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Dion Culton (Order #38515515)



By Josh “Skull” Dixon

A Cinematic Story Game of High Epic Fantasy.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
This game came about as part of the “Jake’s Awesome Fantasy
Game Contest” back in 2009. Jake’s awesome contest was a game
design contest held by Jake Richmond of such games as “Tokyo
Brain Pop” and “Classroom Deathmatch” and artist of the “Modest
Medusa” webcomic series.

The contest had only a few rules: build an awesome fantasy

game and the game must have the following: must be 48 pages,
must include a distinctive core mechanic, must include complete
rules for character creation, must include complete rules for magic,
must include a flexible skill system, and may include guidelines for
resolving actions during the game.

I didn’t win, but at the time my game covered all the

requirements. Afterwards the game sat on my shelf for a while
until recently when I decided to go back over it and make all the
required fixes to make the game fully playable. Now I am fully over
the required 48 page requirement of the contest, but most of that is
just setting and resources. Thank you for taking the time to check
out my game and I hope you enjoy it. This is not the first game I have
designed, but it is the first game I have offered up to the public.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)



PG 22: Wu XING Sign


Pg 28: SKILLS.

Pg 39: STARS.

PG 41: Edges



Pg 51: MAGIC






Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
There is a story in Peng Lai that is passed down through the years
that speaks about those born into this world with the favor of heaven
written upon them. These chosen few will bring about a great change
into the world; for better or for worse. It is written that you will know
them by the symbols that denote their status and that they will appear
a score of years after the stars that mark them have aligned. This
alignment happens once in a 1000 years, and it has been 20 years since
the last great celestial alignment. All of Peng Lai now waits with abated
breath for what is to happen next.

In this game you play one of the chosen of heaven to bring about the
next age of man. How you do this is up to you and your companions,
however doing so will not be an easy task since there will be many
who have to much to lose with the coming of a new age. The challenges
ahead will require you to gather allies to your side so that they can
support you when you are in need. Remember, old ways die the

The game also provides the option to play one of the companions
to the chosen; one of those who have decided to help create the future
and who have rallied to the chosen’s cause. Character build for either
of these will be the same, except that the companion will not choose a
star (Constellations) when the time comes. This section of the character
sheet will remain empty.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)


How to win.

The chosen ones are to lead the world into the next age. Your
first question would be, how are they supposed to do this?

Since the dawn of this world, when the Yellow Empire created
everything and divided the land up between the first Kings,
there existed “The Keys of Fuxi”, These are 8 keys or items that
correspond to the Eight Diagrams; Sky, Earth, Thunder, Water,
Wind, Fire, Mountain, and Lake . The Chosen need to collect these
items before a certain time.

At the same time, in the Shadow mountain, a mountain of an

unknown location (Which is under the Pillar of Heaven), the Gate to
the tomb of the dead Immortal begins to open. It is here that the 8
items must be brought to in order for the gate to be resealed. Until
they do the heroes have One year before the gate opens completely
and the Balance of Ying and Yang is destroyed. During this time,
negative energy – Yang, increase throughout Peng Lai.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Welcome to the mythic world of Peng Lai. This is a land of mythic
beast, immortals who live on mountain peaks, heroic warriors, and
peaceful scholars. The people of this land look to be of east Asia,
but instead of the general black hair, the people here have mul-
titude of shades ranging from black to blue, bright crimson, sun
lit gold, white, or reddish brown. The island is large enough that
it would take a man 9 months to walk from east to west, coast to
coast. Peng Lai consists of 8 kingdoms that are centered around a
large mountain called “The Pillar Of Heaven”. Here it is said that the
celestial beasts live and commune with the Divine Emperor. Around
this Mountain, the next largest mountains are the four mountains
called, “Mont Yao Chi” Home of the Immortals to the North, “Mount
Buzhou” to the east, “Mount Xuan Pu” Home of the Fey to the south,
and Mount Jin Mu Shuey Huo Twu. Around these are eight temple
Mountains, on which the temple of each kingdom sits. The Mountain
Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
of Tears, near Ka, said to have 10 waterfalls that fill a tranquil lake
down below. Mountain of Flowers near Qin, whose fragrant airs
said in legends to make the men fall into a slumber that will last a
hundred years or more. Mountain of Echoes near Min, which hums
with the prayers from a thousand years ago. The Green Mountain
near Zu, said to be the home to a Dragon known as Dilong. The
Mountain of Shadows Near Shen, said to have canyons so deep that
they have never seen the light of day. The Mountain of Wind near
Xin, said to be the home of the four ancient gods of wind. And The
Mountain of Hunger near Cho, so barren no animal can live there.
Beyond these mountains are the kingdoms themselves; eight in all.


Qin is a hilly, arable region bordered by the kingdoms of Ka and
Min. The common folk of this kingdom are mostly farmers and
Woodsmen, with a few sea ports along the coast for fishermen and

Recent Developments:

Fei Yen Xu, The King of Qin was a good man who came into
power after being selected as the heir to the throne before the
pervious King died. However, soon after being crowned King, he
had meet with the other Kings of Peng Lai to reassure them that he
was a strong and wise ruler, and no threat to them or their people.
During his visit at the palace at the base of the Mountain of Flowers,
he fell completely in love with Queen Lin Xi of Ka. She was the wife
of Dawei Zhao King of Ka and did not share King Qin’s feelings. It
Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
is said that indifference toward the King of Qin only spurred him
further on. He felt that she and he were destined to be by the accord
of heaven. It was greater than fate itself.

When he returned to Qin, he began to pine for Queen Lin Xi.

He started to practice the art of poetry in which he wrote about
his great love; and would send gifts to Queen Lin Xi. These would
be disguised as signs of good will, since the two kingdoms were
neighbors. Often they would be sent along with documents for trade
agreements or proposals. If he was questioned on this, he would
merely point out that often times the only light of wisdom that
a King will hear is that of his Queen. If the Queen saw prudence
in their proposals then they would get the upper hand in the

All the while he grew more in love with the Queen and became
distraught over the lack of the Queen’s interested (since there was
none). He became convinced that the King of Ka was holding the
Queen captive against her will, knowing full well that She and Fei
Yen were meant to be together. These suspicions grew in strength
after a few of his trade agreements had fallen through (which were
more due to his distracted mental state and growing hatred of the
King of Ka, than anything else). After his last trade agreement
failed, King Xu took drastic steps.

King Xu secretly hired Assassins and thieves to steal away his

love from her prison. He told them that she would be willing to leave
with them if they informed her that he had sent them. However, she
tried to flee from them when they revealed themselves and tried
to fight them off. This alerted the royal guards to the presence of

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
the assassins in the Queen’s quarters. During the fight between
the guards and the assassins Queen Lin Xi was killed. One of the
assassins survived long enough to revealed who had hired him
before he was hung for the murder of the Queen.

When the King of Ka sent delegates to King Xu court to request

the reasons for his involvement in the assassination of Queen Lin Xi,
King Xu sent the delegates back with each of their heads wrapped
in a box. This action could not be ignored by the King of Ka and
war was declared. The war in Peng Lai is rare and this one did not
last long and end without a winner. This was due to the negativity
of the situation brought with it new and powerful Yaomo into the
world. When both sides experience more and more troublesome
Yaomo encounters a truce was called; though the King of Qin was
forced into it by the nobles under his rule. Each country turned to
deal with the Yaomo in their countries. The kingdom of Ka’s Yaomo
were easier to remove, though there are persisting rumors of some
that were missed, in comparison to Qin’s Troubles. It seemed that
no matter how many they destroyed there were more to take their
place. This is due to King Xu’s broken lovesick heart. His hatred for
those around him who cost his vengeance and for the neighboring
kingdom has sent the king into a form of madness. This madness
creates a lot of negative energy in the kingdom of Qin which allows
the Yaomo to prosper.

The Yaomo know who is responsible for all of this and have set
plans into motion to keep the king’s madness strong by sending a
shape changing Incorporeal Yaomo to Haunt the King in the likeness
of Queen Lin Xi. The Yaomo only shows herself to the king and will
even speak to him about their lost love; whispering about possible

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
people who were involved in the conspiracy to keep them apart.

• The Capital of Qin is Shenzhu city, which is centered around

the Red Pillar palace.


The kingdom of Ka is a hilly, arable bordered by the kingdoms of
Qin and Cho. The common folk of this kingdom are mostly farmers
and crafters, with a few sea ports along the coast for fishermen and

Recent Developments:

The kingdom of Ka is a much sadder kingdom than it was a few

years ago. Beloved Queen Lin Xi’s death hangs heavy upon King
Dawei Zhao, and he no longer has the same cheerful attitude that he
once had (See Kingdom of Qin for background story). Currently the
king has been away from the capital and preying at the temple on
the Mountain of Tears. The short lived war of with the kingdom of
Qin has left its mark upon the populous; travelers coming from the
kingdom of Qin are treated coldly and at time (close to the boarder
and the capital) are out right treated cruelly. Travelers should
express caution so as to not be blamed for crimes that they did not
commit. King Xu’s name is spoken as a curse and it is not unusual
for citizens to prey for heavenly vengeance to be placed upon him.

The Yaomo activity is not as it was during the war, but rumors of
Yaomo sightings persist and travelers are cautioned against traveling

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
at night, even upon the roads.

• The Capital of Ka is Huey Gorng city, centered around Ren Yi



The kingdom of Shen is on a dissected plateau region, highly
eroded plateaus cut by rivers and broken by deep narrow valleys.
The kingdom is bordered by the Kingdoms of Xin and Zu. The
common folk are farmers, herdsmen, fishermen, and woodsmen.

Recent Developments:

The aging King of Shen is King He Zhang with his Queen,

Jiao Liu, have begun in earnest to search for the elixir of eternal
life. Queen Jiao Liu was never able to get with child, though the
King never blamed her. They do not see any of those with rank in
their kingdom that would do justice to their kingdom and people
by becoming king when King He Zhang dies. But by becoming
Immortal they can continue to rule their land fairly as they have
for the past 46 years. In this desperate hope, they have sent out
explorers out across the sea to search for the Peach of eternal life
and have sent messengers to Mount Yao Chi in search of immortals
who would possible teach the two royals their ways. They have
posted a reward for any information that will help them in their

• The Capital of Shen is Tzan Mei city, centered around Yong

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Ler palace.


The kingdom of Min is a heavily forested flat landscape bordered
by the kingdoms of Zu and Qin. The common fold here are mostly
woodsmen, herdsmen, and farmers.

Recent Developments:

King Xeiuian He and his Queen An Lin rule over this peaceful
kingdom. However, all is not well for the two royals, for their only
son has run away from the palace and can not be found. Kuo He
found life at the palace full of learning and boredom and snuck away
into the night many months ago to explore the world that he, up till
now, could only read about in books. Qing Gao, general of the King’s
army, has sent out men out in search for the young prince and tells
the King and Queen that the young prince will be found soon.

• The Capital of Min is Jerng Da city, centered around Jien Sin



The kingdom of Zu is on a dissected plateau region, highly
eroded plateaus cut by rivers and broken by deep narrow valleys.
The kingdom is bordered by the Kingdoms of Shen and Min. The

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
common folk are farmers, herdsmen, fishermen, and woodsmen.

Recent Developments:

The old King died several years ago during a riding accident.
Currently the kingdom is run by a regent until the Kings son, Wong
Fei is old enough to take the throne fully. The regent of the kingdom
is Queen Yun Fei. However, the lower court is corrupt and does
much behind the powerless Queens back that harms the people of
the kingdom. The Queen worries for her son being surrounded by
so many corrupt and greed men. This corruption ha started to taint
the land with negative energy and rumors have begun to spread of
Yaomo sightings.

Elsewhere in the Kingdom a scholar by the name of Fei Sheng is

having the kingdoms Mason guildsmen build him a tower in which
he plans to chart the heavens. He also has the Jeweler smiths of
the smith guild building him the finest viewing lens ever made so
that he can see the stars in the heavens in their full glory. There are
many in this world that see what the aged scholar doing is a sign of
evil; that man was not destined and should not be allowed to view
the face of gods. These individuals plan to destroy the Fei Sheng’s
tower and murder Fei Sheng if need be. The Queen or her son know
nothing of this because the corrupt officials with what the common
folk believe and see the acts of the common folk as necessary and
believe it will distract them from the officials corruption.

• The Capital of Zu is Yong Gan city, centered around Jien Yi

Yong Wei palace.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
The kingdom of Xin is dominated by wetlands and the delta at the
head waters of the Xi Wangmo river. It is bordered by the kingdoms
of Cho and Shen. The common folk are crafters, fishermen, and

Recent Developments:

The King is King Bao Tong and his queen is Queen Du Bo. Their
son is Li Rong and is said to be one of the children of heaven.
However, this is false. His mother the queen so wished for her son
to be born one of the chosen that she had her doctors force the birth
3 months early in an effort to have her son born during the celestial
alignment. Since this time she has raised her son in the belief that
he was one of the chosen until he and other believed it to be true.
However, the heavens are not so easy to fool and not everyone who
was born during that time was going to be chosen. The reason why
the queen thought she had the right do this and think it would work
is because an ancestor of family was one of the last Children of
Heaven that brought about the current age. However, royal blood
does not make one more qualified to be chosen by the heavens.

