclicking and selecting Check Mappings. If the control or list column is not mapped to a placeholder, it is listed, and you are prompted to delete it from the Web template. This may occur when a control or list column object has been deleted from the repository, but still appears on the Web template. Or it may occur when a new Web template is associated with an applet, and the existing placeholder IDs for controls or list columns do not exist in the new template.

Creating Views Using the Object Explorer

Page 10-22
Add the following bullet point to step 3:

Visibility Applet Type. Limits view visibility by organization or responsibility. Valid values for

Visibility Applet Type are:

All Personal Sales Rep Manager


Organization Sub-Organization Catalog Group

If Visibility Applet is blank, the view appears as a view tab and is not listed in the Show menu. Its visibility is determined by the value of Visibility Applet Type. If Visibility Applet Type is blank, the view's visibility defaults to the most restrictive type defined for the business component. (This usually means Personal or Sales Rep visibility, depending on the corresponding visibility settings of the business component of the view's Thread Applet property.) The view is listed in the Show menu by the name given in the Visibility Applet property. If both are blank, the visibility depends on the navigation context:

When navigating from another view to this view using the Show menu, the query context and record focus are kept from the previous view, assuming that the business components and search specifications are relevant. When navigating to this view using the Site Map or the Screen tabs, the visibility defaults to the most restrictive type defined for the business component.

For more information on view visibility rules, see Authentication and Access Control Administration Guide.

Defining Views
Page 10-26

Add the following section as a new heading to follow the heading Editing the Web Layout of Views.

Configuring Views for Layout Control

Certain views in Siebel applications, such as a home page views, allow the user to control the layout of the view. For example, these views allow the user to:

Reorder applets Collapse or expand applets Show or hide applets

See the Customizing Your Home Page section in the Siebel Fundamentals book for a description of this feature from the end-user perspective.

The user can edit view layout in two modes. Show mode and Edit Layout mode.

Show mode. Allows users to move, collapse and expand, show and hide individual applets within

the view, using controls placed at the top of each applet on the view. For example, home page views are displayed in Show mode until a user clicks the Edit Layout button.

Edit Layout mode. Allows users to move, expand and collapse, show and hide, individual applets,

plus perform the following operations on all applets within the view: show all applets, hide all applets, minimize all applets, maximize all applets, and reset the default layout definition. This mode is presented to the user using a separate applet called the Layout Controls applet and appears after the user clicks the Edit Layout button. To configure a view to support personal layout control

1 Set the User Layout property of the Views View Web Template object to TRUE. 2 Define the default layout of the view by setting the following properties of the View Web Template
Items associated with the view.

Display Size. Determines whether the applet is minimized or maximized. Always Maximized

indicates that the applet cannot be minimized by the end user.

NOTE: Minimized and maximized are referred to as collapse and expand in the client user


Display Visibility. Determines whether the applet is shown or hidden. Always Show indicates that the applet cannot be hidden by the end user. Move Range. Defines a range in which the applet may be moved. For example, on an

application home page with two columns, applets would specify a move range of either Column1 or Column2. Any applet with a move range of Column1 is movable only within the first (left) column. Any applet with a move range of Column2 is movable only within the second (right) column. If this property is not defined, the applet cannot be moved by the end-user. The applet location is fixed within the view. For example, the salutation applet on the home page would typically not have move range specified for it.


3 Add the Layout Controls Applet to the view, add a corresponding View Web Template Item, and
map the applet to a placeholder in the Web Template. There is an applet in the Siebel repository called Layout Controls applet. Add this applet to the view that you want to enable for personal layout control. It serves as a container for the controls that handle view-level operations, such as Reset Default Layout. In Show Mode, this applet appears as the Edit Layout button. In Edit Layout mode, which appears after the user clicks the Edit Layout button, this applet shows all applets on the view, and allows the user to Hide All Applets, Show All Applets, Reset Default Layout, and return to Show mode by clicking Done.

