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Film Analysis
(DIR- Alfonso cuaron)
OPENING IMAGE- The image opens with the dark gothic logo of
Warner Bros. It helps to describe the tone of the film- dark and gothic.
TITLE- We see the �tle of the film places in a gothic jumbled way. it
depicts the film’s genre- dark gothic fantasy.
struggle in the normal world, as he is treated differently.
We are introduced to Vernon’s sister Margaret. Harry has a
rela�onship problem with Margaret.
The limit is crosses, when Margaret speaks ill of Harry’s parents.
CINEMATOGRAPHY- We see dark shadow pouring on Harry and
white light pouring in the Dursleys. It depicts tension brewing in
Harry’s mind and the people don’t seem to care.
DARK COMICAL MOMENT- Out of Harry’s anger, Marge
magically transforms into a balloon.
VFX- For the half transforma�on, the team used Make up and
Prosthe�c. For the floa�ng scene, the team used prac�cal effects and
Here we also learn of Harry’s weakness – Anger. Which will be his
curse throughout the story.
incident, Harry decides to leave the normal world and go back to his
THE MYSTERY- There are 4 mysteries that connect to the plot and
1. Who is Sirius Black?
2. What’s his connec�on to Harry Poter?
3. If peter Pe�grew is dead, how did he show up on the
marauders map?
4. What is Lupins’ secret?
Harry departs from the normal world. He stops by an empty

CINEMATOGRAPHY- We see the playground is surrounded by

more dark shadows and less dim light. It signifies that, something
dark and strange is going to happen.
CREATING A HORRERY DREAD- The light of the lamp
starts blinking unnaturally. It intensifies the horror and tension.
We see swings moving in the playground in an unnatural manner.
The sound of the swing creates a horror like feeling.
then, Harry gets a glimpse of a strange looking dog. This dog has a
deeper connec�on to the plot and mystery.
THE KNIGHT BUS- The magical bus known as the knight bus
arrives at the aid of Harry poter.
SET DESIGN- The interior of the knighbus is surrounded by
gothic chandeliers and people using it as compartments to sleep.
The bus magically speeds up like a rocket, giving it an epic roller
coaster ride feel.
PRACTICAL EFFECTS- The interior of the bus, where the
compartments move and rotate along with Harry Poter was shot with
prac�cal effects- rigs were used.
CGI- The exterior of the bus moving was shot with CGI.
REVEALING THE ANTAGONIST- The face of the antagonist in
the newspaper is revealed. Sirius Black.
Harry reaches his des�na�on- THE LEAKY CAULDRON.
The leaky cauldron houses so many witches and wizards. The set
design gives it a gothic like feel .
Harry meets with the minister of magic. He warns him about his ac�on
as there is a serial killer on the loose, whom we know as Sirius Black.
It concerns the 1st and 2nd mystery.
CINEMATOGRPAHY- We cut to the day�me, where the
cinematography makes the houses look like fairytale worlds.
Harry comes face to face with a monster book, who tries to eat him.
VFX- The monster book was pure animatronics and puppetry.
ENCOUNTERING FRIENDS- Harry encounters Ron and
Harry is called to the corner by Arthur Weasley, where we see the
wanted poster on Sirius Black. So, the main discussion is all about
Sirius Black.
Harry learns Sirius Black is a�er Harry poter to kill him. It connects to
the 1st and 2nd mystery.
HEADING TO SCHOOL- Harry and his friends head to school by
CHARACTER INTRODUCTION- We are introduced to Professor
R J Lupin. An important character in the story.
We cut to a foggy night as the train goes. It increase the Gothicism
and tension of the film.
Harry talks about Sirius Black with his friends.
The increase in horror and tension happens as the train stops in the
middle of the cloudy thunderstorm.
Then the lights go out of the train, crea�ng an immense horror effect.
The glass window pane freezes in ice, crea�ng the tension and horror
Then, we see the Dementor approaching.
DEMENTOR- The dementor is a dark cloaked gothic CG creature,
who guard and monitor Azkaban.
The scream of the Dementor makes him look very scary and hand
The dementor tries to suck the soul of Harry Poter. But is saved by
Harry wakes from a dras�c coma.
We dissolve to Hogwarts. The rain and the assembly music gives it a
dark gothic vibe.
We also learn Hogwarts has become a fortress of the dementors of
Azkarban. It raises the stakes and danger.
SET UP- When Dumbledore says “To turn on the light against the
dark” foreshadows something rigid.
Act 1A ends with Hogwarts drenched in the rain with the dementors
guarding the school. It gives a sense of horror and what danger awaits

