Warhammer - Heroquest Advanced - The Quest For Sonneklinge (White Dwarf 121)

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by Andy Warwick ! The frst thing you should do if you plan to run the Quest for Sonnekiinge is to read the whole thing, so that you can familiarise you dungeons, work out what the Heroes’ responses ate likely (© be, and plan the monsters’ tactics ‘Once you're ready to play, read out the following text. This isthe basic story behind the Quest. The GMs information section gives ‘you some additional details that the Heroes don't know - yet Prince Karadl von Carron was a Hero known throughout the Old World. His victory over the Goblinotd Hordes that attacked the town of Carroburg ts the stuff of legend, The cate bas tripped ‘across the tongues of bards orcenturies,andistold in innsand (public houses all across the Empire. Even bis death atthe bands ‘of the Ogre Ratgot Dwwarfmangler inthe final, climatic moments of the battle, when the fatally wounded Ogre managed to slash ‘Karad's throat wide open, couldn't taint bis memory. His burial ina tomb deep in the Skaag bills was an event of great sorrow {for the people of Carroburg. ‘Since then the bills around the town bave been relatively free (of Goblinoids, Until recently that is Within the iat few months the town hasheen attacked on no less than three occasions. Bach tine the casualties were higher and the damage greater The town ‘council presided over by Kavad's great, great, reat grandson, decided it was time to take action: they called for elp from local ‘adventurers, You were the only ones f0 answer their plea. rico von Carron reveats that he was visited in bis bedcbamber bythe ghost of Prince Karad. Erich explains that bis ancestor's soul is wandering the earth because Sonneklinge, thesword with which Dwarfmangler was slain, bas been taken from Prince Karad's grave He goes om to explain that the Orcs who've been attacking the Town are oe same Orcs who've been involved in minor skirmishes with the town Joresters for years. And now the Ores now have ‘@ new leader; the Ore Warlord who once led them, Gragarb Rogant, bas been replaced by Hogrod Tolllaughterer, «fearsome (Ogre Chieftain from the same foul line that spaumed Ratgot Dwarfmangter rich asks you toenter the abandoned Dwarven town of Kazrad. Kain, which is where the Orcs make their lair, and retrieve the sword. He explains that only by replacing f¢ in the Prince's Tomb tilt bis ancestor'ssoulbelald to ret. Finally, bealso warns you ‘that you must not remove anything from the Tomb, as Prince Karad has set a curse upon the treasure Them he wishes you luck, and bands you a map that shows the ‘entrance to Kaczrad:-Kain, THE QUEST FOR SONNEKLINGE GM'S INFORMATION ‘The sword has indeed been stolen. On the advice of Hemler Rottingfiesh, the Chaos Sorcerer of Nuggle who is ultimately. responsible for Hagrod's sudden rise to a postion of power, the (Ogre semi a band of Orcs to loot Karid’s tomb. Hemler assured, him that ithe possessed the sword he would be ableto casta spell powerful enough (o raze the town of Carroburg to the ground. ‘But Hemler lied: or rather he had to0 much fh in his own abilities Now the sword lies useless in the Ogre's stronghold while the Sorcerer works out what to do with it Meanwhile. Karad's eternal rest hasbeen disturbed. He walks the streets of Carroburg in the middle ofthe night, translucent figare emitting a wailing shriek of anger as he calls or justice and revenge {is up tothe Heroes to retrieve the sword and lay Karad’s soul to rest. Even thea, there is one last surprise in store. Running The Quest The first thing the Heroes must do is enter the Ogre Chieft Stronghold and retsieve Sonnelinge They should explore the first ‘wo levels ofthe Stronghold, searching forthe stairways that lead them down to the Ogres Halls and the room where the sword 4 kept. They don't have to do this all in one go: Erich is quite happy for them to stay in the town between