4 Add the following view layout controls to applets within personalized views, add corresponding
Applet Web Template Items, and map the controls to the appropriate placeholders in the Web template.

ButtonMoveAppletUp ButtonMoveAppletDown ButtonHideApplet ButtonShowApplet ButtonMinimizeApplet ButtonMaximizeApplet

These view layout controls use Invoke Methods to manipulate the user's view layout preferences.

Why a View Is Not Visible to a User

Page 10-26
Add this new section after Providing User Access to a New View: When a view is not visible to the logged-in user, there are the following possible reasons:

The view does not exist in the .srf file. This includes a possible misspelling when the view was registered (Site Map > Application Administration > Views); that is, it does not match the view name in the .srf file. If it matches, compile the .srf file again using the All Projects option (full compile).

The view is not included in one of the logged-in user's responsibilities.

Determine which responsibilities the logged-in user has (Site Map > User Administration > Employees).


Determine for each responsibility whether the view is included (Site Map > Application Administration > Responsibilities).

The view is hidden using personalization rules. Determine this under Personalization Administration > Views. For testing purposes, you can also switch off the EnablePersonalization parameter in the .cfg file.

The view is not included either in the menu or in the view tabs. In this case, the view can only be accessed by drilling down from another view.

In Siebel Tools, examine the Screen Menu property of the View object. It must be set to TRUE for the view to be included in the Site Map. Determine whether the view is included in a screen and that the Viewbar Text property of the Screen View child object of the screen is set appropriately. Determine whether the views Visibility Applet and Visibility Applet Type properties are set correctly. For more information, see Creating Views Using the Object Explorer on page 1022.

The view belongs to a screen that is not included in the currently running application.

In Siebel Tools, determine whether the screen is included in the application (Screen Menu Item child object of the application). Determine whether the application name is spelled correctly in the .cfg file.

The view does not belong to the same business object as the screen's default view. Make sure that the view is based on the same business object. You can also set a property for the screen called Unrestricted Viewbar. If you set this property to TRUE, all views for the screen will be shown, even if they are from different business objects. For restrictions on the Screen property, see Object Types Reference.

The view is not available due to upgrade problems. If an upgrade was done, make sure that it was successful by verifying all the log files that were created. The upgrade log files are found in the DBSERVER_ROOT\DB_PLATFORM directory.

The view is not included in your license keys. If none of the previous reasons is responsible fro the view not being visible, it is likely that the view is not included in your license keys. Send the license keys to Siebel Expert Services for examination. See also Alert 0041 on Siebel SupportWeb.


Defining Screens
Page 10-27
Add the following note after the paragraph that discusses the Screen View object type (fourth paragraph) on page 10-27:
NOTE: The Site Map is limited to visibility-level views only. Non-visibility level views, such as

Account Profile View and Account Attachment View, do not show up on the Site Map.

Chapter 11, Pick Applets and Static Picklists

June 10, 2002

Configuring the Originating Business Component

Page 11-18
Add the following note to the end of the Pick maps bullet point:
NOTE: Test your pick map definition after creating it. If the originating field stays the same after

choosing a value from the pick applet, you should check the pick map definition for that field.

Configuring the Pick List

Page 11-32
Add the following bullet point to the end of the section:

No Insert. Static picklists must have their No Insert property set to TRUE to work properly. If this property is set to FALSE the application generates the following error message: Unable to create picklist popup applet.


Pop-Up Visibility Rules

Page 11-37
Replace the text in the section with the following: You can limit picklist visibility by organization or responsibility using the following properties of the Business Component object type:

Popup Visibility Auto All. Valid values are TRUE, FALSE, and blank. Popup Visibility Type. Valid values are:

All Personal Sales Rep Manager Organization Sub-Organization Group Catalog

If Popup Visibility Auto All is set to TRUE and the user has access to any All views, pop-up visibility will be All. If the user does not have access to any All views, pop-up visibility will be the value of Popup Visibility Type. If Popup Visibility Auto All is set to TRUE, the user does not have access to any All views, and Popup Visibility Type is blank, pop-up visibility will default to the most restrictive value defined for the business component, for example Sales Rep. If Popup Visibility Auto All is blank, pop-up visibility will be the value for Popup Visibility Type. If both properties are blank, pop-up visibility will default to the most restrictive value defined for the business component. For more information on visibility rules, see Authentication and Access Control Administration Guide.


