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n !,___ ;:,___tlJ£._5, p( i Og >a Od [ eIO t t' d
c ILLIul dlJe pm ts
bOd LJ 00 I be Ox lfl~ a nd Wheels- ruQ,
11Jo rooin pow.. tbe <; orlnqs :S' tJppnrt


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f'U R lo l .J CAl JO J\. t, J_ USE
0 Qti,)I ·
e se11ea Ibe remPdrJ fs tte.-

, 4nelr adJ uwoeot rroiJ 001 be correct ,,,nich

FU!< l.:..lJCAl 101,t. l, USE

[VfD]CIP bOIIOc!oq Oiler CIOSsioo h11mDI :
_ JQIIQIJJIDQ o,e the PIObObl e C01JCe~ QOd f emedit?S :
fO)\uOIO Out ShO(\:: ObSorbers ,l),ih\Cb mll(I be rep1ocecJ ·
(b')Domoqea or s11rped 1eM ,rrinq$, 1,1h1·cb hove 10 be cnecked . repairectJ

0$<?( 0 ;O IC ~n ' b en goi'oq over O b(Jffip _the main CO ti~

• ta11 be <;boct ob~o, oer,; or the~, r, n..; mo1J nove out· ro s1 ,en a -
i< iltlQlioo (QQ(k: Ob<O[bNS OOdf or S!rl/t b.£Q.LJOq~ hQIJe to be rep!O{Pd ·
\(b1Ba11 ioi~ls_moq be 100,;e or worn ait. Wblib mol/ l2¤ Cheered aoo <:er 0.
rn rep1oced a" req1111ed

l~e ocxc:rs pro i c i e Jbere 1s 001J uo11'ble fn tbe rn<reodoo cy<1e

\lore geperot14 <:queor(nq or these ma4 bf? dtie ID OrnJ Of tbE?
\\{o11rn111og reo sans '
tti'llnct nf 111b[l(o11no moq rern11 · iO spring noise

• [ b) ll·pQlj$ JYJCIIJ bf 1oose •

(C)fbere may hP a Side piOJJ iO ShO( J;:lfS
(dJThQ ~hon· ,e~ p1'o s OOd blJS hPS [DOlJ he IQQ(e
(e)Tt>f[I? [QCll! t?P some M(PC! j(\ tne s;hQCk Ob5Q[b£[$',

rrn rr uc fQ lhi <

IWJ rinn lf1 HM\/

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