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Date: 25th August 2013

Title: Where is Your Heat?

By Mr. Kasimiro Orwenyo

Let me begin with the TRUTH. In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the PROPHETS at many
times and in various ways, but in this last days God has spoken to us through His Own Son Jesus Christ:
Heb. 1:1. When Jesus ascended into Heaven, through Him, God the Father sent us the Holy Spirit and
God (Jesus) now speaks to us in various ways.

Pope Francis told the youth, “Go, do not be afraid, and serve. Dear young people, do not be afraid to be
generous of Christ, to bear witness to His Gospel and remember that we are sent as a team. While
quoting the Pope, the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune wrote in the parishioner, 4 th Aug, 2013,
back page, “As the Pope sent the youth to go and proclaim the Gospel to the whole world, we are also
calling upon the youth of Naggulu Parish to come out and share their experience of Faith, bear witness
to the Faith and Proclaim the Gospel.

The Children Ministry then responded by accompanying the Parish Priest, Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune and
joining the Faithful to celebrate both BBIINA PARISH DAY and NAGGULU DEANERY DAY at BBINA Parish.
Youth came from all the Secondary Schools in and around Bbiina Parish.

Before inviting the main celebrant, Msgr. Dr. Lawrence Ssemusu, who represented the Archbishop, to
lead the Mass, the Parish Priest of St. James Catholic Parish Bbiina, Rev Fr. Isidore Mbaleeba put this
question to the congregation, “As we celebrate both our Parish day, and Naggulu Deanery Day in the

The main celebrant repeated the same Question, “As we begin both celebrations,” “WHERE IS YOUR
HEART? 11. This question was connected to the theme of the second reading, “you must look for the
things that are in Heaven, where Christ is Col 3: -5; 9-H. The Dean of Naggulu Deanery, who is also the
Parish Priest of Our Lady and St. Jude Catholic Church Naggulu, Rev Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune in his message,
he told Naggulu Deanerarian to remove all barriers of COMMUNICATION, work for UNITY and promote
the spirit of SELF-GIVING for the good of our Mother Church and the development of everyone. NO
DOUBT, GOD (JESUS) has spoken to the youth of Naggulu Parish and Naggulu Deanerarian. However,
many Parishioners of BBIINA Parish heard the question and the message, but very, very few Parishioners
of KIWATULE, KIGOWA, MBUYA and NAGGULU parishes heard the question and the message.

Bbiina Parish was well organized and when it was time for meal, VIPS went where they were served
lunch. Children also went where they were served, but every Christian community (BUBONDO) had its
own serving Centre. That was the day became a member of Kitintale Christian Community for 20
minutes and I was well served.

After Lunch the Children Ministry presented their presentations causing everything to come to a
standstill as people fixed their eyes on them and listened to their messages. On my part I was busy
answering the endless question, “which school is that?”- It was indeed a very happy celebration. Long
Date: 29th September 2013


By Mr. Kasimiro Orwenyo

The people of Israel (Jews) knew very well that the God of their Ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God
of Isaac, the God of Jacob was their God; the God who brought them up out of Egypt and was the only
God they should Worship. God told Moses to tell the people of Israel, “Do not make any gods to be
alongside me; do not make yourselves gods of silver or gods of gold” (Ex 20:23). But when reached the
Desert, they forgot about their God and the great things and wonders God did to them. They made a calf
and worshipped it as their god instead of worshipping the TRUE GOD (Ex 32:3-4).

God then said to Moses, “Go down, because your people, whom you brought up out of Egypt, have
become corrupt. They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them and have made
themselves an idol in the shape of a calf. They have bowed down to it, sacrificed to it and have said,
“This is your God, Oh Israel who brought you up out of Egypt” (Ex 32:7-8). When Moses approached the
camp and saw the calf and the dancing, his anger burned and threw the tablets out of his hands,
breaking them to pieces at the foot of the mountain (Ex 32:19). Moses stood at the Gate of the camp
and cried “Whoever is for the Lord, let him come to me” (Ex 32:26).

In Naggulu Parish, every Sunday, during the 7:00am Mass, the church is always full up to the Grotto and
majority are the youth. God who sees the heart, through the Archbishop, his Grace, Dr. Cyprian Kizito
Lwanga, sent Fr Joseph Kaseeta, “Quick, Go to Naggulu Parish”. Fr Joseph Kaseeta arrived on 2 nd
September, 2013. While celebrating Mass on 8* September, 2013 at 7:00am, during his homily, he told
Christians, “CHOOSE GOD”. He again emphasized, “Always CHOOSE GOD. Yes human beings always tend
to turn away from God’s ways to human ways which is Sin and Sin results in death. May be that’s why
God has spoken to the Christians of Naggulu Parish. If you have already chosen God or still to choose
God, know that there is a book that describes who God is and that book is called, “BIBLE”. Is the Bible
relevant today? Can the Bible give you answers to your questions? Yes, the Bible can give you answers
to your questions, help you understand what God is like and what His purpose is for you. But you will
have to discover that for yourself as you read it. For example, read (Gn 15:1, 6). Remove the Name
ABRAM and put your NAME.

Fr. Joseph then boosted the morale of the children of the children Ministry by taking photograph with
the children who participated in the Liturgical dance during the Mass. Thank you very much Fr Joseph
for encouraging the children. The Children now say to you “Fr Joseph WELCOME TO NAGGULU PARISH”.
Date: 30th JUNE


By: Kasimiro Orwenyo

Life on earth is a journey and can be very interesting because of different cultures and beliefs. I once
stayed in Naggulu Housing Estate and in a house-group where one block is divided into two with the
front doors near each other. One Sunday afternoon, Naggulu and Nakawa Housing Estate Tenants were
holding a meeting at Naggulu Community Centre to discuss about the security of the area and as the
meeting was in progress, my immediate Neighbour stood up and said, **My immediate Neighbour has
put a very powerful medicine (FETISH) in front of his front-door and it is causing a lot of problems in
my house. That medicine (FETISH) is still there up to now”. The chairman asked, “Who is your
immediate Neighbour?”

I quickly stood up and there was a lot of muraiurings because few believed, but the majority could not
believe. I spoke up, “Are there any Catholics among you here and do you know Palm Sunday? Last
Palm Sunday, I bought a Palm, took it to the Church, the Priest blessed it, I brought it, put it at the door
post of my front-door from the inside but it peeps a bit outside and we can all go and see if you want. I
didn’t know that my Neighbour was seeing that Peeping Palm as the most powerful medicine (FETISH)
causing problems in his household.

The word Peeping Palm threw the tenants into a Rib-breaking-laughter for more than five minutes. For
me, people laughed because, the Palm was as it were preaching, “I am blessed, I am a holy item, I do
not cause problems, instead Catholics do believe that because I am blessed, my presence in their
houses can be of great help on spiritual matters – that is their faith”.

When people stopped laughing, the chairman ordered my Neighbour to apologize to me which he did
and we shook hands. I am sure my Neighbour on different days at different times might have told
people the same thing about that Peeping Palm. Can you imagine how people were looking at me – a
witch? For me that was, “Character assassination, defamation, slander and just damaging my name”.

Now, I invite you to read carefully the message of the present Pope as per the Vatican Newspaper,
“L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO”, Weekly Edition in English of 3 rd and 24th April 2013. Pope Francis as Bishop
of Rome, celebrated mass in the mornings in the Chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae and in his
homilies he said, “Never speak poorly of others. Speaking poorly of someone else is equivalent to
selling them. Like Judas who sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. And it was precisely by drawing inspiration
from the Gospel passage of Mathew which foretells the betrayal of Judas Iscariot that Pope Francis put
people on guard against gossip with an explicit invitation: “Never speak poorly of others”. Another
morning Pope Francis emphasized, “Slander destroys God’s work because it is spawned by hatred. It is a
daughter of “Father of Lies” and wants to wipe out man and distance him from God. And the person
who generates hatred is SATAN. Falsehood and Slander go hand in hand. Here in Rome, we have many
Martyrws, Martyrs starting with Peter; but the season of Martyrs is not-over. We can truly say the
Church has more Martyrs today than she had in the early centuries. Indeed she has multitude of Men
and Women who are slandered, persecuted and killed in hatred of Jesus, in hatred of the Faith”. What
about you, who are reading this article, are you like my former immediate Neighbour? Check your
Conscience. No matter whatever answer you give, TIME and NOW come for all of us to join hands
together and help our Parish Priest, Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune to build and evangelize Naggulu parish, the
National shrine of St Jude. Yes, while he was here in Kampala, in 1969, Pope Paul VI said, “AFRICA, BE
Date: 31st August 2013


By Mr. Kasimiro Orwenyo

Physical exercises build our bodies while Spiritual exercises help us spiritually. When we were in
Secondary School, we had a three days’ RETREAT which caused us great FEAR instead of helping us
spiritually. Since it is a long time now, all I can remember is that on the second day of the Retreat, the
Topic of the morning session was, “ONE DOOR”. The Facilitator, who was a priest, said, “The world we
live in is ONE Big house with only, “ONE DOOR” which each person has to pass through it at different
time and in different style, but NO ONE knows the EXACT TIME. That ONE DOOR is DEATH. Once you are
born, you must DIE”. He explained about DEATH so much that it caused us great Fear. Since that time, I
have Never come across a Seminar, Retreat or Workshop where DEATH is a TOPIC of its own.

The Bible says that the Lord God has planted a Garden in the East, in Eden and there He put the man He
has formed. And the Lord commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the Garden, but
you must not eat from the free of the knowledge of Good and Evil, for when you eat of it, your wife
surely die (Gn 2:16-17). Until now, there was NO DEATH. God then formed a WOMAN from the Rib He
had taken out of the man and He brought her to the man (Gn 2:22). Still there was NO DEATH. The
woman took some fruit and ate it, she also gave some to her husband who was with her and he ate it
(Gn 3:6). Then the Lord God said to Adam, “Because you listened to your wife and ate from the free
about which I commanded you, “you must Not eat of if ……… the seat of your brow you will eat your
food until you return to the ground, since from if you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will
return (Gn 3:17-19f! so, DEATH entered into the world.

Before you pass through the DOOR (die), the Children Ministry has this message for you, “My Father and
Mother what are you thinking; My brother and Sister what are you waiting, about your TALENT from
God, my message to you today is that please wake up and sing and praise. What was God’s TALENT for
you on Earth, the moments are passing, the days are rushing, what have you DONE FOR THE Lord”. Yes,
in Naggulu parish, with your TALENT from God what have you done for the Lord? If you are not sure of
your TALENT or what to do with it contact the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune who will help you
accordingly. The Office of the Parish Priest is open on Tuesday and Thursday. As you think about DEATH,
there is also One Good News and that is, “THERE IS ONE DOOR TO THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND THAT IS
JESUS CHRIST” (Jn 14:6).
Date: 13th October 2013


By Mr. Kasimiro Orwenyo

The people of Nineveh declared a FAST and all of them from the greatest to the least including the KING,
PUT ON SACKCLOTH and fasted and God answered their prayers (Jonah 3:5,8). Does God still answer
prayers even in our present times? Yes, BECAUSE Jesus Christ (God) is the same YESTERDAY TODAY and
FOREVER (Heb 13:8).

Pope Francis declared, Saturday, 7 th Sept. 2013 as a day of fasting and prayer for the universal church for
PEACE IN SYRIA, THE MIDDLE EAST and throughout the world [L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Weekly edition
in English, Wednesday 4th Sept. 2013]. A Hundred thousand people in St. Peter’s square prayed with
Pope Francis at the close of the Day for fasting and prayer for PEACE [L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Weekly
edition in English, Wednesday 11th Sept. 2013]. Up to now there is no any country that has waged war
against Syria.

In Naggulu, the Parish Priest, Rev Fr Godfrey Kyeyune together with the Liturgy Committee declared that
praying the Rosary in the month of October, 2013 would begin with the SOLEMN ROSARY, at the
GROTTO ON 1ST October 2013 beginning with the Procession at 5:15pm;

a) On Monday 30/09/2012 it rains. On Wednesday 2 nd/10/2013 it also rains. But on Tuesday 1 st

October 2013, the cloud appeared as if though it was going to rain, but it DID NOT RAIN and the
PROCESSION and SOLEMN ROSARY took place according to the Plan.
b) All those whose names appeared on the programme to lead, came and all led well including the
two Ssabairustu, Mrs. Sheila Matovu and Mr. Charkes Owor (take note that the church that
involves the ELDERLY, YOUTH and CHILDREN is ALIVE, ACTIVE and has a FUTURE).
c) The TURN UP was good.
Was the prayers of the Parish Priest, Fr Godfrey Kyeyune and the Liturgy Committee NOT
ANSWERED? Some time we need to see some religious (spiritual) events with the EYES of FAITH.
Now look at this, “The Children of the children Ministry, after school, instead of going home,
they rushed to the church, removed their school uniform, put on the Ministry’s uniform and
participated in the procession and Solemn Rosary on time as per the PLAN”. The interest these
children have in the Ministry is beyond human understanding. Even the Priest who built the
Grotto, the former Parish Priest, Fr. Edward Muwanga also participated. The presider, the
parish, Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune clearly explained about the rosary and how it began. From that day,
many people and the children now know the difference between daily Rosary and Solemn

If Offertory (Offerings) is a form of worship, then we need to learn from the MAGI, the three
wise men from the East who went to pay homage to baby Jesus, the King of the Jews. They
offered very expensive GIFTS of GOLD, INCENSE and MYRRH 9mt 2:1, 11). During any service, we
too should offer expensive gifts but according to our conscience. We shall also close the month
of October at the GROTTO on 31 st October 2013. Please come with a friend and organize your
expensive gifts with the Leader of your Christian Community. See you there.
Date: 13th April 2014


By Mr. Kasimiro Orwenyo

The Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to
take Mary your wife to your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child is conceived in her. She
will bear a son and you are to Name Him JESUS, because He will save His People from their sins [Mt 1:
20-21], While they were in Bethlehem, the time came for Mary to have a child, and she gave birth to her
firstborn son [Lk 2:6-7]. So the Word became flesh and dwelt among us as the Father’s only Sone full of
grace and truth [Jn 1:14]. On the high mountain where Jesus was transfigured, from the bright cloud, a
voice said “this is my son, the Beloved; he enjoys my favour, listen to Him (Mtl7:50) this shows that
Jesus is fully Man and fully God. And as fully Man while still here on earth, Jesus did very many good
things as examples for us to follow.

During the 7:00am Mass on the first Sunday of Lent on 9 th 703/2014, in Naggulu Parish, the Deacon,
reflecting on the day’s Gospel from [Mt 4:1-11], in which Jesus overcame the temptations of the devil by
quoting the Scriptures, he [the Deacon] told Christians, “IMITATE CHRIST”. The Deacon reflected on
three points; -


The devil said to Jesus, “if you are the son of God, tell these stones to turn into loaves”. But Jesus
replied, “Scripture says: Man does not live on bread alone but on every Word that comes from the
mouth of God. Again the devil said, “if you’re the son of God, throw yourself down; for the Scripture
says: He will put you in His Angels’ charge, and they will support you on their hands in case you hurt
your foot against a stone. Jesus answered, “Scripture also says: you must not put the Lord your God to
the test”. The third time the devil, showing Him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor said, “I
will give you all these if you fall at my feet and worship me”. Then Jesus replied, “Be off Satan! For the
Scripture says: you must worship the Lord your God, and serve Him alone. Then the devil left Lord your
God, and serve Him alone. Then the devil left Him, and angels appeared and looked after Him.

Jesus always turned to the Scriptures. He was familiar with EVERYVERSE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. He
used Scripture to answer question the devil asked of Him. And He defeated the devil. The Deacon wants
the Christians of Naggulu parish to, “IMITATE JESUS” by reading the Bible, understanding the Bible,
mastering the scriptures and applying it as Jesus did to defeat the devil. One of the great insights of
reading and studying the BIBLE IS THAT, “TRUTH” is found from looking at God first and seeing life from
the perspective He gives. Yes, Jesus always referred His questioners to God’s Word and He always began
not with problem but with God. About the woman who got married to seven brothers and she finally
died, the Sadducees asked Jesus, “At resurrection whose wife will she be? Jesus Replied, “you are in
error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God” [Mt 22:27-29].

Pope Francis, in his homily on Sunday 16 February 2014, to the Parishioners of St. Thomas the Apostle,
in Inferential, Rome, he put this question, “What is in our hearts?” He went straight to the Scripture.
One time, the disciples of Jesus were eating grain because they were hungry; but it was Saturday and on
Saturday grain was not allowed to be eaten. And the Pharisees said, “But look at what they are doing!
Whoever does this break the Law and soils his soul for he does not obey the Law [Mt 12: 1-2]. And Jesus
responded; nothing that comes from without soils the soul. Only what comes from within, from your
heart, can soil your soul [Mt 15:11, Mk 7:15]. ….. we must ask ourselves, what is within, because what is
inside comes out and harms, if it is evil; and if it is good, it comes out and does good [the Vatican
Newspaper L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO, weekly edition in English, 47 th year No 8 (2334) Friday, 21
February 2014 Page 16].

This is the time we should confess the evils which is in our hearts. Mother Teresa said that Jesus
appeared to St Gerard and said, “Give me, give me” and Gerard replied, “I have nothing to give, I have
given you everything”. And Jesus said, “Give me your sins” [ From the Book: WOMAN OF THE CENTURY-

We Catholics give our sins to Jesus by going for confession to our Catholic priests. Therefore, in this Lent
let us

a) Read the Bible

b) Go for confessions.
Date: 14th June, 2015


By Mr. Kasimiro Orwenyo

Last Sunday 7/06/2015 Was corpus Christi or the most Holy Body and blood of Christ: Sunday.

The Main Celebration was at 10:30am Mass and the Main Celebrant was the Parish Priest, Rev, Fr
Godfrey Kyeyune, assisted by Deacon John Lukwago. The procession was from the church to St.
Balikuddembe Christian Community with stopovers at the homes of Mrs. M. Ochwo, Mrs. F. Nkurukenda
and Mrs. Betty Ocwet.

We Catholics do believe that the consecrated HOST, (which is always white) is Jesus is literally and
wholly present – body and blood, soul and divinity-under the appearances of bread and wine. (cf. 1 Cor.
10:16-17, 11:23-29; John 6:32-71).

The members of Naggulu Parish Children’s Ministry participated actively in the celebrations. They
dressed up to fit the occasion, namely; - White handkerchiefs on the heads, white T-shirts with blue
strips on the arms and blue STAR on the left chest (in the position of the heart), white handkerchiefs in
the hands, black skirts and white socks. White depicts holiness. White T-shirt is for Jesus, Blue strip and
Blue STAR (Morning STAR / Stella Matutina) is for the Blessed Virgin Mary who leads us to Jesus. And
black is for the BLACKS (Africans). The Children’s waving of the white handkerchiefs is a FORM OF PRAISE

This Ministry has been active in Naggulu Parish since 2001. They carry out the following activities:

 singing as a choir
 taking readings at liturgical celebrations.
 Liturgical dances
 Entertainment.
 Visiting and praying with the sick and the elderly in Christian communities
 Participating in liturgical celebrations in other Parishes.
 Occasionally cleaning and mopping the Church and Parish Hall
 joining other children to recite the Rosary every first Saturday of the month at the church.