Chapter 12, Multi-Value Group Applets

Configuring the Originating Business Component
June 10, 2002

Page 12-7
Add the following text to the end of page 12-7: Pick maps can be used for multi-value fields similarly to how they are used for single-value fields. The MVF Pick Map object is a child object of Multi Value Field. Each pick map defines a correspondence between a field in the multi-value group business component and one in the originating business component. These correspondences provide the information required to immediately update the current originating business component record with information from the MVG business component when a record is picked. Each MVF Pick Map object definition has two important properties:

Field. Identifies a field in the originating business component that is to be populated by data from a field in the MVG business component, when the PickRecord method is invoked. Pick List Field. Identifies a field in the MVG business component that is the source of data for the field in the Field property of the Pick Map object.

An example is the MVF pick map on the State multi-value field of the Account business component. Account has a multi-value link to the Business Address business component, where it obtains address information.

Using the MVG Applet Wizard

December 5, 2002

Page 12-15
Add the following note to step 4 before the last sentence (For more information...):
NOTE: If you will have a New button on your MVG applet, you will also need to define an Edit

mode manually, using the Popup Query template.


Chapter 13, Special-Purpose Applets

June 10, 2002

Making X-Axis Labels Vertical

Page 13-35
Add the following section after Chart Element Object Type: You can make x-axis labels vertical so that they do not overlap with each other. To do this, set the Vertical property to TRUE for the Chart Element object whose Axis Id property is set to XAxis.

Tree Applets
December 5, 2002

Page 13-45
Add the following note to the end of the section:
NOTE: Search specifications on tree applets are not supported.

Chapter 14, Physical User Interface Layer

June 10, 2002

Understanding Siebel Templates

Page 14-6
Replace the Edit and Edit List subbullets under the Applet template bullet with the following:

Edit. Mode for editing an existing record.

If New/Query templates do not exist, Edit is used when creating and querying.

Edit List. Allows users to edit fields in a list applet.

If Edit/New/Query templates do not exist, Edit List is used in high-interactivity (employee) applications when editing, creating, and querying. Standard-interactivity (customer and partner) applications do not use Edit List, so you must define an Edit mode template.

First Navigation Level: Primary Tab Bar

Page 14-21
Add the following note after the last paragraph in this section:
NOTE: To change the bitmaps used for screen tabs, in addition to modifying the template file to include the names of the new bitmap file, you must change the relevant Bitmap objects in Siebel Tools so that they also reference the new bitmap file. Screen tabs are static bitmaps that are complied into the repository file (.srf). When a tab is clicked, JavaScript in the Siebel Web template redraws the bitmaps using the compiled information stored in the .srf file. The bitmaps used in a given application are defined in the [SWE] section of that applications configuration file. For more information about working with bitmaps, see Associating Bitmaps with Applets and Toolbar Icons on page 10-39.

Second and Third Navigational Level: Visibility Picklist and Detail Tab View Bar
Page 14-27
Add the following note as the last paragraph in this section:
NOTE: To change the bitmaps used for view tabs, in addition to modifying the template file to include the names of the new bitmap file, you must change the relevant Bitmap objects in Siebel Tools so that they also reference the new bitmap file. View tabs are static bitmaps that are complied into the repository file (.srf). When a tab is clicked, JavaScript in the Siebel Web template redraws the bitmaps using the compiled information stored in the .srf file. The bitmaps used in a given application are defined in the [SWE] section of that applications configuration file. For more information about working with bitmaps, see Associating Bitmaps with Applets and Toolbar Icons on page 10-39.


