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-My name is Jonatan.

-I live in Cartagena.
-I have studied biology in the University of Murcia, but at the moment I haven’t a Job, so, Im
studying English to Access to Master studies.
-I have been studying English since primary school until secondary school because at the
university i hadn’t English subjects.

Family and Friends:

-No, I’m not, but i would like in the future.

-My whole family was bring up in Cartagena, but nowadays we live on differents place of the
Region of Murcia.
-Well, I think that we’re a big family since only with my mother’s family I have my grandfathers, 2
uncles, 3 aunts and 13 cousins.
-At weekdays when we have free time we usually stroll/go for a walk along the city’s harbour
because it makes us feel relaxed after a hard day, and also, we often go tour cottage at
-I have a few, I seriously could count them with my hand’s fingers, maybe 2 or 3.I mean, I always
have preferred to have realible close ones than too many.
-I usually go playing bowling Wednesday afternoon, playing computer video games such us LOL,
fornite, etc, and at weekends sometimes we go for a walk to the mountains or along the beach.
-I met her at secondary school in the first bachillerato level when i was changued of classroom due
to my optative science subjects, and we still talk everyday.

-I live in at the second floor in a flat which is in a central place near to convenient places such us
the hospital, many supermarkets and schools.
-I live in a flat at the second floor. If you came with me you would see an entrance with 2 halls, one
of them is connected to 3 bedrooms, a small bathroom and a balcony, and the other
communicates with the kitchen, another small bathroom and 2 living rooms, one bigger than the
other. Also we’ve a garage.
-I live with my mother, my brother and my pets.
-Its my bedroom because i’ve decorated it with my liking and its the room where i feel more
comfortable and spend all my hometime.
Work and School:

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