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OTC 8498

Considerations for Line Pipe Material Reliability

J.F. Kiefner and W.G. Morris, Kiefner &Associates, Inc.

Copyright 1997, Offshore Technology Conference

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1997 Offshore Technology Conference held In
Houston Texas, MMay 1997

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result in cleaner steels with lower carbon contents both of which

facilitate enhanced toughness and weldability. Additional steps
Abstract such as hot-metal pretreatment2 between the blast hmace and the
Line pipe material selection can be a critical element in the steelmaking process, and ladle metallurgy processing after steel-
safety and reliability of any pipeline, but the penalties for making can lead to very clean (low sulfur), fine-grained steels
inadequate quality are usually higher in an offshore environment with optimum strength, toughness, and weldability. However,
than onshore. Problems can be avoided if the focus during these outcomes are not guaranteed because problems can arise
material selection includes consideration of strength, toughness, even with the newer materials which can adversely affect pipe
weldability and quality assurance. This paper addresses the quality. The question for pipe purchasers then becomes: How
factors which affect line pipe quality such as grade, seam type, does one assure without being a metallurgical expert and without
transition temperature, toughness, and chemical content. Also following and understanding every step of the process, that the
discussed are mill inspection; hydrostatic testing; and the quality of a given line pipe order will be satisfactory? The
transportation of line pipe. answer lies in preparing an adequate specification, selecting a
manufacturer in which one can have confidence, and in provid-
Introduction ing proper monitoring to see that the specification is followed.
Line pipe quality should be a major concern for any pipeline
operator. First and foremost, high quality pipe enhances pipeline Developing Specifications
safety and reliability. Second, the overall cost of constructing a Since 1928 almost all line pipe has been made in accordance
pipeline can turn out to be higher through an ill-considered with API Specification 5L. This standard gives minimum
attempt to sacrifice quality as a means of "saving" money. Line requirements, and many if not most purchasers opt for require-
pipe material selection should he focused on strength, toughness, ments which exceed the minimum levels embodied in Specifi-
weldabiIity, and coatability. A line pipe purchaser needs to be cation 5L. Ofien the company-specific specifications rely heavily
aware of the many factors which affect these properties. on Specification 5L and deviate from it only for issues of
particular importance to the purchaser.
Background Most purchasers' specifications contain requirements in the
Thirty years ago almost all line pipe materials were essentially following categories:
carbon-manganese steels made by the open hearth process, ingot Pipe Description
casting, blooming, billeting and hot rolling or hot forming. Very Steel Making Processes
little was done or could have been done to effect enhanced Pipe Manufacturing Processes
toughness and weldability. On the other hand obtaining adequate Chemistry
strength for levels up to and including X52 was not a problem. Tensile Properties
Most current line pipe materials are low-carbon, microalloyed Fracture Toughness
steels usually made by either the basic oxygen process or Hydrostatic Tests
electric-arc steelmaking, continuous casting and sophisticated Dimensions, Weights, lengths
rolling or forming techniques.' These processing steps alone Pipe Ends