Elsewhere in the Kingdom of Xin, deep in and around the Blue

Dragon forest, an ancient place said to be haunted by spirits and
hold a gate to the spirit world, a gang of bandits hold sway. Those
who travel near this forest will most likely be robbed and the
bandits have even gone as far as to haunt the roads elsewhere in
the kingdom, always fleeing back to the Blue Dragon forest before
Xin soldiers can capture them. It is said that they are lead by a man

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
named Feng Li the fire spirit.

• The Capital of Xin is Wang city, centered around Sing Fu pal-



The kingdom of Cho is a heavily forested region bordered by the
kingdoms Xin and Ka. The common folk are Woodsmen, farmers,
crafters, and seamen. It is said that they are the bravest men at the
sea, having traveled the furthest from the mainland.

Recent Developments:

The king of Cho is King Shozen Wei and the queen is Queen
Yi. They have one son, Rui Shen and one daughter, Fa Su. The
kingdom is prosperous and has no noticeable problems. However,
what few realize is that the local branch of the Merchants Guild
is conspiring and planning a coup. They plan to slowly build up
arms, and secret mercenaries into the Capital until the day of the
coup. When this happens they plan to storm the palace, fight off the
palace guard, and remove the King and Queen; replace them with a
republic controlled by them. The merchants plan also includes the
destruction of the palace hall of records and scared traditions. The
guild does not see any reason to continue the traditions of statehood,
including the ritual of binding the King to the country. Those who
know why these rituals are carried out will see how serious of a
situation this will cause since it will plunge the kingdom into chaos.
This chaos would release untold numbers of Yaomo into the kingdom

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
until a king is placed on the throne again using those rituals.

• The Capital of Cho is Jong Jen city, centered around Sing Yun


Food: The common diet consists of seafood and rice. Rice is the
most important staple of their diet and is considered the divine food
given to the people from heaven. Without it the world would cease to
exist. Rice is seen and used as more than just food. Other foods that
they eat is a lot of vegetables, fruit, pork, chicken, and beef.

Tea is not a common drink and used mostly ceremonially. The

common drink is goats milk, water, and alcohol made from rice or

Clothing: They believe that clothes make the man and that a
person’s clothing should reflect their place in life. The common dress
consists of a tunic belted with a sash, loose pants, and padded jacket
fastened by buttons made of knotted cord. Woman’s dress tends to
have a longer tunic and jacket.

The length of the sleeves denotes the nature of the wearer’s

work. Peasants, Soldiers, and Martial arts prefer short sleeves or no
sleeves and loose garments for the best range of movement. While
Scholars and the ruling class prefer longer sleeves that hang loosely.

Common clothing is made from hemp or nettle fibers while the

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
rich are garbed in silks. The coloring of the clothing usually denotes
how wealthy a person is. However there are a few exceptions: White
is worn for mourning, while red is worn for weddings.

Ones foot wear also reflects ones place in life. The common
citizen and soldiers are well known for wearing leather boots which
offers a sturdy footing for their work. Peasants either wear sandals
or go bare foot, while the members of the court wear slippers.

Head wear also reflects the status of a person. The common head
wear is a round straw hat which offers protection from the sunlight
and rain. Ministers of the count wear small black square hats that
are tied to the wears head. There is also a close fitting cloth skull cap
that usually has a braid. There is also a Officer’s hat that is just like
the skull cap but has a brim.

Economics: The currency of Peng Lai is made up of Jade, Gold,

Silver, and copper. The coinage are listed as Yuan (gold) , Jiao
(silver) , Fen (Copper) : 1 Yuan = 10 Jiao = 100 Fen. The jade coinage,
rarely seen, is called a Kufu and is equal to 10 yuan.

Jade is very important to the people of Peng Lai. It is seen as the

essence of chi, of positive energy given form. It is widely believed
that a single piece of Jade can ward off evil spirits and that the elixir
of life is made in part from Jade.

Legalism: This philosophy effects how the lands are governed

and how people live. The bases of the philosophy states that
mercy encourages vice and a gentle heart breeds sloth, crime, and
cowardice. To combat these evils, rules must be swift and merciless.
It encourages the unification of language and measurement so that

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
there can be consistent standard. The most important matters of
the philosophy cover reading and writing. All the rulers should read
their own decrees and everyone else should be able to read them.

Confucianism: The philosopher Confucius appeared in Peng

Lai from a land rumored to exist across the sea. He stayed and
traveled through the lands of Peng Lai only for a short time, but
his teachings stayed on. His appearance occurred during the last
celestial alignment and his words were written into the hearts of
every Child of Heaven.

His teachings taught that people should be helpful, kind, and

honest. He told people to obey their rulers. He said that rulers must
be fair to their people. Confucius also taught that the family was the
most important group in a persons life. He said that family members
should take care of one another, and that older members of the
family should always be respected. However, respect is not a right
and should always be gained. Respect and Honor are the two most
important aspects of the Peng Lai moral code.

Family life: This is very important aspect of Peng Lai life.

Children are taught to obey their parents. After a man and a woman
were married, they lived in the house of the husbands parents.
As the family grows bigger, they built new rooms onto the house.
In some families one hundred people live in one home. The large
families work together on their farms.

Women: They are taught to put their families above themselves.

They are to be mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters. However,
for a woman to get recognition and respect beyond these aspects

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
they have to be one of the following: Nuns (Priest/Monk), spies,
entertainers, or artists.

There are only two ways that a woman will be seen as an equal to
men: Magic and the Martial Arts. Beyond this, Peng Lai is a man’s
world. Do not misunderstand what is said here. This has less to do
with sexism and more to do with duty. The people of Peng Lai are
conscious of their duties to themselves and others.

Magic: To the common people, magic exist everywhere and rules

many aspects of life. They also understand that magic is made up of
positive energy (Hun) and negative energy (P’o), which can be found
in everything. Those who wield magic are respected for the great
amount of knowledge it takes to master those energies, but they are
also feared for the same reason. Mages can be found in a community
and be excepted by that community, but will always feel separate
from their neighbors.

Feng Shui: This is the art and understanding of the balance

between negative and positive forces. Hsien Shang can divine that
balance in an area and help rearrange that energy to optimize the
Chi flow. A feng shui master is paid to do this almost any time a
new building is about to be built in order to offer the best possible
conditions for the building site and as well increase the prosperity in
that area.

These experts understand the beneficial and negative forces that

lie hidden within an area. They see their duty to help everyone live
in harmony with the universe. As such they can be used to help
detect Yaomo and their possible causes.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Religion: is reflected in everything that the average Peng Lai
person does. However, they are not religiously fanatic by any degree.
On average a common member of the community will give a small
thanks to the celestial Emperor who resides above for bring in a
bountiful harvest, or fair weather, or as a blessing in the night. The
common temple is usually small, well keep structure as big as a
shed with a few statues, candles, wind chimes, etc surrounded by a
large garden that is tended by both the local priest and the villagers.
The site is well maintained and sacred, but not a place of silence,
fear, or any type of feeling one would get from a Catholic church.
Instead they are full of peacefully sounds and smells that bring joy
and solace to the heart. If the temple is as large as a house or larger,
then it is a place of learning, where priest and/ or monks live, or
where religiously scared items are held and guarded. However, the
large religious buildings are rare. Mostly, the only ones you will
hear about are the main temples at the foot of each mountain in
each country. The basic ideology behind the religion is to do good in
thought and form, more so to others than yourself.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)

Character Creation:
Step 1) Concept:
The first thing a player should do when designing a character is to
come up with a concept. Who is this character, where are they from,
what are their goals, do they have a quarks, what gender are they,
etc. Once this is done the player can begin to create their character.

Step 2) Attributes
Each character has 6 attributes that make up the character’s form.
They consist of: Strength, Quickness, Insight, Resolve, Heart, and
Spirit. When first making a character the player spends a total of 21
point in between these 6 attributes in any manner they see fit. With
one exception; each attribute must contain at least 1 point each.
The number of points in each attribute will indicate the character’s
strengths in each area that each attribute covers, as listed below.

• STRENGTH: The physical power that the character governs.

This is how sturdy the character is, how much weight they can
carry or lift, and how hard they hit.

• QUICKNESS: This is how fast, dexterous, and graceful the

character appears to be.

• INSIGHT: This is how knowledgeable the character is to the

world around him and how easily he can absorb and retain new

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
• RESOLVE: This is the character’s determination, will, focus,
and drive.

• HEART: This is the character’s amount of empathy and

selflessness. Those with a high score here are said to wear their
heart on their sleeves.

• SPIRIT: This is your divine connection. How close are you to

your piety and to God.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)

Step 3) Pick a Wu Xing Sign:

Every character needs to pick a sign that represents their
personality and typical behavior. This will help distinguish the
difficulties of improving relationships that have signs that contradict
your own sign. More on this will be discussed in the Relationship
section of the rules.

Tu, meaning “Earth”, represents the hard, solid objects of the

world. Tu is associated with slow, steady, trustworthy, stability, and
stationary. In the mind it is confidence, in the body they are slow to
act, and emotionally it is a desire to have things remain as they are;
a resistance to change.

Hou, meaning “Fire”, represents the energetic, forceful, moving

things in the world. Hou can be associated with motivation, desire,
intention, and an outgoing spirit. They are seen as energetic, artistic,
passionate, easily excitable, and have a tendency to rapidly change
emotional states as well as become aggressive.

Mu, Meaning “Wood”, represents things that grow, expand, and

enjoy freedom of movement. Mu is steadfast, organized, logical,
practical, innovative, unique, assertive, fortitudinous, independent,
challenging and direct. They like to plan things, take action, and
go on adventures and challenges. They are perfectionists who tend
to push themselves to the limit and seek out the best, and take first
place in competition.

Shui, meaning “Water”, represents the fluid, flowing,

formless things in the world. Sui can be associated with emotion,

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
defensiveness, adaptability, flexibility, suppleness, and magnetism.
They tend to be smart, wise, frank, and resourceful.

Jin, meaning “Metal”, represents a force from the outside to the

inside that keeps Metal hard. Metal reflects light, so it is shiny. It
may have a clear sound when it’s hit. Jin is associated with great
strength, discipline and enough courage to aid needy people, which
may make them famous. They are brave, disciplined, trained,
organized, authoritative, determinative, routine, firm, resolute and
have an urge to win. They have a large sense of honor. They like to
spread their fame. They are sensitive in grief and sadness.

Step 4) Choose a Package:

These are a basic set of skills and indicates the character’s
chosen profession or vacation. This framework shows the character’s
general direction in their education, their preferences, and interests.
Each package has a set of skills and the general equipment that the
character starts out with.

• Warrior:

Requires: Strength of 4.

Skills: Athletics rank 3, Weapon rank 4 (pick type), Weapon rank

3 (pick type), Tactics rank 2, Plus 2 other skills each at rank 2.

Equipment: They begin with two weapons of their choice, a suit

of reenforced Leather armor, set of clothing, boots, backpack,

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
waterskin, and travel food.

• Scholar:

Requires: Insight of 4.

Skills: Persuasion rank 3, Pros rank 4, Weapon rank 2 (pick type),

Etiquette rank 3, Plus 2 other skills each at rank 2.

Equipment: They begin the game with one weapon of their choice,
5 sheets of parchment, ink stone, 3 brushes, set of clothing,
sandals, backpack, waterskin, and travel food.

• Bandit:

Requires: Quickness of 4.

Skills: legerdemain rank 4, Weapon rank 3 (pick type), Stealth

rank 2, Athletics rank 3, Plus 2 other skills each at rank 2.

Equipment: They begin with one weapon of their choice, set of

lock picks, an armor leather vest, set of clothing, sandals or
boots, backpack, waterskin, and travel food.

• Monk:

Requires: Heart of 4.

Skills: Athletics rank 3, Lore (pick subject) rank 4, Weapon or

martial rank 3 (pick type), Ethics rank 2, Plus 2 other skills each
at rank 2.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Equipment: They begin with a set of robes, a begging bowl, a holy
pendent, a set of cloths, sandals, waterskin, backpack, and travel

• Brawler:

Requires: Strength or Quickness of 4.

Skills: Athletics rank 4, Martial rank 4, Weapon rank 2 (pick

type), Plus one skill at rank 3 and two other skills each at rank 2.

Equipment: They begin with one weapon of choice, An armor

leather vest, a set of cloths, sandals, waterskin, backpack, and
travel food.

• Entertainer:

Requires: Heart of 4.

Skills: Athletics rank 2, Performance rank 4 , Inspire rank 3,

Lying rank 3, Plus 2 other skills each at rank 2.

Equipment: They begin with either a musical instrument or a set

customs, set of cloths, sandals, makeup, waterskin, backpack, and
travel food.