expeditions. Even though the Heroes were the only-ones to answer the council's pilea, there ae still large number of peope the Heroes can hire 4s Henchmen, The Sorcerer of Nurgle in the Ogre Chiefian’s Stronghold is a ‘mimber ofthe Jade College. He has the following spels: The Green Eye, The Pool of Many Places, The Cloak of Dainne and The Emerald Waterfall. He has enough material components to cast cach spell once Ifthe Heroes do not leave the dungeon, when they return the Lars and Quest Rooms are re-stocked with monsters, Only killed character monsters and treasure except that which the monsters carry) are not replaced, Once the Heroes have found the sword they must take it back to Prince Karad’s Tomb. The objective on the fist level ofthe Tomb Is to find the stairs down vo the Prince’s Burial Chamber, Unfortunately, having been dead for $0 long, the Prince and his fetainers cannot tell the difference between theie enemies and the Heroes; the mere presence of the Heroes in the Tomb means the Heroes are attacked by the soldiers that died at Karad's side, and tat share the tomb with him ‘Once the sword is replaced the Heroes probably think the quest | over; this is when you should spring the final surprise on the players, Even with the sword rewmned, the Heroes are still in the ‘tomb and are therefore considered to be enemies. The Heroes must escape a8 quickly a5 possible. before the dead rise again and Kill. them al ‘Traps, Hazards and Magic ‘The Quest for Sonneklinge includes new traps, hazards and the basic spllbook of the College of jade Wizards, The new craps and hazards can either be used on thele own, oF ‘combined with thosein the Advanced Herogtest rulebook so that you ean use them in your own quests ‘The extra spells can be used to create Wizards aligned to the Jade Collegein exactly the same way the Adeanced Heroquest culebook ives details for creating Bright Wizards, The table below lists the ost of the various spells of the Jade College. JADE WIZARDS’ SPELLS COST TABLE ADDITIONAL SPELLS ‘The Jade Cashes 100 Ges “The Emerald Fountain Ls Ges and of Decay 175 66s The Thowand Cuts 2006¢s Mise of Speed 150 Gs ‘The Emerald Waterfall 200 GCs THE OGRE CHIEFTAIN'S STRONGHOLD ‘The halls of Kazrad-Kain, once a thriving Dwarven community are now home to a number of Orc clans held together unde ‘merciless leadership of Hograd Tollsaughteres, sn Ogre Chiefta of considerable fame, Like most Ore living quarters, the halls ae in a serious state of disrepair. the doors are ulLfiting and battered and water seeps through the floor. The floors are covered in a thick layer of dirt and waste anid the ait is damp and stale To an Ore this is paradise: toa Hero itis torture, However, itis a torture they must endure if they are to find Sonneklinge The Ogre Chieftain’s stronghold is on two levels the normal rales for se apply. The third level isa Quest GM rap, c levels. On the Fist ‘up and dungeon creation tion and is showa on the CHARACTERS AVAILABLE ‘The Ogre Chieftan's stronghold contains three characters: Geagath Rogant, an Ore Warchief: Hemler Rottingflesh, a Chaos Sorcerer ‘of Nunple:and Hograd Troistaughterer, the Ogre Chieftain himself, ‘The characters available on each level of the dungeon are listed below. When the Heroes enter a new level take the relevant character, plus any from previous levels that a Rogant, however, cannot be used on the thi ‘evel One | Gragath Rogant, On: Warchlet {evel Two | Heinler Rotigesh, Chaos Sorceres of Nome Level The] Hogrod Trolltauphrer Opre Chieftain FIRST & SECOND LEVEL Stales Down: If these ar rolled up as 3 passage feature, they are replaced by stairs out Quest Rooms: Roll on the Quest Room Table find the contents of each Quest Room. In addition, roll a dice to see if there are any stairs down to the next level in the room; of a score of 1-4 there isa set of stairs down, on a score of 5-12 there isn't Hazards: When the Leader determines that a room contains a pp Hazard, roll a dice; on