Nondestructive Inspection sources. Generally, they will buy fi-om an appropriate facility in
Workmanship, Repair of Defects order to meet a customer's specification. So, if the specification
Additional Quality Assurance requires a steel made to a fine grain practice with low carbon and
Marking low sulfur and specific levels of fracture toughness, they will
Coating obtain the raw material that meets these requirements.
l'lpe Transportation and Loading It is useful for the purchaser to be aware of the possible
Reports, Records processing steps, however. In times past, a typical line pipe steel
Warranties. was made in an open-hearth furnace; cast into ingots; reheated
and shaped into blooms, slabs or billets. Blooms or slabs were
While a purchaser's specification may address each of these subsequently hot rolled into skelp or plates for making seam
lssues it is not necessary, and in fact, it is often counter-produc- welded pipe. Billets were processed, heated and turned into
tive to go into excessive detail in these areas. Presented below seamless pipes. The best quality materials were made from
are some considerations on which to base a specification to "fully-killed" (i.e. fully deoxidized) ingots. Impurities in these
obtain adequate-quality line pipe. ingots tended to rise to the top by gravity and the ingots were
cropped to remove them. While these materials were improved
Pipe Description or Scope. This section of a specification, somewhat by bottom pouring the ingots and by microalloying
which some purchasers call the "scope", usually spells out the additions (vanadium, columbium or titanium) to control grain
type (e.g., seamless, welded, or both) and the sizes and grades size the best materials produced by these processes are definitely
covered. For example one may write a specification for electric inferior to the materials that can be produced today.
resistance welded pipe in sizes ranging form 2% in. OD to 24 in. The making of steel by the basic oxygen process or in an
OD covering Grades X42 through X70. This section usually also electric-arc furnace can result in material with lower carbon and
states that the pipe shall conform to the latest edition or revision lower sulfur contents. Materials with lower carbon contents have
of API Specification 5L except where the purchaser's supplemen- lower ductile-to-brittle transition temperatures and are more
tary requirement exceeds those of Specification 5L. In the latter readily weldable from the average steels of 30 years ago.
ease it may contain a statement to the effect that the purchaser's Reduction in the sulfur content tends to reduce the occurrence of
specification shall govern for those provisions which exceed the elongated non-metallic sulfides. The latter are quite detrimental
corresponding 5L requirements. to ductile toughness and are especially detrimental in skelp
Another item that ought to be part of the scope is some destined to make into electric resistance welded (ERW) line pipe
mention of the type of products to be transported especially if the or in any material that may be exposed to H,S in service.
nature of the product may adversely affect the pipe. For example, Aside from the steelmaking process, a producer may also
if the product is to be corrosive or to contain H,S, the manufac- employ ladle processing to further reduce the sulfur content and
turer should be alerted to the special requirements that these to introduce beneficial alloying elements. In most cases the
factors might impose on the finished pipe material. molten steel in the ladle, shrouded from contact with air, is
Finally, the purchaser may wish to state that a quote based poured into a continuous slab or strand caster. These casters
upon the specification without deviation is required but to invite allow the steel to solidify at the outside surface while remaining
the manufacturer to separately quote any alternatives that might molten internally to a point below the ladle outlet. The internally
reduce the cost without significantly affecting the quality of the molten steel may be stirred magnetically or subjected to "sofi
material. reduction"' to prevent alloy segregation. Spray cooling is
lower the temperature of the slab or strand as it is gradually
Steelmaking Processes. Currently, it is believed that most line curved into a horizontal position. A resulting slab is sent to a hot-
pipe steels are made by either basic oxygen or electric-arc rolling mill; a strand is generally cut into billets for making
rurnace steelmaking. Open-hearth steelmaking, if still available, seamless pipe.
should be avoided because it is not conducive to the production Skelp for seam welded line pipe is rolled in a special manner
of clean, low-carbon steel. Either of the other two processes can referred to as thermomechanical controlled processing (TMCP).
produce line pipe steel of acceptable quality. 'The hot working at a carefully controlled temperature in conjunc-
What happens to molten steel made from a basic-oxygen tion with prior alloy additions results in desirable grain refine-
process vessel or an electric-arc furnace can vary widely ment. Extremely high strength levels such as X80 and higher can
depending on the producer. It is probably not realistic for a be obtained by induced rapid cooling after rolling.
purchaser to expect to have much control over the processing Even if the purchaser has technical specialists who understand
steps prior to skelp or billets reaching the pipe mill. The quality the elements of steel and pipe making, it is appropriate in the
o S the finished pipe must be assured in other ways as described purchaser's is specification to limit statements on the process of
below. One reason is that unlike the steel industry of 30 years manufacture to: the steel for line pipe shall be manufactured
ago, today's pipe mills seldom represent the downstream end of either by the basic oxygen process or in an electric arc furnace.
a slngle integrated company. More typically, pipe mills are It shall be fully killed and made to a fine grain practice.
independently operated even if owned by a major steel producer.
'I'hey may buy their skelp or billets from any of a number of

