Template Narrative Report ACHI

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The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte

Main Campus, Dapitan City

A Narrative Report during the Limited face-to-face
Practicum Program in Astoria Culinary &
Hospitality Institute (ACHI)

Presented to the
Faculty of Hospitality Management
College of Business Administration
The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the requirements for the Degree




I would like to express my profound gratitude to the following persons for

their unwavering support and significant contributions to the completion of my work immersion.
To the Almighty God, for providing me with the strength, courage, wisdom, and good
mental and physical health, as well as blessing and guiding me through my OJT.

To my family, especially to my parents, Mr. Leonido Jr. S. Bicoy and Mrs. Anita B. Bicoy,
who have inspired, encouraged, and provided moral and financial assistance during my OJT.
To my instructors and advisers, who have led and aided me in the completion of my work
immersion at Boracay and who have always been available to me when I needed help.

Finally, I want to offer my sincere gratitude to everyone who was

not named, but who provided inspiration and strength; without them, my work would have been
not have been conceivable.


I highly dedicate this piece of work to my parents, Mr. Leonido Jr. S. Bicoy and Mrs. Anita
B. Bicoy. Thank you for all the support you’ve given me, especially with my studies.

To the people who believed that I could do it and to my friends who support me morally.
With the help of this narrative, it will prove that I myself am in the middle of the road to the
destination called success.

To my adviser, Mr. John Jacob Solon, and the people I met during my immersion, thank you
for believing in me, encouraging me, and strengthening me, which makes me a productive student.

Especially to our Almighty God, who gave me enough strength and safety while having my OJT at
Boracay; without you, I couldn't achieve this achievement. Thank you. 


I. Title page
II. Acknowledgement
III. Dedication
IV. 3.1) Daily Narrative for Day 1

3.2) Daily Narrative for Day 2

3.3) Daily Narrative for Day 3

3.4) Daily Narrative for Day 4

3.5) Daily Narrative for Day 5

3.6) Daily Narrative for Day 6

3.7) Daily Narrative for Day 7

3.8) Daily Narrative for Day 8

3.9) Daily Narrative for Day 9

3.10) Daily Narrative for Day 10

3.10) Daily Narrative for Day 11

3.10) Daily Narrative for Day 12

3.10) Daily Narrative for Day 13

3.10) Daily Narrative for Day 14

V. General Impression of the Limited face-to-face Practicum Program of Astoria Culinary &
Hospitality Institute (ACHI).

VI. Certificate of Completion of the 600 hours under Astoria Culinary & Hospitality
Institute- ACHI limited face-to-face Practicum Program (Photocopy if already available)

VII. Individual evaluation form filled out by the heads of the assigned department

VIII. Appendix

IX. Curriculum Vitae

IV. 3.1) Daily Narrative for Day 1

Our teacher offered us free time to buy the supplies we would need after we were deployed to the
Astoria Boracay Hotel, which is located in station 1, after we had introduced ourselves and met our
roommate from another school on our first day in Boracay in the Astoria Staff House. Furthermore,
we were given some free time to explore the island and get acquainted with different areas.

3.2) Daily Narrative Report 2

The next morning we just had our breakfast. I was very hesitant to eat my food because I don't like
what they prepare for us because I am a picky person in terms of food. After that, I am getting ready
to dress up because we will be having our orientation today in Astoria Boracay, and after that
orientation, Ma'am Carol will tour us in the hotel where we will be deployed soon.

3.3) Daily Narrative Report 3

Our instructor granted us a day of rest so that we could prepare ourselves for the upcoming
deployment. This will involve staying in a hotel, and we were advised to purchase essential items for
the deployment in advance. Therefore, the facilitator gave us the day off to prepare ourselves and
buy the necessary things for the deployment.

3.4) Daily Narrative Report 4

On the first day of our deployment, Sir Ryan conducted an orientation for us on the second floor of
the White Cafe, which is still located in Astoria Boracay. He taught us how to handle tasks like
serving, bussing tables, refilling water or juice, and setting up utensils for the tables. Our co-trainee
also gave us advice on how to handle things carefully.

3.5) Daily Narrative Report 5

The first task we had to complete after being assigned to a specific department was today. Sir Paulo,
our trainer, assigned me to the beverages department. Sir Paulo, also known as Sir Pao, was an
excellent mentor for me in the beverages area because he showed me how to make various alcoholic
beverages, and I was grateful for that because he thought highly of my performance in doing it. I
also met my co-trainee in the bar department, who later became my friend.

3.6) Daily Narrative Report 6

Due to the large number of visitors that checked in, the fact that I was still assigned to the bar
department, and Sir Paulo's instruction that we should work double time due to the large number of
guests, my second training day was quite exhausting. It was an amazing experience to be involved in
such a busy location with so many people, and my fellow trainees were doing their different jobs.

3.7) Daily Narrative Report 7

As usual, I was given the bar department assignment, and I think it's a lot of fun there because Sir
Paulo always tells us jokes about himself and his experiences working in the bar department, which
teaches us as trainees a lesson about how he got his start in the business. This is a really important
lesson for us to remember if we decide to pursue a career in this field in the future.

3.8) Daily Narrative Report 8

Although I was still assigned to the bar department, it felt like a month had already passed. Today is
actually my last day of training in the bar area, so Sir Paulo chose some trainees to take our position.
We can then teach them what we do in the bar department. It was a lot of fun because all of our
coworkers wished us luck in our upcoming department assignment when the White Cafe staff
allowed us to take pictures for our documentation after our shift. My shift started at 2 p.m. and
ended at 10 p.m., and since our supervisor changed our schedule so that I would work the morning
shift from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., I went straight to bed when I got home to rest up for my shift the
following day.

