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The video tries to explain to kids in a simple way what recycling is, why it’s

important, how different materials are recycled and the benefits of carrying out.

In addition, it also comments on other aspects such as that apart from recycling

we can also reduce and reuse, and this activity is known as the acronym triple R:

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Going into details, it begins saying that recycling is taking used materials like

cans, plastic, newspaper, glass bottles and so on and turning them into new

products that we can use again. After that, it goes on to talk about the importance

about recycling. Recycling is important because instead of making new items

from natural materials, which are limited, we can make new items from used

items. For example, glass bottles can be crushed and melted and then formed

into new glass bottles. Furthermore, recycling protects natural resources like

trees, minerals and oil. For instance, if old paper is recycled, fewer trees are

needed to create new paper. Recycling also uses les energy, it reduces pollution

in the air, water and land.

The next is to talk about the three steps for a succesful recycling. The first is that

ítems must be collected from their respective cans which have their own colour

depending on the type of material you’re going to recycle. After These cans are

picked up by trucks and carried until the recycling centers. The second consists

in sorting ítems into different categories because each material is recycled

differently from the other. And in the last step, the recycled ítems must be

processed at a recycling plant in special ways depending on what item is.

Finally, the video explains what reduce and reuse are. Reducing simply means

to cut back on the amount of trash you make while reusing is finding a new way

to use trash again, so that you don’t have to throw it out.

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