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Let's talk about hometown.

1. Where is your hometown ?
– My hometown is Quy Nhon……..
2. How long have you lived there ?
– For now, I live alone in another city far from my family. I have lived there for 4 years.
3. Is your hometown famous for anything?
– My hometown is famous for as …… travelling, street cuisine, university and……
Let's talk about music.
1. Do you like listening to music ?
– Yes, of course. I love music very much because first , listening to music helps me to clear
up my mind second, it improves my mood when I am unhappy.
2. What kind of music do you like listening to ?
– Actually I love pop music especially English song.
3. When do you usually listen to music ?
– Well, whenever I have some spare time, I turn on some music to relax. I usually listen to
cheerful music when I need motivation whereas sad music is my go-to choice when I’m in a
bad mood.


Let's talk about your family.

1. How do you spend the time with your family ?
– For now, I live alone in another city far from my family. So I am only able to spend about
two weeks per year with them.
2. Do you want to live with your family in the future ?
– Yes, totally. I am really happy to live with my family now. And I think I will continue it in the
3. How has your family influenced you ?
– My family has definitely shaped who I am now. They have imprinted on me proper
principles like respect, moral values and good manners. I have also inherited humbleness
from my mother , and determination and patience from my father.

Let's talk about walking.

1. Do you like walking ?
– Yes, definitely. I prefer walking than any other type of transportation because walking
allows me to enjoy the beauty of all the scenes that I go through.
2. Do you want to walk on your own or with others ?
– I usually prefer walking alone as it allows me to manage my own pace. I find it as an
excellent way of keeping my body fit and also reducing the mental stress.
3. Would you say that your city is a good place for walking ?
– Yes certainly, my city has many well-maintained parks, public lawns and pedestrian paths
which make it ideal for walking.


Let's talk about name.

1. Do you like your name ?
– Yes, of course, I do like the name my parents gave me. It’s not only a part of my identity
but also symbolizes the love from my beloved parents.
2. Does your name have any particular ( or special ) meaning ?
– I don’t think there is any special meaning for my name. My grandpa picked this character
from an ancient dictionary based on the time I was born.
3. Would you like to change your name ?
– No, I don’t want to change my name. In fact I think I’m really fond of my name because it
has quite a deep and significant meaning, and as well as this, my mother chose it for me so
she doesn’t want me to change it.

Let's talk about study/work.

1. Do you work or are you a student ?
– Currently, I am a senior student studying at Quy Nhon University in Viet Nam, majoring in
hotel management.
2. Why did you choose that university/job?
– The incentive for me to choose this university is that it is one of the universities listed in
Vietnam with perfect learning environment including experienced lecturers, who are
all subject specialists, and modern equipment.
3. What are your favorite subjects/ things at university/ work ?
– English is one of my favorite subjects.
Because it helps me communicate with foreigners and tourists, therefore helping me to know
many different cultures around the world.


Let's talk about weather.

1. What's the weather like today ?
– The weather is usually hot and rainy there.
2. What's your favorite weather ?
– My favorite weather is sunny. My least favorite is rainy because it makes me feel down,
sad that I can’t go out, but sunny makes me feel happy since we can go out and it makes me
feel warm but rainy weather makes me feel the opposite.
3. What do you usually do during your favorite weather ( or season ) ?
– I like the weather is sunny. In summer, I usually go to travel with my family. I feel very
happy. When I go out with my family. So I hope that one day it will be sunny and beautiful so
that my family can continue the trip.

Let's talk about television.

1. How much TV do you ( usually ) watch ?
– I watch TV practically every day, especially while having dinner and after finishing the
meal. I think this is a great way for me to relax after a long day at work.
2. What's your favorite TV program ?
– My favorite TV programme is “Discovering of The World”. The programme provides us with
a variety of interesting facts about nature, the universe, humans, animals and plans over the
3. What ( types of ) program did you watch when you were a child ?
– Tom and Jerry, Barbie, Disney series are my favourites which still gets me excited
whenever I see them on TV now.


