Gabb 1999

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Handling As in Cu Processing


The Industrial Separation of Copper

and Arsenic as Sulfides
P.J. Gabb and A.L. Davies

At the Kennecott Utah copper smelter in filter. When the solids

Magna, Utah, bleed streams from the refin- density is maximized, it
ery tankhouse and precious-metals plant are is possible to produce a
combined with smelter weak acid and elec- cake thickness of up to
trostatic precipitator dust to produce leach 50 mm. Despite the co-
solutions containing copper and impurities. herence of the cake, the
Copper and arsenic are precipitated from the moisture content is rela-
solutions as sulfides in a two-stage continu- tively high by normal
ous process that enables excess arsenic to be standards at levels be-
removed from the circuit and routed to haz- tween 50 percent and 60
ardous waste disposal as a highly concen- percent.
trated material. The arsenic stage is
equipped with a Pneuma-
press™ pressure filter for
In the Kennecott smelter hydrometal- dewatering arsenic/cad-
lurgical impurities process, which has mium sulfides. It is criti-
been described in a previous publica- cal in this application that
tion,1 copper and arsenic are precipi- the cake does not drain
tated from acid leach solutions as sul- water on standing to meet
fides in a two-stage process that enables the criterion for hazard-
excess arsenic to be removed from the ous-material disposal. Figure 1. A process flow diagram of the copper/arsenic sepa-
circuit and routed to hazardous-waste From an economic stand- ration stages.
disposal as a highly concentrated mate- point, the cake moisture
rial. The process is conducted continu- should also be low to minimize disposal a theoretical viewpoint, the reactions can
ously under normal temperature and costs. The pressure filter meets these be expected to occur sequentially, and
pressure and avoids the arsenic stabili- criteria and provides unattended auto- complete copper precipitation can be
zation issues of large-volume chemical matic operation. achieved before the onset of arsenic
neutralization products. In practice, the precipitation.
separation of copper from arsenic in MTDATA, a software package for
the first copper precipitation stage is in- Copper, dissolved in an impure acidic metallurgical thermochemistry,2 was
complete. aqueous solution, can be precipitated as used to model the precipitation process.
A schematic of the copper/arsenic an insoluble sulfide by reaction with a MTDATA is a rigorous, robust, and reli-
section of the Kennecott flow sheet is sulfidizing agent, such as NaHS or H2S, able implementation of a free-energy
shown on Figure 1. Each stage consists as shown by the following reactions: minimization algorithm that is capable
of two leach reactors with an associated of computing the amounts and compo-
CuSO4(aq) + H2 S
thickener and filter. The leach reactors sitions of co-existing phases in a system
= CuS + H2SO4(aq) (1)
are equipped with the Tetra Technolo- of given bulk composition and under
gies high-density solids system for in- given physical conditions. The thermo-
2CuSO4(aq) + 2NaHS
creasing sulfide-solids density. It is well dynamic data used for aqueous solu-
= 2CuS + H2 SO4(aq) + Na2 SO4(aq) (2)
known that metal sulfides have the ten- tions and the various solid phases have
dency to form slimes rather than coher- Unfortunately, the analogous reactions been critically assessed by the U.K. Na-
ent cakes when filtered. The benefit of tional Physics Laboratory for consistency
2HAsO2(aq) + 3H2 S = As2S3 + 4H2 O (3)
the high-density solids system for sul- with key thermochemical and phase-
fide-precipitation systems is the ability equilibria data in the literature.
4HAsO2(aq) + 6NaHS + 3H2SO4(aq)
to produce washable cakes at reasonable Figure 2a shows the fraction of copper
= 2As2S 3 + 3Na2SO4 (aq) + 8H2O (4)
cake thickness. and arsenic remaining in solution as a
The copper-precipitation stage is could lead to contamination of the pre- function of the quantity of H2S added.
equipped with an EIMCO vacuum belt cipitate with arsenic-bearing solids. From The stoichiometry of Reaction 1 implies
that one mole of H2S will precipitate one
Table I. Calculated Solution Composition as a Function of H2 S Addition mole of copper, and the abscissa scale is
H2S pH Eh / V Phases Present Cu As shown as a fraction of this stoichiometric
0.000 0.60 0.398 Aqueous 1.000 1.000 requirement. The significant features of
0.999 –0.35 0.385 Aqueous, CuS 0.001 1.000 the figure are that copper precipitation
1.001 –0.35 0.365 Aqueous, CuS, As2S3 0.000 0.997 proceeds according to Reaction 1, and
1.360 –0.34 0.356 Aqueous, CuS, As2S3 0.000 0.040 arsenic, from Reaction 3, does not occur
1.376 –0.34 0.354 Aqueous, CuS, As2S3, S 0.000 0.016 until copper precipitation is complete.
1.500 –0.33 0.353 Aqueous, CuS, As2S3, S 0.000 0.015
The pH of the solution falls throughout

