DSMP Dream Slutfic

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Dream cums a lot, like, a lot.

He can fill his palm twice over

from one load, he can fill a
shot glass if he goes a day or
two without cumming. It was a
perfect pearly white with a
thinner consistency. He was
proud of it, though he’d never
admit it. It had taken him a
while to grow comfortable with
the amount he’d release but
eventually he grew to love it.
He liked watching his partners
leak after a good fucking or
watching them struggle to
swallow the entire load whilst
It was gratifying, honestly.
Every time he would have an
orgasm he’d note how much
he would cum each time with
almost too much precision. He
kept a small measuring cup in
his room that he’d use after
edging or holding out for a few
days to see if he could break
record. He learned high fiber
and lots of water were the best
ways to keep his loads large
and the perfect pearly white
with the added benefit of being
able to shoot almost three feet
into the air. He was way too
proud of his cum.

He would fuck his fist in the

mirror and watch the cum
shoot and dribble out him,
sometimes he’d lick it up or
drink it, or he’d use it as lube to
fuck himself with either on a
dildo or on his fingers. He
hated when he had to waste it
so more often than not he used
it in some capacity, he was
disgusting and maybe even
depraved with how much he
loved it but he didn’t care.

He never told anybody, he

always wanted to brag but he
was afraid of
what people would say to him
about it. “That isn’t healthy!”,
“You do what with your cum?”,
“You’re actually disgusting.”
So, he kept it his own dirty little
secret…or he at least tried to.
Having roommates really
makes it hard to hide certain

January 2021

Dream stood in the mirror

watching his cock twitch
against the small vibrator he
had taped to it. His face was
red and sweaty, he had gone
almost two weeks without
cumming because he was so
busy helping Sapnap move in
and didn’t know the etiquette
for waiting to masturbate when
you get a roommate so he just

Finally, one night Sapnap went

to bed
early and Dream caved, he
had to get off. It may sound
strange but he felt like he could
feel his balls filling and
bursting, so now here he was
watching himself get off on a
cherry red vibrator without
touching his dick once.

“Shit, shit, shit, shit…” Dream

whined into his palm and his
eyes rolled back. He had to
reach for his measuring cup or
he’d soak the carpet beneath
him. The precum was soaking
the tape and it made the
vibrator begin to slip and slide
around his shaft which only
added to the pleasure. “Gonna
cum…” Dream whispered to no

Finally, the pot boiled over and

he grabbed the base of his
cock to aim properly into his
cup and used his other hand to
pinch his nipple. Ribbon after
ribbon shot into the cup,
seemingly never ending
amounts of seed found its way
into his cup. It was his
signature color and
consistency which made him
smirk. After his orgasm
finished washing over him he
examined the cup and noted
that he had broken his record
by a few teaspoons.

He couldn’t let this go to waste,

not this perfect load. He waited
for any distinct sounds of
moving around in the house
before reaching for his favorite
dildo and suctioning it to the
mirror underneath him. Once
more, he listened for any
indication of life aside from his
own before dipping his fingers
into the cup and coating his
dildo into it. He knew he was
being paranoid but he couldn’t
be too cautious in his opinion,
he didn’t want to scare Sapnap
back to
Texas and never see or hear
from him again.

He used some extra to coat his

fingers and open himself up
before he sat down on the slick
toy. His eyes rolled into the
back of his head and his soft
cock already started twitching
back to life. He slowly raised
his hips off the dildo then
slammed himself back down,
aiming right on his prostate.

“Oh fuck,” Dream whined and

rolled his hips before repeating
the motion, slowly raising his
hips then slamming down, then
again and again until he found
himself in a steady rhythm.

He looked down and noticed

his cock was back to full
hardness and was leaking
precum once again. He
his hand around the base and
squeezed it tightly then looked
into his measuring cup, he still
had a reasonable amount so
he poured it directly over his
cock and used it to stroke

“Mmm, mmm! Fuck me, feels

so good,” Dream panted. The
cum was still warm in the cup
somehow and it only spurred
him on further.

It didn’t take long for him to

reach a second climax, though
this time he didn’t bother
measuring. The mirror was still
covered in a substantial
amount of seed and he whined
and knew he was gonna have
to clean it up before it began to
dry and smell. That was the
price he paid for his depravity
and he had learned long ago to
accept it.
So, after a few moments of
basking in his afterglow, he
wiped down the mirror with
some windex, sprayed the
room with a nice smelling
spray, and washed his toys.