• Courtier:

Requires: Resolve of 4.

Skills: Etiquette rank 4, Lying rank 3, Weapon rank 2, Persuasion

rank 3, Plus 2 other skills each at rank 2.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Equipment: they begin with one weapon of choice, makeup, two
sets of cloths (one set of formal), 5 sheets of parchment, ink stone,
3 brushes, sandals, waterskin, and travel food.

• Noble:

Requires: Resolve of 4.

Skills: Athletics rank 2, Etiquette rank 3, Inspire rank 3, Weapon

rank 2 (pick type), Persuasion rank 2, Plus 2 other skills each at
rank 2.

Equipment: They begin with one weapon of their choice, one suit
of reenforced Leather armor, two sets of cloths (one formal),
sandals, riding boots, a family shield/crest, a riding horse, saddle,
saddle bags, waterskin, and travel food.

• Tradesman:

Requires: Insight of 4.

Skills: Commerce rank 3, Weapon rank 2 (pick type), Craft or

Labor rank 4, One skill at rank 3, Plus 2 other skills each at rank

Equipment: They begin with a set of tools of their trade, a set of

cloths, sandals, a guild members badge, backpack, waterskin, and
travel food.

• Sorcerer:

Requires: Spirit of 4.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Skills: Arcane rank 4 (starts with 3 spells), two Lore skills at rank
2, Weapon rank 2 (pick type), Mimicry rank 2, Plus 2 other skills
each at rank 2.

Equipment: They begin with one weapon of their choice, 5 sheets

of parchment, ink stone, 3 brushes, a pouch of herbs and spell
components, a set of robes, sandals, backpack, waterskin, and
travel food.

• Priest:

Requires: Spirit of 4.

Skills: Etiquette rank 3, Ethics rank 3, Weapon rank 2 (pick type),

Pros rank 2, Inspire rank 2, Plus 2 other skills each at rank 2.

Equipment: They begin with one holy pendent, 5 vials of blessed

oils and ointments, a set of robes, sandals, backpack, waterskin,
and travel food.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)

Step 5) Skills:
Skills are measured in ranks which indicate how proficient the
character is in a given skill. A rank works much like a rank in an
attribute and when making a test you roll dice equal to the rank of
the skill and the rank of the linked attribute. The linked attributes
are list next to each skill.

• Animal handling: (Resolve) The Art of controlling an

animal with calm words and the user’s willpower. This skill is used
for training animals and for riding horses.

Task Threshold
Riding a domestic 1
Riding into 2
combat/danger on
domestic beast.
Riding an 3
untrained beast
Riding an un- 4
trained beast into
Calming a 5

• Arcane: (Insight) The art of casting magic by the use of the

caster’s will and spirit. See Magic section for more on this. When
first bought the character begins with two spells.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
• Athletics: (Quickness) The Art of physical fitness. This
covers area such as climb, jump, run, swim, sports, etc.

Climbing Task Threshold

Slope of 45 degrees 1
or slope of 70 degree
with rope.
A slope of 60 de- 2
Knotted rope
against a solid sur-
face or a tree with a 3
few branches.
Rope against a
solid surface or a
rough pole/ vertical 4
Rough surface 5
with a few hand
A smooth vertical 6
surface with rope.
A smooth surface 7
with a few hand

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)

Jumping Task Threshold

8 ft. Gap or 5 ft. 1
12 ft. Gap or 8 ft. 2
15 ft. Gap or 10 ft. 3

Swim Task Threshold

Calm water. 1
Rough water, light 2
Turbulent water, 3
moderate current.
Stormy water. 4
Heavy current.

Running works as an opposed action, see game mechanics section

for more on this.

• Craft: (Insight) The Art of creating something of value.

When this skill is bought the character must choose the type of craft
practiced; examples: paint, Cooking, Baking, blacksmith, woodwork,
weaving, etc. The following time list the type of tasks and the
amount of time they take. One success completes the task; however,
for each additional success reduce the time by 10%. Threshold
depends on difficulty of item; GM’s discretions to assign Threshold
based on their opinion.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Craft Task Time
Horse shoe, Pair of
socks, Simple meal,
Clay bowl, Sketch, 10 minutes
Wagon hitch,
Wooden stool, Batch
of bricks, detailed 1 Hour
drawling, Bracer, etc.
A pot helm, a vial 3 hours
of acid, small curved
figure, portrait, etc.
Armoire, Tunic, 6 Hours
Quiver of arrows,
Roast a pig, etc.
Breastplate armor,
5 course meal, Burial
urn, Vial of poison, 12 hours
20ft tall bronze
sculpture, the
foundation of a house, 24 hours
a full Painted Por-

• Commerce: (Resolve) The Art of selling and buying at the

best price. This skill can be used to socially barter the price of an
item down, to see the what may be of value in coming seasons at
market and where, and the exchange rate between kingdoms.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
• Etiquette: (Resolve) The Art of speaking and acting at
formal functions and as a gentleman or Lady should behave in
public. This social skill when successfully used can make it easier to
socialize with individuals who are on a higher social status and will
decrease other social skill threshold by 1, plus 1 for every additional
two successes. See Game mechanics for more information on Social

• Ethics: (Insight) The art of understanding the complexities

of the greater moral decisions and the grey areas between right and
wrong. This skill can help characters figure out the right course of
action or be used to talk another character into a better course of
action. When used to convince a person’s to change their decision or
planned action, the target uses Logic + Insight to oppose. They gain
a +1 die to oppose if they are a Wu Xing Sign: Chi.

• Gambling: (Resolve) The Art of Playing games of chance

that deal in the betting of money. This is a social skill.

• Guise: (Resolve) The Art of hiding one’s true appearance by

the use of make-up and wigs.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
What is being Threshold
Make a small
change: nose shape,
add a wart, change 1
hair color/style, etc.
Make a medium
change: Change nose
and chin, eye brows 2
and facial hair, etc.
Change 3-4 things: 3
Nose, chin, and Hair
color. Etc.
Make a large 4
change: Whole face,
Change whole
demeanor: way you
walk; way you stand, 5
the way you look, the
way you dress.

• Inspire: (Resolve) The Art of gardening the attention of

others for the purpose of changing the way they think, lifting their
spirits/mood, and generally inspire them. The base threshold for
this is half of the target’s Heart score. This Threshold should be
increased depending on the situation. For instance, during combat
this threshold is automatically increased by 1.

• Insult: (Resolve) The social skill used to undermine a

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
person’s self image and confidences. Confidences in themselves or
those others find in them. The base threshold for this is half of the
target’s Heart score. This Threshold should be increased depending
on the situation. For instance, during combat the threshold to a
Insult task is automatically increased by 1.

• Labor: This skill covers all manual physical tasks that are
not covered elsewhere. Digging a ditch, lifting/carrying heavy
objects, cleaning a house, etc.

Lift/Carry Task Threshold

Simple Task 1
Heavy Task 2
Challenging Task 3
Daunting Task 4
Impossible Task 5

• Legerdemain: (Quickness) The Art of picking pockets and

locks. The threshold to pick a target’s pockets is equal to half the
target’s Resolve. The threshold for picking locks is as follows. If the
lock is rusted or magically strengthened increase the threshold by

Lock picking Threshold

A cheap lock 1
A broken average 2
An average lock 3
Above average lock 4
Masterwork lock 5

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
• Logic: (Insight) The art of puzzles and patterns. A character
can use this skill to help gain clues to riddles, solve puzzles,
resourceful insight, plans, etc. Threshold depends on the difficulty
of the puzzle, riddle, etc. Threshold: 1 for easy and Threshold; 5 for
near impossible.

• Lore: (Insight) The Art of knowing details about subjects

which others may normally know of in rumor and conjecture. When
this skill is bought the character must choose the subject; examples:
Arcane, Religion, General History, etc.

Task Threshold
Common 1
Uncommon 2
Specialized 3
Advanced 4
Obscure 5

• Lying: (Heart) The Art of speaking falsehoods in such a way

that makes them sound like truth. This social skill is an opposed
task using Insight + Sense.

• Martial: (Quickness) The Art of hand to hand fighting also

called brawling or wrestling.

• Doctor: (Insight) The art of medicine. The threshold is equal

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
to the number of boxes filled with damage, of which ever row (Body
or Blood) that is higher. However, this skill only speeds up recovery
of those wounds. Reduce the recovery time by half.

• Mimicry: (Insight) The Art of changing ones voice to copy

another’s voice or sound that the user has heard and studied for a
small bit of time.

Task Threshold
Common Sound 1
Uncommon Sound 2
Specialized Sound 3
Advanced Sound 4
Obscure Sound. 5

• Performance: (Heart) The Art of acting and expressing an

idea or motional affect that others can understand and feel. This
can be used to ease/stop Relationship Triggers that have triggered
in those who are nearby. A successful performance can also increase
the performers Social Status for a scene.

• Persuasion: (Resolve) The Art of forcing your opinion

or thoughts on others with smooth words and wit during so-
cial situations. When used to convince a person’s to change their
decision or planned action, the target uses Logic + Insight to oppose.
They gain a +1 die to oppose if they are a Wu Xing Sign: TU.

• Pros: (Heart) The Art of poetry and writing something

with emotional impact. A successful use of this can ease tension or
remove past wrongs. For instance, if the character spoke in haste
and insulted a friend, they could recover the lost relationship point

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
with a well worded poem of apology.

• Sense: (Insight) The art of seeing what is hidden in plain

sight. This skill is used to pick out details that would otherwise be

Task Threshold
Search for a large 1
Hear a sound from 2
the next room.
Hear an argument 3
from several rooms
Search for a small 4
Search for a 5
hidden object.
Spot a hidden 6
object on a target.
Over hear a quiet 7
Spot a single rider 8
on the horizon.
Over hear 9
a whispered

• Stealth: (Quickness) The Art of moving silently and without

being seen/noticed by those around you. Every two successes to this
task adds a +1 to the Threshold for the stealthed individual to been

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noticed with a Sense Task.

Task Threshold
Lots of cover,
darkness, Soft
footing, few possible 1
Some cover, hard 2
footing, shadows.
Minimal cover, 3
normal light, brush/
water, a few sentries.
Multiply sentries, 4
Normal light, gravel
under foot, etc.
Dead leaves, no 5
cover, bright light.

• Tactics: (Insight) The Art of maneuvering units of

combatants in the field of battle to win the battle or war. A
successful use of this skill can either reveal before combat positions
of advantage over opponents, which gains the group a +1 die to their
first physical task in the following combat round. Or it can be used
during combat as a Mental Task to give your companions an edge
during combat, adding a +1 to their initiative order for that round.

• Tracking: (Insight) The Art of following a trail left by an

animal or person to where the target went.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
• Weapon: (Quickness) The Art of weapon or melee combat.
When this skill is bought the type of weapon must be selected.

Step 6) Choose a Star

(if your a chosen one)

Each of the chosen will bear one of the marks of heaven, those
these marks do not appear on the skin to casual screening. They
only appear when invoked or at pinnacle moments that indicate the
course of the next age of man. When they do appear they appear on
a section of the character’s body, glowing with an inner fire which
cannot be obscured.

• The Chimera: A successful Resolve Task roll to activate.

This allows the user to move a number of points equal to their
number of successes to activate from one attribute to another
attribute for a boost for the duration of the scene. Usable once per
game session.

• The Kirin: A successful Heart Task roll to activate. The

user can heal another character’s wounds (either Body or Blood).
Each successes gained heals one box of damage. This can be used a
number of time equal to half their Heart score per game session.

• The Naga: A successful Heart Task roll to activate. The user

can stun one target with their eyes. For a number of rounds equal to
their successes. However, the target must look into their eyes. This
can be used a number of time equal to half their Resolve score per
game session.

• The Satyr: Immune to poisons/toxins. They also gain +2

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
dice to Performance and Climb Tasks.

• The Pegasus: A successful Resolve Task roll to activate.

All attacks do electrical damage, each success after the first is a +1
(Body) for the scene.

• The Dragon: This character automatically has a Noble

Social Status. With a successful Heart Task roll to activate, the user
gains a aura about them for the scene. The gain a number of dice
equal to the number of successes to use during social actions. Can
only be used once per game session.

• The Phoenix: A successful Resolve Task roll to activate. All

Attacks for the scene do Fire damage, each success after the first is a
+1 (Body) for the scene. Can only be used once per game session.

• The Great Turtle: The time it takes to research new

spells is reduced to half. They only need to spend half the normal
experience to increase their Arcane skill. This character also begins
game with 1 rank in the Arcane skill for free and begin with one
additional spell.

• The Ogre: A successful Resolve Task roll to activate. The

user gains +1 for each success on the Activate Task that they can add
to either Strength or Quickness for the scene. Can only be used once
per game session.

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Step 7) Edges:
These are benefits that give the character possible bonuses in
different situations. A character can have One Edge to begin with at
the cost of One Attribute point.

• Duel Weapons: When you are in combat you use two one
handed weapon, gaining a +1 die to all non-projectile weapon

• Ally: You begin the game with one additional relationship

with one dot.