CLASS TIME- Harry, Ron and Hermione head for their class with
professor Trilawney.
REASON FOR THE LESSON- Diving deep into the future.
DISCOVERING THE GRIMM- Ron finds in his cup the image of
the grimm. The dog Harry saw while trying to catch the bus.
Then, Harry, Ron and Hermione head for another class- HAGRID’S.
Harry takes the students through the woods.
CINEMATOGRAPHY- The dark shadows and dim bright light give
the woods a fun place to be. So, the lesson they are going to learn is
Harry lets his anger (weakness) get to him, as Malfoy crosses the line.
CREATURE INTRODUCTION- We are introduced to a mythical
creature – Buckbeak.
HOW THEY SHOT IT- The shot of Buckbeak on the ground was
achieved through animatronics and puppetry, mixed with CGI.
Harry takes the step to greet the Hippogriff- Buckbeak.
Harry accomplishes to befriend the creature. Now, the epic adventure
begins as Harry Poter rides Buckbeak.
VFX- The shot of Harry and Buckbeak flying in the air was achieved
through CGI.
The wide slowly panning camera on the shot gives the ethnic beauty
of the scene.
SIGN OF TROUBLE- The sign of trouble emerges when Malfoy
crosses the line and gets himself plunged by Buckbeak.
We cut to the banquet hall. The music and the set dressing gives it a
gothic vibe. The moment of alert begins when Sirius Black is sighted
close to Hogwarts.
The castle transforms into a haunted house, as Sirius Black is here to
take his revenge on Harry Poter.
LUPIN’S CLASS- today’s lecture is about controlling fear.
The Bogart shaking and the darkish brown colour scheme in the
classroom creates a fear among the audience.
A DARK HUMOUR MOMENT- We see a dark humor moment as
the students face off against their fears.
Then, as Harry takes the step, he falls for his fear as the Bogart takes
the shape of a Dementor. But, as Lupin interrupts, we see his fear, the
moonlight. It even connects to the 4th mystery.