February 2021

“Clay? Can I come in?”

Sapnap knocked on the door
while looking down at his
phone, barely paying attention
to the world around him. He
was bored and was looking for
something to do other than
unpack. He had been putting it
off since all his boxes arrived
from Texas weeks prior and it
had become an overwhelming
task the longer he waited to do

“Yeah!” Dream called out then

turned towards the door,
smiling when he saw
his new roommate enter his
room. “What’s up? Finally get
those boxes unpacked?” He
knew damn well Sapnap didn’t
and wouldn’t for the coming

“Shut the fuck up,” Sapnap

scowled and climbed into
Dream’s bed, sitting criss cross
and finally looking up from his
phone. “What are you up to?”
He smiled at Dream who was
sitting at his desk chair just
staring back at him.

“Was thinking about recording

or streaming, feeling a little
productive but no outlet to use
it.” Dream shrugged and
climbed into bed next to
Sapnap. “Wanna do

“Well, yes, but not with you.”

Sapnap said then coughed,
cringing at the way
he said it.

“Then why did you come to my

room?” Dream looked at him
with a look of offense and
raised an eyebrow.

“I wanted to ask for your

permission, really,” Sapnap
looked at him but couldn’t keep
his eyes on Dream, the ask
was embarrassing. “I want to
order a sex toy or something,
I’ve never got one because up
to this point I’ve lived at home
with my mom or dad and it
would be mortifying to have
them open it or accidentally
find it in my room or
something.” He started
rambling to avoid hearing
Dream laugh at him or hear his
answer, this was really
embarrassing and almost not
worth it.

“You’re telling me you’re

nineteen years
old and you haven’t gotten to
experience a sex toy yet? Of
course you can buy one! You
don’t need my permission for
that!” Dream shoved him a little
and avoided making fun of
Sapnap to keep from making
him self conscious. “Want
some insight? I can show you
some of the stuff I have and
you can see if any of it looks
appealing to you. Maybe I’ll
even let you borrow
something,~” The image
popped into Dream’s head of
Sapnap riding one of his dildos
or fucking into one of his
fleshlights and leaving his seed
inside to taste or keep for
himself which left him a little
lightheaded but Sapnap didn’t
have to know that.

“Ew, no, I don’t want you to

know what I use.” Sapnap
blushed and shoved him back,
images of his own filling his
head of using Dream’s toys
while he watched
that made his blush a deeper
red. “But thanks for not making
jokes at my expense or
anything, I was really worried
about it.” He gave Dream a
genuine smile then looked
away again. He couldn’t help
but take a quick glance around
the room to see if there was
anything in plain sight because
he was desperately curious. All
he saw in his line of sight was
a small bottle of lube and a
measuring cup.

“Order it right now! I wanna

see what you get!” Dream sat
up and grabbed Sapnap’s
phone to see if he had
anything pulled up on his
phone yet, which of course he
did. Before Sapnap could get
the phone from his hands, he
had it open to the etsy page
Sapnap had been looking at.
What Dream saw was a large
rusty orange dildo with a tube
connected at the bottom, a
bottle of white sticky lube was
featured next to it with a pump.
The item was called “Wolf
Dildo With Knot And Cum
Tube,” with the description
describing the exact
measurements along with,
“Bottle of cum lube included.”
“Oh wow, that’s not what I was

Dream looked over to address

Sapnap once more but he had
his face hidden in his hands. “I
did not want you to see that.”
Sapnap held his hand out for
his phone, which Dream
placed back without a fight.

“I would peg you more as a

butt plug
with a tail kinda guy, pun
intended,” Dream said with a
smirk which made Sapnap look
up and scowl at him.

“Don’t make fun of me!

Besides, wouldn't it get all…
gross?” Sapnap hid his phone
in his hoodie pocket so Dream
couldn’t snatch it again.

“Yeah, I guess so, but when

you use toys like that usually
you shove it in then do other
things so everything stays-”
Dream started but Sapnap
covered his mouth, got up,
then walked away. Dream
chuckled as Sapnap closed the
door behind him.

