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3.1 Place and Time of the Study

This research was conducted at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Malang, academic

year 2016/2017. It was located at Jl. Brigjend Slamet Riadi No.134, Oro-oro

dowo, Klojen, Malang City, East Java. The researcher chose this school because it

implements 2013 curriculum for the tenth year students. The writer had 1 meeting

for the treatment and 2 meetings for pretest and post-test.

3.2 Research Design

The design used in this quantitative research was a quasi-experimental

study. According to Charles (1995: 247 in Latief 2014), quasi experiment is the

research design used to select the sample randomly out of all the population

students and the researcher can only assign randomly different treatments to two

different classes. It means that, the sampling of quasy experimental design should

meet the purpose of the study. Therefore, the sampling is said to use “subjective

approach. Those are the sampling could choosen based on the purpose of the

research. In this research, the researcher wanted to see whether the treatment

made a difference or not. This research included pre-test and post-test to measure

the students’ achievement. There were two classes in this research namely an

experimental class and a control class. The experimental class received the

treatment. However, the class that did not receive the treatment was called as the

control class.


This design was selected due to the fact that this present study required a

concrete evidence whether Debate Activities could improve students' speaking

ability in tenth grade at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Malang or not. The independent

variable was debate activities while the dependent variable was the students’

speaking ability. Thus, this study was conducted to the effectiveness debate

activities to improve students’ speaking ability.

3.3 Population and Sample

According to Ary et.al (2010:148) population is defined as all members of

any well-defined class of people, events, or objects. In this research the population

was the students in tenth grade at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Malang. There were

100 students in tenth grade, consisting of X IPA 1, X IPA 2, X IPS 1, X IPS 2.

The sample is X IPA 1 and X IPA 2 class as Ary et.al (2010:149) states that

taking a portion of the population is called sample.

The sampling technique used in this quantitative research was non-

probability sampling namely purposive sampling. According to Barreiro et.al

(2001:04) in title article “Population and Sampling Techniques” purposive sample

as a sample which chosen through of subjective selection by those who best meets

the purposes of the study. The researcher used the purposive sampling because the

sampling was matched with the criteria of the purpose of study, which is the class

must be join English debate for their next grade.

Furthermore, the sample of the research are X IPA 2 with 17 students to

experimental class and X IPA 1 with 17 students to control class. The researcher

gave classroom debate as the treatment for X IPA 2 .


3.4 Research Instrument

The instrument used in this research was an oral presentation test for two

classes. The researcher used oral presentation to pre test and post test both of

classes. In pre-test the students are asked to make a sentence with past verb

(positive, negative and interrogative) and do presentation one by one in front of

class. In addition, there is no significant different in post test, the researcher asks

students to write 4 paragraphs and present it in front of class one by one.

However, before post test as the experimental class would receive treatment of

class debate.

The problem of this research focused on the five areas of students' speaking

skill, so instrument was only used for testing speaking. The oral presentation test

in this research was used to measure the students’ comprehension, fluency,

vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar before the treatment (pre-test) and after

the treatment (post-test). The test paper consisted of indicators that could be seen


Table 3.1. Blueprint of the Research Instrument

Students’ Oral Language Observation Matrix (SOLOM)

(The criteria were adapted from Students Oral Language Observation Matrix.

The rating was adapted from Testing for Language Teacher)

Rated by : Class:

Date : Test

Below 62 63-72 73-82 83-92 93-99

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Cannot Has great Understand most Understand Understand
understand difficulty of what is said at nearly everyday
even simple following what slower-than- everything at conversation

conversation. is said. Can normal speed with normal speed. and normal
comprehend repetition. Although classroom
only “socal occasional discussions
conversation” repetition may without
spoken slowly be necessary. difficulty.
and with
Speech is so Usually Speech in Speech in Speech in
halting and hesitant; often everyday everyday everyday
fragmentary as forced into communication communicatio conversation
to make silence by and classroom n and and in
conversation language discussion is classroom classroom
virtually limitations. frequently discussion in discussion is
impossible. disrupted by the generally fluent and

student’s search fluent, with effeortless

for the correct occasional approximating
manner of lapses while that of a native
expression. the students speaker.
searches for
the correct
manner of
Vocabulary Misuse of words Frequently uses Always Use of
limitations so and very limited the wrong words intelligible, vocabulary and
extreme as to vocabulary conversation though one is idioms

make make somewhat limited conscious of a approximates

conversation comprehension because of definite accent that of a native
virtually quite difficult. inadequate and speaker.
impossible. vocabulary. occasional
Pronunciation Very hard to Pronunciation Always Pronunciation
problem so understand problems intelligible, and intonation
severe as to because necessitate though one is approximates

make speech pronunciation concentration on conscious of a that a native

virtually problem, must the part of listener definite accent speaker.
unintelligible. frequently be and occasionally and
asked to repeat lead to occasional
in order to be misunderstanding. inappropriate
understood. intonation
Errors in Grammar and Makes frequent Occasionally Grammatical
grammar and word order error errors of grammar make usage and word
word order so make and word order grammatical order

severe as to comprehension which or word order approximate a

make speech difficult. Must occasionally errors which native
virtually often rephrase obscure meaning. do not obscure speaker’s.
unintelligible. or restrict what meaning.
is said to basic
Source: Jose:2013 “ Student Oral Language Observation Matrix”.