Do their actions glorify and praise God?

Do their actions make you glorify and praise God? Do they evangelize you in any way? Do you have any
suggestion/advice for them? Do you feel like helping them SPIRITUALLY, FINANCIALLY OR MATERIALLY?
Then contact the Parish Priest. Otherwise, the children are very happy to serve their Mother Church in
Date: 6th September, 2015


By Mr. Kasimiro Orwenyo

In the Book of Exodus, Moses saw the Bush blazing but was not burnt up. When he approached it to
investigate, God called to him, “Moses, Moses Do not come any closer, take off your sandals for you are
standing on holy ground. I am the God of your ancestors – the God of Jacob”, at hearing this, Moses
covered his face because he was afraid to look at God (Ex 3;1-6). So the burning bush was the presence
of God to Moses.

Also in the Desert, during the Exodus, it was Moses custom to set up the TENT known as the, “Tent of
Meetings” far outside the camp. Everyone who wanted to consult with the Lord would go there.
Whenever Moses left the camp and went to the Tent of meeting, all the people would get up and stand
at their Tent entrances, and watch Moses until he disappeared inside. The pillar of cloud would come
down and hover at the entrance while the Lord spoke to Moses and all the people would stand and bow
low at their Tent entrances. Inside the Tent of Meeting, the Lord would speak to Moses face to face as a
man speaks to his friend (Ex 33:7-11). So the cloud was the presence of God to Moses and the Israelites.

Still in the Desert, the pillar of Cloud led the Israelites during the day and the Pillar of Fire led them at
night. If the pillar of cloud or fire stopped, they would also stop no matter how long it would take but if
it moved, they would also move (Nm 9:15-23; Dt 1: 32-33). So the pillar of cloud or the pillar of dire was
the presence of God to the Israelites.

In the NEW TESTAMENT, Jesus instituted the EUCHARIST (Bread and wine became the body and blood of
Jesus Christ) (Mt 26:2-28; MK 14:22-24; Lk 22:19-20; 1 Cor 11:23-26). In our present time, that happens
during Consecration while we celebrate Mass.

In all the Parishes in Kampala Archdiocese, the BLESSED SACRAMENT is exposed (brought on the ALTAR)
for ADORATION on THURSDAYS. In Naggulu Parish, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed on Thursdays from
5:30pm (Holy Hour. There is also an DORATION CHAPEL which remains open every week: from 5:30 am
– 7:00 pm (Monday through Friday). So, the TABERNACLE, the ECPOSED Blessed Sacrament and the
open ADORATION CHAPEL all indicate the presence of JESUS CHRIST AMIDST his people. Many Catholics
know this but ignore it.

Mother Tereza of Calcutta used to say that before the Blessed Sacrament: “He looks at me; I look at Him.
He looks at me; I look at Him. He looks at me, I look at Him, and then I tell Him my PROBLEMS”.

The present problem of Naggulu parish is money for building the Shrine of Our Lady and St Jude. The
children Ministry has agreed that during this School holiday, they will come every Thursday at 5:30 pm
for the Holy Hour and kneel at the feet of Jesus and tell Him, “JESUS, the Building Committee needs
Money”. You who are reading this article can also do the same.


Heavenly father, increase our faith in the real Presence of Your Son, Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.
We are obliged to adore Him, to give Him thanks and to make reparation for sins. We need Your peace
in our hearts and among nations. We need conversion from our sins and the mercy of Your forgiveness.
May we obtain this through prayer and our union with the Eucharistic Lord.

Please send down the Holy Spirit upon all peoples to give them the love, courage, strength and
willingness to respond to the invitation to Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.

We beseech You to spread perpetual exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament in parishes around the

We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.


Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament help us to spread the glory of Your Son through perpetual
exposition of the Holy Eucharist.
Date: 27th September 2015


By Mr. Kasimiro Orwenyo

12th July, 2015 was Bannakizito Day and the celebration was at Munyonyo Shrine because Namugongo
shrine because is under renovations. For more than five years now, every year, Naggulu Children’s
Ministry welcomes the main celebrant and leads the procession to the Altar during Bannakizito Day
celebrations. This year 2015 the main celebrant was the Archbishop, Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga himself.

On that day, in the morning as usual. Children Ministry formed an archway of white handkerchiefs.
When the Archbishop arrived, he walked through the archway of white handkerchiefs being waived by
the Children’s Ministry. But some members of the Children’s Ministry were so young and short that they
were just hitting the Archbishop with the white handkerchiefs. Surprisingly, the Archbishop was
responding with smiles and saying, “THANK YOU” which encouraged the Children’s Ministry to hit him

The Archbishop was so pleased that when the service ended, he made a decision and honored Naggulu
Children’s Ministry with the “CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION”.

THE ARCHBISHOP TOLD US THAT IT WAS ALSO AT Munyonyo that the KABAKA made the decision to kill
the martyrs. The spot where Andrew Kaggwa was martyred is where the present small shrine was
constructed at Munyonyo. (There is a bigger shrine under construction which the Pope will bless when
he comes to Uganda later this year: Editor).

We members of the children’s Ministry are very happy indeed. We thank the Almighty God. We also
thank the following: The Archbishop, Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga, Rev. Fr. Joseph Kaseeta, Rev. Fr. Edward
Muwango, former Ssabakristu Mr, Eusebio Katoroogo Akiiki, the present Ssabakristu Madam Margret
Sheila Matovu, Mrs Edith Kakama, Magret Kibuuka, the parents of the children and all our well-wishers.

The only gifts we can give you is, “well shall pray and continue to pray for you”. We also pray for our
enemies. We remain Naggulu’s Ambassador to Kampala Archdiocese.
Date: 13th December, 2015


By Mr. Kasimiro Orwenyo

Full of smiles Pope Francis came to Uganda and full of smiles he left Uganda. In Uganda there are three
categories of people who saw the Pope: namely, those who physically attended the various functions he
presided over, those who saw him only on T.V and those who had both experiences.

Would you please put on that “papal smile” as you read this article? How about continuing with it and in
the process making our church a smiling one? That will be fertile ground for the germination of the
seeds of unity and love among all the parishioners making us one big good family of Naggulu Parish.
Have you heard this saying of Blessed Mother Teresa? “There are problems in families because
members of the families do not smile to each other”.

As the Liturgy Department lay leader and leader of the Children’s Ministry in Naggulu Parish, am pleased
to inform the leaders of this bulletin and all parishioners at large, that through both liturgy and the
Children’s Ministry, we are trying to spread that “papal smile” in the parish.

I will show you how we do it from the Children’s Ministry Perspective Every Saturday and Sunday the
Children’s Ministry gather at the church for their practice at 4:00p.m. In addition, they recite the rosary
at the Grotto at 4:00p.m. then on the first Saturday of the month not only the Children’s Ministry group
but all children of navigation mostly of the New testament (from the Gospel of Mathew to the book of
revelation). I want them to know their way around the Bible as they grow up.

Whether you were physically present at Munyonyo or on T.V. or on Radio, you heard what Pope Francis
said while there during his visit. I listened to him attentively on radio Maria. He told the catechists: “You
teach what Jesus taught. Thank you for teaching our children and young people how to pray. I know that
your work is not easy, so I encourage you to persevere. Even when the task seems too much, the
resources too few, the obstacles too great, it should never be forgotten that yours is a holy work. The
Holy Spirit is present wherever the name of Jesus is proclaimed. He will give you light and the strength
you need”.

This was prophetic and the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda was to stress thus when he said the
following day at Nakiyanja Namugongo that: “Pope Francis is a prophet”.

I say the same thing. Pope Francis is a prophet of our time. He thanked me, encouraged me and blessed
me. Whole heartedly and sincerely I also say to the Pope: thank you, we shall continue to pray for you.
Long live and bye-bye.

Now for you who is reading this article, what message did you pick from the Pope’s speeches and are
ready to put into practice? If none, you still can go back to the speeches and get out something that will
help spread his smile among your brothers and sisters.


Editor: Besides other sources where one can have access to the Pope’s speeches, the Archdiocese of
Kampala has promised to publish all the speeches he gave during his visit to Uganda (27-29/11/2015.
Look out for them.
Date: 03rd January 2016


By Kasimiro Orwenyo

At first glance, it takes a lot of courage to say that reality is positive. On Friday, 27/11/2015, at the
Conference Hall of the State House, Entebbe, Pope Francis said the following:

“I thank you for your gracious welcome, and I am happy to be in Uganda. My visit to Uganda is meant
above all to commemorate the 50 th anniversary of the canonization of the Uganda Martyrs by my
predecessor Pope Paul VI. But I hope that my presence here will also be seen as a sign of friendship,
esteem and encouragement for all the people of this great nation.”

The Martyrs both Catholic and Anglican, are true national heroes. They bear witness to the guiding
principles expressed in Uganda’s motto: For God and my country. They remind us of the importance that
faith, moral rectitude and commitment to the common good have play, and continue to play, in the
cultural, economic and political life of this country. They also remind us that, despite our different
beliefs and convictions, all of us are called to seek the truth to work for justice and reconciliation and to
respect, protect and help one another as members of one human family.

The Pope was particularly addressing our leaders and telling them that these ideas are particularly
demanded of men and women like themselves, charged with ensuring good and transparent
governance, integral human development, a broad participation in national life, as well as a wise and
just distribution of the goods which the creator has so richly bestowed upon these lands. Then on
Saturday 28/11/2015, at the end of the Mass which the Pope celebrated at Namugongo, our leaders and
many aspiring to become leaders in this land gave us a wonderful “papal gift”, we witnessed
handshakes, with smiles all around, by men and women of different political ideologies, including those
running for the top leadership of Uganda. Remember that the previous day, Pope Francis had hoped
that his presence would be seen as a sign of friendship.

The reality is these ladies and gentlemen seem to have understood the message of the Pope and the
positive is that they were now putting the message into practice by the shaking of hands. This is a
welcome attitude as we embrace the Pope’s declaration of this year as the year of mercy.

Closer to home, after the final blessing at Mass, occasionally our priests stand outside to greet the
faithful; and on the fourth Sunday of Advent, Fr. Godfrey as he started his homily, related the story of a
five-year-old boy who wondered where baby Jesus was in all the excitement surrounding him. He
repeated the same story at the 11:00 Mass celebrated every Sunday at Naggulu remand home and led in
the singing by the Children looked at each other, may be intending to as their friends whether they had
seen Baby Jesus anywhere in the congregation!

The action of those children simply confirmed what Blessed Teresa of Calcutta said, “You do not need to
go far to look for Jesus he is in your neighbor, the person seated next to you.”

Whether it is our civil leaders, religious leaders or us among ourselves, ending the year 2015 and
beginning 2016 with Jesus in our lives, will go a long way to make us realize that our neighbours are
images of that Jesus whom we should embrace, hug greet or shake hands with wherever we meet him
during the whole of this new year and the entire span of our lives. The reality is positive.



The church was filled to overflowing capacity one Sunday morning. The preacher was ready to start the
sermon when two men, dressed in long black coats and black hast entered thru the rear of the church.

One of the two men walked to the middle of the church while the other stayed at the back of the
church. They both then reached under their coats and withdrew automatic weapons.

The one in the middle announced, “every one willing to take a bullet for Jesus stay in your seat!”

After a few moments, there were about 20 people left sitting in the church. The preacher was holding
steady in the pulpit.

The men put their weapons away and said, gently, to the preacher, “All right, pastor, the hypocrites are
gone now. You may begin the service.”
Date: 3rd April, 2016


By: Kasimiro Orwenyo

Mark the sign of the cross and invite the Holy Spirit to fill you as you continue to read this article which
is about, “NOT TALK BUT ACTION” as we find ways and means of building a new church at Naggulu.

It is a responsibility and a commitment that each one of us is called to take on in order to contribute
enough funds for the construction to begin and continue raising so that we have enough funds to
complete the work.

Pope Francis told the people of Brazil: “In His Great Mercy, God never tires of offering us His Blessing
and His Grace, and of inviting us to convert and Grow in the Faith” (Vatican Newspaper, weekly edition
in English, Friday 26, February 2016, page 13).

Good health, employment and doing business are all Blessings from God. No doubt, many parishioners
of Naggulu are in Good health, employed and doing business. Now, what remains to be done?

I give a few suggestions;

(a) All parishioners who are employed what about paying 1/10 (tithe) of our monthly salary to the
Parish office beginning from this April 2016? Those doing businesses, shouldn’t we consult our
priests to advise us on how we should pay tithe, also beginning with April 2016? This includes
both the Leaders and all the faithful.
(b) Those who are already paying tithe should just continue to do so.
(c) Parishioners please read the Book of Malachi (Mal 3:6-12).
(d) We should refrain from idle talk which can discourage other parishioners from paying tithe or
contributing towards the construction of the New Church.
(e) Parishioners should use the WEAPON OF LOVE to both build the New church and fight the
enemies of the Church. Otherwise, giving to God is the best investment and should never tire of
giving to God. If we walk together, talk together and act together, we move forward. A Heart
that sees thes points positively is a heart that is filled with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit Will
Convince you and Convert you. This is the year of Mercy and the appropriate act of Charity we
can do is to generously contribute enough funds to construct our New Church. Test God with
your tithe and offerings and you will not regret. Remember, now is the time of, “NOT TALK BUT
ACTION” because God is PRACTICAL as you can Read in Gn 1:1-26.
(f) Happy Easter, Jubilee Year of Mercdy and long life.
Date: 8th May 2016


By: Kasimiro Orwenyo

In order to do justice to broth Kasimiro, we are reprinting his article, which was not ‘correctly” published.

Dear Reader, could you be the only person staying or praying in Naggulu who does not know the events
that have been happening here these last days? Which events? (Lk 24:18b-19a). About Bye-Bye Pope
Francis Tea Party and St Jude’s Family Day. All these, were fundraisings for the construction of the New
Church. Did you participate in them? I would also include the latest event, namely, the opening of the
Bid Documents for the Construction of the New Church which took place on Thursday, 31 st March, 2016.
We shall soon be hearing from our Consultants (Sentoogo and Partners) to know who our contractor will
be. But do we have enough funds to begin and complete the construction? Parishioners, what shall we
do? (Acts 2:37)?

Now, let us reason together (Is 1:18a). In Malachi (mal 3:6-12), God reawakened the “I”, because it is the
“I” to respond with a “YES” and pay the tithe, since for a Christian there is no other response to God’s

Pope Francis said once said, “God called Abraham, “Go forth from your land, from your home”. And
Abraham obeyed, he said “YES” to the Lord and he left his land without knowing where he was to go”.
This is the people’s first “YES” to God”. Other who said yes to God are, among others: - Moses, Isaiah,
Jeremiah etc., Mary and even Jesus (Vatican Newspaper, Friday, 8 April, 2016 page 10). Now it’s your
turn to say “YES”.

One Christmas day in the 7:00 am and 10:30 am Masses, the Children Ministry presented a skit imitating
our Church Leaders and the young girl who imitated Fr. Edward Muwanga, clearly told the very attentive
faithful, “Abraham paid – (tithe) to Melchizedek and he was blessed. You also pay your tithe; pick the
tithe; pick the tithe envelope from the Parish Office. Our compound is very large, after Mass, DO NOT
RUSH, but talk to one another, even me, I wants to greet you, I wish a Merry Christmas, I am the Parish
Priest”. The faithful broke into a prolonged laughter accompanied with applause. After one month, I was
told that the number of Parishioners who paid tithe has increased. Then I remembered a popular saying,
“Communication understood, is message conveyed”. I gave Glory to God because the young girl
reawakened the “I” who said “YES” and the “I” made the “WE” who paid their tithe. I am also reminding
you, have you paid your tithe?

There is yet another event to take place i.e. there will be LUNCHEON at 10,000/- each in the Parish
Garden on Sunday, 8th May, 2016. This is a Jubilee Year of Mercy. Pope Francis said, “I will tell you one
thing; if this wish, if is not a true Jubilee. Do you understand? This is in the Bible. This Pope did not
invent it: it is in the Bible” (Vatican Newspaper, Friday, 12 th February 2016, page 3).

I pray that the Holy Spirit touches or inspires the “I” to say “YES” for the “WE” to participate in the
LUNCHEON. You could even sponsor someone. Mother Teresa said, “Give until it pains”. Remember, the
Lord promised His Blessing to those who open their hand to give generously (Dt 15:10). On Friday 22 nd
April, 2016, in the 6:30am Mass, Rev. Fr Joseph Kaseeta emphasized to Christians that “God always
fulfills His promise. We should also fulfill our promises, but we must make the promise which we can
fulfill”. We are blessed because the Lord has allowed us to live in this moment of history so that, by
our FAITH, His Name will continue to resound through Naggulu, Uganda. We need to learn from our
encounter with reality and the reality is that we have to participate in the church events in order to raise
enough funds. If we think together and work together, we shall easily build the New Church. Be there
for the LUNCHEON and see you there. Then and only then, we can say. “Yes, we can and we will”. The
purpose of “The parishioner” Is to keep members of the parish informed and connected to the church as
well as helping them learn more about their faith. In our quest to fulfill learning aspect, we have
introduced a Liturgy Corner. Considering the front position, the church gives to liturgy corner. As time
goes on other corners may be introduced. We shall be ready to answer your liturgy questions; just ask!

Liturgy Summit and Fount

The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; it is also the fount from
which all her power flows. For the goal of apostolic endeavor is that all who are made sons of God by
faith and baptism should come together to praise God in the midst of his Church [Constitution on the
Sacred Liturgy –Vat. II No. 10].

To the above we add that the ultimate goal of the apostolic endeavor is that all sons and daughters of
God should, at the end of this earthly praising of God, join in the heavenly praising of God for ever and

See why liturgy earns itself a seat in the front row of church activities? In this corner we shall make sure
that it asserts itself in its seat.

Which acts do we call Liturgical?

The Sacred liturgy, the Church’s official public and communal worship, includes such acts as: the
celebration of the Eucharist (Mass); of the six additional sacraments, the official daily prayer of the
Church (the Liturgy of the Hours), and liturgies for special celebrations.

Happy Ascension liturgy.

Date: 24th July 2016

Title: The Altar is Christ


(Answered by Legionary of Christ father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina
Apostolorum University.

Follow-up: Central Focus at Mass

Pursuant to our last Sunday’s piece on the central focus of the Mass, the following Question arose:

When is it appropriate to genuflect before the tabernacle during Mass besides at the entrance and
recession of the celebrants and ministers?

The overarching principle is that a genuflection is made whenever the tabernacle is opened and also
before closing it after having reposed the Blessed Sacrament. This would also be true during mass,
especially if the tabernacle is at some distance from the altar of sacrifice.

However, I would be of the opinion that the genuflection should be omitted when hosts are taken
immediately before communion in those cases where the tabernacle is located close behind the altar.
This would not be in virtue of GIRM, No. 274, but because Christ is already really present just a few
paces away upon the altar. Even in this case, the genuflection should be made before closing the
tabernacle door when the ciborium is replaced there after communion.

Another case of genuflection during Mass is when the torch bearers and thornier leave the sanctuary
after the doxology of the Eucharistic Prayer. In this case they do not genuflect toward the tabernacle but
toward Christ really present upon the altar.

