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1. The juvenile stage is characterized by__________.

A. Conspiracy, Competition, Chumpship

B. Cooperation, Communication, Kindness
C. Competition, Compromise, cooperation
D. Consensus, Compromise, Chumpship
2. As Sullivan did his therapy, he saw his role as that of___________.
A. Best Friend
B. Detached Adviser
C. Father Adviser
D. Participant Adviser
3. All of the following are the goals of Sullivan therapy except__________.
A. Helping the patient to improve foresight
B. Discovering the ability to participate
C. Enhancing the ability to participate
D. Increasing and strengthening security operations
4. What should the therapist avoid during a formal inception?
A. Formulating the tentative hypothesis
B. Confronting the patient with anxiety-provoking matter
C. Permitting patient to express reason for therapy
D. Demonstrating his interpersonal skill
5. Human relations according to Horney causes__________.
A. Cultural Conditions
B. Physiological Deficiency
C. Human Neurosis
D. Human Intervention
6. To Horney, feelings of isolation stem from___________.
A. A competitive society
B. Anatomical differences between the sexes
C. Early child rejection by parents
D. Peer rejection during adolescence
7. According to Horney. people are governed by these two guiding principles.
A. Sex and Aggression
B. Avoidance and Attraction
C. Superiority and Inferiority
D. Safety and Satisfaction
8. Basic anxiety as defined by Horney is__________.
A. Being humiliated by others
B. Parental inability to love
C. Innately healthy individual
D. Feeling isolated and helpless
9. What causes feelings of isolation as proposed by Horney?
A. Lack of courage and assertiveness
B. A competitive society
C. Peer rejection
D. Parent's rejection
10. An over evaluation of love for Horney would result in_________.
A. Needs for affection
B. Needs for satisfaction
C. Needs for power
D. Needs for perfection
11. This typically results when neurotics attempt to find love.
A. Increased Self-esteem
B. Decreased Hostility
C. Success
D. Basic Anxiety
12. When a person humiliates others in order to protect oneself is considered by Horney as need for
A. Power
B. Prestige
C. Possession
D. Dominance
13. Janel associates with powerful people to be her friends. Horney would deduce that Janel's need to
associate with powerful people
A. produces basic anxiety.
B. will result in shame and guilt.
C. is neurotic.
D. is indication of high self-esteem.
14. There are 10 neurotics needs Proposed by Horney. Which of the following is NOT?
A. Need for affection
B. Need for social recognition
C. Need for order
D. Need for unassailability
15. Dr. Brennan is proud of her intellectual skills and abilities. She seems happy when others notice
and admire her intelligence. This reflects Horney's neurotic need for____________.
A. Power
B. Prestige
C. Admiration
D. Approval
16. When one constantly belittles his own accomplishment and he dreads asking favors from others,
Horney would say that the person's neurotic need is for________.
