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Seed rate of agriculture crops

• Rice Transplanting 40kg/ha

• Rice Broadcasting 100kg/ha
• Rice Drilling 60kg/ha
• Rice Dibbling 80-90kg/ha
• Rice Dapog 1.5-3kg/ha
• Rice Hybrid 12-15kg/ha
• Rice SRI 5-6kg/ha
• Wheat 100-125kg/ha
• Wheat Late Sowing 125kg/ha
• Wheat Hybrid 60-70kg/ha
• Wheat by dibbler 25-30 kg/ha
• Barley 100kg/ha
• Barley Late Sowing 125kg/ha
• Maize Composite 18-20kg/ha
• Maize Hybrid 20-25kg/ha
• Maize Fodder 40-60kg/ha
• Sorghum 12-15kg/ha
• Sorghum Fodder 20-30kg/ha
• Pearlmillet 4-5kg/ha
• Pearlmillet Fodder 20-30kg/ha
• Gram 75-80kg/ha
• Pigeonpea 12-15kg/ha
• Moong Kharif 12-15kg/ha
• Moong Spring 20-25kg/ha
• Urd Kharif 12-15kg/ha
• Urd Spring 20-25kg/ha
• Field pea 75-80kg/ha
• Cowpea 20-25kg/ha
• Sunhemp 20-25kg/ha
• Groundnut Bunch 100-120kg/ha
• Groundnut Spreading 80-100kg/ha
• Mustard 4-6kg/ha
• Linseed Small 15-20kg/ha
• Linseed Large 25-30kg/ha
• Soybean 75-80kg/ha
• American Cotton 15-20kg/ha
• Cotton Desi 12-15kg/ha
• Cotton Hybrid 2kg/ha
• Bt.Cotton 1.5kg/ha
• Sunflower 6-7kg/ha
• Sunflower Hybrids 4-5kg/ha
• Rapseed and Mustard Pure 4-6kg/ha
• Rapseed and Mustard Mixed 2-3kg/ha
• Til 3-4kg/ha
• Jute 8-10kg/ha
• Berseem Diploid 20-25kg/ha
• Berseem Tetraploid 30-35kg/ha
- Lucerne 20-25kg/ha
• Lathyrus Pure 40-50kg/ha
• Lathyrus Mixed 8-10kg/ha
• Lathyrus Utera 80kg/ha
• Oat Small Seeded 80-100kg/ha
• Oat Bold Seeded 100-120kg/ha
• Tobacco 2.5-3kg/ha
• Potato 20-25 Qt
• Kodo 6-8kg/ha
• Castor 10kg/ha
• Sugarbeet 8-10kg/ha
• Clusterbean/Gaur 30-40kg/ha
• Safflower 15-20kg/ha

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