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It’s a mystery (1B)

Word Definition Example

Eliminated To remove or take away The police eliminated him
someone or something. from their enquiries.
Improbable Not likely to be true or to It’s highly improbable that
happen. she will agree.
Puzzle A situation that is very Scientists have been trying
difficult to understand. to solve this puzzle for years.
Baffle If something baffles you, you The police were baffled by
cannot understand it at all. his disappearance.
Amateur Doing something as a hobby. Mature detectives were
given the case.
Uninhabited If a place is uninhabited, no He was banished to an
one lives there. uninhabited island.
Chain A series of things that happen His arrival set off a
one after the other. surprising chain of events.
Remote Far away. He lives in a remote
mountain village.
Relive To make pain or a bad Breathing exercises can help
feelings less bad. to relieve stress.
Extraordinary Very special or strange. She was an extraordinary
young woman.
Hook A curved piece of metal or His coat was hanging from
plastic used for hanging a hook on the door.
something on.
Speculation Guesses a bout something He dismissed the reports as
without having enough speculation.
information to be certain.
Agent Someone who tries to find Please contact our agent in
out secret information, Spain for more information.
especially about another
Invasion An occasion when an army In 1546 England had to be
enters a country by force in defended from invasion.
order to take control of it.
Submarine A boat that travels under The submarine can dive up
water. to 300 meters.
Intimation The action of making clear The book’s title gives a fair
what you think or want enough intimation of it’s
without saying it directly. subject.
Establish To start a company or The company was
organization that will established in 1899.
continue for a long time.
It’s a mystery (1B)
Surmise To guess something, without The police surmise that the
having much or any proof. robbers have fled the
Cruise A journey on a large ship for They are going on a cruise
pleasure, during which you round the Med.
visit several places.
Cliff A high area of rock with a Keep away from the edge of
very steep side, often next to a the cliff - you might fall.
Transatlantic Crossing the Atlantic ocean, Transatlantic flights.
or relating to countries on
both sides of the Atlantic
UFO Unidentified flying object: an Several UFO sightings have
object seen in the sky that is been reported.
thought to be a spacecraft
from another plant.
Fortune-teller A person who tells you what Every fortune-teller I ever
they think will happen to you saw told me that no one
in the future. understood me.
Bizarre Very strange and unusual. I had a really bizarre dream
last night.
Odd Strange or unexpected. I always thought there was
something a bit odd about
Spooky Strange and frightening. It was a spooky coincidence.
Distress A feeling of extreme worry, Many of the horses were
sadness, or pain. showing signs of distress at
the end of the race.
Launch An occasion when ship is put The lunch of the space
into water, or a spacecraft is shuttle was delayed for 24
sent into space, for the first hours because of bad
time. weather.
Scour To remove dirt from You will have to scour those
something by rubbing it hard old cooing pots before you
with something rough. use them.
Wreckage A badly damaged object or Two children were trapped
the separated parts of a badly in the wreckage.
damaged object.
Aviator An aircraft pilot. Johnson was a pioneering
aviator who made record-
breaking flights to Africa in
the 1930s.
It’s a mystery (1B)
Navigator A person in a vehicle who She found the crew dead at
decides on the direction in there posts except for the
which the vehicle travels. navigator and the ship’s
captain who were missing.
Practical Able to provide effective She has lots of interesting
solutions to problems. ideas, but they are not very
Devastating Causing a lot of damage or The drought has had
destruction. devastating effects.
Swept away To destroy or remove Floods swept away several
(something) completely. houses.
Breeze A light and pleasant wind. She let the gentle breeze cool
her face.
Interact To communicate with or react We are studying how these
to. two chemicals interact.
Clearing An area in a wood from Clearings areas are good
which trees and bushes have habitat for the western
been removed. bluebird.
Fence A structure that divides two The house was surrounded
areas of land. by a tall, wooden fence.
Pond An area of water smaller than Several large fish live in the
a lake, often artificially made. pond.
Confront To face, meet, or deal with a He decided to confront the
difficult situation or person. burglar.
Passive person If someone is a passive person My brother is a passive
that is mean he or she does person.
not take action but instead let
things happen to him or her.
Sufficient Enough for a particular This recipe should be
purpose. sufficient for 3 people.
Khalil Moftah

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