Pipe Manufacturing Process. Most line pipe is made as ends and edge trimmed and beveled along the long edges. The
seamless, electric-welded, or furnace butt-welded pipe.3Furnace plates are then cold-formed into "cans" roughly 40-feet in length.
butt-welded pipe is so limited in size and grade that it is not a In some cases the cans are formed in stages including edge-
practical method for malang pipe for high pressure pipelines. crimping, U-ing (forming to a U-shape) and 0-ing (pressing the
Therefore, the practical choices evolve to seamless and electric- cans to a round-shape). U-0 pipe is generally cold-formed
welded pipe. The seams of electnc-welded pipe may be electric (expanded) to its final size after being seam welded by mech-
resistance welded (ERW) or submerged-arcwelded (SAW). anical or hydraulic means.' In other cases the cans are formed by
Seamless pipe is made one round at a time from single billets means of pyramid rolls and the pipe is sized after being seam-
by one of several possible multi-step hot-forming ~rocesses.~ As welded by means of rolls in much the same manner as ERW pipe
a result it is generally more expensive, pound for pound, than is sized.8
welded pipe. It is made in sues ranging from 23!-in. diameter The seam-welding of SAW pipe is done in two passes both in
through 24-in. diameter and in grades from Grade A through the flat position, one from the ID side and one fi-om the OD side.
Grade X60. It may be obtainable in higher grades but such Usually the ID pass is made first by means of a three-to-five wire
materials may require special heat treatment. If so the cost will welding head. The pipe is then turned 180 degrees, and the OD
likely be quite high relative to welded pipe. Other seam welding pass is made with a two or three-wire welder. No post-weld heat
processes are recognized by the API Specification 5L, but they treatment is required. Factors which can affect quality are the
are apparently not widely used. filler-metal chemistry and flux chemistry and the manner in
ERW line pipe is made from coiled skelp in a continuous which the first pass is made. Holding the edges in the proper
process where the strip is edge trimmed and cold-formed from its position and preventing relative movement while the first pass
initial flat condition into a round hell.^^^ As the edges of the strip solidifies are essential. For this reason some manufacturers tack
are brought together electric current is passed between them weld the edges of the cans prior to seam welding. Others rely
heating them locally to the point of melting or near melting just solely on mechanical restraint.
as they are forced together by a pair of rollers bearing on the Straight-seam SAW pipe is obtainable is sizes ranging from
unheated portion of the shell. The pressure forces the heated 16-in. OD through 48-in. OD (larger sizes may be available from
edges together, upsetting excess material to the outside and manufacturers in Europe or Japan) and in grades from Grade A
inside. The excess "flash"is trimmed fiom both surfaces. In most through Grade X70. Grade X8O materials may be available
ERW processes the just-completed weld zone is then immedi- through certain manufacturers.
ately subjected to post-weld heat treatment. The weld zone is SAW pipe is also obtainable with a spirally-oriented seam.9In
reheated to a temperature which "normalizes" the microstructure this process, the plates are welded end-to-end so that a continu-
in the area of the bondline minimizing or eliminating possibly ous stnp is fed at the proper prearranged angle to a forming
unfavorable microstructural components created during welding. stand. The spiralling strip is then continuously welded along the
Pipe segments of the desired length are then cut from the incoming edge into a round tube. Both an ID and an OD pass are
continuous tube. In a few ERW mills the finished tube is made. Pipes of the desired length are then cut from the resulting
subjected to "full-body" normalizing where the whole tube is continuous tube.
heated to the normalizing temperature. In either case the pipe is A purchaser is probably better off developing a separate
sized by passing it through rolls. ERW line pipe is obtainable in specification for each type of pipe (i.e., one for seamless, one for
sizes ranging from 23!-in. diameter through 24-in. diameter and ERW, one for straight-seam (SAW) pipe, and one for spiral-seam
in grades ranging from Grade A through Grade X70. A few SAW pipe). This is because the processes and the quality control
manufacturers may offer Grade X8O ERW pipe. measures differ significantly for each type. In any case, in a
In the past ERW line pipe has been sometimes viewed as an specification intended for procurement of ERW pipe the pur-
inferior product. Some 25 to 35 years ago the seam welding was chaser should specify that the pipe shall be made from skelp by
done almost exclusively with low-frequency (60 to 120 cycles) means of a high-frequency welder and that the post-weld heat
current or direct current. The bonding quality in these older treatment shall result in full thickness normalization of the entire
processes was more variable than it is with modem radio- wall, irrespective of the grade of material. For pipe sizes larger
frequency sliding-contact or induction welders. In addition, even than 8%-in. *e purchaser can usually demand that the pipe be
after high-frequency welding became common, the lack of sulfur made from full-width-rolled skelp as opposed to "slit" skelp. The
and sulfide shape control common to open-hearth, ingot-cast latter is sometimes used for small-diameter pipe because it is
steels sometimes resulted in poor ERW weld zone properties. At inefficient to roll strip that is narrower than a certain minimum
present, however, with low-sulfur controlled-rolled skelp andlor width. Some purchasers desire to avoid slit skelp because the
sulfide shape control an ERW manufacturer has the potential to slitting may result in an edge passing through an area of alloy
offer a line pipe product that is as good as or better than the other segregation or a concentration of impurities. With the newer,
choices. cleaner continuous-cast materials this is less of a problem than
The third type of line pipe is that made fiom individual plates it is used to be. However, one can minimize the risk by request-
with a submerged-arc welded seam. Typically, very large ing that slitting be done so as to create an odd number of widths.
diameter, heavy-walled line pipe materials are made by this This avoids slitting in the precise center of the hot-rolled strip
process. The process begins with the plates being squared at the