A. Restricted Boarders
B. Affection
C. Partner
D. Self-sufficiency
17. Deep feeling of helplessness is Horney's neurotic moving ______ people.
A. Toward
B. Away
C. Against
D. With
18. For Horney, Oedipus complex__________.
A. is universal.
B. is the result of anatomy.
C. is the result of the cultural force.
D. did not exist.
19. Horny believes that psychic differences between men and women result from___________.
A. Anatomical Difference
B. Super Ego Development
C. Cultural and Social Expectations
D. Resolution of Oedipus Complex
20. Women may wish to be men. Horney would say that this is due to_____.
A. Penis Envy
B. Wombs Envy
C. Cultural Privileges for Men
D. Anatomical Differences
21. How would Fromm regard his parent?
A. Overly religious
B. Overburdened with too many kids
C. Ideal models
D. Sinful
22. The basic assumption of Fromm is that personality is best understood in the light of
A. History
B. Biology
C. Literature
D. Geography
23. The human need that would drive for union with another person is Fromm's_________.
A. Relatedness
B. A Sense of Identity
C. Transcendence
D. Elatedness
24. Relatedness has three basic modes. According to Fromm which is not included?
A. Ideals
B. Submission
C. Power
D. Love
25. When one would need to fee! at home again in the world, Fromm would call that
A. Relatedness
B. Rootedness
C. Transcendence
D. Sense of identity
26. Fromm defined basic anxiety as feeling of ___________.
A. Malignant aggression.
B. Being unable to succeed.
C. Being judge by others.
D. Being alone in the world.
27. The healthy individuals passionate love of life and all living things is what Fromm
A. Eros
B. Libido
C. Megaphilia
D. Biophilia
28. Which would be considered by Fromm as the roots of serious psychopathology?
A. Modes of Assimilation
B. Modes of Socialization
C. Childhood Trauma
D. Biochemical Anomaly
29. The pathological orientation of extreme dependence to mothers would be called by Fromm
A. Moral Hypochondriasis
B. Syndrome of Decay
C. Incestuous Symbiosis
D. Symbiotic Nurturing
30. Adolf Hitler was considered by Fromm as suffering from____________.
A. Psychosis
B. Syndrome Decay
C. Existential Dilemma
D. Receptive Orientation
31. The child's first model of interpersonal relation according to Klein is the
A. Breast
B. Mother
C. Father
D. Self
32. Which of the following are the two basic positions according to Klein?
A. Schizoid/Depressed
B. Ideal/Real
C. Ego/Superego
D. Introjection/Projection
33. What do infants use as means of controlling?
A. Projection
B. Splitting
C. Introjection
D. Rejection
34. A unified ego emerges only after___________.
A. Assimilating the id.
B. Learning syntactic language.
C. Splitting the good me and the bad me.
D. Gaining control over repressive superego.
35. Klein believed that this is much more harsh and cruel as opposed to Freud's belief.
A. Conscious
B. Id
C. Superego
D. Unconscious
36. What results when the female Oedipus complex is Successfully resolved? The little girls
A. See her mother as rival.
B. Adopt homosexual attitude toward her mother.
C. Develop negative feelings toward mother.
D. Develop positive feelings toward both parents.
37. The following is NOT the aim of Kleinian therapy except___________.
A. Increase social skills.
B. Resolve oedipus complex.
C. Reduce depressive anxiety.
D. Enhance feelings of self-esteem.
38. All of the following are the fundamental features necessary for learning according to Dollard and
Miller EXCEPT______________.
A. Matching Behavior
B. Reinforcement
C. Drive
D. Cue
39. This stimuli tell me when, where and how to behave.
A. Copying Behavior
B. Responses
C. Drive
D. Cue
40. This is Dollard and Miller's term that refers to behavior that occurs as a reaction to drive and
A. Reinforcement
B. Response
C. Construct
D. Reflex
41. The difference between learned drives and Primary drives is that__________.
A. Learned drives are fewer.
B. Learned drives are varied.
C. Primary drives cannot be extinguished
D. Primary drives cannot be strengthened
42. According to Dollard and Miller, weak cues are important basis for human personality when
these cues__________.
A. are not verbalized.
B. are not reinforced.
C. are not motivated.
D. are not influenced.
43. Roi is solving a math problem mentally. According to Dollard and Miller, Roi is
A. Copy behavior
B. Instrumental response
C. Overt cue producing response
D. Covert cue producing response
44. The following are higher mental processes EXCEPT___________.
A. Swimming
B. Reasoning
C. Foresight
D. Social Training
45. What is the most beneficial cultural heritage according to Dollard and Miller?
A. Marriage
B. Courtship
C. Child care
D. Language
46. According to Dollard and Miller abnormality is learned through all of the following except
A. Conflict
B. Reinforcement
C. Regression
D. Repression
47. Which situation presents no real conflict?
A. Approach-Approach
B. Avoidance-Avoidance
C. Approach-Avoidance
D. Double Approach-Avoidance
48. Jed asked Alex to go with him in a car race. Alex likes car racing but he does not like going with
Jed. How is this situation described?