an even score roll on the Hazard Table S.from the rulebook, on an odd score roll on the Hazard Table included with this Quest, adding +2 10 the dice roll, THE HALLS ‘iaving struggled through the upper levels the Heroes find thar the conditions in the Halls themselves are even ‘worse: the Heroes must wade through thick carpet of md, bones, armour and dirt a they search for the sword the Heroes descend from the second level, they enter the area shown on the GM map: the Ogee Chieftain’s Halls. The F= following special rules apply here. 7 Exploration Turns: You should use the GM map to lay out the (new dungeon sectionsas the Heroes explore. also tells you what monsters are in each room, Dungeon Counters: You may not use any trap, wandering ‘monster ambush or character monster counters in the Halls (however, see Character Models below), ‘Traps: Traps are marked on the map, Each trap is set 10 go off when the Heroes enter the square or squures marked 3s the trap triggerThe roll to see if a Hero spots the trap & made ‘when he enters the trap's square Capt Combat turns: ont tn Has can open doo fa door ls opened, reter to the map to place any newly-revealed sections 8 and monsters Character Models At the start of the Ogre Chieftain’s Halls, tke the Ogee Chieftain character monster counter. This may be played at any time when placing monsters, Ifthe Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgleis stillalive when the Heroes reach ‘the Halls, he may also be played when placing monsters The Orc Warchief, even ifhe is sil alive, may not be played here. THE OGRE CHIEFTAIN'S STRONGHOLD Location A Ifthe trap in the corridor isn't spotted and disarmed the Ores in rooms B.and C will be aware that the Heroes are approaching ‘When they reach point A the Ores will fling open the doors (0 rooms Band C, rush ino the corridor screaming atthe top oftheir wolces, and attack the Heroes, Ifthe trap was disarmed, the Ores ‘won't come out, and will be automatically surprised when the Heroes attack them. , SPINNING BLADE TRAP] _, THE HALLS OF KAZRAD-KAIN @ orc (6© ORC CHAMPION @ ORC SENTRY [Xisecrer Door B= 00k BY Aman FER tone ep sonvexuince i tra TRIGGER Locations B & C ‘These are the Ore guard rooms, and are the fist line of defence in the Ogre Chieftain’s chain of command. Location D Location D contains the firs half of Hogrod’s bodyguard. Their ‘objective is to deiy the Heroes until Hogrox himself can be warned ‘of their presence; they ean do s0 by opening the door to room E,asthe noise of combat issufficiently loud 0 alert their Chieftain Location E “Thisisthe Ogre Chieftain’ Throne Room. Ihe hasn’theen alerted that the Heroes are here, read them the following textas they enter, If the Heroes have met Hogrod, only read the first paragraph White this room, Hike the others strewn with bones and dirt, some attempthas been made to clear the floor of the ‘worst rubbish; this room isobeiously more important than the rest. When you see the great wooden throne pushed up against the opposite wail you know why. sitting tn it there {sa large Ogre, dressed! in thick chainmail and armed with 4 huge sword. This is the Torone Room of the Ogre Chieftain himself Unless he has already been used elsewhere or has ateady been killed, Hogrod should be placed on top of the throne floorplan at the start ofthis battle Location F ‘Thisis the room that contains Sonne! ead them the following ige. When the Heroesenter Directly opposite you, lying flush agatnt the wall, there isa low, stone altar. Lying on its surface there isa long bandied sword made of a srange-looking red metal. In {ts pommel there tsa mky- white gem glowing with a pale light that throws strange shadows around the walls You bave found Sonnoklinge Location G Locations G and H area Chaos Temple dedicated to Nurgle This is where Hemler is usually found: if he is sil alive, he may be played when you place the Ores in these rooms. The monsters here are never surprised, As soon as the