And when a package

addressed to “Nick A.” arrived
a week later, Dream just set it
on his bed and didn’t say a
word about it for over two
March 1st 2022

“Nick you’ve had enough,

everyone is gone and you’re
already wasted,” Dream picked
the newly legal man up from
the couch and tried to take him
to bed. Poor Sapnap wanted to
try a little bit of every kind of
drink so he invited a bunch of
friends over to share their
favorite types of alcohol while
Dream hid away in his room
until everyone left.

“I have a question,” Sapnap

asked and pulled Dream onto
the couch with him and looked
him dead in the eyes, he was
surprisingly well spoken for as
drunk as he was. “Why do you
keep a measuring cup in your
bedroom? I saw it when I first
moved in and haven’t asked
about it but it’s still there!”
Dream blushed and his eyes
went wide. He did a double
check that no one was around
and took a deep breath. “I’m
only telling you this because
you’re so drunk you’ll never
remember. I measure how
much I cum.”

“What!?” Sapnap yelled a bit

too loud for Dream so he
covered the drunk man’s
mouth and continued.

“Every time I jerk off I cum a

lot, like a crazy amount. One
time I decided to hold out for a
few days and see how much I
could cum and I filled an entire
shot glass so I held off longer
and I filled almost two. I keep
the measuring cup so I can
keep track of certain things
and also…use it.”
Sapnap’s face was red and
hot, if Dream’s hand wasn’t
covering it his mouth would be
completely agape. He gently
tugged at Dream’s wrist so he
could speak. “Certain things?
Like? And use it? What do you
use it for?” Sapnap whispered
and his voice was shaky which
made Dream shudder.

“How my diet affects it, how far

I can reach, I’m not telling you
any more,” Dream took a deep
breath then shook his head,
Sapnap was not looking at him
with bedroom eyes, he was
drunk and falling asleep, even
if he was it wouldn’t be right.
“Let me take you to bed, you
need to sleep.”

“Take me to bed,” Sapnap said

and wrapped his arms around
Dream’s neck and ghosted his
lips over his neck. “But
we don’t have to sleep, I want
to see how much you-”

“Nick, you’re drunk. It’s not

right.” Dream lifted Sapnap
and carried him to bed,
ignoring the pout the poor
drunk boy was adorning the
entire way there. He tucked
Sapnap into bed then Dream
picked out some pajamas for
him but the man had already
fallen asleep.

Dream waited for Sapnap to

sober up and ask him about it
but it never happened so he
assumed the conversation was
forgotten. He thought he
caught Sapnap looking at him
strangely for a while after but
he knew it was just his

“Dream! Dream! DREAM!”

George ran into Dream’s room
without knocking and jumped
on the bed, waking the man in
question and Patches abruptly,
causing one of the two to run
out of the room and down the
hall with a puffy tail.

“George! What the hell! It’s the

middle of the fucking night!”
Dream sat up and had the
biggest scowl he’d ever
sported on his face. “You
scared Patches away! She
finally chose to cuddle with me
instead of you tonight.”

“Shut up, I don't care, I have to

tell you what I found in Sap’s
room.” At this point Dream
noticed George had his hands
behind his back, presumably
holding something. He finally
stopped hiding
what he had behind his back
and showed Dream what he
had been holding; a rusty
orange silicone dildo with a
tube and a pump,
accompanied by a bottle of
white sticky lube.

Dream’s eyes went wide as he

got a flash back from two years
prior. Sapnap’s blushing face,
shaky voice, and the image on
his phone screen. “He still has
that? Wow.” Dream wanted to
reach out to touch it. He
couldn't stop thinking about
Sapnap using it and his ass
gaping while dripping with- He
shook his head to clear his
mind and addressed George
again. “Why were you in his
room? Why do you have that?”

“Woah, back up, you knew

about this?” George looked
down at the items then back to
Dream, avoiding the questions.
“What else do you know?” He
squinted and leaned forward.

“His first month here he came

to me and asked if he could
order sex toys to the house
and I saw what he ordered.
These are over two years old
and probably well used, dude.”
Dream said and raised an
eyebrow, he was waiting for
George to gag and drop it on
the bed but it never happened.

“They were still in the

packaging, I was waiting on a
package and thought he
might’ve stolen it or something
and saw this in his closet so I
opened it. I realized this was
not my package so I checked
the name and it was his name
on your guys’ old address,”
George tossed them back and
forth in his hands a few times.
“He had a bunch of other sex
toys though, like a lot. I’m
talking like a collection of
fleshlights and dildos and
vibrators and-”

“Wait, really?” Dream sat up

then decided to take the toy
and bottle from George. “After
all this time he never opened
it.” He ran his hands over the
dildo and missed the strange
look George gave him.