• Special Gift: You begin the game with one special item,
be it armor, weapons, charms, or a book. Examples: A necklace
with a tiny vase at the end that has the Fu character drawn on its
surface. This gives the wearer good fortune (which is controlled
by the GM). The wearer may easily find money on the road or trip
at an opportune time at which point an arrow aimed for their
head misses completely. However, this only ever happens once per
game session.

• Resilient: You are tougher than you look and gain -1 to the
threshold for tasks to remain conscious.

• Confident: Your belief in yourself radiates outwards and can

be seen/felt by others. -1 the threshold for Inspire tasks.

• Strong: Your have always been naturally stronger than the

normal human. -1 to the threshold for Strength/labor tasks.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
• Stealthy: You naturally walk with a lighter step and people
tend to over look your presence. -1 to the Threshold for Stealth

• Hawk eye: Your hand eye coronation his superior than a

normal human. +1 die to projectiles.

• Alertness: +1 die to perception rolls.

• Arcane Resistance: The character was born under a

special star and as magic does not cling as freely to him/her as it
does with others. The character gains -1 to the threshold to resist
magical affects.

• Hard to Kill: Whenever all of the character’s blood boxes

are full they can still take Strength in (blood) damage before they

• Danger Sense: the character is able to sense when danger

is about. Whenever the character is about to be ambushed or
attacked by surprise they are able to roll a Sense task to sense out
the attack before it happens. If they get 3 or more successes they
see the attack happen just in time.

• Blessed: Once per games session this edge can be used to

negate one black die.

• Iron Skin: This edge negates one blood box of damage per
wound suffered.

• Intimidating Presence: Your opponents gain a +1 to the

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
threshold of all Inspire tasks made against you.

Step 8) Relationships:
The people that are close to the character are often as important
to the character’s success as the character’s own abilities and
power. In this game the player keeps track of the player character’s
relationships and their growth. A relationship between two
characters (pc or npc) is referred to as a “Bond”. The stronger the
bond between two characters the more trust and help a character
can expect from their allies. However, growth works like a two way
street. If not properly managed the bond will weaken or even vanish.

Every Character begins the game with a number of relationships

equal to the number of other players in the game. This means that if
the group consists of 5 players they each get 4 relationships. These
relationships are with each other character. They also receive 4 dots
per relationship to spend in any way they see fit. They can spend
them evenly and give each relationship 4 or they could be spent so
that one or two of the other characters are trended on a higher level
than the rest. A player can also take a few of these points to establish
non-player character relationships.

The character relationship chart has a place to keep track of each

relationship. Players should never reveal what level of relationship
they have placed other player characters into. Much like in real life,
you may never know what a friend will do for you unless you ask.
Also each relationship has a type which should be picked based on
the players and the GM’s decisions. Example: love interest, best

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
friend, comrade, neighbor, etc. Additional Relationships with
Non-Player characters can be established during game play.

Relationship Gain or Loss:

Whenever the appropriate situation appears the player (or GM if

for a NPC) should make Heart task roll. The threshold depends on
the situation as outlined below. If the correct number of successes
is meet then the character gains or losses one dot towards this
relationship. The GM should keep track of changes in relationships
during the game and inform players at the end of the game any
changes to their relationship charts. This should not be done during
game play.


• New common Interest or goal found. (One success)

• Time spent together (3 successes). This can be augmented

depending on the distance that the relationship must exist
Like friends who like in separate cities.

• Giving concrete and needed advice during an emotional

of time. (1-2 successes)

• Sharing a secret(s). (2 successes)

• Sharing your life or problems. (2-3 successes)

• Giving help without reward when needed. (1-2 successes)

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
• A kind gesture (3 successes)


• New difference of opinion found. (One success)

• Lack of attention or communication (2 successes). This can

be augmented by distance.

• A fight (2 successes).

• Acting in a way they see as negative or rude (2 successes).

• Caught in a lie (2 successes).

• Over sharing problems/complaining (2 successes)

• Refusal of giving help when asked (1-2 successes).

• Evil or spiteful gesture (1 success).

How a Wu Xing Sign Affects Relationships:

TU: This element helps and gives support to JIN, is in turn

helped and supported by HOU. But does not interact well with and
hinders SHUI and finds itself in turned hindered by MU.

HOU: This element helps and gives support to TU, is in turn

helped and supported by MU. But does not interact well with and
hinders JIN and finds itself in turned hindered by SHUI.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
MU: This element helps and gives support to HOU, is in turn
helped and supported by SHUI. But does not interact well with and
hinders TU and finds itself in turned hindered by JIN.

SHUI: This element helps and gives support to MU, is in turn

helped and supported by JIN. But does not interact well with and
hinders HOU and finds itself in turned hindered by TU.

JIN: This element helps and gives support to SHUI, is in turn

helped and supported by TU. But does not interact well with and
hinders MU and finds itself in turned hindered by HOU.

Relationship Benefits: A character’s relationship can help the

player characters. The stronger the relationship, the more help that
relationship is to the character.

During a tense situation a player can ask another players to give

them morale support. To enact this, the player character will need to
give a moving speech or give some kind of declaration that leverage
the relationship between the two. The player of the called upon
relationship can show morale support by rolling a number of dice up
to the number indicated next to that character on their friendship
sheet. So if they have a friendship or “Bond” of 2 with that character,
then they can give that player up to 2 possible additional successes
to use for that action. The drawback is that this can only be done
once per game session once per relationship. Also a player could
deny giving the asking player the morale boost altogether.

Player can also try to gain morale support from non-player

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
characters. Unlike getting support from player characters you can
try to get the support of multiple non player characters at once. This
will only work if the non player characters are within ear shot of the
player character. Like before, the player character will need to give a
moving speech or give some kind of declaration. They must be able
to at least hear the player character’s speech in order to be able to
cheer or give morale support. This gains the player one additional
die per non player character to add to their dice pool.

In the interests of keeping the story as cinematic, the GM can veto

a player using his or her relationships for a boost if they feel that the
situation doesn’t call for it or isn’t at the right level of tension.

Levels of Relationship: The following list will help you

determine what this all means. How much will a relationship help
you out and how close you are to each other. As well as, how well you
know each other.

• Dot 1: Acquaintance- You know who they are and a little

about their lives but they are just outside of being strangers to
you. The most you will know about this person is what would be
considered “Public” information. Something they don’t mind sharing
even with a stranger. This stage of a friendship is fragile and the
wrong word at the wrong time/place can cause them to change their
view point on you completely.

• Dot 4: Buddies- You enjoy each other’s company, but

rarely get into serious discussions. They are good to have around
to just hang out and have fun. But you don’t seek their help with

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
anything that causes emotional stress in your life. At this level of
the relationship you, gain a -1 to Inspire or Intimidate Threshold
towards this relationship.

• Dot 6: Fellowship- This type of friend is always there to

listen to the problems that you may have. They can give advice and
or help share the load of the problems you experience in life as
well as all the joys. You are most comfortable around this type of
friend and can be yourself without fear of rejection or being laughed
at. These friends that “Know” you are and except you anyway. At
this level of the relationship you, gain a -2 to Inspire or Intimidate
Threshold towards this relationship.

• Dot 8: Best Friends- this level of friendship goes past even

blood. They are like family to you. You know they will always be
there for you. They listen, but never judge. They will help you out,
tell it to your straight (even if you don’t want to hear it), and often
will forgive debts. At this level of the relationship you, gain a -3 to
Inspire or Intimidate Threshold towards this relationship.

Step 9) Relationship Trigger:

What is an Relationship Trigger? This is an element of the game
that can change how a character acts/response in a given social
situation towards another character or characters. A Relationship
Trigger is constructed of three elements which are chosen by the
player with the assistance of the GM. They are The Cause, The
Response, and The Moral restraint. This element of the game is
designed to throw some interesting twist into the characters and

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
make social situations more cinematically dynamic and interesting.
On top of this only the GM and player will know what the
Relationship trigger for the player’s character is.

• The Cause: This is the triggering effect; the situation

that triggers the character to act in the way that their relationship
response tells them to.

To create a Cause for the relationship trigger the player must write
down an action or situation that they want their character to have a
reaction towards. What they write down can be either a single word
or a short sentence. However, what they decided to write down must
be with the GM’s permission and be able to work well with the other
player characters. The situation must carry with it an emotional
element to help drive the drama of that situation, and must be linked
to a past experience of the characters.

Example: Cause: Men who leave those they care about without a
word. Abandoned child syndrome.

• The Response: This is the emotional reactions and actions

that the character takes in response to the triggering effect.

The player creates a Response by writing down what emotional

reaction the character will have when faced with the Cause of the
relationship trigger. This can be any emotion from Anger, Jealousy,
Depression, Love, and fear; or more subdued emotions like Nervous,
Willful, etc. When writing the response down the player and GM
should consider what emotions come in play when the character had
experienced the originating Cause of the relationship trigger.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Example: The Response: She becomes angry with those who
trigger the response, both in words and actions without realizing it.

• The Moral Restraint: This is the personal and

psychological barriers that the character develops due to the
originating situation that the character experienced that created
the Relationship trigger in the first place. You can view it as the
Ying and Yang. For every negative impulse the character develops,
the character also develops an equal positive impulse. So if the
Relationship Trigger was started because the character was
physically abused as a child, then they will themselves never attack
an individual who (to their view point) is or appears to be a child.

When creating the moral restraint, the player and GM should

think about what type of psychological ramifications took place after
the character experienced the originating Cause of the relationship
trigger. If she was kidnapped by strangers and held for ransom, then
she would most likely be paranoid and distant of strangers until they
proved themselves otherwise. Where as a person who witnessed the
of a loved one would never kill another person (except in vengeance
against those who killed her loved one).

Example: The Restriction: She is unable to turn her back on those

in need.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
The arcane skill gives the character the knowledge of how to cast
spells and enchantments. Magic requires the use of the caster’s
Insight + Arcane skill to cast spells. Each spell is set up as follows:
Affect, Threshold, Requirements, Failure, and Duration. When
casting spells in combat the caster must make a recall spell (mental)
task before they can make a Cast (physical) task. Spell casters need
their spell books in hand in order to cast their spells if they wish to
bypass the need to recall a spell. However, looking up a spell takes
one physical task for them to use one turn to open the book and
find the correct page before using this option. Casting spells from
their book gains them an additional +1 die bonus to the cast spell
(physical) action.

When casting a spell, if the caster does not make enough

successes to equal the Threshold of the spell he/she can continue to
cast on his/her next turn. Successes that are gained on that turn are
added to the pervious turn, this is called Accumulative Successes.
Meaning it took time and continued effort to complete. However,
the rule of the critical failure still stands even on the second or third
pass of the casting of a spell. Plus attackers can try to distract you
from your casting of the spell, which will require the caster to make
a resolve task against Threshold of 3. See Game Mechanics section
to read more about how Accumulative Successes work.

During combat, the +1 die from initiative to the casters attack is

added to his/her casting roll.

The caster gains additional spells by learning them in game. Each

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
spell takes a length of time to learn equal to their threshold to cast
in days. A spell must be either taught to them by another caster or
studies with the use of a book or scroll.

Casting spells is draining if not done correctly. If the spell caster

doubles the amount of time it take to cast a spell, in combat this
would be taking two rounds to cast, they receive -1 to threshold.


