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[6]: # import python libraries

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # visualizing data
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns

In [7]: # import csv file

df = pd.read_csv('Diwali Sales Data.csv', encoding= 'unicode_escape')

In [8]: df.shape

Out[8]: (11251, 15)

In [5]: df.head()

Out[5]: Age
User_ID Cust_name Product_ID Gender Age Marital_Status State Zone Occupation Product_Category Orders Amount Status

0 1002903 Sanskriti P00125942 F 26-35 28 0 Maharashtra Western Healthcare Auto 1 23952.0 NaN

1 1000732 Kartik P00110942 F 26-35 35 1 Andhra Pradesh Southern Govt Auto 3 23934.0 NaN

2 1001990 Bindu P00118542 F 26-35 35 1 Uttar Pradesh Central Automobile Auto 3 23924.0 NaN

3 1001425 Sudevi P00237842 M 0-17 16 0 Karnataka Southern Construction Auto 2 23912.0 NaN

4 1000588 Joni P00057942 M 26-35 28 1 Gujarat Western Auto 2 23877.0 NaN

In [5]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 11251 entries, 0 to 11250
Data columns (total 15 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 User_ID 11251 non-null int64
1 Cust_name 11251 non-null object
2 Product_ID 11251 non-null object
3 Gender 11251 non-null object
4 Age Group 11251 non-null object
5 Age 11251 non-null int64
6 Marital_Status 11251 non-null int64
7 State 11251 non-null object
8 Zone 11251 non-null object
9 Occupation 11251 non-null object
10 Product_Category 11251 non-null object
11 Orders 11251 non-null int64
12 Amount 11239 non-null float64
13 Status 0 non-null float64
14 unnamed1 0 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(3), int64(4), object(8)
memory usage: 1.3+ MB

In [6]: #drop unrelated/blank columns

df.drop(['Status', 'unnamed1'], axis=1, inplace=True)

In [7]: #check for null values


Out[7]: User_ID 0
Cust_name 0
Product_ID 0
Gender 0
Age Group 0
Age 0
Marital_Status 0
State 0
Zone 0
Occupation 0
Product_Category 0
Orders 0
Amount 12
dtype: int64

In [8]: # drop null values


In [9]: # change data type

df['Amount'] = df['Amount'].astype('int')

In [10]: df['Amount'].dtypes

Out[10]: dtype('int32')

In [11]: df.columns

Out[11]: Index(['User_ID', 'Cust_name', 'Product_ID', 'Gender', 'Age Group', 'Age',

'Marital_Status', 'State', 'Zone', 'Occupation', 'Product_Category',
'Orders', 'Amount'],

In [12]: #rename column

df.rename(columns= {'Marital_Status':'Shaadi'})

Out[12]: Age
User_ID Cust_name Product_ID Gender Age Shaadi State Zone Occupation Product_Category Orders Amount

0 1002903 Sanskriti P00125942 F 26-35 28 0 Maharashtra Western Healthcare Auto 1 23952

1 1000732 Kartik P00110942 F 26-35 35 1 Andhra Pradesh Southern Govt Auto 3 23934

2 1001990 Bindu P00118542 F 26-35 35 1 Uttar Pradesh Central Automobile Auto 3 23924

3 1001425 Sudevi P00237842 M 0-17 16 0 Karnataka Southern Construction Auto 2 23912

4 1000588 Joni P00057942 M 26-35 28 1 Gujarat Western Auto 2 23877

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11246 1000695 Manning P00296942 M 18-25 19 1 Maharashtra Western Chemical Office 4 370

11247 1004089 Reichenbach P00171342 M 26-35 33 0 Haryana Northern Healthcare Veterinary 3 367

11248 1001209 Oshin P00201342 F 36-45 40 0 Central Textile Office 4 213

11249 1004023 Noonan P00059442 M 36-45 37 0 Karnataka Southern Agriculture Office 3 206

11250 1002744 Brumley P00281742 F 18-25 19 0 Maharashtra Western Healthcare Office 3 188

11239 rows × 13 columns

In [13]: # describe() method returns description of the data in the DataFrame (i.e. count, mean, std, etc)