where the concentrations of undesirable components is likely to were to order a Grade B material, it might be tough to get one
be the highest. where the yield strength was actually between 35,000 and
In ordering ERW line pipe one should also request that the 40,000 psi. The main problem today is to avoid yield strengths
manufacturer make available to the purchaser's representative (or that are so high that the weld metal in the girth welds is over
inspector) an etched macrosection of the weld area for cach matched and so close to the ultimate strength that the material
100 pieces of pipe or one per 8-hour turn which ever gives the will buckle or wrinkle before it bends. This problem is usually
higher number of sections. handled by specifying that while the transverse tensile yield
In all cases regardless of the type of pipe, the purchaser should strengths of all heats or lots shall meet the API 5L minimum
insist on a document to accompany the manufacturer's quote level required for the grade, they shall not be more than
which gives the details of the pipe manufacturing process, 20,000 psi above the minimum.
(Manufacturing Procedure Specification). In this manner the
purchaser will obtain a clear understanding of how the pipe will Transition Temperature. One of the most important consid-
hc made and inspected and how quality will be monitored before erations for line pipe is its transition temperature. To avoid
placing an order. The purchaser should also request the pipe brittle fracture propagation which can be a problem for any
manufacturer's material specification by which the skelp or pneumatically pressurized system, the purchaser can require
billets are to be obtained. Included should bc an "aim" chemistry the manufacturer to meet the requirements of Supplemental
which indicates generally what chemical contents can bc Requirements (SRSA) of the API 5L Specification. It should
anticipated. be noted that SRSA is not binding for a manufacturer unless
Finally, if the pipe is to be coated with fusion-bonded epoxy, the purchase order makes it so. The standard test temperaturc
thc purchaser should require that the surface condition be is +32"F (0°C). The intent is to have most of the tested speci-
suitable for coating. The main problem to be avoided is surface mens (Charpy V-notch impact specimens) to exhibit ductile
slivers which, when raised by grit blasting and heating, cause behavior at that temperaturc. If the materials are to be exposed
severe coating defect problems. The manufacturer should be to lower temperatures than +32"F (O0C), the purchaser should
made responsible for either preventing or remedying any such require SRSA to be met at the lowest expected ambient tem-
condition to the extent that it significantly degrades the surface perature of exposure. Note that the results should be based
upon transversely oriented specimens. The results from longi-
Chemistry. While one does not want to rely on the chemistry tudinally oriented specimens do not accurately represent the
limits of tne API Specification 5L, it is probably not realistic behavior of primary concern.
to expect to obtain a very specific set of limits. Instead, it is An alternative to SRSA is Supplemental Requirement SK6.
useful to set a few upper bounds and to request information This requirement is based on the use of Drop-Weight Tear Test
which will help in assessing the quality of the material. Of Specimens. These are full-thickness specimens made from
greatest concern are carbon and sulfur. With modem steel- transversely oriented flattened samples. They provide a direct,
making as described previously herein, carbon levels below accurate prediction of full-scale fracture behavior of the pipe,
0.10% (by weight) and sulfur levels below 0.0 1% are rela- whereas Charpy V-notch results must be obtained from fixed-
tlvely easy to obtain. So a purchaser will probably not turn size specimens and must be converted by empirical correlations
away potential manufacturers by setting these as upper to equivalent !ill scale results." Therefore, they are preferred
bounds. Similarly, upper bounds can reasonably be set on over the Charpy V-notch specimens used under SRSA.
phosphorous, 0.0 1 S%, and nitrogen, 0.008%. In addition, it is
reasonable to set a limit of 0.40 on the carbon equivalent (CE) Toughness. Ductile toughness of a line pipe material as reflected
Lvherc: in the absorbed energy in breaking Charpy V-notch specimens
provides a direct measure of resistance to tearing or rupturing in
Mn CV+Ni Cr+ Mo+V
CE' C--+-. the presence of a flaw and a direct measure of the material's
6 15 i ability to arrest a propagating ductile fracture. Various criteria
according to the International Institute of Welding are available to line pipe users to establish the minimum levels
(elements in percent by weight) needed to arrest crack propagation in pneumatically pressurized
pipelines. Even if high levels of ductile toughness are not needed
for a particular situation, the toughness of the material is a good
In reality, one is likely to get carbon levels in the range of O 05 indicator of its quality. So a purchaser should require some
LO 0.08% and sulfur levels of 0.00 1 to 0.009%. These are minimum level of toughness via Supplemental Requirement
acceptable if other required properties are as specified (tough- SKSB. As in the case of transition temperature (SRSA) the SRSB
ness and transition temperature, for example). Sulhr levels is binding on the manufacturer only if agreed to in the purchase
hclow 0.001 , while desirable, might tend to make the cost agreement. Also, as in the case of transition temperature, it 1s the
prohibitive. properties represented by transversely oriented specimens that
count. Results based on longitudinally oriented specimens may
Tensile Properties. The difficulty, if it can be called that, with overstate fracture resistance by a free factor of 2 to 3
today's steels is not too little strength but too much If one

