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Lecture : Tenri Sayu Puspitaningsih Dipoatmodjo, SE, MM

Indah Lestari Anwar, S.E., M.SM.

Arranged By Group 1

1. Rizky Ruslan (210903500001)

2. Muhammad Dzul Akbar (210903500002)

3. Andi Tenri Fauziyah (210903500003)

4. Rismawati Putri (210903500004)

5. Adela Ayu Badiaturrahmi (210903500005)

6. Brilianty Sekar Amalia (210903500006)

7. Trisnojaya Agung (210903500007)





We thank God for the presence of Allah SWT. who has bestowed His grace and guidance so that we can
complete the Final Phitching Simulation Assignment.

We also do not forget to thank all those who have contributed to the preparation of this work. Of course, it
will not be maximized if it does not get support from various parties.

As authors, we realize that there are still deficiencies, both in the preparation and grammar of the delivery
in this paper. Therefore, we humbly accept suggestions and criticisms from readers so that we can
improve our paper.

We hope that the papers we have compiled will be of benefit and inspiration to readers.

Makassar, 6 December 2022


FOREWORD..................................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. ii
A. BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................... 1
B. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM .............................................................. 2
C. WRITING PURPOSE............................................................................................. 2
A. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 4
B. PROBLEM ............................................................................................................... 4
C. SOLUTION .............................................................................................................. 4
D. MARKET ................................................................................................................. 5
E. PRODUCT ............................................................................................................... 6
F. VALIDATION ......................................................................................................... 7
G. TEAM ....................................................................................................................... 8
H. COMPETITION ..................................................................................................... 9
I. FINANCIAL PROJECTS ........................................................................................ 10
A. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................ 12
B. SUGGESTION ......................................................................................................... 12
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................. 13



Indonesian cuisine is a reflection of various culturesdem traditions originating from

the Archipelago which consists of around .6000 islands and plays an important role in
Indonesia's national culture in general as one of the ancestral heritage. Almost all the islands
in Indonesia have their own traditions and food characteristics in every region with different

Indonesian traditional culinary is one of the cultural treasures that must be explored
again as a cultural asset. through revitalization and Processes. trans formation. this matter. It
needs to be done to offset the invasion of foreign culinary and culinary franchise models as a
result of free markets and globalization. In this era of globalization, of course, there are many
businesses that have made typical Indonesian culinary and snacks, but because there are many
choices of culinary products, there are some culinary delights that are not demanded or cannot
be purchased, therefore "Yummy Snack Food" is here as a subscription. where people can
order various kinds of Indonesian Typical Culinary and Snacks through the wyd application.

At Evos this globalization of information technology: instead of developing hangers

with dolphins, therapy often undergoes changes. Yong Very quickly, almost every second is
always found Bun discovery with the aim of obtaining. good or improve the results of the
technologist: before nyre. The benefits of today's technology are not warm. used for the
benefit of my organization, but used for the benefit of the individual as well as with the rapid
advancement of technology, nowadays one can say a technologist. Information has entered all
bidding. One of them is the business sector. A business that does not utilize information
technology will not be able to speak to this Padel end. Now almost all businesses use
technology: such as social media to promote their products or run their business. then that is
the reason why "Yummy Snack Food" chooses to use the application to run its business using
the application people. People can easily access the "Yummy Snack" service. We will provide
culinary services throughout Indonesia and delivery services to be able to spread Indonesian
culinary delights.


Based on the background above, the formulation of the problem is

1. What is the description of Yummy Snack Food business?

2. What are the problems encountered?

3. What solutions can be provided?

4. How is Yummy Snack Food marketing?

5. How are the products from Yummy Snack Food?

6. What is the validation of Yummy Snack Food business?

7. How is the team from Yummy Snack Food?

8. How is the competition from Yummy Snack Food?

9. How is Yummy Snack Food finance?


The purpose of writing is

1. To know the description of Yummy Snack Food business.

2. To find out the problems encountered.

3. To find out the solutions that can be given.

4. To find out the marketing of Yummy Snack Food.

5. To find out about Yummy Snack Food products.

6. To find out the validation of the Yummy Snack Food business.

7. For the team from Yummy Snack Food.

8. To find out the competition from Yummy Snack Food.

9. To find out the finances of Yummy Snack Food.


“Yummy Snack Food” is an online service that let you buy all kind of Indonesian
traditional snack from all over the country from our application. We work with many shop all
over the world to provide our customer the best and authentic Indonesian snack. Customers
are able to access the “Yummy Snack Food” application where they can choose the snack that
they would like to order. We also provide monthly subscription where we would send each
customer a box full of seasonal snack.