ZENIT International News agency


The Eucharistic Prayer is the center and summit of the Holy Mass. It follows the Prayer over the
Offerings and ends with the Great Amen (that is the Amen which comes after the celebrant has said:
through him, with him and in him ………. For ever and ever).

Thus it includes:

. The thanksgiving (expressed especially in the Preface). Here the Celebrant, in the name of the
whole of the holy people, glorifies God the Father and gives thanks to him for the whole work of
salvation or for some particular aspect of it, according to the varying day, festivity, or time of
. The acclamation, by which the whole congregation, joining with the heavenly powers, sings the
Sanctus (Holy, Holy Holy). Said be all.

. The epiclesis, with this the Church earnestly begs the power of the Holy Spirit that bread and
wine become Christ’s Body and Blood, and when consumed in Communion may be for the
salvation of the partakers.

. The Institution narrative and Consecration, here by means of the words and actions of Christ,
the Sacrifice which Christ himself instituted during the Last Supper, when he offered his Body
and Blood under the species of bread and wine, is affected.

. The anamnesis, the Church recalls Christ’s Passion, glorious Resurrection, and Ascension into

. The Epiclesis, the Church prays that by partaking of the Eucharist the people may be made into
one by the power of the Holy Spirit.

. The intercessions, the Church expresses that the Eucharist is celebrated in communion with the
whole Church, of both heaven and of earth, and that the oblation is made for her and for all her
members, living and dead.
Date: 4th September 2016

Title: The Sacrarium and Disposing of Blessed Objects

By: A parishioner Contributor

Last Sunday we promised to talk more about the SACRARIUM, HERE WE GO.

As we pointed out then, the Sacrarium is a special sink or basin, usually located in the Sacristy of
the Church. Its purpose is to receive the water from the washing of the sacred vessels and linen
0purificators, finger towels, corporals etc…).

An ordinary sink in the sacristy drains into the drainage system, while the Sacrarium drains
directly into the earth, thus displaying reverence for what is holy and sacred.

A Sacrarium is mainly used to dispose of:

Ashes from objects that have been blessed and then destroyed by fire (water is used to help in
Water that has been used to wash the altar linen (pacificators, finger towels, corporals
Water that has been used to dissolve small particles of the host.
Water that has been used to clean up places where the Precious Blood has spilled or in which
the consecrated host has been dissolved.

Related to the above is the disposal of blessed devotional articles. The following will be very
helpful for a number of our Catholic readers who may not know what to do with such objects.

For Catholics, the blessing of religious objects is a well-known practice, and once blessed such
articles remain permanently sanctified and dedicated for some sacred purpose. Examples of
these are: rosaries, medals, crucifixes, statues, images of Jesus, Our Lady or Saints or some other
religious objects.

Again as Catholics we know that once a religious object is blessed and dedicated for divine
worship or veneration, it must be treated with reverence and must not be used in either and
improper or profane way (see Code of Canon Law, No 1171).

So how should we dispose of them when they can no longer be used?

The basic rule for the disposition of these items is to burn or to bury them. When they are burnt,
the ashes should be buried.

Why? The underlying idea is that what has been dedicated to God should be returned to God. It
is un-Catholic and disrespectful to throw these objects away.

In case you cannot dispose of blessed articles as prescribed by the church, then take them to
your parish priests they will do the needful. But please do not just throw them in the trash can!!

As for consecrated hosts and wine. If anything happens to these that makes the inconsumable,
then they must be treated to a process whereby they no longer have the SUBSTANCE of bread
or wine. For example, dissolving the host in water or mixing the sacred blood with a lot of water
and then pouring these in the Sacrarium referred to above.

They can also be poured directly to the ground.

Date: 18th September, 2016


By: A Parishioner Contributor

We are getting ready to go through the door of mercy, so most of the stuff covered for this issue
is about the door of mercy. Below is a brief ceremony of what happens when we go to cross the
threshold of a door of mercy.

At the door before entering

(John 10.7,9bc,) optional.

Prayer of contrition:

O my God, I am sorry for all my sins because I have offended you and the love you have given in
your Son Jesus. By the grace of the Holy Spirit forgive my sins, and, through the ministry of the
Church, and in union with my brothers and sisters, lead me in the ways of your love, Amen.

(Any act of contrition or even the “I confess ….” Can do).

V. Open the gates of righteousness;
R. I will enter and thank the Lord.
V. this is the Lord’s own gate;
R. through it the righteous enter. (Psalm 118) Lord God. You open the doors of Your Mercy to all
who come to You Look upon me, Your child arms. As I enter into Your house, may You enter into
my heart. Refresh me with the double grace of sorrow for my sins and the knowledge of Your
loving mercy extended to all who call upon Your Name. Let us go forth on the peace of Christ!
(They enter through the door)

Prayer after crossing the threshold of the holy door

V. How lovely your dwelling:
R. O Lord of Hosts.
V. Blessed are those who dwell in your house1:
R. they never cease to praise you.
V. Better one day in your courts;
R. than a thousand elsewhere.

Lord God, I am filled with the knowledge of Your Unending Mercy. As I have entered into Your
House I ask You to enter into mine that You be near me each day. Fill me with Your grace that I
may open my heart again and again to receive Your Mercy. Grant that I may be merciful like the
Father throughout my life.
Our Father and Hail Mary for the Pope and his intentions.

Profession of Faith I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all
things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born
of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from light, true God from true God, begotten,
not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for
our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin
Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death
and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended
into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge
the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Sone is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the
prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I Confess One Baptism for the
forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to
come. Amen.

Divine Mercy Chaplet/Pope Francis prayer for the Jubilee of Mercy.

Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father, and have told us
that whoever sees you sees Him. Show us your face and we will be saved. Your loving gaze freed
Zacchaeus and Matthew from being enslaved by money; the adulteress and Magdalene from
seeking happiness only in created things; made Peter weep after his betrayal, and assured
Paradise to the repentant thief. Let us hear, as if addressed to each one of us, the words that
you spoke to the Samaritan woman:
If you knew the gift of God!” You are the visible face of the invisible Father, of the God who
manifests his power above all by forgiveness and mercy: let the Church be your visible face in
the world, its Lord risen and glorified. You willed that your ministers would also be clothed in
weakness in order that they may feel compassion for those in ignorance and error: let everyone
who approaches them feel sought after, loved, and forgiven by God. Send your Spirit and
consecrate every one of us with its anointing, so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of
grace from the Lord, and your church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the
poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind. We ask this
through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy, you who live and reign with the father and
the Holy Spirit for ever and ever Amen.

Let us go forth in the peace of Christ!

Date: 30th July 2017


BY: Kasimiro Orwenyo Chairman, Children’s Ministry

Mr. Willy Turyahikahe is the chief Animator of Bannakizito movement, Kampala Archdiocese. He had
told me to prepare the Children Ministry to welcome the main celebrant, Archbishop Dr. Cyprian Kizito
Lwanga for Bannakizito day celebration at Namugongo on 3th July 2017 and the Mass would begin at
10:00am. It would also be the 10th anniversary of Bannakizito movement in Kampala Archdiocese.

On the 9th July, 2017, due to some children’s late coming, we arrived at Namugongo after 9:00am – Fr
joseph Luzindana told me. The Archbishop has gone to Germany, the Cardinal is the one coming to be
the main celebrant and so quickly prepare the Children Ministry to welcome him.” I knew that the
Cardinal always keeps time and so I acted very fast and no sooner had I finished arranging the children
that a vehicle approached and stopped fight where the children and the organizers were. Indeed, that
was the Cardinal. He came out and a child presented a bunch of flowers to hime. The children school
hand, instead of playing a welcome song, they played a procession song, Twebaze Mapeera”, prompting
the Children’s Ministry to begin marching, leading the procession and waving the white handkerchiefs
and as they approached the vicinity of the altar, the children faced each other forming an Archway of
white handkerchiefs and the Cardinal and his team passed underneath the white handkerchiefs, it was
beautiful and colorful and you could hear loud clapping from the children who filled the shrine.

During the homily, the Cardinal explained to the children the THEME of the Archdiocese, “REMEMBER –
REJOICE, RENEW.” He also explained the mission of Bannakizito movement, “LOVING, SHARING,
CARING”. The choir was the Children from St James, Biina parish. After Mass, the children made a
match-passed for the Cardinal and his team. St Jude primary school and the Children Ministry matched
under one banner, “St-Jude primary school,” It was indeed beautiful and colorful. The Children Ministry
then had lunch, (Matooke, rice, meat, G.nut sauce and cabbage). You needed to be there to witness
how happy the children were. Thanks to the finance committee headed by Mr. John Musoke. After
lunch, the Children Ministry went to the GROTTO for their prayer, “REMEMBER (MEMORARE)” where
they prayed also for our priests and parishioners. The environment/atmosphere was very conducive for
prayer, as you can see from the picture; and the children were in the spiritual mood. St. Andrew Kaggwa
and Balikuddembe are kneeling on the left and right of Our Lady, respectively. In front of our Lady are: St
Charles Lwanga bound with firewood and fire lit on him. On his right is an askari (guard) carrying a spear
and a panga, his left an askari (guard) hitting his head with a club and on his head, an askari (guard)
carrying a spear with more firewood to add on him.

On our way back, the children were singing on top of their voices attracting the attention of the people
at roadside who waved to the little ones with smiles. When we reached the parish, the children
MUCH”. They then shared the CHEERS (a soft drink) which they received from MAMA CHEERS of Delight
(U) Ltd Kawempe.

When it comes to TIME KEEPING, no one can challenge Cardinal Wamala in Kampala Archdiocese. Let us
emulate Cardinal Wamala in keeping time. Long live the following: The Cardinal, the Archbishop, Fr
Joseph Luzindana, Mr. Willy Turyahihake and Naggulu parish.
Date: 20th August 2017




Brothers and sisters, readers of this column, I wish you a joyful and grace filled 20 th Sunday in Ordinary
Time. There are some Catholic practices which some of us take for granted and sometimes think that
everybody is aware of them: just to find out that not so many faithful actually are enlightened about

Take, for example, the practice of dedicating each month of the year to a particular devotion. This is
something that has been around for a long time, and yet save for May and October, you may fail to have
any other monthly devotion mentioned, if you asked a gathering of Catholics. I will therefor say
something about the devotion for the month of September which is some two weeks away.

As July is dedicated to the Precious Blood of Our Lord and August is dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament,
September is also dedicated to something. Let me point out that these dedications are mainly based
either on some historical event or a particular aspect of the liturgical calendar.

September: Our Lady of Sorrows

September is traditionally dedicated to the seven Sorrows (or Dolours) of Mary, which are:

1. The prophecy of Simeon

2. The flight into Egypt
3. The loss of the Holy Child at Jerusalem for three days
4. Meeting Jesus on his way to Calvary
5. Standing at the foot of the Cross,
6. Jesus being taken from the Cross
7. The burial of Christ

The devotion originated in the 13th century. According to the liturgical calendar, the feast of Our Lady of
Sorrows falls in this month on 15 th September just after the Feast of the triumph of the Cross (14 th
September). Obviously these two feasts have a lot to do with the month’s dedication to Our Lady of

The Seven Sorrows Rosary

One of the most obvious devotions we can visit during this month, is the Seven Sorrows Rosary. You may
come across variations of how to recite it, but it all boils down to the following:

First get hold of the right rosary (Seven Sorrows) for easy recitation.

Begin: In the name of the Father and of the Sone and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Introductory Prayer

My God, I offer you this Rosary for Your Glory, so that I can honor your Holy Mother, the Blessed Virgin,
so I can share and meditate upon Her suffering. I humbly beg You to give me true repentance for my
sins. Give me wisdom and humility so that I may receive all the indulgences contained in: this prayer.

Act of Contrition

Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You, and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss
of haven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend You my God, you who are all good
and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of your grace to confess my sins, to do
penance and to amend my life. Amen.

Hail Mary ……. Amen. 3x

Most merciful Mother, remind us always about the Sorrows of Your Son, Jesus.

Mention a Sorrow of Our lady (1-7)

Say the Our Father & 7 Hail Marys.

Repeat: Most merciful Mother ……

Continue in the same way with the other sorrows up to sorrow number 7


Again there may be various ways of concluding this rosary including the one below:

Queen of Martyrs, your heart suffered so much. I beg You by the merits of the tears You shed in these
terrible and sorrowful times, to obtain for me and all the sinners of the world, the grace of complete
sincerity and repentance. Amen.

Mary, who was conceived without sin and who suffered for us, pray for us. (3x)

In the name of the father … Amen.


Q: Is it OK for a consecrated person to become godmother/godfather to a newborn? Would her/his

missionary vocation preclude her/him from fulfilling the role of a godparent?

A: there was a general restriction on priests, religious and other consecrated souls acting as godparents
that stemmed from the 1917 Code of Canon Law.

Canon 766, Nos 4 and 5, specified that for a religious to be a godparent, it required an urgent necessity
and the approval of the superiors. A deacon or priest also required the authorization of the bishop.

The reasons behind this were, effectively, that religious life and the clerical state were considered
broadly incompatible with the responsibility of being a godparent.
Canon law did consider this as a very strong spiritual bond, so much so that it created an impediment for
marriage between godparent and godchild and eventual guardianship in the case of the parents’
demise. In some countries of strong Catholic tradition this priority of the “patria potestas” of godparents
over next of kin was even enshrined in civil law.

The 1983 Code of Canon Law removed most of these restrictions. The new, far briefer canons say the
following regarding godparents or sponsors:

“872. Insofar as possible, a person to be baptized is to be given a sponsor who assists an adult in
Christian initiation or together with the parents presents an infant for baptism. A sponsor also helps the
baptism. A sponsor also helps the baptized person to lead a Christian life in keeping with baptism and to
fulfill faithfully the obligations inherent in it.

‘873. There is to be only one male sponsor or one female sponsor or one of each.

“874 S1. To be permitted to take on the function of sponsor a person must:

“1/ be designated by the one to be baptized, by the parents or the person who takes their place, or in
their absence by the pastor or minister and have the aptitude and intention of fulfilling this function;

“2/ have completed the sixteenth year of age, unless the diocesan bishop has established another age,
or the pastor or minister has granted an exception for a just cause;

“3/ be a Catholic who has been confirmed and has already received the most hold sacrament of the
Eucharist and who leads a life of faith in keeping with the function to be taken on;

“4/ not be bound by any canonical penalty legitimately imposed or declared;

“5/ not be the father or mother of the one to be baptized.

“S2. A baptized person who belongs to a non-Catholic ecclesial community is not to participate except
together with a Catholic sponsor and then only as a witness of the baptism.”

It can be presumed that a priest, religious or consecrated soul fulfills these essential conditions to be a
sponsor and therefore may freely accept such an invitation.

The old rules were quite suitable in a society with far less mobility than today, and when it was not rare
that a godparent would have to assist or substitute the parents in their tasks. Thus the former exclusion
of priests and religious made sense.

Today, when people move with relative frequency, the task for the godparent is often more spiritual
assistance from a distance than direct help to the parents. In this way, a religious can be just as much
help in the spiritual upbringing of a child as a close relative or friend who lives thousands of miles away.


“When a priest performs the baptism, is it possible for him to hold simultaneously the role of

There does not seem to be any specific law that would forbid it. The minister of baptism is a punctual
role whereas that of godfather is long term, indeed lifelong.
Liturgically, it would probably mean that there should also be a godmother who will carry out all of the
rites and gestures foreseen for the minister. Otherwise there would be a danger of not being respectful
of the sacredness of the rite.

At the moment of registering the baptism, the priest would sign both as celebrant and as godfather.

[Ref: Fr. E. McNamara, Rome, November 04, 2014 (ZENIT)].

Date: 4th March, 2018


BY: Kasimiro Orwenyo

Seek first the Kingdom of God and the rest will follow. By practicing the Liturgical Songs, having Bible
Sharing and praying Rosary, the Children’s Ministry were first seeking the Kingdom of God and indeed
the rest followed. Through Fr. Edward Muwanga, Parish Priest of St Charles Lwanga, NTINDA, Friends of
the Children’s Ministry lead by Mariam, brought gifts of clothes shoes, sugar, soap, salt and Posho. The
Ssabakristo, madam Margret Sheila Matovu also brought clothes. Earlier, Mrs. Winfred K. Oundo of
Christ the King Parish, Kampala gave Rosaries which Kasimiro Orwenyo distributed to the children.

What a great joy! I give THANKS, PRAISE and GLORY to God, it is with joy and great joy that I lead the
Children’s Ministry and the Children’s Monthly Rosary in Naggulu parish. Serving the Lord with joy is one
of the proofs that you are really doing the work of God. The children are happy and their parents are
also very happy.

I sincerely thank the folio wings; Our Priests, Fr. Edward Muwanga, Madam Margret Sheila Matovu, Mr.
John Musoke, Mr. Albert Olupot, the children’s Sponsors, the Parents and the Children themselves.

May God Bless all of you Abundantly? Pray for me and I also pray for you.

Turn to page 8 for more pictorial.

Date: 10th June 2018



From the Office of the Devotion Naggulu Parish

The acting Chairperson of St. Jude Devotion in Naggulu Parish, Ms. Florence Kyomugisha, attended a
one-day Seminar/meeting of Kampala Archdiocese leaders of the Devotion, on Saturday 19/05/2018.
The meeting took place at Abayita-Ababiri Sub Parish, located on Entebbe road about 5 km from
Entebbe town.

The programme included, breakfast, the celebration of Mass, lunch, talks and discussions. Among the
many points discussed, the Ag. Chairperson mentions the following:

All registered members of the Devotion are required to have a membership card.

Members are urged to cultivate a spirit of solidarity amongst themselves.

If one of the members is called back to the Father, the other members are required to organize prayers
for him/her, whereby the coffin should be covered with a cloth in the colours of St Jude (red & green), a
song of St. Jude sung and the prescribed prayer recited.


Election of the Devotion leaders are due on Sunday 24/06/2018 after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. The be elected
are: chairperson, Vice C.P. Secretary, Treasurer; for Liturgy, for Sacred Music and for Welfare.

Pope Francis invites us to pray to the Heart of Jesus during the month of June, in the wake of the feast of
the Sacred Heart, this Friday, June 8, 2018, World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests,
instituted by John Paul II. (Ed. K’la Archdiocese will be 15 June).

On the occasion of this Wednesday’s general Audience, June 6, 2018, in St. Peter’s Square, the Holy
Father talked about the feast of the Heart of Jesus, saying in Italian: “Friday will be the Solemnity of the
Sacred Heart of Jesus. I invite you to pray to the Heart of Jesus during the month of June and to support
your priests with closeness and affection, so that they are the image of this Heart full of merciful love.

And, addressing young people, the sick, the elderly and newlyweds, the Pope added: “Draw from the
Heart of Jesus the spiritual food and drink for your life so that, nourished by Christ, you are new persons,
transformed in depth by this divine love.”

The two most known invocations of the Heart of Jesus are: “Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my
heart like unto thine,” and “Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You.”

Devotion to the Heart of Christ was born and developed in the Church well before the foundation of the
Society of Jesus in the 16 th Century and also before the revelations to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque in
the 17th century.
However, the Society of Jesus, in the person of Saint Claude de La Colombiere, SJ, Spiritual Father of
Saint Margaret Mary, as well as of her Congregation, the Visitation, received from Christ the mission to
spread this devotion.