Out[13]: User_ID Age Marital_Status Orders Amount

count 1.123900e+04 11239.000000 11239.000000 11239.000000 11239.000000

mean 1.003004e+06 35.410357 0.420055 2.489634 9453.610553

std 1.716039e+03 12.753866 0.493589 1.114967 5222.355168

min 1.000001e+06 12.000000 0.000000 1.000000 188.000000

25% 1.001492e+06 27.000000 0.000000 2.000000 5443.000000

50% 1.003064e+06 33.000000 0.000000 2.000000 8109.000000

75% 1.004426e+06 43.000000 1.000000 3.000000 12675.000000

max 1.006040e+06 92.000000 1.000000 4.000000 23952.000000

In [14]: # use describe() for specific columns

df[['Age', 'Orders', 'Amount']].describe()

Out[14]: Age Orders Amount

count 11239.000000 11239.000000 11239.000000

mean 35.410357 2.489634 9453.610553

std 12.753866 1.114967 5222.355168

min 12.000000 1.000000 188.000000

25% 27.000000 2.000000 5443.000000

50% 33.000000 2.000000 8109.000000

75% 43.000000 3.000000 12675.000000

max 92.000000 4.000000 23952.000000

Exploratory Data Analysis

In [15]: # plotting a bar chart for Gender and it's count

ax = sns.countplot(x = 'Gender',data = df)

for bars in ax.containers:


In [16]: # plotting a bar chart for gender vs total amount

sales_gen = df.groupby(['Gender'], as_index=False)['Amount'].sum().sort_values(by='Amount', ascending=False)

sns.barplot(x = 'Gender',y= 'Amount' ,data = sales_gen)

Out[16]: <Axes: xlabel='Gender', ylabel='Amount'>

From above graphs we can see that most of the buyers are females and even the purchasing power of females are greater than men

In [17]: ax = sns.countplot(data = df, x = 'Age Group', hue = 'Gender')

for bars in ax.containers:


In [6]: # Total Amount vs Age Group

sales_age = df.groupby(['Age Group'], as_index=False)['Amount'].sum().sort_values(by='Amount', ascending=False)

sns.barplot(x = 'Age Group',y= 'Amount' ,data = sales_age)

Out[6]: <Axes: xlabel='Age Group', ylabel='Amount'>

From above graphs we can see that most of the buyers are of age group between 26-35 yrs female

In [19]: # total number of orders from top 10 states

sales_state = df.groupby(['State'], as_index=False)['Orders'].sum().sort_values(by='Orders', ascending=False).head(10)

sns.barplot(data = sales_state, x = 'State',y= 'Orders')

Out[19]: <Axes: xlabel='State', ylabel='Orders'>

In [20]: # total amount/sales from top 10 states

sales_state = df.groupby(['State'], as_index=False)['Amount'].sum().sort_values(by='Amount', ascending=False).head(10)

sns.barplot(data = sales_state, x = 'State',y= 'Amount')

Out[20]: <Axes: xlabel='State', ylabel='Amount'>

From above graphs we can see that most of the orders & total sales/amount are from Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka respectively

Marital Status
In [21]: ax = sns.countplot(data = df, x = 'Marital_Status')

for bars in ax.containers:

In [22]: sales_state = df.groupby(['Marital_Status', 'Gender'], as_index=False)['Amount'].sum().sort_values(by='Amount', ascending=False)

sns.barplot(data = sales_state, x = 'Marital_Status',y= 'Amount', hue='Gender')

Out[22]: <Axes: xlabel='Marital_Status', ylabel='Amount'>

From above graphs we can see that most of the buyers are married (women) and they have high purchasing power

In [23]: sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize':(20,5)})
ax = sns.countplot(data = df, x = 'Occupation')

for bars in ax.containers:


In [24]: sales_state = df.groupby(['Occupation'], as_index=False)['Amount'].sum().sort_values(by='Amount', ascending=False)

sns.barplot(data = sales_state, x = 'Occupation',y= 'Amount')

Out[24]: <Axes: xlabel='Occupation', ylabel='Amount'>

From above graphs we can see that most of the buyers are working in IT, Healthcare and Aviation sector

Product Category
In [25]: sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize':(20,5)})
ax = sns.countplot(data = df, x = 'Product_Category')

for bars in ax.containers:


In [26]: sales_state = df.groupby(['Product_Category'], as_index=False)['Amount'].sum().sort_values(by='Amount', ascending=False).head(10)

sns.barplot(data = sales_state, x = 'Product_Category',y= 'Amount')

Out[26]: <Axes: xlabel='Product_Category', ylabel='Amount'>

From above graphs we can see that most of the sold products are from Food, Clothing and Electronics category