3.9) Daily Narrative Report 9

My alarm woke me up, and I immediately got ready for work. When I first get to work, I'm still
sleepy from not getting enough sleep, so I eat breakfast with my fellow trainee before our supervisor
assigns me to be a buffet man in the dining area. To be honest, I didn't really like my role there
because all I did was stand around the block, so I made the decision to work in the kitchen, where I
cleaned all the utensils that had just finished being washed until it was time for me to go home. That
day, I didn't learn anything.

3.10) Daily Narrative Report 10

Since today was actually my day off, I took full advantage of it by sleeping all day. I'm getting some
rest in preparation for my next task tomorrow. I need to rest and rejuvenate.

3.11) Daily Narrative Report 11

My first day working in the housekeeping department was today, and I was very happy about it
because I felt like I belonged there. Sir Rico gave us an orientation and introduced us to the
housekeeping facilitators before assigning me to Ma'am Revi, a room attendant who works
alongside one of my fellow trainees. Ma'am Revi gave me a thorough cleaning lesson on my first
day, and she also showed me how to set up the beds. It was a lot of fun because some of the guests
had left us some tips.

3.12) Daily Narrative Report 12

My mentor, Sir Adrian, and I were assigned to the public area on my second day in housekeeping.
To be completely honest, I didn't enjoy this assignment because all we did was swipe the hotel's
public areas while it was extremely hot outside. On this day, Sir Rico conducted another orientation
to rotate all trainees into their respective jobs.

3.13) Daily Narrative Report 13

It's another day at housekeeping, and as usual, Sir Rico rotated us with another orientation; this time,
I was paired with Ma'am Regine. In addition, today is our scheduled day for swabbing because one
of our fellow co-trainees has tested positive. After our work with Ma'am Regine, the clinic called us
for a swab, and while we waited for the results, the supervisor let us leave early because one of our
fellow classmates tested positive for COVID. When my classmates learned that one of our
classmates tested positive, their reactions were priceless.

3.14) Daily Narrative Report 14

As a result of what happened to one of our classmates, we received word from our supervisor that
we would no longer be receiving training. We were somewhat disappointed by the institution for
including me in this training program despite the fact that it was also our final day and we would be
leaving for home the following day. We therefore decided to take the day off and enjoy ourselves.
V. General Impression of the limited face-to-face Practicum Program of Astoria Culinary &
Hospitality Institute (ACHI).

During my orientation and training in Astoria Boracay it helps me widen my knowledge

and skills on how to properly do such things in the Food and Beverages Department as well as
how to entertain some guests. The department also taught us how to improve our proper hygiene
and grooming to ourselves. On my first day of training in the F&B department, a member of the
staff gave us instructions on how to handle situations correctly and carefully. We began the day
by being assigned to serve all of the guests in the white cafe at Astoria Boracay. Fortunately, our
fellow co-trainees, who are well experienced, also taught us the things they learn while they are
on duty. I was given a job working at a bar. Depending on the specific beverage service location
in question, the tasks I was responsible for varied greatly. We need to have everything ready and
prepared for the bar before the cafe opens, a process we refer to as mise-en-place. It is the term
that has historically been used to refer to all required tasks. It was a very memorable experience
for me to learn from Sir Paulo how to make alcoholic cocktails by accurately measuring them. I
was assigned to the second department after my F&B experience, which is housekeeping.

I initially thought housekeeping was a very challenging task, but I actually find it to be
very amazing and enjoyable, especially when you are a room attendant and all you have to do is
clean the room, and occasionally you can get a good tip from the guests. Ma'am Revi was really
helpful in teaching me how to make bedding, and she was also quite kind to me as a trainee. I am
very grateful for her. It's not until you're assigned to a public area that you realize how difficult it
is to clean outside of a hotel, especially when the sun is out and it's quite hot. However, Sir
Adrian was very considerate of us, so I learned something from that experience. The employees
at Astoria, especially Ma'am Regine, taught us trainees a lot, and they all really gave us lessons
we won't soon forget. My experience working as a trainee there was quite memorable, and I've
never regretted it and I learned the importance of punctuality during my training at the Astoria
Hotel in Boracay.

VI. Certificate of Completion of the 600 hours under Astoria Culinary & Hospitality
Institute- ACHI limited face-to-face Practicum Program

VII. Individual evaluation form filled out by the heads of the assigned department

VIII. Appendix


Aliguay, Dapitan City, Zamboanga Del
Norte Contact #: 09552781275
Email address: bicoykiv75@gmail.com


Gender : Male
Age : 23 years old
Date of birth : October 13, 1999
Place of Birth : Aliguay, Dapitan City
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Height : 5’5
Weight : 57 kg.
Religion : Roman Catholic
Dialects : Cebuano, Filipino, English
Mother’s Name : Anita B. Bicoy
Father’s Name : Leonido S. Bicoy, Jr.


• College: Jose Rizal Memorial State University – Gov. Sta. Cruz. Guarding Adasa
St. Dapitan City (2018 – Present)
Gov. Sta. Cruz, Guading Adasa St., Dapitan City, Zamboanga Del Norte

• Senior High School: Galas National High School (2016-

2018) Dipolog City, Zamboanga Del Norte

• Junior High School: Galas National High School (2012-

2016) Dipolog City, Zamboanga Del Norte

• Elementary: Aliguay Elemetary School (2006-

2012) Aliguay, Dapitan City, Zamboanga Del Norte


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