Heroes open either door you should read the following text You are immediately struck by the stench of decay and Asease that assails your nostrils, The smell is auful: te 1s lke the stink of a thousand corpses rotting «way ‘The floor ts thick with sime and waste matertal, bubbling Slowly as if i i boiling from within. A pale green mist rolls around the room, easing out of the door Into the passageway. The symbot roughly gouged into the wall opposite reveals, you have stumbled across a temple to Nurgle: the Chaos Power of Decay Location H ‘This isthe temple itself. Read the following as the Heroes open the door The door to this room seems reluctant to-open; only when you put all of your weight bebind it does it respond. As ou ease it hack a thin curtain of slime spreads between {the door anut the frame Looking into the room your eves are tmmediately drawn ‘othe far wall, A buge stone altar covered in mucus and ‘moss, juts out of the wall Lying on the top there is pile Of treasure, the glint of the coins barely visible beneath {he dirt and excrement. You should roll thtee times on the Treasure Chests Table 10 determine the teeasire on the alta. THE OGRE CHIEFTAIN’S STRONGHOLD SONNEKLINGE Sonneklinge isa magic weapon andeanonly be wielded by Human Heroes witha strength of 6 or more, although anyone can carry I Itadds +2 co the wielder's Weapon Skill, +2 to his Strength, causes crticals om a hit roll of 1-12, and causes a fumble on a hie eoll of 1 It can be used against any monsters or characters, with the ‘exception of the Prince Karad, on whom it has no effect LEAVING THE HALLS ‘Once the Heroes retrieve Sonneklinge and get out ofthe dungeon they are rewarded with 1 Fate Point. They must now enter Prince ‘Karad's Tomb and return the sword into Prince Karad's possession, PRINCE KARAD’S TOMB Prince Kara's Tomi has been sealed for many years, Only recently has anyone dared to disturb the eterdal rest of those that lie ‘entombed inside Until now, only the dead have walked the long. ahandoned corridors The air within the Tomb is dey and stale, and the doors are rusted, swith unuse. The whole place exudes an aura of calmness and stillness. The rooms are plain and featureless, and one looks much, like any’ other The whole place is bland in the extren The Tomb is on two levels, On the frst level the normal rules for setting up and dungeon creation apply. The second level isa Quest Locition and is shows on the GMI map. CHARACTERS AVAILABLE Prince Kara's Tomb contains two characters Dolf, Prince Karad's Ilewtenant, and Prince Karad himself However only Dolf may be ‘encountered anywhere inthe tomb, Prince Karadis unable to leave the room that contains his coffin. Dolfis an Undead Champion, and is represented by the Undead Champion character courte that comes with the game: You should take him as soon as the Heroes enter the first level. He may be played anytime you place other monsters a etek one FIRST LEVEL Stairs Down of Stairs Out: If these are olled up as a passage feature, they are replaced by a dead end. Roll a dice; on a score Of 16 there is 2 Wight in the dead end (see the Hazards section for details of Wight). Hazards: When the Leader determines that a room contains 2 Hazard, rll adice, on an even score roll on the Hazard Table from the rulebook, on an dd score rollonthe new Hazard Table Quest Rooms: Roll on the Quest Room Tableto find the contents of each Quest Room. In addition, coll a dice 10 see if there are any staieslown tothe second level fn the room: ona score of 16 there isa sct of stairs down, on a score of 7-12 there isn't THE BURIAL CHAMBER When the Heroes descend from the first level they enter the area depicted on the GM map: Prince Karad’s Bueial Chamber. "The following special rules apply here. Exploration Turns) As soon as the Heroes enter the Burial ‘Chamber, the whole evel should he set out at once. The map tells you where the Prince's retainers star Dungeon Counters: You may not use any trap, wandering