In [27]: sales_state = df.groupby(['Product_ID'], as_index=False)['Orders'].sum().sort_values(by='Orders', ascending=False).head(10)

sns.barplot(data = sales_state, x = 'Product_ID',y= 'Orders')

Out[27]: <Axes: xlabel='Product_ID', ylabel='Orders'>

In [28]: # top 10 most sold products (same thing as above)

fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,7))


Out[28]: <Axes: xlabel='Product_ID'>

In [15]: import pandas as pd

In [16]: df=pd.read_csv('Boston.csv')

In [17]: df

Out[17]: Unnamed: 0 crim zn indus chas nox rm age dis rad tax ptratio black lstat medv

0 1 0.00632 18.0 2.31 0 0.538 6.575 65.2 4.0900 1 296 15.3 396.90 4.98 24.0

1 2 0.02731 0.0 7.07 0 0.469 6.421 78.9 4.9671 2 242 17.8 396.90 9.14 21.6

2 3 0.02729 0.0 7.07 0 0.469 7.185 61.1 4.9671 2 242 17.8 392.83 4.03 34.7

3 4 0.03237 0.0 2.18 0 0.458 6.998 45.8 6.0622 3 222 18.7 394.63 2.94 33.4

4 5 0.06905 0.0 2.18 0 0.458 7.147 54.2 6.0622 3 222 18.7 396.90 5.33 36.2

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

501 502 0.06263 0.0 11.93 0 0.573 6.593 69.1 2.4786 1 273 21.0 391.99 9.67 22.4

502 503 0.04527 0.0 11.93 0 0.573 6.120 76.7 2.2875 1 273 21.0 396.90 9.08 20.6

503 504 0.06076 0.0 11.93 0 0.573 6.976 91.0 2.1675 1 273 21.0 396.90 5.64 23.9

504 505 0.10959 0.0 11.93 0 0.573 6.794 89.3 2.3889 1 273 21.0 393.45 6.48 22.0

505 506 0.04741 0.0 11.93 0 0.573 6.030 80.8 2.5050 1 273 21.0 396.90 7.88 11.9

506 rows × 15 columns

In [18]: df.head()

Out[18]: Unnamed: 0 crim zn indus chas nox rm age dis rad tax ptratio black lstat medv

0 1 0.00632 18.0 2.31 0 0.538 6.575 65.2 4.0900 1 296 15.3 396.90 4.98 24.0

1 2 0.02731 0.0 7.07 0 0.469 6.421 78.9 4.9671 2 242 17.8 396.90 9.14 21.6

2 3 0.02729 0.0 7.07 0 0.469 7.185 61.1 4.9671 2 242 17.8 392.83 4.03 34.7

3 4 0.03237 0.0 2.18 0 0.458 6.998 45.8 6.0622 3 222 18.7 394.63 2.94 33.4

4 5 0.06905 0.0 2.18 0 0.458 7.147 54.2 6.0622 3 222 18.7 396.90 5.33 36.2

In [19]: #import data

#output data

In [21]: x.shape

Out[21]: (506, 14)

In [23]: import sklearn as sk

In [24]: from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

In [43]: x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test=train_test_split(x,y,random_state=0,test_size=0.25)

In [44]: x_train

Out[44]: Unnamed: 0 crim zn indus chas nox rm age dis rad tax ptratio black lstat

245 246 0.19133 22.0 5.86 0 0.431 5.605 70.2 7.9549 7 330 19.1 389.13 18.46

59 60 0.10328 25.0 5.13 0 0.453 5.927 47.2 6.9320 8 284 19.7 396.90 9.22

276 277 0.10469 40.0 6.41 1 0.447 7.267 49.0 4.7872 4 254 17.6 389.25 6.05

395 396 8.71675 0.0 18.10 0 0.693 6.471 98.8 1.7257 24 666 20.2 391.98 17.12

416 417 10.83420 0.0 18.10 0 0.679 6.782 90.8 1.8195 24 666 20.2 21.57 25.79

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

323 324 0.28392 0.0 7.38 0 0.493 5.708 74.3 4.7211 5 287 19.6 391.13 11.74

192 193 0.08664 45.0 3.44 0 0.437 7.178 26.3 6.4798 5 398 15.2 390.49 2.87

117 118 0.15098 0.0 10.01 0 0.547 6.021 82.6 2.7474 6 432 17.8 394.51 10.30

47 48 0.22927 0.0 6.91 0 0.448 6.030 85.5 5.6894 3 233 17.9 392.74 18.80

172 173 0.13914 0.0 4.05 0 0.510 5.572 88.5 2.5961 5 296 16.6 396.90 14.69

379 rows × 14 columns

In [45]: x_train.head()