Affect: This spell wraps the target in a protective aura. This
aura acts as a barrier between the user and harm with a damage
resistance of 1, which can stack with non-magical armor.
Threshold: 4
Requirement: Arcane 3
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 2 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: A Scene

Affect: This spell places a wall of protective aura between the caster
and danger up to a number of meters equal to the cast’s spirit, in
width and height.
Threshold: 5
Requirement: Arcane 5
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 2 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: A Scene


Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Affect: The caster throws from his hands gathered energy from the
universe. This energy takes whatever form the caster wishes; either
fire, frost, lightning, etc. The amount of damage done depends on
the threshold. The standard Threshold has a damage equal to total
successes +1 (Body). For every additional +1 to the damage the caster
wishes the damage affect to have is an additional +1 to the threshold.
Threshold: 3
Requirement: Arcane 4
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 3 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: Instant

Affect: This spell grants the target an increase to one of their
attributes for a scene. The standard threshold grants a +1 to any
one attribute. This bonus can be made higher by increasing the
threshold of the spell; +1 for every +1.
Threshold: 3
Requirement: Arcane 3
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 2 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: 5 Rounds

Affect: This spell penalizes the target by decreasing one of their
attributes for a scene. The standard threshold grants a -1 to any
one attribute. This bonus can be made higher by increasing the
threshold of the spell; -1 for every -1.
Threshold: 3
Requirement: Arcane 4

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 2 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: A Scene

Affect: This spell slows the target down, making their movements
like they were underwater. The target rolls half their dice pool of any
task. The target also moves at half their usual movement.
Threshold: 5
Requirement: Arcane 6
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 4 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: Five Rounds

Affect: This spell speeds the target up, making their movements
faster. The target gets to use twice their attribute dice during all task
for the scene. The target can also move twice as far as usual.
Threshold: 5
Requirement: Arcane 6
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 4 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: 5 Rounds

Affect: This spell allows the caster to deflect incoming projectiles
and the Blast spell. This spell creates a small protective aura like a
shield in the direction the caster points it; so the caster must be able
to see the incoming attack in order to deflect it. The total number of
successes on the casting task must at least equal the total successes

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
of the attack in order to fully deflect the attack. This spell can be cast
as a reaction to an attack.
Threshold: 1
Requirement: Arcane 2
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 2 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: Instant/Reaction

Detect/Conceal Arcane:
Affect: This spell quiets the energy around an item or person who
has magic in or around them so that they are harder to detect. The
number of successes to conceal must be overcome by a casting of
Detect arcane.
Threshold: 1
Requirement: Arcane 5
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 3 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: One Game Session

Detect spirits:
Affect: This spell allows the caster to sense out the presence of
spirits within a number of meters equal to the caster’s Spirit.
However, the Threshold to be detected can be increased if the spirit
is able to hide their spiritual presence.
Threshold: 2
Requirement: Arcane 3
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 3 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: Instant

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Detect Yaomo:
Affect: This spell allows the caster to sense out the presence of
Yaomo within a number of meters equal to the caster’s Spirit.
However, the Threshold to be detected can be increased if the Yaomo
is able to hide their spiritual presence.
Threshold: 3
Requirement: Arcane 4
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 3 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: Instant

Affect: This spell is used to remove the affect of other spells. In
order to remove a spell, the caster must make a number of successes
equal to the target spell affect’s Threshold.
Threshold: Special
Requirement: Arcane 3
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 3 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: Instant

Elemental manipulation:
Affect: When this spell is bought, the caster must pick which
element they want to manipulate: Chi, Ka, Fu, and Sui. With Chi
the caster can move soil; up to the caster’s Spirit in meters as well
as harden it into stone or turn Spirit in meters of stone to soil. With
Ka the caster can increase the heat of a fire or squelch it completely.
The caster can also manipulate the fire towards a direction. With fu
the caster can summon lesser breezes. These can be used to fuel a
flame, cool a person from the heat, thin or move smoke, etc. Sui can

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
be used to summon water out of the air or with a +1 to the threshold,
remove poison from a body.
Threshold: 4
Requirement: Arcane 6
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 3 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: Instant

Affect: This spell cases the energy to bind the target’s feet. The
energy can take on any look the caster wishes, from roots, to snakes,
to hands reaching out of the ground. The number of successes must
overcome the target’s defense. The target gets to defend by rolling
their Quickness.
Threshold: 2
Requirement: Arcane 1
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 2 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: 5 rounds

Elemental protection:
Affect: This spell protects the target from normal non-magical
affects due to the elements such as: heat, cold, thin air, etc.
Threshold: 3
Requirement: Arcane 5
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 3 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: A Scene

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Affect: This spell affect causes the target to make a resistance check
using the target’s resolve against a threshold of 2. If the target fails
to save against this spell affect then they gain +1 Black die for the
scene. A Target can only be affected by this spell once per scene
unless pervious use of the spell has been dispelled.
Threshold: 4
Requirement: Arcane 3
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 2 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: A Scene

Affect: This spell grants courage and hope to the target; the target’s
gains +1 die towards all tasks for the scene. A Target can only be
affected by this spell once per scene unless pervious use of the spell
has been dispelled.
Threshold: 4
Requirement: Arcane 4
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 2 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: A Scene

Affect: The target can fly for the scene like a wingless bird. On all
attacks from above a target while flying the attacker gains a+1 die to
the task, and a +2 die to defend against any attacks on them.
Threshold: 4
Requirement: Arcane 4
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Threshold: 3 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: A Scene

Affect: This spell heals wounds. The spell will at least heal one box
of damage , plus one box per additional successes over the threshold.
Threshold: 3
Requirement: Arcane 3
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 3 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: Instant

Affect: This spell turns the target invisible, meaning they cannot be
seen. This affect last the scene unless the caster or the target drops
the affect before then.
Threshold: 5
Requirement: Arcane 7
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 4 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: A Scene

Affect: This spell creates a small ball of light that radiates outward.
The ball lights up to the caster’s spirit in meters, but can be dimmed
down by the caster if he/she wishes.
Threshold: 2
Requirement: Arcane 1
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 1 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Duration: A Scene

Shape change:
Affect: This spell changes the target’s shape and size into that of an
animal or human. This affect will last for the scene.
Threshold: 5
Requirement: Arcane 7
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 4 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: A Scene

Affect: This spell affect will stun a target, making it so that they
cannot act for a turn. The target gets to save as normal.
Threshold: 3
Requirement: Arcane 2
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 3 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: Instant

Affect: This spell allows the caster to move an object or target with
their mind alone. The maximum weight that can be moved is equal
to the caster’s Insight times 20 pounds.
Threshold: 3
Requirement: Arcane 4
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 3 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: Instant

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Affect: This spell moves the Target from one location to another.
The caster must have seen the location he/she wants to teleport to in
order for the spell to work.
Threshold: 5
Requirement: Arcane 8
Failure: The caster must make a save using Spirit against a
Threshold: 4 or suffer a +1 black die for the scene.
Duration: Instant

Resisting Magical Affects: A character can try to resist

magical affects. In order to do so they must make a Spirit roll
against the same Threshold of the spell, minus 1. So if the caster
had to meet a threshold: 3, then the target of the spell must meet a
threshold: 2. The only spells that the target will not do this for are
spells that cause physical damage. These can only be dodged with a
Quickness task against the threshold of the spell, -1. This reaction
does not count as either a Mental Task or Physical Task.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)

Game mechanics:
This game uses groups of D6 dice that are referred as a Dice Pool.
A dice pool will usually consist of dice from a skill and an attribute.
However, at time you will only need to roll dice from a Dice Pool
based on one of your 6 attributes. When rolling you dice pools every
4, 5 or 6 counts as a success. If all the dice in the dice pool roll a one,
then this is a critical failure. If no successes are gained to over come
the threshold, then the task fails.

Accumulated Successes: In certain tasks if the player

character does not gain enough successes then they can continue
to try, unless they had a critical failure. The player character can
continue to work at the task, holding on to the previous successes
and adding any new successes to it until they gain enough to
overcome the threshold. However, each new try at the task carries
an accumulative + 1 Black Die. It is fully possible to gain no new
successes and in fact loss pervious successes due to Black Dice.

Auto successes: A skill is seen as to automatically succeed as

long as the skill action is none contested by external sources. In
these cases the threshold is a zero.

Penalties: During times when an action is contested by external

sources there is a number of successes needed to achieve the
character’s goals. When an action is contested by another character
(either pc or npc) the number of successes garnered by each
character is compared and the one with the most successes wins.
However, when the task is contested by outside forces like nature
or when the character completing the task in a rush they roll as

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
normal except that a number of black dice are added to be rolled.
The number of Black Dice rolled depends on the situation. Whenever
a success is made on a black die it reduces by one the number of
successes from the Dice Pool. This illustrates the fact that the
random chance of failure is heightened by the situation at hand. A
Critical failure is one such penalty; when this happens the character
gains a +1 black die for the scene.

Threshold: The number of successes needed to accomplish a


Opposed tasks: If the task is opposed then the threshold for

the task is increased by the number of successes gained by the
opposition. When an opponent wants to oppose an none combat/
social action they must roll half their pool for the skill that pertains
to the task being accomplished by the target character.

Unskilled Tasks: If a character does not have the skill needed

to perform a task they can still try to perform it with only their base
attribute. The Threshold for the any task tried without the use of a
skill will result in a +2 to the threshold.

Combat: This works like an opposed task as described before.

The attacker rolls a number of Dice Pool equal to their Skill and
the linked attribute. For instance a Weapon Skill + Quickness. The
defender rolls a Dice Pool equal to their Weapon Skill + Quickness.
If the attacker has more successes, they strike the opponent a blow,
doing damage. However, if the defender rolls more successes then
the attacker, they land a blow on the attacker instead outside their
initiative. This means that it is possible to be able to attack more

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
than once in a round.

Round: A round is a measurement of time within the game.

Since this game is a cinematic game, a round is not listed as a solid
number of seconds. Instead it is a block of time where each character
can act according to their initiative. Once each character has acted
a new rounds begins and a new initiative is rolled. All combatants
choose who they are attacking that round before they roll for

Initiative: Characters make an initiative roll: 1D6 + the

character’s Quickness. If an attacking character is ahead of their
chosen target in initiative then they receive a +1 die during their
Physical Task that round. Ties in initiative are broken in two ways;
either with the highest Quickness or the roll of a 1D6- highest roll
wins. A round of combat does not have a set frame of time that it
takes place in because the combatant’s actions do not consist of a
single swing or parry. Combat consist of multiple attack, parries,
thrusts, and dodges. It is up to the GM to describe how much time
has really passed between blows.

Once initiative has been put in order the characters make their
attack in order of the initiative by making a roll of Quickness +
the character’s attack skill (either weapon or martial). They count
their successes, remembering to take the black die into account as
usual. Then the defendant does the same. The results of both rolls
are compared and the character with the most successes wins. A tie
means that it is a draw. Damage is dealt with later.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Types of Tasks: All tasks fall into one of either two areas. There
are Physical Tasks such Making an Attacking, or Craft skill, or
Casting a Spell. Then there are Mental Tasks, such as Using a Sense,
or Recall a Spell, or Taking Aim. Characters can make one Mental
Task and One Physical Task per round of combat.

Mental Tasks

• Recall Spell: This task requires a spell caster to use a

mental action to recall how to cast a spell without the use of
looking it up in their spell book.

• Distract: you draw attention to yourself to prevent a foe

from noticing your companion. The character must first make
a Persuasion or Insult skill + Resolve. The opposing character
rolls his Resolve. Compare the results; subtract the opposing
character successes from the distracting character’s successes. If
the distracting character meets the threshold equal to the target’s
Heart attribute, said target character is distracted and receives -2
die to his next action.

• Intimidate: You threaten your opponent and cause him/her

to feel fear with your eyes, your words, or actions. Roll resolve
+Performance against a threshold equal to the target’s resolve.
The target gains a -2 die to their actions that round.

• Size Up: You take stock of your opponent, feeling out their
relative strengths and weakness. Roll Insight + tactics against a
threshold equal to the opponent’s resolve. If successful, character
gain +2 die for the next round.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
• Feint: : You move your attack in a way that causes your
opponent to believe you are committed to an action other than the
one you plan to actually do. This gains the opponent +1 black die
to their combat roll this round. Make a Quickness Task, Threshold
equal to half the opponent’s Resolve.

• Sense: You use the sense skill to see what may be hidden
from plain sight while in battle.

• Steady Yourself: You focus on your position and balance

to overcome situational penalties caused by the environment,
poring all of your mental will into it. Make a resolve task against a
threshold of 3.

Insult: A character can use the Insult skill to lower a single

opponent’s morale, gaining that character a -1 die for the scene.

• Inspire Other: A character can use the Inspire skill to boost

a single comrade’s morale, gaining that character a +1 die for the

• Aim: You pin point a specific spot you want to target your
Physical Task towards. Make a Resolve task against a threshold of
3. A successful Aim gives the character +1 success automatically.

• Delay: You use your mental action to hold your Physical Task
until things line up to the way you want them or just to see what
everyone is going to do. This is basically holding your turn in the
initiative until your ready to act without losing your initiative

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
• Quicken Resolve: this is when you make a speech to
yourself and those who are listening as to why you cannot give up
or why you are doing what you are doing.

Physical Tasks

• Reposition: A character can reposition instead of acting

in order to gain +2 to their next initiative. This represents the
character moving to get better footing or higher ground. An
opponent can try to counter this by also doing a Reposition
Task, but will need to make a Quickness Task; Threshold: 3 to
successfully negate your reposition bonus.

• Attack: Normal combat task where the character tries to

inflict harm to another person or creature.

• Surprise Attack: works the same as normal combat except

that if the defender gains more successes they only succeed in
defending against the attack and do not land any hits this round.
Surprise attack gains the attacker a +2 die to combat against their

• Knockout Attack: this action is used during a surprised

attack. The character must land a blow on the target and the
target treats the attack like they would if all of their Body boxes
were full, except they take no damage from the attack.

• Cast a Spell: Using a magic spells.

• Full Defense: The character is not attacking this turn

only defending. They gain +2 to defend, but when they roll more

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
successes they cause no damage.

• Climb: Use Athletics to move up or down vertically.

• Grab: This causes no damage, but will gain a hold on your

opponent’s physical self.

• Jump: Use Athletics to jump over obstacles.

• Power Hit: The character builds up the momentum of the

next attack, putting all their strength into the attack. This uses up
one turn but adds the character’s Strength score to the next attack

• Lock Weapons: This attack is meant not to bypass the

opponent’s defenses, but to instead render them unable to attack
until they can unlock weapons with you. This requires a Strength
task against you.