Chapter 16, Special Behavior Supported by Templates

June 10, 2002

Using Icons for Field Values

Page 16-25
Replace the sentence that begins In order to render... with the following note and To-do heading:
NOTE: If you want to use custom icons in a list applet, you must size them in accordance with the list applets row font size. For example, when using an 8-pt font (standard for Siebel eBusiness Applications), icons should be 23 pixels in width x 14 pixels in height.

If you change the list applet row font size dynamically or place an icon larger than 23 x 14 in a row, the list applet rows will be scrambled. To render a field using image files

Chapter 17, Repositories

Exporting and Importing Repository Objects
June 10, 2002

Page 17-4
Add the following Caution after the note at the bottom of the page:
Caution: Exported objects from one version of Siebel eBusiness Applications should not be imported (through .sif files) into a different version, as object definitions might have changed. Importing an invalid object might result in invalid configurations and an unsupported application.


December 5, 2002

Page 17-26
Replace the entire section with the following section:

Using repimexp.exe for Importing, Exporting, and Creating a File Dump

The repimexp.exe program imports, exports, or creates a file dump of a repository. It can also do an INTL table import. INTL tables contain language-specific information and are a part of the repository. You would rarely need to use repimexp.exe directlyyou would use the configuration utility instead. The only circumstances when you would run repimexp.exe directly might be:

You need to run repimexp.exe with special parameter settings that are inaccessible through the batch files. You need to perform a file dump.

To import a repository using repimexp

In the command line, type the following:

repimexp /A I /G language_codes

where language_codes is a list such as ENU, FRA, JPN. Use ALL for all languages.
NOTE: If you want to import your repository with locale objects, you must specify at least one language code. Otherwise no locale objects will be imported. Therefore, when you compile the imported repository, it will not have any text in the user interface.


To export a repository using repimexp

In the command line, type the following:

repimexp /A E argument_list

Export uses the arguments listed in Table 1.

Table 1.
Parameter /U <userName> /P <password> /C <ODBC data source> /D <table owner>

Parameter Settings Passed as Export Arguments to repimexp.exe

Required Yes Yes Yes Yes Meaning Siebel administrator user name. Siebel password. ODBC data source. The default is the value in the SIEBEL_DATA_SOURCE environment variable. Siebel database table owner. The default is the value in the SIEBEL_TABLE_OWNER environment variable. Language mode, such as ENU or JPN. The default is SIEBEL_LANGUAGE. If this is not set, the default is ENU. Repository name. The default is Siebel Repository. Export repository user name. The default is the same as for /U. Export repository password. The default is the same as for /P. Export repository ODBC data source. The default is the same as for /C. Export repository table owner. Use siebel for Oracle and DB2, dbo for MS SQL Server. The default is the same as for /D. Export repository name. The default is Siebel Repository. Siebel server installation directory to override SIEBEL_HOME environment variable. Data file, including path, to which to export. Test only, do not export into database.

/W <language code>


/R <repository> /1 <export repository userName> /2 <export repository password> /3 <export repository ODBC data source> /4 <export repository table>

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

/5 <export repository> /B <appServer root> /F <dataFile> /T <Y|N>

Yes Yes Yes No


Table 1.

Parameter Settings Passed as Export Arguments to repimexp.exe

Required No No Meaning Verify data. The default is N. Change creation and update information:

/V <Y|N> /N <0|1|2>

0= no change 1= change CREATED_BY, UPDATED_BY 2=change CREATED_BY, UPDATED_BY, dates columns

The default is 1. /M <Y|N> /L <logFile> No No Commit changes even if verification fails. The default is N. Log file for output messages.

To create a file dump using repimexp

In the command line, type the following:

repimexp /A D /F <dataFile> [/L <logFile>]

To perform an INTL table import using repimexp

In the command line, type the following:

repimexp /A X argument_list

INTL import uses the arguments listed in Table 2.