Out[45]: Unnamed: 0 crim zn indus chas nox rm age dis rad tax ptratio black lstat

245 246 0.19133 22.0 5.86 0 0.431 5.605 70.2 7.9549 7 330 19.1 389.13 18.46

59 60 0.10328 25.0 5.13 0 0.453 5.927 47.2 6.9320 8 284 19.7 396.90 9.22

276 277 0.10469 40.0 6.41 1 0.447 7.267 49.0 4.7872 4 254 17.6 389.25 6.05

395 396 8.71675 0.0 18.10 0 0.693 6.471 98.8 1.7257 24 666 20.2 391.98 17.12

416 417 10.83420 0.0 18.10 0 0.679 6.782 90.8 1.8195 24 666 20.2 21.57 25.79

In [46]: x_train.shape

Out[46]: (379, 14)

In [47]: x_test.shape

Out[47]: (127, 14)

In [49]: from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

#import the class
#Create the object

In [50]:,y_train)

Out[50]: ▾ LinearRegression


In [51]: regressor.coef_

Out[51]: array([-6.86626589e-04, -1.18114875e-01, 4.45457552e-02, -5.73095686e-03,

2.40076954e+00, -1.55582202e+01, 3.77695509e+00, -7.50684159e-03,
-1.43843147e+00, 2.45150451e-01, -1.10818418e-02, -9.85916565e-01,
8.44873594e-03, -4.99309080e-01])

In [52]: regressor.intercept_

Out[52]: 36.950771141093725

In [53]: #predictions

In [54]: y_pred.shape

Out[54]: (127,)

In [55]: result=pd.DataFrame({'Actual':y_test,'Producted':y_pred})

In [56]: result

Out[56]: Actual Producted

329 22.6 24.888928

371 50.0 23.651784

219 23.0 29.171382

403 8.3 11.960815

78 21.2 21.421473

... ... ...

49 19.4 17.587109

498 21.2 21.311314

309 20.3 23.534179

124 18.8 20.269959

306 33.4 35.110222

127 rows × 2 columns

In [57]: residual_errors=abs(y_test-y_pred)

In [58]: residual_errors

Out[58]: 329 2.288928

371 26.348216
219 6.171382
403 3.660815
78 0.221473
49 1.812891
498 0.111314
309 3.234179
124 1.469959
306 1.710222
Name: medv, Length: 127, dtype: float64

In [59]: residual_errors;

In [60]: # mean absolute error


Out[60]: 3.660052718913954

In [61]: from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_percentage_error

In [62]: mean_absolute_percentage_error(y_test,y_pred)

Out[62]: 0.175030596645347

In [63]: regressor.score(x_test,y_test)

Out[63]: 0.6367909663749035

In [64]: from sklearn.metrics import r2_score


Out[64]: 0.6367909663749035

In [69]: new=[[0.7258,0,8.64,0,0.538,5.727,69.6,3.7965,4,307,22,391.95,11.28,23.65]]

In [70]: new

Out[70]: [[0.7258,

In [72]: regressor.predict(new)

C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sklearn\ UserWarning: X does not have valid featur

e names, but LinearRegression was fitted with feature names
Out[72]: array([-116.50728407])

In [86]: import pandas as pd

In [90]: df=pd.read_csv('Social_Network_Ads.csv')

In [91]: df

Out[91]: User ID Gender Age EstimatedSalary Purchased

0 15624510 Male 19 19000 0

1 15810944 Male 35 20000 0

2 15668575 Female 26 43000 0

3 15603246 Female 27 57000 0

4 15804002 Male 19 76000 0

... ... ... ... ... ...