• Swim: Use Athletics to move in water.

• Use a Skill: When using a skill during combat, except the

ones listed already, have their Threshold increased by 1.

• Toss: To throw an opponent after you have successfully used

a Grab Physical Task.

• Throw/Release: To release an opponent that you have used

Lock weapons on or to Throw an object away from yourself.

• Disarm: You target not your opponent, but your opponent’s

weapon; trying to remove it from his/her grasp. You need a

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
number of successes over the opponent’s Strength to complete
this task.

Movement: Since combat rounds are not described in a second

by second fashion, characters have a greater freedom of movement.

Multiple Opponent: Whenever a character is in combat against

multiple targets (2 or more) they gain additional Black die. They
gain one additional die for every additional opponent against them.
This can happen even if there are multiply combats one either
side. If there is one more opponent on either side than the other,
then someone will end up fighting more than one. This will best
represents a character being out number or overwhelmed.

Shields gain the user a +1 die during combat. However, whenever

a blow is landed 1 success must be removed from the total when
calculating damage.

Ranged Weapons: Range weapon work as per the normal rules

of combat, however, there are a few differences. When an attacker
is using a range weapon and the successes are compared, if the
defender has more successes this only means that the defender has
dodged and weaved through the arrow bombardment. Whenever
an opponent attacks a ranged weapon wielding target there are
a number of Reposition actions that are needed in order for the
opponent to attack a target wielding a ranged weapon. When
Repositioning in this manner ignore the bonus normally gained
through repositioning. The number of Repositions needed is listed
below next to the weapon; the GM can change these number as he/
she sees fit depending on the situation.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
• Long Bow: 4 Repositions.

• Short Bow: 2 Repositions.

• Crossbow: 1 Reposition.

Social Situations: When dealing with this type of situation

it works in a few ways like combat does, except the characters use
social based skills instead. Whenever a character begins to barter,
politically maneuver, banter, etc with another character they enter
the social arena. The characters roll initiative as normal to see who
gets their verbal thrust and parries in first.

Then the characters roll their Social skill + Resolve and compare
the results. The character with the most successes wins. In the case
of draws it just means that neither was able to gain ground in the
battle of words and must begin again in earnest. Some of these skills
can be used during combat to trip up or undermine the character’s

Social Status: Some characters are peasants while others are

princes. This difference in social status has an effect on the use
of social skills. Use the following to figure out how a social task’s
threshold is affected when dealing with someone with a higher
social status. There is no change when dealing with individuals on a
lower social status.
Social Status is on Four Tiers, lowest to highest: Peasant,
Tradesmen, Scholars/Priests/Sorcerers (Learned individuals), and
Nobles. For each step above your own Social Status increase the
Threshold for social tasks by 1. For example, a Peasant performing a
Inspire Task on a Noble would add a +3 to the Threshold.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Resolving Separate combat situations that involve several
of the players in the same instant. Each of these scenes even though
separate are handled at the same time. This way if and when an
actor defeats or runs off their opponent(s) they can try to retreat to
where their friends are in order to give them assistance.

Mapping combat: In many games they rely on the group

mapping out where each character is on the battle field and how
they move. In this game this is not important. This is all handled
descriptively. However, especially if there are multiple combat
scenes taking place at the same time, it is good to have a scene map
that shows where each scene is located in relation to each other.
This could be a map of the town that the characters are in or of the
forest/region that they are in. The GM can then even introduce other
elements in between these scenes that could possible create new
scenes if the actors encounter them while moving between scenes.
These surprise scenes can be either combat or social in nature. They
can even be clues to solve a puzzle that the players are trying to
figure out.

In Game Effects: At times characters are affected by more than

verb or physical abuse caused by other characters. The following list
consists of affects that character may encounter during play.

• Fire: This affect will typically cause other flammable items

to catch on fire. Fire gets it own pool of dice, the size of which
depends on the size of the fire. Tiny: 3 die, Small: 4 die, Average:
5 die, Large: 6 die, Big: 7 die, and Huge: 8 die. For most items it
will take 3 successes to set them ablaze, 1 success if something
like gasoline is used. When a character is set ablaze use the

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
number of successes to help determine damage.

• Drowning: Character will not be able to breathe underwater

for the most part. A character can hold their breath for an average
of Strength and Resolve in minutes. At the end of this period
they will begin to fill one box of Body damage per round. Once
they fall unconscious they will also begin to fill Blood boxes with
damage; at the end of which they will die.

• Frost-bite: Some spell affects, terrain, or creature abilities

could cause a character to become so could that they suffer
from this affect. Any damage caused by Frost-bite will cause an
additional +2 damage (Body).

• Quicksand: This element involves a cinematic situation.

The GM can decide how quickly the character is pulled into the
quicksand; usually a few minutes. Once they are below the sand
refer to the drowning affect.

• Electric Shock: Some spell affects, terrain, or creature

abilities could cause a character to suffer from this affect.
Whenever encountered it adds +2 body of damage.

• Acid: This affect eats through most inorganic or organic

substances. The only substance not affected is glass and forged
iron; however, it will eat through iron over time. It just takes
along long time to do so. Whenever this is encountered the
substance that it touches will suffer 1 box of Body damage per 30

• Poison: There are different types of poison: some can only

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
affect a target if carried in the blood, some only if drank, and
some can be absorbed into the skin. The GM should decide which
type of poison it is first. IN any case, when a character is affected
by a poison they must make a resistance roll using Strength. The
strength of the poison dictates the threshold need to survive: Mild
poison: threshold 2, Average poison: threshold 3, Strong poison:
threshold 4, Powerful poison: threshold 5.

• Drunk: A character must first make a Strength save vs.

the potency of the drink: Watery: threshold 1, Weak: threshold
2, Mild: threshold 3, Average: threshold 4, Strong: threshold 5,
Powerful: threshold 6. Whenever a character is under the affects
of alcohol they will suffer as follows: All task thresholds are
increased by 3. If the character continues to drink they will pass
out after a number of drinks equal to their Strength.

• Falling: Whenever a character falls from a great height they

will suffer damage. Treat the following as if they were a number
of total successes from combat. They character will suffer damage
equal to 1 box per 5 ft. that they fell.

• Grabbed/Entangled: When a character is held and cannot

move due to an outside force, they can try to break free by making
an opposed Strength Task. Depending on the situation the
character may not be able to move or attack until freed.

• Stunned: This character is unable to act or defend. Any

actions made against them are considered unopposed. Stun
affects usually only last a round or so.

• Blessings: This is a GM tool that they can use to reward

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
excellence during a scene or situation. The GM can reward a
player with a temporary +1 die that can be used during any task.
The die is only temporary and must be used that game session.
They do not carry over from game to game. More than one
blessing can be used in any given task; however, the player cannot
use the blessing on another player or character. The blessing can
only be used to affect the character that received the blessing to
begin with.

Weapon Damage:
The amount of damage that a weapon can do is equal to the
number of successes, plus the bonus of the weapon; which will nor-
mally be listed as Successes plus X. They are then denoted by the
type of damage that the weapon inflects; Either Body or Blood. This
is the number of successes that remain after being compared to the
opponent’s successes. This is then augmented by the armor worn by
the target of the attack.

Punch/kick: total Successes (body)

Lead lined Gloves: Successes plus 1 (body)

Knife: Successes plus 2 (blood)

Sword: Successes plus 3 (Blood)

Axe: Successes plus 2 (Blood)

Polearm: Successes plus 2 (Blood)

Staff: Successes plus 3 (body)

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Spear: Successes plus 2 (Blood)

Short bow: Successes plus 3 (blood)

Long bow: Successes plus 4 (Blood)

Crossbow: Successes plus 5 (Blood)

One round to reload.

Tracking Damage:
Damage is tracked using a health track. The weapon type
will denote which damage track to use. The more damage that
a character takes the further along the track they go down. The
further down the track, the more likely they will suffer penalties
to their actions. The track is split into two groups; Body and Blood.
Body denotes bruising damage or damage that does not cause the
loss of blood and bodily fluids. This type of damage at least will
knock a character out; however, if the damage continues past the last
box of Body damage then it begins to accumulate in Blood damage.
Once body is full the character can make a strength task roll (3
successes) to remain conscious. Blood represents the type of damage
that causes the loss of blood and more serious and even deadly

Strength measures how sturdy a character is and denotes how

many boxes of damage a character can take before they begin to feel
the effects of being hurt. Starting at the first box after the number of
boxes equal to Strength, and continuing to every other box after, the
character will receive a +1 Black Die until the damage is healed. This
rule is the same for both Body and blood boxes. See example.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
For Animals, Creatures, and Yaomo this rule is the same except that
Animals and Creatures have strength plus two, and Yaomo have
Strength plus three boxes of damage they can take before they begin
to feel the effects of being hurt.


Example: Sun Yei is a Warrior with a Strength score of 5. On the

table below you can see that because of his strength score Sun Yei
does begin to receive penalties from damage until he begins to mark
off damage in the areas maker in red.


Death: Whenever the character’s blood boxes are all full they
die. However, there is a slight chance that they could be saved, but
only if the character makes a Spirit task roll against a Threshold:
3. If they succeed at the task then they will live long enough (24
hours) to get medical attention. However, it will take them 10 minus
Strength in weeks to fully recover by normal medical means.

Armor: This removes damage from the attack before it is added

to the targeted character’s Damage Track. Each type of armor has
an amount that it will remove from the total damage. This is called
resistance. Plus each armor type has a Threshold that indicates
the amount of damage that the character would have to have been
hit with for it to cause damage to the armor. Each suit of armor
has 5 boxes on its damage track. No matter what type of damage
it is it is all recorded the same when it comes to armor and other

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inanimate objects. The damage suffered is equal to each point over
the Threshold. Some armor also will have penalties associated with
them, depending on type.

•Leather Vest: Resist: 1 Threshold 4

•Reinforced Leather: Resist: 2 Threshold: 5

•Studded Leather: Resist: 3 Threshold: 5

•Ringmail: Resist: 4 Threshold: 5

•Scalemail: Resist: 5 Threshold: 6. Stealth and athletic task

requires +1 additional success.

•Chainmail: Resist: 6 Threshold: 5 Penalty: Stealth task

requires +1 additional success.

•Lamellar Cuirass: Resist: 2 Threshold: 8. Athletic task

requires +2 additional successes.

•Brigandine: Resist: 6 Threshold: 4. Athletic task requires +1

additional success.

Questions and Answers:

The following are some questions that might arise and how they
are handled.

Question 1) Do action effects that add or subtract dice stack?

For example could multiple people Intimidate a foe in a round to
give him -6 dice for actions in the next round? Could you Inspire

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allies each round granting them multiple dice for the scene?

Answer) Yes, multiple people can try to inspire or Intimidate the

same target to try and stack bonuses or penalties. However, after
the first Intimidate or Inspire Task, each additional Intimidate or
Inspire gains an accumulative +1 Black die to the roll to account
for the targets already heightened state due to the pervious
intimidation or Inspiration.

Question 2) When a character makes an Animosities or

Enemies does the mechanics for this work like it does with
other Relationships? Do you acquire negative point mechanic to
represent this, as enemies can be played off just as easy as allies.

Answer) No, I figure that when you make an enemy in game that
character’s hatred becomes a story point for the GM to build off of
and has no additional mechanics governing it.

Question 3) If you change your action after you’ve declared it

during initiative, is there some sort of penalty?

Answer) If a character changes who they are attacking after they

have declared and roll initiative then they lose the +1 die during
their Physical Task, since they are no longer attack the same

Question 4) The black dice acquired through critical failures;

do they get rolled with every roll for the scene, or just for the
ones related to the roll that gained the black die? Example: Roll a
critical failure while fighting in combat. Would it effect all action
rolls or just those that are related to the actual fight you are in?

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Answer) Yes, any critical failure Black Dice are for all task rolls,
not just on the tasks you gain them from.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)

How to Run
A Cinematic
Story game:
For those of you who have run a role playing game before should
know that running a cinematic story game works differently than
what you would expect to see in other games. For those who are
new to role playing games will have it easier in the long run when it
comes to running a cinematic game.

When running a role playing game it is understood that players

and Game Master (GM) work together to create a in-depth story
that contains all the subject matter that everyone wants the story to
cover; Love, hate, fear, pride, friendship, etc.

The Game master’s job is part referee part director. They govern
the direction of the story as dictated by the player character’s actions
and reactions. At the same time, their voice is the final decision for
rule calls and grey areas that may show up during play. Their top
priority is to create a believable world for the players to act in and
react with.

The players top priority is to portray their characters to the best

of their abilities. The players are the actors who portray the main
characters of this movie or story and should act as such.

Running a cinematic game is much easier than it sounds. When

the GM tells the story he/she breaks the storyline down into scenes.
These are the important parts of what happens within the story.

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The following are a few simple guide lines to help you along the way.
Remember, just because the game is Cinematic does not mean that it
does not have a bases in reality.

