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Game of the Generals (Pharmacology Edition)


● The players must strategically place their pieces on the first three rows from them.
Arrange the pieces as much as they like, as the goal here is to not let the enemy capture
the flag.
● There will be two players, and one arbiter who will check whose piece gets eliminated
when two pieces face off.
● The labels should face the players themselves and towards the enemy.
● The arbiter will ask a question related to pharmacy, and the players must race to answer
first. If one person gets the answer correct, they can move a desired piece. However, if
the player gets it incorrect, the other player gets the chance to answer it properly. If none
of the players get it, the arbiter proceeds with a new question.
● The only moves a player can do is forward, backward, and sideways. No diagonal
moves should be made, and only one square at a time is allowed.
● When two pieces face each other, the arbiter must look which pieces are facing and
decide which one should be removed. Please refer to the function image.
● The gameplay continues with the question and answer portion and the move of pieces.
● The game ends when:
○ When the Flag is eliminated or captured.
○ When a Flag reaches the opposite end of the board.
○ When a player resigns.
○ When both players agree on a drawn position.

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