395 15691863 Female 46 41000 1

396 15706071 Male 51 23000 1

397 15654296 Female 50 20000 1

398 15755018 Male 36 33000 0

399 15594041 Female 49 36000 1

400 rows × 5 columns

In [92]: #input data

#output data

In [93]: from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

scaler = MinMaxScaler()
x_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(x)

In [83]: from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

In [95]: #cross. validation

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x_scaled,y,random_state=0,test_size=0.25)

In [84]: #create the object

classifier= LogisticRegression()

In [96]: x_train

Out[96]: array([[0.61904762, 0.17777778],

[0.33333333, 0.77777778],
[0.47619048, 0.25925926],
[0.33333333, 0.88888889],
[0.80952381, 0.04444444],
[0.83333333, 0.65925926],
[0.5 , 0.2 ],
[0.47619048, 0.34074074],
[0.42857143, 0.25925926],
[0.42857143, 0.35555556],
[0.4047619 , 0.07407407],
[0.4047619 , 0.25925926],
[0.57142857, 0.42962963],
[0.69047619, 0.25185185],
[0.97619048, 0.1037037 ],
[0.73809524, 0.37037037],
[0.64285714, 0.85925926],
[0.30952381, 0.54814815],
[0.66666667, 0.4962963 ],
[0.69047619, 0.26666667],
[0.19047619, 0. ],
[1. , 0.64444444],
[0.47619048, 0.71851852],
[0.52380952, 0.68148148],
[0.57142857, 0.28148148],
[0.4047619 , 0.32592593],
[0.71428571, 0.19259259],
[0.71428571, 0.88148148],
[0.47619048, 0.72592593],
[0.26190476, 0.98518519],
[0.19047619, 0. ],
[1. , 0.2 ],
[0.14285714, 0.02962963],
[0.57142857, 0.99259259],
[0.66666667, 0.6 ],
[0.23809524, 0.32592593],
[0.5 , 0.6 ],
[0.23809524, 0.54814815],
[0.54761905, 0.42222222],
[0.64285714, 0.08148148],
[0.35714286, 0.4 ],
[0.04761905, 0.4962963 ],
[0.30952381, 0.43703704],
[0.57142857, 0.48148148],
[0.4047619 , 0.42222222],
[0.35714286, 0.99259259],
[0.52380952, 0.41481481],
[0.78571429, 0.97037037],
[0.66666667, 0.47407407],
[0.4047619 , 0.44444444],
[0.47619048, 0.26666667],
[0.42857143, 0.44444444],
[0.45238095, 0.46666667],
[0.47619048, 0.34074074],
[1. , 0.68888889],
[0.04761905, 0.4962963 ],
[0.92857143, 0.43703704],
[0.57142857, 0.37037037],
[0.19047619, 0.48148148],
[0.66666667, 0.75555556],
[0.4047619 , 0.34074074],
[0.07142857, 0.39259259],
[0.23809524, 0.21481481],
[0.54761905, 0.53333333],
[0.45238095, 0.13333333],
[0.21428571, 0.55555556],
[0.5 , 0.2 ],
[0.23809524, 0.8 ],
[0.30952381, 0.76296296],
[0.16666667, 0.53333333],
[0.4047619 , 0.41481481],
[0.45238095, 0.40740741],
[0.4047619 , 0.17777778],
[0.69047619, 0.05925926],
[0.4047619 , 0.97777778],
[0.71428571, 0.91111111],
[0.19047619, 0.52592593],
[0.16666667, 0.47407407],
[0.80952381, 0.91111111],
[0.78571429, 0.05925926],
[0.4047619 , 0.33333333],
[0.35714286, 0.72592593],
[0.28571429, 0.68148148],
[0.71428571, 0.13333333],
[0.54761905, 0.48148148],
[0.71428571, 0.6 ],
[0.30952381, 0.02222222],
[0.30952381, 0.41481481],
[0.5952381 , 0.84444444],
[0.97619048, 0.45185185],
[0. , 0.21481481],
[0.42857143, 0.76296296],
[0.57142857, 0.55555556],
[0.69047619, 0.11111111],
[0.19047619, 0.20740741],
[0.52380952, 0.46666667],
[0.66666667, 0.32592593],
[0.97619048, 0.2 ],
[0.66666667, 0.43703704],
[0.4047619 , 0.56296296],
[0.23809524, 0.32592593],
[0.52380952, 0.31111111],
[0.97619048, 0.94814815],
[0.92857143, 0.08148148],
[0.80952381, 0.17037037],
[0.69047619, 0.72592593],
[0.83333333, 0.94814815],
[0.4047619 , 0.08888889],
[0.95238095, 0.63703704],
[0.64285714, 0.22222222],
[0.11904762, 0.4962963 ],
[0.66666667, 0.05925926],
[0.57142857, 0.37037037],
[0.23809524, 0.51111111],
[0.47619048, 0.32592593],
[0.19047619, 0.51111111],
[0.26190476, 0.0962963 ],
[0.45238095, 0.41481481],
[0.0952381 , 0.2962963 ],
[0.71428571, 0.14814815],
[0.73809524, 0.0962963 ],
[0.47619048, 0.37037037],
[0.21428571, 0.01481481],
[0.66666667, 0.0962963 ],
[0.71428571, 0.93333333],
[0.19047619, 0.01481481],
[0.4047619 , 0.60740741],
[0.5 , 0.32592593],
[0.14285714, 0.08888889],
[0.33333333, 0.02222222],
[0.66666667, 0.54074074],
[0.4047619 , 0.31851852],
[0.9047619 , 0.33333333],
[0.69047619, 0.14074074],
[0.52380952, 0.42222222],
[0.33333333, 0.62962963],
[0.02380952, 0.04444444],
[0.16666667, 0.55555556],
