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Fan Created Scenario.

Descent: Journeys in the Dark is copyright 2005-2006 Fantasy Flight Publishing. All images are used with permission.
Quest 10: Extermination
By Derrek McNab

Scenario Background

You travel down a staircase was used to enter lower regions

of higher class corpses, however its narrowness was too
difficult to carry the bodies of nobles and were simply thrown
down the staircase ages ago. Grey Ker and Silhoutte interject
each other while they speak to you. "You have trained well,
but I am afraid we must use you to train you more. Since
none of you have anything to live for down here, I sense you
will not object. We face a long path ahead, but we can reach
our destination if we work together, much like the races of
the great war who lost working together, only we shall we
victorious this time."

"Halt!" shouts Mad Carthos. "Razorwings. Lots of them.

They must be creating nests down here so they no longer
have to spawn from the service and fly down to us. We must
take out the nests before its too late." The others agree and
you set out on your journey to rid the nests of the razorwings.

Mission Goals

The heroes must burn each Razorwing nest. Simply move

onto each nest and your hero will lay his or her torch on it,
setting it ablaze. Once the fourth and final Razorwing nest
has been destroyed, the quest is completed. The heroes start
with 5 conquest tokens. Should the heroes run out of
conquest tokens, the razorwings will begin mass breeding in
their nests and eventually overrun the catacombs.

Important: While the Overlord card "Gust of Wind" is in effect,

heroes cannot ignite a Razorwing nest as the heroes' torches are
blown out.
If a hero is standing on an encounter marker at any time
during their turn and the Gust of Wind event is not in play:

You approach the nest made of tattered human clothing,

laying your torch down and setting it ablaze, eggs and all.

Replace the encounter marker with a burn token. This burn token has
no effect or danger on this quest and may be occupied by any figure.
The token only represents that the nest has been destroyed.
Any Nest Area

As you enter you spot the dancing of small creatures on the

ground. Infant razorwings. They are born forced to learn
flying on their own, causing them to have irregular flight
patterns, and have an immediate instinct of leaving the nest to
find meat to consume. The nest is near and must be

Fan Created Scenario.

Descent: Journeys in the Dark is copyright 2005-2006 Fantasy Flight Publishing. All images are used with permission.
Fan Created Scenario.
Descent: Journeys in the Dark is copyright 2005-2006 Fantasy Flight Publishing. All images are used with permission.
Quest 11: Pursuit
By Derrek McNab

Scenario Background

Burning down razorwing nests had prevented the

underground spawn of monsters flooding the catacombs,
however the crisis is not over yet, as you spy a Master
Razorwing off in the distance. The source of the nests. The
master razorwing must be defeated in order to prevent further
nesting of these horrible beings.

Mission Goals

The heroes must defeat the master razworing. The heroes

start with 5 conquest tokens.

Important: The master razorwing can open or close any door

(including rune locked) even to unrevealed areas. If the master
razorwing opens a door to an unrevealed area, reveal that area
immediately. Only one unrevealed area can be revealed in this
way per turn.
Start Area

You observe the room to discover razorwings blocking your

view of what appears to be a huge nest being built by a large
razorwing. You believe to have found the source of the
problem: the Overlord controlling a razorwing to ensure the
spawn takes effect as quickly as possible.

When the heroes step on the encounter marker

You break apart the thick nest to discover a glyph of


Replace the encounter marker with an activated glyph. The heroes

receive 3 conquest tokens.
(this is done to prevent runewitch from activating the glyph and heroes
killing the razorwing on their first turn)

Fan Created Scenario.

Descent: Journeys in the Dark is copyright 2005-2006 Fantasy Flight Publishing. All images are used with permission.
Fan Created Scenario.
Descent: Journeys in the Dark is copyright 2005-2006 Fantasy Flight Publishing. All images are used with permission.
Quest 12: Hound
By Derrek McNab

Scenario Background

Mission Goals

The heroes must defeat 4 hellhounds and put an end to their

fiery terror. When the heroes defeat the 4th hellhound, the
heroes are victorious. A hero that is defeated in this quest
will respawn as normal, except that the Overlord can
immediately move the hero from town to any unoccupied
space on the map in a revealed area, so be careful about
needless deaths.

Important: a hellhound kill counts as either a regular, or master

hellhound. This is if the hellhound spawn event manages to be
played in this quest.

Fan Created Scenario.

Descent: Journeys in the Dark is copyright 2005-2006 Fantasy Flight Publishing. All images are used with permission.
Fan Created Scenario.
Descent: Journeys in the Dark is copyright 2005-2006 Fantasy Flight Publishing. All images are used with permission.
Quest 13: The Hunt
By Derrek McNab

Scenario Background

Mission Goals

The heroes must defeat the master hellhound. The heroes

start with 5 conquest tokens.

Area 3

Behind some scattered stone tombs glows a blue rune, with

treasure to help prepare you for what may be a difficult battle
hunting this hell hound.

If a hero moves passed the open door into Area 3:

CRACK! The door slams behind you. "SO PATHETIC"

You hear a loud whisper that rings clear through your ears.
The door becomes locked, you start pounding on the door
hoping you will be saved. You turn around to see another
problem present itself, as a master hellhound leaps out of the
pit, its mouth representing what appears to be a smile.

Close the door, and switch the regular door just closed with the
adjacent red rune door.
Spawn a master hellhound adjacent to the pit.
If the heroes defeat the master hellhound in area 3:

Fan Created Scenario.

Descent: Journeys in the Dark is copyright 2005-2006 Fantasy Flight Publishing. All images are used with permission.

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