A VISIT TO HOGSMEAD- The student of Hogwarts begin their
journey to Hogsmeade. Harry misses the chance.
Harry has a conversa�on with his teacher Lupin. He seeks his help to
help him face the dementors.
Lupin claims that he knew Harry’s parents which ques�ons the 4th
The fog surrounding the bridge depicts the pain Harry is in.
CINEMATOGRAPHY- We cut to the corridors of Hogwarts which
are dipped with gray shadows. It depict something dark is about to
INCREASE IN DEPTH OF HORROR- The depth of horror
increases as the fat lady from the door to the common room is gone.
They find the fat lady. The panic spreads as the rumors of Sirius Black
trespassed inside Hogwarts. Now, the trap for Harry is set.
The blend of the light and shadow of the moon and the sound of the
chain doors closing depicts Hogwarts has transformed into a haunted
We have a beau�ful gothic shot of the dementors basking in the night
crea�ng a dark grimm effect.
THE DARKEST CHAPTER- Snape takes the place of lupin as the
subs�tute teacher. He teaches students on werewolf. It even has a
deep connec�on with the story.
the difference between an Animagus and a Werewolf. It even has a
deep connec�on with the story.
Then we dissolve to the QUIDDITCH MATCH drenched with the rain
and dark clouds. It depicts something terrible will befall the
Harry sees the image of the grim. It depicts the danger is close.
Harry is followed by dementors once more. He falls for the trap and
looses the match.
Harry seeks the aid of Lupin to help him face the dementors.
A GOTHIC WINTER- The camera pans to a gothic winter in
Harry seeks into Hogsmeade with his invisible cloak. But is caught by
Fred and George.
George lend Harry the marauder’s map.
The map is now part of Harry’s life. It can even help Harry with his
With the help of the marauders map, Harry sneaks into Hogsmeade.
THE HORRIFYING TRUTH- Here now the 1st and 2nd mystery
will be solved. Fudge arrives at Hogsmeade to discuss Harry’s
connec�on with Sirius Black.
Harry sneaks into the mee�ng and learn more.
MYSTERY SOLVED- Harry finds out Sirius Black led Voldemort to
Harry’s parents hideout.
Black is his godfather.
As the truth has hurt Harry, he sits by the woods and cries. He
succumbs to his weakness (anger) and decides to make Sirius Black
pay for what he did to his parents.
THE TEST TO OVERCOME FEAR- Harry comes to Lupin, who
will now help him face his fear, which are the dementors.
He learns the spell – Expecto Patronam.
The first test begins as Harry begins to face his fear. In his first atempt
he fails.
In the 2nd atempt he succeeds. Harry has now learnt to overcome his
THE BREAKING BAD NEWS- Harry, Ron and Hermione head to
Hagrid. They learn Buckbeak has been sentenced to death by Lucius
Harry sits by the dark shadow of his room, studying the marauder’s
map. Harry sees a familiar name on the map- PETER PETTIGREW.
This is where the 3rd mystery comes in. Harry gets up to inves�gate.
Harry explores the dark corridors to search for the answer.
CINEMATOGRAPHY- The blend of litle bit of light and high
contras�ng shadow in the castle gives it a scary gothic feel as Harry
searches for the truth.
The music creates horror effect, as Harry sees the foot of Pe�grew
in the marauders map approaching him.
Harry is caught by Severus Snape. He is saved by Lupin. Lupin warns
him about the consequences inves�ga�ng alone.
Now there are 2 mysteries le�.
We cut to Professor Trelawney’s class, where she teaches them on
Being insulted Hermione shows her disrespect to Professor Trelawney
and leaves.
GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE- We see the stairways are gothic
architecture. It establishes a Grimm feeling.
Harry decides to take the spherical object back. This is where he
tension and horror increases.
In the spherical object, Harry sees the face of his enemy- SIRIUS
The use of yellowish blur light in the globe depicts danger and
Harry leaves learning that danger has found him.
Act 2b is the dark part of the story.
We see crows gathering by a foot of a man. This shot depicts death is
close by.
Harry, Ron and Hermione encounter a hooded man sharpening his axe.
COSTUME DETAIL- The man’s dark cloaked costume and mask
gives a gothic feel to him.
Hermione gets a glimpse of Malfoy and throws her fury onto him.
They go to Hagrid and convince him to free Buckbeak.
The shots of the pumpkins gives the feel of Gothicism.
Ron manages to find his rat safe and sound.
Harry and his friends are mysteriously alerted of Dumbledore’s arrival.
DIALOUGE DEPICTING DANGER- When Hagrid says its nearly
dark. It depicts something dark is going to happen to Harry and his
Harry and his friends from further witness Buckbeak’s death.
The music becomes darker and haun�ng as Buckbeak sees his final life.
CALL TO DANGER- It happens when Scabbers crosses the line and
take Ron and Hermione to the dark corners of the hills.
THE USE OF DARK CLOUDS- The use of dark clouds depicts
danger and death is near.
Harry and his friends encounter the GRIMM. The dark furs of the
Grimm makes him monstrous and savage. It even connects with the
dark clouds.
The grimm grabs Ron into the cave of the whomping Willow.
FACING A DANGEROUS OBSTACLE- Harry and Hermione face
off against the Whomping Willow.
The film becomes an immense roller coaster ride like experience as
Hermione is grabbed by the tentacles of the Whomping Willow.
Harry and Hermione are pushed into the cave.
COLOUR SCHEME- The cave has so many shadowy elements. It
gives a grim dark feeling.
Harry and Hermione discover a hidden cabin in the tree. The Set
Design gives it a gothic horror element.
SET DESIGN- The use of wooden creeky stairs and a dark broken
lamp, gives a feeling of danger close by.
Harry and Hermione manage to find Ron.
SHOCKING TWIST- Harry learns that the dog is none other than
SIRIUS BLACK, who is an Animagus this en�re �me.
Harry comes across SIRIUS BLACK in anger and have his revenge.
Lupin arrives to the rescue.
PLOT TWIST- Lupin was helping SIRIUS BLACK this en�re �me.
4TH MYSTERY SOLVED- Lupin’s secret is revealed. He is a
PLOT TWIST- Harry learns that, SIRIUS isn’t the one who betrayed
his parents to Voldemort.
We learn Peter Pe�grew was the one who betrayed Harry’s parents.
Before they could find the answer, Snape arrives and interrupts.
Harry pushes Snape away to learn about Peter Pe�grew.
alive and he was hiding as Ron’s rat this en�re �me.
All mysteries are solved. The payback begins.
Pe�grew is revealed. He was hiding as Ron’s rat this en�re �me.
The real traitor is brough in front of Harry Poter.
Harry and his allies bring the traitor out of the woods.
We witness a gothic foggy night outside the tree. It shows something
dark and creepy is about to happen.
Harry has a face to face �me with his godfather. Harry now believes he
has found his lost family.
THE DARK TURN- The story takes a dark turn when the moon
shows out of the grey. Remus starts to transform into a werewolf.
PRACTAICAL EFFECTS- The half part of Remus transforming
was done through make up and prosthe�c.
CGI- The full transforma�on of Lupin into a werewolf was shot in
Sirius Black through his Animagus form faces off against the werewolf.
Harry goes to save his godfather SIRIUS. The werewolf gets distracted
by his pack, because of which he makes way.
DANGER CLOSING IN- Harry finds SIRIUS by the lake all
CINEMATOGRAPHY- The water of the lake looks dark and dim
surrounded by thick edges of fog. It depicts another dark threat will
occur. The shot also gives a sense of Gothicism.
We get a shot of the lake freezing. The screeching sound of the lake
freezing gives a feel of horror and all hope is lost.
The dementors arrive to suck the soul of Sirius Black.
Harry uses the technique taught by Lupin, but not strong enough to
drive the dementors away.
Harry’s soul is sucked by the dementors. Sirius sees his end, as his soul
varies off his body.
DEUS EX MACHINA- We see Harry is saved by an unknown wizard
from the further corner. Sirius is saved, but he s�ll goes back to