[0.4047619 , 0.54074074],
[0.23809524, 0.12592593],
[0.76190476, 0.03703704],
[0.52380952, 0.32592593],
[0.76190476, 0.21481481],
[0.4047619 , 0.42222222],
[0.52380952, 0.94074074],
[0.66666667, 0.12592593],
[0.5 , 0.41481481],
[0.04761905, 0.43703704],
[0.26190476, 0.44444444],
[0.30952381, 0.45185185],
[0.69047619, 0.07407407],
[0.52380952, 0.34074074],
[0.38095238, 0.71851852],
[0.47619048, 0.48148148],
[0.57142857, 0.44444444],
[0.69047619, 0.23703704],
[0.5 , 0.44444444],
[0.02380952, 0.07407407],
[0.45238095, 0.48148148],
[0.42857143, 0.33333333],
[0.54761905, 0.27407407],
[0.42857143, 0.81481481],
[0.71428571, 0.1037037 ],
[0.42857143, 0.82222222],
[0.78571429, 0.88148148],
[0.21428571, 0.31111111],
[0.47619048, 0.41481481],
[0.5 , 0.34074074],
[0.0952381 , 0.08888889],
[0.35714286, 0.33333333],
[0.71428571, 0.43703704],
[0.95238095, 0.05925926],
[0.83333333, 0.42222222],
[0.33333333, 0.75555556],
[0.85714286, 0.40740741],
[0.28571429, 0.48148148],
[0.95238095, 0.59259259],
[0.19047619, 0.27407407],
[0.64285714, 0.47407407],
[0.14285714, 0.2962963 ],
[0.52380952, 0.44444444],
[0.35714286, 0.0962963 ],
[0.61904762, 0.91851852],
[0.0952381 , 0.02222222],
[0.35714286, 0.26666667],
[0.5952381 , 0.87407407],
[0.14285714, 0.12592593],
[0.66666667, 0.05185185],
[0.4047619 , 0.2962963 ],
[0.85714286, 0.65925926],
[0.71428571, 0.77037037],
[0.4047619 , 0.28148148],
[0.45238095, 0.95555556],
[0.11904762, 0.37777778],
[0.45238095, 0.9037037 ],
[0.30952381, 0.31851852],
[0.35714286, 0.19259259],
[0.64285714, 0.05185185],
[0.28571429, 0. ],
[0.02380952, 0.02962963],
[0.73809524, 0.43703704],
[0.5 , 0.79259259],
[0.4047619 , 0.42962963],
[0.5 , 0.41481481],
[0.14285714, 0.05925926],
[0.54761905, 0.42222222],
[0.26190476, 0.5037037 ],
[0.85714286, 0.08148148],
[0.4047619 , 0.21481481],
[0.45238095, 0.44444444],
[0.26190476, 0.23703704],
[0.30952381, 0.39259259],
[0.57142857, 0.28888889],
[0.28571429, 0.88888889],
[0.80952381, 0.73333333],
[0.76190476, 0.15555556],
[0.9047619 , 0.87407407],
[0.26190476, 0.34074074],
[0.28571429, 0.54814815],
[0.19047619, 0.00740741],
[0.35714286, 0.11851852],
[0.54761905, 0.42222222],
[0.42857143, 0.13333333],
[0.88095238, 0.81481481],
[0.71428571, 0.85925926],
[0.54761905, 0.41481481],
[0.28571429, 0.34814815],
[0.45238095, 0.42222222],
[0.54761905, 0.35555556],
[0.95238095, 0.23703704],
[0.28571429, 0.74814815],
[0.04761905, 0.25185185],
[0.45238095, 0.43703704],
[0.54761905, 0.32592593],
[0.73809524, 0.54814815],
[0.23809524, 0.47407407],
[0.83333333, 0.4962963 ],
[0.52380952, 0.31111111],
[1. , 0.14074074],
[0.4047619 , 0.68888889],
[0.07142857, 0.42222222],
[0.47619048, 0.41481481],
[0.5 , 0.67407407],
[0.45238095, 0.31111111],
[0.19047619, 0.42222222],
[0.4047619 , 0.05925926],
[0.85714286, 0.68888889],
[0.28571429, 0.01481481],
[0.5 , 0.88148148],
[0.26190476, 0.20740741],
[0.35714286, 0.20740741],
[0.4047619 , 0.17037037],
[0.54761905, 0.22222222],
[0.54761905, 0.42222222],
[0.5 , 0.88148148],
[0.21428571, 0.9037037 ],
[0.07142857, 0.00740741],
[0.19047619, 0.12592593],
[0.30952381, 0.37777778],
[0.5 , 0.42962963],
[0.54761905, 0.47407407],
[0.69047619, 0.25925926],
[0.54761905, 0.11111111],
[0.45238095, 0.57777778],
[1. , 0.22962963],
[0.16666667, 0.05185185],
[0.23809524, 0.16296296],
[0.47619048, 0.2962963 ],
[0.42857143, 0.28888889],
[0.04761905, 0.15555556],
[0.9047619 , 0.65925926],
[0.52380952, 0.31111111],
[0.57142857, 0.68888889],
[0.04761905, 0.05925926],
[0.52380952, 0.37037037],
[0.69047619, 0.03703704],
[0. , 0.52592593],
[0.4047619 , 0.47407407],
[0.92857143, 0.13333333],
[0.38095238, 0.42222222],
[0.73809524, 0.17777778],
[0.21428571, 0.11851852],
[0.02380952, 0.40740741],
[0.5 , 0.47407407],
[0.19047619, 0.48888889],
[0.16666667, 0.48148148],
[0.23809524, 0.51851852],
[0.88095238, 0.17777778],
[0.76190476, 0.54074074],
[0.73809524, 0.54074074],
[0.80952381, 1. ],
[0.4047619 , 0.37037037],
[0.57142857, 0.28888889],
[0.38095238, 0.20740741],
[0.45238095, 0.27407407],
[0.71428571, 0.11111111],
[0.26190476, 0.20740741],
[0.42857143, 0.27407407],
[0.21428571, 0.28888889],
[0.19047619, 0.76296296]])

