Assigno Ya Okuku

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Morondi Brown Ian

Question 1
a) With examples describe the client server model.-This is a distributed application framework
dividing tasks between servers and clients
(4 marks)

b) What are Client and Server Stubs and how are they used in remote procedure calls? -are
used in functional calls and reconvert the result obtained from the server after function
execution while server stubs reconvert result back after function execution.
(4 marks)

 When passing data values between different machines with different operating systems
what problems have to be solved? The data security should be maintained
while transferring of data because different system have different
implementation of data transfer which might lead to leak or disruption
in data .
 Message /information sending and receiving should be verified and
supported by both the operating units.
 The interaction between the operating units and user should be well
maintained and communicated for supporting the data transmission.
(4 marks)
d) When calling a remote procedure or method where a reference parameter is passed, what
problems have to be solved and how are they solved? When an argument is passed
to a method:A) its value is copied into the method's parameter variableB)
its value may be changed within the called methodC) values may not be
passed to methodsD) the method must not assign another value to the
parameter that receives the argument
(3 marks)

Question 2
a) Explain what problems can happen there is no concurrency control where multiple
transactions are being executed at the same time.-Lost updates,uncommitted data and
incosistent retrievals
(5 marks)
b) Discuss with the help of an example how the following tasks are performed:
i. How resource management is done in a distributed multimedia system. The
control of the specified resources involves couple of actions such
as;1.Properly allocate resources so that traffic can flow according to
specifications and control resource allocation
(4 marks)
ii. Explain how memory management is done in a distributed system. In
the OS,memory management involves the allocation of specific
memory blocks to individual programs as user demands change and
it ensures the availability of adequate memory for the objects and
data structures of each running programs at all time
(4 marks)

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