Table 2.
Parameter /G <language codes> /O <Y|N>

Parameter Settings Passed as INTL Import Arguments to repimexp.exe

Required Yes Yes Meaning A list of language codes such as ENU, FRA, JPN. Use ALL for all languages. Abort INTL import if unable to resolve parent row in server repository, that is orphans. The default is N.

/I <Y|N>


Abort INTL import if insert fails. The default is Y.


Migrating Repositories and Schemas Between Databases

June 10, 2002

Page 17-29
Add the following bullet point to the beginning of the list on page 17-29 under "It is recommended..."

Check in all projectsin both the source and target databases. If you migrate a database schema with some projects still checked out, the migration will work but the project state will be not locked in the target database.

Add the following note after the second bullet point on page 17-29 under "It is recommended..." (starts with Run the...):
NOTE: Siebel eBusiness Applications version 7.0 do not support customized database triggers. If

you have created customized triggers on your Siebel base tables, you must disable them before migrating the schema. You will then need to recreate the triggers after the migration is finished.
December 5, 2002

Page 17-29
Modify the 4th bullet point on page 17-29 under It is recommended... to read as follows:

If you move a repository from one database to another, such as from development to test, you need to also create any new views, responsibilities, and list of values entries in the new environment.

Upgrading Mobile Databases

June 10, 2002

Page 17-37
Add the following note to step 3 on page 17-37:
NOTE: However, if mobile databases are not reextracted, users will still be able to synchronize no error message will be generated. This is to allow Siebel Anywhere, which users might use to upgrade mobile databases, to continue working.


Chapter 19, Application Development Projects

Moving Object Definitions Between Projects
June 10, 2002

Page 19-20
Add the following note to the end of the section:
NOTE: If you delete an object from a particular project, and then re-create it with the same name in another project, this has the same effect as moving the object between projects. Therefore, you should take the same precautions.

In general, you should not delete object definitions. Deleting objects might cause parts of your application not to work. If you do not want to use an object, you should set the value of its Inactive property to TRUE.

Checking In Projects
June 10, 2002

Page 19-22
Replace the Caution after step 6 with the following:
Caution: Depending on the size of the project, the check-in process

might require some time. Do not interrupt the process, as doing so can leave your repository in an unstable state. If for any reason the check-in process is interrupted, you must redo it. This completes the unfinished tasks and unlocks the project on the server.


Undoing Checkout
June 10, 2002

Page 19-29
Add the following note as the last paragraph in the section:
NOTE: You can also use Get to overwrite a project that you have checked out from the server database. Perform the Get for the project you want to overwrite, the project in your local database will be overwritten with the project from the server. Then check the project back in to the server. This will undo the lock for the project.

Compiling Projects
June 10, 2002

Page 19-32
Replace the first paragraph of the section with the following text: Once you have completed modifying the object definitions in your project, you need to compile the changes and test them. You have the following compilation options:

Full. Compiles all projects into a new Siebel repository (.srf) file.

This will remove any inactive objects in the repository.

Incremental. Compiles objects into an existing .srf file.

To compile incrementally, you must have already done at least one full compilation. Doing an incremental compilation will remove inactive child objects from the repository, but not inactive top-level objects. For example, if you inactivate the Name list column in the Account List Applet, and then compile the Account SSE project, the Name list column will be removed. However, if you inactivate the Account List Applet, and then compile the Account SSE project, the Account List Applet will still be there.


Compiling the Siebel Repository Using the Command-Line Interface

December 5, 2002

Page 19-35
Replace the first paragraph on page 1043 with the following: You can also compile projects using the command-line interface. The command-line interface is invoked from the siebdev executable using the command switch /bc. This command switch performs a full compile. The siebdev.exe is located in the Bin directory of the Siebel Tools installation directory.