A. Approach-Approach
B. Avoidance-avoidance
C. Approach-Avoidance
D. Double Approach-Avoidance
49. Buxley has been sentenced to die. He was asked described to choose as to die between hanging or
electrocution. This conflict is
A. Approach-Approach
B. Avoidance-Avoidance
C. Approach-Avoidance
D. Double Approach-Avoidance
50. Using their psychotherapy, Dollard and Miller attempts to make extensive use of the patient's
A. Relatives and Friends
B. Fears and Anxiety
C. Higher Mental Processes
D. Innate Drives
51. Which of the following description would least describe BF Skinner?
A. Determinist
B. Environmentalist
C. Cognitive Psychologist
D. Radical Behaviorist
52. For predicting and controlling behavior, Skinner believe that the most useful data
A. Physiological aspect of the organism
B. Personal histories
C. Constitutional components of the organism
D. Genetic influences in the individual
53. What is the similarity of a negative reinforcement and a punishment?
A. May involve aversive stimuli
B. Unpredictable effect on behavior
C. Strengthens a response
D. Weakens a response
54. To Skinner, the effects of punishment are_____________.
A. the same effects with rewards.
B. the exact opposite to those of reward.
C. more predictable than reward.
D. less predictable than reward.
55. Which of the following strengthen the behavior they follow?
A. Positive Reinforcement
B. Negative Reinforcement
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A or B
56. Which of the following is NOT an effect of punishment?
A. Suppression of verbal behavior
B. Suppression of the behavior punished
C. Conditioning of negative feeling
D. Shaping of the target behavior
57. When Petey suffered from headache, he took an aspirin and the pain stopped. Whenever he has
headache he would take an is aspirin. Skinner would say that the taking of aspirin to reduce the
A. Positively Reinforced
B. Negatively Reinforced
C. Successively Approximated
D. Spontaneously Rewarded
58. The following are effects of punishment except____________.
A. Suppression of related behavior
B. Suppression of behavior punished
C. Conditioning of negative behavior
D. Shaping of the targeted behavior
59. Which of the following is most clearly an example of a conditioned reinforcer?
A. Physical comfort
B. Food
C. Money
D. Sleep
60. Which is considered by Skinner as the most inefficient schedule of reinforcement?
A. Continuous
B. Intermittent
C. Ratio
D. Interval
61. Which schedule of reinforcement illustrates playing slot machine?
A. Fixed Ratio
B. Variable Ratio
C. Fixed Interval
D. Variable Interval
62. Bi-monthly salaries are reinforcement working on which schedule of reinforcement?
A. Fixed Ratio
B. Variable Ratio
C. Fixed interval
D. Variable Interval
63. In our daily routine, which is the least common type of schedule of reinforcement?
A. Fixed Ratio
B. Variable Ratio
C. Fixed Interval
D. Variable Interval
64. Which schedule is resistant to extinction?
A. Behavior on continuous schedule
B. Behavior on intermittent schedule
C. Behavior on ratio schedule
D. Behavior on interval schedule
65. Skinner believed that the following factors shapes human personality except
A. Personal History of Reinforcement
B. Personal Drive State
C. Natural Selection
D. Evolution of Culture
66. From the radical behaviorism, which of the following is an explanatory fiction?
A. Motive
B. Emotion
C. Wants
D. Drives
67. For Skinner which of the following are partially accounted for by contingencies reinforcement?
A. Motive
B. Emotion
C. Wants
D. Drives
68. Skinner believe that dreams___________.
A. served a wish fulfillment purpose.
B. spring from collective unconscious
C. are used to predict the future.
D. are beyond the scope of radical behaviorism.
69. To Skinner which would be a means of social control?
A. Operant Conditioning
B. Physical Restraint
C. Source of Knowledge
D. All of the Choices
70. How does Skinner see the psychotherapist?
A. Punitive Authority Figure
B. Controlling Agent
C. Source of Knowledge
D. Medical Specialist
71. Which of the following is true of Bandura's belief?
A. There is no learning without reinforcement.
B. Learning is a consequent of the evil.
C. Cognition is unnecessary for learning,
D. There is no reinforcement without cognition.
72. Bandura calls a set of cognitive Structure used to evaluate behavior as
A. Self-system
B. Self-observation
C. Free Will
D. Modeling
73. Which is the first requirement for self-regulation?
A. Self-system
B. Self-observation
C. Free Will
D. Modeling
74. When a person compares his test score to others to determine his performance, that person is
using which judgment process?
A. Personal Standards
B. Positive Reinforcement
C. Performance Attribution
D. Values Clarification
75. When we judge the cause of our behavior, this process is called by Bandura as___________.
A. Causal Analysis
B. Reciprocal Reasoning
C. Performance Attribution
D. Values Clarification
76. The final component of self-regulation is___________.
A. Self-reaction
B. Self-consequence
C. Self-monitoring
D. Performance Attribution
77. A thief stole a new cellphone because he said that the owner was showing it off. This technique
of disengagement is known as___________.