18 JOM • September 1999

copper precipitation, but is not affected Table II. Commercial Plant Solution Compositions
by arsenic precipitation, as suggested by
Flow Copper Arsenic
the production of H2SO4 in Reaction 1
and not Reaction 3. The Eh of the solu- (l/min.) (g/l) (kg/h) (g/l) (kg/h)
tion shows a marked step change at the Influent 1 409 10.7 262 5.88 144
completion of copper precipitation. A Influent 2 49 10.1 30 6.80 20
small amount of arsenic remains in solu- Influent 3 261 4.5 70 0.13 2
tion. The data from which the figure was Total In 719 — 362 — 166
Effluent 832 0.01 0.5 2.23 111
drawn are given in Table I.
Precipitation — — 99.9% — 33.0%
The theoretical results can be com-
pared with the laboratory test work per- per from arsenic and cadmium. The ra-
formed during the process-engineering tio of the copper:arsenic split is deter-
design stage (Figure 2b). The test work mined by the desired level of arsenic in The degree of copper:arsenic separa-
did not show a particularly clean separa- anode copper to effect the impurities tion at the Kennecott smelter will de-
tion of copper and arsenic. It has been control strategy at the refinery. Kennecott pend on future levels of impurities in the
suggested that the difficulty of distribut- has established that controlled levels of Bingham Canyon mine. As the mine
ing H2S and avoiding a localized reac- arsenic and lead are required in anode progresses into the surrounding halo,
tion is especially acute in the benchscale copper to ensure bismuth and antimony more impurities are likely, making it
apparatus. The concurrent development are deported to anode slimes almost in more important that precipitation stages
work on a mini-pilot plant indicated a their entirety. are tuned to their ultimate capability
more favorable separation, implying Thus, when arsenic is low in concen- and the cost of reagents is minimized.
better mixing is achieved with increas- trate to the smelter, the copper precipita- Kennecott has developed the ability to
ing scale and continuity of operation. tion stage is operated at an Eh around achieve almost complete selective sul-
Further calculations have been per- +40 mV, referred to the calomel elec- fide precipitation of copper from arsenic,
formed to investigate the effect of the trode, to essentially recycle all of the and this methodology will be introduced
presence of other elements in solution, copper and arsenic to the flash smelting as the situation demands.
such as iron and cadmium. These calcu- furnace. A small portion of the arsenic One cost-reduction approach is to re-
lations show that iron is reduced from passes to the second precipitation stage place the use of expensive NaHS with
ferric to ferrous forms, with a conse- to be precipitated with most of the cad- site-generated hydrogen sulfide gas. This
quent increase in reagent demand be- mium. The arsenic bleed from the pro- can be accomplished by biological or
fore the complete precipitation of cop- cess in this condition is almost wholly chemical means that are not dependent
per, but with no effect on the purity of through flash-furnace slag in a benign on the high and variable cost of caustic
the precipitated solids. Cadmium pre- form that complies with environmental soda used in the manufacture of NaHS.
cipitates with arsenic. standards. A low-inertia system is important to
Temperature variation does not have When the concentrate to the smelter enable rapid interruption in the supply
a significant effect within the operating contains high levels of arsenic, the cop- of this hazardous chemical. The cost of
range 40–60°C. Initial acid concentra- per precipitation stage is operated at an sulfide reagent would be less than half
tion does not have a great effect on the ORP around +200 mV to perform a selec- the current cost by this means.
separation, and the generation of H2SO4 tive precipitation. From the above theo-
by copper precipitation rapidly lowers retical discussion, it is indicated that a
the pH below zero in any case. The use of clean split is possible; actual operation at 1. P.J. Gabb et al., “The Kennecott Smelter Hydrometallurgi-
cal Impurities Process,” Proceedings of Copper ’95–Cobre ‘95
NaHS, rather than H2S, as the sulfidizing Kennecott has confirmed the ability to International Conference, vol. 3, ed. W.C. Cooper et al.
agent does not affect the process, al- recover a high proportion of the copper (Montreal, Canada: The Metallurgical Society of CIM, 1995),
pp. 591–606.
though the pH change is less marked. with about 30 percent of the arsenic dis- 2. R.H. Davies et al., “MTDATA—The NPL Databank for
tribution. Typical results from one pe- Metallurgical Thermochemistry,” User Aspects of Phase Dia-
PROCESS OPERATION grams: Proceedings of the International Conference, ed F.H. Hayes
riod of low-throughput operation are (London: Institute of Metals, 1990), pp. 140–152.
The two-stage operation provides the shown in Table II. P.J. Gabb and A.L. Davies are with Rio Tinto Technical
capability of selectively separating cop- The reason for the relatively poor sepa- Services.
ration factor between practice and theory For more information, contact P.J. Gabb, Rio
1.0 is probably due to the difficulty in add- Tinto Technical Services, P.O. Box 50, Cas-
0.8 Arsenic
Fraction in Solution

Copper ing NaHS in a uniform manner through- tlemead, Lower Castle Street, Bristol BS99 7YR,
0.6 United Kingdom; telephone 44-117-927-6407; fax
0.4 Eh/V out the liquid hold-up in the reactors.
44-117-927-3317; e-mail phil.gabb@
0.2 Any arsenic that is precipitated in lo-
0.0 cally overreduced, or low copper tenor,
–0.2 pH conditions will report with the final fil- This month’s JOM-e
–0.4 ter cake. features the second
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 It is not critical under normal operat-
Fraction H2S Added
ing conditions at the Kennecott smelter part of the series
that a high separation factor is achieved
between copper and arsenic, as the an-
Modeling and
Concentration (mg/l)

2,000 ode composition normally dictates a high Simulation.

1,500 portion of arsenic recycle. However,
Copper when new arsenic to the smelter is high, The first part
500 Arsenic
larger quantities of smelter dust need to appeared in August.
be processed to reject additional arsenic;
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 this carries a penalty of precipitating The articles can be
copper units with expensive reagents.
Sample Number
Therefore, it becomes important to maxi-
accessed at
Figure 2. The (a) calculated solution compo- mize the first pass separation of arsenic pubs/journals/JOM/
sition and (b) experimental solution composi- from copper to minimize reagent con- articles.html
tion as a function of H2S addition. sumption.

1999 September • JOM 19

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