“Shit.” George said gravely.

“He’s gonna know I opened it.”
“Oh my god, George you’re a
fucking idiot.” Dream face
palmed then got up out of bed.
“Where is Nick now? I’ll take
care of this.” He knew Sapnap
would be much angrier if he
knew George was in his room
snooping around and not him
so he was willing to take the

“He’s in his office, I owe you

one for this,” George said then
looked at Dream’s nightstand.
“Why do you have a measuring
cup in here?”


“Nick? Are you busy?” Dream

poked his head into Sapnap’s
office holding the items out of

“Nope, just playing some

valorant by myself like a lonely
loser, what’s up?” Sapnap
turned around and smiled at
Dream. “What’s behind your
back?” He raised an eyebrow
at Dream who just walked in
and shut the door with his foot.
“I…George thought you were
stealing his packages so he
had me go into your room.”
The lie rolled off his tongue
easily so he continued with a
bit more confidence. “He found
an old package with your name
but our old address.”

Sapnap went white and gulped

like a cartoon. “Did…he open
it?” He pulled at his sleeves
and avoided eye contact,
reminding Dream of that day
two years ago and it almost
made him smile.

“He gave it to me and I opened

it,” Dream brought the items
from behind his back to show
Sapnap. “You never used
them? This whole time?”
Dream tilted his head and
laughed awkwardly.

“I hate George, I’m gonna-”

Sapnap took a deep breath
then calmed his voice. “I
couldn’t bring myself to open it,
every time I tried I would…get
this image in my head of…
something and it put a mental
block on them so I hid it
unopened.” Sapnap reached
his hand out but Dream pulled
them back to his chest and

“What image?” Dream smirked

and shamelessly licked his
lips. “If you don’t want them
then I’ll use them~” He tried
teasing but it came out more
serious than he meant it to.

“That.” Sapnap shuddered and

stood up, reaching for them
again but Dream pulled away
once more. “Stop! Just!”
Sapnap stomped his foot and
clenched his fist. “It’s your
fault! You’re the one who had
to tease me about it then when
I got over it after a year you’re
the one
who had to go and brag about
how much you cum! It made
me imagine-”

“Wait, you remember that?!” It

was Dream’s turn to go white.
“You never said anything about
that night after so I thought you

“I thought I forgot, sort of, I

thought it was a dream but a
couple days later I got the urge
to use the dildo finally because
of the dream so I went to open
it but when I did I realized it
actually happened,” Sapnap
crossed his arms and looked
down at his feet, looking a little
sad as he continued talking.
“And I remembered you
rejecting me so it made me
upset and embarrassed every
time I thought about it.”


“Nick, you were drunk,” Dream

said, setting the toy and bottle
on the desk and reaching out
for Sapnap, cupping his cheek
and guiding his gaze upwards.
“I didn’t want to take
advantage of you.”

“So you’re telling me if I was

sober you would have said
yes?” Sapnap said with bitter
sarcasm and pulled away from
Dream. He wanted to roll his
eyes but felt like the tears he
was holding onto were going to
fall so he chose not to.

“Yes,” Dream said without

skipping a
beat, reaching out once more
to Sapnap. Luckily, Sap didn’t
fight it this time and looked up
at Dream. “I was waiting for
you to sober up to ask me
again so I could say yes.”



They giggled at each other for

parroting themselves from
moments before relaxing, the
tension in the air releasing.
“So, now that you know, you’re
free to use that dildo.” Dream
chuckled and ran his thumb
over Sapnap’s cheekbone then
slowly let it fall to his jaw.

“Well, why would I use the

dildo when we’re both here,
both sober, and you have yet
to show me your special
‘talent.’” Sapnap turned his
face, not to avoid eye contact
but instead to put one of
Dream’s fingers in his mouth.
He started sucking on his
pointer and his middle, swirling
his tongue around them, in
between them, anything to
make Dream fall apart.

