They Know Not What They

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They know not what they do.

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Fandom: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers
(Marvel Movies)
Additional Tags: Homeless Peter Parker, Orphan Peter Parker, Mentioned Skip
Westcott, Misunderstandings, Identity Reveal
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-07-25 Updated: 2023-05-07 Words: 2,709 Chapters:

They know not what they do.

by 3DBABE1999




No Civil War, Bucky is able to join Steve and The Avengers, Tony never recruited Spider-

No one knows Spider-Man is a homeless orphan that's had a life filled with various abuses.

SHIELD tasks The Avengers with bringing Spider-Man into the fold and when Spider-Man
is reluctant to join them because despite having lost all of his family there are still people
he cares about that he wants to protect and his dual identities and his freedom to be both
Peter Parker and Spider-Man is pretty much all he has left, he doesn't want to run the risks
that The Avengers and SHIELD finding out he's a CHILD with no Guardian and no home
will take the last things that are his away.

The Avengers take Spider-Man's reluctance as refusal and they take the refusal personally.
Chapter 1



"I know I've worked with The Avengers before, but I've also worked with The X-Men and The
Defenders and The Fantastic Four, before... I don't know about joining just one group, I try to be
wherever I'm most needed with whoever I'm most needed by." Spider-Man stated shaking his head.

"If you say so, Spidey. You gotta know we won't take your refusal lightly." Captain America

"I didn't refuse ... and ... What is that supposed to mean?"

"SHIELD wants you with us, and if we can't get you to join us they might decide that they want
you in a cell instead." Said Steve Rogers.

"On what grounds? I haven't even done anything wrong!"

"You might not be doing anything wrong exactly but you are doing a lot of illegal things. Being a
Vigilante for one." Natasha chimed in.

"I'm not a Vigilante, I m a Superhero, if they declared me a Vigilante for stopping crime and saving
lives they would have to do that with The Avengers as well, you do everything I do, being part of a
group doesn't change that "

"I'm just saying.. that next time we see you, if you don't join us, we might be forced to bring you in,
in a different capacity. Like as in our prisoner. SHIELD wants you as an Avenger because as a
group we hold ourselves and each other accountable." Steve said

"Oh so you put Tony Stark and Bruce Banner both in prison for making an Artificial Intelligence
that tried to take over the entire world?"

"Listen here you little smart ass.." Tony growled.

"Gotta go! People to save, crime to stop and all that!"

Chapter 2



It's Winter, food is slightly more scarce with more people staying in from the cold so not as much
food to scavenge from the dumpsters.

Peter is constantly hungry and freezing nowadays.

But he still goes out as Spider-Man as much as possible.

The public opinions of him are actually growing increasingly positive.

It seems the more people he saves, the more lost pets he helps to find, the more older people he
helps cross roads or carry things, the more people around the city come to like having "The
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man", as most've dubbed him, around.

So far only a handful of people still hold a lot of negativity towards him...

Amongst those people that don't have favorable views of Spider-Man are J. Jonah Jameson, about
half or more of The New York City Police, The Department of Damage Control, Shield and, yeah,
The Avengers.

It actually really upsets him that The Avengers keep trying to come after him.... He is such a huge
nerd fan of Bruce Banner and Tony Stark because of their science and technological genius. He is a
huge fan of Natasha Romonav because she's freaking badass. He's a fan of Clint Barton, the only
non-enhanced Human on the team and nights Tony doesn't count as Non-Enhanced, he has a literal
death ray in the middle of his chest, people constantly keep forgetting that the Arc-Reactor can be
used as a weapon too the same as the repulsors on the Iron Man gauntlets as the Arc-Reactor is
capable of firing a repulsor beam, and since Tony Stark can't be without it, even without the suit,
Tony Stark thus has, "an Enhancement", making Clint Barton the only Non-Enhanced person on
the team, except when War Machine, Falcon and Ant-Man join the team for whatever big thing is
going on.

The point is Peter is a huge fan of all of them individually for different reasons and he's a fan of
them all together as a team. So it stings that they want to "apprehend him".

What hurts worse is he's saved each of their their lives, individually and as a team, a few dozen
times or more, and even then they still have beef with him all because he doesn't want to officially
join just one team since he works with so many of the hero groups and he doesn't want someone
trying to control who he helps and when or who he can work with or when so he stays an
individual and helps where he's needed.

