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calabasis calaba.

ris 215
Bernhard ( Troelalus p .82) Ki rcher (ftfw,urgia L8, p.14S)
Cadentiae Duriusculae sind, weichI' Cadell/iae dul'izjsculae are cadences in Cata basis sive descensus periodus har- The cUl nbasis or desce//SI/S is a musical
etwas seltsame Dissonantzen V O T denen whi ch some rather strange dissonances monica est. qu a oppositos priori affectus passage through which we express affec-
beyden Schlup-Noten annehmen. Solehe precede the fmal two nOles. Such ca. pron un ciamlls servitutis. humilitatis, tions opposite 10 those of the anabasis ,
werden fast nur in Solidniis lUld meisten- dences occur almost exclusively in vocal depre.,sionis affectibus. alque infimis such as servitude and humility, as well as
theils in Arieo und Tripeln angetroffen. solos and are most often found in ari as reb us ex primendes, lit ilIud Massaini : lowl y and base affe{:tions. as in: " I am,
Da abeT d nige in Inehrstimmigen and in triple meter sections. Should they Ego aUle lll hmniliatus stun nimis, & iIlud however. greatly hwnbled" (Massa in us),
[Sachenj gefunden wUrden, so werden occur in polyphonic works, however, the Massellt ii: descendenmt in infemulll or in "The living have descended into
die Ubrigen Slimmell demlapen gesetzt. other voices must be set in such a manner vivem es. hell" (Massenti us).
doll solchc keine Miphelligkeit spUhren that they do not allow any sense of dis.
lassen. agreement. Jan ovka (Om'ls p.56)
Catabas is sive Descensus est Periodus The catabasis or descensus is 9 musical
- .
harmoni ca, qua oppositos Anabasi affec-
tus pronunciamus, uti : servilUlis, humi·
limtis, dep ress ionis, infimarum denique

passage through which we express affec-

tions opposite 10 those oflhe anabasis,
such as servitude. humility, lowl iness,
verum. UI in textu: ego autern humiliatus baseness. and lastly truthfulness. as in the
sum mml s. text: " I am. however, greatly humbled,"
, Vogt (t o/lclm'e p.150)
Catabasis descensus cum vox desc endit, The calabasis or descensus occurs when
ut cum tex tu descendit ad infernos. Ihe voice descends, as in the tex!: " He
descended inlo hell."
CA TABASIS, DESCENSUS: a descending musical passage which
Walther (Lexicoll)
expresses descending, lowly, or negative images or affections. Catabasis, vonl(ct"t"ctpctlvW, descendo, ist The calabasis. from ka/abaino, descen-
ein hamlOn ischer Periodus, wodurch da, is a musical passage through which
etwas niedriges, gering· und verltcht lich- lowly, insignificant, and disdainful things
The catabasis is used to depict musically either a descending or a lowly
es vorgestellt wird. z.E, Er ist hinunler are rep resen ted. for example: " He has de-
image supplied by the text, thereby creating the implied affection. The gefahren. Ich bin sehr gedemUthiget. scended," " I am greatly humbled," and
figure is first mentioned specifically by Kircher. However, as with its u.d.g. Daher heisset auch ei n Ton-Weise, similar texts. For that reason a phrase or
oder auch dUTch Semitonia ordenllich, a theme which descends in semitones by
contrasting counterpart, the anabasis, the vivid musical expression of
und ohne eiuigen Spnmg herunlerwetts step and without any leaps is called a
descending or lowly images had been linked to the concept of the steigendes thema, ein SubjeClulll Calaba- s//bjecfllm cafabafum.
musical-rhetorical figures since its inception. I In his definitions of the tum.
figures , Kircher emphasizes their role in expressing not only the text but
Spiess (Traclatus p.155)
also the associated affections: While Bunneister's hypotyposis was to Cantabasis [sic}, Descensus, Abfahrt. The catabasis, descensus, or descen l oc-
be used to make the text or events "seem" (videri) present, Kircher' s fig- Heip! in der Music, wann die NOlen oder curs in music when the notes or voices
ures are to actualize the intended affection. The catabasis,like so many Sing-Stimmen, laut des Texts, mit den descend wi lh the words, accordin g to the
WOTten absteigen, v.g. Descendit ad in- text, AS for example in "He descended
other musical-rhetorical figure s, is called to do more than simply reflect fernos . inlO hell:'
the text: it is simultaneously image and source of the affection. In his
definition of the figure , Walther mentions that the term is also used to
describe a chromatically descending theme or subjectum catabatum. This
would coincide with the description of Bernhard's passus duriusculus .
1. See Anabasis, H)potyposis.

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