Indonesian cuisine is a reflection of various cultures and traditions originating from

the archipelago which consists of around 6,000 islands and plays an important role in
Indonesia's national culture in general as one of its ancestral heritage. Almost all of the islands
in Indonesia have their own traditions and characteristics of food in each region with a
different taste. In the current era of globalization, traditional food is increasingly unpopular
and inferior to the influence of foreign food from other countries. In Indonesia, there are still
many people who do not know and like traditional Indonesian food, they prefer the influence
of foreign food such as Chinese food, Japanese food, Western food, especially fast food and
junk food, especially young people who only enjoy and following current trends by
considering traditional Indonesian cuisine not as tasty then the preferring foreign culinary
influences that are considered modern.


The lack of recognition and appreciation of the traditions and history of Indonesian
culinary culture is also a major factor why our group decided to make “Yummy Snack Food”.
Through “Yummy Snack Food” we are able to make Indonesian traditional snack accessible
to everyone in Indonesia and not only will we able to sell the snack, but we are able to tell
how the snack were made, the history behind the snack. And from that we hope that people
will recognize and appreciate Indonesian traditional snack more.


1. Market opportunities: the lack of recognition and appreciation of the traditions and history
of Indonesian culinary culture is one of the main factors that can make this business
successful, which can introduce traditional specialties, especially snacks, and many people
find it difficult to find shops or cafes that sell traditional food so we are here to meet the needs
of these consumers.
2. Profits: profits will be obtained through shipping costs through applications ordered by
3. Target market: all levels of society from children, adults, parents and even the elderly

As for the SWOT analysis of Yummy Snack Food is :


 Fast delivery time

 Relatively cheap price
 Mamu cooperates with e-commerce
 Employees are always careful in taking care of consignments so that there are rarely
 Couriers provide fast and maximum service. Always contact the buyer on time whenever
going to deliver the package.
 An express delivery service is available that only takes a few hours.


 Delivery service only specifically in Indonesia

 Express services only reach big cities so that people in remote areas have to wait longer.
 The existence of fictitious orders from irresponsible individuals.
 The service is only for products in the form of snacks and snacks.


 The customer segment is very broad, including school students, college students, office
workers, agency employees, housewives and other general public.
 Technology that is increasingly advanced to support the running of business.
 The increasingly popular online shopping culture will be very supportive.
 The number of consumers who provide service services to streamline time.


 The number of competitors in the field of similar services

 Obstacles during delivery that cannot be predicted, for example, vehicles breaking down
and accidents that harm service providers and service users.
 Competitive tariff competition from competitors.
 Competition in service levels and facilities.
 Activities promote more attractive service offers by other competitors.


1. Product details: the Yummy Snack Food business is a service business that sends
Indonesian and traditional snacks to all corners of Indonesia, we will build partnerships with
local businesses to sell their products throughout Indonesia through our "Yummy Snack Food
" application as well will provide information about the snacks that have been purchased by
consumers. It should be noted that Yummy Snack does not have a shop that consumers can
visit directly, Yummy Snack is just an application such as Shopee or Tokopedia which
provides products purchased online by consumers.
In creating a yummy snack business, we decided to choose our own typical Indonesian snacks
that are hard to find or obtain in some areas and distribute them or sell them to all regions in
Indonesia so that consumers can still enjoy these products, and of course we will provide
many variations of Indonesian specialties. . Yummy Snack Food will also provide
subscriptions where consumers can pay for subscriptions and we will send them the snacks
we have selected according to the season and events that have occurred in that month. The
subscriptions that we offer have two options, namely monthly subscriptions or annual

2. Business product services: this business performs services by delivering or sending
products that consumers want directly to the consumer's residence or area so that consumers
can still enjoy the products offered in the yummy snack application.


Logo serves to identify a

product or business. The logo of
Yummy Snack Food was
designed by our Head Of Web

View of the Yummy Snack Food


The following are some

examples of products available
at Yummy Snack Food


CEO & Co-Founder Yummy Snack Food

Head of Business Marketing Manager HR Manager Finance Manager Head of Web

Development Developer

Customer Relation

1. CEO & Co-Founder as one of the leaders in the Yummy Snack Food company who
contributed to the initial development of Yummy Snack Food. The CEO as well as the Co-
Founder has a significant role in building partnerships in order to develop the business so that
it survives and runs well.