In [97]: y_train

Out[97]: 250 0
63 1
312 0
159 1
283 1
323 1
192 0
117 0
47 0
172 0
Name: Purchased, Length: 300, dtype: int64

In [98]: from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

In [99]: #creat the object

classifier = LogisticRegression()

In [100…,y_train)

Out[100]: ▾ LogisticRegression


In [102… #predication
y_pred = classifier.predict(x_test)

In [101… y_train.shape

Out[101]: (300,)

In [103… x_train.shape

Out[103]: (300, 2)

In [104… y_pred

Out[104]: array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1,
0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], dtype=int64)

In [105… y_test

Out[105]: 132 0
309 0
341 0
196 0
246 0
146 1
135 0
390 1
264 1
364 1
Name: Purchased, Length: 100, dtype: int64

In [106… from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score


Out[106]: 0.89

In [108… from sklearn.metrics import classification_report

In [109… print(classification_report(y_test,y_pred))

precision recall f1-score support

0 0.87 0.99 0.92 68

1 0.96 0.69 0.80 32

accuracy 0.89 100

macro avg 0.91 0.84 0.86 100
weighted avg 0.90 0.89 0.88 100

In [110… new1=[[26,34000]]

In [111… classifier.predict(scaler.transform(new1))

C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sklearn\ UserWarning: X does not have valid featur

e names, but MinMaxScaler was fitted with feature names
Out[111]: array([0], dtype=int64)

In [112… classifier.predict(scaler.transform(new2))

C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sklearn\ UserWarning: X does not have valid featur

e names, but MinMaxScaler was fitted with feature names
Out[112]: array([1], dtype=int64)

In [ ]:

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