• Match the high-energy action and drama seen in movie to the

storyline being played out.

• Emphasis on dramatic action over mechanics. This means that if

it fits the story but goes against the rules laid down by this book,
always choose the story element over the rules.

• At times, routine actions are not played out. All scenes played
are important to the overall story/plot. Routine acts are best left
to narrative.

• Anything out of scene is narrated by the GM, or on occasion the


• Never let realism get in the way of your story.

• Focus on the characters, the story, and fun. This is your and the
players game, so make sure that everyone is having fun.

• At times, if something bad happens it should go all out, never go

only half way. Example: A pair of horse are spooked by a snake
and begin to run all out down a hill. What now? Well, go full out;
the wagon being pulled by these horses hits a large boulder that
is sticking out of the ground, which rocks the wagon and destroys
the left hand wheel. Now the wagon is being half dragged down
the hill and a cliff is fast approaching.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
• Cinema is not about the boring everyday typical conversations
that people have; like, “Hi, how was your day”? “Oh, just
fine”. Scenes that consist of very much conversation or only
conversation should contain an element of some kind of emotional

• Know when to cut a scene. If the players are having fun, keep
the scene going. If the players are just going through the motions,
then cut the scene and move on. Anything not covered in that
scene that should have been can be turned into narrative.

• The players should never be pouring over the book during the
game. This is the GM’s territory.

•When Describing a scene allow the players the option to add

elements into the scene. This helps better establish what the scene
looks like in the players mind. It also gives them more to work
with during the scene.

• The players are the actors in the story and as such its the GM’s
duty to allow them all shine like stars. In order to do this the GM
must give each of his/her actors a chance in the spot light. There
is no absolute way to do this, it more something that the GM
learns how to do over time. Typically the GM wants to come to a
cliffhanger or a resolution before moving the spot light onto the
next act. The purpose for this is so that none of the players feels
ignored or bored if they are not involved in the situation or scene.

When the GM runs the game and tells the story he/she needs

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always keep in mind the pacing of the story. Pacing is the amount of
time that passes in the story. How fast or slow the pacing is managed
can affect the mood and tension of the story. Tension in the story is
good. It keeps the player’s attention focused on the goal, creates a
better over all mood for each scene, and creates greater drama.

The following examples will help demonstrate what this means.

In a fast paced car chase the tension is keep high in order to make
the audience (players) feel what the characters are feeling. This
tension helps make us want to step on the break, grip our seat in
fear, and enjoy ever moment. The pacing for a scene involving a
high speed car chase has a fast pacing set up. This is too illustrate
the speed of which the characters are traveling and the threat that
follows. This can be created by the GM making the players react
without a moment of thought, with quick answers and actions.

Another example would be that of a character rushing to give his

assistance to his friend who is battling the villain alone on the battle
field. Pacing in this instance is slow for the character who is running
to help a friend, while fast for the combatants. Normally in a role
playing game, the rounds are ticked off like seconds on a watch, as
well as the amount of movement a character can move in that round.
But in a Cinematic game the time that passes in a round is not kept
that way and neither is the character’s movement. This is all handled
with pacing. Remember you want to keep the tension high so you
make it take a couple of rounds for the character to reach his friend,
with full knowledge that he may not make it time if his friend is
faring poorly in the fight. This increases the overall dramatic sense
of the scene. However, don’t over do it. You want the character to get
there in time to save his friend don’t you? If not then have him arrive

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just as the final blow is struck. This keeps that tension present while
allowing it to slow down dramatically as the character reaches his
friend just before his friend’s eyes unfocused and the he breathes
his last. Here the friend says his farewell and then dies. This too is a
form of pacing.

Pacing will take practice to perfect, but will greatly improve

everyone’s gaming experience.

Creating A Storyline:
In a movie the storyline is dictated by the script. In this game
its very much the same except the script for the game excludes the
actions and dialog of the actors. The script contains the backstory
that shows the GM what is leading the characters to this point and
the motives for the NPCs; as well as describing the scenes and the
conflicts within. Every adventure is treated as a separate storyline
with their own underlaying themes and ideas. The following are
some key points that should be considered when writing a Cinematic

•There are only three ingredients you need to design an

adventure; The set up, the conflict, and the resolution. Anything
covered after this point is used to give each of these three more
volume, more detail.

• A true character is shown by the acts they commit while under

pressure. The pressure is introduced during the stage of the
adventure when conflict is introduced. What the character will do
will revile what type of person they are; whether they are a hero

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or a villain.

•When creating scenes, the scene should not be just a description

of the place that the scene takes place in, but have a mood and
conflict that demands a response. This is the Big idea of the scene.
The Conflict does not have to be as simple as a villain attacking
the actors or anything as violent. The conflict can be an emotional
one either between two or more actors or between the actors
and a NPC. The Conflict can even be between the actors and the
environment such as a bad thunderstorm that has scared their
steads into panic.

•There are eight steps to the Hero’s Journey. The journey is both
a single adventure and the heroes complete process over time,
which consists of multitude of adventures. These eight steps are:

The Call: This is what invites our hero(es) into the adventure. It
entices us with the unknown and the opportunity to gain something
physical or spiritual in return.

The Threshold: This is the jumping off point of the adventure,

where the hero steps into the unknown and out of his comfort zone.
This is a world full of challenges and dangers, some of which we may
not be ready to overcome.
Here we encounter the Threshold Guardian. The guardians duty
is keep those who are unready from heeding the call and giving
physical or spiritual help if needed to those who have proven that
they are ready. Here we often times encounter the help who gives the
hero stability and keeps him/her focused on the goal at hand.

The Challenges: Now the hero is in the unknown and fully in

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the adventure. Here they will encounter challenges and temptations.
Some of these will be fairly easy for them to overcome, but as they
progress the challenges and temptations become greater. Here the
heroes greatest challenges will strike at his/her weaknesses. Skills
that are unknown to them or that they have as of yet to master, the
heroes lack of knowledge, and their fears.

Into the Abyss: This is the greatest challenge on the journey.

It is not unusual for the hero to try and fail here. However, true
failure is only if the hero gives up and does not try again. This is the
doorway through which the hero has conquered the challenges set
before him/her and exits a different person than when they started.

Revelation: This is the end of this adventure so that we can go

on to the next adventure. Though our hero was beaten over and over
again he/she had continued on, overcoming everything in his/her
path to come out clean on the other side.

Rewarding the players:

After the adventure is over the GM rewards the players with
experience. This reflects the knowledge and capabilities gained
during play. Experience is given out as a number of points that
they can save and spend to improve their character over time. It is
suggested that the GM give the players 1-2 points of experience per
adventure completed. The amount depends on how well the GM feels
they played; how well they played their characters, role played with
their relationships, and how well they thought out the challenges
they encountered.
Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Players can spend their experience points for the following

• Increase a skill by one point: 2 experience points when

the skill is less than or equal to the linked attribute; otherwise it
cost 4 experience points.

• Increase an attribute by one point: 5 experience points

• Buy one new edge: 6 experience points

The following are example Non-player characters the GM can use
during game play, or can use to help make their own. To make one
of your own using the following guidelines: 18 points in attributes,
10-12 points for skills.

Strength: 3 Quickness: 3 Insight: 3 Resolve: 3 Heart: 3 Spirit: 3
Skills: Labor: 3 Lore (folk): 3, Animal Handling: 3, Etiquette: 1,
Weapon: 1

Common Soldier:
Strength: 4 Quickness: 3 Insight: 2 Resolve: 3 Heart: 2 Spirit: 2
Skills: Athletics: 2, Martial 1, Weapon: 3, Weapon: 2, Tactics: 2,
Sense: 1
Armor: Reenforced Leather: R:3 Threshold: 5

Kingdom Official:

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Strength: 3 Quickness: 3 Insight: 4 Resolve: 3 Heart: 3 Spirit: 2
Skills: Etiquette: 3, Persuasion: 3, Lying: 1, Inspire: 1, Weapon: 1,
Lore (government): 1

Common Bandit:
Strength: 4 Quickness: 4 Insight: 3 Resolve: 3 Heart: 2 Spirit: 2
Skills: Athletics: 2, Stealth: 2, Legerdemain: 3, Insult: 1, Weapon:
2, Gambling: 1
Armor: Leather Vest: R: 1 Threshold: 4

Wandering Sorcerer:
Strength: 2 Quickness: 3 Insight: 3 Resolve: 3 Heart: 2 Spirit: 4
Skills: Arcane: 3, Weapon: 2, Lore (Yaomo): 2, Mimicry: 1, Lore
(poison): 2, Tracking: 1, Sense: 1
Armor: Leather Vest: R:1 Threshold: 4

Village Sorcerer:
Strength: 2 Quickness: 2 Insight: 3 Resolve: 3 Heart: 4 Spirit: 4
Skills: Arcane: 3, Weapon: 2, Lore (Folk): 2, Mimicry: 1, Lore
(Region): 2, Doctoring: 1, Inspire: 1
Armor: Leather Vest: R:1 Threshold: 4

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Animals, Creatures,
and Yaomo:
These adversaries or allies are set up a little differently then
characters. They get the six main stats and a same damage tracker
as characters; however they do not gain skills. Instead they get a
pool of dice called Boost. The boost is used by the animal or creature
in the same function as a character would a skill. On top of this they
also have traits that give them bonuses during different situations.
Darkness is a type of creature that is made of pure evil. When the
land is corrupted or a kingdom disregards the laws handed down
from heaven, the darkness enter into the world. They hate the living
and are the enemy of all of heaven’s creations.

• Bear:

Strength: 5 Quickness: 4 Insight: 3 Resolve: 4 Heart: 3 Spirit: 3

Boost: 4

Edges: Claws (Success +2 blood) Bite (success +1 blood), Climb +1

die, Sense +2 die.

• Bird of Prey:

Strength: 2 Quickness: 6 Insight: 4 Resolve: 4 Heart: 3 Spirit: 3

Boost: 3

Edges: Claws (Success +1 blood) Beak (success blood), Fly,

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Sense: sight +2 die.

• Canine:

Strength: 3 Quickness: 4(5) Insight: 3 Resolve: 4 Heart: 4 Spirit: 3

Boost: 5

Edges: Claws (Success blood) Bite (success +1 blood), Sense +2

die, Danger Sense: Yaomo.

• Greater Cat:

Strength: 3 Quickness: 6 Insight: 4 Resolve: 3 Heart: 3 Spirit: 3

Boost: 4

Edges: Claws (Success +1 (2) blood) Bite (success blood), Climb +1

die, Sense +2 die, Stealth +2 die.

• Elephant:

Strength: 6 Quickness: 2 Insight: 3 Resolve: 3 Heart: 4 Spirit: 3

Boost: 5

Edges: Tusk (Success +2 blood) Crushing step (success +2 blood),

Sense +1 die.

• Horse:

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Strength: 4 Quickness: 4 Insight: 3 Resolve: 3 Heart: 3 Spirit: 3

Boost: 4

Edges: Hoof/kick (Success +2 blood) Bite (success blood),

Athletics: Run +1 die, Sense +2 die.

• Scorpion:

Strength: 1 Quickness: 4 Insight: 2 Resolve: 3 Heart: 3 Spirit: 3

Boost: 3

Edges: Claws (Success body) Sting (success Body), Stealth +2 die,

Poisonous: When target is stung, target must make a Strength
task against Threshold: 3. If not, they will take one box of body
damage per round.

• Shark:

Strength: 4 Quickness: 7 Insight: 3 Resolve: 3 Heart: 3 Spirit: 3

Boost: 4

Edges: Bite (success +3 blood), Athletics: Swim +1 die, Sense:

smell +2 die.

• Small Snake:

Strength: 2 Quickness: 4 Insight: 3 Resolve: 3 Heart: 3 Spirit: 3

Boost: 3

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Edges: Bite (success Body), Stealth +1 die, Poisonous: When
bitten, the target must make a Strength task against Threshold: 3.
If not, they will take one box of body damage per round.

• Large Snake:

Strength: 3 Quickness: 6 Insight: 3 Resolve: 3 Heart: 3 Spirit: 3

Boost: 4

Edges: Bite (success Blood), Stealth +1 die, Poisonous: When

bitten, the target must make a Strength task against Threshold: 4.
If not, they will take one box of body damage per round.

• Firehawk: This creature looks like a large bird of prey, ex-

cept made out of glowing embers and ash.

Strength: 3 Quickness: 7 Insight: 4 Resolve: 4 Heart: 3 Spirit: 4

Boost: 5

Edges: Claws (Success +2 body) Bite (success +1 Body), Sense +2

die, Danger Sense: Yaomo, Fire Wraith: Catch things on fire by

• Kirin: This creature is the strange mix of a dragon and deer.

It is said that they can see what is truly in a person’s heart.

Strength: 3 Quickness: 5 Insight: 5 Resolve: 4 Heart: 6 Spirit: 5

Boost: 5

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Edges: Claws (Success blood) Bite (success +1 blood), Sense +2
die, Danger Sense: Yaomo.