Hydrostatic Test. Each pipe length is hydrostatically tested h l l lengths by joining shorter pieces with one or more girth
before it leaves the mill. The higher the test pressure, the better welds. These pieces called ''jointers" should not be permitted.
the demonstration of its integnty. The standard test according to Often they result from defects being removed. This is a hint that
API SL is to a pressure level corresponding to 90% of the the rest of the piece might have the problem as well but it
specified minimum yield strength (SMYS) of the material. The escaped detection.
test pressure is to be held for 5 to 10 seconds and the manufac- Skelp welds should be prohibited except in the case of
turer must have a system in place to prevent a pipe from being spirally-welded pipe where the skelp welds must be made by a
certified as having been tested unless it has in fact been tested. SAW process with one pass being made on the OD and one on
As line pipe quality has risen generally over the past 20 years the ID.
manufacturers have become more willing to provide upon A complete description of all inspection processes, calibra-
request a higher standard of mill hydrostatic testing. It is not tion procedures, and acceptance limits should be requested as
uncommon for a manufacturer to agree to a test to 100% of part of a manufacturer's quote.
SMYS for a period of 20 seconds. Usually an escape clause A requirement should be included to limit the residual
allows the manufacturer to reduce the pressure somewhat if a magnetism in any finished pipe as measured by a Bell 600 gauss
problem is encountered with end seals during testing because of meter to 20 gauss.
yielding, but it may not be less than the minimum in API SL. It is a good idea to have the location of the ERW seam in an
ERW material marked with paint on the OD surface on each
Non-Destructive Examination. the entire weld seam of welded finished pipe.
pipe after hydrostatic testing is subjected to NDE. Mills often For orders which will be shipped by rail, the purchaser
employ an in-line inspection system to perform detailed inspec- should require the manufacturer to load the pipe on rail cars
tions at mill production speeds. The equipment should be according to API Recommended Practice RPSL 1 (latest addi-
calibrated to the sensitivity standards established in API SL or tion). This is important because improper load has resulted in the
higher and verified dynamically (inspecting the calibration development of "transit" fatigue cracks."
standard at typical mill inspection speeds). While the API SL
sensitivity standards (N10 notch or '/a in. drilled hole) may well 'Third Party Inspection. For pipe which is to be used in a
be adequate for most applications, the inspecting techniques critical location where even a test failure cannot be tolerated
(speed, seam tracking method, indication marking system) (e.g., offshore, under a major highway) it is advisable to contract
greatly influences the effectiveness of the inspection and are thus an inspection company to inspect the pipe after it leaves the mill.
important to monitor throughout the mill run. Seam inspection is This can be arranged so that the manufacturer must replace pipe
often the last opportunity to locate and remove potentially which is identified by the third-party as not meeting the pur-
dangerous flaws. Company or third party inspectors can be used chaser's specified requirements.
too monitor calibration frequency and sensitivity as well as the
"proving-up" of indications. Warranty. If the purchaser intends to hydrostatically test the
End inspection for laminations using compression wave pipe to 100% of SMYS it is often possible to get the manufac-
ultrasonics is becoming less critical as steel cleanliness continues turer to reimburse the purchaser for finding, cutting out and
to improve, but some end inspection may be required to hlfill replacing any pipe which fails during such a test at a level up to
the mandatory h l l length inspection. Radiography or ultrasonics and including 100% of SMYS because of a manufacturing
are used to inspect pipe ends not adequately examined by the in- defect. This provision usually must have a time limit and dollar
line system. Welding can be more difficult due to fit-up control limit.
at pipe ends, so inspection of ends is also important.
Mill Visits, Track Records OnSite Inspection
Dimensions. In some applications, dimensional considerations Most manufacturers welcome visits by potential purchasers. It is
are extremely important, such as offshore lay-barges which are prudent to visit and inspect candidate manufacturer's facilities
equipped to handle pipe of specific lengths. The API tolerances prior to requesting quotes. The team should include a purchasing
often expressed as percentages allow large variations in the agent and a knowledgeable technical specialist. If the purchaser
dimensions of pipe, for example OD, especially as the sizes get cannot provide such a specialist an outside expert can be retained
larger. Consideration should be given to the pipe application to to visit facilities and to advise the purchaser regarding the key
determine if more strict control of pipe dimensions is warranted. features noted.
Often it is possible to learn about manufacturer's track record.
Other Provisions. There are only a few other considerations for Some information comes form informal testimonials of prior
purchase requirements that should be established to exceed the purchasers. Other information may be available from outside
requirements in API 5L. These are as follows. sources such as third-party inspectors. A key source of informa-
Jointers should not be allowed. Generally the purchaser tion if it is available would be reject rates and reasons for rejects.
desires to obtain the maximum lengths of pipes that can be safely Finally, the purchaser should expect to provide either through
transported to the construction site. The API SL Specification as in-house personnel or through an objective third party, an on-site
written permits the manufacturer to make up a certain number of team to monitor the manufacturing of the pipe order. The head

