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Some Notes About What is Information Analysis

“Information Analysis is a process of determining and isolating the most salient information
conveyed by a given information source (or from different sources) and separating this
information source into its constituent elements on the basis of predetermined evaluative
criteria”. During analysis, the contents of selected source(s) are studied to identify salient
information conveyed by the source(s). Then the relevant information is extracted, assessed
and verified. Finally the extracted information is organized and sorted into headings and sub-
headings according to some pre-defined scheme.

As such the following basic steps (preliminary steps) need be performed before the actual work
of information analysis is initiated:
1. study of the subject area or mission in which the information will be analyzed
2. study of the potential user and uses for which the analysis will be done
3. organizing in a systematic way the contents or characteristics of the subject or mission:
(that is a prior creation of a table-of-contents, classification, analysis and synthesis)
4. consideration of objectives, resources and constraints of the system or work within
which analysis and synthesis is performed
5. determination of evaluation criteria for use as the base for analysis and synthesis
(Note that without proper and specific guidelines on the above mentioned five steps no
meaningful and rational analysis and synthesis can be performed)
6. selection of material for information analysis and synthesis.

Some Important Key Words related to Information Analysis

Analysis of Information : The process of determining and isolating most salient information
conveyed by an information source and separating this information into its constituent
elements on the basis of a predetermined evaluation and other criteria.
Consolidation of Information : The process of merging or integrating information from one or
more sources and presenting it in a new form and format tailored to the requirements of a
specific group of users.
Evaluation of Information : It is a process of assessing and ascertaining the intrinsic value and
validity of information on the same topic extracted from a number of sources and resolution or
reconciliation of conflicting aspects.
Value-added : It is a term which is widely used in respect of information services to describe
information services and their attributes. It is information having value to a specific user in a
specific context.

Information Analysis Project (IAP)

Your output for this project is a formally structured project specifically done for the purposes of
acquiring, selecting, evaluating and analyzing a body of information in a clearly defined
specialized area so that pertinent information can be presented in a form most useful to a
group of users.

Parts of the Information Analysis Project (IAP) for the written report to be uploaded as a pdf file
1. Table of Contents (based on the title of each section in your IAP indicated in numbers 2
to 10)
2. cover page that will contain specific title of your IAP (which has to be aligned or related
to the program (like BSND for example) you are enrolled in and is relevant, and the
names of all the members (arranged alphabetically with family names written first, then
the given name. In case your group is composed of a mix of students with different
programs, the group decides as to which program your IAP project will be aligned or
related to)
3. list of potential users and uses (or benefits) for which the analysis is to be done
4. objectives of your IAP
5. several information you have gathered to be analyzed including their corresponding
sources from the different materials that you have selected
6. list of evaluation criteria to be used in your analysis (here you may make use of the
concepts/ideas/techniques/tools you learned from the MMW course aside from other
criteria that you may include)
7. analyzed information (this refer to the most salient(or important) information conveyed
by an information source (or different sources of information) and separated into its
constituent elements on the basis of a predetermined evaluation and other criteria
(here you have to make use of the concepts/ideas/techniques/tools you learned from the
MMW course aside from other ways of analyzing the information)
8. consolidated information (this refer to information merged or integrated from one or
more sources presented in a new form and format tailored to the requirements of a
specific group of users)
9. evaluation of the consolidated information (this refer to the assessed and ascertained
intrinsic (or essential) value and validity of information on the same topic extracted
from a number of sources, and the resolution or reconciliation of conflicting aspects
10. Value-added (this refer to information having value to a specific user in a specific
Preparing Your Written Report
1. Since each number indicated in the “Parts of the IAP” refer to a particular section of
your report, this means that the contents specified in each number has to start in a new
page(but the page numbers are to be continued).
2. For the page layout of your report, use 8.5” x 11” size and “normal” margins in each
page. Page numbers will start at 1 and placed at the upper right corner of each page (no
page number will be indicated in the cover page)
3. Use calibri size 12 for your font and font size.
4. For the cover page: center the specific title of your IAP and place it 5 spaces below you
top margin;, texts have be “bold”. This is to be followed by the complete names of the
members of the group. Observe 6 spaces between the title and the name of the first
member in the group.
5. Observe “double spacing” for all contents in each section, with the first line to start 2
spaces after the title for the section. Underline the title in each section and align text to
the left.
6. Once your written report is final, save it as a pdf file as this will required for submission
in CANVAS at least 3 days before the actual schedule of the presentation proper.
For the Oral Presentation of your IAP
1. The group has to prepare a power point (based on the written report the group has
submitted) to be used during the actual presentations (schedules will be finalized after
the midterm week and the class will be informed regarding this during the first
synchronous meeting after midterms).
2. Since each group is allowed a maximum of 15 minutes for the presentation (which
already includes questions/reactions from the rest of the groups and the instructor), the
group has to see to it that all the important information they wish to convey to the class
can be done within the time limit.
3. Each member of the group must have a part to present/discuss during the actual
presentation (as to which part(s) of your output, the group will decide) and has to
introduce herself/himself before starting with her/his presentation/discussion.
4. After the actual presentation, each group is required to upload in CANVAS the ppt you
used in the actual presentation.

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