Popes John Paul II in 1986 Benedict XVI in 2006, - on the occasion of the 50 th anniversary of Pius XII’s
encyclical “Haurietis Aquas” on the Heart of Christ -, recalled this mission of the Jesuits. “The gaze
towards the “side pierced by the lance,” in which the unlimited will of salvation on the part of God
shines, cannot, therefore, be considered a passing form of worship or devotion: adoration of the love of
God, which found its historical and liturgical expression in the symbol of the “pierced heart,” remains an
adoration that is absolutely to be taken into account for a living relationship with God (Cf. Encyclical
Harurietis Aquas, 62),” wrote Pope Benedict XVI.

And for Pope Francis, Jesuit Pontiff, “the Heart of Christ is the center of mercy”. He reminded priests of
this on the occasion of their Jubilee of Mercy, June 2, 2016, at Saint Mary Major. He recommended that
they read Pius XII’s encyclical “Haurietis Aquas” on the Heart of Christ, and stressed that “mercy is a
question of freedom,” of heart to heart.

Moreover, on July 9, 2015, during his trip to Ecuador, Pope Francis stressed the fruit of Consecration to
the Heart of Christ, which is a renewal of the grace of Baptism, saying: “That was going around in my
head and I prayed. I asked God several times in prayer: What do these people have that is different?”
And this morning, while praying, this was impressed on me: consecration to the Sacred Heart. I think
that I must tell you this as a message of Jesus. All that richness that you have, the spiritual richness of
piety, of profundity, which comes from having had the courage, despite very difficult moments, to
consecrate the nation to the Heart that loves us so much. And I observed a bit that – divine and human –
certain that you are sinners, as I am, but the Lord forgives everything. And guard that. And then, a few
years later, the consecration to the Heart of Mary: don’t forget that this piety, this thing that makes you
different, I feel comes to you from that consecration.”

Date: 1st July 2018


BY: Kasimiro Orwnyo

One day St. mother Teresa and her Sisters were going to sleep hungry because they had no money to
buy food for supper. She said to her Sisters, “Let us pray the Rosary slowly and Devotedly, and then go
to bed.”

When they finished praying the Rosary and as they got up to go bed hungry, the door bell rung. Mother
Teresa herself went, opened the door and there stood a tall-stout-man who said, “I am the owner of a
Good Appetite Hotel. The Manager of Talk and Work Co. Ltd., booked my Hotel for a get together party
for his staff this evening, and I prepared enough food for his staff, but he has just rung me and said the
party is cancelled. He instructed me to bring the food to Mother Teresa, here is the food. The other
Sisters who were inquisitively listening, shouted: “Thank you Jesus, Praise to you Jesus. Glory, Honour
and Praise be the Living God we serve.”
Mother Teresa then said to her Sisters, “You see, Mother Mary never fails.”

Again, Mother Teresa with her two Sisters were traveling abroad. They stopped in a Communist Country
where her other Sisters were working, and when she discovered that they lacked man-power, she
wanted to leave the two Sisters to help them but they could not stay without Visas. So she sent them to
the Immigration Office to get the Visas.

As they went to the Immigration Office, Mother Teresa with the Remaining Sisters prayed the Novena of
MEMORARE (REMEMBER) so that the Visas could be granted. Unfortunately, the visas were not granted,
and Mother Teresa was told that her sisters have to leave the country immediately.

Mother Teresa turned to the other Sisters and said, “Mother Mary has never failed me. This means we
did not pray the Novena properly. Let us repeat the Novena slowly and devotedly”.

They repeated the novena. They had hardly finished the prayer, when a message came in from the
Immigration Office saying that the case of the two sisters had been reconsidered and the visas had been

Full of Joy and Happiness, Mother Mary never fails. The whole community shouted with excitement:
“Thanks you Jesus, Praise to you Jesus. Glory, Honour and Praise be the Living God we serve”.

Here is Naggulu Parish, the Building Committee through Mrs. Grace Karisa, announced that the
FUNDRAISING WALK to raise money to build a new Church would take place on 17 th June, 2018
beginning was Mass at 07:00 am. The Chief walker would be the deputy Governor, Bank of Uganda, Mr.
Louis Kasekende.

During the month of May, one of the intentions as we prayed the rosary at the Grotto, was the success
of the Walk. And when it was nine days to go, the Children’s Ministry prayed the Novena of MEMPRARE
(REMEMBER) FOR THE same intention, with these words:

“Remember, O most Gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your
protection, implored your help or sought your intercession, was left unaided. Inspired by this
confidence, I fly to you, O Virgin of Virgins, my Mother, to you do I come, before you I stand, sinful and
sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, (Mother Mary Tel Jesus to make
the fundraising walk a success) but in your Mercy hear and answer me. Amen.

Come 17th June, 2018, the Chief Walker arrived in time and the MASS was celebrated by Rev. Fr.
Nicholas Kiruma. At the singing of the Glory, the Children’s Ministry danced praising God while waving
white handkerchiefs. They also led the Offertory Procession.

After Mass, the Chief Walker led the Fund raising Walk accompanied by many people including Children
and a brass band as well. The walk went on very smoothly and the weather was very good – no Rain!

Back from the walk, it was now time for fund raising. This took place in the ceremonial gardens (Hill
Top). Though very few people entered the Gardens, a substantial amount of money was raised, as it was
announced in church on the following Sunday (24/06/2018).

The following Scriptures were fulfilled.

Where two or three are gathered in My Name I am there (Mt 18:20); seek first the kingdom of God and
the rest would follow (Mt 19:14); It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35); Do not worry for
tomorrow (Lk 6:34).

Is it not our turn now to shout: “Than you Jesus, Praise to you Jesus? Glory, Honour and Praise be the
Living God we serve”?

Date: 22nd July 2018



(As we reflect on the just concluded Solemn Novena to St Jude, thanking God for taking us successfully
through the many activities of the nine days, and patiently waiting for Him to act, we give this space to
Mr. Kasimiro Orwenyo for his take on the Novena)

“Jesus said” You are Peter and on this Rock I will build my Church” (Mt 16:18). Peter became the first
Pope (Vicar of Christ) and there have been papal successors one after the other up to Pope Francis, the
present Vicar of Christ. The pope appoints Bishops for specific diocese. Bishops in turn appoint priests,
as parish priests of the various parishes in their dioceses. Here at Naggulu, we have had a number of
priests appointed to our parish from Fr. Henry Steegmans, the founder, to the present Parish priest, Fr
Godfrey Kyeyune and his associates: Fr. Peter Byangwa and Fr. Joseph Kaseeta.

Parishes have parish councils, consultative bodies serving the duty of advising parish priests about
pastoral issues. Now during the Executive Committee of Naggulu parish council, that sat on 30/06/2018,
our Ssaabakristu, Madam Margret Sheila Matovu, reminded the members of the Novena to St. Jude (07/
- 15/07/2018). Would begin on 07/07/2018. Then Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune, the Parish Priest, wrote in the
Parishioner: “We shall be celebrating the St. Jude Novena Masses in the evening and concluding with St.
Jude Novena Prayers. The faithful are encouraged to be in time, and the organizers are expected not to
waste time with unnecessary speeches or lengthy announcements (Parishioner, 8 th July 2018, Page 2)”.
He/she who has an EAR, let him/her HEAR what the SPIRIT SAID TO OUR LADY AND ST. JUDE CHURCH,
Naggulu (REV. 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22).

Truly, truly, as The Leader of the Liturgy Department in the Parish, I say to you that the Novena started
and ended without unnecessary speeches or talks. We should than the Holy Spirit who inspires everyone
concerned, to follow what the parish priest asked us to do. Shout out with me: “Thank you Jesus. Parise
to you Jesus. Glory, Honor, and Praise be the living God we serve.

Rev. Fr. Kyeyune came to Naggulu Parish in September of 2012, and every year during March, July and
October we have the St. Jude solemn Novenas. “Why didn’t the Parish Priest issue these precise
“instructions” until now – July, 2018?”. I can think of three possible answers, namely (a) There is a time
for everything (Eccl 3:1). (b) The appropriate time had come (Jn 7:1). (c) The infinite value of the Mass.
Archdiocese chaplain to Bannakizito, celebrated the concluding Novena Mass and preached in style
causing the congregation to be alert and active. Very few if any dozed during the preaching. When Mass
was concluded, the same priest carried out fundraising for the construction of our new church.

Lunch was served to every one Even children ate good food with a bottle of soda each!

We should pray for the following:

The secretary of St. Jude Devotion, Madam Winnie Namatovu.

The Ssaabakristu, Madam Margret Sheila Motovu and her team.

Mrs. Grace Karisa and her team so that they may always organize good and effective fund-raisings.

The sponsors.

The Parish Youths and Children

Long live our Priests.

Date: 29th July 2018



Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the Father, the Beloved, carries His Cross on His Shoulders up to
Calvary, where He offers Himself as a Sacrifice of infinite value for all men. In the book of Genesis, we
read that Isaac was made to carry the wood for the holocaust; he is a figure of Christ who was made to
carry His Cross on His Shoulders. He was crucified onto the cross he carried as both priest and victim. A
priest because he offered the Father his obedience, and a victim, because he died! Today, ordained
priests have the task of carrying the wood for the sacrifice.

Fig. Abraham made Isaac carry the wood for the sacrifice (Genesis 22:6)

This priestly ministry of Jesus is made present in every celebration of Mass and through the ministry of
the priest, Jesus offers to his Father the perfect worship, he thus brings about the sanctification of his
people. It is the highest sacrifice acceptable to the Father. Nothing can ever rival this sacrifice in its
perfection; as we read in the first letter of Peter “The price of (our) redemption was not something of
fleeting value like gold or silver, but the costly shedding of the blood of Christ, the lamb without blemish
or defect” (1Peter:18-19).

Mass, therefore, has an infinite, immense value beyond our understanding. Though there is a priest we
see at the altar when Mass is celebrated, Christ remains the principal priest; the victim truly offered and
Sacramentally immolated (offered as a sacrifice). He offers himself.

The Mass is the best means we have, to render God the highest form of worship, thank Him for all His
blessings, obtain reparation for all our sins, obtain all the blessings we desire, release souls from
purgatory and shorten our own time there, preserve us from all dangers to soul and body, be consoled
at the hour of death, intercede for us at the Judgment Seat of God and to bring down God’s blessings.

Reader, you see how important Mass is? Therefore, during Mass we should neither talk to each other,
walk up and down, nor allow our children to play about. Also do you see how important Priests are? Sr.
Mother Teresa said, “Without Priests we cannot receive Jesus’. Let us meditate now in the Presence of
God on how well we pray for Priests, how we treat them, how we Care for them, how Grateful we ought
to be to them for having responded positively to our Lord’s Call, how to Help them persevere and be

Fig. 2: Jesus carried his cross (John 19:17)

Fr. Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina Apostolotum university, answered a question,
re-Dry Liturgy (ROME, 12 MAY 2009: ZENIT). His answer featured in last Sunday’s Parishioner – (Liturgy
Corner). – We have a follow up.

A priest correspondent from India made the following comment:

“The question of ‘So Very Dry Liturgy’ I found very disappointing/disturbing. I do not know whether that
id the questioner’s personal experience or that he is quoting from hearsay. I am also an Indian priest but
working in Nepal. And I have traveled through many parts of India and have known many dioceses and
missionaries and am in touch with many areas of the Indian Church on a regular basis. And my own
personal experience has been quite contrary to what the questioner writes. On occasions I have heard
from non-Catholics who attend our liturgy that they find it deep and much more meaningful than theirs,
except may be foe the singing and ‘entertainment’ part.

“Of late I am afraid some think – maybe with the influence of the mass media – that liturgy has to be
entertaining, and occasionally we do find some priests attempting comical things to make it ‘more
interesting.’ Once even someone came to complain to me that one of the priests asked the gathering of
the youth, ‘Would you like to have a short and enjoyable Mass or a boring and dry long Mass?’

“I was so surprised that a priest was able to say such things to youngsters and also that he had different
categories of Masses in store for them. Unless we have it clear within ourselves that the liturgy and
especially the Eucharist is not an entertainment program but worship – ‘source and summit of our
Christian life’ – I think these types of questions are natural. And I fully agree with you that what is
lacking in such areas (if it is true as the questioner says) is proper catechesis, and [hence a need to]
develop true and authentic devotion at the sacraments. In many prayer groups, charismatic and others,
where spontaneity finds its proper application. And I find it very difficult to accept that fidelity to
liturgical norms makes it ‘dry.”

Then Fr. McNamara thanked the correspondent and remarked as follows:

“I am grateful for this comment. While I have not yet had the privilege of visiting India, my work in Rome
brings me into frequent contact with Indian priests, seminarians and laypeople of various Catholic rites.
Every time I attend one of their liturgies I perceive an enthusiasm and degree of participation that is
anything but “dry” but rather reverent and fervent.”

Some food for thought? (Editor).

Date: 29th September 2019



Congratulations to our FIRST COMMUNICANTS. This is a great day in your lives. Do you remember what
Jesus said? Well he Z said in the Gospel of John:

6:’53 Jesus said to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink
his blood, you do not have life within you 54 Whoever eats flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life,
and I will raise him on the last day.’

You see my dear children who are receiving your first Holy Communion today, that is why this is a great
day to you. We need to eat the flesh of Christ and drink his blood to have eternal life and to be raised on
the last day. Once again congratulations and please keep at it all your lives because it is not a one off! It
is not that after today and a couple of more years, you have taken the correct does of the medicine for
eternal life. It is a life time exercise.

You see for me, now it is over sixty years ago and I’m still at it. I am not shying away from Communion;
this may be sort of “bragging”, but I do this to keep reminding myself that I must do everything in my
power and most of all helped by the grace of God, to remain at it.

I still remember the great day of my First Holy Communion. My father could only afford the white shirt
although till the last day he had told us he would try to get a pair of shorts for the occasion. When this
did not materialize, my mother – as most of them always do -0 quickly did a few things on an old one,
washed it and said it would be ready for the following morning.

We it sorts of dried overnight and the following day, the day for the ceremony, she woke up very early
dry-ironed it with “paasi ey’amanda” (flat iron using charcoal) and by the time I got up to walk to the
Parish and join my fellow first communicants, it was ready. God bless her and may she rest in eternal
peace. Breakfast and a five cents coin, for the “Kabbo” were all ready. Accompanied by one of my elder
brothers, dressed up in a white shirt, grey pair of shorts and no shoes, I walked the three miles to Kisubi
Parish Church for my first holy communion. All I can say is that the usual three-mile journey to the
parish, this time seemed to be a one-mile journey, because of the joy I felt for going to become a regular
receiver of Jesus in the Eucharist.

I urge our first communicants to rejoice in the day, but most importantly to remain recipients of Holy
Communion all their lives. Let them pray for the Grace of God to keep them that way. Amen.


Ntinda Parish at 5 Years

I could not attend the Mass at Ntinda last Sunday, because of our programme here which we could do
nothing to adjust. But I attended the second part not a part to minimize.

They really prepared a big day! I was privileged to sit at the Archbishop’s table. Tell you we were in this
huge tent, filled with round tables for people of all walks of live big and small. A live Band was in
attendance nkugambye!! (My, my!).
God chose to bless the lunch hour with His blessings. The heavens opened and we had a real down pour.
Not that it affected us much in that huge tent, but water freely swept over our feet and cassocks as it
tried to find its way “downhill”.

We did not wait for the next phases of the function, so after we had partaken of the “usual-functions-of-
this-nature-food”, we said farewell to Ntinda.

Liturgical Environment Ministry

We are yet to establish the Ministry, but I am very confident that before the end of the year, we shall
have done so. There will be a marked improvement in the beauty of the worship space whether we shall
be still in our old church or in the parish hall.

Other upcoming activities

Those who will take leading roles in our Opening Ceremony of the Rosary, come Tuesday 1/10/1019, will
receive their parts today Sunday 29/9/2019. Please go through your parts for a smooth running of the

Please do not put the recitation of the rosary on hold during the St. Jude Novena. Both are compatible
like we find no problem in calling our Church Our Lady and St. Jude. REMEMBER, REJOICE RENEW AND
DEEPEN OUR FAITH. (Novena theme).


St John of the Cross preached about preparation to receive Holy Communion using the analogy of the
joy one would have if he were told: “The king is coming to stay in your house and show you his favour”.

I believe that he would not be able to eat or sleep at all. He would be constantly thinking about his
preparation for the royal visit. Dear Reader, I say too you on behalf of the Lord God that He wants to
come into your souls and establish his kingdom of peace. This is great News! It should fill us with Joy.
Christ Himself, who reigns in glory from heaven, wants to be Sacramentally present in our souls. He
comes in Love, receive Him in love. True love presupposes desire for purification. This means going to
Confessions whenever necessary.

Jesus greatly desires to be with us and repeats to every Christian His memorable words at the last
supper; “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you (Lk 22.15)”. The Inn has to be in very
good shape, very clean. Nothing could be more gratifying than to have Jesus accept accommodation in
our Souls. He comes to us with love; therefore, with love we should receive Him. This is the most
important of our day! The Angels are full of wonder at our blessed opportunity to receive Jesus. As the
moment approaches, we should be fostering greater and greater acts of love.

Alongside our Spiritual preparations, we should also be attentive to physical details such as:

The fast which the Church has imposed as a sign of respect and reverence; our posture at Mass and our
dress. All these express our dignity as Children of the Father. When Jesus has entered our heart, we
speak to Him. (from the book – In conversation with God).

The late Msgr. Anatoli K. Kamya used to tell us. “You have come to meet your God, to meet Him in His
Word and in the Sacrament. Are you ready to receive Him? If not, you must go for Confession, that is
why those Confessional Boxes are there. This means that you must come early for Mass so that you
meet Jesus in His Word (Readings) and in the Sacrament (Eucharist). If possible you go for confessions
earlier on during previous days.




OCTOBER is the Month which the church has dedicated to the Holy Rosary; we go to Mary with filial
confidence. The Rosary is our lady’s favorite Prayer; we should pray it with renewed devotion because
we know that our Blessed Mother will always hear our prayers and her prayers are always heard by her
Son 9jesus). We have countless reasons to go to Mary. The Church teaches us that Mary is the best
guarantee for our everyday needs. Pope Leo XIII has written; “It is always with joyful expectation and
inspired hope that we look forward to the return of the month of October. At Our exhortation and by
Our express order this month has been consecrated to the Blessed virgin, during which for some years
now the devotion of her Rosary has been practiced by Catholic nations throughout the world with
sedulous earnestness. Our reasons for making this exhortation. We have made known more than once.
For as the disastrous condition of the Church and of Society proved to Us the extreme necessity for
signal aid from God, it was manifest to Us that aid should be sought through the intercession of His
Mother, and by the express means of the Rosary, which Christians have ever found to be of marvelous
avail.” (Iucunda Semper Uxpectatione) September 8, 1894.

