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Name: Rechie Ann Bebedor Section: BSEd Math 1

Subject: GE 3 Date of Submission: Sept. 28, 2020

Assessment 2
Algebraic and Geometric Patterns

Find the Pattern.

Direction: Look at each number sequence below. Use the numbers given to find the next numbers in the
sequences. (Separate the two numbers with a comma).

1.) 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28.

2.) 47, 43, 40, 38, 37, 33, 30, 28.

3.) 9, 27, 81, 243, 729. ‘/

4.) 30, 15, 7.5, 3.75, 1.85.

5.) 12, 36, 72, 216, 432, 1296.

Name: Rechie Ann Bebedor Section: BSEd Math 1
Subject: GE 3 Date of Submission: Sept. 28, 2020

Assessment 3
Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio


1. If F1 = 1, F2 = 1, F3 = 2, F4 = 3, F5 = 5 and so on, evaluate the following Fibonacci numbers:

a. F15 = 618

b. F20 = 6854

c. F5 + F7 + F10 = 17944

d. F25 – (F8 + F13) = 3

e. (F16 – F11) + F9 = 382

2. Given F30 = 832, 040 and F28 = 317, 811, what is F29? Show your solution in the box.

F30= 832, 040 F28 + F29 = F30

F29 = ? F28 + F29 – F28 = F30 – F28

F28 = 317,811 F29 = F30 – F28

F29 = 832, 040 – 317,811

F 29 = 514,229

F (n+ 1)
3. The ratio as n gets larger is said to approach the Golden Ration, which is approximately
F (n)
F (n)
equal to 1.618. What happens to the inverse of this ratio, ? What number does this quantity
F (n+ 1)
approach? How does this compare to the original ratio?

If the ratio will be inversed, the quotient of ratio will be inversed as well; so the number that this quantity
approach will be 0.618 and compared to the inversed ratio is smaller than the number of original ratio.
4. Consider F (3) = 2. What do you notice about every third Fibonacci number, i.e. F (6), F (9), F (12),…?
Similarly, look at F(4) = 3, then check out every fourth Fibonacci number, i.e. F (8), F (12), F (16),…
What seems to be the pattern behind these sequences generated from Fibonacci numbers?
What I noticed in every third Fibonacci number are all multiples of 2; while in every fourth Fibonacci
number, they are all multiples of 3.

The pattern behind these sequences is in every third Fibonacci numbers, the pattern could be, multiplying
the number by 2 which is their multiple and multiply it again by 2 and add the number beside the number.
While in every fourth Fibonacci numbers, the pattern could be multiplying the number by 3 which is their
multiple and multiplied it again by 2 and add the subtraction of the 2 numbers in the left of the Fibonacci

Answer the following questions:

1. Describe in not less than 3 sentences the different approaches to policy making.
(5 points for each correct answer)

The different approaches to policy making are; first the analysis centric analytic approach
focuses on individual problems and their solution. Second, policy process puts its focal point onto
political processes and involved stakeholders. Lastly, is the Meta-policy this approach is a systems and
context approach.

2. In not less than 100 words, write an essay on the importance of group process in
policy making.

For the past few years, a wholesome of troubles, crimes that to extent can be fatal to the citizens
and issues laying in the society. Problems such as this can only be solved through the process of Policy
making, leading people to follow and highly the policies to save the citizens and their respective cities. A
policy can be created if the source of the problem is serious or if it easily caught the governments’
attention; however a policy must be created precisely to avoid chaos. A policy must is established through
different stages from inception to conclusion. It is very essential component to bring prosperity and peace
to the home of our citizens, policies address pertinent issues and put knowledge to the people of what
expected of them. Without policies people lives can turn into a crisis that would turn the world upside
down. There it goes for the good policy making comes with a group decision.

Group decision making provides two advantages over decisions made by individuals: synergy
and sharing of information. Synergy is the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. When a
group makes a decision collectively, its judgment can be keener than that of any of its members. Through
discussion, questioning, and collaboration, group members can identify more complete and robust
solutions and recommendations.