monster. ambush, escape or character monster counters in the Burial Chamber Hidden Treasure: The Heroes may scarch for hidden treasure ‘many room. Don't roll on the Hidden Treasure Table when the Heroes search instead you should refer tothe location description which tells you ifthe Heroes find anything. Ifthe Hezoes take Anything, note how much they take and refer to Leaving the Tomb, Combat Turns: During combat turns the Prince's retainers can moxe between the rooms of the Burial Chamber at will, Character Models Unless Dolf, the Prince's lieutenant, has been killed in abiother part ofthe Tomb, when the Heroes reach the Burial Chamber he ‘spplaced in location A. Refer to the relevant room deseription for information on how he is used. Location A As the Heroes descend the stairs and enter the double width passageway leading to this room, read them the following The steps bere are thick with dust, muting your footsteps ‘as you carefully descend into the Prince's Tomb Along the thalls you can se the shields of the Prince's family, and ‘those of the retainers that died by bis side in the battle of Carroburg. You are entering the resting place of a great Hera ‘The vom i large open hallway with atall vaulted ceiling. When. the Heroes enter the room read the following text out loud: As soon as you pass beneath the archway and enter the ‘room itself you are struck hy the stillness of the air At is staleand musty and, save for the recent intrusions, hasn't been disturbed for many years. Even the Ores who stole Sonneklinge must have entered very cautiously, for they ave destroyed nothing and have barely disturbed tbe ‘carpet of dust that covers the floor The walls of the room are bung with battered paintings epteting the Prince's life Even in their present condition, they show that tbe Prince wasa fine figure of a man and fan able fighter. His final battle must have been bard. ought, and bis glory welldeserved. As soon as you have finished describing the scene vo the Heroes, bring their attention to the Skeletons of the Prince's retainers in the adjoining rooms - the Skeletons are moving’ ‘The retainets, 11 Skelewons and Dolf (if he hasn't already been lulled), move from the adjoining rooms and attack the Heroes, “The ten paintings on the walls are worth 75GCs each, for a total value of 750GCs, while the retainers have gold chains worth total Of 500 GCs. However, see Leaving the Tomb if the Heroes take any of this treasure Location B ‘hhisis Price Kara’ final resting place. Is crammed with articles, ‘of wealth, indicating how important he was whien he was alive Read the following texttothe players when they reach this room: As you enter the Prince's burial chamber you can only Stare in wonder at the treasures that surround you, carefully placed on thick pads of velvet or hungfrom gold chains that are strung across the walls. Howovey, the mast striking feature ofthe room is tbe alenive ‘about four foot abate the ld of the Prince's coffin. There tsa deep hole in the wall about six feet square and a foot deep, at the top of wbich there isa gold sbield witD the ‘rest of Prince Karad picked out tn purple gems and filigree work. Below, lined with purple velvet, there are two dprackets- one at eltber end of the alcove. You are certain that this és where the sword came from. ‘To determine the treasure that this room contains you should make § rolls on the Treasure Chests Table in the rulebook. As long as the total worth of the goods here does not exceed the amount PRINCE KARAD'S (PRINCE KARAD’S COFFIN mm ARCHWAY 2) SKELETON PRINCE KARAD'S TOMB rolled, they can be anything you lke. You might, for example, replace 100GCs with 4 painting of the same value ‘Of more immediate imcrest to the Heroes however, isthe alcove fn the wall above the coffin: ‘The Hero holding Sonneklinge ean replace the sword in the alcove. Ithe does so the gem atts pommel suddenly lashes with abright ‘white light. If there are any of the Prince's