Mother Teresa of Calcuttahada DIPLOMATIC PASSPORT written, “MOTHER TEREZA AND HER
COMPANION”. She also had a Beautiful STATUE OF OUR LADY which she would always include among
her Luggage when travelling abroad. One day as she was travelling abroad. One day as she was travelling
abroad, a flight attendant asked her to pay some extra money for the statue. She then showed the
attendant the writing, “MOTHER TEREZA AND HER COMPANION” and she clearly told the office that the

The officer got amused and walked away. For Mother Tereza, the STATUE of OUR LADY way always her
COMPANION on a journey.

In Naggulu parish, there are THREE BEAUTIFUL STATUES of OUR LADY. Two are inside the Church and
one at the Grotto. Dear Reader, Dear Parishioner, “Let us all come to the Grotto on the 1 st October, 2019
at 5:30 pm and open the Month of the Rosary.
Date: 15th December, 2019


BY: Fr. Godfrey KYEYUNE

THIS IS ‘Gaudete Sunday’ (Latin for “rejoice”) … Cfr. Entrance Antiphon – Philippians 4:4-5. We light the
3rd candle of our wreath, this time it is pink/rose; the liturgical colour of joy. It is called the “Shepherd’s
candle” – the Candle of Joy. This Sunday reminds us of the joy that the world experienced at the birth of
Jesus, and also calls upon us to rejoice because we have reached the midpoint of the Season.

The joy we are talking about here goes further than just being happy because of what is going on around
us, it is due to what is growing within us is about the joy of Mother Mary, and with her the joy of all
humanity, because she and the whole world received the gift of God when he became one of us in Jesus.
It is also the joy that Christ had because he chose to some among us.

It is the joy Jesus himself expresses before his death when he says: “I have said these things to you so
that your joy may be complete (John 15:11).” Joy that is not dependent on external circumstances
9wealth, health, winning, etc…) but joy which is an inward and permanent state of well-being salvation
to humanity; hence the reason for his joy.

That is the joy today’s the joy today’s rose candle symbolizes, it is the joy we are to seek, the joy that
comes from within, so much so that whatever happens it never runs dry. May we receive that joy as we
turn the corner and run the homestretch leading up to Christmas.
Date: 12th August, 2018



The final day of the second solemn novena to St. Jude, is usually celebrated in our ceremonial gardens.
Before the concluding Novena Mass begins, a brief prayer service for the three priests to whom this
novena is dedicated, is held at the graves of two of the priests (Msgrs. John Baptist Kanyi and Anatoli
Kamya). The third priest, Rev. Fr. Henry Steegmans, was laid to rest elsewhere.

Rev. Fr. Henry Steegmans

Fr. Henry Steegmans was a Mill Hill Missionary priest, from the Netherlands, and the founder of Our
Lady and St Jude Catholic Church, Naggulu (1954). His name, Steegmans, means: ‘the son of the man in a
small street’. I happened to see him on a few occasions, although I never had a chance of participating in
one of his Eucharistic celebrations. He was still in Uganda at the celebration of Naggulu Parish Golden
Jubilee (2004). However, shortly afterwards he returned to his home country where the Lord called him
to eternal rest in June 2009.

Rev. Fr. Henry Steegmans

Fr. Henry Steegmans was a Mill Hill Missionary priest, from the Netherlands, and the founder of Our lady
and St. Jude Catholic Church, Naggulu (1954). His name, Steegmans, means: ‘the son of the man in a
small street’ I happened to see him on a few occasions, although I never had a chance of participating in
one of his Eucharistic celebrations. He was still in Uganda at the celebration of Naggulu Parish Golden
Jubilee (2004). However, shortly afterwards he returned to his home country where the Lord called him
to eternal rest in June 2009.

Msgr John Baptist Kanyi

The monsignor originated from Sudan, but grew up and became a priest in Uganda. I participated in his
Novena Masses. Devotees of the St. Jude devotion would come from up Country and neighbouring
countries to attend these novenas. Their participation was always serious, pious and active. You would
notice that they were recollected in Spirit, their souls and bodies united in prayerful harmony. They
listened to the readings with full attention and responded to hymns, prayers and acclamations with
enthusiasm. At the time of conservation, even the people outside would kneel on the ground; the
environment was very conducive spiritually (1Kg 19:11-13).

We have to remember that at the time there were not many prayer centers as we have them today, and
people as always wanted God to give them answers to their problems or thank Him for his providence.
This was one of the few available places.

Msgr. Kanyi successfully promoted the Devotion to St Jude. He died and was buried behind the Church.

Msgr Anatoli K Kamya

A priest of the soil (Muganda) he was the Parish Priest of Naggulu (1990-2001). He was very principled
indeed. One time a group of Christians approached him and requested him to be celebrating Mass in
English also, but he answered, “Even if there is only one person in the Church, I shall celebrate “Mass”
(for the 2nd Vatican Council says, “Mass is to be celebrated in the Language of the people of the Area i.e.
in Luganda in Buganda).

At another time he was distributing Hold Communion. He held the Communion to “X” and said “Omubiri
gwa Kristu” but “X” kept quiet. He said it the second time and the third time. When “X” did not say,
“Amiina’, he never gave communion to “X”.

One Christmas day, when he was celebrating Mass, the Children’s Ministry presented a SKIT imitating
the Clergies. A very young girl who imitated him said, “You have come to meet your God, to meet Him in
his word and in the Sacrament, are you ready to receive Him? If not, you must go for confession and
that is why those confessional boxes are there. I am Msgr Anatoli Kamya”. The congregation laughed
and clapped, because that was exactly how he used to preach. Msgr was so amused and happy that
from that moment onwards, he was calling the Children’s Ministry, “ABAANA BANGE”.

To meet Jesus in his Word, means you have to come early for Mass. That is why Rev. Fr. Godfrey
Kyeyune wrote in the parishioner, “the Faithful are encouraged to be in time” – so that they can meet
Jesus by listening to the Readings and Homilies.

The monsignor also promoted the Devotion to St Jude, but the handed the instrument of power (PARISH
PRIEST) to Rev. Fr. Edward Muwanga. I was so privileged and blessed that I saw and witnessed the
installation of Rev. Fr. Edward Muwanga as Parish Priest of Naggulu.

As if he knew that his time was about to come, Msgr. Now spent most of his time in prayer. He would sit
at a corner near the Tabernacle praying. When the time came for him to rest in the Lord, some of us
visited him at Nsambya hospital. We stood near his bed, he could neither recognize us nor talk.

When he breathed his last, he was buried next to Msgr. Kanyi behind the church. The Bible is right to tell
us that we should be ever because we do not know the Time (hour) and the day.

Every Thursday after the Holy Hour, and every Saturday before the Rosary at grotto, the Children’s
Ministry visits their Tombs and prays the Prayer of the Faithful Departed.

For these three heroes of Naggulu Parish we say: “May they rest in peace. Amen.
Date: 19th August, 2018



Now I am sure this heading is confusing and someone is starting to think of some horror or adventurous

No, here what I mean is that there are some people who are energy vampires in our lives; they make
you think every next step you are taking in life is a very big risk. OK, let’s talk about vampires here, what
do they do? They sack blood out of you until it dries up completely, and that’s what exactly energy
vampires do; they drain energy out of you, they discourage you from taking steps, they make up lies to
show you that no one has ever succeeded in what you are about to do. They are the ones who will tell
you how they once tried the same thing and yet they have never done anything at all. Their aim is to
simple discourage, discourage and discourage, they find their satisfaction in discouraging others.

We have spiritual vampires too; they drain you spiritually, they create doubt in you for your God. They
say certain prayer requests can never be answered by God. But why put your God to test? Our God is an
awesome God, he turns impossibilities into possibilities, and He does the unexpected. In the Bible see
the story of Hannah and Peninah-Samuel 1:2:21 and that of Sarai (Sarah) – Genesis 21: 1-8, who ever
expected those aged women to ever have children in their lives but He did it for them, so he can “DID IT

Say No to spiritual vampires, our God is a generous God. He can move mountains and cover up valleys in
our lives and never listen to any negativity since it will make you doubt your God.

The writer is the Head of communication in Naggulu Parish Youth Apostolate

Date: 26th August, 2018


BY: RT. Hon. Dr. Margaret. N. Zziwa Babu

On August 8th 2003, St Francis Choir was born. This was after the Parish Priest. Then Rev. Fr. Muwanga
Edward agreed to answer the many calls of Christian especially the English Community, who always
went to Christ the King to attend the 10.00 O’clock Mass or the 11.00 O’clock Mass, which they deemed
convenient after the long hard week of work. However, many had started experiencing the
inconvenience of praying from outside because of the huge numbers of faithful and the lack of Parking.

At 10.30 am, Fr. Muwanga led the Mass and two people, Hon. Zziwa and Mr. Mugerwa, were the choir.
Of course after Mass, a call was made to the Parishioners to join the choir and the first 6 membes came
on board. (Simon, Prosy, Dorothy, Bosco, Josephine, Caboth,) and later David, Cotilda, Andama, Agnes,
Edna, and Jacinta joined. The early members came with their previous experiences of singing in various
Choirs. They resolved to form a Basic English Choir basing its singing on the Common English Songs both
as drawn from the Hymn books of the Mill Hill Fathers and The White fathers. We compiled some of the
Common English Songs and we photocopied them to make booklets Also Fr. Muwanga and the Parish
Council purchased copies of Christ the King Hymn books. The choir started growing as also the number
of Parishioners attending the 10.30 am Mass grew. We Chose St Francis as out Patron Saint and we
named our Choir St. Francis Choir. We received a lot of support from the Parish Priest and the Parish
Executive especially in terms of Stationary, and Music Instruments.

We quickly divided ourselves into voices and chose a Choir Conductor who also acted as a trainer, and
those to play instruments. The Choir and the Parish at the time had no organ, so we used drums most of
the time as our accompaniments. We put a humble request to purchase for us an organ, and the Parish
Priest took an effort and purchased for us and the Church the first organ. From then on the Choir grew
and improved in its singing and the Parishioners were appreciative of the efforts made.

Later that year we decided that we shall hold the Christmas Carols, and we intensified our practice. We
were joined by other able members, including Daniel, Expedite, Godfrey, Verstine, Zawedde, Goreth and
others. We were also joined by Paul who was studying Music at Makerere University who became our
organist. This made the choir real impressive in singing and at that juncture, Eng. Obonyo and his dear
wife became our benefactors. They offered to buy us our first Uniform, (cream Shirt/Blouse and Dar
blue trouser/skirts). We resolved to hold Christmas Carols every Christmas period and participate/
animate in other Ecclesiastical festivals. We animated in St. Jude Novenas, we sang in Wedding Masses
and other various celebrations. We became very committed to the service of the Lord with practices
every Saturday and Wednesday.

In our fifth year another Parishioner Mr. and Mrs. Lido also became our benefactors. They supported us
with many of our choir needs including a new Uniform (A Bisuuit with pink and blue flowers, and pin
shirt). From here on we formed sisterhood with St. Joseph’s Choir of 8 O’clock Christ the King, and this
opened more opportunities for us including singing at national festivals like Christmas Carols at Mayor’s
Gardens and at State House. We were strengthened by Mr. Kasozi – our Choir conductor, and Mr.
Kivumbi and Mr. Pachuto as our Music directors. We have also received many other young Choristers
and strong Bass Voices.
Our Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Kyeyune and the Parish Council, headed by Mrs. Matovu Sheila, have
supported us immensely. The Choir despite the many challenges likes the removal of Naguru Housing
Estate where many of our members resided, and other members leaving because of further studies, or
new Employment opportunities in far areas, the Parish Council continued to support us. Our Curate in
charge of Choirs Rev. Fr. Kaseeta is appreciated for guiding us in many aspects. We were yet given
another Uniform, (the Queen green and black jackets; they pay an allowance to our Music Directors and
the organist, and have provided for us in many other ways. We thank God for his blessing and favours
throughout this time of service.

We have received a lot of support from many of you, our trustees like Prof and Dr. Nantulya, Mrs.
Margaret Kibuuka, Mrs Kakma and family. We are grateful to the Parish council who resolved that we
should be dressed in a Uniform every Sunday and gave us our Current uniform, Cream and Brown, (to
represent St. Francis Colours). We are grateful to our sister Choirs who have complimented us whenever
we call upon them. We are proud that our singing has contributed to many faithful to deepen in the love
of God and to come and praise.

We pledge to continue in the service of the Lord and to maintain St. Augustine’s Powerful saying that
“what you sing, you pray twice”.

Our Song will always be Count your Blessing Name them one by one; it will surprise what the Lord has

Yours proud Choir. St Francis Choir. The writer is the founding patron of this choir.

The writer is the founding patron of this choir.

Date: 7th October, 2018


BY: Janet Alungat-National Coordinator, Friends of the Mill Hill Association) and Albert Olupot

Fig. 1: Fr Henry Steegmans

As Mill Hillers, we are pleased to come back to Naggulu once more since our previous visit las year. On
behalf of the Friends of the Mill Hill Association (FOMH), I wish to thank you all parishioners for
welcoming and supporting us when we came for a Missionary Appeal in 2017.

We are proud to associate with this Parish that was founded in 1954 by one of us, Rev. Fr. Henry

Today is yet another opportunity for us to continue nurturing our connections with you through FOMH,
whose objectives Are;

. Praying for Mill Hillers and the Clergy at large,

. To give moral support,

. To promote vocations,

. To keep the spirit of Mill Hill alive, and

. To provide Financial Support

Brief Background

The Mill Hill Fathers came to Uganda in November 1895. Kakaka Mwanga of Buganda, at the time, gave
them some land on Nsambye hill, which over years became their base for pastoral operations in Uganda.
Today, that place is host to a number of Catholic institutions and religious houses.

From the administrative base at Nsambya, the Mill Hill went to found many parishes and institutions
like: Namiryango College in 1902, Nyenga Minor seminary in 1924, Jinja College, St. Peter’s College
Tororo, St Paul’s College Mbale, Madera Seminary in Soroti, to mention but only a few. Needless to
mention is the fact that St. Jude Primary School Naggulu is a fruit of the Mill Hillers!


In the early years, the Mill Hill Fathers were largely Europeans. However, with time many local young
men were taken to formation houses; and as of today, we have II Ugandan Mill Hill Priests serving here
at home and elsewhere in the world.
Mill Hillers still maintain presence in Uganda, for example, at Mbiko Parish in Lugazi Diocese; Payangara
and Loyoro Parishes in Kotido Diocese. There is also a Formation House in Jinja, where the young man
who are training to become Mill Hill Fathers stay.

Today, our main purpose of coming to Naggulu is; to remind the parishioners that, Mill hill fathers need
their prayers, moral support, vocations, and financial assistance. In addition, we are expressing gratitude
to all people who have supported us in one way or other. May God bless and reward you all.

‘To Love and to Serve’

Cardinal Vaughan: The Father of the Mill Hill

Fig 2:

Herbert Cardinal Vaughan was the founder of the Mill Hill Missionaries in 1866. He started the Society at
Mill Hill, a suburb of North West Londer, England. He was the eldest son of John Francis and Eliza
Vaughan. Out of twelve children, five sons became Priests, and four daughters became Religious Sisters.

Their mother Eliza was a very hold woman and encouraged her children to serve the Church as Priests
and Regions. Herbert Cardinal Vaughan placed the Society under the patronage of St. Joseph, and
recommended its members to be humble as was St. Joseph.



Refuge of Sinners
The Pope has asked Catholics to pray the rosary every day during the month of October for protection of
the Church from the devil.

A Vatican statement says: “the Pope is asking the faithful of the whole world to pray so that the Mother
of God puts the Church under her protective mantle to preserve her from the attacks of the evil one, the
great accuser, and to make [the Church] all the more conscious of the faults, the mistakes, the abuses
made in the present and in the past, and more conscious of the faults, the mistakes, the abuses made
ion the present and in the past, and more committed to fighting without any hesitation for evil not to

The Pope has asked us to say the prayer to Michael the Archangel for the same purpose.

The two prayers:

1) Invocation: Sub Tuum Presidium (Under Your Protection).

We fly to thy protection, O Holy Mother of God; do not despise our petitions in our necessities
but deliver us always from all dangers, O Glorious and Blessed Virgin. Amen.

2) St. Michael the Archangel

Saint Michael Archangel, us in battle, our protection against the wickedness and snares of the
devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the
power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking
the ruin of souls. Amen.

By Kasimiro Orwenyo

Wednesday 15th of August, 2018 was Assumption Day, we gathered at the main entrance of the church
for the procession which started at 7:10 am and a young man carried the Status of Mother Mary to the
front of the Altar and put her on a well prepared table with two candle lights and flowers. The Mass was
led by Rev. Fr Joseph Kaseeta.

In his homily, given in simple and clear English, Fr. Kaseeta, the feast of Assumption, the day we rejoice
because Mother Mary was taken body and soul into heaven, is one of the days of obligation in the
Catholic Church. We have the relics of St Jude, there are relics of Apostles, Saints, Martyrs, but we have
no relics of Mother Mary, because she was taken into heaven body and soul.

During the Reign of King Solomon, whenever he entered to sit on his throne, people would stand and
bow to him. The chair of Queen Bathsheba (his mother) was on the right side of his throne. Whenever
Queen Bathsheba entered, the King and the people would stand and bow to her people who wanted
King Solomon to solve their problems would approach Queen Bathsheba to plead for them to King
Solomon, and the King would just say, yes, yes, to his mother.

King Solomon was the King of only Judah and Jerusalem. Jesus is greater than King Solomon. Jesus would
not allow the Body of His Mother to Experience Corruption and so Mother Mary was taken into heaven
Body and Soul.

Pope Pius XII, in consultation with the Bishops of the world, on, Nov. 1 st 1950, authoritatively recognized
Mary’s assumption, which had been preached and taught for many centuries (from the Book, “One
Bread, One Body”.

We should ask Mother Mary to intercede for us because whatever she tells Jesus, Jesus just accepts. The
first miracle of Jesus at Cana was initiated by Mother Mary, she is called immaculate, which means
without sin, and she is the queen of Peace. If we want peace, true peace we should as Mother Mary to
intercede for us that peace.

According to the fifth Glorious Mystery, Mother Mary was Crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth and on
the 22nd Aug. 2018 we celebrated the Queen ship of Mary. The Director of Radio Maria, Rev. Fr. Kizito
Kirenga advised that we Catholics should enthrone Mary as Queen of our homes and then consecrate
ourselves to Mary as our Queen. This is the procedure; -

Prepare a table with candle lights and flowers.

Place a blessed Statue or Picture of Mother Mary on the table.

Kneel together before the table.

Begin with the sign of the cross; then an Act of Contrition; Hail Mary (x3); Glory be (x3); mary
Immaculate Queen triumph and reign (x3); Act of Consecration and end with the sign of the Cross.

If you want, you can send him a message and he will send you the “Act of Consecration and the picture
of Mother Mary on what sap”, his contact is, Fr. Kizito Kirenga, Tel No. 0783-772075.
This Parish is dedicated to Our lady and St. Jude and has many Children. Our Lady Never Fails, St Jude is
an Apostle of Difficult/Hopeless case and children are innocent before God. Take it or Leave it, if the we
could whole heartedly, faithfully and devotedly work together, this Parish would not only be vibrant but
a model to other Parishes. This is a reality. All we need to do is to put our faith in Action because faith
without works is dead (James 2:17).
Date: 16th December, 2018



Welcome to GAUDETE SUNDAY, the third Sunday of Advent. On this Sunday, if the Choirs were to lead
the entrance song, using the “Entrance Antiphon” prescribed by the Church, the very first word that
would be heard filling the church, would be the Latin word “Gaudete” (translated into English as
“Rejoice”). The whole assembly would then pick up the song, and the church would resound with
musical voices of rejoicing! All this because the Lord is near.

