Chapter 3 STEM 11 4 Group 1edited

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Our Lady of Lourdes College

Impacts of Lacking of Medical Equipment

in Medical Diagnosis

Alix, Cassandra Drew

Alvarez, Nezzy Anne
Bautista, Abigail Nicole
Calimoso, Xianne Margaux
Carpio, Samantha Claire
Divinagracia, Lianna Rane
Bautista, Leogen
Calibo, Christian
Doldol, Jhonmar
Garcia, Airon Jan
Guiuo, Ruen Arvinuel

STEM 11-4 (Group 1)

Practical Research
Ma’am Zuzette Anne Francisco


This chapter will show the research design that will be used by the researchers

therefore the research locale of the study. It will also study the sampling design, the

respondents, the instruments, and the data-gathering procedure that will be used.

Considering that this is a phenomenological study, a variety of respondent experiences

are intended to be gathered.

This study will engage with phenomenological research to find out the Impacts of

Lacking Medical Equipment in Medical Diagnosis. Descriptive research is the method

that will be used in this study. It defines people, events, situations, etc., which would be

helpful in terms of gathering the data information about the impacts of lacking medical

equipment in medical diagnosis.

Phenomenology is a method of qualitative study aimed at highlighting the

similarities between people who share a common experience. The experiences they

had in their life are what the research study is about. It can assist in acquiring

information and the impacts of lacking medical equipment in medical diagnosis,

especially for doctors and patients.

According to Bhat (2023) Descriptive research is a research method describing

the characteristics of the population or phenomenon studied. This descriptive

methodology focuses more on the “what” of the research subject than the “why” of the
research subject. Descriptive research primarily aims to provide a comprehensive

understanding of a particular population or phenomenon by documenting its

characteristics, behavior, and attitudes, without attempting to manipulate the variables

involved. This type of research is useful in identifying relationships, patterns, and trends

among variables and can be conducted through different methods like surveys,

questionnaires, and case studies. The outcomes of descriptive research can be applied

to generate hypotheses for future research or to inform decision-making.

Data Gathering Procedure

In order to gather the necessary information for this study, the researchers have

chosen to use survey in the form of questionnaire. Firstly, the researchers will design

and distribute a carefully crafted questionnaire to their participants. The questionnaire

will be analyzed to ensure that it contains the most relevant and useful questions for the

study at hand. After analyzing the responses, the researchers will then approach their

respondents online to collect data.

To ensure that the data collection process is organized and efficient, the

researchers have set a specific schedule for administering the questionnaires. These

will be give out to respondents whenever their schedule is open for a more convenient

and efficient way of gathering the necessary data. Overall, the researchers'

methodology and attention to detail will help to ensure that the resulting data is accurate

and meaningful
Moreover, ethical considerations during recruiting are crucial in research studies.

Researchers have an obligation to ensure that their studies do not harm the

participants, and that participants' rights are respected. Ethical considerations may

include obtaining informed consent from the participants, informing them of their right to

withdraw from the study, and ensuring that the data collected is used only for research

purposes. These measures protect the participants' welfare and dignity and promote

responsible research practices.

The Respondents

The participants of this research will be a diverse group of surgeons practicing in

Metro Manila area. In order to gather data and insights on their experiences, the

researchers will select a carefully chosen sample of 10 individuals who meet specific

criteria for participation. To collect data from the chosen respondents, the researchers

will use an unstructured and semi-structured questionnaire designed to elicit responses

to specific research questions. It's worth noting that the researchers have chosen to use

a method of sampling known as Purposive Sampling, which allows them to handpick

participants based on specific characteristics that are relevant to the study.

Sampling Design

This study will utilize purposive sampling as the sampling method, which is

suitable because it allows for the intentional selection of participants with specific

characteristics or experiences. With purposive sampling, the researcher can deliberately

choose participants who have received medical diagnosis in a medical facility that lacks
necessary medical equipment. This is particularly important as it ensures that

participants have first-hand experience with the effects of inadequate medical

equipment on their medical diagnosis and outcomes. Additionally, purposive sampling

ensures that the study can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the research

problem by targeting participants with the most relevant experiences and

characteristics. Overall, purposive sampling is an effective method for this study as it

allows for the selection of participants with direct experience of inadequate medical

equipment, which will help in gaining a better understanding of its impact on patients'

medical diagnosis.

The Instruments

This qualitative research uses semi-structured and unstructured questionnaire to

gather information from the respondents and also to know their different point of views.

These are the following questions in the questionnaire to be answered by the


1. In what ways does the absence of medical equipment impact the quality of
patient care and treatment outcomes in your clinical practice?
2. In what ways does the shortage of medical equipment impact the morale and job
satisfaction of healthcare providers in your clinical practice?
3. What are the other impacts of lacking medical equipment in medical diagnosis?
4. In your opinion, what is the most crucial medical equipment that is needed for
medical diagnosis?
5. What measures have you taken to reduce the adverse effects of insufficient
medical equipment on medical diagnosis and treatment in your clinical practice?
6. In your opinion, what steps can hospitals and healthcare organizations take to
prevent future shortages of medical equipment and ensure that medical workers
have access to the tools they need to provide quality care?
7. Is there medical equipment that is lacking in the medical field for the purposes of
medical diagnosis during COVID-19 that you believe is absolutely essential? If
so, what is it and why?
8. What are the potential long-term impacts of inadequate medical equipment on
the overall healthcare system? Will all patients be affected by these effects in the
long term? Additionally, how can policymakers address this issue?
9. Has the medical field discovered new medical equipment needed that can
diagnose terminal illnesses such as cancer?
10. Do you use alternatives when a specific medical equipment is unavailable in your
medical facility when it comes to medical diagnosis? If so, what?

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