retainers stll active they immediately stopatuicking the Heroes. They stand motionless fora few seconds, and then slowly walk back ro their rooms and. return to eternal rest. Any Skeletons that have been killed remain ‘where they are for the moment Fora few minutes you should letthe Heroes think thatthe Quest is over. Tell them how quiet everything is, and peacful now the dead have returned to their long sleep. You should aim to shock them when you spring the final surprise Just when they are least expecting it, announce that the lid ofthe Prince's coffin is moving, As the Heroes fook at it, the lid eases forward and drops to the Foe with a resounding crash, Slow y- very slowly - Prince Karad ‘himself rises up and climbs out Of his coffin. Unless the Heroes leave the tom immediately, Prince Karad attack ‘them as intruders. Atthis point all ofthe retainers, including those killed, rise again and assist their master. They continue to attack “uni the Heroes break offand leave, The undead will not pursue Alceing Heroes; the Skelewns’ only aim is to get them out of the tomb So that they can rest in peace LEAVING THE TOMB If the Heroes escape with any treasure, be sure to make a careful ote ofthe value of the goods they take, including the value of GC from monsters they meet on the fist level Forevery 1000 GCe of goods they take out youshould rola dice for each Hero: on a score of 1-6 that Hero loses a Fate Point For instance, ifthe Heroes remove 2345GCs worth of goods, you should roll 2 dice for each Hero to see if Prince Karad's curse has any effect If the Heroes replace Sonneklinge and leave the tomb without takingany treasure they should be rewarded with 2 Fate Points each PRINCE i Peps 9ui[3 on] 9 [G[to] 7 |+| 8 ESQBOORCuOOD0EES ss [22 |2|2|2[3]4]5]6]7|8]9) usvce] 13 | 4-12 13-24]2536] 37+] S| ter MAGIC SWORD (+1 WS, +15) FUMBLE |, CRITICAL 2 THE QUEST FOR SONNEKLINGI In the Quest for Sonneblinge, the monsters ae either Gobli fr Undead, depending upon which dungcon you are in. following Monster Matrices to roll wandering monsters for the ‘occupants of Lairs and Quest rooms ‘The exploration rules explain whea you should rol on the various tables. Each Table lists the room occupants or wandering monsters and the gold crowns that the monsters carry. Heroes can take the treasure from any monsters that they've killed. ‘THE OGRE ‘PRINCE KARAD'S (CHURETAIN'S Lat TOM [pr] Occupanes Occupants Treasure 12 | 4 Gouin Frembes 15 Ges $4] LOe «2 Goblins | 3 Zombies & 1 Skeleton 20 Ge $6) ore 2 Gotta e | 4 Zombies & 2 Goblin Archer. 1 Sketewo, 2s0c8 1.0% Champion 1 Skeleton, 39.608 9 | 20ns & 6 Zombies & 1 Ore Champion 1 Skeiewon 35.004, 1 Oe, 1 Ore Champion | 6 Zombies 4 2Gobling foccs 1 Ore 2Gobun. | Zombies 2Goblinarchen & | 1 Skelewa 1 Ore Champion 50 0c 12] 10m, 2Goblin & | 8 Zombies 2 Ore Champions on Ges ORC ee SENTRY [6|6/5|7|7|7|5 [4/2 Pats fe [3 fe] 6) [8 [> e)ul a] se = lalalelslelv|elatololiolol a une] 1-3 | 4-12 13-06)25,36] 374] 003, ] Be ‘SHIELD , SWORD (FUMBLE 1, CRITICAL 12.) eG i2]i3.24)25.36) 3 Pen |FEARSOME MONSTER INVULNERABLE (FUMBLE, CRITICAL 12) MONSTER pEATHICES “THE OGRE (CHIEFTAIN'S LAIR TOMB i>] Occupants (cupants Peamre 1 | S0nea 2G0tIns | Zombies 356c8 2 | 20m 4 Zombies & 1 Ore Champion 1 Skeleton 40.ccs 3 | soma 7 ombles 1 Ore Champion 4506s 4 | 4 Ons 5 Zombiee 8 1 Ore Champion 1 Skeleton 50 ccs 5] ons & F Ore Sentry | 6 Zombies & secs 6 | 20m, 1 Or Seniey & | 1 Skeleton 1 Ore Champion 0 Ges 4 | 20% champions. — | 4 zombies 1 Ore Senay 2 Skcletone 65 ccs 8 | scr Champions | 4 Skeletons 70 GCs 9p 8 ons 1 Zombies 75 GCs. 10 | Gomes 8 Zombies & 1 Ore Champion 1 Skeleton 0 6¢8 W] 4One Zombies & 20re Champions | 2Sheletas 30 ccs 12 | 4 Ores, 1 Ore Senery & | @ Zombies & Tore Chaeinion 5 Skeletons 100-6 THE OGRE PRINCE KARAD'S CHIEFTAINS Lam TOMB [012] Occupante Occupants Trane 1 | wows 2 Zombies 95 Gs 2 | Bors 8 10 Zombies & Or Champion 1 skeleton 109.603 5 | Gone 8 BZombior & 208 Champions | 2'Skaletons WoGe 4 | Sons to sentry & | 14 zombies iin 2 Or Champions us 6cs 5°] 4.0re, 1 Ore Sears & | Yo\zombiesie Bore Champions | 2Skelewne 120.66 6 | 2 Ore, 1 Or Senury & | 8 Zombies & 40m Champions | 3 Skelewns 120 Ges 7 [toons « zombies & Ore Sentry A Steleons 15 Ges @ | 10 Ores, 1 Ore Sentry &] 2 Zombies & Hore Champion 7 Stetetons 130 Ges 9 | 12 Ore 4 Zones & Vor Senne Stele as Ges 10] Lr Warlord. 