“Rejoice!” So the antiphon invites. It repeats the invitation: “Again I say rejoice”. This is a loud and clear
way of telling us that we have reached the traditional turning point of the Season of Advent. The
liturgical language and spirit of the season, from 17 December to Christmas we, will now focus on the
coming of the Savior soon to be born in Bethlehem. We shall be told and called upon to be part of the
story of how the life of Jesus began. Who could not rejoice at such a prospect?

It is not only in song are we called upon to rejoice, we are also invited to use our sense of sight and
observe two symbols which continue to show the Joy expected of us on this Sunday.

Pink Color – Symbol I

We notice that, the liturgical color purple, the symbol of fasting, faith patience and trust (used during
Advent and Lent … and for liturgies of penance) is today changed to pink. Thus the Mass vestments and
the candle on the Advent wreath are pink (if available) which is the liturgical color for joy.

Three vs. One – Symbol II

Besides the pink colour, we are further called upon to observe that the advent wreath candles, lit
progressively during the season, are now at the stage of candle three. Rejoice therefore, for there is only
one to go before Emmanuel (the white candle) fully illumines what is hidden in darkness and reveals
himself to all the nations. At candle-three, we have more light and less darkness, a good reason to

The inner candle, the Joy candle

As we counseled for the second candle, so do we for the third one. Wherever your Advent wreath is
(church, home, school etc…), you cannot sit or kneel before this symbol twenty-four seven. Yet we need
to have these candles lit throughout the season. That is why it is recommended that as the wreath is lit,
you light your inner candle too. It is this one you can take with you wherever you go.

Is your inner candle lit? Time to ask Christ to lift the veil of sin from your mind. If indeed there is now
more light than darkness, the sooner you lay aside the deeds of darkness the better. You cannot afford
to walk around with all sorts of dirty spots on your garment (Rm 13:11-13). Rejoice that the way to make
yourself ready is around. Because he is Emmanuel; he sanctifies the material world. Be that as it may be,
the ball is in your court. Get up and accept his grace.
Join those who are genuinely waiting for the Lord who is near and rejoice with them because the reign
of God is close at hand. Your prayer with your third candle brightly shining, should be aimed at asking
God to remove all sadness that prevents you from feeling the joy and hope the presence of Emmanuel

This week, when you wake up every morning, light your inner candle of joy. Remember the first and
second candles are still burning. You have hope (candle 1), you have faith/love/peace (candle 2) and
now joy is inevitable (candle 3). This joy will help you to have a sense of liberation from our world of
conflict, division, greed, lust among others. Why not say to God: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the
Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my savior”?

Going through your daily routine with this joy, you will feel stronger when you find road blocks and
hazards along the way. Why? Because the sweet words that say: “He comes to save his people from
their sins”, will be mentioned on Tuesday 18 December during the day’s Mass (Matthew 1:18-24). So if
you fall, you know he comes to lift you up. You will also be encouraged when you check the parish
programme and find out that on Friday, 21 December, there will be a Penitential Service where the
whole parish community, will say to him: Lord have mercy, save us from our sins.

Before you sleep, stop and thank God for keeping your inner candle burning. There were certainly
moments of joy, during the day, for which you have to express gratitude for.


By: Kasimiro Orwenyo

One of the greatest gifts God can give us in his life, is a clear view of the road that leads to Him and the
opportunity to rely on someone who will help us to recover from our errors and wrong turns so that we
can get back once more on the right track. “I will place shepherds over them who will lead them. (Jer

Because we need Spiritual Direction, in this period of Advent, the parish priest, Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune, has
organized ADORATION with VESPERS every Thursday at 5:30pm. Vespers is the evening prayer of the
Church and it includes prayer it includes praying psalms, canticles, listening to the word of God, petitions
and prayers. Psalms uplift us in the presence of JESUS exposed on Alter in the Blessed Sacrament. St
Mother Theresa, before the Blessed Sacrament, used to say: “He looks at me, I look at Him …… and then
I tell Him my problems.” Don’t you have problems? Then come and tell Him your problems.

The psalms show us how to prayerfully approach God in every situation of life, giving us hope and joy as
we get to know Him more. Don’t forget, we lit the candle of Hope, on the first Sunday of Advent, and we
shall light the candle of Joy on the third Sunday. Read the Psalms regularly and let God shape you
through their power. Please do!

It is a special Grace from God, to be able to rely on people (like our pastors – the Father – here). These
shepherds of ours, who are both friends and confidants, are quite ready to help us attain spiritual
growth effectively. They hold us in esteem and with God’s grace open up to us new horizons, support us
and pray for us, as they lead us to the good shepherd; the one who came, comes and will come at the
end of time: our Lord Jesus Christ! Missing to be with Him during the Thursday Advent Adoration with
Vespers, to look at him while he looks at you, would be very unfortunate. Take it or leave it, this is also
the work of the Devil to keep people away such God given opportunities”.

At around 09:00 am., December 15, the Good Samaritan Ministry with Father Joseph and Sr.
Immaculate, started the Advent Pastoral visits to the home bound. The Budondo (Small Christian
Communities) visited were St. Gonzaga and St. Kizito. As usual some commodities were given to a
number of the home bound (in St. Gonzaga alone totaling to 15). That evening at 5:00 pm, as part of the
day’s programme, the Parish Priest celebrated Mass at the home of one of St. Gonzaga’s community
members. (TO BE CONTINUED).


During the Korean War, Communist forces invaded the city of and began mass executions of Koreans
who were suspected of sympathizing with the American cause. American Navy responded to this
atrocity by sending 200 ships to evacuate the refugees from.

On December 22, 1950, captain Leonard LaRue and his crew steered their ship, Meredith Victory, into
the Hungman harbor. The Victory only supposed to be delivering jet fuel, but they were immediately
called into service as a refugee ship 14,000 desperate Korean refugees crowded onto the ship. Captain
LaRue said a silent prayer as his men pulled up the anchor and headed for Korea.

Over the next few days, the crew and passengers endured freezing temperatures was only enough food
and water to keep them all from starving, but not enough to satisfy their hunger were in constant
danger from enemy fire as they sailed for a safe port, Captain LaRue took comfort in the thought that
Mary and Joseph and Jesus had also known hunger and cold and danger.

In the midst of hardhip, Captain LaRue also reported a change in his men’s attitudes gave away their
own food and clothing to the refugee’s babies were born on the ship, each one delivered by teams of
unskilled sailors Christmas Day, 1950, the Victory in safe harbor a single life had been lost on the voyage.

Captain Leonard LaRue received high military awards from the South Korean and the S for his part in the
refugee rescue.

Four years later, Captain LaRue left the military to join a Benedictine monastery, where he spent the rest
of his life his journals, he once wrote, “The clear, unmistakable message comes to me that, on that
Christmastide in the bleak and bitter waters off the, God’s hand was at the helm of my ship.” [Thomas
Fleming, “Precious Cargo,” Guideposts (December 2002), pp. 29-32]. And indeed it was.
Date: 25th Novemeber, 2018



Today, as we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the universe, we wish all our
readers a happy and fruitful feast day. May Christ reign on the throne of our hearts, minds and bodies.

For starters, let me give this story by Fr. Phil Bloom.

Viva Cristo Rey

In the 1920s, a totalitarian regime gained control of Mexico and tried to suppress the Church. To resist
the regime, many Christians took up the cry, “Viva Cristo Rey!” (“Long live Christ the King!”). they called
themselves “Cristeros.” The most famous Cristero was a young Jesuit priest named Padre Pro. Using
various disguises, Padre Pro ministered to the people of Mexico City. Finally, the government arrested
him and sentenced him to public execution on November 23, 1927.

The president of Mexico (Plutarco Calles) thought that Padre Pro would beg for mercy, so he invited the
press to the execution. Padre Pro did not plead for his life, but instead knelt holding a crucifix. When he
finished his prayer, he kissed the crucifix and stood up. Holding the crucifix in his right hand, he
extended his arms and shouted, “Viva Cristo Rey!” (Long live Christ the King!”) At that moment the
soldiers fired.

The journalists took pictures; if you look up “Padre Pro” or “Saint Miguel Pro” on the Internet, you can
see that picture.

Instituted by Pope Pius XI

Just a reminder; the feast was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925. At the time, due to growing secularism
and the rise of atheistic regimes in the world, all of which were a threat to the Catholic Church and
civilization as a whole, the pontiff wrote the encyclical “Quas primas” (lit. In the first). The encyclical was
a beacon of hope and assurance to Catholics that Christ the King would reign forever.

The Pope wished the following to happen:

 That nations would see that the Church has the right to freedom, and immunity from the state.
 That leaders and nations would see that they are bound to give respect to Christ.
 That the faithful would gain strength and courage from the celebration of the feast, as we are
reminded that Christ must reign in our hearts, minds, wills, and bodies.

Growing secularism was not only in the nineteen twenties, it is still growing today and even
becoming more widespread than then. The church faces pressures from without and crisis from
within and crisis from within. Pope Pius XI reminds the faithful that Christ reigns as king of the entire
world forever.


Let us rededicate ourselves this year to acknowledging the reign of Jesus Christ and his Sacred Hear in
every aspect of our lives.
The Mass

The Rt. Rev. Msgr, Rudolph G. Bandas tells us the following, about today’s Mass.

He says that it establishes the titles for Christ’s royalty over men, i.e.

 Christ is God, the Creator of the universe and hence wields a supreme power over all things.
 Christ is our redeemer, He purchased us by His Precious Blood, and made us His property and
 Christ is Head of the Church.
 God bestowed upon Christ the nations of the world as his special possession and dominion.

He adds, that the Mass today, also describes the qualities of Christ’s kingdom.

 It is supreme, extending not only to all people but also to their princes and kings.
 It is universal, extending to all nations and to all places.
 It is eternal.
 It is spiritual, for Christ’s “kingdom is not to this world”. Every year on this day is renewed the
consecration of the world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


Let us celebrate this day with hearts shouting: Viva Cristo Ray.

I end with this quto: “All the kings and queens I have known in history sent their people out to die for
them. I only know one King Who decided to die for his people.” (Charles Colson, former legal counsel to
Richard Nixon).


Gregorian Chant is the church’s own music, born in the church;s ;iturgy. Its texts are almost entirely
scriptural, coming for the most part from the Psalter. For centuries it was sung as pure melody, in
unison, and without accompaniment, and this is still the best way to sing chant if possible. It was
composed entirely in Latin; and because its melody, in unison, and without accompaniment, and this is
still the best way to sing chant if possible. It was composed entirely in Latin; and because its melodies
are so closely tied to Latin accents and word meanings, it is best to sing it in latin (of course there are
exceptions to this). Gregorian chant is in free rhythm, without meter or time signature. (GIA

Below is a Gregorian Chant image:


On Saturday evening (1 December, 2018; COME at 5:30 p.m for the opening ceremony of the ADVENT
SEASON. There will be Vespers and the blessing of the Advent Wreath.

The Association of choirs will lead the singing during 4 of the Sunday Masses (I, II, III, IV).

During Advent we sing the ALLELUIA but DO NOT sing or say the GLORIA.
Advent is not a time of fasting but a time of joyful expectation. A time when we prepare for the “Sun of
Justice” who comes to kindle our hearts with his light and his love.

Since there is that element of preparation; we therefore prepare our lives, so that when the Lord comes,
he may find us ready to receive him.

There will be a penitential Service on Saturday, 22th December, 2018.


By: Kasimiro Orwenyo

St Mother Teresa Joined a Loreto Convent, became a Loreto Sister and was posted to India to teach in a
girls’ S.S. School in Calcutta (Kolkstta), where she taught for ten years. One day, on September 10, 1946
during a train ride from Calcutta to Darjeeling for her annual retreat, Mother Teresa received a “special
call”. In a way she would never explain, she heard inside her, a voice which said, “I THIRST”. The Voice
was very clear, and for souls took hold of her heart and the desire to satiate tat thirst became the
driving force of her life.

By means of interior locutions and visions, Jesus revealed to her the desire of His heart for “victims of
love” who would “radiate His love on souls,” “Come be My light, “He begged her. “I cannot go alone.”
Jesus revealed His pain at the neglect of the poor, His sorrow at their ignorance of Him and His longing
for their love. He asked Mother Teresa to establish a religious community, Missionaries of Charity,
dedicated to the service of the poorest of the poor.

Nearly two years of testing and discernment passed before Mother Teresa received permission to begin.
On August 17, 1948, she dressed for the first time in a white, blue-bordered sari and passed through the
gates of her beloved Loreto convent to enter the world of the poor. On December 21, she went for the
first time to the slums ………

Mother Teresa was already a Sister. So when she received this special call, she called it (and rightly so) a
“call within a call”. She started each day with communion then went out, rosary in her hand, to find and
serve Him amongst “the unwanted, the unloved, the uncared for.” She was joined one by one, by her
former students. Slowly the numbers of her ‘followers’ grew and a congregation, which she called the
“MISSIONERIES OF CHARITY” (mc), was founded.

Here in Naggulu parish, Mr Mawerere, the Secretary of the Parish Council, invited the Parish Executive
Committee members, to celebrate the success of Sr. Immaculate Sarah Namakula on Friday, 16
November, 2018, at 6:00pm in the Parish Hall.

During the celebration, the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune in his speech said. “I congratulate Sr.
Immaculate sarah Namakula I thank God for the good work she is doing for the good of the parish. She is
already called to serve as a Catechist, and now she has received another call to serve as a Lay Sister. This
is a CALL WITHIN A CALL. We pray for her.

The Ssaabakristu, Madam Margret Sheila Matovu in her speech said: “I thank God and congratulate Sr.
Immaculate Namakula. She thanked the members of the Executive Committee for coming. She also
thanked Mr. Mawerere and his team who went to Kabulamuliro when she was making her profession;
Mr. John L. Mukoke and his team for organizing the celebration Teamwork, she said, was the way to

That is true Mr. Mawerere and Mr. John L Musoke have already started it, let all the other heads of
Departments follows their examples. Let us not only talk, but put our faith in actions by working
together as a team, the Holy Spirit will help us and we shall make this Parish very vibrant. Like St.
Mother Teresa, if Sr. Immaculate Namakula follows her call within a call, she can cause a great Impact in
Naggulu Parish. As we eagerly wait to see the impact, let us all sincerely pray for her.

The Parish then gave her a gift of a very BIG MATTRESS. I pray that she doesn’t oversleep and forget that
the daily Mass begins at 6:30am.
Date: 3rd February, 2019


BY: Awilo Judith

Let the little children come to me … (Mathew 19:14) says the scripture we read. But there are a lot of
hindrances to this. Many young children in our Parish serve the Lord, through the following ministries;
Altar servers, xaverian movement, children ministry and even just coming to church to attend Mass.
Their souls are rich but their bodies are lacking, lacking a lot of things more especially the basic needs
and necessities in life.

According to the little research we did as the Youth Apostolate, there are many children who are going
through a lot that affects their participation in church activities. There are many who are unable to
afford the basic of life such as scholastic materials like books, pens, toilet papers, reams of paper,
mathematical sets and so on and the worst affected are our adolescent girls who miss school whenever
they are in their monthly periods because the parents cannot buy for them sanitary towels.

We have tried to visit some of these children’s homes, their standard of living is really poor. The parents
are only able to provide them with only shelter and food and to some, food is even a challenge and
others it’s only once a day. Many of them have even started to drop out of school and we have also
started to lose some of them to other religious sects that are willing to provide them with these basic

St. Jude Caring hands was started with the objective of keeping our children and also keep them in
church. We do not want to lose our children because of the little we can afford if we all contributed to
this cause.

This project idea just began in one of our meetings last year and all youth leaders consented the birth of
this project, a team was set up to spear head this and they have been holdings meetings, it is not yet
fully established but we are committed to keeping our children in church. Each member of this project
gives a minimum monthly contribution of only 2,00shs. We are calling upon more volunteers to come
and join this project. We hope that with time we shall be able to pay school fees for some children with
God as our guide.

We have started getting donors and the first donor to this project was Centenary Bank Lugogo branch
they donated to us sanitary pads, reams of paper, books and toilets papers. We are extremely grateful
to this beautiful group of givers.

We also call upon more donors both individuals and organizations. We are just youths willing to help
with the little that we have, but we can do little with ourselves but we believe we can do much with your
support (dear reader) this on our own without your support. Any material or financial support is
welcome. Is welcome. Or you can simply subscribe to our community of donors and pledge a monthly
contribution, any amount as low as 1000 shs monthly is welcome. Come join us in this struggle to
support the young needy that serve Mother Church as we fulfil the scripture.

For more information, inquiries or support, please approach our Chaplain, Rev. Fr. Joseph Kaseeta, the
treasurer Ms. Awilo Judith, Ssabavubuka Mr. Odama Ericson and Nnabavubuka Ms. Anek Bella.
By: Awilo Judith

The writer is the Treasurer of the Naggulu Parish Youth Apostolate (NPYA) project: St Jude caring Hands
and also the Head of Publicity NPYA. She is proudly catholic and loves being the change she wants to see
in the world.”

Caring and Sharing.

Date: 24th March, 2019



The Nature of Mr. Kasimiro Orwenyo;s article, demands that it be put on this page, we have therefore
decided that we put other thing to rest, and do the needful.

It is written in the scripture; do you show your wonders to the Dead? Do those who are dead rise up and
praise you? Is your LOVE declared in the grave?” (Ps 88:10-11). The International Women’s day of 2019
(8th March 2019), but for the grace of God, found Naggulu Catholic Women’s Guild almost dead.

Due to that feeling among various stake holders, the Leader of the Guild, Mrs. Margaret Akora, decided
to put life in the CWG. She drew up a programme of activities before and during the celebration of the
International Women’s day 2019.

On Tuesday, 5th February 2019, she attended the monthly Liturgy meeting and declared: “I bring you
Good Tidings, Naggulu catholic Women’s Guild will rise up from the dead on 3 rd March, 2019 and serve
in three Masses 7:00am, 9:00am and 10:30am and then will celebrate the International Women’s Day
on 8th March, 2019 with Mass at 10:00am – will you please, include these in your Liturgy Program?

Of course, this was welcome news. Indeed, on 3 rd March, 2019 members served as requested, and on
the 8, March 2019 Rev. Fr. Joseph Kaseeta led their Mass at 10:00am and in attendance were women,
some men and St Jude Primary School, Kireka. Ms. Scovia Ahimbisibwe took the first Reading. In this
homily, rev. Fr. Kaseeta said “I wish you a happy Women’s Day. Congratulations. We see our mothers,
Grandmothers and sisters in you. He thanked the women for bringing us into the world, for introducing
us into the faith, and for protecting us. He concluded by imploring husbands to love their wives (As
Scripture says, “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. Husbands love your wives just as Christ
loved the Church and gave Himself up for her (Eph 5:22, 25).