“You’re naughty,” Dream

whispered and pulled his
fingers away. “Let me kiss you,
please?” He whined a little and
put his wet hand on Sapnap’s
waist and pulled him closer. He
used his other hand to run his
hands through Sapnap’s hair.
“Please kiss me, I’ve been-”
Sapnap was cut off by a
passionate kiss to his lips, it
started with love and ended
with pure heat as Dream pulled
away. “Again, kiss me again.”
Sapnap said through whines
and pants.

Dream didn’t need to be told

twice, he pressed his lips right
back into Sapnap’s and trailed
his hand down to cup the
shorter man’s ass. Sapnap
moaned into the kiss and
pressed into Dream as much
as he could without actually
being inside him.

“Bedroom, please, I don’t want

George coming in to
investigate,” Sapnap panted
and bit into Dream’s bottom lip
which made him growl and
Sapnap moan.
Dream carried him to the
bedroom, kissing Sapnap’s
neck the entire way just to hear
him whining and totally didn’t
notice George watching them
the entire walk down the hall
with his mouth

As soon as they made it to the

bedroom Dream slammed him
down on the bed and grind
their hips together roughly,
causing them both to moan
loudly. “Can I undress you?”
Dream whined and left a tiny
mark on Sapnap’s collarbone.

“Yes, if I can undress you too,”

Sapnap sat up on his elbows
and bit his lip, the confidence
in his voice wavering in and
Dream smirked and ripped off
Sapnap’s hoodie and shirt then
lifted his arms so he could do
the same, then again with his
pants, then again until they
were both completely naked.
They each took a moment to
just stare at each other, take in
every inch of skin they had yet
see until this point.

“Nick, you’re beautiful,” Dream

whispered then ran his hand
up Sapnap’s thigh which made
his very erect cock twitch
against his stomach. “Can I
touch you? You seem very
eager to be touched.”

“Yes, please god,” Sapnap

threw his head back onto the
bed and waited patiently for
Dream to wrap his hand
around his length, but he never
got it. Instead, Dream spread
open his legs and dived in
between his thighs and started
lapping at his asshole. “Dream!
Fuck!” Sapnap threaded his
fingers into Dream’s hair.
Dream lapped at his hole for a
few minutes, just pulling
Sapnap apart and getting him
relaxed and comfortable.
“What do you want me to do
baby, what can I do?” Dream
pulled back for a moment then
started kissing Sapnap’s

“I want to see you cum, I want

you to cum down my throat, on
my face, inside me, I don’t care
I just want to see you cum.”
Sapnap whined and reached
down to Dream, trying to pull
him close.

“What about you, Nick? I want

you to feel good too,” Dream
pouted and reached down to
start stroking himself, he
climbed on the bed and started
looming over Sapnap.

“That will make me feel good,

watching you makes me feel
good,” Sapnap whispered and
watched Dream’s hand
ride up and down his shaft. “If
it makes you feel better, we
can frot? Rub your cock
against mine, grind against
each other?” He pouted lightly
and hooked his leg around
Dream’s hip.

“Yeah, fuck yeah,” Dream

smiled and bit his lip, he
looked down at Sapnap’s cock
compared to his. Dream had
the length and Sapnap had the
girth. Looking at it made him
realize how bad he wanted to
ride Sapnap, watch him come
apart underneath him and
shower him in cum. “Can I ride

“Son of a…yes. Yes ride me

please,” Sapnap’s eyes rolled
back and he freed Dream’s
hips. They couldn’t land on a
plan, every new idea sounded
too hot to pass up but this…he
needed this. “Teach me how to
prep you?”
Dream nodded and gave
sapnap a fond smile. He
kissed him a few times before
he straddled Sapnap’s hips
and handed him a bottle of
lube. “Okay baby, let me guide
you.” He kissed Sapnap’s
knuckles softly then nuzzled
his palm. “Start by rubbing the
lube on your fingers to warm it
up, if it’s cold it's harder to

Sapnap did as he was asked

then found Dream’s rim,
circling it with his pointer finger
then pushing in. His moves
were slow and over calculated,
it made Dream giggle so
Sapnap stopped and whined.
“What? Am I doing something
wrong?” Sapnap whined and
tried to pull away but Dream
stopped him.

“No baby, you’re perfect.

You’re just being a bit cautious,
you’re not gonna
hurt me I promise.” Dream
leaned forward and whispered
into his ear, using his low
‘manhunt’ voice. “Give me
more, Nick.”