Let's talk about hometown

1. What's ( the name of ) your hometown ?
– My hometown is ……..
2. Is that a big city or a small town ?
– I live in a big city…….
3. Please describe your hometown a little bit.
– Well, my hometown is Quy Nhon city, which is on the central coast of Vietnam. In my
opinion, it is an ideal city to live in thanks to its unique culinary culture with beautiful natural
Let's talk about accommodation.
1. What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in ?
– I live in a terraced house that has a living room, a kitchen, three bed rooms, two bathrooms
and a lovely back garden. It’s not really a spacious house, but it’s just right for me and my
2. Who do you live with ?
– I live with my family including my parents and siblings. I have two sisters and a younger
brother who is three years junior to me. Besides, our grandmother also lives with us.
3. Do you plan to live there for a long time ?
– Yes, I do. I just moved in the house two years ago. The house is new, so I plan to live
there for a long time.


Let's talk about books.

1. How often do you read ?
– No, I do not. I think reading is a very necessary thing because it is very useful for us. If I'm
not busy with work, I will spend more time reading books.
2. Do you have many books at home ?
– Yes. I do. I have a pile of books by the bed and often swap from one to another, non-fiction
as well as fiction. I think reading is truly essential in keeping the brain informed as well as
3. Do Vietnamese people do enough reading ?
– If you mean reading something meaningful and realistic, I must say it’s not enough. The
young generation are too into technology that I don’t think they have time for reading.

Let's talk about Newspaper and magazine.

1. Do you often read newspapers ?
– Yes, I do read newspapers early in the morning. It has always provided me updated
information about each and every corner of the world.
2. Do you prefer to read local news or international news ?
– I would definitely prefer to read the international news. It suits my purpose of further
strengthening my vocabulary for studying IELTS, as well as keeping up to date international
3. Which is more popular where you live, newspapers or magazines ?
– I think that people read newspapers more often than magazines, normally because
newspapers are more popular compared to magazines. They are much cheaper and easier
to understand.


Let's talk about friends.

1. Do you have many friends ?
– Not a lot, I have only one friend I would confide in. I think it is better to have one reliable
friend that a thousand fair-weather friends.
2. How do you choose your friends ?
– For me, although I enjoy socializing with other people, I just cherry-pick my good friends
from the crowd. In fact, I’ve got three close friends from childhood who have gone through all
the ups and downs with me for years.
3. How do you often spend time with your friends ?
– I enjoy spending time with my friends a lot as it helps me get refreshed and rejuvenated
after a long and busy week.

Let's talk about sports.

1. Do you like sports ?
– Yes, I do ( dựa vào ý (2) )
2. What sports do you like ?
– I'm really keen on sports, especially football. I like playing football because it helps to
improve my physical and mental health.
3. What sports do people in your country like to play ?
– In my country, football is the most common sport activity and it acquires its reputation for
The King of Sports.


Let's talk about travelling.

1. Do you like travelling ?
– Yes, of course. I think seeing the world, from great historical monuments to white sandy
beaches, is what life is all about. It’s a very interesting way to learn about new cultures and
explore new places.
2. Do you prefer to travel alone or friends ?
– If I had a chance to go somewhere I would choose travel with a group of friends because it
is much more fun and enjoyable. We can discover new things, meet different people, enjoy
different foods and explore different places together.
3. Which country would you like to travel to in the future ?
– I wish, I could travel all over the world because there is just so much to see and enjoy,
especially Japan.

Let's talk about the Internet.

1. How much do you spend daily on the Internet ?
– Of course, I use the Internet on a daily basis because it provides me with countless news
articles from a number of different sources.
2. What do you do on the Internet ?
– I do a ton of things on the Internet. I also use it for checking my emails, chatting with my
friends and playing games online at times.
3. What benefits can people get from using the Internet ?
– The Internet provides people to access endless entertainment. With the Internet, you can
watch movies, videos, play games online, listen to music.


Let's talk about photographs.

1. Do you like taking photographs ?
– Yes, I often take pictures of my cats and dogs, also of the new decorations on holidays or
2. How do you take these photographs ?
– Dựa vào ý (1).
3. Do you prefer to take pictures of sceneries to photos of people ?
– I think I’m gonna take scenery photos because I love looking at the beauty of nature and
capturing it is kind of mind-purifying to me and is a good way to escape from
the artificial world.

Let's talk about food

1. What is your favorite food ?
– One of my favorite foods is bread.
2. Do you think eating three meals a day is important ?
– Yes, I think eating three meals daily also helps make sure you are consuming a variety of
foods that keep your brain and heart healthy. It's an important thing of course.
3. Are you willing to try any new food ?
– Yes, of course. Whenever I travel to a new place, I always try my best to find the famous
local food to have a taste.

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