Business Plan Format 1

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The Business Plan Chapter 1, 2,3 and 4

Sections Descriptions
Introductory Page  Business Name and address
 Names and Addresses on the business
 Nature of the business
Executive Summary  Highlights of the business plan summarized in 2 or
3 pages (Finish this section last)
 Must be enthusiastic, Professional, Complete, and
CHAPTER ONE  Background of the Proposal
Description of the Business  Mission, vision, Objectives and Goals
Plan  Core Values
CHAPTER TWO  Form of ownership
Organizational Plan  Principal shareholders or names of the partners
how much they invested)
 Organizational Structure/lines of authority
 Background of the management team (skills
needed for every department, recruiting members
of the mgt. team and developing competitive mgt.
team including job descriptions)
Marketing Aspect  Describe in depth your product and/or services (e.i.
appearance, features, quality and uniqueness)
 the pricing , fee or leasing strategies of your
product and/or services
 Target Market
 Marketing Strategies
CHAPTER FOUR  Location Plan
Technical and Production  Proposed Building and Floor Plan
Aspect  Technical Operation
CHAPTER FIVE  Sources and uses of funds
Financial Plan  forecasted income statement (12 months, present graph)
 Analysis Of Profitability
CHAPTER SIX  Environmental Analysis (PEST Analysis)
Socio – Economic Aspect
CHAPTER SEVEN  Assessment on the overall business plan
Feasibility Assessment
Appendices  Products/Services offered and its Prices
 Market Research Data
 Cite Location Plan
 Detail Financial Projections
 Organizational Structure
 Curriculum Vitae of the Management Team

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