The qualification of instrument used in a research is very important for the

accuracy of data analysis Creswell (2014) stated there are two basic measurement

in the quantitative research. Those are validity and reliability.

1. Validity

One of important principles in language assessment is validity.

Creswell (2014) describes:

“Establishing the validity of the scores in a survey helps to identify whether an

instrument might be a good one to use in survey research. This form of validity is
different than identifying the threats to validity in experimental research.”

It means, validity refers to appropriateness, the correctness, or the usefulness

of the inferences a researcher has made. Briefly, validity of the test is the extent to

which it measures what is supposed to measure. It refers to the meaningfulness of

the scores, which defines a broad scope of concerns. Regarding tasks and criteria,

one of the main concerns is content coverage and comprehensiveness in relation

to the definition of the test purpose.

Since the instrument of this research used oral test, it becomes important to

know what to measure in an oral test and its purpose. An oral test was designed to

measure speaking ability. The type of oral test used in this research was oral

presentation test task. The researcher asked students to give oral presentation and

talked about recount text (presenting something related to the recount text whether

the story was about the students' personal story or other kinds of stories).

The test required students to perform oral production directly to be measured.

In this case, the content of debate motions drove the students’ performance, so the

researcher used content validity to attain the evidence of valid instrument.


According to Carmines and Edward (1987) stated validity concerns the crucial

relationship between concept and indicator.

Based on the theory of content validity above, the researcher made the school

English syllabus as the main achievement. There were 5 points measured in terms

of grammar, pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary and comprohension. Baside that,

the researcher also used face validity to make introduction of the test given. The

researcher did consultation to the language testing expert (the English teacher).

2. Reliability

According to creswell (2014) states reliability refers to the consistency of the

score obtained. It means when the students do test with the same test, the test

should yield similar result. According to Carmines and Richard (1987) reliability

especially validity are words that have a definite positive connotation. Reliability

concerns the degree to which results are consistent across repeated measurements.

Reliability is very crucial in quantitative research because it can help get

authentic data.

3.5 Techniques of Data Collection

Meeting Date Hour Experimental Group Control Group

I Pre-test to class X-IPA 2. pre-test to class X-
Students present their IPA1. Students present
sentence past verb (positive, their sentence past verb
negative and interrogative) (positive, negative and
one by one front of class interogative) one by
without text one front of class
without text.
II 1. The teacher introducing the 1. The teacher
debate in speaking class presenting the material
and also explaining how to about recount text and
use and how to the way. how to make recount
(see chapter II , page 17) text.
2. The teacher divide the 2. The teacher order
students to be 4 groups. the students to make 4
Each group has a different paragraph in recount
order. there is: text.

a. Positive group as a give

a respon agreement with
group presentation.
b. Negative group as a give
a rebuttal or
disagreement about
group presentation.
c. Group presentation as
give presentation about
the result of discussion
in their group.
3. Presenting the material
about recount text.
III 1. Presenting about how to Giving the post test
make recount text. (students present their
2. The teacher order the paragraph recount text
students to make 4 one by one front of
paragraph in recount text. class).
3. Giving post test (students’
present their paragraph
recount text one by one
front of class).

3.6 Technique of Data Analysis

Technique of data analysis comes from the interpretation of the data

collection; the researcher processed and analyzed the data from pre-test and post-

test scores. The researcher had a test of normality to see the normality of students’

speaking ability, test homogenity to ensure that the students’ speaking skill of

experimental and controlled class were homogenous and t-test to know the

relation of debate for improve speaking.

1. Test of Normality

Normality test was done towards two classes, namely experimental class and

control class. A normality test is a statistical process used to determine if a sample

or any group of data fits a standard normal distribution. The researcher used SPSS

21 program, with formula:


Skewness and Kurtosis in SPSS 21 Program has function to identify the data

whether it is normal or not. If the data are normal, the value of Skewness and

Kurtosis 2 and if the data have value + 2, the data are not normal.

2. Test of Independent Sample T-Test

The next step to identify the effectiveness debate activities in speaking was

the test of homogenety and t-test for equality of means.

 Test of Homogenety

The function of Homogenety test was to identify the variance between IPA 1

(Control Class) and IPA 2 (Experimental Class). The researcher used SPSS 21 to

identify. SPSS 21 was used to identify wether both classes had significant data

(sig. >0,05). In order to the variance of both of class as the same, the value was

sig. > 0,05, but if the value was <0,05 the variance of both of class was not the


 T-test for the Equality of Means

T-test was used to identify whether both of class had a difference or not. It

means that if IPA 2 as the class got the treatment and IPA 1 was without

treatment. The result of speaking score between IPA 1 and 2 will be considered

the same or not. If the score of Sig. was less than 0,05, then there was a difference

between the means score X IPA 1 (control class) and X IPA 2 (experimental

class) but if the score of Sig. was higher than 0,05, there was not difference

between the means score X IPA 1 (control class) and X IPA 2 (experimental


If t-test for the equality of means in post test score of Sig. was higher than

0,05, it means X IPA 1 and X IPA 2 did not have any difference. In the other

words, the treatment was not successful. However, if the score of Sig. was less

than 0,05, it means X IPA 1 and X IPA 2 has a difference score and the X IPA 2

(experimental class) get higher score than X IPA 1, and the treatment was


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