Appendix A, Siebel Tools Menus and Toolbars

December 5, 2002

Help Menu
Page A-18
After the description of About Visible Views, add the following column descriptions:

Visible. Indicates whether the view is visible based on all the other columns Application. Indicates whether the view is part of the application View. Indicates whether the view has been added to seed data Responsibility. Indicates whether the current user has the required responsibility to see this


License. Indicates whether the user has a license key that exposes this view Platform. Indicates whether this view can run on the current platform


Appendix B, Tags
swe: dir
December 5, 2002 Purpose:

Used to create templates that can work with bidirectional languages. This tag gets converted to dir=rtl when running in right-to-left languages. Does not generate anything in left-to-right languages, as this is the default for the browser.
Usage: <HTML dir=swe:dir> Restrictions:

Can be used within any HTML tag that takes the dir attribute

swe: include
June 10, 2002

Page B-23
Change the Usage and Attribute sections to read as follows:
Usage: <swe:include file="xxx.swt"/> Attribute: File. Required. The name of the file to be included. This file must reside in the same folder as the

other template files used by the application and have the extension .swt, even if it is an HTML file.

December 5, 2002 Purpose:

Used to create scrollable tab bars for screens and views. This tag is used to generate a unique ID for the HTML <TD> tag that contains each tab.


Usage: <swe:screenlink> <td id="swe:this.Id" ...> ... </td> </swe:screenlink> Restrictions:

Should only be used in the HTML <TD> tag that contains a screen, view, or subview tab. This <TD> tag should be created within a <swe:screenlink> or <swe:viewlink> tag.

December 5, 2002 Purpose:

Used to create scrollable tab bars for screens and views. This tag is used to generate a unique ID for the HTML <TABLE> tag that contains the tabs.
Usage: <swe:screenbar> ... <table ID="swe:this.TableId" ...> <swe:for-each-screen> ... </swe:for-each-screen> </table> ... </swe:screenbar> Restrictions:


Should only be used in the HTML <TABLE> tag that contains the screen, view, or subview tabs. This <TABLE> tag should be created within a <swe:screenbar>, <swe:viewbar>, or <swe:subviewbar> tag.

Appendix E. Operators, Expressions, and Conditions

Functions in Calculation Expressions
June 10, 2002

Page E-8
In table E-5 replace the function Count (mvlink) with the following: Count (mvlink) In table E-5 add the following row to the table: Result Type

InvokeServiceMethod("[ServiceName]", "[MethodName]", "[InputProp1=val1,InputProp2=val2]", "[OutputProp")


Invokes a business service from a calculated field and returns [Output Prop]. Note: do not expose a calculated expression that invokes a business service in a list applet. Doing so may result in poor performance because the business service will be repeatedly instantiated each time the field appears in the list.

Page E-14
Add the following text to the Description field of the Timestamp() row of Table E-5, Calculated Field and Validation Functions: The Timestamp function can also be used in queries. For example:
Created >= Timestamp() - 0.1

against an MS SQL Server database would return those records created within the last one-tenth of a day.

Add the following note to the Description field of the Today() row of Table E-5, Calculated Field and Validation Functions:
NOTE: Running a query using the Today() function against fields of type DTYPE_DATE, DTYPE_DATETIME, and DTYPE_TIME can have varying results. For example, when using the Today() function against DTYPE_DATETIME fields, only records that have a TIME constituent equal to 00:00:00 will be returned if = Today() is used as a query operator.

Page E-15
Add the following section before Using Julian Functions:

Using Datetime Fields in Calculations

It is possible to perform calculations with datetime fields in calculated fields. When adding a number to a datetime field, days are represented by integers and hours, minutes and seconds are represented by fractions. For example, to add one minute to the current date and time, use the following expression, which is derived from the fact that one day has 1,440 minutes:
Timestamp() + 1/1440

In this example the product delivery interval, measured in seconds, is added to the current date and time:
Timestamp() + [Product Delivery Interval]/86400 NOTE: The Type property of the calculated field must be of type DTYPE_DATETIME.

Syntax for Predefault Fields

June 10, 2002

Page E-17
Change the name of the section to Syntax for Predefault and Postdefault Fields and add the following text after the heading: The Pre Default Value property of a field (Predefault Value in the Object List Editor) automatically assigns a value to that field for a new record. The user can modify the field if it is displayed and not set to Read Only. For example, Currency Code has a predefault value of System: Currency. The currency code for a new contact is automatically set to the default system currency.