A. Ignoring consequence
B. Moral justification
C. Dehumanizing the victim
D. Blaming the victim
78. A "hit" or "contact" are terms used hired killer to refer to murdering another person. This is an
example of____________.
A. Euphemistic Label
B. Moral Justification
C. Palliative Comparison
D. Diffusing Responsibilities
79. Comparing hundreds of his comrades killed by the government security forces, hostage would be
dismissed as Unimportant. This illustrates___________.
A. Euphemistic Label
B. Moral Justification
C. Palliative Comparison
D. Diffusing Responsibilities
80. Performance would be a strongest source of___________
A. Self-efficiency
B. Self-system
C. Self-esteem
D. Self-regulation
81. When would self-efficacy most likely to increase?
A. After failing at a task
B. When effort falls short of success
C. After successfully performing a difficult task
D. When not determined to succeed
82. According to Bandura when is it likely that apathy, resignation and helplessness develop?
A. Low self-efficacy; high expectations
B. Low self-efficacy; unresponsive environment
C. High self-efficacy; responsive environment
D. d. High self-efficacy; unresponsive environment
83. What belief does Bandura has different from Dollard and Miller and Skinner
A. Modeling is a form of Imitation
B. Stimuli cannot have reinforcement value
C. Cognitive process are important
D. Reinforcement is not a necessary condition
84. When a model is punished, this will decrease the likelihood of___________.
A. Repeating the performance
B. Attending to the performance
C. Performing the modeled behavior
D. Acquiring the modeled behavior
85. The following are response consequences except___________.
A. inhibit dysfunctional behavior.
B. reinforce present behavior.
C. motivate future behavior.
D. impart information.
86. A person who minimizes her previous accomplishment and exaggerates her past mistakes for
Bandura illustrates___________.
A. Self-reaction
B. Self-observation
C. Self-consciousness
D. Judgment Process
87. Bandura's theory and research on dysfunctional behavior centered around__________.
A. Phobias and Schizophrenia
B. Senility and Sexual Disorders
C. Phobias and Aggression
D. Sexual Disorders and Impotence
88. What is the ultimate goal of Bandura's therapy?
A. Self-regulation
B. Self-actualization
C. Eliminate Problems
D. Uncover Repressed Experience
89. Systematic desensitization is a technique that involves the following except_________.
A. Extinction of anxiety
B. Therapy induced relaxation
C. Fear extinction through self
D. Therapy induced defense
90. How does Bandura view humans?
A. Aggressive Animals
B. Cognitive Animals
C. Driven by a Master Motive
D. Completely Free to Choose
91. Who influenced Rotter in his theory?
A. Jung
B. Adler
C. Freud
D. Thorndike
92. Rotter would be described as the following except____________.
A. Cognitive Theorist
B. Interactionist
C. Social Learning Theorist
D. Deterministic
93. Which should be held constant and reinforcement varies to possibly predict behavioral potential
as proposed by Rotter.
A. Reinforcement Value
B. Law of Effect
C. Drive Strength
D. Expectancy
94. When would the basic prediction formula be most useful?
A. Making specific prediction
B. Making a generalized prediction
C. Predicting novel behavior
D. When moral value is unknown
95. This allows for more generalized predictions than that permitted by the basic prediction formula.
This is Rotter's concept of ____________.
A. Expectancy
B. Needs
C. Reinforcement Value
D. External Reinforcement
96. When a person prefers one set of reinforcement to another, Rotter calls it___________.
A. Freedom of Movement
B. Need Value
C. Need Potential
D. Need Preference
97. Need is seen by Rotter as an indicator of__________
A. State of Deprivation
B. Condition of Arousal
C. Condition of Support
D. Direction of Behavior
98. Which is generally more highly valued?
A. Reinforcement that satisfies strong need
B. Negatively valued reinforcement
C. Reinforcement that satisfies weak need
D. Positively valued reinforcement
99. Which is analogous to expectancies?
A. Reinforcement value.
B. Love and affection.
C. Physical comfort.
D. Freedom of movement.
100. Rotter sees generalized expectancy as _____________.
A. Self-efficacy
B. Gullibility
C. Interpersonal trust
D. Social interest

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