2. The Head of Business Development is responsible for setting long-term targets and
strategies for the Yummy Snack Food company, building relationships with customers,
identifying business opportunities, conducting business negotiations, and monitoring market

3. Marketing Manager is responsible for planning, directing, or coordinating marketing

policies and programs.

4. The HR Manager is responsible for the HR division related to management of recruitment,

development and training, as well as other activities for Yummy Snack Food company

5. The Finance Manager is responsible for assisting business planning and decision making by
providing appropriate financial advice.

6. Head of Web Developer is responsible for designing, designing, developing and modifying
the Yummy Snack Food website and application.

7. The Customer Relations Office is in charge of conveying information, receiving complaints
from customers, following up with customers, maintaining service standardization and
recording customer records.


Currently, many E-Commerce in Indonesia also provide traditional snacks, one of

which is Shopee. It can be said that this Orange E-Commerce is one of the competitors of
“Yummy Snack Food”, moreover, Shopee is well known by the public. However, that does
not mean that “Yummy Snack Food” cannot compete with other E-Commerce, we also have
advantages over other competitors. “Yummy Snack Food” only focuses on selling typical
snacks which is of course different from other E-Commerce that sells goods other than
traditional snacks. The prices offered by “Yummy Snack Food” are very affordable and also
varied, ranging from typical snacks from Sabang to Merauke available in our E-Commerce.

There is no doubt about taste, guaranteed to be delicious and of good quality because we
work directly with MSMEs from all regions in Indonesia. Sent directly from the original area
guaranteed to be authentic, the taste is of course different from those sold by our other

The marketing strategy that we use is the Marketing Mix with 7 elements namely Product,
Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process and Physical Environment.

Product : Yummy Snack Food is a company engaged in services. Yummy Snack Food
focuses on selling traditional snacks from all over Indonesia such as basreng, amplang, date
cakes, baruasa, dangke crackers, beppa tori and many more.

Price: By targeting the entire market, Yummy Snack Food sets a price that fits that target.
Products sold start at IDR 20,000.

Place : Yummy Snack Food distributes products through our e-commerce, namely “Yummy
Snack Food”whose application can be downloaded in the play store or app store.

Promotion: We carry out various kinds of promotions ranging from giving discounts,
advertisements, and so on. The promotion uses social media such as Instagram, Tiktok and
People : The resources we recruit are of course professional people who have gone through a
fairly rigorous recruitment process.

Process: There is a process that makes it easy for target consumers to find out about Yummy
Snack Food products through to the purchasing process.

Physical Evidence: logo, packaging, applications and social media from “Yummy Snack


Service Name Cost Information

Desain Services 5.000.000 This service is for designing a yummy

snack food website/e-commerce to
make it look professional. The
developer will customize according to
your request. The size of the price of
design services depends on the level of
difficulty of the work provided.

Security Services 8.500.000 The importance of an e-commerce

security system, of course, really needs
to be considered to maintain the
confidentiality of transactions by
buyers at Yummy Snack Food.

Product Content Creation 4.000.000 Making some of the product content

that is marketed can be ensured to be
original and of high quality.

SEO Services 10.500.000 Use of professional SEO services

It will make it easier for buyers to get
the best products in the yummy snack
search feature.

Hosting Installation 1.300.000 This service makes it possible to create
a list of store visitor email addresses,
why is this so important? With a list of
visitor email addresses, we can send
promotional emails or product
information to relevant audiences.

Platform Development 55.000.000 The developer will ensure that all

features function with satisfactory

Miscellaneous Expense 1.000.000 Cost if there are additional tools

needed by e-commerce.
The price of e-commerce website
creation services is currently very
expensive because the price of each
constituent component is already

Capital injection with personal funds as initial capital to build this service company. In the
future, it is hoped that Yummy Snack Food can present and develop this e-commerce, of course
it will attract investors to inject capital or large funds into the company.


Indonesian cuisine is a reflection of various cultures and traditions. In the current era of
globalization, traditional food is increasingly unpopular and inferior to the influence of
foreign food from other countries. There is still people that are unfamiliar with Indonesian
traditional snack. To solve the problem “Yummy Snack” provide an online service that let
you buy all kind of Indonesian traditional snack from all over the country from our
application. Customers are able to access the “Yummy Snack” application where they can
choose the snack that they would like to order.


Our group decided to make “Yummy Snack” in hopes that many people would come to
appreciate Indonesian snack. We hope that through our service more people would be familiar
with all kind of Indonesian snack and we hope that now people will have easier access to all
kinds of Indonesian snack all over the country.


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