The Post Default Value property of a field assigns a value to a field, if one has not been entered by the user, before the record is written to the database. For example, Personal Contact has a postdefault value of N. If the user does not designate a new contact as personal, the system assumes that it is not. Add the following rows to Table E-6 on page E-17: Function
System: OrganizationId System: OrganizationName

Result Type
String String

Organization ID (for example, 1-24E1). Organization name (for example, Siebel Service).

Change the Parent: BusComp.Field, BusComp.Field row of Table E-6 to read as follows: Function
Parent: BusComp.Field, BusComp.Field

Result Type

Value in parent business component field. The field in the parent business component must have Link Specification set to TRUE for values to be defaulted. You can have multiple BusComp.Field constructs separated by commas; the list is checked from first to last until a value is found, for example: Parent: ServiceRequest.Account, Account.Name NOTE: A space is required after every comma separating the fields for this function to work correctly. If the business component has an apostrophe in its name, you must enclose the name in double quotes, for example: Parent: FINS AG Agent's Contracts.Status Of Contract You can also terminate a chain of Parent calls with a System call, for example: Parent: 'Opportunity.Currency Code', 'Account.Currency Code', System: Currency


Change the Description field for the System: Currency row of Table E-6, Predefault Values and Functions, to the following: Currency for this position (for example, USD). Determined by the setting for the Currency field in the Divisions or Organizations view under the Group Administration screen. If the division has a different Currency setting from the organization, the division Currency setting will be used.


Calculated Field Values and Field Validation

December 5, 2002

Page E-19
December 5, 2002

Add the following after the first paragraph: The validation property is evaluated when the field is accessed and modified in the GUI only. The validation properties from the current applet's business component fields are evaluated. If these fields are part of other business components as well, those validation properties are not evaluated.
June 10, 2002

Page E-20
Add the following text to the end of the section: When a Calculated Value statement references more than one field value, and the fields have different data types, the order of the data types can have an effect on the calculation. For example, the Quote Item business component has the calculated field Line Total, whose calculated value is [Item Price] * [Quantity]. The data type of Item Price is DTYPE_INTEGER; the data types of both Quantity and Line Total is DTYPE_CURRENCY. If Item Price is 2.25 and Quantity is 5, Line Total is calculated to be 11.25. However, if the calculated value of Line Total is changed to [Quantity] * [Item Price], using the same values Line Total is calculated to be 11.00.

Searching and Sorting on Division ID and Division Name

June 10, 2002

Page E-24
Delete the phrase C++ in the sentence after To return the Division Id in eScript in the standard application. The sentence should read as follows: Use the following code:


Appendix F, User Properties

Aspect User Properties
December 5, 2002

Page F-4
Add this new section to Appendix F. All of the aspect user proprieties are optional.

Aspect (CSSBCBase)

Parent Object Type: Business Component User Property Name

Default Aspect Aspect BC ReadOnly: Aspect Aspect Child BC ReadOnly: Aspect Aspect BC NoInsert: Aspect

Aspect Field Name Field Name Field Name

Parent Object Type: Field User Property Name

Aspect Default Value: Aspect Purpose:


This feature provides a dynamic way to use the CSSBCBase class. When a particular aspect has been set from the applet level or CSSBCBases default, CSSBCBase will change its behavior based on the aspect-related setting described in the user property:

If Aspect BC ReadOnly: Aspect is defined, and the current aspect is Aspect, the current record will become read-only when the value of Field Name is Y. If Aspect Child BC ReadOnly: Aspect is defined, and the current aspect is Aspect, the current records child business components will become read-only when the value of Field Name is Y.