When the Mass ended, all the participants went to the Parish Hall and celebrations started with the
singing of the National Anthem and Women Anthem led by St Jude Primary School, Kireka who also
entertained the guest. The M.C was Madam Grace Kariisa who told the women to be happy and they
introduced themselves.

The Guest of honor was Hon. Margret Zziwa Babu who introduced the Medalists, Hon. Nkurukenda and
Mrs. Marcella Ochwo. She addressed women on different topics such as Spiritual, Civic and Social. She
encouraged women to educate a girl childlike boy. She advised women to pray unceasingly like Anna,
Esther, Ruth and Elizabeth in the Bible. She told women to go to Mother Mary and ask her, “How did St
Joseph treat you?

Equality means equal opportunity. Balance work and home. Take your responsibility and cook. Give
equal work to both boys and girls. If a girl marries at 15 it is a problem but at 25, she knows what is good
and bad. She listed many challenges, she also encouraged women to join SACCO, be charitable, emulate
successful women, be a model, maneuver risks, self-motivation, seek to be informed and seek to be
knowledgeable, listen to News, dress decently and continue to pray. She thanked Rev. Fr. Kaseeta and
Maama Ssebugera from St. Peter’s Church of Uganda, Naggulu. Mrs. Betty Atim then gave a vote of
thanks. Since it was Friday in the period of Lent, lunch was served without meat. Everyone then left at
leisure. The question which Naggulu catholic Women’s Guild should now answer correctly is, “After a
great success, what next?

Women, if you want to, you can change Naggulu parish. All you need to do is to say, “Yes, we can and
we will” and then ACT.



All heads of Departments, who have been requested to write REFLECTIONS AND PRAYERS, for our Good
Friday Way of the Cross. Please make sure you do your Homework and hand it over before the end of
next week.

THEME: I have come that they may have life,

The 1 station: Jesus is condemned to death (Liturgy)

The II Station: Jesus is made to carry the cross (Secretaries)

The III Station: Jesus falls the first time (Catholic Men’s Guild).

The IV Station: Jesus meets his Blessed Mother (Catholic Women’s Guild)

The V Station: Simon helps Jesus carry his cross (Good Samaritans)

The VI Station: Jesus falls the second time (Communication)

The VII Station: Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem (Married couples –

Due to lack of space we cannot put them all here, so please all Heads of Departments, mark the
STATION, you were given and work upon it.
Date: 2nd June 2019


BY: Kasimiro Orwenyo

As we celebrant Ascension Sunday, we wish all Parishioners of Naggulu Parish, a joyous day. Here at the
Liturgy Dept. Desk, we are overjoyed because of the significance of this day to you, us and all followers
of Jesus Christ; and this why! His going up to heaven is the completion of his coming down to earth;
mission accomplished! That is music to the ears any Christian. On the other hand, his ascension tells us
that he has opened for us the way to heaven; that is more good news. We also see that he the head of
the Church has preceded us into the Father’s kingdom so that we, the other parts (members) of Body
are now hopeful that one day we shall be with him where he has gone (live with him forever). Finally,
we are also assured of the constant outpouring of the Holy Spirit, as we “see” him entering heaven once
for all. He is there interceding for us as mediator. (See catechism of the catholic Church number: 661-

Our joy is made still greater, when we see that the Ascension really brings about hope for the members
of the Body of Christ; where he’s gone, they will also go. This is demonstrated by our going to
Namugongo tomorrow to celebrate our Martyrs, who are where Jesus ascended to.

We shall not accept to remain only joyful, but to do what Our lord, as he prepared to ascend to God’s
glorious kingdom, said we should do. He said: “God’s glorious kingdom, said we should do. He said: “Go
out the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.”

Every year, Naggulu Youth Celebrates their Youth Day in May, the month of mother Mary; it begins with
a Novena to Mother Mary. This is what I saw in their Celebrations of this year.

On 2 May, 2019, at 5:30pm, the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune Led the opening Ceremony for
Parying the Rosary in the Month of May; then immediately Rev. Fr. Joseph Kaseeta led the Mass opening
the Novena to Mother Mary. Both Ceremonies were attended by Adults, Youth and Children. On 3 May,
(2nd novena day), Mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Peter Byangwa who told the few Youth present to
bring more Youth to fill the church. On day 3, many children participated in the Mass because it was the
1st Saturday of the Month – the children’s monthly rosary day. The choirs during the liturgy were:
Children’s Ministry, Mass Servers, Xaverians, Youth Apostolate, Youth executive and Divine Marcy
choirs. Shouldn’t the title of this article be Naggulu Young Celebrate? The Climax of all this was on
Sunday 12 the 2019.

The day was blessed with a down pour in the morning. The Procession for the Mass, started at 10:30am
with the Youth Chaplain, Rev. Fr. Joseph Kaseeta as main celebrant and Divine Mercy Choir leading rhe
singing. The Nnaabavubuka, Miss Anek Bella, and the Ssaabavubuka, Mr. Odama Ericson, took the first
and the second Readings Respectively. The Church was packed with children, youth and adults. You
could only see beaming, smiles on the faces of Rev. Fr. Joseph Kaseeta, the Nnaabavubuka and
Ssaabavubuka. When the Mass ended, the participants went to the Gardens for entertainment, fund
Raising and lunch. Mass servers, Children’s Ministry, Xaverians, Larakaraka dancers and “the Acrobats”
entertained the gathering while the MCs, Mr. Benjamin Baiga and Peter Muhwezi amused the peole
with their multi languages’ commentaries.

I was clad in a suit, my usual attire on such occasions: but never, never bore a beaming smile though I
was full of Joy and happiness because from where I sat during Mass, I saw a number of members of the
Children’s Ministry in the procession and among the Altar servers (Abe Veronica, Feniru Joan and
Nabukwasi Maria); the Divine Mercy Choir had (Aloyo Felistas, Muber Gladys, Kichonco Lydia, and
Adong Flavia) and of course among the congregation there were many of them including me. In the
Gardens I sat among the children. Even here, I saw members of the Children’s Ministry: among the Altar
servers who entertained, (Fenir Joan and Nabukwasi Marai); the youth Leaders and their executives,
(Muber Gladys and Yotaru Vicky). You can see that the Children’s Ministry is everywhere. Doesn’t that
make me the happiest man on that day? So, to have a vibrant Youth, you ought to have a vibrant
Children’s Ministry which stands on the foundation built by Jesus Christ, “Let the little children come to
me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these (Mt 19,14).

Pope Francis to the young

The pontiff tells the young people that God loves them and Christ is alive and their Savior. He continues
that the Youth Ministry has been affected by, social and cultural changes. He then encourages them
thus: “Dear young people, my joyful hope is to see you keep running the race before you, outstripping
all those who are slow or fearful. Keep running, attracted by the fact of Christ, whom we love so much,
whom we adore in the Holy Eucharist and acknowledge in the flesh of our suffering brothers and sisters.
The Church needs your momentum, your intuitions, your faith…” (L’osservatore Romano, English weekly
ed. Fri 5/4/2019).

Date: 2nd June 2019

Title: HAPPY THE PEOPLE THE Lord has chosen as His own (Ps 32)

By: Deacon John Baptist Katende

On 23rd May 2019 was both a Graduation and Commissioning Day in the above Theologicum.

43 Seminarians of whom 28 were Deacons graduated in theological studies after a period of Eight years
in the seminary formation. Indeed, the journey to the priest takes a minimum of 8 years after S.6 or
University, however, the sweetest and best wine is one brewed for a longtime. Thanks be to God for his
Gift, wonderful words (2 Cor. 9:15). I know whom I have believed! After, commissioned to go and serve
God and His people in the Vineyard of the Lord. This function was officiated by His Lordship Rt. Rev
Robert Muhiiwa Bishop of Fort Portal (Vice Chairman Uganda Episcopal Conference).

The life in the seminary is very sweet but also sour if a candidate is not serious with his vocation and
there’s no life on earth without challenges. But with God everything is possible.

I encourage young people to be clear with what they want to be in life.

It’s unfortunate to ask them what they want to be and you hear some saying they don’t know.
Personally, I joined the seminary life after my primary seven, this is because, grew up from a prayerful
family and I the way how priests celebrated Mass I loved this at Heart until when I responded to God’s
call with these beautiful words. {Here am Lord Send Me} (Is. 6:8). I have never regretted making this

Dear parents be imitators of Christ.

Mold your children in a Christian manner. Form them, spiritually, physically, and intellectually.

Always be prayerful at home

Be good examples to your children.

Be good examples to your children.

Love Glorify God the most High.

As good parents, bless your children and avoid cursing them.

I thank Lady Catherine from GANAL COMMUNITY Who represented all the members of this group to be
a witness as we were being commissioned. Thank u for loving the.

Lastly, was commissioned to go and be a priest – God’s servant in His Vineyard. It is on this serious note
that I ask for your genuine prayers that I am ordained priest on 3 rd August 2019 I kindly invite you to be
witnesses to my ordination when that hour comes.

Pray for me to be a good priest not only good but also a Holy Priest and I go to Heaven with you!

I will also pray for you that you may Ascend with the Risen Christ.

May Almighty Bless YOU.

Date: 30th June 2019


BY: Mrs. Margaret Akora, Head Catholic Women’s Guild Naggulu Parish

As we celebrate this great occasion of our parish, women’s Guild of Naggulu wishes to take this
opportunity to congratulate all our beloved clergy and all the parishioners here present.

Catholic women’s Guild is an association of Catholic Women formed with purposes of promoting
women’s rights in societies.

As a highlight; Human rights are certainly built on the self-esteem of the human person so much that the
pride of the human person is rooted in the image and likeness of God. Respect for human person entails
respect for the rights that flow from his dignity as a creature.

The challenges women face is numerous and diverse in nature compared to those of their male
counterparts; they include the following among others: Negativity of cultural mind-set Mrs. Margaret
Akora towards women, domestic violence, ignorance and illiteracy, unemployment, HIV/AIDS, poverty,
single parenthood, male dominance and sexual immorality.
Head Catholic Womens Guild Naggulu Parish

Activities: Conversely, Catholic Women Guild through their association with other departments like
Caritas, peace and Justice, have taken a centre place in the Catholic setting to promote and advocate for
women’s right through the following ways: Leadership empowerment, sensitization of women,
conferences, transparent accountability, and alternating community visits St. Charles Lwanga and so on;
promotion of girl child education, inculcate catholic values in infants through Sunday school oratorio.
Alongside these efforts, the negative cultural mindsets towards women need to be tackled head on to
restore the dignity of a woman in society where she is regarded as a partner in development and not as
a subordinate role player.

It should be noted that by virtue of their being human, women share the same rights as men. Indeed,
because they are persons, they have rights and obligations flowing directly and simultaneously from
their very nature, and as these rights and obligations are universal and inviolable, they cannot in any
way be surrendered.

The department managed to register some achievements

Successfully celebrated the International Women’s day On March 8, 19 at the parish which was well
attended by many women young and old; Successfully had monthly meetings with Bible sharing; Efforts
were made connected to other parishes to enable us understand the roles of the department;

Challenges: Mobilization is ongoing with minimum success; we do not have strategies to mobilize fund
and generate funds; Poor turn up for meetings which affects planning both at the community and the
parish levels. This reflects the fact that there is very little being done at the community.

Prospects/Way-forwards: To lay down strategies to mobilize funds; to institute an initiative whereby

the older women mentor the young ones in order to instill catholic values like Kindness, Love for
husband, Love their children, Work hard in their homes, Purity and hospitality, plan to streamline the
Children ministry including the oratorio in line with Church expectations; to promote cooperation with
other departments like the marriage, youth, which are the feeder departments to step up mobilization
and rejuvenated the department activities within the ‘bubondos.’

We wish everyone fruitful celebration.

Date: 18th August 2019


BY: Kasimiro Orwenyo

(Editor) One of our regular contributors to various columns in the Parishioner, Mr. Kasimiro Orwenyo,
brings you his “Imitation of Mother Teresa” as she helped the destitute because of LOVE FOR JESUS.

Martijheel is a Slum in Calcutta (KOLKATA), INDIA. There lived the poorest of the poor, the mentally
retarded, the orphans, the sick, and the handicapped. Seeing their sufferings, Mother Teresa was really
moved and desired to dedicate her entire life to fighting poverty, diseases, hunger and ignorance. In
1952 Mother Teresa opened the first Home for the dying destitute in Kolkata, INDIA and called it
“NIRMAL HRIDAY” (Pure Heart). She would treat people without minding their Religious Background and
She never, never insisted upon the Conversion of anyone to Christianity though they were accusing her
of doing it. She only wanted that a Muslim must became a Better Muslim, a Hindu a Better Hind and a
Christian a Better Christian.

Mother Teresa, with her Sisters and volunteers, picked up the poor and the homeless who were left on
the street to die. One of the most touching story Mother Teresa would tell everyone, was about a dying
woman she found on the streets of KOLKATA. This woman’s body was covered with wounds and even
with worms (maggots). Mother Teresa picked her up, and took her to, “NIRMAL HRIDAY She was
reported to the IMMIGRATION OFFICER, that she had taken a woman to convert her to Christianity; so
she should be stopped and even deported. The IMMIGRATION OFFICER drove to, “NIRMAL HRIDAY” and
found Mother Teresa herself cleaning the wounds of the woman full of worms. With open mouth, he
looked in disbelief and asked: “Mother Teresa, what makes you Do all this?”

“LOVE FOR JESUS, I DO IT FOR JESUS”, answered Mother Teresa. The IMMOGRATION OFFICER quickly
drove back and told those who had reported: “yes, I will deport Mother Teresa immediately if and only if
you allow your wives and your daughters, your sisters and your mothers to do the work she is doing”.
From that moment onwards no one dared to report Mother Teresa.

Mother Teresa inspired people to give donations with joy, “A six-year-old boy gave up sugar in his milk
for a month so that he could share it with a Child who had Never tasted sugar”, recalls Sr. Priscilla, one
of mother Teresa’s sisters. Mother Teresa and her sisters would begin their day at 4.30 am with two
hours of prayer from which they would draw strength and courage to do their tasks most others would
shrink from in horror. The sisters would move two by two while praying the Rosary as they walked to do
their work in the Slum of KOLKATA. Their work became PRAYER. (from the Book about Mother Teresa}.

We need to have a unity of life which is so vibrantly integral that work itself will leads us to be in the
presence of God. At the same time, those periods we devote to Prayer will help us to work better. Work
feeds prayer and prayer feeds work …… (from the Book-In conversation with God).

Dear reader, it we who work and serve in the Churches were to understand the above points, there
would be no need for the churches to make strong collection boxes with locks. Simple and cheap
collection baskets would be enough. Today, the Catholic Church needs men and women of faith and
who are faithful to work and serve in Churches. When they are there, then there will be a renewal of the
wonders the Charismatic Renewal talks about (I wrote this point because, on 28/07/2019, at
Namugongo, during Mass for closing SECAM, I saw strong collection Boxes Being escorted by a Catholic

When Rev. Fr Edward Muwanga was the Parish Priest of Naggulu, I became the Leader of the Catholic
Charismatic Renewal Prayer Group of Naggulu and Leader of the Children’s Ministry. When Mother
Teresa died I unofficially made her the “PATRON” of the Children’s Ministry and I started seriously
imitating her in the following ways.

a) I made work became Prayer: Behind the Grotto, there was a thick bush which could hide
thieves and snakes. One Sunday, after the Prayer meeting, I asked two strong Charismatic Youth
if they could make work become Prayer by digging and clearing the bush and I would pay them
some money. They agreed, On Monday morning when people came for Mass, the place was dug
and clean. After Mass, the two Youth told me, that they came very early at 4:30 a.m. and did the
work while praying. Taking this initiative on my part, was an imitation of Mother Teresa.

b) Visit to Mulago Hospital: the Children’s Ministry visited Mulago Hospital and prayed with the
sick giving them sugar, soap and salt. The patients were very happy and surprised to see a group
of Catholic children involved in this exercise.

c) Rev. Fr. Muwanga as a needy: One day I took Rev. Fr. Muwanga that to Banda to a Carpentry
workshop, where I had gifts for him. We came back with the gifts. He Blessed the Gifts and they
are in use up to today. From that moment, rev, Fr Muwanga and I became great friends.

d) Clothing the Children: I began making uniform for the Children’s Ministry up to today so that
the Children may look smart.

Why do I do all this?

“LOVE FOR JESUS, I DO IT FOR JESUS”. If you serve the Church with this kind of reason you will never go
astray. This is how I have been imitating Mother Teresa.

Date: 29th September 2019


BY: Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune

Congratulations to our FIRST COMMUNICANTS. This is a great Day in your lives. Do you remember what
Jesus said? Well he said in the Gospel of John:

6: ’53 Jesus said to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and
drink his blood, you do not have life within you. 54 Whoever eats flesh and drinks my blood has eternal
life, and I will raise him on the last day.’

You see my dear children who are receiving your first Holy Communion today, that is why this is a great
day to you. We need to eat the flesh of Christ and drink his blood to have eternal life and to be raised on
the last day. Once again congratulations and please keep at it all your lives because it is not a one off! It
is not that after today and a couple of more years, you have taken the correct dose of the medicine for
eternal life. It is a life time exercise.

You see for me, now it is over sixty years ago and I am not shying away from Communion; this may be
sort of “bragging”, but I do this to keep reminding myself that I must do everything in my power and
most of all helped by the grace of God, to remain at it.

I still remember the great day of my First Holy Communion. My father could only afford the white shirt
although till the last day he had told us he would try to get a pair of shorts for the occasion. When this
did not materialize, my mother – as most of them always do – quickly did a few things on an old one,
washed it would be ready for the following morning.

Well it sort of dried overnight and the following day, the day for the ceremony, she woke up very early
dry-ironed it with “paasi ey’amanda” (flat iron using charcoal) and by the time I got up to walk to the
Parish and join my fellow first communicants, it was ready. God bless her and may she rest in eternal
peace. Breakfast and a five cents coin, for the “kabbo” were all ready. Accompanied by one of my elder
brothers, dressed up in a white shirt, grey pair of shorts and no shoes, I walked the three miles to Kisubi
parish Church for my first holy communion. All I can say is that the usual three-mile journey to the
parish, this time seemed to be a one-mile journey, because of the joy I felt for going to become a regular
receiver of Jesus in the Eucharist.

I urge our first communicants to rejoice in the day, but most importantly to remain recipients of Holy
Communion all their lives. Let them pray for the Grace of God to keep them that way. Amen.

Ntinda parish at 5 years

I could not attend the Mass at Ntinda last Sunday, because of our programme here which we could do
nothing to adjust. But I attended the second part and not a part to minimize.

They really prepared a big day! I was privileged to sit at the Archbishop’s table. Tell you we were in this
huge tent, filled with round tables for people of all walks of live big and small. A live Band was in
attendance nkugambye!! (My, my!).

God chose to bless the lunch hour with His blessings. The heavens opened and we had a real down pour.
Not that it affected us much in that huge tent, but water freely swept over our feet and cassocks as it
tried to find its way “downhill”.

We did not wait for the next phase of the function, so after we had partaken of the “usual-functions-of-
this nature-food”, we said farewell to Ntinda.

