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Persuasive Writing

Hook – question, anecdote (account, short story), joke, quote,
Statement of opinion => preview points

Minimum 2-3 paragraphs, giving details of each point of
argument, giving reasons, research etc.
T= topic sentence (the point you are making)
E = explain
E= evidence
L = link (linking it together)

Tie up all your points together & sum up the previous arguments
in a conclusion
Go back to original “opinion” & say it again in a different way,
but strongly
Strong ending – amplify your opinion; give statistics;
monosyllabic words; call for action
Persuasive Techniques
repetition (saying same thing in different ways; turning it
around to say same thing)
story telling
if there are any “counter arguments”, address them upfront
call for action (in the conclusion)
prey on emotions, greed, bias etc.

Lead up words Ordinals

for that reason finally
as a result after that
therefore firstly/secondly
consequently next
so soon
thus furthermore
due to these factors
in support of this

Ending Others
without a doubt phenomenal
as you can see/learnt monumental
undoubtedly exceptional
unquestionably incredible
evidently tremendous

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