The sharing of information among group members is another advantage of the group decision-
making process. Group decisions take into account a broader scope of information since each group
member may contribute unique information and expertise. Sharing information can increase
understanding, clarify issues, and facilitate movement toward a collective decision.
[‘(Your essay shall be evaluated using these criteria:
Content 10 pts.
Organization of ideas 5pts.
Language facility 5 pts.
Total score 20 pts )

TO DO: Opinion Survey

Policy Making Process, by systems approach, is conditioned by 4 variables: Environment
(Political Demands), Inputs ( from Pressure groups), Outputs or Existing Policies, and Throughputs
( Legislation and Administration).
In your opinion, to what extent does each of the variables/elemets influence public policies, in

Answer the given survey form by checking the box that represents your response
Write a 500 word essay to support your responses.

Variables Judgment of EXTENT

5-Very high 4-moderately Undecided 2-Moderately 1-Very Low
High Low

Before I give my opinion regarding this survey about policy making what is that Policy
Making? According to Dean G. Kilpatrick public policy defines as a system of laws, regulatory
measures, courses of action, and funding priorities concerning a given topic promulgated by a
governmental entity or its representatives. Or in simple definition public policy is a process
about selecting strategies and making choices. For that reason this opinion survey goes to what
extent does political demands, pressure groups, existing policies and legislation and
administration influence public policies in general.

Today, government affects all aspects of our lives. Everyone has a stake in the public
policies enacted by federal, state, and local governments. Many citizens and groups try to
influence public policy through the political process by supporting candidates and political
parties. That's a good way to make a positive impact, but not the best way. Politicians and
political parties come and go. Their positions on issues can change due to circumstances. They
can be voted out of power as easily as they are voted in. The best way to make a lasting impact
on public policy is to change public opinion. When you change the beliefs of the people,
politicians and political parties change with them. Therefore the influence of environment or
political demands in public policy in my opinion is very high.

Interest groups, acting as pressure groups, have become increasingly important as a

means by which individuals can attempt to influence governments regarding their particular
requirements. Although individuals within a representative democracy possess rights, allowing
them to lobby parliamentarians and governments concerning pertinent issues, a collective
approach can often exert more powerful pressure on decision makers, as well as consolidating a
range of similar ideas and opinions into a cohesive format. Pressure groups vary in size and
organizational structure, which may not necessarily represent the amount of influence exerted
upon a government’s policies. Hence in my opinion the influence of pressure groups in public
policy is moderately high.

As there are existing policies I believed that current policies can help to ensure they are
not in conflict with the new policy. For that reason the influence of existing policies in public
policies is moderately low as it helps but not totally.

As said in the first paragraph public policy is a process about selecting strategies and
making choices. Public policy making include some steps –getting of agenda, policy
formulation, policy adoptions, policy implementation. It must be also evaluated to see the
intended results, to revise existing and future public programs and projects. Public policy can be
studied as producing three types of policies (distributive, regulatory and re-distributive) related
with decision making process. Public administration is the set of processes, structures, functions,
methods and procedures. Public administration is the formulation and particularly
implementation of public policy and the examination of the strategies and choices associated
with that process. Public administration also can be defined as public programs and projects,
profession and as academic field of study. There is no clear separation between administration
and politics in the development of government policy and public administration. Administrators
engage in political acts by recommending legislation as much as by making policy decisions in
carrying out the laws. The administrators understanding of managerial issues and policies places
them in a position of substantial expertise, while their knowledge of administrative and legal
procedures helps them by suggesting ways of managing and enforcing the laws. The most
modern forms of governance, administrative innovations allow us to assume that legislative and
implementing contents of institutional activity today acquires new specific features. Executive
bureaucratic structures using expert-consultation services get more and more possibilities to
really influence not only the implementation of policy and the estimation of activities, but also to
directly influence the preparation of public sector directions and strategy. Therefore the influence
of Legislation and Administration in public policy in my opinion is very high.

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