Quiz Security

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513723, 8:17 PM. ‘Computer Security [2022-2023] Computer Security [2022-2023] ‘The following assessment aims to evaluate our course from the practical side, so that it will evaluate the student and also how can we connect the theoretical parts together. Assessment duration is 20 mins, Please make sure to read the questions carefully and select the best answer for each question within the given time frame. Good luck * A firewall is a network security device that monitors decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on balance load () data flow security rules network design CO@O hitpssidocs. google. comiformsdalFAlpQLSoEL2)HnWii(CsmOPovraREIZAqrSEZHOISFCSDipqeEXPewiviowscore?viowscore=AEDZAGDINSVSbIN, 51323, 8:17 PM. Computer Security [2022-2023] * A firewall is a area filter physical () logical © zone © offensive ©) * zone is a device itself, including interfaces on the device Global ©) Trust CQ Untrust w By default, the firewall allows all traffic from a lower security zone to a higher security zone tue O False © hitps does google. comiformside/FAIpQLSeEL2)HnWi(CsmOPoveexREIZOqrSEzhOlsFCSDIpqeEXPewhiowscore?vewscore=AEDZAGDISVSbI... 2/8 51323, 8:17 PM. Computer Security [2022-2023] * When data flows between different zones, the device security check is triggered Zand the security policy is implemented Tue © False ©) * The firewall can create _____ security zone(s) of the same priority one two three four OoO0@0O To define master group in vrrp we write active command in code of creating 2group True © False © * To define Backup group in virp we write standby command in code of creating 2group True CQ False © a tps does. google. comiformsida/FAIpQLSeEL2)HnWi(CsmOPoveexREIZOqSEzhOlsFCSDIpqeEXPewhiowscore?vewscore=AEDZAGDIVSDI... 3/8 51323, 8:17 PM. Computer Security [2022-2023] *7In security policy we define trust and untrust zone Tue © False ©) * 2GRE protocol used for making data more secure between two private networks True 2) * helps in preventing specific services from servers Telnet CQ Tunnel ©) Security policy @ none of all () * Security policies can control ___ services TCP only () UDP only C) Both TCP and upp @) None of all ©) qa tps does. google. comiformside/FAIpQLSeEL2)HhWii(CsmOPovexREIZOqrSEzhOlsFCSDIpqeEXPewhiowscore?vewscore=AEDZAGDIsVSbI... 4/8 51323, 8:17 PM. Computer Security [2022-2023] * ____ Security policies can be applied using Firewall ©) Hub ©) Switch ©) None of all ©) In ensp, To add G1/1/1interface to a zone, we use the command imply interface G1/1/1 C) add interface G1/1/1 ©) append interface G1/1/1 C) None of all xX IPSec as a vpn protocol works to guarantee all of vpn features except authentication tunnelling confidentiality @ooo None of the above hitps does. google. comiformsida/FAIpQLSeEL2)MhWii(CsmOPovrexREIZOqrSEzhOlsFCSDipqeEXPewhiowscore?vewscore=AEDZAGDIVSbI... SB 51323, 8:17 PM. Computer Security [2022-2023] * 2Which of the following Layer-3 VPN is more secure GRE © PPTP IPSec LaF Oo@O * 2Which of the following is true regarding IPSec IPSec will encapsulate Internet Protocol (IP) traffic only xX IPSEC will support only one concurrent tunnel) IPSec operates at the physical layer of the ODI model () IPSec requires the use of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) ©) * For access the firewall using http or https as a user interface configurations should enable systemmanage © service-manage firewall-manage (_) devicemanage @c hitps does. google. comiformstde/FAIpQLSeEL2)HhWii(CsmOPoveexREIZOqSEzhOlsFCSDIpqeEXPewhiowscore?vewscore=AEDZAGDIsVSbI... 58 51323, 8:17 PM. Computer Security [2022-2023] * A mode is used when the local device is a branch gateway in star topology or the end of tunnel Site-to-site © Site-to-multisite multisite-to-mutisite multisite-to-site o0o°o * IPSec works to ensure authentication process using one of the following method except Pre-shared key () RSA signature () RSA digital envelope eq Mansoura University Jl: 2 ia Lt Google cs tps docs google. comiformside/1FAIpQLSeEL2)HnWii(CsmOPovrexREIZOqrSEzhOlsFCSDipqeEXPewhiowscore?vewscore=AEDZAGDISVSbI... 7/8 513723, 8:17 PM. Computer Security [2022-2023] hitps does google. comiforms/da/FAIpQLSeEL2)MnWii(CsmOPovrexREIZOqrSEzhOlsFCSDIpqeEXPewhiowscore?vewscore=AEDZAGDIsVSHI... 8/8

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