Interview Prepration Shiva Prasad M

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Points to cover in Self Introduction -

1. Name & Place

2. Highest level of Education
3. Present status (If learning anything actively)
4. Tech stack - What all languages, you are good at
5. A little bit about Major projects
6. Achievements related to the Job Description

For more info on Self-Introduction refer to this Video -

Points to cover in Project Explanation -

1. Project Intro
2. Features
3. Technologies used
4. Demo
5. Approach
6. Challenges (Optional)
7. Solution (Optional)

HTML/CSS – (Create a layout like Login Page)

• Create a simple/static version of a calculator

• Create a Login Page using HTML/CSS
• Create a sample feedback form
• Create a single-page chat layout
• Write syntax for Media queries
• Write a sample code showing the properties of pseudo-elements in CSS


o What is HTML and why is it used?
o Explain about ID Selector
o Different Types of Selectors
o What is the difference between Flexbox & Grid
o Explain about HTML table tag
o What is the Full form of HTML?
o How can you link HTML and CSS?
o What HTML elements do you use or know about?
o What are the Hyperlinks(visited and unvisited)?
o What are HTML block and inline elements?
o Why do we use DOCTYPE in an HTML file?
o What is CSS and why do we use it?
o What are CSS Media Queries
o CSS Full Form
o Explain CSS pseudo-elements
o What is CSS Flexbox?
o How can you center the text in a div element?
o What are the CSS box properties?
o What is the difference between margin and padding properties?
o Why do we need selectors in CSS?
o What is the external style sheet, and internal style sheet in CSS?

• JavaScript
o What are data types in JavaScript?
o How can we include JavaScript code in HTML?
o Explain event listeners in JS.
o What is a fetch method in JS?
o What are the differences between loose equal to (==) and strict equal to
o What is a variable and how can you declare a variable in JS?
o What is the difference between JS & Python?
o Explain DOM manipulations
o What are functions used for in JS
o How to write HTML code dynamically using JavaScript?
o What is the difference between Client side JavaScript and Server side
o What is the difference between an undefined value and a null value?
o Write a code on Map & Filter
o Implement data fetch using Async & Await
o Remove duplicates from the given Array
o Write a simple call-back function
o Empty the array
o Implement enqueue and dequeue using only two stacks
o How does “this” keyword works? Write a syntax.
o Insert data into local storage ….more


Using Array and other


• Coding
o Write a code to find the duplicate items in a list.
o Write python code to check whether a string is a palindrome.
o Write a code to reverse an array in Python.
o Find the prime numbers in the range of 1 to 10,000
o Input: aabbhayy Output: A2B2H1A1Y2
o Show me the Difference between a List and a Tuple by writing an example

o Print the given Pattern

o Given a list with 10 elements [1,3,5,7,33,45,77,88,99,12], Get the squares of each

element in the List

o Write the syntax to show the property of Data abstraction

o Create a Superclass in Python

o Write a program to find out the factorial of a number

o Write a program to reverse a list (By using loops)

o Print the largest prime number from the given sequence

o Print the sum of factors for the given number

o Print all the Armstrong numbers from the given range

• Concepts
o What is the difference between a list and a tuple?

o Dictionary keys and values?

o What are the different types of data types in python?
o Explain OOPs concepts
o What is Inheritance (OOPS)
o What is the scope in Python?
o Explain about break statement
o Explain about Slicing
o What do you know about Polymorphism
o What is pickling and unpickling?
o Explain split() and join() functions in Python. ……more

• Coding
o Given 3 columns in a table - customer id, country, Write a query to find the no
of customers in the country India
o How to get the first name and last name both in a single column (string
concatenation)? In SQL
o Get the 3rd person's name who is getting a high salary package
o Get department-wise minimum salary from employee table order by salary
o How to get the Employee name having the highest salary from employee
details and salary tables
o Create a Table with the given requirements
o Insert required data into a table
o Join 2 Tables
o Write syntax for GROUP BY
o Convert string to Date in SQL
o How to get the present date in SQL
o How to do data type conventions in SQL
o Create a Foreign Key

• Concepts
o What are joins and types of joins
o What is database
o Explain the difference between relational and non-relational database
o What is self-join?
o Difference between Primary & Foreign key
o What is the difference between Clustered and a Non-clustered index?
o What is a sub-query in SQL
o What is an Alias in SQL?
o What Are Primary key And Foreign Key
o SQL - truncate vs drop, truncate vs delete
o How to update, retrieve, and delete data

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