Liturgical environment Ministry

We are yet to establish the Ministry, but I am very confident that before the end of the year, we shall
have done so. There will be a marked improvement in the beauty of the worship space whether we shall
be still in our old church or in the parish hall.

Other upcoming activities

Those who will take leading roles in our Opening Ceremony of the Rosary, come Tuesday 1/10/1019, will
receive their parts today Sunday 29/9/2019. Please go through your parts for a smooth running of the

Please do not put the recitation of the rosary on hold during the St. Jude Novena. Both are compatible
like we find no problem in calling our Church Our lady and St. Jude. REMEMBER, REJOICE RENEW AND
DEEPEN OUR FAITH. (Novena theme).
Date: 8th December 2019


BY: Kasimiro Orwenyo

On the 1st January, 2015, Rev. Fr. Peter Katongole Byangwa was posted to Our lady and St. Jude Catholic
Parish, Naggulu, as a retired Priest, though he opted not to retire, but rather support the Parish as an
Assistant Parish Priest.

At the time of his posting, I was and still am the Leader of both Liturgy and The Children’s Ministry for
our parish. Fr Peter succumbed to heart failure and died on the 28 th November, 2019 at Mulago heart
Institute and was buried on the 29 th November, 2019, at Nsambya parish Cemetery. The Requiem Mass
was led by the Archbishop of Kampala, His Grace, Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga assisted by a good number
of Priests including our own Rev. Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune and Rev. Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune and Rev. Fr. Josep
Kaseeta. The Choir that led the singing, at the funeral Mass, was the Association of Choirs of Naggulu

When the parish Priest, Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune celebrated the Requiem Mass on Thursday 27/11/2019 at
7.00pm. at Naggulu, he thanked the choir for leading the congregation very well! Even at Nsambya
Parish, the same Choir sung unusually well. I would recommend the choir to maintain that spirit of unity
and build a strong, vibrant and united Choir of Naggulu, for the glory of God.

Rev. Fr. Peter Byangwa is gone and he is no longer with us! Is he forgotten and will he be forgotten by us
the Parishioners of Naggulu?

If he were to appear to me in a vision and ask, “kasimiro, for the five years I have been a Priest at
Naggulu, what do the people of Naggulu say I was? I would answer, “The people of Naggulu say,
whenever you were celebrating Mass, you didn’t a microphone; you were a quiet priest as well.”

What about the Youth of Naggulu? I would answer, “In May, 2019, the Youth organized a Novena of
Masses to prepare for the celebration of their Youth Day. On the 4 th day of the Novena, you were the
main celebrant and there were very few people in the Church. The Youth Say, you advised them to bring
more youth so that on the next day, the Church would be full. They will never ever forget you for that
priestly advice”.

What about the children of Naggulu? I would answer, “You know children don’t gossip, therefore, they
don’t say anything about you, but they are missing you because they had loved you as one of their

Lastly, now Kasimiro, you yourself, “who do you say I was? I would answer “Fr. Peter Byangwa, listen
carefully to my picture of you: You were a priest who didn’t need a microphone, when celebrating Mass.
You were also a quiet priest. Whenever I came to the Parish in the morning for Mass, you would
celebrate mass either at 6.30 a.m. or 7.00 am. After the Mass you would walk back to the Father’s House
in silence. But whenever I came to the Parish in the evening, I would see you silently walking around the
church up to the Grotto, kneel and say the Rosary at the Grotto, stand by the side of the Grotto and
admire the beauty of creation then walk back to the Fathers’ House in total silence. This to me seemed
like monastic life! The way you said the Rosary at the Grotto of Mother Mary on a daily basis inspired me
so much that I went and requested the Parish Priest if he could allow the Children’s Ministry to also say
the Rosary at the Grotto daily at 6.00 p.m. He had no objection, and since then we say the Rosary at the
Grotto on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 6.00 p.m., as well as the Rosary of the Seven
Sorrows on Tuesday and Friday at 5.30p.m. The Seminarian, Dennis Odiya leads us very well in those
prayers. On Sundays, you would mostly celebrate the 9:00 a.m. Luganda Mass.” That is my humble
reflection of who Fr. Peter was according to me.

We thank God for the gift of Fr. Byangwa. Please come and join us at the Grotto for the daily recitation
of the Rosary as per our programme indicated above.


 Every Thursday 5:30 p.m. Evening Prayers, adoration, Advent sermons.

 Penitential Service; Mon, 23 Dec. at 5:30 p.m. (Confessions: English, Luganda, Luo & Lugbara).
 Masses and Sacraments to the home bound in S.C Communities.


WED 11 DEC 9:00 a.m. ST. KIZITO
WED 18 DEC 9:00 a.m. ST CH. LWA
FRI 20 DEC 9:OO A.M. Nakawa


Perhaps you have heard the story of how hunters catch monkeys. They cut a small hole in the coconut,
just large enough for the monkey to put its hand in and fill it with a sweet treat, and leave it fixed under
a tree. The poor monkey smells the treat, squeeze its hand into the coconut, grabs the treat in its little
paw and finds that its first can’t come out through the hole. Since the monkey. We hold on to things that
imprison us. In order to get our hand out of the jar, regardless of what the jar is, we need to change. We
need to grow. We would like to think that we are smart enough to let go of something to gain our
freedom; however, the truth is that many of us hold on to things so tightly that we imprison ourselves.
We refuse to change because we are comfortable with what we have. To move forward in life,
sometimes we have. To move forward in life, sometimes we have to just let go of the past and move
ahead with confidence and Faith. During Advent, the Church challenges her children to free themselves
from the snares of the devil and prepare their hearts and lives for the rebirth of Jesus. (John Pichappilly
in The table of the lord; quoted by Fr. Botelho). Fr. Tony (
Date: 16th February, 2020


BY: Margaret Nakayenga – Group Leader

We the Super stars for the construction of Our Lady and St. Jude City with all the vigor and enthusiasm
for the construction of our new covenant of the Lord. We the super stars are ready for any sacrifice as
the super stars do in order to achieve their goals.

Why the name super stars?

We compare ourselves to the wise men from the East who were led by the bright star to Bethlehem
where Jesus was born, in that sense, we are ready to go an extra mile.

We also intend to be an example by joining hands to participate in the categorized activities. As many of
us know superstars in movies, the way they struggle and endeavor to do what is best of their
performance, we also bring in an extraordinary effort to allocate our struggles in this project.

Here are Some of Categorized Activities We Intend to Participate in

 Each devotee is given a cash collection form to raise at least 1 million shillings.
 Schools and Children Ministries to contribute 1000/= per term towards the church project etc.
 Mobilize all couples who wedded in Naggulu Parish to contribute towards the project.
 Churches, clinics and other businesses named after St. Jude to be requested to contribute at
least shs 100,000 towards the church project.
 Each member to invite their friends to church and support our project. Target to raise shs
 Mobilize Christians in their professional groups; culture/districts and in clans.

We believe that with the help of God and the intercession of Our Lady and St. Jude Thaddeus our patron
Saint we shall succeed. Amen.

Date: 16th February, 2020


BY: Kasimiro Orwenyo

Liturgy Department Welcomes Back Maria Salome

Our Sacristan and member of the Department of Liturgy, Maria Salome Nabukeera Kirabo, who had an
operation last month at Nsambya hospital, and has been recuperating in some safe place, is back with

We Thank God and the Doctors He used, for a successful operation. We also give thanks to Him for
taking her through a quiet, peaceful and life-restoring period of recuperation. May the same gracious
God reward all those who played a part in any way to make her treatment possible.
Maria Salome, we wish you a complete recovery and return to your post as a faithful servant of God
preparing the requisites for the celebration of our liturgies, most especially the Eucharist.

May God bless you protect you and give you a long life!


All those who fall under the Liturgy Department: Choirs, Readers, Sacristans, Decorators, Liturgy
Representatives of Communities etc……, are informed that there will be a Liturgy Workshop, conducted
by Kampala Archdiocese Liturgy Dept. here, on Sat. 29/02/2020 at 10:00 a.m.



After a successful completion of ‘Life in the Spirit Seminar’, I went for a three day’s retreat (Friday-
Sunday) at Emmaus Centre, a Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement training Centre in Uganda,
(Luweero-Katikamu) on Kampala – Gulu Rd.

The retreat ended on Sunday and after lunch everybody left for home except me who was stopped at
the gate and told to go back to the dormitory, where my bag was checked. Although there was nothing
amiss, I was told to stay and go the chapel at around 3.00 p.m. Without any explanation I, (the only one
left from my group) was kept at the Centre until Wednesday; occasionally told to go to the chapel. On
Wednesday, after Mass, I was told to have my breakfast with the Director. There was a poster on the
wall of the dining room reading: “GOOD MORNING JESUS, DID YOU SAY IT TODAY”. The Director, Fr.
Seavers, asked me whether I had greeted Jesus. My answer was no! He told me that it should always be
the first thing I do when I get up.

After breakfast, I was again told to go to the chapel. I was there until 11:30 a.m. Went to the dormitory,
looked at myself in the mirror, removed the line (luguudo) from my hair (it was on the left side of my
head) and combed my hair backwards. When I came out, I was told, now after lunch you can go back to
Kampala. As I was coming out of the gate, I met Fr. Anthony Musaala who remarked: “You now look
new”. Back in Kampala, all who knew me, looked at me, smiled and said’ “you now look new”. Once in
the privacy of my house, I looked at myself in a bigger mirror, smiled a little and all I could see was my
smile and dimples!

I thought I was really handsome with dimples and a line in my hair which made me very, very proud.
Now the line was gone and all the pride with it. I give thanks, praise and glory to God. At Emmaus Centre
it was “Let Go”. That night on my bed, as I was wondering how I would greet someone I do not see, this
came to me:

I picked up the Bible and found Mt. 28:20: “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”. So I
had my answer for greeting Jesus every morning.

I got a Spiritual book – JESUS IS CALLING – (given to me by Mr. John L. Musoke) and read the following:
Meet me in early morning splendor, I eagerly await you here …………… my presence with you is both a
promise and a protection …………. I am with you, I am with you, I am with you. I am taking care of you, as
you become increasingly aware of my presence, you find it easier to discern the way you should go and
thank me for my peaceful presence regardless of your feelings. And today when I reflect on the Kampala
that every morning I start afresh from Jesus. Fr. Seavers’ words were prophetic.

This is leads us to PART II; let us meet next Sunday.

“Think about your face and cut the homily.”

The story is told about a Pastor that got up in the pulpit and apologized for the Band-Aid on his face. He

“I was thinking about my homily while shaving and cut my face.”

Afterward the trustee found a note in the collection plate:

“Next time, think about your face and cut the homily.”
Date: 23rd February, 2020


BY: Kasimiro Orwenyo


Usually on YOUTH SUNDAY, the 5:00p.m. Mass is Celebrated by the Youth Chaplain, Fr. Joseph Kaseeta.
26th Jan, 2020 was youth Sunday. At 5 pm when I came to meet members of the Children’s Ministry I
heard the voice of the Parish Priest preaching. I asked myself, “What is the Parish Priest telling the Youth
today? I sat at the GROTTO and this is some of what I heard.

There is a need for both the youth and everybody, to participate more actively in PENITENTIAL SERVICES
whenever they are organized. So far the participation is poor. We need to come as a family and say to
our Father: “have mercy on us all for we have sinned, “this is not only for those who either at the
moment do not receive the sacraments or those who either frequent the confessional; it is for us all.

The Youth are doing GREAT WORK IN THIS Parish, but only a handful of them. There is still much to be
done to mobilize the big numbers of this powerful group and bring them aboard.

Jesus chose some fishermen to be his disciples and promised to make them fishers of men, something
he fulfilled. The youth have got to be fishers of their fellow youth. God is ready to make this possible if
we let him.

This same message had been given to the youth by the late Fr. Peter Byangwa when he celebrated one
of their Masses sometime last year.


ROBERT CARINAL SARAH, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the discipline of the
Sacraments Celebrated Mass in Munyonyo during the time of SECAM. Before delivering his homily. He
made some remarks of caution to the congregation gathered. He said: “Don’t Clap your hands, during

In his book entitled; THE POWER of SILENCE: Against the Dictatorship of Noise. He puts these questions,
“Can those who do not know silence ever attain TRUTH, BEAUTY, LOVE? All that is GREAT and CREATIVE
is formed by SILENCE. GOD IS SILENCE. “Sounds and emotions detach us from ourselves, whereas
SILENCE always forces man to REFLECT upon his own LIFE. “Why are MEN SO noisy DURING THE
LITURGIES while CHRIST’S Prayer was SILENT? He then wonders why do we not learn from Jesus, to
speak to God with a SILENT HEART.

According to the 2014 Homiletic Directory issued by the Congregation for Divine worship and the
Discipline of the Sacraments, the homily is an integral part of the Liturgy which is not only an instruction,
but also an act of worship. The homily is a hymn of gratitude for the ‘magnalia Dei’, which not only tells
those assembled that God’s Word is fulfilled in their hearing, but Praises God for this fulfillment. The
homily possesses a sacramental significance: Christ is present in the Assembly gathered to listen to his
Word and in the preaching of His Minister, through whom the same Lord who spoke long ago in the
synagogue at Nazareth now instructs His people. Therefore, a homily is not a piece of entertainment. It
is not a motivational Speech or a comedy store. It is not a site for counseling. A homily is not intended to
make the people laugh, clap, ululate and give a standing ovation at the end.

A homily is BEST LISTENED TO IN SILENCE AS GOD speaks to the depth of the hearts of the faithful
leading them to conversion. The best example is drawn from King David who prayed in Psalm 139:23-24,
“Search me, Oh God, and Know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts; And see if there be any wicked
way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting, “AMEN”. (From Munyonyo Martyrs Shrine Bulletin,
“ENSIGO”, message of Divine Mercy, Dec 2019).

Date: 2nd September, 2018



Fig. 1.


During their meeting on August 25 th 2018, member of Naggulu Parish St. Jude Devotion, resolved that
hence forth, their Sunday meetings, which have been beginning at 8:30 a.m. will be starting after the
first Mass. Time will depend on the duration of the Mass.

They also agreed, that in order to give enough time for deliberations, and at the same time let members
attend Sunday Mass, on the “meeting Sundays” (2 nd and 4th Sunday), the second Mass is out for
members. We will have to attend either the first Mass or any of the other four Masses [10:30; Luo,
Lugbara or 5:00 p.m.].

All members and those who would like to join are urged to follow this arrangement.


The Secretary to St. Jude Devotion, Ms Winnie Namatovu, was admitted at China Uganda Friendship
Hospital Naggulu on Tuesday, last week. By the time we “went to press” she was still undergoing
treatment in the women surgical ward.

May the Lord grant her a quick recovery.

Fig. 2:

Pope Entrusts All Families to the Holy Family’s Protection, Ahead of Next World Meeting of Families in
Rome in 2021.

Zenit August 29, 2018

(By Deborah Castellano Lubov)

Pope Francis has said that while we respect everyone, in all their unique situations, including the
divorced and separated, that we must not forget that the ideal is the united family.
He stressed this during his weekly General Audience Aug. 29, held in St. Peter’s Square, as the reflected
on his Aug.25-26, Apostolic Visit to Ireland, for the occasion of the 9 th World Meeting of Families
(WMOF) in Dublin.

The pope noted that he went on this trip to confirm the Christian families in their vocation and mission.
He said the World Meeting of Families in Dublin, was a prophetic, comforting experience of many
families engaged in the Gospel way of marriage and family life; disciples and missionaries, ferment of
goodness, holiness, justice and peace.

“We forget so many families that go on with faithfulness and courage. We forget it because today it is
fashionable to talk about divorces and separations and this is a bad thing. I respect everything, but this is
not ideal, the ideal is not separation, but a united family!”

The thousands of families – spouses, grandparents, children – gathered in Dublin, with all the variety of
their languages, cultures and experiences, he noted, have been “an eloquent sign of the beauty of God’s
dream for the entire human family.” We know that God’s dream is unity, harmony and peace, in families
and in the world. God calls families to participate in this dream. What He wants is that nobody is alone,
nobody is unwanted, nobody is excluded.”

Pope Francis said that the theme of this World Meeting was very appropriate: “The Gospel of the
Family, Joy for the World.”

The Pope recalled the testimonies of conjugal love given by couples of all ages. “Their stories have
reminded us that the love of marriage is a special gift from God, to be cultivated every day in the
‘domestic church’ that is the family.”

He said that the world badly needs a revolution of love, of tenderness! Which, he emphasized, begins in
the heart of the family!”

The value of communication between generations and the specific role of grandparents in consolidating
family ties and transmitting the treasure of faith, he noted, too, are so important.

“The next World Meeting will be held here in Rome in 2021, get ready!” Pope Francis said, praying: “Let
us entrust all families all to the protection of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, so that in their
homes, parishes and communities, they can truly be ‘joy for the world.”

On the 18th February, 2018, we made a pilgrimage to the Munyonyo martyrs shrine, it was a great
experience because we learnt a lot about our Uganda martyrs; like Denis Ssebugwawo, Andrea Kaggwa
(Kahwa) and Pontiano Nngondwe. We were told of how they were martyred. I was touched by
Ssebugwawo’s account, because he was speared by the king himself. What a brave and faithful
youngman he was before God; that he confessed his faith to the king without any trembling!

Now that’s not the issue here, the point I want to put across here is that we were given prayer partners
while over there. Yes, that’s true, even Fr. Kaseeta, our chaplain himself, got a prayer partner. Are you
still in contact? Are they still coming to church? Did you get their contacts? “Aahaa” do you even still
remember their faces? Sorry that am being so inquisitive but the truth is, those prayer partners were
not given for formality, that is the first step to testing as a disciple of Christ “as my father has sent me, I
send you too” if that little assignment you couldn’t fulfill then will God really trust you with his bigger
assignments? Anyway that’s left between you and your God.
May be someone is asking themselves why is she squeezing for such a thing, is she doing her part?

Yes, I am. Me and my prayer partner KIWALABYE PAUL are very good friends of recent. He knows where
I stay and so do I. We make sure that we get at least a minute with each other every Sunday, if I don’t
see him I will wait for the next Mass in order to meet him. But earlier on, this wasn’t really the case, we
used to meet and interact and whenever I didn’t see him at Mass it wasn’t it wasn’t a big deal; but not
until when he disappeared for over a month; and even unreachable by telephone. This got me worried,
you know.

Whenever I could ask his neighbors and friends about him, their replies weren’t appealing to my ears
until one day I took a step and went up to his workplace to find out for myself. To my relief, I found him!

He was excited to see me, and he almost cried out with joy. He said, “Judith, I didn’t know that you
really cared for my spiritual wellbeing like this, thank you for coming”. He told me how he has been so
busy and very many other things. From then he has never missed coming to church; and even when he
is not able to make it he calls to tell me so. Little did I know that he needed a real a friend to support him
in his faith as a Catholic.

There are many things about our liturgy that he wasn’t aware about; and I have given him some
guidance to the best of my ability.

My next step is to find a way of bringing him for bible sharing every Wednesday at 6:00pm.

I am pleased to be in this spiritual journey with my prayer partner; I pray you do the same with yours.

God bless you all. Judith Awilo

Judith is the Head of Publicity Naggulu Perish Youth Apostolate.

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