Sapnap shuddered and added

a second finger, his cock
twitching at Dream’s moan in
his ear. Soon enough it was
three fingers, then four. Dream
was moaning and shaking
above him and his cock was
leaking onto Sapnap’s
stomach. It was just precum
but there was so much and it
was spurting out like actual
“You ever measure your
precum? Because this is…”
Sapnap couldn’t finish, Dream
scooped his fingers into the
puddle and put it to Sapnap’s
lips. Sapnap did what Dream
wordlessly asked and started
sucking the precum
off of his fingers.

“You’re such a good boy, so

obedient for me,” Dream
shooed Sapnap’s hand away
then grabbed the bottle of lube.
“I’m ready for you, are you

“Yes, probably too ready,”

Sapnap watches as Dream
coats his cock with lube then
lines his cock up with his
entrance. “I’m gonna cum so
fucking fast.” Sapnap whines
and Dream chuckles, not
making fun or with any malice.
“Me too, your fingers already
have me close.” Dream
blushed and started to lower
himself onto Sapnap’s cock.
His eyes rolled back into his
head and his cock spurted
more precum onto Sapnap.
“Fuck, Nick,” Dream bit his lip.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit,”
Sapnap gripped desperately at
Dream’s thighs, leaving claw

Dream did exactly what he

knew would pull them both
apart, slowly lift himself off
Sapnap’s cock then slam
himself down onto his prostate.
He started to chuckle then ran
his hands up and down
Sapnap’s chest, remembering
the first night he masturbated
with Sapnap in the house after
they moved in together.
“What’s…what’s so funny?”
Sapnap was struggling to
speak as most of his focus was
going into not cumming too
fast. “Am I doing a bad job?”
He pouted and arched his back
when Dream pinched his
“I was just thinking about the
first time I masturbated after
you moved in,” Dream said
honestly and smirked at the
way Sapnap’s eyes widened. “I
made myself cum on a vibrator
then used my own cum as lube
to fuck myself on a dildo. It’s a
similar size to your cock and I
rode it exactly like this.”

Sapnap imagined what Dream

was describing and it made his
thighs quiver with the need to
cum but he did his best to hold
back for Dream. “You must be
exaggerating, there’s no fuck-
fucking way.”
“Oh just wait baby, “ Dream
said and started finding a
steady rhythm. He started
stroking himself in time with his
bouncing, starting to moan and
whine Sapnap’s name over
and over.
“My name sounds so pretty in
your mouth baby,” Sapnap said
and took Dream’s free hand
and started kissing the palm. “I
need to cum, I can’t hold it any
longer, Clay.” Sapnap whined
and bucked upwards into

Hearing his name on Sapnap’s

tongue in such a sweet whiny
tone made Dream spill over
the edge. Ribbon after ribbon
of cum coated Sapnap’s chest
and even reached his poor
face. Sapnap watched every
drop shoot out of Dream, not
blinking once, he couldn’t bring
himself to miss the perfection
that was Dream on top of him.

“Fuck! Fuck me Nick!” Dream

threw his head back, his
orgasm not letting up for
a moment. His whole body
began quivering and he almost
collapsed onto Sapnap but
caught himself before making
a mess of both of them.
Sapnap fucked up into Dream
through his orgasm then
chased his own, filling Dream.

“That’s it, fucking take my

dick,” Sapnap growled as he
came, continuing to claw at
Dream’s thighs.

It took them each a few

moments of breathing but once
they came back from their
floaty afterglow they just stared
at each other. Dream reached
forward with a wipe that came
from seemingly nowhere and
started wiping Sapnap’s
cheeks. “Are you okay?”
Dream asked breathlessly as
he did his best to clean
Sapnap without a hose.
“Yes baby, I’m okay,” Sapnap
reached for Dream’s wrist to
stop him cleaning up. “Are you
okay baby?”

Dream nodded and smiled at

Sapnap. “I wish I could take a
picture of you like this, so
pretty covered in my seed.
Next time I want to cum inside
you and fill you up, get you
nice and preg-... nevermind
ignore that.” Dream blushed
and tried to lift himself off of
Sapnap but he was held down.
“Fuck Clay, you’re gonna get
me hard again,” Sapnap had
one hand holding Dream’s hip
so he wouldn’t move away and
the other covering his blushing
cheeks. “Don’t make promises
you can’t keep.”
“Oh baby, we’re gonna have a
lot of fun, aren’t we?”

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