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George has always been

obsessed with masturbating,

specifically anally. He’s always
kept toys with him everywhere
he goes, whether it be a plug
or a whole silicone dildo in a
grocery store. Everyone
wondered why he always
carried around a small
backpack instead of a wallet,
he always said it was because
he could carry more with
him...which was half true. The
real reason was sometimes
when he got the urge he
couldn’t stop himself from
slipping away into an alley or a
bathroom and helping himself;
even when he’s streaming,
which is what the vibrating plug
or the cherry vibrator are for.

Sometimes when he doesn’t

have access to a toy he just
uses his fingers or...random
household objects. His
favorites were handles of
kitchen utensils or fruits, he
likes the thrill of using
something that would end up
being used for something else.
This is what led to him being
caught by his roommates, he
was on the kitchen table
spread eagle with cucumber in
his guts when Sapnap and
Dream came home early from
some merch job at the

They teased him endlessly for

it but eventually started helping
him with his issue. They
started buying him toys of all
kinds, dildos, vibrators, plugs,
everything. George was
always very appreciative and
would pay them back for their
gifts via blowjob or letting them
use him like he was going to
use the toys themselves. He’s
ended up with
hundreds of toys over the
months of living with Sapnap
and Dream.

Whenever George got the urge

it started in his belly then
lowered until it was a deep
burning where he needed to be
satiated. He’d dig around in his
boxes of toys, there were lots,
until he found the one that he
knew would satisfy him. He
would frantically undress and
jump onto his bed and start
lubing the toy up right away.
He did this so often he didn’t
need prep so he would go
straight into fucking himself.
George was always vocal, he
didn’t even feel the need to be
subtle anymore due to the fact
both his roommates knew. He
would cry out and scream for
hours while he did it, and if
they somehow didn’t know by
the sounds Sapnap and
Dream could tell by the way he
limped afterwards and the
hoarseness of his voice.
George never needed to
actually touch his dick when he
masturbated either, he would
cum back to back for the hours
he fucked himself.

Even once during a stream he

got his urge so he gave Dream
the controls to his most intense
cherry vibrator for him to toy
with. George played a rage
game to hide his noises, well
not hide them as much as to
mask them as him being
frustrated at the game. Dream
always chose the perfect times
for George’s sake so he wasn’t
caught but in those times he
wasn’t conservative with the
controls. He would turn it up to
its highest setting and hold it
there until the moment was
over. He came three times in
his pants during the stream.
One day he was out to a movie
with Sapnap and he felt the
urge come up. He whispered
to Sapnap then ran out to the
bathroom with his backpack.
When he made it to the private
bathroom he rummaged
through his backpack
desperately but he couldn’t find
his toy. He started to panic, he
could have sworn that he
packed it. He felt tears brim in
his eyes and he rushed back to
the theater.

“Sapnap, I forgot to pack my

toy. Did you pick it up for me?”
George shook Sapnap in his
seat as he felt himself panic.

“You can’t go without it?

There’s only like an hour left in
the movie,” Sapnap wrapped
his arm around George’s
shoulder to keep him calm the
best he could.

“I guess so, sorry for freaking

out,” George buried his nose
into Sapnap’s neck and
bounced his leg to try and
mitigate the feeling.

Sapnap was starting to feel

bad at this point and he
wanted to help George the
best he could. “George, is
there anybody else in the

“No, am I being too frantic?

Maybe I should just go
home…” George went to stand
up but Sapnap pulled George
into his lap. “What are you

“Did you bring your lube?”

George nods. “Then let me
help you out.” George nods
again, this time with a heavier
blush and
blown pupils.

They started undressing

immediately and making out
feverishly. George bent down
to start rummaging through his
bag and get his lube, and while
he did Sapnap started digging
his fingers inside George.
George whined and moaned
as he pushed back into
Sapnap’s fingers. Finally
Sapnap pulled them out so
George could lube his cock up.
George sank down on it right
away, facing opposite Sapnap
so he could still watch the
movie of course. He bounced
like it was his first and last time
having sex.

George started rising in

volume so Sapnap shoved his
fingers in George’s mouth to
muffle his sounds which only
spurred him on more. George’s
twitched and he started rolling
his hips faster and faster until
he came onto the theater floor,
the liquid soaking into the
carpet, hiding their illegal
activity from the rest of the

They were however caught

when a couple came in late to
the theater and immediately
ran out to tell management, but
they got dressed in time and
ran out before they were
kicked out.

Dream made fun of them for

days afterwards.
The next time he was in public
and he needed to service
himself he did have his toy but
they wouldn’t let him into the
handicap he had
convince Dream to go in with
him saying he needed
assistance. It was wrong and
kind of fucked up but so is
public masturbation in general.
George stuck the key into the
lock and ran in frantically,
almost forgetting to let Dream
in too.

“You really need to work on

this issue, George, it’s getting
out of hand.” Dream crossed
his arms and watched as
George dumped out the
contents of his back on the
bathroom floor. Dream winced
when he saw George pick up
the dildo from the floor but
relaxed when he saw George
had toy disinfectant and
cleaned it up.

