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William Shakespeare “king Lear” (1606), a tragedy play received many tributes.

William Shakespeare
explores a variety of complex characters, some conceptual and some deceitful, some driven by their
selfishness and some by their honesty. The deceitfulness in the past has no edge, the inheritance will
would be divided based on who can be the most deceitful person between the daughters towards the
foolish, arrogant, cruel father. This blind folded trust was demonstrated by the character king Lear who is
blindly trusting all his daughters who two of them wants his power only.
King Lear showed his foolishness at the beginning of act 1, which is combined with the theme of insight
vs blindness, and it shows the use of repetition. King Lear shows his foolishness during act 1 scene 1
because he banished his daughter which is a very foolish reason to banish his own daughter that couldn’t
explain in words how much she loves him, and this was clarified in “as thou my sometime
daughter”(Shakespeare, act 1, scene1 , line119) which shows how Shakespeare is telling his daughter
that she is banished for being honest with him, also Shakespeare uses repetition in the word “ nothing” to
show that Cordelia cant put her emotions in words so she expressed it as nothing. Shakespeare uses this
repetition to make audience who are less attracted to the play listen carefully because the audience that
are less likely to be swayed by weak argument just, they are being repeated. This shows the reader how
king Lear is such a fool for making such a decision because of his high ego
King Lear also presents his arrogance at the beginning of act 1, which shows the use of foreshadowing.
King Lear represents his arrogance during act 1 scene 1 because when he banished his daughter because
she said the truth towards him he did not understand it and that was shown in his use of foreshadowing in
“ better thou hadst not been born than not thave please me better” (Shakespeare, act 1, scene 1 , lines
233 , 234 ) which shows the death of Cordelia in the last act which effect the audience because
foreshadowing can captivate the audience and pique their curiosity, and if it was done right it would leave
the reader shocked and surmised that he didn’t see it coming. This claims to the reader that king Lear is a
character who is egotistical because of his bad decision that he made.
Shakespeare also demonstrate king Lear as someone that is cruel in act 1, he uses metaphor to show his
cruelty. King Lear demonstrated his cruelty towards Cordelia because he was so harsh on her because
when Cordelia answered nothing to him, he told her that she was banished which was included with
metaphor in “ And as a stranger to my heart and me hold thee from this forever”(Shakespeare, act 1,
scene 1, lines 114,115) which shows how king Lear would treat Cordelia as a complete stranger forever
because she couldn’t satisfy him with an answer. The use of this metaphor can make the reader create
connect and empathy for the character and it delivers the deeper level of understanding any literal
description. This concludes that king Lear is also a king that’s cruel because of his decision towards
Cordelia because she couldn’t speak good about him
in conclusion, Shakespeare is demonstrating king Lear as a character that is fool and arrogant and cruel.
Which connects to king James at his time because he had the same traits as for king Lear because it was
given that he did banish one of his daughters which has formed a relationship between king James and
king Lear. The character king Lear was much of a foolish and cruel king because of the banishment of his
daughter Cordelia and also shows his arrogancy because of how he asks other people to talk about him.

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