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Junwoo Koo

Final: Personal Prescription paper


As a result of self-assignment, I had many problems. There are five typical examples.

The first is to smoke. I smoke all three things: vape, smoking cigarette, and a cigarette-type

electronic cigarette. I'll have to rethink how bad it will be for my lung health. The second is sleep.

The sleeping pattern is very unstable. Usually, I fall asleep at 10 a.m. if it's 5 a.m. Because I

usually sleep more than 12 hours, I often wake up at 5 p.m. and 10 p.m. Sleep time should also

be reduced, but it was considered important to fix sleep patterns first. Third, lack of exercise. I

haven't exercised in the last three months except for walking to class. The fourth is to sit in front

of the computer all the time. This seems to cause a lack of exercise. Sitting and looking at

electronic devices for a long time seems to make your eyes unhealthy and strain my neck.

Lastly, I skip a lot of meals. Usually, I eat only one meal a day and eat two meals at most.

Basically, I can't even eat and sleep well at the moment, so those two seem to be important

problems to fix first. From an article where I learned how to balance a healthy exercising and

eating habits which indicates small meals may help for stomach ache as I only have one or two

big meals a day. (Cho & White, 2017)

I don't think there are one or two things I need to improve my health at the moment, and

I was worried about how many problems my health would have while doing self-assessment.

Honestly, I don't think it's possible to quit smoking right away, and I smoke three types of

cigarettes, so I decided to smoke only one thing first. After thinking about it many times, the long

hours of cell phone usage seems to be the biggest problem. When I watch YouTube, I lose track

of time and keep in touch with my friends in Korea. Therefore, I decided to set it to silent and not

watch it before going to bed. I'm looking for a gym around my house to exercise. Computers are

usually used for Netflix, games, and assignments. In the case of Netflix, there is no problem

watching for a while when eating, and the task is an essential element, so the time spent on the
computer cannot be reduced. I usually play games for about 4 hours, but I decided to reduce

the time I play games by half and exercise at that time. My father gave me nutritional

supplements that are good for my eyes, but I should take them steadily from now on and take

care of my eye health. In the case of text neck, it was decided to stretch the neck twice a day.

Finally, it is Eating Habits, which is common to skip breakfast and eat a meal between lunch and

dinner. Recently, I saw an article that says breakfast is very important for brain activity. Although

I can't eat well in the morning, I decided to eat at least a little bit, and I decided to eat dinner

because I ate lunch late. It's very basic, but it's something I don't usually do, so I think it will take

a lot of effort to fix it.

I watched a YouTube video about how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Basically, managing diet, exercise, sleep, alcohol, and cigarettes is said to help prevent many

diseases as well as prevent lifestyle diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and

hyperlipidemia. Multinational researchers, including Harvard University in the U.S., reportedly

published the results of a study in the British Medical Journal that "healthy lifestyles increase

healthy life expectancy." I also saw research articles by researchers related to cigarettes

because I smoke. If you don't smoke, it is said that men and women have increased for seven

years without chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer, and for another 10 years. In

particular, it has been announced that smoking more than 15 cigarettes a day greatly shortens

the health life expectancy. Those who practiced a healthy lifestyle showed a relatively good

prognosis for diseases, half of cancer patients who practiced more than four health habits

survived for another 23 years, and cancer patients who did not practice health habits survived

for another 11 years, more than doubling the difference. These articles made me realize that it is

very important to keep healthy habits.

I set three goals for improving a healthy lifestyle. The first is to eat all three meals a day

and keep your sleep time. I don't usually eat breakfast. However, it is said that there is a big

difference between skipping meals, including breakfast, and not eating. After waking up in the
morning, I study, but if I don't eat carbohydrates in the morning, I read an article that says that it

is difficult to improve concentration and memory because energy sources are not supported by

the brain. Sleeping time is also important, and I usually had a headache because of my sleeping

pattern and excessive sleep. Unstable sleep patterns can cause headaches or stomach aches

because the body cannot adapt, and excessive sleep reduces the secretion of a hormone called

serotonin, which reduces the amount of blood flowing to the brain, resulting in headaches.

Second, exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. In particular, exercise in the morning is said to

be good. Exercise in the morning releases adrenaline well, affecting positive thinking, and

exercising in the sun relieves depression. Finally, I should quit smoking. I watched various

articles and videos while taking the HED 004 class, and the most shocking part was related to

cigarettes. I knew that smoking was bad for health because of lung cancer, but I thought I

should quit smoking somehow when I saw an article that not only lungs but also oral, blood

vessels, and body recovery speed decreased lung cancer. Last thing for improvement of my

current health is to avoid sitting in front of computer for a long hour as this has been causing

tech neck for about a long period of time. I believe there are many issues that it was causing

such as not having to have a steady workout or so. An effective resource I pinched out from the

website is that it is a fallout from spending too much time looking at screens all the time. (Haupt

& Laube, 2021) The article highlights the other effect the tech neck cause opened my eyes as I

realized I was having those symptoms slowly day by day. This helped me learn how to pay more

attention to my sitting posture and other small daily exercises I can invest daily to avoid those

negative symptoms for the near and long future.

In conclusion, I looked up various articles while taking this class, and I looked back on

my lifestyle so far and realized that it was very serious and to pay more attention. Also, I learned

the advantages of a healthy lifestyle that I should invest more. I didn't know how it would help,

but I learned that it would help with life expectancy and mental health. In order to improve my

health habits, I should try to achieve the three goals I mentioned above and maintain them. It is
about being consistent with the goal I set for myself and strictly following them to challenge

myself to make those positive actions to become my greatest habits of my life. I believe once a

habit I finally attain now at a young age will be the greatest choice of my life to very healthy

sustainable lifestyle I will have.


Cho, M., & White, A. (2017, December 15). Nervous Stomach: Symptoms, Feeling, Anxiety,

Treatment, and More. Healthline. Retrieved April 3, 2023, from


Haupt, A., & Laube, J. (2021, August 10). 'Tech Neck': Why It's So Bad for Your Health and How

to Beat It. Everyday Health. Retrieved April 3, 2023, from


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