He doesn't get pressured to "officially join" The Fantastic Four or The X-Men or The Defenders or
Alpha Team... They all get the reasons why Spider-Man stays a "Solo Act" unless his help is
needed by ine "Team" or another. Only Shield and The Avengers try to force him into joining
despite the fact that he's proven time and time again that he shows up when and where he's most
needed a lot more than either Shield or The Avengers and that he doesn't need a call to "Assemble."
to show up. If The X-Men or The Fantasyic Four or The Defenders or Alpha Team need help, do
The Avengers show up? Not without a lot of red tape and bureaucracy coming in the way and then
when it's all finally sorted and The Avengers do show up the situation is already handled by
whatever "Team" and Spider-Man, who didn't need to fill out seventy billion pages of paperwork
just to have "an interagency team up" or whatever they call it OR the situation is like several
hundreds times worse than if they had "just shown up" and started helping right away without
letting all the damned paperwork and jurisdiction crap get in the way. So none of the other heroes
give Spider-Man crap about not being officially part of any one team, they just thank him for his
help and let him be on his way with no pressure and more importantly no verbal harassment or
attempts to bodily harm him. So why can't The Avengers just follow everyone else's example?

Having The Avengers constantly after Spider-Man caused Peter stress, anxiety, panic, sadness,
nightmares, nausea, mental anguish and physical pain. They don't go after any other vigilante that
occasionally works as an individual and hasn't officially joined any one Team with so much
fervor... oh wait.. Spider-Man is pretty much the odd man out there... Isn't he?.. Even Daredevil
whilst sometimes still working as an individual a lot of the time has seemed to have chosen to be
part of The Defenders as if they're anywhere doing something as a group then he's with them.

Maybe Peter just has more mobility as Spider-Man and he can get around from one place to another
easier and faster thus he can help multiple teams at once...

He doesn't know what logistics make it all so complicated or why it even seems to matter to The
Avengers so much that he's not "with them" or why Shield would want to come after him if he
doesn't join The Avengers.

He just knows that it really genuinely hurts his feelings that they see him as any sort of "enemy"
because he won't declare an official team affiliation, so they somehow see it as equating to him
being some kind of a threat.

He's curled up in his makeshift bed in his abandoned building and cried about it while helplessly
shivering from the cold biting winds and clutching at his painfully empty stomach more times than
he cares to count.

He's also been angry about were "the big damned heroes" are instead of helping out with the small
things around the damned city like he does, only Daredevil cares about the "little people" the same
way Peter does.

He used to daydream that The Avengers would swoop in and save him... back when he was small
and had hero worshipped them all...

But they didn't save his parents from a plane crash, they didn't save May or Ben when they were
shot and killed leaving Peter orphaned, they didn't save Peter from the pedophile Foster Guardian
that he had been sent to live with, they didn't save Peter when he was bitten by a Radioactive
Spider and had been so sick for days that he nearly died, they hadn't been around to help when he
discovered he had powers all of the sudden after being bitten, they hadn't saved him when he had
ran away and become homeless and hungry. They don't help everyday people with everyday
things. None of the teams of heros did, not really...

None of "the big time heroes" were down on the ground directly putting change into the cups of the
homeless or bringing homeless people food or helping old people cross streets or carry things or
helping people find lost pets. And yeah, The Avengers were The Big Time Heroes as more people
hero worshipped than ay other groups of heroes.

And because it was clear that Spider-Man "wasn't with" The Avengers, too many people, including
The Avengers, saw that as "being against" The Avengers, despite the numerous times he's helped
and/or saved each of their lives, thus a lot of people, including The Avengers, threw hate his way or
would attempt to physically harm him by throwing things at him or shooting at him or trying to
blind him with laser beams or spotlights as he swung through the city. Even though a good portion
of the city loved Spider-Man, enough people hated him to make Peter feel miserable and sad and
Chapter 3



"C'Mon, people! I know you're not used to not getting your ways... But outright trying to kill
someone while they're tryin to work is way too extreme of an overreaction!..." Peter shouts.The
Spider-Man mask covering his face as he swings out of the way of a small explosive device that
gets lobbed in his direction.

"Not cool! You're endangering civilians!" Peter yells as he doubles back around to help people out
around the hole the blast had created in the side of a twenty-story building, he can hear people
down in the streets also screaming from the shock of having bits of broken glass and metal just
raining down on them out of nowhere.

"I can see the headlines now.. Some green dickface on a hoverboard destroys..." Peter dodges
another glowing orange sphere that also explodes.. "Hey! Watch it asshole!" He growls as more
people in a lower level of the same building also scream as the wall near them just explodes.

"Uh... Crap..." Peter is torn... there are now two holes in the building on the same side, one higher,
one lower, people in the building in the vicinity of both need help and there's still all the people at
the street level or below needing help because of falling debris and whatever chaos has ensued
because of the rain of said debris.. Peter's pretty sure there's at least three or four car accidents
down on street level, maybe even a pile-up, he's pretty sure at least one vehicle has driven into the
side of one of the other taller buildings across the street from the building that the green guy on the
hoverboard has hit while trying to lob explosives at Spidiser-Man .. and yep.. now the building
across the street is on fire..