4 Ons | 6 Zombies & & 20% Champions | 5 Skeleions Mo‘ces 11] 1 Ore Warlord, 2 Once) |B Zombies & @ 3 Skeletons 150.6 2 9 Skclenons 160 Ges SORCERER . LS eae Nae al Riera ceeccsrae oiofiol 3 Po 2 13-24]253 EO Dunn |SWORD (FUMBLE |, CRITICAL 12 ) ined iat Ee tee ow ie share a whe TRAPS ‘The following traps may be used in any dungeon you wish, They can be used 2s either preset traps in a Quest Location, or when the GM plays a trap counter. If you need to determine a random trap which includes those from both the standard Thaps Table and the Traps Table below, roll a dice, on an even result roll on the Traps Table from the rulebook, on an odd result roll on the Thaps Table below ‘TRAPS TABLE Room or Spot | Disarm Passage | Chest | Trap chance — | Chance “4 tron Balt 7 it 6 16 | Spinning wlade | 8 8 912 Spiked log ° 6 Flooding Room | 7 6 IRON BALL “This tap is set off by a switch set into the Noor of the corridor nce tripped, a hole appears in the roof at the opposite end of the passage and a huge iron balldrops out. Itthen comes hurtling, along the corridor towards the Heroes, Each Hero in the corridor should roll a dice. 1 the result is less than is Speed the Hero manages to avoid the sphere asit rambles towards him. Ifthe result is greater than his Speed the ball has ‘caught him, the difference between the Hero's Speed and the dice roll indicates how may Wounds he has sustained. For instance, the dice rol is 9and the Hero's Speed is 7, so he takes 2 Wounds ‘Once the ball has rolled to the end of the corridor, it falls down, another trapdoor set in the wall, SPINNING BLADE ‘A spinning blade pops out of a slot in the wall (oom or passage trap) ot chest (chest trap) and tears into the Hero. Roll 6 damage dice for injury If ue Hero suffers 3 or more Wounds, a limb has ‘been severed: roll on the following table Diz _| time ett Aer Right arm tet Leg ight tee Heroes who lose an arm suffer an immediate loss of half theie ‘Weapon Skill, They may not use any kind of bow, nor any two handed weapon, Wizards may not cast any spell which requires 2 or more material components Heroes who lose leg halve thelr Speed (round up), may only move 8 squares in exploration turns, may not use a shield, and may not use two-handed weapons. These injuries may only be healed between expeditions. SPIKED LOG A spiked log swings down into the corridor from a hole in the ‘roof where ¢ was concealed. The GM picks an area 2 squares wide by 5 squares long: any models in this area are possible targets ‘Starting from one end of the area, the GM rolls a dice for exch in sequence (le ifyou start from the left, oll for the models from left to right). Ifewo models are standing next to each other rollfor both at once. Unless the model can rol less than its Speed, the log hits causing 7 damage dice of injury: Ifthe model manages to duck, the next model in the sequence must successfully roll les than its Speed of is it. I/F ducks, the next model must oll, and so on, Once the end of the area is reached the process is repeated, but starting from the opposite end of the area FLOODING ROOM As the Hero opens the chest he feels 2 slight resistance, only 10 notice that he has pulled a cord attached to the lid. Almost immediately the doors to the room slam shut and water begins {0 pour out of a series of grils just below the roof. “The whole room is watertight, and fills with water in three turns, Heroes inside the room when the door slams have two choices: Magic: The Wizard can escape from the room by creating a new

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