Harry wakes up from his coma as he learns Sirius Black is dead.
USING THE POWER OF TIME- Harry and Hermione use the
power of �me to save Sirius from a dark fate.
Hermione uses the �me turner to reverse back �me .
MISSION BREIFING- Harry and Hermione now race against �me
to save Sirius.
MAIN OBJECTIVE- Harry and Ron now must save Buckbeak from
a dark fate.
Harry takes the step to save Buckbeak from a dying Grimm fate.
Harry and Hermione manage to save Buckbeak.
Harry and Hermione cross the dark foggy woods.
MAIN OBJECTIVE- Their main objec�ve is to save Sirius from a
dark grim fate.
Hermione distracts the werewolf and leads the creature right to them.
Harry witnesses his other versions soul sucked out by the dementors.
Harry stands s�ll believing his father will come to save him.
AMAZING PLOT TWIST- the one who saved Harry by the lake
was Harry himself. He also learns that the powerful wizard was him.
We see the sign of hope as Harry managed to save Sirius form a dark
grimm fate.
Harry free Sirius from his prison and take him safe.
We see the spark of hope shining. Hogwarts has seen the light.
Harry now realizes he is more than his anger.

The film does in establishing the trope of gothic genre. It pushed the
boundaries of gothic fantasy filled with mystery puzzles and riddles.
Harry poter is a mystery story in a fantasy world. The cinematography
is mind blowing and beau�ful, because of its interes�ng plot, audience
stated asking for more films like this.

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