Oh shit...

Both buildings are on fire.

Peter fights the whoever is in the weird green suit, trying to capture the person, who, in turn, is also
actively trying to kill him and hurting and/or endangeringt the lives of the good people of the city
that Peter puts his life on the line nearly every night to try to protect.

The person in the word green suit cackles maniacally as they lob multiple explosives at once,
hitting the building behind Peter, then suddenly a ball of flame whizzes past and tackles the person
in the weird green suit.

"Thanks Johnny!" Peter shouted.

"No problem! Couldn't let my favorite arachnid themed hero get blown up!" Johnny Storm shouted

Down on the street Sue is using her forcefield to hold buildings together and keep them from
collapsing while Reed is stretched out directing water from a busted hydrant to douse the flames
and Ben is getting people to safety.

"Thanks for showing up when you did." Peter tells Reed and the others as he descends on a web
down to the stret to help "That weirdo in green seemed determined to destroy the city."
"More like he seemed determined to kill you." Ben quipped as he guided a group of distraught
people out of one of the buildings.

"Well, he's gone for now." Reed replied, having reformed into his normal shape now that the fires
were out and firefighters and EMTs had showed up.

"You should probably come to The Baxter Building. Get those burns taken care of." Sue said as
she joined them.

"Aw man!" Peter groaned as he saw the damage ro his suit, there were burn holes all up and down
his left side.

"What'd you do to piss that goblin wannabe lookin thing off so bad anyway?" Johnny asked as he

"Oh the usual. Kept whoever it was from robbing a huge tech conglomerate." Peter replied.

"Yeah they hate it when ya do that." Ben agreed.

"Spider-Man, get down on the ground with your hands above your head!" Some cop that had just
pulled up bellowed through a bullhorn.

"Oh not this crap again.." Ben grumbled and moved to step in front of Spider-Man.

"I suggest you do as the nice police officer says." Iron Man is there hovering about ten feet in the
air just behind Peter "We told you this would happen. SHIELD wants you brought in and

"Under what grounds?!" Reed demands.

"Guys.." Peter tries to cut in.

"SHIELD considers Spider-Man a rouge agent since he still won't sign The Accords or reveal his
identity. And since they don't know who to hold accountable when Spider-Man is an accomplice in
trashing the city, they've deemed Spider-Man a threat."

"Guys?" Peter tries again.

"So basically a bad guy trashes a bunch of buildings, Spider-Man tries to help and SHIELD thinks
whoever Spider-Man is behind the mask should foot the bill for repairs?! And because they ..
What? Don't know his Credit Card Number they'regonna call him a threat and have him arrested?!"
Johnny yells as he puts a shield of flames in front of Peter.

"Look, hothead, the only thing keeping SHIELD from banging down your little family's door is
they know all of your identities and know who to hold accountable and how whenever someone
from your Team screws up and makes a mess of downtown.. You four wanna be charged with
aiding and abetting or worse get charged as accomplices.. go right ahead.. step up and SHIELD
will happily have us take you down. " Iron Man stated.

"Guys." Peter says a bit more urgently

"Was that a threat?" Ben asked "Cuz that sounded like a threat to me."

"GUYS!" Peter shouts, multiple people swivel to face him.

"There's people trapped in the basement of that building!" Peter yells as he tries to push his way
through the gathering crowd.

"Everybody move!" Ben shouts. And people disperse.

"FRIDAY isn't detecting any life signs." Iron Man states "This is just an attempt to escape."

"It's not.. I can hear them. One of the support beams collapsed down there and they're trapped!"
Peter yells.

"No one is in there and you're coming with me, one way or another." Iron Man growls as he puts a
hand on Peter to haul him back.

"If he says someone's in there, then someone's in there!" Reed bellows and shoves Iron Man hard
and Sue puts a force field around Iron Man trapping him to where he can't get yo Peter again.

"What do you need us to do, Spidey?" Johnny asks.

"Ben, I need you to help hold the ceiling up, Johnny, there might be a gas leak down there so.."

"No flames.. got it." The flames around Johnny diminished leaving just Johnny behind in his blue
Fantastic Four suit.

"Reed, can you squeeze through the tiny gaps in the rubble and get us a visual on the other side of
the collapse?"

"Got it, Spidey."

They mobilized while Sue held Iron Man at bay and the cop with the bullhorn stood there
dumbfounded as four people went back into a building that emergency services personnel had just
worked so hard to clear.

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