• Jiufeng: A nine headed bird and eater of children.

Strength: 4 Quickness: 6 Insight: 4 Resolve: 4 Heart: 2 Spirit: 3

Boost: 4

Edges: Claws (Success +1 blood) Bite (success +1 blood), Sense +2


• Qilin: Scaled giraffe

Strength:4 Quickness: 4 Insight: 4 Resolve: 3 Heart: 3 Spirit: 3

Boost: 4

Edges: Hooves (Success +1 Body) Bite (success blood), Sense +2


• Xie Cai: Unicorn-goat.

Strength: 3 Quickness: 4 Insight: 3 Resolve: 3 Heart: 3 Spirit: 4

Boost: 4

Edges: hooves (Success Body) Bite (success +1 blood), Sense +2

die, Danger Sense: Yaomo.

• Longma: Dragon horse.

Strength: 5 Quickness: 5 Insight: 4 Resolve: 4 Heart: 3 Spirit: 4

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Boost: 5

Edges: Claws (Success +1 blood)hooves (Success +1 Body) Bite

(success +2 blood), Sense +3 die, Danger Sense: Yaomo.

• Huli Jing: Fox spirits that are known for trickery and evil.

Strength: 3 Quickness: 4 Insight: 5 Resolve: 5 Heart: 2 Spirit: 6

Boost: 4-6

Edges: Invisibility: they can become invisible to the naked eye

with a successful Resolve roll. Arcane skill rank 5 plus several
spells, and The Devil’s bargain: they can make deals with mortals
but these are usually more to the fox’s interest than that of the

• Pi Yao: A winged lion that eat gold and silver. They usually
have one or two horns that crown their heads.

Strength: 5 Quickness: 5 Insight: 3 Resolve: 4 Heart: 3 Spirit: 5

Boost: 6-8

Edges: Claws (Success +1 blood) Bite (success +2 blood), Sense +2

die, Danger Sense: Yaomo, Ward off evil: causes fear in Yaomo:
make a Spirit task roll, threshold 3, and Wings.

• Jiang Shi: Corpses that hop around a drain their living

victims of life. It is believed that the souls of the deceased did not
leave the body as it was suppose to and now wonders the world as
part of the undead.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Stats: these are the same for any mortal except that their spirit is
Negative and should be express as such.

Boost: 5

Edges: Life drain: If they are able to get a hold of a living s they
can place their mouth over the targets in order to drain their
life essence from them. The target must make a Spirit task roll
against a threshold of 3. Every round that the Jiang Shi does
this the target loses one point of Strength and one box of body
damage. They can not be harmed by normal weapons, poison,
toxin, they do not breath, gain +1 to strength.

• Dragon:

Strength: 8 Quickness: 7 Insight: 6 Resolve: 6 Heart: 4 Spirit: 5

Boost: 8

Edges: Claws (Success +3 blood) Bite (success +4 blood), Arcane

skill rank 6 plus 8-10 spells, Sense +4 die, Danger Sense: Yaomo.

• Yaomo: The darkness. The chaos that lives and thrives all
around us. It feeds of the negative energy that humans bring into
the world and be doing so can take a physical form. They hate the
living and all things good and positive energy burns them like fire.
All Yaomo are different from each other, except that they tend to
resemble other creatures but misshapened; use the following as a
guide. They all have a negative number for spirit to represent how
far removed they are from the heavens. Special abilities of the
Yaomo are list below.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Possessing Yaomo: Sometimes Negative energy builds up so
much within a person that instead of creating a Yaomo out in the
world it manifest within the persons heart and takes control of
them. They are not dead (yet), but the creature must be removed
before it completely drains their spirit. The victim will lose 1 point
of spirit per day. Afterwards the Person is dead though they are
still controlled; so at times when dealing with a possessed person
no one will know if the victim can be saved in time or not.

Strength: +2 Quickness: +2 Insight: 3 Resolve: 4 Heart: 1 Spirit:


Boost: 3

Edges: Claws (Success blood) Bite (success blood), Sense +2 die,

Weapons +1, plus 2 special abilities.

Lesser Yaomo: The type of Yaomo is always Animalistic in


Strength: 3 Quickness: 3 Insight: 2 Resolve: 3 Heart: 1 Spirit: -3

Boost: 5

Edges: Claws (Success +1 blood) Bite (success +1 blood), Sense +2

die, Danger Sense: positive Energy, plus 1 special abilities.

Minor Yaomo: This type of Yaomo is usually humanoid in

appearance but it’s not unknown for there to be Animalistic ones
as well.

Strength: 4 Quickness: 4 Insight: 3 Resolve: 3 Heart: 1 Spirit: -4

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Boost: 5

Edges: Claws (Success +3 blood) Bite (success +2 blood), Sense

+2 die, Weapons +3 Danger Sense: positive Energy, plus 2 special

Major Yaomo:

Strength: 5 Quickness: 5 Insight: 3 Resolve: 4 Heart: 1 Spirit: -4

Boost: 6

Edges: Claws (Success +3 blood) Bite (success +2 blood), Sense

+2 die, Weapons +3 Danger Sense: positive Energy, plus 2 special

Greater Yaomo:

Strength: 6 Quickness: 7 Insight: 4 Resolve: 5 Heart: 1 Spirit: -5

Boost: 6

Edges: Claws (Success +3 blood) Bite (success +2 blood), Sense

+2 die, Weapons +3 Danger Sense: positive Energy, plus 3 special

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Yaomo abilities:
• Change shape: This type of Yaomo can change the way it
looks and its size. This does not count as an action.

• Invisible stalker: This type of Yaomo can make itself

invisible to the naked eye. The Yaomo makes a Resolve task roll;
one success is all that is needed.

• Giant: This type of Yaomo is between 9-12 ft. tall in height.

Increase damage caused by their attacks by +2.

• Skilled: This Yaomo beings with a number of skill. It has 20

points to place into its skills, but it loses its boost.

• Fire breathing: This type of Yaomo can exhale from their

mouth and flames will leap out. The Yaomo rolls Resolve + any
boost. Damage is equal to successes +2 (Body).

• Ice Breath: This type of Yaomo can exhale from their mouth
and Arctic Cold air will sweep out, creating a frost-bite affect
against a target. The Yaomo rolls Resolve + any boost. Damage is
equal to successes +2 (Body).

• Incorporeal: This type of Yaomo has no physical form on

the mortal plan. They are more like ghost or spirits and can only
be affected by that of which that can affect spirits.

• Drain Strength: Ever attack that this type of Yaomo

successfully lands against an opponent causes them to lose 1 point
of strength temporary. The target must make a Spirit task roll,

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threshold 2, to save against this affect.

• Drain Resolve: Ever attack that this type of Yaomo

successfully lands against an opponent causes them to lose 1 point
of Resolve temporary. The target must make a Spirit task roll,
threshold 2, to save against this affect.

• Misfortune: The Yaomo can place additional Black die on

a target for a period of time. Roll spirit: the number of successes
determines how long in the number of days. A Target can only
be affected by this once per successful use. In other words, this
affects can not be stacked.

• Disease: The Yaomo spreads a Disease through out the

area that it infests. To overcome the Disease, all characters that
encounter the Yaomo must make a resistance roll using Strength;
Threshold 3. If they fail to save the character becomes ill. The
general effect of the illness is up to the GM to decide. For infected
characters to get better a cure must be found. Yaomo caused
diseases are deadly can not be healed by natural means.

• Plague: This is a rare Yaomo ability. This works similarly

to Disease except that saving threshold is 4-5. Plus the Yaomo
infects only one target, this target must make a resistance roll
using Spirit against a threshold of 3. If infected by the Yaomo, the
target becomes a carrier of the Plague and will not be affected or
die of the plague. They will not show any of the symptoms of the
plague as well.

• Possession: This is a rare Yaomo ability. The Yaomo attacks

a target and takes a hold of their body. Once in control of the

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host they can only be removed by a priest. The target must make
a resistance roll using Spirit against a threshold of 3. If they fail
they become the host of the Yaomo.

• Hide Spirit: This ability allows the Yaomo to hide their

spiritual presence from detection. This adds a +1 to the threshold
to be detected. This can be bought multiply times.

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Boy names:

An: Peace

Anguo: Peaceful country

Anming: peaceful clarity

Bang: Nation

Baojia: Protects the Family

Bihai: Jade sea

Biming: The clarity of jade

Cai: Fortune

Cheng: Accomplished

Chongde: Honours virtue

Cong: Intelligent

Dawei: Greatly Accomplished

Dazhong: great median

Dehua: Virtuous china

Desheng: Virtuous victory

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Dewu: Virtuous martiality

Die: Butterfly

Fang: Fragrant, pleasant

Fei Yen: Flying swallow bird

He: peace

Hsiu Mei: Sophisticated eyebrows

Jiao: Beautiful, Lovable

Jie: Prominent and successful

Jing: Crystal, Calm and quiet, energy, perfect.

Junren: Handsome Humaneness

Kaili: Triumphant Strength

Kake: To arise or climb

Kew: Beautiful, Lovable

Kuo: Vast

Li: Strong

Mi: Honey, Overflowed

Mo Li: Jasmine

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
P’eng: Fair, Duckweed

Peng: Mythical Bird

Pu: Uncut jade

Qing: Clarity

Xin: new

Xing: Prosperous

Xiu: Develop, elegant,

Xiuian: Elegant Child

Yao Niang: Beautiful Maiden.

Ying: Eagle, Jade, Victory

Yun: Melody

Zongxian: Wisdom of the ancestors.

Girl names:

An: Peace

Anming: Peaceful clarity

Bihai: Jade sea

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Biming: The clarity of jade

Chongde: Honours virtue

Cong: Intelligent

Dawei: Greatly Accomplished

Dazhong: great median

Die: Butterfly

Fang: Fragrant, pleasant

Fei Yen: Flying swallow bird

He: peace

Hsiu Mei: Sophisticated eyebrows

Jiao: Beautiful, Lovable

Jing: Crystal, Calm and quiet, energy, perfect

Kake: To arise or climb

Kew: Beautiful, Lovable

Mi: Honey, Overflowed

Mo Li: Jasmine

P’eng: Fair, Duckweed

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Pu: Uncut jade

Qing: Clarity

Xin: new

Xiu: Develop, elegant

Xiuian: Elegant Child

Yao Niang: Beautiful Maiden.

Ying: Eagle, Jade, Victory

Yun: Melody


Cài Huáng Xú

Chén Lín Yáng

Gāo Liú Zhāng

Guō Sūn Zhào

Hé Wáng Zhōu

Hú Wú Zhū

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)

B similar to ‘b’ in the English ‘boat’ - softened to approach a ‘p’


P similar to ‘p’ in the English ‘top’ - with more aspiration

M same as ‘m’ in the English ‘mat’

F same as ‘f’ in the English ‘fat’

D similar to ‘d’ in the English ‘down’ - softened to approach a ‘t’


T similar to ‘t’ in the English ‘top’ - with more aspiration

N similar to ‘n’ in the English ‘name’

L similar to ‘l’ in the English ‘look’

G similar to ‘g’ in the English ‘go’ - softened to approach a ‘k’


K similar to ‘k’ in the English ‘kiss’ - with more aspiration

H similar to ‘h’ in the English ‘hope’ - with a slight rasp as in


J similar to ‘j’ in the English ‘jeep’ - tongue is positioned below

lower teeth

Q similar to ‘ch’ in the English ‘cheap’ - tongue is positioned below

lower teeth
Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
X similar to ‘sh’ in the English ‘sheep’ - tongue is positioned below
lower teeth

ZH similar to ‘j’ in the English ‘jam’

CH similar to ‘ch’ in the English ‘cheap’

SH similar to ‘sh’ in the English ‘ship’

R similar to ‘z’ in the English ‘azure’

Z same as ‘ds’ in the English ‘woods’

C similar to ‘ts’ in the English ‘bits’

S similar to ‘s’ in the English ‘see’

(Y)I similar to ‘ee’ in the English ‘bee’

(W)U similar to ‘oo’ in the English ‘room’

YU purse your lips and position the tongue high and forwards

A similar to ‘ah’ in the English ‘Ah-hah!’

(W)O similar to ‘or’ in the English ‘bore’

E similar to ‘er’ in the English ‘hers’

(Y)E similar to the English ‘Yay!’

Ai similar to the English ‘eye’

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
EI similar to ‘ei’ in the English ‘weigh’

AO similar to ‘au’ in the English ‘sauerkraut’

OU similar to ‘ou’ in the English ‘dough’

AN similar to ‘an’ in the English ‘fan’

EN similar to ‘un’ in the English ‘under’

ANG a Mandarin ‘a’ followed by the ‘ng’ sound like in the English

ENG a Mandarin ‘e’ followed by the ‘ng’ sound like in the English

ER a Mandarin ‘e’ with the tongue curled back

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Dion Culton (Order #38515515)
Dion Culton (Order #38515515)

Dion Culton (Order #38515515)

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