person of the team should have the authority to request that

Irregularities be resolved and to request that production be
stopped, if necessary, if a problem persists that results or may
result in degraded quality, until the problem can be successhlly

It is possible to obtain line pipe with adequate quality for ~ t s
intended use. First, the purchaser must understand what level of
quality is needed for satisfactory serviceability Second, the
purchaser must understand the factors which affect that level of
quality. Third, a unequivocal commitment to this level of quality
should be made recognizing that any required level over and
ahove the minimum level available will come at a price. The
purchaser should also recognize that high quality line pipe at an
initially-high material cost may result in a lower overall project
cost. The savings occur from potential problems avoided because
the purchased material is adequate for its intended purpose

1 "The Making, Shaping, and Treating of Steel", 10th Edition,
(1985) Association of Iron and Steel Engineers.
2 Chino, FI., Abe, M., Katayarna, K., Tarnehiro, II., and Akasak~,
II., "Review of the Progress of Large Diameter Line Pipc", Pipc
Line Technology Conference, (Oct. 1990).
3. Kiefner, J.F., and Clark, E.B., "History of L ~ n ePipe Manu-
facturing in North America", ASME Research Report, CRTFD-
Vol. 43, (1996).
3. Schuetz, G.W., "Current Trends in Seamless Tube Mill Design".
Iron and Steel Engr (Sept. 1976 47-57.
5 IIeald, S.T., "Radio-Frequency Resistance Welding of Carbon
Steel Pipe and Tubing", Mechanical Working ofSteel I . NME
6 Koch, F.O., and Peters, P.A., "Distinguishing Characteristics of
High-Frequency Induction-Welded Pipe". 3R International,
(March 1987).
7. Jonas, LA., "Quality Control Features in the Manufacture of
Su bmerged-Arc-Welded Pipe", Mechanical Worktng of Steel I .
AIME, (1 963).
8. Wise, R.I,., and Ilodgson, A.W., "Berg Pipe: A Mill Whose Time
Has Arrived", Iron and Steel Engineer, (Aug. 1983) 36-40
0. (iroh, tI., "Manufacture of Spiral Weld Pipe". J Metals (Oct.
1965) 1141-1148.
10. Kiefner. J.F., and Maxey, W.A., "Specifying Fracture Toughness
Ranks High in Line Pipe Selection", Oil & G a s J ( 0 c t . 9: 1995).
1 1. Bruno, T.V., "How to Prevent Transit Fatigue to tubular Goods",
Pipe Line Ind (July 1988).

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