“If you think I need to work on

this issue you two need to stop
enabling me, now either turn
around or enjoy the show
because the toy is cleaned and
ready for use.” George ripped
off his pants then wiped down
the floor with a Clorox wipe
and draped a towel over it.

“You have a whole process? I

figured you just went for it.”
Dream was admittedly
entertained by all of George’s
elaborate moves and rituals.

“I may be a menace enough to

masturbate in public but I still
like to keep things clean and
comfortable.” George huffs as
he lubes the toy and pushes it
inside himself. “We can’t keep
this stall for very long so I’ll do
my best to hurry.”

George wasted no more time

absolutely rearranging his
insides with the toy. The
building they were in was a
so he could get away with
being a little louder than
normal but still chose to keep
as quiet as he could. Dream
watched the sight with wide
eyes, he’s seen George’s
pleased face and heard his
moans but he’s never seen him
masturbate. He was impressed
at the way George just went for
it and had no mercy for his
own ass, he made a mental
note to ask George to watch
one of his full sessions in the

“Damn George,” Dream started

to palm himself through his
jeans, “you really know what
you like.”

George just nodded and let out

a pathetic mewl in response,
moving the toy inside of
himself faster. George watched
as Dream whipped out his
cock and began stroking it to
the sight. “You
can borrow some lube if you’d
like, I have some- ah~ body
safe wet wipes you can use to
wipe it off when you’re done.”

Dream took George up on his

offer and poured the lube into
his hand as he watched the brit
fuck himself. George flipped
his position so his ass was in
the air and his face was on the
towel he brought so Dream
could get a better view of what
he was doing.

“Dream I’m gonna cum

already,” George whined as his
cock started to twitch and leak
pre-cum, “knowing that you’re
watching me is making this so
much hotter.” George spoke
and only two seconds later he
coated the towel underneath
him with his cum and Dream
followed soon after.
George cleaned them both up
with his baby wipes and
carefully packed everything
away into a plastic bag then
placed it in his backpack.

“Feel better?” Dream asked

and wrapped his arm around
George’s shoulders.

“Much better, thank you for

helping me out.” George
leaned into Dream’s body as
he spoke.
The time that made George
consider dealing with his
problem in a healthy way was
when he almost got caught in
the handicapped bathroom
with Sapnap and Dream at the
same time.
“George you need to get this
under control! If you’re willing
to get arrested for it then fine,
but you can’t keep dragging us
into this!” Dream threw his
hands in the air as he drove
them home so George could

“I hate to agree with Dream,

but he’s right. The time in the
theater was much too close of
a call and then to be caught in
a bathroom stall?” Sapnap
buried his face in his hands, he
was still burning from heavy
George felt himself curl in on
himself, but the arousal
wouldn’t diminish still. “I-I
know, please can we wait to
have this conversation until

“Are you seriously still horny?”

Dream turned around when he
pulled into the
driveway and scolded George,
who only nodded as he looked
down at his lap.

“This fucking slut,” Sapnap

busted out of the car and
pulled George out by his hair,
“if you want to act like such a
slut then let me treat you like
one.” Sapnap let go of George
when he saw the tears brim in
his eyes. “I’m so sorry I
thought you’d like that.”
Sapnap brought George into
his arms but George pushed
him off and spoke.

“I did-! Sorry those were tears

of...well they were good tears.
Do it again.” George looked
down at his feet and hugged

“Fucking whore.” Dream came

from behind and pinned
George’s arms to his back.
“Let’s take him inside to deal
with his problem since it’s the
only thing he seems to be able
to focus on right now.” Sapnap
dragged him into the house by
his hair again and up to his
room. He threw George down
onto the bed, stomach down
and ass up. Dream crawled
onto the bed and pulled
George onto his chest. “We’re
both going to fuck you at the
same time since you’re such a
buttslut it’ll be like taking
fingers for you. Which also
means no prep.”
Everyone undressed in a hurry,
because while this was staged
as a punishment they were all
overwhelmingly excited to do
this. Dream lubed both him
and Sapnap up and they
pushed in at the same time.
George gripped the sheets
with a death grip, he was a
whore don’t
get him wrong but all of his
toys were relatively the same
girth (length was a different

“Fuck me- Fuck me so good,

so fucking good.” George cried
out, he was never going to be
able to come back from this,
was he? Having experienced
both of the two most well
endowed men he’s been with
at the same time he was going
to need this often, or at the
very least two toys.

“Look at how well the whore is

taking us, Sapnap. He loves to
be filled by our cocks.” Dream
said with a few particularly
rough thrusts.

“He really does, we ought to

punish him everytime he needs
to fill his itch to get something
inside of him.” Sapnap
spanked George then grabbed
onto Dream’s hips as he
fucked George just to fuck with
them both.

“Yes~! Fuck me like this often!”

As one could guess, it didn’t

take long for George to cum,
then he came again minutes
later, and again until he was a
shaking, shivering, and
moaning mess sandwich in
between Dream and Sapnap.

“How do you manage to cum

so much and still beg for
more? You’re a freak, more
than I already thought.”
Sapnap buries himself deep
inside of George and climaxes
inside of his hole. The feeling
of Sapnap’s cock twitching
against his own sent Dream
over the edge moments later.

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