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Practical No.



1. Use ruled file pages for write-up of practical contents.

2. You can use both side ruled pages for the same.
3. Start each practical (experiment) write-up on new page.
4. Maintain all these practical work in a file as it will be considered for
TW (continuous assessment) of the course PWP.
5. Write question answers given and take print out of only programs or
can write it on assignment pages.
6. Complete the practical write-up in time. Don’t keep it pending.

Practical No. 12 : Write Python program to demonstrate use of Built-in Module

and User Defined Module.

1. What is a module?

A python module can be defined as a python program file which contains a
python code including python function, class or variables.

A module in programming allows us to logically organize the python code.

A module is a single source code file. The module in python have the .py
extension. The name of the module will be the name of the file.
Practical No. 12

1. Write a python program to create a user defined module

that will ask your college name and will display the name of
the college.

User Defined Module-

def clgname(str):
print("Name of College is ",str)

Main program

from clgname import *

str=input("Enter college name: ")

>>> %Run

Enter college name: BSIET

Name of College is BSIET
Practical No. 12

2. Write a python program that will calculate area and

circumference of circle using inbuilt Math module.
import math

def arcircle(r):

print("Area of Circle :",round((math.pi*r*r),2))

def circircle(r):

print("Circumference of Circle :",round((2*math.pi*r),2))

r=float(input("enter radius of the circle: "))



>>> %Run

enter radius of the circle: 5

Area of Circle : 78.54
Circumference of Circle : 31.42
Practical No. 12

3. Write a python program that will display calendar of

given month using calendar module.
import calendar

m=int(input("Enter Month: "))

y=int(input("Enter Year: "))


>>> %Run

Enter Month: 6

Enter Year: 2021

June 2021

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30
Practical No. 12

4. Write a python program that will display calendar of

given year using calendar module.
import calendar

y=int(input("Enter Year: "))

# Syntax

#calendar(year, w=2, l=1, c=6, m=3)

#year Year for the calendar

#w The width between two columns. Default value is 2

#l Blank line between two rows. Default value is 1.

#c Space between two months (Column wise). Default value is 6.

#m Number of months in a row. Default value is 3.



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