If Aspect BC NoInsert: Aspect is defined, and the current aspect is Aspect, the user cannot insert new records when the value of Field Name is Y.
NOTE: To use Aspect BC NoInsert: Aspect, you need to make sure that the value [Field Name] (normally a calculated field) will not be changed when the user steps to a different record; otherwise runtime behavior will confuse the end user. Inproper configuration will make inserts dependent on the state of current records, which is most likely not what you want.

For a particular business component field, if Aspect Default Value: Aspect is defined, and the current aspect is Aspect, the predefault value for this field will be the expression defined in the user property value. For example, if an activity business component has a Planned field with a field user property Aspect Default Value: Planned defined that has a value of Timestamp(), the predefault value for the activitys planned start date and time will be Timestamp().

Aspect (CSSSWEFrameBase and CSSSWEFrameListBase)


Parent Object Type: Business Component User Property Name

View Aspect: View Name View Aspect View Aspect 1 View Aspect 2 Default Aspect

User Property Value

Aspect Name View Name, Aspect Name View Name, Aspect Name View Name, Aspect Name Aspect Name


If the user property View Aspect* is defined for the current view, set and pass the aspect name to the underlying (CSSBCBase) business component. If View Aspect* is not defined for the current view and Default Aspect is defined, set and pass the aspect name to the underlying (CSSBCBase) business component.


Group Visibility
June 10, 2002

Page F-20
Add this new user property after FileMustExist:
Parent Object Type Description Functional Area Business Component If set to TRUE, group + team visibility will be applied. Campaign

Group Visibility Only

June 10, 2002

Page F-20
Add this new user property after Group Visibility:
Parent Object Type Description Business Component If set to TRUE, only group visibility will be applied. If you set this to TRUE, set Group Visibility to FALSE. You might also want to inactivate Buscomp View Mode, so that it will not do an inner join to the S_SRC_POSTN table. Functional Area Campaign


MVG Set Primary Mode

June 10, 2002

Page F-22
The statement that this user property is unsupported is incorrect. Replace the text in the section with the following:
Parent Object Type Description Business Component Setting this user property to All allows the Primary team member to be altered by someone other than the Manager or Siebel Administrator. The default behavior is Manager. Only Siebel Administrators (in Admin mode) and Managers (in Manager view mode) have the ability to change the Primary team member on opportunities, accounts, and contacts. Usage Used in Siebel 6.x. For Siebel 7.0, use MVG Set Primary Restricted: visibility_mvlink_name.


MVG Set Primary Restricted: visibility_mvlink_name

June 10, 2002

Page F-22
Add the following new section:
Parent Object Type Description Business Component Setting this user property to FALSE allows the Primary team member to be altered by someone other than the Manager or Siebel Administrator. If this user property is not set, only Siebel Administrators (in Admin mode) and Managers (in Manager view mode) have the ability to change the Primary team member on opportunities, accounts and contacts. Usage MVG Set Primary Restricted: visibility_mvlink_name, where visibility_mvlink_name is the value of the Visibility MVLink property of the BusComp View Mode child object of the business component for which you want to allow or restrict setting the primary. For example, you want to allow sales representatives to set the primary sales team members for contacts:

1 Create a user property for the Contact Business component

called MVG Set Primary Restricted: Position. Position is the value of Visibility MVLink for the Sales Rep view mode for Contact.

2 Set the value of MVG Set Primary Restricted: Position to FALSE.


Parent Object Type Description Field Allows you to make the parent field a required field under certain conditions. You specifiy the condition by defining a caluclated expression for the value of the user property. See the Product field of the Quote Item business component for an exapample..

Set Primary Mode

June 10, 2002

Page F-30
Delete this section. This user property is not supported.

Appendix G, Configuration Guidelines

June 10, 2002

Specialized Business Component Classes

Page G-9
Add the following paragraph before the last note on page G-9: Use caution when customizing pick list field values. Many specialized business component classes rely on specific pick list values to function correctly.

Applet Classes
Page G-14
Add the following paragraph before the last paragraph on page G-14: Use caution when customizing picklist field values. Many specialized business component classes rely on specific picklist values to function correctly.



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